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subgraph_OS_build-depends package set for unstable/armhf

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package set subgraph_OS_build-depends in unstable/armhf
The package set subgraph_OS_build-depends in unstable/armhf consists of 929 packages:
None 131 (14.1%) packages failed to build reproducibly: clp systemtap aom libgee-0.8 coinor-cgl autogen+ mysql-5.7 chromaprint libksba curl libgcrypt20 tcl8.6 bash+ gmp graphviz webrtc-audio-processing yajl kconfig glm lynx coinor-cbc libquicktime cmocka python3-stdlib-extensions cppunit pstoedit flex++ texi2html fluidsynth cdparanoia woff2 fop fontforge taglib uchardet alsa-lib libdebian-installer kio libpeas fam packagekit libsoxr openal-soft xorg-docs qtx11extras-opensource-src autoconf+++ net-snmp nettle qtsvg-opensource-src x265 libical3 lirc libtheora libftdi1 firebird3.0 qttools-opensource-src libnumbertext lsof nacl sharutils secilc colord libassuan libayatana-appindicator ffmpeg krb5 libffi subversion# kwindowsystem glibc libnet++ libphonenumber m4+ libcap2 postgresql-12 automake1.11 jack-audio-connection-kit gucharmap+ clucene-core libogg apparmor graphite2 xorg-server opencv dejagnu imagemagick libcddb libunwind guile-2.0 lz4 gdb gdm3 libcaca libjpeg-turbo pulseaudio python-stdlib-extensions binutils+ groffP nss apt libde265 protobuf mongo-c-driver mm-common ibus opus sqlite3+ lxml speex ki18n libmad coinor-osi cairomm+ kcoreaddons readline5 perl qtbase-opensource-src### sidplay-libs tevent pixman evolution-data-server glusterfs libprelude fontconfig+ pkg-config libquvi+ wildmidi xfsprogs mpeg2dec gettext+ brotli
None 50 (5.4%) packages failed to build from source: libplacebo poppler x264 golang-github-miekg-dns flac cups# pandoc rdfind libhttp-message-perl dwz aspell dconf debianutils gnome-online-accounts libxfont libxshmfence libxmu libunistring mythes totem-pl-parser sanlock pcre2 mutagen telepathy-glib dpkg-awk golang-dbus samba# meson tracker-miners yelp suitesparse libcdio icu libidn umockdev# ceph fftw3 webkit2gtk pypy udisks2 xz-utils adwaita-icon-theme librsvg appstream qtdeclarative-opensource-src efivar valgrind nspr libevdev grilo
None None None None 20 (2.2%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: python3.8 intel-gpu-tools+ gcc-8 gcc-9 rustc llvm-toolchain-9 vim guile-2.2+ linux gcc-10 libsoup2.4 publicsuffix qemu python2.7 llvm-toolchain-10 openssl zbar doxygen m2crypto libsecret
None 728 (78.4%) packages successfully build reproducibly: a52dec aalib accountsservice acl amtk apache2 api-sanity-checker appstream-glib argon2 aribb24 asciidoc asciidoctor atk1.0 atkmm1.6 at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core audit autoconf-archive autoconf-dickey automake-1.16 autotools-dev avahi bash-completion bc bdfresize bind9-libs bison blt bluez boost-defaults bsdmainutils bubblewrap byacc bzip2 ca-certificates cairo c-ares cdbs cdebconf check cheese chrpath clutter-1.0 clutter-gst-3.0 clutter-gtk cmake cmdtest cogl coinutils colord-gtk corosync cpio cracklib2 cron cryptsetup cscope cunit cvs cvsps cyrus-sasl2 cython czmq datefudge db5.3 db-defaults dblatex dbus dbus-glib dbus-python debhelper debiandoc-sgml dee desktop-file-utils devscripts dh-autoreconf dh-buildinfo dh-cargo dh-exec dh-golang dh-linktree dh-lua dh-python dh-runit dist djvulibre dlm dmz-cursor-theme dnprogs dnspython docbook docbook2x docbook-dsssl docbook-to-man docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl dosfstools double-conversion dpkg d-shlibs e2fsprogs ed egl-wayland elfutils exempi expat expect faad2 fakeroot faketime fastjar file fltk1.3 flute fonts-cantarell fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-dejavu fonts-quicksand fonts-urw-base35 freebsd-libs freeglut freetds freetype fribidi fstrm fuse fuse3 game-music-emu gamin gawk gcc-defaults gcr gdbm+ gdk-pixbuf gedit gem2deb gengetopt geoclue-2.0 geocode-glib gexiv2 ghostscript git gjs# glade glew glib2.0 glibmm2.4 glib-networking glslang gnome-autoar gnome-bluetooth gnome-common gnome-control-center gnome-desktop3 gnome-menus gnome-pkg-tools gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-video-effects gnu-efi gnulib gnupg2 gnutls28 gobject-introspection+ golang-check.v1 golang-defaults golang-ed25519-dev golang-github-dhowett-go-plist golang-github-gotk3-gotk3 golang-github-hydrogen18-stalecucumber golang-github-kardianos-osext golang-github-thecreeper-go-notify golang-github-twstrike-gotk3adapter golang-github-twstrike-otr3 golang-go.crypto golang-golang-x-net golang-goptlib golang-siphash-dev googletest gperf gpgme1.0 gpm graphene gsettings-desktop-schemas gsfonts gsl gsound gspell gst-plugins-bad1.0 gst-plugins-base1.0# gstreamer1.0 gtk+2.0 gtk+3.0 gtk-doc gtkmm2.4 gtkmm3.0 gtksourceview4 harfbuzz heimdal help2man hesiod hicolor-icon-theme hidapi hiredis hspell hsqldb1.8.0 html2text hunspell hyphen ijs imlib2 indent intltool iproute2 iptables iso-codes itstool jackd2 jansson java-common javatools jbig2dec jbigkit jdupes jemalloc jetring jigit jq jquery json-c json-glib junit4 kernel-wedge keyutils kmod ladspa-sdk lame lapack lcms2 ldb less libabw libaio libarchive libarchive-zip-perl libart-lgpl libass libasyncns libatasmart libatomic-ops libavc1394 libbase libblockdev libbluray libbs2b libbsd libbsd-resource-perl libburn libcairo-perl libcanberra libcap-ng libcdaudio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libcgi-pm-perl libclc libcmis libcommons-logging-java libcroco libcryptui libcue libdaemon libdatrie libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdbusmenu libdc1394-22 libdca libdevel-checklib-perl libdmx libdrm libdv libdvbpsi libdvdnav libdvdread libebml libe-book libedit libeot libepoxy libepubgen liberror-perl libestr libetonyek libev libevent libexif libexttextcat libextutils-depends-perl libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libfastjson libffado libfido2 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libfontenc libfont-freetype-perl libfonts-java libformula libfreehand libgd2 libgdata libgit2 libgit2-glib libglade2 libglib-perl libglu libglvnd libgnomekbd libgpg-error libgphoto2 libgsecuredelete libgsm libgtop2 libgudev libgusb libgweather libgxps libhandy libhtml-tagset-perl libhttp-date-perl libice libidn2 libiec61883 libieee1284 libimage-exiftool-perl libimobiledevice libinput+ libinstpatch libio-pty-perl libio-socket-ip-perl libiptcdata libisoburn libisofs libjson-perl libkate liblangtag liblayout liblinear liblivemedia libloader liblocale-gettext-perl liblognorm liblouis libmailtools-perl libmatroska libmaxminddb libmbim libmicrohttpd libmms libmnl libmodplug libmodule-build-perl libmpc libmspub libmtp libmwaw libndp libnet-dbus-perl libnet-dns-resolver-mock-perl libnetfilter-conntrack libnet-ldap-server-perl libnfnetlink libnfs libnftnl libnice libnl3 libnotify liboauth libodfgen libofa libomxil-bellagio libonig liboobs libopenmpt liborcus libotr libpagemaker libpango-perl libpaper libparse-yapp-perl libpcap libpciaccess libperl4-corelibs-perl libpipeline libplist libpng1.6 libpod-pom-view-restructured-perl libproxy libpsl libpthread-stubs libpwquality libqmi libqxp libraw1394 librdkafka librelp libreplaygain librepository librest librevenge libsamplerate libsdl1.2 libsdl2 libseccomp libselinux libsemanage libsepol libserializer libshout libsm# libsndfile libspatialaudio libspectre libsrtp2 libssh2 libstaroffice libtasn1-6 libteam libtest-consistentversion-perl libtest-exception-perl libtest-nowarnings-perl libtest-number-delta-perl libtest-pod-coverage-perl libtest-pod-perl libtest-warn-perl libtext-glob-perl libthai libtime-parsedate-perl libtool+ liburi-perl libusb libusb-1.0 libusbmuxd libusrsctp libutempter libuv1 libva libvdpau libverto libvisio libvisual libvncserver libvoikko libvorbis libvpx libwacom libwebp libwpd libwpg libwps libwww-perl libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbfile libxklavier libxml2 libxml-java libxml-parser-perl libxml-simple-perl libxml-twig-perl libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxres libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxvmc libxxf86dga libxxf86vm libyaml libyaml-perl libyubikey libzmf libzstd licensecheck lilv linux-atm linux-base linuxdoc-tools llvm-defaults lmdb logrotate lp-solve lsb lua5.2 lua5.3 lua-lpeg lvm2 lzma lzo2 mako man2html man-db maven-repo-helper mawk mdds mdocml mesa mhash mime-support mjpegtools mobile-broadband-provider-info modemmanager mozjs60 mozjs68 mpclib3 mpfr4 mpg123 mpi-defaults mtdev mtools mutter mysql-defaults nas nasm nautilus ncurses neon27 netbase netpbm-free net-tools network-manager network-manager-applet newt nghttp2 ninja-build nose npth nss-wrapper numactl openexr openjpeg2 openldap openssh optipng orc oss4 p11-kit pam pango1.0 pangomm pangox-compat parted patch patchutils pci.ids pciutils pcre3 pcsc-lite pentaho-reporting-flow-engine perl-openssl-defaults php-defaults pipewire pkg-kde-tools ply plymouth po4a po-debconf policykit-1 popt portaudio19 potrace ppp procps protobuf-c psutils pupnp-1.8 pycairo pycodestyle pyflakes pygobject pytest# python3-defaults python-dbusmock python-defaults python-distutils-extra python-docutils python-etcd python-flake8 python-hypothesis python-markdown python-setuptools python-testtools python-tz pyudev pyyaml qpdf qr-code-generator qtchooser quilt raptor2 rasqal readline recode redland rename rsync rtmpdump ruby-defaults sacjava sane-backends sassc sbc sbsigntool scowl sdl-image1.2 setuptools sg3-utils shared-mime-info shellcheck shine slang2 sndio socat softhsm2 soundtouch sox spandsp sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme srt startup-notification strip-nondeterminism swig symlinks systemd system-tools-backends talloc tar tcltk-defaults tcp-wrappers tdb teckit tepl texinfo texlive-base texlive-bin texlive-extra tiff time tracker triehash trousers ttf-bitstream-vera twolame tzdata ucpp uhttpmock unbound unicode-cldr-core unicode-data unifont unixodbc unzip upower util-linux v4l-utils vala vcdimager vo-aacenc vo-amrwbenc vte2.91 vulkan-loader w3m wavpack wayland wayland-protocols wheel wpebackend-fdo x11-apps x11-xkb-utils xapian-core xauth xbitmaps xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm xdg-dbus-proxy xdg-user-dirs xfonts-base# xfonts-utils xft xkeyboard-config xmlsec1 xmlto xmltoman xorgproto xorg-sgml-doctools xtrans xutils-dev xvidcore xxhash# yasm+ yelp-tools ykclient yubikey-personalization zenity zip zlib zvbi zziplib

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.