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Build network performance stats

Amount of packages built each day on 'amd64' Amount of packages built each day on 'arm64' Amount of packages built each day on 'armhf' Amount of packages built each day on 'i386'

Architecture build statistics amd64 arm64 armhf i386
oldest build result in trixie / unstable / experimental 20 / 20 / 10 days 20 / 21 / 10 days 307 / 372 / 147 days 32 / 33 / 37 days
Build jobs configured 38 24 35 12
Build jobs currently running remotely 37 20 28 11
Build jobs currently down due to remote node problems 0 0 6 0
Build jobs currently down due to local problems 0 0 0 0
Build jobs currently running diffoscope 0 0 0 0
average test duration (on 2024-12-17) 7 min., 30 sec. 4 min., 36 sec. 14 min., 10 sec. 5 min., 50 sec.
average test duration (in the last 4 weeks) 10 min., 49 sec. 6 min., 15 sec. 17 min., 34 sec. 7 min., 5 sec.
packages tested yesterday (2024-12-17) 5376 5869 1769 2404
packages tested today (2024-12-18) 809 504 334 221
packages tested in the last 24h 5676 5272 1872 2283
packages tested on average per day in the last week 5098 5747 1543 2327
packages tested on average per day in the last 4 weeks 4296 4285 1135 2931
packages tested on average per day in the last 3 months 3511 3566 615 2524
packages tested on average per day in the last year 2959 3113 796 1695

age of oldest reproducible build result in trixie/amd64 age of oldest reproducible build result in unstable/amd64 age of oldest reproducible build result in experimental/amd64

age of oldest reproducible build result in trixie/arm64 age of oldest reproducible build result in unstable/arm64 age of oldest reproducible build result in experimental/arm64

age of oldest reproducible build result in trixie/armhf age of oldest reproducible build result in unstable/armhf age of oldest reproducible build result in experimental/armhf

age of oldest reproducible build result in trixie/i386 age of oldest reproducible build result in unstable/i386 age of oldest reproducible build result in experimental/i386

Oldest package tests results for amd64, arm64, armhf and i386 for all suites as well individual build node performance stats are available. Build network performance stats for the released suites are available as part of the released suites overview.