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Packages in unstable/armhf which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 650 (1.7%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in unstable/armhf:

fonts-meera-inimai riseup-vpn ucspi-proxy node-shiny-server taskflow pymatgen-test-files unicon# raku-meta6 raku-json-class libsrm python-pydash+ aspectj zabbix knot aegisub libcifpp r-cran-gert grandorgue openscap ftgl qtwebchannel-opensource-src tomcat10 qtsensors-opensource-src ns2 gfan asterisk rdflib+ warp m2crypto sumo slm g2o woof-doom+ qtscxml-everywhere-src pwntools rulex c-blosc2 python-trx-python fenics-dolfinx texmacs fonts-topaz-unicode fragments gauche pyopenssl rust-gperftools netsurf elixir-makeup getfem librostlab juman ncbi-blast+ openmsx python-roborock# gdcm php8.2 libforms+ libexplain qtconnectivity-opensource-src asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle kakoune libnative-platform-java samhain wings3d vst3sdk osmocom-dahdi-linux mold unl0kr freerdp2 coot pygopherd+ tucnak dnsjit rime-stroke xemacs21-packages libjpam-java numexpr golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl ngspetsc python-x2go+ icewm ibus-libzhuyin slidge dxf2gcode smuxi mousai foot python-laszip python-mt-940+ statsmodels bespokesynth octavia kf6-breeze-icons pyfai# ocamlviz luametatex freerdp3 libcamera python-fabio elixir-ex-doc dcmtk dolfin vdr-plugin-markad fcitx5-zhuyin openni-sensor-pointclouds libkdumpfile guile-3.0 raku-json-marshal raku-license-spdx pdb-tools med-fichier govarnam ipqalc raku-tap-harness guidata gap-design icinga2 allegro5# r-cran-rstan tetzle+ patroni# raku-getopt-long lwip nbsphinx iir1 clamav fpylll core-specs-alpha-clojure spglib cyborg openafs gap-sonata librep#+ lynx nco python-inline-snapshot# kuttypy freespeech yubihsm-connector black hylafax dune-typetree yarl python-sphobjinv+ kodi-inputstream-adaptive kitty extlib libjcat opencpn dune-grid-glue visualvm pipewire yt giac xrootd dune-common openjdk-22 libsbml maxima ocaml-uucp gensio+ libflame contourpy openmcdf pyside2 ifeffit fcitx-libpinyin rime-luna-pinyin scalable-cyrfonts pysolid rime-terra-pinyin nss qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src raku-uri scap-security-guide golang-golang-x-net scikit-misc fenicsx-performance-tests r-cran-r.rsp tbox awesome rust-elfx86exts mypy eye alire r-cran-cli rabbitmq-server ruby-pygments.rb node-function-bind+ python-cloup opensaml topparser rime-loengfan ymuse r-cran-r.devices coinor-bonmin astroplan# sphinx-panels+ qpid-proton opengv joblib python-charset-normalizer twopaco tty-record drawterm-9front frozenlist gr-rds indexed-gzip live-manual cfitsio scikit-fmm librnd python-hdf5plugin r-cran-gprofiler2 rdma-core rime-cantonese ecl wxmplot+ ksh93u+m# closure-compiler jameica-h2database smartlist# cjk esys-particle libtorrent-rasterbar remmina c++-annotations fftw gcl gsequencer gcc-avr libofx golang-github-go-git-go-git+ skimage pstoedit pampi raku-zef grass liblemon proftpd-dfsg igraph embark amanda ulcc ntopng castle-game-engine cinder python-qtconsole xindy jupyter-server termshark sqlalchemy fte python-rcon python-gsd erlang containerd masakari-monitors ibus r-cran-emayili openmm teeworlds node-opencv orderless makedumpfile consult-el musescore3 rust-laurel raku-json-name pfstools ocaml-topkg dde-qt-dbus-factory marginalia fritzing jcabi-aspects r-cran-dbitest masakari h2database rime-soutzoe r-cran-prophet debmake-doc shapeit4 raku-readline shibboleth-sp ros2-osrf-testing-tools-cpp terminaltables madness opencc weupnp userv arduino vertico notary systemtap vkd3d swi-prolog yaws moarvm python-pyqtgraph 3d-ascii-viewer-c slepc phcpack rime-scj libgtkada opensubdiv python-pysam r-cran-rprojroot mdanalysis rime-quick fonts-arundina ace slime rime-ipa c-munipack passenger polybar sayonara latex2html rssguard rebar3 jsxgraph libamplsolver puzzle-jigsaw arm-compute-library oaklisp mdnsd simgrid libpqxx cheesecutter ipyparallel r-cran-quantmod wannier90 monado dcl gri fonts-smc-rachana visp hol88 filtlong python-psycopg2cffi x265 libsoxr gbrowse primesieve msgpack-cxx raku-log hmmer prove6 oclgrind g15daemon webcamoid xsnow log4net parallel r-cran-tweenr linux86 quickfix pyferret rime-array r-base apophenia+ asymptote gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast libpll pforth libswe rime-pinyin-simp jool dune-grid casacore-data-jplde neuron golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact r-cran-cliapp zytrax stellarium dune-geometry ledger2beancount python-levenshtein dune-functions why3 golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf festival cardpeek scala-xml kbuild dpmb yaramod ace-of-penguins eso-midas fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans cc65 segemehl fonts-rit-sundar gstreamer1.0 nginx pacemaker gnome-metronome opencv rocketcea ripmime haskell-shell-conduit doxygen smartdns r-cran-rsdmx pupnp rpm dahdi-linux sasview gap-scscp lucene-solr r-cran-taxize montage psi-plus avr-libc maxima-sage cardo bibtool rockdodger scala-pickling coinor-cgl simavr r-cran-teachingdemos fonts-smc-karumbi r-cran-tmvtnorm secilc grub2++++ json4s vlc#+ r-cran-futile.logger hsail-tools fonts-smc-uroob fonts-fork-awesome grace fonts-smc-meera sdpb silo-llnl libscout sbt-serialization clojure fonts-smc-dyuthi python-blosc jackson-annotations octave-communications python-rtmidi kdevelop-php fonts-smc-keraleeyam starjava-topcat kubernetes debug-me flask-limiter+ haskell-th-lift sketch dicom3tools ck findent gr-radar fltk1.3 libosmocore fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi savi starjava-ttools rakudo# telepathy-spec r-cran-repr bpfcc casacore-data-igrf averell jsusfx manderlbot# ne10 haskell-snap-templates r-cran-rinside piglit faker tcllib debian-history ocaml-atd freetds+ abcl winff sundials glib-d yash quickroute-gps openlayers r-cran-tm texworks-manual rime-wugniu freeplane simstring+ silly swish-e xpa ufoai treeview rime-middle-chinese wrk sphinxsearch rcolorbrewer javawriter wyrd uclibc+ sweethome3d-furniture mathpiper vlfeat underscore zeitgeist yasnippet speedcrunch xpenguins sisc dipy slic3r pycorrfit netrek-client-cow rime-wubi scim sailcut xmlcopyeditor noweb rebar scala-parser-combinators mah-jong topal ldap-haskell openni-sensor-primesense sawfish mona singular r-cran-diagnosismed rsbackup r-cran-lambda.r scons namazu2 scheme48 seyon python-igraph open-gram lucene4.10 ppl posixtestsuite pyscanfcs madlib mumble nitime nsnake ruby-re2 pymol sgf2dg pybdsf papi pcsc-lite mpi4py mrmpi liquidwar openni libu2f-host+ gdb omake# muttprint metastudent-data libnb-platform18-java polyml lie ludevit+ lft latexdraw iaxmodem hdf-eos5 liblog4ada latex-cjk-chinese-arphic kivy opentk lifelines injeqt htp hdf-eos4 hyperic-sigar libapreq2 hexbox jpylyzer jxplorer fonts-beteckna idm-console-framework libpinyin libhdate john jsjac cyclograph gpredict getdp fs-uae buici-clock dnf-plugins-core gecode gkrellm-ledsP erlang-cowlib fonts-fantasque-sans jakarta-jmeter+ cobertura derby dict-gcide colobot dejagnu firehol magic-wormhole-transit-relay+ cxxtest cappuccino erlang-proper+ spec-alpha-clojure graphviz+ conky cdebootstrap+ gmetrics blockattack critcl+ felix-main bidiui blktrace comedilib+ bliss dune-localfunctions elki epix condor lam+ fdutils boolstuff buddy+ bsh coin3 coinor-ipopt brickos asc autokey automake1.11++ bibclean xmake coinor-dylp qabcs biogenesis range-v3 de4dot codenarc citar python-pymzml r-cran-sass acm chezscheme

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A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.