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Packages in unstable/armhf tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 806 packages (2.1% of 38618) failed to build reproducibly in total, 8 (3.7% of 218) of them in the last 48h in unstable/armhf:

gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast visp mesa matplotlib aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver python-xarray skimage onetbb

reproducible icon 1286 packages (3.3% of 38618) failed to build from source in total, 9 (4.1% of 218) of them in the last 48h in unstable/armhf:

python-hgapi rust-gdk-pixbuf rust-sourceview5 brickos kitinerary rust-sourceview5-sys rust-gdk4-x11-sys rust-graphene-rs gittuf

reproducible icon 938 packages (2.4% of 38618) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 4 (1.8% of 218) of them in the last 48h in unstable/armhf:

pytorch-scatter sbcl libosmo-abis orafce

reproducible icon 35109 packages (90.9% of 38618) successfully built reproducibly in total, 195 (89.4% of 218) of them in the last 48h in unstable/armhf:

python-uart-devices licenserecon rust-log td khal pcapy gnome-calls pdlzip rumur pynput ncompress kicad-footprints fypp kicad-packages3d python-ncclient rust-scheduled-thread-pool fvwm3 swirc wimsapi kicad-symbols salt-pylint cloud-init ayatana-indicator-keyboard libtcod libgpiod libapache2-mod-authn-sasl acr cubemap xfsprogs osk-sdl rust-nispor menu libshout-idjc guile-gnutls di lava mimalloc rust-railway-provider-motis libscrypt pgdbf dh-make rust-dyn-clonable-impl qla-tools supertuxkart golang-github-go-llsqlite-crawshaw vit debocker signify-openbsd-keys fortunes-it golang-github-invopop-jsonschema custodia rust-enclose west rust-netlink-packet-route-0.19 rust-pollster-macro numix-icon-theme clatd rust-diesel-table-macro-syntax ticketbooth pychm rust-tokio-rustls-0.24 libapache2-mod-intercept-form-submit python-pyzstd rust-unescaper rust-motis-openapi-sdk html5-parser numix-icon-theme-circle messagelib python-mechanize singularity prometheus-postgres-exporter python-dom-toml mailimporter incidenceeditor calendarsupport libkdepim libkleo mimetreeparser kimap mailcommon mbox-importer libgravatar eventviews merkuro libksieve bzrtp pydiscovergy pimcommon grantleetheme python-renault-api bctoolbox kontact kalarm kmail-account-wizard kidentitymanagement libusb-1.0 akonadi-calendar akonadi-contacts+ akonadiconsole bcmatroska2 kmail kmbox pim-sieve-editor ksmtp kldap ortp kontactinterface libfinance-quote-perl kpkpass kcalutils ruby-factory-bot kdepim-addons akonadi-import-wizard+ kleopatra raptor2 ruby-rspec-block-is-expected kdepim-runtime pentaho-reporting-flow-engine python-license-expression akonadi smbmap pim-data-exporter kpimtextedit python-django-solo akonadi-search ktnef kmailtransport akonadi-calendar-tools akonadi-mime+ zanshin libkgapi pyroon python-django-split-settings python-gnupg korganizer kaddressbook mkdocs-autorefs 7zip libjcommon-java grantlee-editor pegdown python-braintree sphinx-theme-builder procserv cglm kmime cava-alsa akregator ruby-method-source prs rust-imap-client dogtail libhtml-autopagerize-perl corectrl asedriveiiie parsebib h5py bluetooth-auto-recovery php-jshrink rust-imap-codec python-recipe-scrapers pystac lua-system python-pysnmp4 gr-framework pwdsphinx python-yamlfix python-pyasn1-modules php-league-config octave-vrml r-zoo python-pyelftools rust-mail-send tifffile parboiled scitokens-cpp rust-axum r-cran-bayestestr shairport-sync baobab voms debsig-verify php-league-mime-type-detection pciutils gsettings-qt chordpro bvi binutils-or1k-elf php-league-html-to-markdown php-fig-log-test mailscripts texstudio php-league-flysystem sunclock php-brick-varexporter

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.