maint_reproducible-builds package set for unstable/armhf
Debian package sets:
desktop package sets:
Debian distribution package sets:
maintenance team package sets:
- maint_debian-accessibility
- maint_debian-boot
- maint_debian-lua
- maint_debian-med
- maint_debian-ocaml
- maint_debian-on-mobile-maintainers
- maint_debian-python
- maint_debian-qa
- maint_debian-science
- maint_debian-x
- maint_pkg-android-tools-devel
- maint_pkg-erlang-devel
- maint_pkg-fonts-devel
- maint_pkg-games-devel
- maint_pkg-golang-maintainers
- maint_pkg-grass-devel
- maint_pkg-haskell-maintainers
- maint_pkg-java-maintainers
- maint_pkg-javascript-devel
- maint_pkg-multimedia-maintainers
- maint_pkg-perl-maintainers
- maint_pkg-php-pear
- maint_pkg-openstack
- maint_pkg-r
- maint_pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers
- maint_pkg-rust-maintainers
- maint_reproducible-builds
The package set maint_reproducible-builds in
unstable/armhf consists of 4 packages:
0 (0.0%) packages
failed to build reproducibly:
4 (100.0%) packages
successfully build reproducibly:
A package name displayed with a bold
font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited
packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are
linked in blue.
A #
sign after the name of a package
indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a
sign indicates there is a
patch available, a P
means a
pending bug while #
indicates a
closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.