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Packages in experimental/arm64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 22 packages (2.9% of 771) failed to build reproducibly in total, 7 (3.1% of 229) of them in the last 48h in experimental/arm64:

sasview mpi4py numpy r-bioc-ioniser bacula-doc r-bioc-genomicfeatures r-bioc-ballgown

reproducible icon 104 packages (13.5% of 771) failed to build from source in total, 21 (9.2% of 229) of them in the last 48h in experimental/arm64:

ruby-sprockets rust-reqwest ruby-serverengine mediagoblin scap-workbench openhft-chronicle-bytes golang-github-kurin-blazer openhft-chronicle-threads openhft-chronicle-network pluto-sat-code php-doctrine-persistence libcgns autogen mingw-w64 onetbb inkscape llvm-toolchain-snapshot bzrtp ortp khmer ucx

reproducible icon 55 packages (7.1% of 771) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 24 (10.5% of 229) of them in the last 48h in experimental/arm64:

phpunit-recursion-context phpunit-exporter phpunit-object-reflector rust-rss phpunit node-trust-jwa rust-nitrokey-sys urjtag critterding inotifyrecursive libewf mediastreamer2 tensorflow enhanceio etesync-dav node-solid-jose reiser4progs ruby-nmatrix belle-sip lime daq groestlcoin node-jsonld r-bioc-singler

reproducible icon 577 packages (74.8% of 771) successfully built reproducibly in total, 174 (76.0% of 229) of them in the last 48h in experimental/arm64:

php-pda-pheanstalk alberta golang-github-ulikunitz-xz r-bioc-cummerbund rust-env-logger r-bioc-gviz ruby-rack-livereload r-bioc-goseq r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer r-bioc-demixt r-bioc-rgsepd knot-resolver node-convert-source-map vtk-dicom syncthingtray node-cosmiconfig libsdl3-ttf cracklib2 martchus-qtutilities martchus-cpp-utilities martchus-qtforkawesome zstd-jni-java rust-nanorand unidic-mecab libsdl3 python-lrcalc valgrind-if-available yad php-psr-simple-cache gnucap node-d3-dsv phpunit-version krb5-auth-dialog php-psr-http-message libchipcard jaxb-api liblopsub rust-hyper-tls btrbk cmark redis ngmlr python3-defaults openarc rust-protobuf rtl-wmbus austin zipios++ yorick-optimpack partman-swapfile scribus-ng auto6to4 tcltk-defaults php-mock-phpunit voluptuous bash rust-rustls-pemfile ruby-actionpack-action-caching pari ncbi-vdb nodejs apache2# libktoblzcheck r-bioc-genomicfiles libtool r-bioc-genelendatabase pygccxml r-bioc-degnorm r-bioc-scrnaseq r-bioc-purecn r-bioc-organismdbi libsdl3-mixer libsdl3-image gitlab phpunit-comparator sasmodels pinentry sdl2-compat lxqt-build-tools-qt5 rust-hyper-util rust-http-body-util rust-h2 rust-tower-service rust-sync-wrapper rust-tower-layer rust-tower rust-headers rust-http-body rust-headers-core rust-http rust-http-auth rust-hyper webrtc-audio-processing pluto-find-orb libmng adduser libapache2-mod-tile zram-tools blinken xeus-python sasl-xoauth2 eccodes-python ruby-test-construct ruby-net-sftp ruby-feedparser ruby-metriks ruby-fuzzyurl ruby-gelf ruby-rack-rewrite ruby-uuid ruby-responders ruby-mobile-fu ruby-net-ssh-multi zycore-c msopenh264 dynarmic libquotient readline gnupg2 asmjit libosmo-sccp gdal multitail php-algo26-idna-convert phpcpd php-klogger racket-mode draco hipcub rust-hashbag r-bioc-mutationalpatterns r-bioc-saturn r-bioc-variantannotation r-bioc-rcpi r-bioc-netsam r-bioc-dss r-bioc-sva r-bioc-txdbmaker r-bioc-scater r-bioc-tcgabiolinks r-bioc-oligo r-bioc-summarizedexperiment r-bioc-deseq r-bioc-biovizbase r-bioc-scuttle r-bioc-titancna r-bioc-fishpond node-typescript r-bioc-gosemsim r-bioc-mofa r-bioc-tximeta r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation r-bioc-tfbstools r-bioc-bsseq r-bioc-spatialexperiment r-bioc-dexseq r-bioc-edaseq r-bioc-scran r-bioc-experimenthub r-bioc-ensembldb r-bioc-cner r-bioc-hdf5array r-bioc-arrayexpress r-bioc-shortread r-bioc-geneplotter r-bioc-gseabase r-bioc-degreport r-bioc-go.db r-bioc-rtracklayer r-bioc-rhdf5 python-cryptography-vectors r-bioc-htsfilter

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.