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Packages in experimental/amd64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 29 packages (5.0% of 576) failed to build reproducibly in total, 9 (5.4% of 167) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

mongo-cxx-driver glance cinder cloudkitty neutron designate python-keystoneauth1 gcc-15 python-django

reproducible icon 76 packages (13.2% of 576) failed to build from source in total, 36 (21.6% of 167) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

wmbusmeters ruby-uglifier# mercurial mrtdreader nix android-platform-external-doclava golang-github-golang-geo q2-phylogeny openhft-chronicle-bytes monkeysphere openhft-chronicle-wire mediasoup node-d3-time openhft-chronicle-network openhft-chronicle-threads freebayes ruby-rack-livereload syncthingtray gmerlin lios llvm-toolchain-snapshot libgpiv libkryo-java libcgns deal.ii macromoleculebuilder sphinxsearch gitaly autogen code-saturne polyml iem-plugin-suite sawfish musescore-snapshot golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact gitlab

reproducible icon 35 packages (6.1% of 576) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 30 (18.0% of 167) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

phonetisaurus grpc reiser4progs mediagoblin symfony rust-indieweb qtdeclarative-opensource-src llvmlite bcachefs-tools grok node-jsonld go-cpe-dictionary node-solid-jose opensnitch etesync-dav janitor liblsl vault golang-github-google-cel-spec node-trust-jwa zeekctl gcc-15-cross imip-agent libewf inotifyrecursive rust-nitrokey daq rust-nitrokey-sys groestlcoin vuls

reproducible icon 429 packages (74.5% of 576) successfully built reproducibly in total, 89 (53.3% of 167) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

ruby-serverengine rtl-wmbus ngmlr surgescript# horizon placement ceilometer aodh python-os-traits rust-serde-qs dgit-test-dummy subunit python-oslo.context python-castellan python-oslo.concurrency python-oslo.i18n python-oslo.utils python-oslo.policy python-oslo.config python-ceilometermiddleware python-oslo.metrics python-futurist python-oslo.privsep python-oslo.cache python-oslo.rootwrap python-oslo.reports scrappie austin whizzytex php-psr-container tcl8.7 sass-stylesheets-wyrm povray spip bind9# php-codecoverage phpunit-type php-laravel-framework python-pbr rubberband atuin util-linux llvm-toolchain-20 lensfun ruby-aws-sdk golang-github-cli-browser zipios++ procenv antlr4-cpp-runtime pygobject phpunit kbd eclib fmtlib roct-thunk-interface bash voluptuous xilinx-bootgen ncbi-vdb golang-github-ulikunitz-xz rust-hashbag ruby-googleauth dash python-av libktoblzcheck r-bioc-alabaster.matrix ruby-request-store r-bioc-alabaster.base dh-rebar xrdp xorgxrdp rust-nanorand mew php-psr-http-message valgrind-if-available cubew tlsh rust-http-auth cmark linux rust-libcst botan3 readline roman-numerals python-oslo.versionedobjects docker-compose ahven pcscada phpunit-comparator

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.