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Packages in experimental/arm64 tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 23 packages (2.3% of 994) failed to build reproducibly in total, 1 (1.2% of 81) of them in the last 24h in experimental/arm64:


reproducible icon 132 packages (13.3% of 994) failed to build from source in total, 10 (12.3% of 81) of them in the last 24h in experimental/arm64:

sump-logicanalyzer librep#+ php-sabre-event# dtc golang-golang-x-debug grpc thrift rocm-llvm gmerlin-encoders firebird3.0

reproducible icon 42 packages (4.2% of 994) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 22 (27.2% of 81) of them in the last 24h in experimental/arm64:

critterding vault rust-nitrokey-sys inotifyrecursive ruby-nmatrix tensorflow libewf reiser4progs llvmlite urjtag enhanceio rust-futures-rustls opensnitch rocthrust rust-indieweb janitor node-trust-jwa bcachefs-tools etesync-dav node-solid-jose groestlcoin daq

reproducible icon 784 packages (78.9% of 994) successfully built reproducibly in total, 44 (54.3% of 81) of them in the last 24h in experimental/arm64:

r-bioc-rsubread r-bioc-genomeinfodb python-av r-bioc-interactivedisplaybase r-bioc-ggbio r-bioc-gsva tcl8.7 mitlm ldh-client libbssolv-perl libtaverna2-server-java givaro dragon kmag ruby-grape-entity libkiwix protobuf onetbb rust-quickcheck kamera openssl+ topcom casilda libratbag abseil feathernotes kf6-breeze-icons ruby-request-store r-cran-rmariadb simde dbus-c++ kgpg actor-framework kpkpass kldap kontactinterface cmst mozc libkgapi gavl kdepim-runtime ark budgie-desktop ruby-graphlient

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.