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Packages in trixie/arm64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 619 packages (1.7% of 37006) failed to build reproducibly in total, 11 (3.0% of 366) of them in the last 48h in trixie/arm64:

patroni# fonts-rit-sundar shotcut+ seqan3 terminaltables dnf-plugins-core cardpeek castle-game-engine ndcube fte

reproducible icon 380 packages (1.0% of 37006) failed to build from source in total, 20 (5.5% of 366) of them in the last 48h in trixie/arm64:

trimesh pyferret opensmtpd-extras gromacs gcl27 qpdf astropy jeromq wacomtablet vim pqconnect zziplib opm-simulators wpewebkit coinor-symphony kcmutils pcl python-biopython paraview curl

reproducible icon 22 packages (0.1% of 37006) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 14 (3.8% of 366) of them in the last 48h in trixie/arm64:

biobambam2 qemu oaklisp xserver-xorg-video-glide+ itkadaptivedenoising sight threeb mupdf hare gubbins plastimatch psortb libmmmulti itkgenericlabelinterpolator

reproducible icon 35765 packages (96.6% of 37006) successfully built reproducibly in total, 320 (87.4% of 366) of them in the last 48h in trixie/arm64:

libppix-regexp-perl glue-schema sgt-puzzles dhcpig pasystray randmac geneagrapher-core node-ramda libnss-unknown mopidy-soundcloud node-serialize-javascript tnftp jove python-tzlocal libdata-validate-struct-perl uap-core libsigc++-3.0 perlindex bpftrace-mode django-sekizai gexiv2 libspng vobcopy tcpick should.js node-mime node-range-parser pajeng apngdis jags can-utils qelectrotech itools node-source-list-map apngasm lpctools apng2gif unalz libexcel-writer-xlsx-perl sass-stylesheets-purecss nmapsi4 libitl-gobject qlcplus python-aiohttp-openmetrics r-cran-formula meta-exwm rust-sshkeys rust-bson python-pyaarlo msolve wayvnc gdnsd nitroxcalc emacs-jsonrpc libgedit-gfls libss7 doorbirdpy rust-xxhash-c-sys bash-unit ruby-rgfa hplip rust-actix-web-codegen jnacl boulder-game cura golang-github-chewxy-hm golang-github-biogo-hts xorg-server php-twig geronimo-validation-1.1-spec meshtastic ocaml-spdx-licenses prometheus-ipmi-exporter gnome-contacts armadillo kdeplasma-addons gnome-shell-extensions-extra python-allpairspy rust-assorted-debian-utils jruby cpupower-gui golang-github-sylabs-sif rust-libadwaita-sys calibre plasma-sdk freedombox python-roborock emacs-dape libchemistry-elements-perl packmol nvme-stas python-plugwise libxs-parse-sublike-perl libcdk5 libbusiness-isbn-data-perl gnome-initial-setup libyaml-pp-perl icingaweb2-module-x509 libnbd lxml pyvicare breeze putty libgeo-gdal-ffi-perl plasma5support lodepng tox-uv numcodecs ciborium apispec gnome-connections libxlsxwriter orthanc gtkmm4.0 kwin zenity idzebra qtorganizer-mkcal gnome-shell-pomodoro python-gtfparse libgedit-gtksourceview identify nautilus tepl powerdevil libportal gitlint librem-ec-acpi puppet-module-cloudkitty mptcpd gnome-calculator gnome-text-editor python-lupa labelme libcryptx-perl gnome-mahjongg php-cache-integration-tests pygresql plasma-integration libstring-diff-perl meta-gnustep plasma-browser-integration librdkafka python-msoffcrypto-tool googletest afew php-email-validator plasma-workspace diamond-aligner rust-xxhash-rust django-sass jna-inchi felix-utils golang-github-github-smimesign pci.ids tox plasma-desktop cpuinfo davix python-py2bit libmime-types-perl zope.testing sympa python-evdev python-bioframe minc-tools python-maxminddb libmaxminddb librelaxng-datatype-java geronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec felix-shell-tui smartypants felix-gogo-shell eglexternalplatform gtk-vnc libkryo-java gpicview ecbuild libffi libclipboard-perl geronimo-jta-1.2-spec felix-framework golang-github-prometheus-common libintl-perl felix-main imaptool libfishsound gradle-propdeps-plugin python-structlog ocaml-benchmark pymediainfo sniffles gradle-plugin-protobuf libauth-googleauth-perl ng reportbug typogrify mpl-scatter-density geronimo-j2ee-management-1.1-spec python-advanced-alchemy ikvswitch python-varlink libtoml-tiny-perl snac2 wxpython4.0 uranium gvfs cgif libcpansa-db-perl pyproject-api pyopenweathermap pytest-codspeed django-webtest rust-dyn-clonable golang-github-bougou-go-ipmi zlog rust-mime2ext libnss-mysql libkode vim-minimap golang-github-xyproto-randomstring eumdac keyd golang-github-prometheus-sigv4 django-choices-field railcontrol golang-github-xuanwo-go-locale gdbuspp qtractor caio weii sdl2-pango unar sogo synaptic gnustep-base gnustep-performance gnumail gnustep-back gnustep-netclasses sbjson gnustep-corebase pantomime sope vim-command-t rsskit dbuskit gnustep-gui addresses-for-gnustep gworkspace steptalk python-odf gnustep-make universal-detector gnustep-sqlclient gnustep-dl2 pcs plasma-thunderbolt rust-gix-chunk breeze-plymouth plasma-nano rust-gix-utils kscreenlocker xdg-desktop-portal-kde rust-gix-command rust-gix-trace flatpak-kcm golang-github-andybalholm-brotli plasma-vault kdecoration libksysguard kde-gtk-config pystac-client python-docformatter ocean-sound-theme golang-github-googleapis-gax-go mplayer kscreen rust-rpgpie php-phpstan-phpdoc-parser plasma-workspace-wallpapers plasma-systemmonitor mkvtoolnix plasma-nm kglobalacceld kwayland-integration breeze-grub plasma-pa kwallet-pam kgamma kmenuedit borgmatic rust-gix-bitmap lmod plasma-discover plymouth-kcm polkit-kde-agent-1 rkward django-celery-email libkscreen rust-gio-sys rust-toml-edit freerdp3 cubeb prosody-modules pylint-celery# rust-rpgpie-sop

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.