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Packages with notes

There are 155 packages with notes in experimental/arm64.

reproducible icon 15 unreproducible packages in experimental/arm64, ordered by build date:

python-neutron-lib lazarus libpinyin masakari-monitors ironic masakari cinder python-django proftpd-dfsg matplotlib manila watcher octave syncany zephyr#

reproducible icon 33 FTBFS packages in experimental/arm64, ordered by build date:

libcap2 gitlab nix nvidia-texture-tools polyml libkryo-java sawfish linux esdm libcgns freebayes autogen rustc libreoffice# cyrus-imapd php-sabre-event# nova scap-workbench deal.ii mrtdreader libgpiv iem-plugin-suite llvm-toolchain-snapshot musescore-snapshot highway golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact code-saturne gitaly macromoleculebuilder sphinxsearch gmerlin-avdecoder reprepro# ruby-uglifier#

reproducible icon 37 (6.2%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, ordered by build date:

bcachefs-tools critterding daq etesync-dav go-cpe-dictionary golang-github-google-cel-spec groestlcoin grok grpc imip-agent janitor libewf liblsl llvmlite mediagoblin node-jsonld node-solid-jose node-trust-jwa opensnitch ovito# phonetisaurus php-sabre-vobject# q2-phylogeny qemu qtdeclarative-opensource-src reiser4progs rocthrust rust-futures-rustls rust-indieweb rust-nitrokey rust-nitrokey-sys symfony tensorflow tinysvm vault vuls zeekctl

reproducible icon 2 blacklisted packages in experimental/arm64:

trilinos thunderbird

reproducible icon 90 reproducible packages in experimental/arm64:

alkimia libsrtp2 mini-buildd dino-im libsfml dash ncbi-vdb python-av spamassassin netdata iraf haproxy mathgl libvigraimpex# actor-framework unidic-mecab indi+ tlsh surgescript# tcl8.7 mitlm python-pygit2 openstack-trove octavia ceilometer neutron aodh horizon cloudkitty designate glance mercurial krb5-auth-dialog gnucap liblopsub jaxb-api zipios++ bind9# fmtlib python-glanceclient graphviz+ nanomsg python-openstackclient soqt barbican heat transmission gap-guava keystone r-cran-alakazam r-cran-mutoss r-cran-ggm libktoblzcheck ruby-pg-query qtbase-opensource-src### openssl+ readline r-bioc-basilisk bash udisks2 lambda-align shasta kbd tcltk-defaults mender-client darktable mender-cli seqan2 guix# r-bioc-densvis flexbar xrdp mongo-cxx-driver elpa go-gir-generator json-simple binutils# python-keystonemiddleware python-futurist python-oslo.concurrency python-oslo.utils python-taskflow osmo-hlr protobuf libsodium badger povray cubew lensfun node-d3-color

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.