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Packages in experimental/amd64 tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 37 packages (3.6% of 1025) failed to build reproducibly in total, 10 (9.8% of 102) of them in the last 24h in experimental/amd64:

bornagain grass qtcreator qtbase-opensource-src### nqp moarvm rakudo# openmpi rebar3 rebar

reproducible icon 124 packages (12.1% of 1025) failed to build from source in total, 28 (27.5% of 102) of them in the last 24h in experimental/amd64:

rust-rustls-webpki osmo-pcu python-django kitinerary php-monolog wlcs uw-imap scalapack rep-gtk linphone libgpiv dolphin-emu golang-github-go-kit-kit hypre gmerlin-encoders genders openstructure cataclysm-dda mrtdreader broker skimage 389-ds-base rust-soketto vowpal-wabbit## safeclib ovito# libkqueue grok

reproducible icon 62 packages (6.0% of 1025) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 29 (28.4% of 102) of them in the last 24h in experimental/amd64:

kodi-pvr-octonet matplotlib kodi-pvr-iptvsimple kodi-pvr-dvblink kodi-pvr-zattoo kodi-pvr-dvbviewer kodi-pvr-njoy kodi-inputstream-adaptive kodi-peripheral-xarcade kodi-pvr-stalker kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver kodi-inputstream-rtmp kodi-pvr-nextpvr pytorch kodi-pvr-wmc kodi-pvr-filmon kodi-pvr-argustv inkscape kstars r-bioc-tfbstools kodi-pvr-hts squeekboard tycho golang-github-google-cel-spec zeekctl rust-nitrokey-sys vault gazebo rust-futures-rustls

reproducible icon 797 packages (77.8% of 1025) successfully built reproducibly in total, 35 (34.3% of 102) of them in the last 24h in experimental/amd64:

samba# jpeg-xl racket-mode netdata r-bioc-rtracklayer emacs-lsp-haskell graphviz+ urdfdom r-bioc-xvector lib2geom yad mbedtls r-bioc-makecdfenv r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial ruby-google-apis-storage-v1 indi+ r-bioc-oligo r-bioc-summarizedexperiment r-bioc-annotationhub r-bioc-genomeinfodb r-bioc-annotationdbi simdjson r-bioc-rhdf5filters r-bioc-rsamtools libpod libssw hdf5 gimp nng rust-lazy-regex python-pygit2 ruby-semver-dialects qtsystems-opensource-src kmime miopen

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.