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Packages in unstable/arm64 tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 799 packages (2.1% of 38175) failed to build reproducibly in total, 206 (89.6% of 230) of them in the last 24h in unstable/arm64:

golang-github-creack-goselect sdbus-cpp libbio-db-hts-perl rust-serde-derive ocaml-mmap apt-transport-s3 ros-urdf pbseqlib node-prosemirror-model seatd libsearch-xapian-perl eclipse-wtp htslib picopore b4 haskell-cracknum vagrant-librarian-puppet knitpy ats2-lang node-chai fonts-havana bombadillo libpdb-redo python-flask-seeder taktuk rxp libusb-libusb-perl emacs-git-modes lybniz libhttp-cookies-perl python-testing.common.database endlessh haskell-hackage-security jq pyshp node-lcid victoriametrics ruby-android-key-attestation tgl libdist-zilla-app-command-authordebs-perl rust-cookie ruby-net-scp rust-derive-more libtypes-uuid-perl biniou libevdevplus golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-go node-elliptic golang-github-fhs-gompd qvge rust-thiserror rust-pico-args haskell-cborg libmd node-help-me libquazip1-qt6 kylin-nm haskell-megaparsec wmanager organize objenesis webcamoid r-cran-gbrd rust-cssparser libtry-tiny-byclass-perl python-rstr cpdb-libs aegisub r-cran-fpc node-min-document libalien-wxwidgets-perl node-syntax-error ldapjdk node-concat-stream ucarp haskell-yi-core deap skypat guile-gcrypt commons-configuration python-ecdsa libpdf-table-perl ircd-ircu rust-roxmltree node-rechoir libzen sphinxtesters rttr r-cran-mass iftop haskell-binary-orphans python-first mmake file libapache2-mod-auth-mellon geronimo-concurrent-1.0-spec ufl libt3widget python-cryptography bundlewrap rust-goblin foxeye garmin-forerunner-tools etcd ruby-kramdown freedict-tools electrum quassel gstreamer-vaapi gnucobol4 libice streamtuner2 gst-plugins-ugly1.0 graphite-web libthread-queue-any-perl gstreamer-editing-services1.0 libprpc-perl scrub a2jmidid libconvert-units-perl libgphoto2 apbs dijitso libelfin libspin-java pyzor nbc libpthread-stubs bwidget libfs xjump+ ruby-rbtrace heroes libsm# telepathy-logger combblas bs1770gain peewee xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland rust-openssl-sys rasterview panicparse requests juffed pigpio golang-github-golang-freetype r-cran-fitdistrplus xapian-bindings r-cran-rcppmlpack fossil fonts-compagnon icoextract dose3 molmodel dart rust-phf-macros rclone-browser golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit golang-github-prometheus-common golang-opentelemetry-contrib supernovas golang-opentelemetry-proto python-django-pgtrigger hishel ostree# gst-libav1.0 dep-logic filezilla gst-rtsp-server1.0 rust-eza python-pyproject-hooks libgeo-libproj-ffi-perl tryton-modules-sale-gift-card crun r-cran-withr stress-ng vips tryton-modules-account-payment rust-syn wpewebkit openstack-debian-images pampi faiss haskell-hledger-interest golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite gst-plugins-bad1.0 knot libimage-exiftool-perl workflow r-base codeblocks gst-python1.0 opm-grid golang-github-sylabs-sif gcc-avr digikam mumps golang-github-prometheus-client-golang libmsoffice-word-template-perl golang-opentelemetry-otel findpython containerd gcc-sh-elf biojava6-live webkit2gtk

reproducible icon 1279 packages (3.4% of 38175) failed to build from source in total, 10 (4.3% of 230) of them in the last 24h in unstable/arm64:

openboard ruby-fakefs x11iraf gst-plugins-good1.0 gstreamer1.0 prometheus superlu-dist libsoup3 gst-plugins-base1.0 genomicsdb

reproducible icon 143 packages (0.4% of 38175) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 11 (4.8% of 230) of them in the last 24h in unstable/arm64:

rust-reqsign haskell-regexpr ghdl shc dune-istl rust-opendal adabrowse rust-psa-crypto-sys haskell-hsx-jmacro dolfin devscripts

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.