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Packages with notes

There are 253 packages with notes in experimental/i386.

reproducible icon 22 unreproducible packages in experimental/i386, ordered by build date:

patroni# gosop dune-istl dune-grid-glue dune-typetree dune-localfunctions dune-grid dune-common dune-geometry erlang python-django scipy rabbitmq-server mongo-cxx-driver rebar3 rebar zephyr# psi-plus syncany mbedtls mpich python-openstackclient

reproducible icon 41 FTBFS packages in experimental/i386, ordered by build date:

symfony lensfun sphinxsearch musescore-snapshot qtcreator seqan3 nvidia-texture-tools scap-workbench llvm-toolchain-snapshot broker kopete gitaly darkice libunwind avro-c kate libgpiv inkscape kdeconnect libreswan libktoblzcheck uw-imap go-gir-generator puppet gimp code-saturne mediagoblin linphone mrtdreader iem-plugin-suite gmerlin-avdecoder libcgns json-simple hdf5 polyml sawfish autogen kget+# ruby-uglifier# php-sabre-event# librep#+

reproducible icon 58 (7.0%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, ordered by build date:

breezy cataclysm-dda cnvkit critterding daq dart dune-functions eccodes-python enhanceio esdm etesync-dav freebayes gazebo golang-github-google-cel-spec groestlcoin imip-agent inotifyrecursive insighttoolkit5 itinerary janitor kwin libapache2-mod-tile libewf libosmo-sccp llvmlite macromoleculebuilder node-solid-jose node-trust-jwa okular openmpi opensnitch openstructure osmo-hlr osmo-iuh ovito# phonetisaurus php-sabre-vobject# plasma-browser-integration plasma-desktop plasma-workspace powerdevil r-bioc-basilisk r-bioc-densvis r-cran-alakazam r-cran-ggm r-cran-mutoss r-cran-rmariadb reiser4progs rust-futures-rustls rust-nitrokey rust-nitrokey-sys sequitur-g2p tango tensorflow urjtag vault vuls zeekctl

reproducible icon 5 not for us packages in experimental/i386:

dynarmic ncbi-vdb kitinerary kdepim-addons sra-sdk

reproducible icon 2 blacklisted packages in experimental/i386:

thunderbird trilinos

reproducible icon 153 reproducible packages in experimental/i386:

gdal netcdf lz4 indi+ cyrus-imapd gcc-mingw-w64 gitlab dbus fenics-ffcx mercurial korganizer akonadi-import-wizard+ kmail pim-sieve-editor pim-data-exporter kdepim-runtime audiocd-kio akonadi-calendar akregator icu libsrtp2 kontact akonadi-contacts+ vtk-dicom ruby-pg-query unidic-mecab cubew konqueror openssl+ plasma-discover systemsettings kinfocenter dune-uggrid konsole tcltk-defaults zeroconf-ioslave mini-buildd fwupd onetbb kompare highway benchmark k3b aptly krdc kdeplasma-addons plasma-firewall libksysguard plasma-thunderbolt milou kde-cli-tools plasma-nm oxygen kmenuedit libkscreen layer-shell-qt kdecoration kactivitymanagerd kpipewire kwayland print-manager breeze akonadi-mime+ akonadi-search kidentitymanagement kcalutils kleopatra kmailtransport kdf kdebugsettings kalzium pymongo kio-extras liblopsub kdegraphics-mobipocket khelpcenter node-d3-color urdfdom node-jsonld tlsh dtkcore dash actor-framework libkdegames kpublictransport akonadi kosmindoormap kldap kpimtextedit libkgapi zipios++ lime libsodium gnucap inkscape-textext surgescript# mitlm tcl8.7 nanomsg krb5-auth-dialog povray lxqt-globalkeys libsdl3 liblxqt signond kcalc coinmp libqtxdg protobuf kaccounts-integration baloo-widgets ark budgie-desktop apache2# binutils# mplayer yosys udisks2 lxqt-config libkcddb dolphin gwenview lxqt-session lxqt-about php-igbinary graphviz+ grpc taglib readline bash kglobalaccel plasma-framework php-apcu xdebug jpeg-xl php-mongodb pavucontrol-qt qps screengrab libkiwix gnutls28 seqan2 dino-im lxqt-admin lxqt-notificationd lxqt-powermanagement haproxy jaxb-api iraf bind9# go-cpe-dictionary ktorrent smb4k

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.