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Packages in unstable/armhf tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 661 packages (1.7% of 38176) failed to build reproducibly in total, 11 (12.4% of 89) of them in the last 24h in unstable/armhf:

dune-typetree dune-grid-glue kind dune-functions dune-grid dune-localfunctions numpy dune-geometry ibus swi-prolog libzypp

reproducible icon 1046 packages (2.7% of 38176) failed to build from source in total, 8 (9.0% of 89) of them in the last 24h in unstable/armhf:

python-soxr qpdf firmware-microbit-micropython prometheus-libvirt-exporter nspr dune-istl bustools mesa

reproducible icon 849 packages (2.2% of 38176) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 13 (14.6% of 89) of them in the last 24h in unstable/armhf:

structure-synth transdecoder ipxe writer2latex slib pgrouting metkit pysph python-cdo ruby-grib piccolo pyqwt3d openclipart

reproducible icon 35127 packages (92.0% of 38176) successfully built reproducibly in total, 56 (62.9% of 89) of them in the last 24h in unstable/armhf:

dune-uggrid python-ml-collections setools lava ldraw-parts-free ccls python-hug gap-smallgrp pycifrw d-feet postgresql-17 libgridxc inchi kdenlive gridtools pyfibaro php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock apt partman-auto qt6-tools modules ruby-rouge fontparts postgresql-common imediff libpdl-ccs-perl php-doctrine-data-fixtures base-installer libinklevel libdebian-installer procmail-lib aspell-el odoo lomiri-music-app ruby-mini-portile2 drf-extensions adios python-sphinx-issues libreoffice-dictionaries backup-manager django-rich python-btrees libsearpc iwyu rust-eza libdnf orphan-sysvinit-scripts rust-tealdeer piuparts pcre2 symfony primus seafile-client libxkbcommon dracut seafile

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.