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gnome package set for unstable/amd64

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package set gnome in unstable/amd64
The package set gnome in unstable/amd64 consists of 696 packages:
None 17 (2.4%) packages failed to build reproducibly: gtk4 rust-gst-plugin-gtk4 gcc-14 libcamera mbedtls python-charset-normalizer gnome-snapshot coinor-cgl gegl nss tracker libdc1394 pipewire llvm-toolchain-19 jpeg-xl python3.12 bluez
None 22 (3.2%) packages failed to build from source: mutter libgweather4 tracker-miners libportal python-urllib3 xdg-desktop-portal libuv1 abseil brasero nas gnome-photos libmpc directfb startup-notification zvbi atlas gnutls28 lvm2 libei nspr curl openldap
None None None None 1 (0.1%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: glycin-loaders
None 656 (94.3%) packages successfully build reproducibly: 7zip a52dec aalib accountsservice acl adduser adwaita-icon-theme alsa-lib aom apg apparmor appstream apt argon2 aribb24 aspell at-spi2-core attr audit avahi babl baobab base-files base-passwd bash bc boost1.83 box2d brltty brotli bubblewrap bzip2 ca-certificates cairo cairomm1.16 cdebconf cdparanoia chardet chromaprint cjson clp clucene-core+ clutter-1.0 clutter-gtk cmark codec2 cogl coinmp coinor-cbc coinor-osi coinutils colord colord-gtk coreutils cracklib2 cryptsetup cups# cups-filters cups-pk-helper cyrus-sasl2 dash dav1d db5.3 dbus dbus-python dconf debconf debian-archive-keyring debianutils dee desktop-base desktop-file-utils dictionaries-common diffutils djvulibre dmidecode dotconf dpkg# duktape e2fsprogs editorconfig-core elfutils elogind emacsen-common enchant-2 evince evolution evolution-data-server exempi exiv2 expat faad2 ffmpeg fftw3 file-roller findutils flac flatpak flite fluid-soundfont fluidsynth folks fontconfig fonts-cantarell fonts-quicksand fonts-urw-base35 freerdp3 freetype fribidi fuse3 game-music-emu gcc-defaults gcr gcr4 gdbm gdk-pixbuf gdm3 geoclue-2.0 geocode-glib gexiv2 ghostscript giflib gjs# glib2.0 glibc glibmm2.4 glibmm2.68 glib-networking gmp gnome-autoar gnome-backgrounds gnome-bluetooth3 gnome-calculator gnome-calendar gnome-characters gnome-clocks gnome-connections gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-desktop gnome-disk-utility gnome-font-viewer gnome-keyring gnome-logs gnome-maps gnome-menus gnome-music gnome-online-accounts gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-software gnome-sound-recorder gnome-sushi gnome-system-monitor gnome-text-editor gnome-tweaks gnome-user-docs gnome-weather gnupg2 gobject-introspection gpgme1.0 gpm graphene graphite2 grep grilo grilo-plugins groff gsettings-desktop-schemas gsound gspell gssdp gtk+3.0 gtkmm4.0 gtksourceview4 gtksourceview5 gtk-vnc gupnp gupnp-igd gvfs gzip harfbuzz hicolor-icon-theme highway hostname hunspell hyphen ibus icu ijs imath init-system-helpers ippsample isl iso-codes ispell jack-audio-connection-kit jansson jaraco.context jbig2dec jbigkit jigit json-c json-glib keyutils kmod krb5# lame lcms2 leptonlib lerc libabw libadwaita-1 libao+ libarchive libass libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libavc1394 libavif libavtp libblockdev libbluray libbs2b libbsd libburn libbytesize libcaca libcanberra libcap2 libcap-ng libcdio libcdio-paranoia libcdr libchamplain libcloudproviders libcmis libconfig libcue libdaemon libdatrie libdazzle libdbusmenu libdca libde265 libdecor-0 libdeflate libdisplay-info libdmapsharing libdrm libdv+ libdvdnav libdvdread libe-book libedit libeot libepoxy libepubgen libetonyek libevdev libexif libexttextcat libffado libffi libfontenc libfreeaptx libfreehand libgav1 libgcrypt20 libgd2 libgdata libgee-0.8 libglvnd libgom libgpg-error libgpod libgsf libgsm libgtop2 libgudev libgusb libgxps libhandy-1 libheif libical3 libidn libidn2 libiec61883 libieee1284 libimagequant libimobiledevice libimobiledevice-glue libinih libinput libinstpatch libiptcdata libisofs libjpeg-turbo libksba liblangtag liblc3 libldac liblouis liblrdf libltc libmanette libmd libmediaart libmodplug libmspub libmtp libmwaw libmysofa libndp libnfs libnice libnma libnotify libnsl libnumbertext libnvme liboauth libodfgen libogg libopenmpt liborcus libosinfo libpagemaker libpaper libpciaccess libpeas libpgm libphonenumber libpipeline libplacebo libplist libpng1.6 libproxy libpsl libpwquality libqxp librabbitmq libraw libraw1394 libreoffice# librest librevenge librist librsvg libsamplerate libsdl2 libseccomp libsecret libselinux libsemanage libsepol libshout libshumate libsidplay libsigc++-2.0 libsigc++-3.0 libsndfile libsodium libsoup2.4 libsoxr libspectre libspelling libsrtp2 libssh libssh2 libstaroffice libtasn1-6 libteam libtext-iconv-perl libthai libtheora libtirpc libtool libudfread libunibreak libunistring libunity libunwind libusb-1.0 libusbmuxd libva libvdpau libvidstab libvisio libvisual libvorbis libvpx libwacom libwebp libwnck3 libwpd libwpg libwps libx11 libxau libxaw libxcb libxcomposite libxcrypt libxcursor libxcvt libxdamage libxdmcp libxext libxfixes libxfont libxi libxinerama libxkbcommon libxkbfile libxml2 libxml++2.6 libxmlb libxmu libxpm libxrandr libxrender libxres libxshmfence libxslt libxss libxt libxtst libxv libxxf86vm libyaml libytnef libyuv libzmf libzstd lilv lirc lmdb lm-sensors loupe lp-solve lsb-release-minimal lsof lua5.3 lua5.4 lz4 lzo2 mako malcontent man-db markupsafe mawk media-player-info media-types mesa meta-gnome3 mhash mjpegtools modemmanager more-itertools mozjs128 mpclib3 mpeg2dec mpfr4 mpg123 msgraph mtdev mythes nautilus ncurses neon27 netbase net-snmp nettle network-manager newt nghttp2 nghttp3 ngtcp2 norm npth numactl ocl-icd onevpl openal-soft opencore-amr openexr openfec openh264 openjpeg2 openni2 openssl+ opensysusers opus orc orca osinfo-db p11-kit packagekit pam pango1.0 pangomm2.48 parted pci.ids pciutils pcre2 perl pinentry pixman pocketsphinx policykit-1 poppler poppler-data popt procps protobuf protobuf-c psmisc ptyxis pulseaudio pycairo pygobject python3-defaults python-autocommand python-certifi python-cups python-distro python-idna python-inflect python-jaraco.functools python-typeguard python-typing-extensions pyxdg qpdf qrencode raptor2 raqm rasqal readline redland requests rhythmbox roc-toolkit rtmpdump rubberband rust-rav1e rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg samba# sane-backends sbc seahorse sed sensible-utils serd setuptools sgml-base shadow shared-mime-info shine simple-scan slang2 snappy sndio snowball sord sound-theme-freedesktop soundtouch spandsp speech-dispatcher speex speexdsp sphinxbase sqlite3 sratom srt ssl-cert suitesparse svt-av1 system-config-printer systemd sysvinit taglib talloc tar tcp-wrappers tdb tecla tesseract tevent texlive-bin+ tiff totem totem-pl-parser twolame tzdata ucf uchardet udisks2 upower uriparser usb.ids user-session-migration ust util-linux v4l-utils vo-aacenc vo-amrwbenc volume-key vte2.91 vulkan-loader wavpack wayland webkit2gtk webp-pixbuf-loader webrtc-audio-processing wildmidi wireplumber woff2 x11-xkb-utils x11-xserver-utils x264 x265 xcb-util xdg-dbus-proxy xdg-desktop-portal-gnome xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils xft xkbset xkeyboard-config xml-core xmlsec1 xorg xorg-server xvidcore xwayland xxhash xz-utils yajl yelp yelp-xsl z3 zbar zenity zeromq3 zimg zix zlib zxcvbn-c zxing-cpp

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.