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Packages without notes

There are 137 faulty packages without notes in experimental/armhf.

reproducible icon 1 unreproducible packages in experimental/armhf, ordered by build date:


reproducible icon 136 FTBFS packages in experimental/armhf, ordered by build date:

php-parsedown reprepro bzrtp golang-github-dgraph-io-ristretto glib2.0 libsvm ruby-sprockets bcmatroska2 belr numpy python-qtpy asmjit khmer node-commander dante xnnpack firebird3.0 golang-github-kurin-blazer termrec grok libkqueue gmerlin qwt node-readable-stream tools-deps-alpha-clojure vimix ruby-omniauth-salesforce node-d3-hierarchy liblsl ruby-gitlab-pg-query sasview wmbusmeters kworkflow android-platform-external-doclava gnome-photos gtk4 mediasoup monkeysphere diaspora golang-golang-x-debug openhft-chronicle-wire golang-github-golang-geo openhft-chronicle-network dtc sump-logicanalyzer node-d3-time openhft-chronicle-threads poti openhft-chronicle-bytes yamcha pluto-sat-code simde libxslt wabt tinc wlcs hasl gmerlin-encoders keysmith linphone-desktop eclib webkit2gtk kdegraphics-thumbnailers bali-phy cmst knot-resolver sioyek libkmahjongg markdownpart picmi php-doctrine-persistence ksystemlog kwordquiz kturtle lskat konversation ksudoku kubrick kapman kmines kigo kfourinline kdiamond knetwalk ksnakeduel kanagram kblocks klettres kmahjongg granatier killbots katomic kgeography khangman konquest blinken kmouth ksquares kde-dev-utils kblackbox kcachegrind knavalbattle bovo kspaceduel kgoldrunner libkcompactdisc tokodon ghostwriter dragon phpunit-comparator libkeduvocdocument parley colord-kde svgpart libkomparediff2 kpmcore juk kfind kbackup kwalletmanager kdenetwork-filesharing php-codecoverage kreversi alligator neochat pycangjie filelight phpunit-type arianna php-doctrine-dbal php-file-iterator libzim kamera libquotient jami firebird4.0

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.