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Packages without notes

There are 126 faulty packages without notes in experimental/armhf.

reproducible icon 19 unreproducible packages in experimental/armhf, ordered by build date:

rpm luametatex gnome-metronome obfuscate qtdoc-opensource-src botan3 mypy c-blosc2 ace firebird4.0 maven-jflex-plugin libtaverna2-server-java simple-http subethasmtp jflex php8.3 papi jami libsrm

reproducible icon 107 FTBFS packages in experimental/armhf, ordered by build date:

libkqueue safeclib rust-erbium-net webrtc-audio-processing rust-gst-plugin-gif persalys rust-gstreamer-gl-x11 rust-gstreamer-gl rocksdb mutatormath rust-gstreamer-video pluto-sat-code rust-gstreamer-gl-wayland rust-gstreamer-base sleef rust-gst-plugin-gtk4 rust-gstreamer-audio golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto php-doctrine-dbal reprepro falkon nbd libtexttools glibc adns clanlib clblas grok openldap sasview fenics-basix golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe python3-defaults varnam-schemes qflow jbig2-imageio android-platform-external-doclava diaspora golang-github-golang-geo golang-golang-x-debug monkeysphere mediasoup bali-phy pg-cron openhft-chronicle-threads openhft-chronicle-network openhft-chronicle-wire xmbmon openhft-chronicle-bytes ruby-nmatrix sump-logicanalyzer dtc yamcha simtools qwt golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 node-readable-stream tools-deps-alpha-clojure vimix node-d3-hierarchy ruby-omniauth-salesforce wmbusmeters gnome-photos poti node-d3-time qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles petsc4py slepc4py openhft-affinity xjdic python-urllib3 liblsl kworkflow vorta mu-editor mutter phpunit-global-state php-timer phpunit-comparator phpunit-recursion-context phpunit-type phpunit-code-unit phpunit-object-enumerator phpunit-object-reflector php-file-iterator phpunit-code-unit-reverse-lookup phpunit-diff php-text-template phpunit-complexity phpunit-lines-of-code php-codecoverage phpunit-environment rust-wasmtime rust-soketto khmer rust-futures-rustls in-toto-golang rust-async-process rust-gdk4-wayland-sys xwiimote rust-gobject-sys rust-atk-sys termrec dante dx libosmo-netif rust-graphene-sys

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.