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Packages in experimental/armhf which built reproducibly

reproducible icon 506 (52.0%) packages which built reproducibly in experimental/armhf:

rust-hyper-util rust-http-body-util lxqt-build-tools-qt5 budgie-desktop make-dfsg libfits-java rust-bindgen-cli g2clib rust-bindgen libsdl3 sdl2-compat kf6-extra-cmake-modules libsdl3-image libsdl3-mixer libsdl3-ttf kf6-kservice kf6-kstatusnotifieritem kf6-frameworkintegration kf6-kcmutils kf6-kapidox kf6-kunitconversion kf6-ktexttemplate kf6-kcodecs rust-http-body kf6-kcrash kf6-kdoctools kf6-sonnet kfloppy rust-tower-layer kf6-kpty kf6-prison rust-reqwest rust-headers-core kf6-syntax-highlighting rust-tower rust-sync-wrapper kf6-knotifyconfig rust-hyper-tls rust-http rust-h2 rust-headers rust-tower-service kf6-kguiaddons kio-admin kmod rust-hyper kf6-ksvg kf6-knotifications rust-http-auth gnupg2 libktoblzcheck ktuberling sweeper kteatime ktimer adduser phpunit xeus-python kiriki kruler kjumpingcube kdevelop-pg-qt knights kollision kbounce kapptemplate kshisen klines kcron bomber kbreakout kmousetool klickety kajongg xdg-desktop-portal pound libpaper mercurial speech-dispatcher gdal gnome-console tango gitlab labwc rust-pretty-env-logger dracut icu audiocd-kio kirigami-gallery elisa-player dh-python doctrine php-guzzlehttp-promises xeus-zmq gajim alberta xeus sway skypat libksane fwupd skanlite signon-kwallet-extension partitionmanager aptly k3b mpmath kcolorchooser yakuake khelpcenter isoimagewriter kdialog rust-snapbox libkdcraw kde-inotify-survey kcharselect casilda kontactinterface kpkpass akonadi-notes kmbox python-fisx ppp rust-quickcheck phpunit-version rust-env-logger breeze-gtk plasma-nano plasma-welcome krdp kwrited kwayland-integration plasma-workspace-wallpapers sddm-kcm ksshaskpass kgamma kde-cli-tools kmenuedit plasma-vault redis milou breeze-plymouth breeze-grub kpipewire polkit-kde-agent-1 drkonqi plymouth-kcm plasma-disks kscreen oxygen-sounds ocean-sound-theme rust-hashbag openssl+ qterminal cage xfce4-dev-tools cpp-httplib nm-tray php-pq android-platform-tools php-pspell php-imap lxqt-build-tools libqtxdg apache2# mplayer lxqt-runner sxmo-utils udisks2 kstars rust-indieweb libcangjie lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-about lxqt-sudo golang-github-protonmail-gopenpgp feathernotes topcom libratbag lxqt-themes spdx-licenses dnspython taglib jpeg-xl php-igbinary php-uuid dh-nss php-pecl-http skladnik php-excimer php-uploadprogress xdebug php-gnupg qtermwidget python-libzim lxqt-policykit lxqt-admin php-ps php-mongodb php-stomp php-yac php-apcu php-ast php-uopz php-gearman php-raphf php-memcache php-amqp php-msgpack php-psr php-ssh2 php-xmlrpc php-pcov php-ds php-oauth php-mcrypt php-maxminddb iraf auto6to4 qtxdg-tools ktnef rust-regalloc2 libqmi kwallet-pam futuresql gucharmap unicode-data php-pda-pheanstalk mimetreeparser vixl rust-ipnetwork dgit-test-dummy abseil liblopsub haproxy parolottero php-psr-log dino-im python-openstackclient tinygltf libxfce4windowing zim-tools ruby-gitlab-labkit kcalc kmag ruby-grape-entity openldap bind9# libxml2 roct-thunk-interface readline bash voluptuous kglobalaccel plasma-framework binutils# xfdesktop4 rust-isahc seqan2 baloo-widgets mini-buildd bcachefs-tools protobuf golang-github-ulikunitz-xz ffmpegthumbs xfce4-power-manager thunar jaxb-api maven-jflex-plugin jflex simple-http json-simple libtaverna2-server-java subethasmtp actor-framework ruby-rack zipios++ pluto-find-orb golang-github-cli-browser psi-plus-l10n antlr4-cpp-runtime procenv node-loader-utils ruby-devise-i18n zsh-syntax-highlighting ldh-client scribus-ng indi+ rust-lazy-regex mew-beta mew openarc libmng ruby-console zstd-jni-java rtl-wmbus rust-protobuf-support coinmp rust-protobuf munin netcdf libssc racket-mode emacs-lsp-haskell ruby-google-apis-storage-v1 ruby-semver-dialects irssi-rocketchat lz4 pytaglib tiff bzrtp cubew ruby-net-ldap krb5-auth-dialog php-psr-http-message tinysvm mirrorrib quasselc yorick-optimpack pychromecast m2m-aligner sasl-xoauth2 php-monolog xmlsec1 ruby-mocha xfce4-settings exo tlsh libstreamvbyte lios moulin btrbk lrcalc node-map-obj node-d3-dsv cmark whitedb livi xfce4-appfinder ruby-rack-livereload ruby-request-store gitaly libkgapi5 smb4k tumbler xfce4-session draco vtk-dicom dh-rebar libssw libsvm ruby-unicorn-worker-killer glew markdown libopenaptx botan3 llvmlite php-invoker phpunit-cli-parser php-text-template lime bcmatroska2 rust-serial-test rust-libcst belr belle-sip ortp inkscape-textext libsodium tools-build-clojure signon-plugin-oauth2 ruby-defaults php-http-interop-http-factory-tests aide rust-psa-crypto-sys firebird3.0 php-defaults phpunit-exporter ruby-pg-query fonts-ebgaramond benchmark golang-github-kurin-blazer lib2geom belcard bctoolbox msopenh264 node-convert-source-map node-cosmiconfig libppd-legacy opensnitch zram-tools google-glog php-mock-phpunit phpcpd simde rust-tokio-rustls php-psr-simple-cache python-lrcalc rust-nanorand valgrind-if-available dtkcore deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin ruby-serverengine tinc tcl8.7 pymongo git thrift tomcatjss libbssolv-perl php-getid3 tk8.7 kiwix-tools mxml libreswan multitail libsrtp2 libxslt php-klogger nanomsg wabt vdr-plugin-wirbelscan rust-rustls-pemfile tuiwidgets pragha uw-imap tinyobjloader tuxpaint-stamps signon-ui urdfdom qt-qml-models wlcs libkiwix half libmpack-lua php-fig-log-test hasl lensfun dbus-c++ libpg-query lua-compat53 gmerlin-encoders libchipcard libmodule-install-rtx-perl yad capstone rust-pyo3-asyncio-macros matrix-hydrogen libdevel-ptkdb-perl dash liblinear scrappie povray whizzytex sass-stylesheets-wyrm php-psr-container ruby-oauth php-algo26-idna-convert ruby-aws-sdk go-cpe-dictionary gv partman-swapfile cnrun mitlm libmarpa binaryen tcltk-defaults golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway.v2 gogglesmm garcon utfcpp libxfce4util rust-multimap rust-heck linphone-desktop xfce4-panel libxfce4ui xfconf dtkcommon node-ip golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy magicmaze mediastreamer2 dtkwidget dtkgui mbedtls zydis ruby-google-cloud-env ruby-googleauth avro-c libvirt-tck sioyek gavl scute php-nrk-predis gnucap ngmlr fermi-lite nzbget surgescript# code-saturne cron zycore-c linphone node-jsonld node-d3-color

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.