Maintainers of unreproducible packages in stretch
The following maintainers and uploaders are listed for packages in stretch which have built unreproducibly. Please note that the while the link always points to the amd64 version, it's possible thatthe unreproducibility is only present in another architecture(s).
"Adam C. Powell, IV" <>¶ freecad (U) mpich (U) oce (U) petsc (U) slepc (U) spooles (U) "Antoine Beaupré" <anarcat@koumbit.og>¶ qthid-fcd-controller (U) A Mennucc1 <>¶ debdelta mplayer (U) A. Maitland Bottoms <>¶ gnuradio gr-osmosdr qthid-fcd-controller sdrangelove volk Aaron M. Ucko <>¶ fltk1.3 gbrowse (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) AbdulKarim Memon <>¶ fonts-lohit-beng-bengali (U) Abhijith PA <>¶ cortina Abou Al Montacir <>¶ fpc (U) lazarus (U) Adam Borowski <>¶ 3270font (U) Adam Conrad <>¶ glibc (U) Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <>¶ leds-alix Adam Majer <>¶ isc-kea mrtg (U) Aditya Vaidya <>¶ asm (U) libasm4-java (U) Adnan Hodzic <>¶ eclipse (U) Adrian Knoth <>¶ ardour (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libffado (U) qjackctl (U) Adrian Perez <>¶ eclipse-mylyn (U) Adrian Perez <>¶ swt-gtk (U) Adrian Vondendriesch <>¶ booth (U) resource-agents (U) Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger <>¶ adabrowse ahven (U) anet (U) libalog Afif Elghraoui <>¶ consensuscore (U) gridengine# (U) Afif Elghraoui <>¶ piler (U) Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz <>¶ hardinfo AGOSTINI Yves <>¶ libtest-http-server-simple-perl (U) libyaml-syck-perl (U) Agustin Henze <>¶ gcc-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi Agustin Martin Domingo <>¶ dsdo (U) linuxdoc-tools (U) Akira Mitsui <>¶ mruby (U) Al Stone <>¶ libbrahe libcoyotl libevocosm Alan Woodland <>¶ blcr Alastair McKinstry <>¶ console-common eccodes ferret-vis grib-api hdf-eos4 lcov magics++ makedepf90 metview mpich (U) ncl oasis3 openmpi pyferret silo-llnl spherepack xdmf xgks Alberto Bertogli (debian) <>¶ dnss (U) Alberto Capella Silva <>¶ tcpreen Alberto Garcia <>¶ vagalume webkit2gtk (U) webkitgtk (U) Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <>¶ netkit-bootparamd tripwire Albin Tonnerre <>¶ e17 (U) efl (U) elementary (U) Alec Leamas <>¶ lirc+#++ (U) Alejandro Garrido Mota <>¶ cclive+ nomnom Alejandro Garrido Mota <>¶ libquvi Alen Zekulic <>¶ regina-rexx the Alessandro De Zorzi <>¶ libapache2-mod-ruid2 php-fpdf Alessandro Ghedini <>¶ ecasound (U) libjson-xs-perl (U) libnet-ssleay-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) libwx-perl (U) Alessio Di Mauro <>¶ libu2f-server (U) pam-u2f (U) Alessio Treglia <>¶ drumkv1 (U) eq10q (U) gmerlin-avdecoder (U) idjc (U) liblscp (U) masscan mp3fs (U) mustang-plug (U) qjackrcd (U) qtractor (U) samplv1 (U) synthv1 (U) tsdecrypt (U) Alexander Gordeev <>¶ madwimax Alexander GQ Gerasiov <>¶ ofxstatement-plugins Alexander Lazarević <>¶ gnu-smalltalk (U) Alexander Strasser <>¶ ffmpeg+ (U) Alexander Toresson <>¶ fceux (U) Alexander Wirt <>¶ cgit (U) grml-debootstrap (U) icinga2 (U) iproute2 (U) keepalived libmp3-info-perl libnetfilter-queue Alexander Zangerl <>¶ libcrypt-smbhash-perl libproc-queue-perl Alexandre Dantas <>¶ nsnake snake4 Alexandre De Dommelin <>¶ note Alexandre Detiste <>¶ mrrescue (U) Alexandre Fayolle <>¶ python-scipy (U) Alexandre Mestiashvili <>¶ pycorrfit (U) pyscanfcs (U) Alexandre Quessy <>¶ lunch (U) supercollider (U) Alexandre Viau <>¶ influxdb (U) Alf Gaida <>¶ pcmanfm-qt (U) Amul Shah <>¶ fis-gtm (U) Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez <>¶ infinipath-psm+ (U) Anarchism maintainers <>¶ anarchism Anders Kaseorg <>¶ git (U) openafs (U) Anders Waananen <>¶ nordugrid-arc (U) Andrea Colangelo <>¶ tennix+ Andreas Barth <>¶ debian-policy (U) Andreas Beckmann <>¶ beignet (U) module-assistant (U) pocl (U) povray Andreas Boll <>¶ mesa (U) Andreas Bombe <>¶ limesuite (U) Andreas Cadhalpun <>¶ clamav (U) ffmpeg+ (U) Andreas Cord-Landwehr <>¶ kdevelop (U) kdevelop-php (U) kdevelop-python (U) Andreas Franzen <>¶ diploma Andreas Henriksson <>¶ cogl (U) evolution-data-server (U) four-in-a-row (U) gdm3 (U) gedit (U) gedit-plugins (U) gnome-documents (U) gnome-system-monitor (U) iagno (U) iproute2 (U) libgda5 (U) totem (U) vte2.91 (U) Andreas Metzler <>¶ autogen enblend-enfuse (U) exim4 (U) gnutls28 (U) libgcrypt20 (U) lynx (U) pfstools (U) plotutils swaks Andreas Rottmann <>¶ guile-lib Andreas Rönnquist <>¶ allegro5 (U) Andreas Rütten <>¶ logster (U) Andreas Tille <>¶ manila (U) Andreas Tille <>¶ abinit (U) (U) ball (U) biococoa (U) biojava-live (U) blends (U) cdbfasta (U) cimg (U) crac (U) dicom3tools (U) emboss (U) fest-reflect (U) fis-gtm (U) gbrowse (U) genometools (U) ginkgocadx (U) htsjdk (U) icu4j (U) icu4j-4.2 (U) iqtree (U) jam-lib (U) jebl2 (U) jmodeltest (U) libfastutil-java (U) libhpptools (U) libjsonp-java (U) libpal-java (U) librcsb-core-wrapper (U) librg-utils-perl (U) libsbml (U) mapsembler2 (U) maq (U) mc (U) microbiomeutil (U) mira (U) mothur (U) mummer (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) ncbi-seg (U) norsnet (U) orthanc (U) orthanc-webviewer (U) phybin (U) pixelmed (U) praat (U) primer3 (U) prodigal (U) profisis (U) profnet (U) pycorrfit (U) pyqi (U) python-biopython (U) python-cogent (U) python-hl7 (U) python-skbio (U) qtiplot (U) r-bioc-rsamtools (U) r-bioc-shortread (U) r-cran-batchjobs (U) r-cran-boolnet (U) r-cran-diagnosismed (U) r-cran-fastcluster (U) r-cran-futile.logger (U) r-cran-knitr (U) r-cran-lambda.r (U) r-cran-teachingdemos (U) raster3d (U) rdp-classifier (U) seqan2 (U) tcode (U) tigr-glimmer (U) treeview (U) wordnet (U) Andres Mejia <>¶ ini4j (U) Andres Mejia <>¶ beansbinding (U) Andrew Chadwick <>¶ mypaint (U) Andrew Gee <>¶ python-xmltv Andrew Kelley <>¶ groovebasin (U) node-cookies (U) node-multiparty (U) node-ncp (U) node-parseurl (U) node-yauzl (U) Andrew Lee (李健秋) <>¶ lxlauncher (U) lxrandr (U) open-build-service (U) pcmanfm (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) Andrew Mitchell <>¶ mocker (U) Andrew Pollock <>¶ protobuf (U) snort (U) Andrew Ross <>¶ plplot Andrew Ross <>¶ bsaf (U) eclipselink (U) flute (U) libitext5-java (U) libjemmy2-java (U) libnb-platform18-java (U) libpgjava (U) netbeans (U) Andrew Schurman <>¶ weupnp (U) Andrew Shadura <>¶ nfstrace postbooks-updater (U) python-catcher Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <>¶ bzr (U) libtorrent-rasterbar (U) tasque (U) ubuntu-packaging-guide (U) Andrey Rahmatullin <>¶ hibernate Andriy Grytsenko <>¶ foxeye lxlauncher (U) lxmusic (U) lxrandr (U) pcmanfm (U) Andriy Senkovych <>¶ salt (U) Android tools Maintainer <>¶ android-platform-external-libunwind Andy Grover <>¶ python-rtslib-fb (U) Andy Hawkins <>¶ flactag (U) Andy Valencia <>¶ lynx (U) Angel Abad <>¶ libjson-xs-perl (U) libwww-mechanize-shell-perl (U) Angelos Tzotsos <>¶ owslib (U) Angus Lees <>¶ cargo (U) Anibal Monsalve Salazar <>¶ elida mpack nasm pciutils pidentd sensible-utils ssmtp uswsusp (U) Anselm Lingnau <>¶ abcm2ps Ansgar Burchardt <>¶ libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl (U) Ansgar Burchardt <>¶ cclive+ (U) dune-common (U) dune-localfunctions (U) dune-pdelab (U) libconvert-asn1-perl (U) libhtml-tree-perl (U) libjson-xs-perl (U) libmediawiki-api-perl (U) libquvi (U) libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl (U) libstatistics-descriptive-perl (U) libsub-name-perl (U) libuuid-perl (U) libwww-mechanize-shell-perl (U) libxml-sax-perl (U) libyaml-syck-perl (U) quvi viruskiller (U) xaos (U) Anthony Fok <>¶ golang-github-puerkitobio-purell (U) golang-github-yosssi-ace (U) hugo (U) python-ly (U) python-poppler-qt5 (U) reposurgeon Antoine Beaupré <>¶ bugs-everywhere (U) pv Anton Gladky <>¶ coin3 (U) esys-particle (U) freecad (U) gerris (U) getdp (U) getfem++ (U) gmsh (U) gnuplot (U) lammps (U) mpich (U) oce (U) palabos (U) paraview+ (U) pysph (U) python-escript (U) qtiplot (U) sfepy (U) spooles (U) sumo (U) tetgen (U) vtk6 (U) woo (U) yade (U) Anton Gladky <>¶ freemat (U) Anton Zinoviev <>¶ console-setup (U) scalable-cyrfonts Antonio Radici <>¶ cfengine2 Antonio Radici <>¶ gmusicbrowser (U) libtest-http-server-simple-perl (U) libxml-sax-perl (U) libxml-sax-writer-perl (U) Antonio Terceiro <>¶ chake (U) cucumber (U) lava-server (U) ruby-gnome2 (U) ruby-standalone Antonio Valentino <>¶ scite (U) Anuradha Weeraman (anu) <>¶ jacksum Apollon Oikonomopoulos <>¶ drbd-doc (U) haproxy (U) mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) mongodb (U) Aramian Wasielak <>¶ coinor-dylp (U) Ari Pollak <>¶ gav gimp gtkspell Arjan Oosting <>¶ haskell-http (U) Arnaud Cornet <>¶ ruby-gnome2 (U) Arnaud Fontaine <>¶ awesome (U) emms nethack-el Arnaud Quette <>¶ nut Aron Xu <>¶ fcitx-libpinyin (U) libpinyin (U) Aron Xu <>¶ openvanilla-modules (U) Arthur Loiret <>¶ gcc-m68hc1x Arthur Vuillard <>¶ python-mk-livestatus Arto Jantunen <>¶ bcfg2 Artur R. Czechowski <>¶ lwatch Arturo Borrero Gonzalez <>¶ liquidprompt neopi (U) Asias He <>¶ libpinyin (U) Aurelien Jarno <>¶ fonts-dustin (U) glibc (U) openbios (U) openhackware (U) qemu# (U) slof (U) Aurélio A. Heckert <>¶ zoomer Axel Beckert <>¶ amora-server dpmb gnome-mousetrap (U) hnb (U) liblingua-en-numbers-ordinate-perl (U) libmodule-build-xsutil-perl (U) libuuid-perl (U) lynx (U) Balint Reczey <>¶ ecb erlang-cowboy (U) erlang-cowlib (U) erlang-ranch (U) esnacc ffmpeg+ (U) kodi-pvr-iptvsimple (U) libcec (U) r-cran-qvcalc (U) snacc taoframework (U) Balint Reczey <>¶ forked-daapd (U) kodi (U) Barak A. Pearlmutter <>¶ bbdb (U) bbdb3 colpack (U) haskell-mode (U) ilisp (U) ivtools jacal mit-scheme (U) oaklisp pstoedit Barbara "Jana" Wisniowska <>¶ cfi Bareos Packaging Team <>¶ bareos Barry deFreese <>¶ dd2 (U) ode (U) pathogen (U) tumiki-fighters (U) xnee (U) Barry deFreese <>¶ asc (U) blockattack (U) boswars (U) clanlib (U) hex-a-hop (U) libclaw (U) liquidwar (U) monsterz (U) netrek-client-cow (U) nikwi (U) pangzero (U) trigger-rally (U) Barry Hawkins <>¶ lucene2 (U) Barry Warsaw <>¶ nose2 python-flake8 (U) python-pex Bart Martens <>¶ num-utils Bartosz Fenski <>¶ asc (U) libstatgrab netw-ib-ox-ag Baruch Even <>¶ bidiui (U) Bas Couwenberg <>¶ gmt (U) grass (U) jts (U) mapnik (U) nco (U) openlayers (U) osmcoastline (U) osmosis (U) pktools (U) postgis (U) postgis-java (U) python-rtree (U) python-shapely (U) qgis (U) qlandkartegt (U) routino (U) Bas Wijnen <>¶ openmsx Bas Zoetekouw <>¶ blktrace Bastian Blank <>¶ cdebootstrap+ ipxe udpkg (U) xen (U) Bastian Venthur <>¶ reportbug-ng Bastien Roucariès <>¶ ckeditor (U) Bdale Garbee <>¶ altos cc1111 debian-history pcb-rnd (U) pforth plinth (U) sdcc (U) Ben Armstrong <>¶ junior-doc live-manual (U) Ben Hutchings <>¶ kernel-handbook (U) ministat Ben Pfaff <>¶ autoconf openvswitch (U) Ben Wong <>¶ zssh Benda Xu <>¶ casacore-data-igrf (U) casacore-data-lines (U) casacore-data-observatories (U) casacore-data-sources (U) zotero-standalone-build (U) Benjamin Barenblat <>¶ boogie urweb Benjamin Drung <>¶ packaging-dev vlc#+ (U) Benjamin Drung <>¶ salt (U) Benjamin Kaduk <>¶ openafs Benjamin Mesing <>¶ umlet Benoit Mortier <>¶ libpoe-component-schedule-perl (U) Bernd Zeimetz <>¶ freeipmi (U) gpsbabel pmacct viking winpdb Bernhard R. Link <>¶ cuyo ntl (U) Bernhard Reiter <>¶ fonts-cabin (U) Bernhard Schmidt <>¶ asterisk (U) ndisc6 ntp (U) torrus (U) Bert Agaz <>¶ pycryptopp (U) Bertrand Marc <>¶ trigger-rally (U) bertrand Neron <>¶ macsyfinder (U) Bill Allombert <>¶ debian-policy (U) gap-autpgrp gap-gapdoc pari popularity-contest (U) Boris Pek <>¶ uhub+ Boyuan Yang <>¶ qterm (U) Bradley Smith <>¶ plib-doc Breno Leitao <>¶ nvme-cli Brett Parker <>¶ pound Brian Cassidy <>¶ libgraphics-primitive-perl (U) libxml-writer-perl (U) Brian May <>¶ celery (U) django-celery (U) librabbitmq (U) nose2 (U) python-django (U) python-mysqldb (U) python-passlib (U) Brian Thomason <>¶ bouncycastle (U) libjgroups-java (U) velocity (U) Brian Thomason <>¶ libhamcrest-java (U) Bruno Nova <>¶ nautilus-admin BW Keller <>¶ yt (U) Cameron Dale <>¶ bittornado Cameron Patrick <>¶ hibernate (U) Camm Maguire <>¶ axiom cxref gcl hol88 lam+ maxima Carl Chenet <>¶ synopsis (U) Carl Fürstenberg <>¶ plastex Carl Suster <>¶ python-pynzb (U) Carl Worth <>¶ notmuch Carles Fernandez <>¶ gnss-sdr (U) Carlo Segre <>¶ libgraphics-libplot-perl (U) libmath-combinatorics-perl (U) libstatistics-descriptive-perl (U) libwwwbrowser-perl (U) Carlos Alberto Silombria Ibarra <>¶ maildirsync Carlos Zuferri <>¶ live-manual (U) Carsten Hey <>¶ hnb Carsten Leonhardt <>¶ bacula (U) bacula-doc (U) Carsten Schoenert <>¶ kicad (U) thunderbird Cedric Staniewski <>¶ profisis (U) Ceph Maintainers <>¶ ceph Cesare Falco <>¶ mame (U) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <>¶ libpinyin (U) libzhuyin (U) pcmanfm-qt (U) Charles Plessy <>¶ biococoa (U) emboss (U) gbrowse (U) htsjdk (U) maq (U) mira (U) mocker (U) mummer (U) primer3 (U) python-biopython (U) Checkbox Developers <>¶ plainbox plainbox-provider-checkbox Chow Loong Jin <>¶ banshee (U) gdata-sharp (U) mono-upnp (U) newtonsoft-json (U) pdfmod (U) slic3r (U) slic3r-prusa (U) taglib-sharp (U) Chris Butler <>¶ libhttp-oai-perl (U) libnet-cidr-lite-perl (U) Chris Halls <>¶ libreoffice (U) ooolib-perl (U) writer2latex (U) Chris Hanson <>¶ mit-scheme Chris Johnston <>¶ python-flake8 (U) Chris Knadle <>¶ aprx (U) Chris Lamb <>¶ python-django (U) Chris Lawrence <>¶ diction r-cran-amelia Christian Bayle <>¶ connect-proxy (U) libjfreechart-java (U) libphp-jpgraph statcvs (U) Christian Ehrhardt <>¶ dpdk (U) Christian Hofstaedtler <>¶ grml-debootstrap (U) sqitch (U) Christian Kastner <>¶ keyutils libfann pyevolve Christian M. Amsüss <>¶ rdflib Christian Mertes <>¶ norsnet (U) Christian Perrier <>¶ console-common (U) console-setup (U) fonts-arphic-bkai00mp (U) fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp (U) fonts-breip (U) fonts-cabin (U) fonts-cantarell (U) fonts-century-catalogue (U) fonts-dejavu (U) fonts-dustin (U) fonts-freefont (U) fonts-georgewilliams (U) fonts-kacst-one (U) fonts-levien-typoscript (U) fonts-linuxlibertine (U) fonts-oldstandard (U) fonts-pecita (U) fonts-sil-abyssinica (U) fonts-tibetan-machine (U) fonts-uralic (U) lifelines (U) partman-auto (U) ttf-freefont (U) udpkg (U) Christian T. Steigies <>¶ moon-buggy Christine Spang <>¶ quodlibet (U) Christoph Berg <>¶ dacs Christoph Berg <>¶ heartbeat (U) pgadmin3 (U) pgagent (U) pgloader (U) plr (U) postgresql-9.6 (U) postgresql-pgmp (U) resource-agents (U) skytools3 (U) Christoph Biedl <>¶ isdnutils Christoph Egger <>¶ buildapp ecl (U) herbstluftwm pycarddav (U) python-sfml (U) sbcl (U) warzone2100 (U) Christoph Egger <>¶ fonts-linuxlibertine (U) Christoph Goehre <>¶ thunderbird (U) Christoph Haas <>¶ zabbix (U) Christoph Junghans <>¶ votca-csg (U) Christoph Martin <>¶ likwid ntirpc (U) Christophe Monniez <>¶ dc3dd (U) Christophe Mutricy <>¶ vlc#+ (U) Christophe Prud'homme <>¶ madlib openturns (U) paraview+ (U) Christophe Trophime <>¶ eficas (U) freefem++ (U) getdp (U) gmsh (U) sundials (U) Christopher Baines <>¶ python-bleach (U) Christopher Hoskin <>¶ csvjdbc (U) libnet-nessus-xmlrpc-perl (U) libnet-radius-perl (U) Christopher James Halse Rogers <>¶ colord docky (U) fsharp (U) gnome-do (U) gnome-do-plugins (U) Christos Trochalakis <>¶ nginx (U) ClamAV Team <>¶ clamav Claus Wimmer <>¶ javamorph Clint Adams <>¶ ghc (U) glibc (U) haskell-asn1-parse (U) haskell-asn1-types (U) haskell-async (U) haskell-attoparsec-enumerator (U) haskell-authenticate-oauth (U) haskell-basic-prelude (U) haskell-bindings-sane (U) haskell-blaze-textual (U) haskell-bytedump (U) haskell-byteorder (U) haskell-bytestring-lexing (U) haskell-cassava (U) haskell-cgi (U) haskell-charset (U) haskell-chart (U) haskell-cipher-aes (U) haskell-classy-prelude (U) haskell-cmdargs (U) haskell-conduit-combinators (U) haskell-configurator (U) haskell-convertible (U) haskell-cprng-aes (U) haskell-crypto-random-api (U) haskell-cryptohash (U) haskell-csv-conduit (U) haskell-data-default-instances-base (U) haskell-data-inttrie (U) haskell-data-memocombinators (U) haskell-dpkg (U) haskell-dyre (U) haskell-either (U) haskell-email-validate (U) haskell-entropy (U) haskell-errors (U) haskell-esqueleto (U) haskell-executable-path (U) haskell-fast-logger (U) haskell-fb (U) haskell-file-embed (U) haskell-file-location (U) haskell-foldl (U) haskell-gd (U) haskell-gitlib (U) haskell-gnuidn (U) haskell-happstack-hsp (U) haskell-hashable (U) haskell-hashmap (U) haskell-hedis (U) haskell-hit (U) haskell-hledger (U) haskell-hledger-web (U) haskell-hourglass (U) haskell-hsemail (U) haskell-hspec-expectations (U) haskell-http (U) haskell-http-date (U) haskell-iconv (U) haskell-incremental-parser (U) haskell-io-choice (U) haskell-io-storage (U) haskell-iospec (U) haskell-lens (U) haskell-libxml-sax (U) haskell-logict (U) haskell-markdown (U) haskell-mbox (U) haskell-mime-mail (U) haskell-mime-types (U) haskell-mmorph (U) haskell-monad-control (U) haskell-monad-loops (U) haskell-monadcryptorandom (U) haskell-monadprompt (U) haskell-mono-traversable (U) haskell-monoid-subclasses (U) haskell-mtlparse (U) haskell-netwire (U) haskell-numbers (U) haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor (U) haskell-pandoc-citeproc (U) haskell-parallel (U) haskell-path-pieces (U) haskell-pem (U) haskell-persistent (U) haskell-persistent-postgresql (U) haskell-persistent-sqlite (U) haskell-persistent-template (U) haskell-pipes (U) haskell-pipes-parse (U) haskell-pipes-zlib (U) haskell-prelude-extras (U) haskell-primes (U) haskell-profunctors (U) haskell-project-template (U) haskell-puremd5 (U) haskell-quickcheck-instances (U) haskell-random-shuffle (U) haskell-reactive-banana (U) haskell-readargs (U) haskell-reflection (U) haskell-reform (U) haskell-reform-happstack (U) haskell-regex-pcre (U) haskell-snap (U) haskell-snap-templates (U) haskell-twitter-types-lens (U) haskell-xml-conduit (U) posh rss2irc (U) Colin Tuckley <>¶ aprx (U) Colin Tuckley <>¶ libzia (U) trustedqsl (U) Colin Turner <>¶ gnome-do-plugins (U) Colin Watson <>¶ fatresize (U) grub (U) grub2#+++ (U) haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi (U) Corey Bryant <>¶ murano (U) python-congressclient (U) python-keystonemiddleware (U) python-oslo.db (U) python-oslo.utils (U) python-oslo.vmware (U) python-oslotest (U) python-swiftclient (U) python-zaqarclient (U) Cosimo Alfarano <>¶ openni (U) openni2 (U) Craig Small <>¶ lprng Cristian Greco <>¶ libtorrent-rasterbar cristian paul peñaranda rojas <>¶ n2n Cross Toolchain Base Team <>¶ cross-toolchain-base CrossWire Packaging Team <>¶ bibledit-gtk Cupt developers <>¶ cupt Cyril Bouthors <>¶ php-redis (U) python-mk-livestatus (U) Cyril Bouthors <>¶ python-mk-livestatus (U) Cyril Bouthors <>¶ python-mk-livestatus (U) Cyril Brulebois <>¶ debian-installer# (U) Cédric Boutillier <>¶ cucumber (U) highlight.js (U) libm4ri (U) nanoc (U) qtruby (U) ruby-jbuilder (U) D Haley <>¶ opticalraytracer (U) Dafydd Harries <>¶ telepathy-python (U) Daigo Moriwaki <>¶ clojure (U) Dain Nilsson <>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) Dale E. Martin <>¶ pccts Dale Mellor <>¶ mcron Damien Raude-Morvan <>¶ activemq (U) activemq-activeio (U) activemq-protobuf (U) antelope (U) asm (U) aspectj (U) async-http-client (U) axis (U) ca-certificates-java (U) classycle (U) codenarc (U) commons-beanutils (U) commons-configuration (U) commons-jci (U) commons-math (U) commons-vfs (U) felix-bundlerepository (U) felix-framework (U) felix-gogo-runtime (U) felix-gogo-shell (U) felix-main (U) gradle (U) httpcomponents-client (U) icedtea-web (U) jasperreports (U) jasypt (U) josql (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libasm4-java (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libcommons-dbcp-java (U) libcommons-discovery-java (U) libcommons-fileupload-java (U) libcommons-lang3-java (U) libfreemarker-java (U) libhamcrest-java (U) libhibernate3-java (U) libjaxen-java (U) libjdom1-java (U) libnative-platform-java (U) libspring-java (U) libswingx-java (U) libxbean-java (U) libxerces2-java (U) libxmlrpc3-java (U) logback (U) maven (U) maven-bundle-plugin (U) maven-doxia-tools (U) mina2 (U) modello (U) modello-maven-plugin (U) mondrian (U) mvel (U) ognl (U) osgi-foundation-ee (U) plexus-classworlds2 (U) plexus-utils2 (U) portlet-api-2.0-spec (U) rhino (U) tiles (U) uima-as (U) uimaj (U) werken.xpath (U) xmlbeans (U) xmlbeans-maven-plugin (U) Damyan Ivanov <>¶ bgoffice firebird3.0 (U) libconvert-asn1-perl (U) libend-perl (U) libgraphics-libplot-perl (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) libmarc-xml-perl (U) libmodule-inspector-perl (U) libnet-ssleay-perl (U) libnet-z3950-zoom-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libuser-identity-perl (U) libwww-mechanize-shell-perl (U) libwx-perl (U) libxml-xpathengine-perl (U) libyaml-appconfig-perl (U) Dan Stowell <>¶ supercollider (U) Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <>¶ biber (U) cjk (U) latex-cjk-chinese-arphic (U) Daniel Beyer <>¶ sgabios Daniel Dehennin <>¶ moarvm (U) nqp (U) Daniel Gimpelevich <>¶ pianobooster (U) Daniel Glassey <>¶ bibledit-gtk (U) fonts-century-catalogue (U) fonts-levien-typoscript (U) fonts-sil-abyssinica (U) Daniel Jacobowitz <>¶ binutils#++ (U) Daniel Jared Dominguez <>¶ pesign+ (U) Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>¶ debirf (U) dkg-handwriting libgpg-error (U) pinentry (U) py-postgresql (U) Daniel Leidert (dale) <>¶ xmlroff (U) Daniel Leidert <>¶ travis (U) Daniel Lintott <>¶ libgeo-point-perl (U) libnet-frame-dump-perl (U) libnet-frame-layer-ipv6-perl (U) libnet-traceroute-perl (U) Daniel Martin <>¶ tkdesk Daniel Pocock <>¶ asterisk (U) netxx Daniel Pocock <>¶ flactag (U) jssip (U) libphonenumber (U) postbooks-updater (U) qpid-proton (U) r-cran-tm (U) sipxtapi (U) weupnp (U) Daniel Schepler <>¶ ddd mariadb-connector-c (U) Daniel Silverstone <>¶ gitano netsurf (U) Daniel Stender <>¶ nltk (U) Daniel Stender <>¶ gamera golang-github-azure-go-ntlmssp (U) golang-github-mitchellh-ioprogress (U) pyinfra (U) Daniele Tricoli <>¶ pyth (U) Dario Minnucci <>¶ mon-contrib# Darryl L. Pierce <>¶ qpid-proton (U) Darshaka Pathirana <>¶ anytun Dave Beckett <>¶ pycairo (U) Dave Hibberd <>¶ aprx (U) Dave Holland <>¶ biff xjig Dave Love <>¶ gridengine# (U) Dave Vehrs <>¶ podget David Banks <>¶ sisc David Bremner <>¶ haskell-mode (U) notmuch (U) polymake racket David Cournapeau <>¶ python-scipy (U) David Della Vecchia <>¶ python-congressclient (U) python-oslo.db (U) python-oslo.utils (U) python-oslo.vmware (U) python-oslotest (U) David Given <>¶ wordgrinder David Kalnischkies <>¶ module-assistant (U) David Martínez Moreno <>¶ glob2 David Nusinow <>¶ discover (U) David Palacio <>¶ qtruby (U) smokeqt (U) David Paleino <>¶ apache-mime4j (U) codeblocks gambas3 (U) mapnik (U) node-jake (U) node-traverse (U) openlayers (U) osmosis (U) packeth pypibrowser sysinfo (U) uncertainties David Prévot <>¶ doc-linux-fr php-finder-facade (U) phpdox (U) David Villa Alises <>¶ python-bitbucket David Watson <>¶ pep8 (U) Davide G. M. Salvetti <>¶ auctexP mimefilter Davide Viti <>¶ fonts-dejavu (U) fonts-freefont (U) ttf-freefont (U) dctrl-tools developers <>¶ dctrl-tools Debian 3-D Printing Packages <>¶ slic3r slic3r-prusa Debian 389ds Team <>¶ idm-console-framework jss Debian Accessibility Team <>¶ brltty gnome-mousetrap qt-at-spi Debian ACE+TAO maintainers <>¶ ace Debian ALSA Maintainers <>¶ alsa-tools Debian Apache Maintainers <>¶ apr Debian Arabic Packaging Team <>¶ aspell-ar-large Debian Astro Maintainers <>¶ jsamp Debian Astro Team <>¶ astroplan casacore-data-igrf casacore-data-lines casacore-data-observatories casacore-data-sources chealpix eso-midas gnuastro healpix-cxx libcds-moc-java pyregion splash starlink-ast Debian Astronomy Maintainers <>¶ galpy lorene python-astropy skycat Debian Astronomy Team <>¶ idlastro munipack pyephem python-asdf sunpy wcslib yt Debian Authentication Maintainers <>¶ libu2f-host+ libu2f-server pam-u2f Debian Bacula Team <>¶ bacula bacula-doc Debian Bazaar Maintainers <>¶ bzr Debian Berkeley DB Group <>¶ db5.3 Debian Boost Team <>¶ boost1.62 Debian Cgit Packaging Team <>¶ cgit Debian Chinese Team <>¶ debian-zh-faq qterm Debian Chromium Maintainers <>¶ chromium chromium-browser Debian Cinnamon Team <>¶ cinnamon-desktop Debian CLI Applications Team <>¶ banshee bareftp bless docky fsharp gnome-do gnome-do-plugins hexbox keepass2 monodevelop nuget openmcdf pdfmod sysinfo tasque yahtzeesharp Debian CLI Libraries Team <>¶ cecil-flowanalysis db4o gdata-sharp gnome-sharp2 gtk-sharp-beans gtk-sharp2 gtk-sharp3 log4net mono-addins mono-upnp mono-zeroconf newtonsoft-json nini nrefactory nunit opentk# taglib-sharp taoframework Debian Common Lisp Team <>¶ cffi cmucl ecl sbcl slime Debian CORBA Team <>¶ omniorb-dfsg Debian Curry Maintainers <>¶ curry-libs curry-tools Debian D Language Group <>¶ dub Debian DNS Packaging <>¶ bind9 dnssec-trigger knot nsd unbound Debian Documentation Project <>¶ refcard Debian DPDK Maintainers <>¶ dpdk Debian DRBD Maintainers <>¶ drbd-doc Debian Edu Developers <>¶ debian-edu-doc Debian Edu Packaging Team <>¶ lmms Debian Electronics Team <>¶ pcb-rnd verilator# Debian Emacs addons team <>¶ haskell-mode ilisp muse-el Debian Erlang Packagers <>¶ erlang erlang-cl manderlbot rebar yaws Debian Evolution Maintainers <>¶ evolution-data-server Debian Firebird Group <>¶ firebird3.0 Debian Fonts Task Force <>¶ 3270font fonts-arphic-bkai00mp fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp fonts-atarismall (U) fonts-breip fonts-cabin fonts-cantarell fonts-century-catalogue fonts-dejavu fonts-dustin fonts-ebgaramond fonts-fantasque-sans fonts-freefont fonts-georgewilliams fonts-goudybookletter fonts-isabella fonts-kacst-one fonts-levien-typoscript fonts-linuxlibertine fonts-ocr-a fonts-ocr-b fonts-oldstandard fonts-pecita fonts-play fonts-prociono fonts-sil-abyssinica fonts-tibetan-machine fonts-tuffy fonts-uralic ttf-freefont Debian Forensics <>¶ crack++ dc3dd missidentify myrescue nasty Debian FreeIPMI Maintainers <>¶ freeipmi Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <>¶ libfso-glib Debian Games Team <>¶ 0ad ace-of-penguins allegro5 armagetronad asc asciijump blockattack blockout2 (U) boswars clanlib dd2 empire freecol freedoom gngb goplay hex-a-hop kraptor libclaw lincity-ng liquidwar love mame megaglest mgba monsterz mrrescue netrek-client-cow nikwi ode pangzero pathogen peg-e pianobooster plib-doc (U) pokerth pong2 pysolfc pysolfc-cardsets python-sfml qjoypad simutrans-pak128.britain spring supertuxkart tatan trigger-rally tumiki-fighters ufoai ufoai-data ufoai-maps ufoai-music viruskiller warzone2100 xaos xgalaga++ yabause Debian Gauche Maintainers <>¶ gauche gauche-c-wrapper gauche-gtk Debian GCC Maintainers <>¶ autoconf2.59 gcc-6 gcc-6-cross gcc-6-cross-ports gcc-defaults gcc-python-plugin libabigail Debian GIS Project <>¶ gmt grass hdf5 jts mapnik nco node-leaflet-formbuilder openlayers osmcoastline osmosis owslib pktools postgis postgis-java python-geopandas python-rtree python-shapely qgis qlandkartegt routino savi Debian GNOME Maintainers <>¶ cogl four-in-a-row gdm3 gedit gedit-plugins gnome-documents gnome-system-monitor gnome-video-arcade (U) gtk+3.0 iagno libcanberra libgda5 libxml++2.6 mm-common+ pyorbit (U) rarian totem vte2.91 Debian GNU Smalltalk maintainers <>¶ gnu-smalltalk Debian GnuPG Maintainers <>¶ libgpg-error pinentry Debian GNUstep maintainers <>¶ dbuskit gnustep-base gnustep-dl2 gnustep-gui gnustep-make Debian GnuTLS Maintainers <>¶ gnutls28 libgcrypt20 Debian Go Packaging Team <>¶ dnss golang-github-appc-cni golang-github-azure-go-ntlmssp golang-github-blang-semver golang-github-coreos-pkg golang-github-ghodss-yaml golang-github-mitchellh-ioprogress golang-github-puerkitobio-purell golang-github-tinylib-msgp golang-github-yosssi-ace hugo influxdb prometheus-blackbox-exporter prometheus-mysqld-exporter prometheus-node-exporter Debian Graphite Group <>¶ logster Debian Grid Engine Maintainers <>¶ gridengine# Debian GSS Team <>¶ gss Debian HA Maintainers <>¶ booth heartbeat resource-agents Debian Hamradio Maintainers <>¶ aprx gnss-sdr libzia limesuite trustedqsl Debian HAProxy Maintainers <>¶ haproxy Debian Haskell Group <>¶ agda darcs frown ghc ghc-mod ghc-testsuite haskell-adjunctions haskell-ansi-wl-pprint haskell-asn1-parse haskell-asn1-types haskell-async haskell-attoparsec-enumerator haskell-authenticate-oauth haskell-aws haskell-basic-prelude haskell-bifunctors haskell-bindings-sane haskell-blaze-builder haskell-blaze-svg haskell-blaze-textual haskell-bmp haskell-bytedump haskell-byteorder haskell-bytestring-lexing haskell-bytestring-progress haskell-cairo haskell-cassava haskell-cereal haskell-cgi haskell-charset haskell-chart haskell-chell haskell-cipher-aes haskell-classy-prelude haskell-clock haskell-cmdargs haskell-colour haskell-comonad haskell-conduit-combinators haskell-configurator haskell-control-monad-free haskell-convertible haskell-cprng-aes haskell-criterion haskell-crypto-cipher-tests haskell-crypto-random-api haskell-cryptohash haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi haskell-csv-conduit haskell-data-default-class haskell-data-default-instances-base haskell-data-inttrie haskell-data-memocombinators haskell-dbus haskell-debian haskell-dependent-sum haskell-dependent-sum-template haskell-devscripts haskell-diagrams-lib haskell-diagrams-svg haskell-diff haskell-digest haskell-distributive haskell-dns haskell-dpkg haskell-dual-tree haskell-dyre haskell-edison-core haskell-edit-distance haskell-either haskell-email-validate haskell-entropy haskell-errors haskell-esqueleto haskell-executable-path haskell-fast-logger haskell-fb haskell-fdo-notify haskell-feed haskell-file-embed haskell-file-location haskell-filemanip haskell-foldl haskell-free haskell-gd haskell-ghc-events haskell-ghc-paths haskell-ghc-syb-utils haskell-gio haskell-github haskell-gitlib haskell-glib haskell-gluraw haskell-gnuidn haskell-gtk-traymanager haskell-happstack-hsp haskell-hashable haskell-hashmap haskell-hashtables haskell-haskell-src haskell-hedis haskell-hint haskell-hit haskell-hledger haskell-hledger-web haskell-hmatrix haskell-hostname haskell-hourglass haskell-hs-bibutils haskell-hsemail haskell-hsp haskell-hspec-expectations haskell-hstringtemplate haskell-hsyslog haskell-html haskell-http haskell-http-date haskell-http-link-header haskell-hxt haskell-hxt-charproperties haskell-hxt-curl haskell-hxt-http haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema haskell-hxt-relaxng haskell-hxt-unicode haskell-iconv haskell-idna haskell-ieee754 haskell-ifelse haskell-incremental-parser haskell-intervals haskell-io-choice haskell-io-storage haskell-iospec haskell-iproute haskell-irc haskell-iso8601-time haskell-js-jquery haskell-json haskell-keys haskell-language-haskell-extract haskell-lazysmallcheck haskell-lens haskell-libxml-sax haskell-lifted-async haskell-listlike haskell-logict haskell-lrucache haskell-markdown haskell-math-functions haskell-maths haskell-mbox haskell-memoize haskell-mersenne-random-pure64 haskell-mime-mail haskell-mime-types haskell-mmap haskell-mmorph haskell-monad-control haskell-monad-loops haskell-monad-par-extras haskell-monadcryptorandom haskell-monadprompt haskell-mono-traversable haskell-monoid-subclasses haskell-mtlparse haskell-mueval haskell-mwc-random haskell-ncurses haskell-netwire haskell-network-info haskell-newtype haskell-numbers haskell-numeric-extras haskell-numinstances haskell-numtype haskell-objectname haskell-opengl haskell-openglraw haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor haskell-options haskell-pandoc-citeproc haskell-pango haskell-parallel haskell-parsec haskell-path-pieces haskell-patience haskell-pcap haskell-pcre-light haskell-pem haskell-persistent haskell-persistent-postgresql haskell-persistent-sqlite haskell-persistent-template haskell-pipes haskell-pipes-parse haskell-pipes-zlib haskell-pointed haskell-pointedlist haskell-polyparse haskell-prelude-extras haskell-primes haskell-primitive haskell-process-extras haskell-profunctors haskell-project-template haskell-punycode haskell-puremd5 haskell-quickcheck-instances haskell-random haskell-random-shuffle haskell-reactive-banana haskell-readargs haskell-reflection haskell-reform haskell-reform-happstack haskell-regex-base haskell-regex-pcre haskell-snap haskell-snap-templates haskell-stack haskell-twitter-types-lens haskell-xml-conduit haskell-zxcvbn-c haskell98-report+ ldap-haskell rss2irc yi Debian Hebrew Packaging Team <>¶ bidiui libhdate Debian Icecast team <>¶ ezstream Debian Install System Team <>¶ console-setup debian-installer# discover installation-guide partman-auto udpkg Debian IoT Maintainers <>¶ alljoyn-core-1504 alljoyn-core-1509 alljoyn-core-1604 openzwave Debian iproute2 Maintainers <>¶ iproute2 Debian Java maintainers <>¶ argparse4j fest-assert fest-test jackson-datatype-guava jackson-datatype-joda java-allocation-instrumenter latexdraw (U) libnanoxml2-java sikulix Debian Java Maintainers <>¶ access-modifier-checker activemq activemq-activeio activemq-protobuf akuma ant antelope antlr antlr3 antlr3.2 antlr4 apache-log4j-extras1.2 apache-log4j1.2 apache-log4j2 apache-mime4j args4j asm asm3 aspectj async-http-client axis axmlrpc batik bcel beansbinding bouncycastle bsaf bsh bytecode c3p0 ca-certificates-java castor cdk cglib checkstyle classycle clojure closure-compiler codenarc commons-beanutils commons-configuration commons-csv commons-io commons-jci commons-math commons-math3 commons-vfs csvjdbc dbus-java derby dokujclient dom4j doxia doxia-sitetools easymock ecj eclipse-cdt eclipse-cdt-pkg-config eclipse-mercurialeclipse eclipse-mylyn eclipselink emma-coverage felix-bundlerepository felix-framework felix-gogo-runtime felix-gogo-shell felix-main fest-reflect flute fop freeplane ganymed-ssh2 geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec geronimo-jta-1.1-spec gluegen2 gmetrics gradle graxxia groovy guava-libraries guice h2database hessian httpcomponents-client httpunit hyperic-sigar icu4j icu4j-4.2 ini4j insubstantial invokebinder isorelax ivy jabref jackson-annotations jackson-core jackson-databind jackson-dataformat-cbor jackson-dataformat-smile jackson-dataformat-xml jackson-dataformat-yaml jacoco jakarta-jmeter+ jargs jasperreports jasypt java-gnome java-policy java3d javahelp2 javamail javassist javawriter jaxb jblas jboss-classfilewriter jboss-jdeparser2 jboss-logging jboss-logging-tools jboss-logmanager jboss-modules jboss-xnio jenkins-json jenkins-trilead-ssh2 jericho-html jffi jgit jmdns jmock2 jnr-constants jnr-ffi jnr-unixsocket joda-convert joptsimple josql jpathwatch jruby jruby-openssl jsap jsoup jta jtharness jtidy jtreg jxplorer jython knopflerfish-osgi libandroid-json-org-java libapache-poi-java libasm4-java libcobra-java libcodemodel-java libcommons-codec-java libcommons-collections3-java libcommons-collections4-java libcommons-dbcp-java libcommons-digester-java libcommons-discovery-java libcommons-fileupload-java libcommons-jexl2-java libcommons-jxpath-java libcommons-lang-java libcommons-lang3-java libcommons-net-java libcommons-validator-java# libdecentxml-java libdtdparser-java libfastutil-java libformula libfreemarker-java libglazedlists-java libgnuinet-java libgnumail-java libgpars-groovy-java libhamcrest-java libhibernate-validator-java libhibernate3-java libhtml5parser-java libhtmlparser-java libidw-java libirclib-java libiscwt-java libisrt-java libitext5-java libj2ssh-java libjackson-json-java libjaxen-java libjaxp1.3-java libjboss-marshalling-java libjdbm-java libjdom1-java libjdom2-java libjemmy2-java libjfreechart-java libjgraph-java libjgraphx-java libjgroups-java libjlatexmath-java libjlha-java libjoda-time-java libjogl2-java libjpf-java libjsonp-java libjtds-java libjuniversalchardet-java liblayout libloader libmetadata-extractor-java libnative-platform-java libnb-platform18-java libonemind-commons-invoke-java libonemind-commons-java-java libowasp-antisamy-java libowasp-esapi-java libpdfbox-java libpgjava libphonenumber libpicocontainer-java libquartz-java libregexp-java librepository libsaxon-java libskinlf-java libspin-java libspring-java libswingx-java libtablelayout-java libtggraphlayout-java libvldocking-java libvt-ldap-java libxalan2-java libxbean-java libxerces2-java libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java libxml-security-java libxmlrpc3-java libxpp2-java libxpp3-java livetribe-jsr223 localizer logback lombok lucene-solr lucene2 lucene4.10 mathpiper maven maven-antrun-extended-plugin maven-bundle-plugin maven-common-artifact-filters maven-compiler-plugin maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 maven-dependency-tree maven-doxia-tools maven-jar-plugin maven-plugin-testing maven-replacer-plugin maven-reporting-impl maven-scm maven-shared-incremental maven-shared-io maven-shared-jar maven-shared-utils maven-verifier maven2-core mina2 mockito mockobjects modello modello-maven-plugin mojarra mondrian mp4parser mvel naga nekohtml net-luminis-build-plugin netbeans objenesis ognl okio opencsv openhft-compiler openid4java openjdk-8-jre-dcevm openjfx openjpa osgi-foundation-ee owasp-java-html-sanitizer pentaho-reporting-flow-engine pirl pleiades plexus-active-collections plexus-build-api plexus-cipher plexus-classworlds plexus-classworlds2 plexus-cli plexus-compiler plexus-compiler-1.0 plexus-component-api plexus-container-default plexus-containers plexus-digest plexus-interactivity-api plexus-interpolation plexus-utils2 portlet-api-2.0-spec qdox2 relaxngcc rhino robocode rome sacjava saxonb scala scala-parser-combinators scala-xml sdes4j serp service-wrapper-java sitemesh snakeyaml spatial4j sqljet statcvs sunflow svnkit sweethome3d-furniture swt-gtk t-digest tagsoup tcode tiles tomcat7 tomcat8 trilead-ssh2 triplea tuxguitar tycho uima-as uimaj vecmath velocity visualvm wagon weka werken.xpath weupnp wsdl4j wsil4j xhtmlrenderer xmlbeans xmlbeans-maven-plugin xmlgraphics-commons xmlunit xom zookeeper Debian Javascript Maintainers <>¶ highlight.js jssip libjs-requirejs-text node-async node-constantinople node-cookies node-dryice node-etag node-fuzzaldrin-plus node-graceful-fs node-jake node-js-yaml node-log4js node-loose-envify node-lru-cache node-moment node-multiparty node-ncp node-node-redis node-normalize-package-data node-parseurl node-querystringify node-raw-body node-retry node-rimraf node-security node-semver node-setimmediate node-source-map node-tap node-through2 node-traverse node-wrench node-xmlhttprequest-ssl node-yauzl should.js Debian Julia Team <>¶ julia Debian Kannel maintainers <>¶ kannel Debian KDE Extras Team <>¶ exiv2 kphotoalbum kvirc Debian kernel team <>¶ kernel-handbook Debian Kolab Maintainers <>¶ libkolabxml Debian LAVA team <>¶ lava-server Debian LEGO Team <>¶ libnxt Debian Let's Encrypt <>¶ python-acme python-certbot Debian LibreOffice Maintainers <>¶ hsqldb1.8.0 libreoffice librevenge lightproof writer2latex Debian Libvirt Maintainers <>¶ libguestfs libvirt virt-top Debian LSB Team <>¶ lsb Debian LXDE Maintainers <>¶ lxlauncher lxmusic lxrandr pcmanfm Debian Lynx Packaging Team <>¶ lynx Debian LyX Maintainers <>¶ lyx Debian MC Packaging Group <>¶ mc Debian Med Packaging <>¶ libzstd Debian Med Packaging Team <>¶ ball bart biococoa biojava-live biojava4-live cdbfasta consensuscore crac dicom3tools emboss fis-gtm gbrowse genometools ginkgocadx htsjdk iqtree jam-lib jebl2 jmodeltest libhpptools libjung-free-java libpal-java librcsb-core-wrapper librg-utils-perl libsbml logol macsyfinder mapsembler2 maq metastudent-data microbiomeutil mira mothur mummer ncbi-blast+ ncbi-seg norsnet openmolar orthanc orthanc-webviewer phybin piler pixelmed praat primer3 prodigal profisis profnet pycorrfit pyqi pyscanfcs python-biopython python-cogent python-hl7 python-skbio r-bioc-rsamtools r-bioc-shortread r-cran-batchjobs r-cran-boolnet r-cran-diagnosismed r-cran-fastcluster r-cran-futile.logger r-cran-lambda.r raster3d rdp-classifier seqan2 tigr-glimmer treeview trinityrnaseq Debian Middleware Maintainers <>¶ qpid-proton Debian MongoDB Maintainers <>¶ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy mongodb Debian Mono Group <>¶ mod-mono mono+ mono-basic mono-reference-assemblies mono-tools Debian Mozilla Extension Maintainers <>¶ nostalgy Debian Multimedia Maintainers <>¶ ardour blender caps collada2gltf directfb drumkv1 ecasound eq10q ffmpeg+ ffmpeg2theora+ forked-daapd gmerlin-avdecoder gmusicbrowser groovebasin handbrake hexter hydrogen idjc jaaa jack-audio-connection-kit kodi kodi-pvr-iptvsimple libambix libbluray libffado liblo liblscp mixxx mp3fs mplayer mustang-plug openni openni-sensor-pointclouds openni-sensor-primesense openni2 pd-cyclone pd-flite pd-ggee pd-libdir pd-mrpeach qjackctl qjackrcd qtractor rumor samplv1 synfigstudio synthv1 taopm tsdecrypt vamp-plugin-sdk vlc#+ whitedune# x42-plugins zyne Debian Multimedia Packages Maintainers <>¶ supercollider Debian Multimedia Team <>¶ flactag sonic-pi Debian MySQL Maintainers <>¶ mariadb-10.1 mariadb-connector-c mylvmbackup Debian Nagios Maintainer Group <>¶ icinga2 Debian Network Simulators Team <>¶ ns2 Debian Nginx Maintainers <>¶ nginx Debian NTP Team <>¶ ntp Debian OCaml Maintainers <>¶ advi apron ben bibtex2html cduce coccinelle coq dose3 frama-c galax gmetadom js-of-ocaml labltk liquidsoap marionnet mldonkey mlgmp mlpost nss-passwords obus ocaml-atd ocaml-config-file ocaml-data-notation ocaml-deriving-ocsigen ocaml-gavl ocaml-gettext ocaml-ipaddr ocaml-sha ocaml-text ocamlbricks ocamlgraph ocamlnet ocamlviz ocamlweb ocp-indent omake# opam ppx-deriving prooftree utop Debian Octave Group <>¶ dynare mwrap octave octave-econometrics octave-gsl octave-ltfat octave-nan octave-secs2d octave-sockets octave-specfun octave-tsa Debian OFED Infiniband packaging team <>¶ infinipath-psm+ Debian OLPC <>¶ python-xklavier Debian Open MPI Maintainers <>¶ openmpi (U) Debian OpenCL Maintainers <>¶ beignet khronos-opengl-man4PP oclgrind pocl Debian OpenDBX Maintainers <>¶ libopendbx Debian OpenOffice Team <>¶ ooolib-perl Debian Orbital Alignment Team <>¶ eclipse eclipse-rse Debian Perl Group <>¶ libarray-group-perl libcalendar-simple-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libend-perl libgeo-coordinates-itm-perl libgeo-point-perl libgraphics-libplot-perl libgraphics-primitive-perl libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl libhtml-html5-sanity-perl libhtml-microformats-perl libhtml-prettyprinter-perl libhtml-tree-perl libhtml-wikiconverter-snipsnap-perl libhttp-oai-perl libhttp-proxy-perl libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl libimage-math-constrain-perl libimage-size-perl libio-callback-perl libio-digest-perl libio-pipely-perl libio-prompt-tiny-perl libio-socket-multicast-perl libjson-xs-perl libkwargs-perl liblingua-en-number-isordinal-perl liblingua-en-numbers-ordinate-perl liblocale-maketext-gettext-perl# liblocale-subcountry-perl liblog-any-adapter-dispatch-perl libmail-verp-perl libmakefile-dom-perl libmarc-charset-perl libmarc-crosswalk-dublincore-perl libmarc-file-mij-perl libmarc-xml-perl libmath-combinatorics-perl libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl libmath-prime-util-perl libmediawiki-api-perl libmemoize-expirelru-perl libmemoize-memcached-perl libmeta-builder-perl libmime-lite-tt-html-perl libmodule-build-withxspp-perl libmodule-build-xsutil-perl libmodule-inspector-perl libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl libmodule-install-rdf-perl libmoosex-meta-typeconstraint-forcecoercion-perl libmoosex-mungehas-perl libmoosex-param-perl libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl libnet-address-ip-local-perl libnet-cidr-lite-perl libnet-frame-dump-perl libnet-frame-layer-ipv6-perl libnet-jabber-bot-perl libnet-nessus-xmlrpc-perl libnet-radius-perl libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libnet-traceroute-perl libnet-z3950-zoom-perl libnumber-format-perl libpar-dist-perl libparanoid-perl libparser-mgc-perl libpdl-linearalgebra-perl libpdl-stats-perl libpgobject-perl libpgobject-simple-perl libpgobject-simple-role-perl libpod-2-docbook-perl libpoe-component-schedule-perl (U) libpoe-perl librdf-doap-perl librinci-perl librose-db-perl librpc-xml-perl libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl libstatistics-descriptive-perl libsub-name-perl libtest-deep-type-perl libtest-http-server-simple-perl libtext-trim-perl libtk-histentry-perl libtokyocabinet-perl libtransmission-client-perl libtree-xpathengine-perl libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl liburi-find-delimited-perl libuser-identity-perl libuuid-perl libverilog-perl libwww-mechanize-shell-perl libwwwbrowser-perl libwx-perl libxml-dom-xpath-perl libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl libxml-sax-expatxs-perl libxml-sax-perl libxml-sax-writer-perl libxml-semanticdiff-perl libxml-writer-perl libxml-xpathengine-perl libyaml-appconfig-perl libyaml-syck-perl pdl sqitch Debian PhotoTools Maintainers <>¶ enblend-enfuse pfstools Debian PHP Maintainers <>¶ php7.0 Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers <>¶ php-finder-facade php-mail php-net-socket phpdox Debian PHP PECL Maintainers <>¶ php-redis Debian Pkg-e Team <>¶ e17 efl elementary Debian Policy List <>¶ debian-policy Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers <>¶ pgadmin3 pgagent plr postgresql-pgmp skytools3 Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers <>¶ postgresql-9.6 Debian Printing Group <>¶ pyppd Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers <>¶ onionbalance Debian protobuf maintainers <>¶ protobuf Debian Pure Blend Team <>¶ blends Debian Python Applications Team <>¶ pelican wader Debian Python Modules Team <>¶ basemap+ (U) celery cherrypy3 cloud-sptheme dbf (U) django-celery gamera (U) jpylyzer kiwi (U) ldaptor matplotlib (U) mocker myghty nose2 (U) pebl pep8 plainbox (U) plastex (U) prettytable (U) pubtal (U) py-postgresql (U) pycairo pylast pyodbc (U) pyqt5 pyqwt5 (U) pyside pysvn pytest pyth python-activipy python-adns python-bioblend python-bitarray (U) python-bitbucket (U) python-bleach python-cement python-cycler (U) python-distutils-extra python-django python-django-piston python-docutils python-fisx python-flake8 python-gdata python-gflags python-git python-guacamole python-igraph python-jpype python-ly python-lzma python-mplexporter python-mysqldb python-networkx (U) python-nine python-numpy (U) python-padme python-passlib python-pex (U) python-pgmagick python-poppler-qt5 python-pykka (U) python-pynzb python-pysnmp4-mibs (U) python-qtconsole python-scipy python-service-identity python-simpy3 python-socketpool python-softlayer python-tornadorpc (U) python-ws4py python-xlib+ python-xmltv (U) python-zeroconf pyzmq quixote1 rabbyt rgain sphinx+ sqlalchemy (U) subliminal subvertpy templayer yarl (U) Debian QA Group <>¶ a2ps autoproject balder2d canna courier-authlib courier-unicode criticalmass cutils dia docbook-xsl-saxon fortunes-ru freewnn gdbm# gfxboot+ gnuift grap guile-gnome-platform hfsplus htp icon+ lft libdumbnet libnss-lwres lout luakit malaga minlog mm3d mozplugger mpt-status mtink obexftp open-cobol pegasus-wms php-cas piespy prover9-manual pygccxml python-pcs python-whoosh qcomicbook qtsmbstatus regexxer seyon sgml-base-doc smlnj splint syslinux tacacs+ tagcoll2 tclx8.4 texi2html tse3 ttf-engadget ttf-staypuft tuxpaint udo unicon# virtuoso-opensource wmii-doc Debian QEMU Team <>¶ openbios openhackware qemu# slof Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <>¶ kdevelop kdevelop-php kdevelop-python qt4-x11 qtconnectivity-opensource-src qtdoc-opensource-src qtquickcontrols-opensource-src qtruby qtscript-opensource-src qtsensors-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qtwayland-opensource-src qtwebchannel-opensource-src qtwebengine-opensource-src qtwebkit qtwebkit-opensource-src smokeqt Debian Rakudo Maintainers <>¶ moarvm nqp rakudo# Debian Remote Maintainers <>¶ freerdp guacamole-client python-x2go Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <>¶ chake cucumber nanoc open-build-service passenger ruby-colorator ruby-gnome2 ruby-jbuilder ruby-macaddr ruby-netrc ruby-sawyer# ruby-sigar ruby-tioga+ (U) ruby-url-safe-base64 Debian Salt Team <>¶ salt Debian Sass team <>¶ compass-h5bp-plugin ruby-compass Debian Science Maintainers <>¶ ann ask auto-07p berkeley-abc cernlib clipper colpack deal.ii dune-common dune-localfunctions dune-pdelab esys-particle flint flint-arb freecad freefem++ freemat frobby gap-scscp gazebo geant321 gerris gmsh hkl lammps libm4ri librsb linbox logservice maria mclibs# minisat+ mona mpich nfft nltk normaliz ntl oce openctm openturns opticalraytracer palabos paw petsc primesieve pyfai pyfr pymca pysph python-dtcwt python-escript python-fabio r-cran-gbm r-cran-qvcalc rheolef sfepy singular skimage slepc sollya spooles statsmodels sumo surf-alggeo sympy tachyon trilinos vlfeat woo yade yosys Debian Science Team <>¶ apertium apertium-es-ro apertium-hin apertium-kaz apertium-tat atlas cddlib cimg code-saturne coin3 coinor-cgl coinor-symphony eficas fftw fftw3 flann form freefem3d geomview getdp getfem++ giella-sme gnuplot maxima-sage morse-simulator mrmpi openblas opencv paraview+ python-pyqtgraph qtexengine qtiplot r-cran-knitr r-cran-mi r-cran-rsdmx r-cran-teachingdemos r-cran-tm sagemath scilab sundials tetgen vtk6 wordnet xmds2 Debian SDL packages maintainers <>¶ libsdl-console sdlgfx Debian Security Tools Packaging Team <>¶ acct neopi Debian SELinux maintainers <>¶ secilc selinux-basics setools Debian Shishi Team <>¶ shishi Debian SOGo Maintainers <>¶ sogo sope Debian Squeak Team <>¶ squeak-vm Debian Sugar Team <>¶ icon-slicer python-box2d python-gwebsockets sugar-terminal-activity Debian systemd Maintainers <>¶ systemd Debian Telepathy maintainers <>¶ telepathy-python Debian TeX maintainers <>¶ biber cjk latex-cjk-chinese-arphic texworks texworks-manual Debian Tex Maintainers <>¶ bibtool sagetex Debian TeX Task Force <>¶ asymptote Debian Tryton Maintainers <>¶ tryton-modules-sale-complaint Debian UEFI maintainers <>¶ pesign+ Debian VDR Team <>¶ dvbtune linuxtv-dvb-apps vdr-plugin-fritzbox vdr-plugin-live vdr-plugin-skinenigmang vdr-plugin-spider vdr-plugin-sudoku Debian VoIP team <>¶ asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique Debian VoIP Team <>¶ asterisk belle-sip dahdi-linux iaxmodem kamailio libcommoncpp2 opal ptlib sipxtapi Debian WebKit Maintainers <>¶ webkit2gtk webkitgtk Debian Wine Party <>¶ wine wine-development Debian X Strike Force <>¶ libxkbfile libxxf86vm mesa x11proto-core xorg-docs xorg-server Debian Xen Team <>¶ xen Debian Xfce Maintainers <>¶ exo garcon xfce4-terminal Debian Maintainers <>¶ libtheora Debian XML/SGML Group <>¶ epubcheck linuxdoc-tools xmlroff Debian XMPP Maintainers <>¶ gsasl jsjac Debian xTuple Maintainers <>¶ postbooks-updater Debian-IN Team <>¶ fonts-gubbi fonts-lohit-beng-assamese fonts-lohit-beng-bengali fonts-lohit-deva fonts-lohit-guru fonts-lohit-orya fonts-lohit-taml fonts-lohit-taml-classical fonts-lohit-telu fonts-meera-taml fonts-navilu fonts-samyak fonts-smc Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <>¶ akonadi breeze-icons kapptemplate kde4libs kdelibs4support kdesignerplugin krunner kuser kxmlgui libkf5libkdepim libkf5pimcommon muon oxygen-fonts oxygen-icons5 pairs plasma-framework plasma-workspace powerdevil sonnet Debichem Team <>¶ abinit aces3 chemps2 cp2k elpa espresso gromacs libint libint2 madness mpqc opsin psi4 psicode pymol qutemol travis votca-csg Deepak Tripathi <>¶ debian-builder pyodbc python-pysnmp4-mibs (U) Deng Xiyue <>¶ libxml++2.6 (U) Denis Barbier <>¶ oce (U) openturns (U) Denis Briand <>¶ lynx (U) mc (U) pgadmin3 (U) Denis Laxalde <>¶ haskell-hmatrix (U) Developers Reference Maintainers <>¶ developers-reference Diane Trout <>¶ kde4libs (U) Diane Trout <>¶ dnssec-trigger (U) guile-json libkolabxml (U) pybigwig Didier Raboud <>¶ lsb (U) nsis (U) pyppd (U) pyside (U) Dima Kogan <>¶ libpdl-linearalgebra-perl (U) vlfeat (U) Dima Kogan <>¶ lcm+ pcb-rnd (U) Dimitri Fontaine <>¶ pgloader skytools3 (U) Dimitri John Ledkov <>¶ cross-toolchain-base (U) Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <>¶ freefem++ (U) Dirk Eddelbuettel <>¶ gtools littler nwsserver quantlib r-base r-cran-multicore tclap Dirk Huenniger <>¶ mediawiki2latex Dmitrijs Ledkovs <>¶ bibledit-gtk (U) Dmitrijs Ledkovs <>¶ db5.3 (U) Dmitry Bogatov <>¶ complexity haskell-basic-prelude (U) haskell-chart (U) haskell-clock (U) haskell-debian (U) haskell-devscripts (U) haskell-diff (U) haskell-gluraw (U) haskell-http (U) haskell-listlike (U) haskell-memoize (U) haskell-process-extras (U) haskell-readargs (U) haskell-stack (U) mmh Dmitry E. Oboukhov <>¶ blockout2 libjs-jstorage lua-cjson (U) tarantool (U) tarantool-lts wordnet (U) Dmitry Nezhevenko <>¶ pylucene Dmitry Shachnev <>¶ pyqt5 (U) python-docutils (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtscript-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebkit-opensource-src (U) sphinx+ (U) ubuntu-packaging-guide (U) Dmitry Shachnev <>¶ python-gdata (U) Dmitry Smirnov <>¶ blktrace (U) ckeditor ginkgocadx (U) gnucash gnucash-docs gnumeric golang-github-appc-cni (U) golang-github-blang-semver (U) libgit2-glib mc (U) nilfs-tools (U) ntirpc openmolar (U) synfigstudio (U) tupi winswitch xtables-addons (U) zabbix Dmitry Smirnov <>¶ portabase Dominic Hargreaves <>¶ ensymble liburi-find-delimited-perl (U) libwx-perl (U) Dominik george <>¶ libnxt (U) Dominik George <>¶ guacamole-client (U) Dominik Smatana <>¶ jargs (U) Dominique Belhachemi <>¶ mrmpi (U) Dominique Dumont <>¶ libtommath (U) libwx-perl (U) moarvm (U) nqp (U) rakudo# (U) Doug Torrance <>¶ frobby (U) linbox (U) Dr. Tobias Quathamer <>¶ medicalterms Drew Parsons <>¶ gerris (U) petsc (U) slepc (U) Dylan R. E. Moonfire <>¶ log4net (U) mod-mono (U) taoframework (U) Edgar Antonio Palma de la Cruz <>¶ fonts-isabella (U) Eduard Bloch <>¶ cloop icewm liquidwar (U) module-assistant pigz Edward Wang <>¶ vlc#+ (U) Elimar Riesebieter <>¶ alsa-tools (U) lynx (U) Emfox Zhou <>¶ mcomix (U) Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>¶ cogl (U) gdm3 (U) libgda5 (U) telepathy-python (U) webkit2gtk (U) webkitgtk (U) Emmanuel Bourg <>¶ ant (U) antlr3 (U) antlr3.2 (U) antlr4 (U) apache-log4j1.2 (U) apache-log4j2 (U) apache-mime4j (U) asm (U) asm3 (U) axis (U) bcel (U) bouncycastle (U) bsh (U) c3p0 (U) checkstyle (U) commons-beanutils (U) commons-configuration (U) commons-csv (U) commons-io (U) commons-jci (U) commons-math (U) commons-math3 (U) derby (U) dom4j (U) graxxia (U) guava-libraries (U) h2database (U) hessian (U) httpcomponents-client (U) ivy (U) jakarta-jmeter+ (U) java-policy (U) java3d (U) javamail (U) joda-convert (U) jsoup (U) jta (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libcommons-collections3-java (U) libcommons-collections4-java (U) libcommons-dbcp-java (U) libcommons-digester-java (U) libcommons-fileupload-java (U) libcommons-jexl2-java (U) libcommons-jxpath-java (U) libcommons-lang-java (U) libcommons-lang3-java (U) libcommons-net-java (U) libcommons-validator-java# (U) libfreemarker-java (U) libhamcrest-java (U) libhibernate3-java (U) libitext5-java (U) libj2ssh-java (U) libjaxen-java (U) libjdom1-java (U) libjdom2-java (U) libjgroups-java (U) libjoda-time-java (U) libjuniversalchardet-java (U) libmetadata-extractor-java (U) libpdfbox-java (U) libxbean-java (U) libxerces2-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) libxmlrpc3-java (U) maven (U) mina2 (U) mp4parser (U) opencsv (U) openhft-compiler (U) openjdk-8-jre-dcevm (U) openjfx (U) plexus-container-default (U) scala-parser-combinators (U) scala-xml (U) sitemesh (U) tagsoup (U) tomcat7 (U) tomcat8 (U) trilead-ssh2 (U) uimaj (U) vecmath (U) visualvm (U) wagon (U) xmlbeans (U) xmlunit (U) xom (U) Emmanuel Bouthenot <>¶ mpop Emmanuel Kasper <>¶ mame (U) Enrico Tassi <>¶ coq (U) lua-lgi lua50 Enrico Zini <>¶ buffy dballe goplay (U) grib-api (U) Enrique Hernández Bello <>¶ fritzing fritzing-parts Eric Cooper <>¶ ocaml-sha (U) Eric Dorland <>¶ automake-1.15 automake1.11++ gnutls28 (U) libgcrypt20 (U) npth Eric Heintzmann <>¶ gnustep-base (U) gnustep-dl2 (U) gnustep-gui (U) gnustep-make (U) Eric Shattow <>¶ audiotools Erich Schubert <>¶ elki Erik de Castro Lopo <>¶ haskell-json (U) haskell-polyparse (U) libsndfile Erik de Castro Lopo <>¶ darcs (U) Erik Schanze <>¶ unrar-free (U) Ernesto Hernández-Novich (USB) <>¶ libkwargs-perl (U) liblog-any-adapter-dispatch-perl (U) Eshat Cakar <>¶ kuser (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) Etienne Millon <>¶ subliminal (U) Eugen Dedu <>¶ ptlib (U) Eugen Dedu <>¶ opal (U) Eugene Seliverstov <>¶ pstreams Eugene V. Lyubimkin <>¶ cupt (U) fbreader libcddb Eugene Zhukov <>¶ epubcheck (U) Eugene Zhukov <>¶ libsaxon-java (U) saxonb (U) Evgeni Golov <>¶ pokerth (U) yabause (U) Exim4 Maintainers <>¶ exim4 Fabian Greffrath <>¶ fonts-tuffy (U) handbrake (U) Fabian Greffrath <>¶ fonts-cantarell (U) fonts-dejavu (U) fonts-freefont (U) fonts-ocr-b (U) freedoom (U) Fabien Boucher <>¶ pylibssh2 Fabien Poulard <>¶ uimaj (U) Fabio Fantoni <>¶ cinnamon-desktop (U) Fabrizio Regalli <>¶ libhttp-oai-perl (U) libyaml-syck-perl (U) Faidon Liambotis <>¶ dahdi-linux (U) libmaxminddb Fathi Boudra <>¶ akonadi (U) exiv2 (U) kapptemplate (U) kde4libs (U) kdevelop (U) kdevelop-php (U) kphotoalbum (U) kuser (U) lava-server (U) libical oxygen-icons5 (U) qtwebkit (U) x11vnc Federico Ceratto <>¶ uncertainties (U) Federico Ceratto <>¶ onionbalance (U) plinth (U) pymongo Federico Gimenez Nieto <>¶ gnustep-dl2 (U) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <>¶ lifelines Felipe Sateler <>¶ caps (U) groovebasin (U) liblo (U) python-pyaudio (U) supercollider (U) Felix Geyer <>¶ passenger (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) sdlgfx (U) Felix Krull <>¶ speedcrunch Felix Natter <>¶ freeplane (U) insubstantial (U) knopflerfish-osgi (U) libidw-java (U) Felix Salfelder <>¶ libm4ri (U) ntl (U) Felix Zielcke <>¶ grub (U) grub2#+++ (U) Filesystems Group <>¶ nilfs-tools Filip Hroch <>¶ munipack (U) Filippo Giunchedi <>¶ prometheus-blackbox-exporter (U) prometheus-mysqld-exporter (U) Filippo Rusconi <>¶ libpwiz (U) libwildmagic (U) tandem-mass (U) Florian Hackenberger <>¶ ktikz Florian Schlichting <>¶ libhtml-microformats-perl (U) libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) libpar-dist-perl (U) libxml-sax-perl (U) Florian Schlichting <>¶ libhtml-html5-sanity-perl (U) libio-pipely-perl (U) libmarc-xml-perl (U) libmodule-build-withxspp-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) libverilog-perl (U) libxml-dom-xpath-perl (U) libxml-sax-writer-perl (U) Floris Bruynooghe <>¶ omniorb-dfsg (U) Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>¶ aolserver4 gmt (U) grass (U) hdf5 (U) jts (U) mapnik (U) nco (U) pktools (U) postgis (U) qgis (U) zlibc Francisco Manuel Garcia Claramonte <>¶ tiger (U) Franck Joncourt <>¶ libxml-writer-perl (U) Francois Marier <>¶ python-acme (U) python-certbot (U) Frank B. Brokken <>¶ c++-annotations stealth yodl Frank Habermann <>¶ ckeditor (U) Frank Hofmann <>¶ dpmb (U) Franklin G Mendoza <>¶ salt (U) François-Régis Vuillemin <>¶ jquery-simpletreemenu Frederic Daniel Luc Lehobey <>¶ qrfcview Frederic Peters <>¶ lasso rarian (U) Frederik Schüler <>¶ styx Fredrik Roubert <>¶ libphonenumber (U) Free Ekanayaka <>¶ hexter (U) idjc (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libffado (U) liblscp (U) mixxx (U) qjackctl (U) qtractor (U) FreedomBox packaging team <>¶ plinth FusionDirectory Maintenance Team <>¶ libpoe-component-schedule-perl Félix Sipma <>¶ patat Gabriele Giacone <>¶ jmock2 (U) jxplorer (U) objenesis (U) sunflow (U) sweethome3d-furniture (U) Gambas Debian Maintainers <>¶ gambas3 Gaudenz Steinlin <>¶ ceph (U) discover (U) openorienteering-mapper+ Geoffrey Thomas <>¶ timidity George Danchev <>¶ c++-annotations (U) stealth (U) yodl (U) George Gesslein II <>¶ mathomatic George Kiagiadakis <>¶ kapptemplate (U) kde4libs (U) kdevelop (U) Georges Khaznadar <>¶ chemical-structures felix-latin fritzing (U) fritzing-parts (U) jsmath jsmath-fonts jsmath-fonts-sprite jsxgraph kicad mediawiki2latex (U) pycode-browser python-whiteboard scolasync sonic-pi (U) sympy (U) wims-moodle Georges Khaznadar <>¶ multipartposthandler Gergely Pilisi <>¶ eclipse-titan Gerrit Pape <>¶ checkpw cvm daemontools dash dot-forward fastforward freecdb+ ftpcopy git ipsvd+ mailfront netqmail qmail-run qmail-tools tinydyndns ucspi-proxy+ ucspi-unix Gert Wollny <>¶ dicom3tools (U) ginkgocadx (U) Gert Wollny <>¶ itksnap (U) vtk6 (U) Ghe Rivero <>¶ python-hp3parclient (U) Ghislain Antony Vaillant <>¶ nfft (U) pyfr (U) python-dtcwt (U) Giacomo Catenazzi <>¶ g15daemon Gianfranco Costamagna <>¶ python-pyqtgraph (U) Gilles Filippini <>¶ code-saturne (U) hdf5 (U) sikulix (U) Gilmar dos Reis Queiroz <>¶ phpwebcounter Giovani Augusto Ferreira <>¶ crack++ (U) missidentify (U) myrescue (U) Giovanni Mascellani <>¶ haskell-feed (U) haskell-hs-bibutils (U) haskell-hsemail (U) haskell-hsp (U) haskell-hstringtemplate (U) isorelax (U) mathpiper (U) Giulio Paci <>¶ mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) sctk Giuseppe Iuculano <>¶ fspy tcptraceroute Giuseppe Iuculano <>¶ apcupsd+ freemat (U) Giuseppe Sacco <>¶ hylafax GNU Libc Maintainers <>¶ glibc Go Compiler Team <>¶ golang-1.7 golang-1.8 Goedson Teixeira Paixao <>¶ kiwi manpages-pt (U) Gonéri Le Bouder <>¶ libclaw (U) monsterz (U) Graham Inggs <>¶ deal.ii (U) elpa (U) julia (U) madness (U) psi4 (U) qutemol (U) trilinos (U) wader (U) Greg Horn <>¶ coinor-ipopt gregor herrmann <>¶ jabref (U) libcalendar-simple-perl (U) libconvert-asn1-perl (U) libend-perl (U) libgeo-coordinates-itm-perl (U) libglazedlists-java (U) libhtml-tree-perl (U) libhttp-proxy-perl (U) libimage-size-perl (U) libio-socket-multicast-perl (U) libjgraph-java (U) libjpf-java (U) libjson-xs-perl (U) liblingua-en-number-isordinal-perl (U) liblocale-subcountry-perl (U) libmakefile-dom-perl (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) libmath-combinatorics-perl (U) libmath-prime-util-perl (U) libmediawiki-api-perl (U) libmeta-builder-perl (U) libnet-cidr-lite-perl (U) libnet-ssleay-perl (U) libnet-z3950-zoom-perl (U) libonemind-commons-invoke-java (U) libonemind-commons-java-java (U) libpar-dist-perl (U) libparanoid-perl (U) libpdfbox-java (U) libpod-2-docbook-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) librose-db-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl (U) libspin-java (U) libtest-deep-type-perl (U) libtest-http-server-simple-perl (U) libtk-histentry-perl (U) libuser-identity-perl (U) libuuid-perl (U) libverilog-perl (U) libwww-mechanize-shell-perl (U) libwx-perl (U) libxml-dom-xpath-perl (U) libxml-sax-writer-perl (U) libxml-writer-perl (U) libxml-xpathengine-perl (U) libyaml-syck-perl (U) mimetic Gregory Colpart <>¶ pppoeconf Grml Team <>¶ grml-debootstrap Groonga Project <>¶ groonga GRUB Maintainers <>¶ grub grub2#+++ Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <>¶ comedilib eric pyqwt5 qtexengine (U) qtiplot (U) sdcc Guido Guenther <>¶ paramiko (U) virt-top (U) Guido Günther <>¶ libguestfs (U) libvirt (U) nostalgy (U) Guido Trotter <>¶ xen (U) Guilhem Bonnefille <>¶ viking (U) Guilherme de S. Pastore <>¶ manpages-pt Guillaume Delacour <>¶ flowscan qstat (U) Guillaume Mazoyer <>¶ java-gnome (U) jtharness (U) jtreg (U) Guillaume Pellerin <>¶ ezstream (U) Guillaume Turri <>¶ axmlrpc (U) dokujclient (U) jsap (U) Guillem Jover <>¶ arj glide libpmount posixtestsuite Gunnar Wolf <>¶ liblingua-en-numbers-ordinate-perl (U) swaks (U) Guo Yixuan (郭溢譞) <>¶ brise (U) Gustavo Andrés Angulo Morales <>¶ rest2web Gustavo Franco <>¶ libmath-combinatorics-perl (U) manpages-pt (U) Gustavo Noronha Silva <>¶ manpages-pt (U) webkit2gtk (U) webkitgtk (U) gustavo panizzo <>¶ nova (U) python-jsmin Gustavo Panizzo <>¶ neutron (U) Guy Yachdav <>¶ librg-utils-perl (U) profnet (U) Gürkan Myczko <>¶ fonts-atarismall form (U) Gürkan Sengün <>¶ fonts-goudybookletter (U) fonts-ocr-a (U) fonts-prociono (U) gnustep-base (U) gnustep-gui (U) gnustep-make (U) lie qtractor (U) Hakan Ardo <>¶ avr-libc gcc-avr Hanno Zulla <>¶ sonic-pi (U) Hans-Christoph Steiner <>¶ android-platform-external-libunwind (U) fdroidserver olsrd (U) openni (U) openni-sensor-pointclouds (U) openni-sensor-primesense (U) openni2 (U) pd-cyclone (U) pd-ggee (U) pd-libdir (U) python-pynzb (U) Harald Dunkel <>¶ mg Harlan Lieberman-Berg <>¶ libhttp-oai-perl (U) libstatistics-descriptive-perl (U) Harlan Lieberman-Berg <>¶ python-acme (U) python-certbot (U) Harshula Jayasuriya <>¶ m17n-db Haïkel Guémar <>¶ logservice (U) Heiko Stuebner <>¶ libfso-glib (U) Helge Kreutzmann <>¶ goobox Helmut Grohne <>¶ doxygen (U) Hendrik Tews <>¶ ocaml-atd (U) prooftree (U) Henning Glawe <>¶ pdl (U) Henrik Andreasson <>¶ pike7.8 (U) pike8.0+++ (U) Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto <>¶ gthumb Hideki Yamane <>¶ developers-reference (U) fonts-arphic-bkai00mp (U) fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp (U) fonts-kacst-one (U) pleiades (U) yudit Hilko Bengen <>¶ apache-log4j-extras1.2 (U) augeas bro broccoli hyperic-sigar (U) jackson-annotations (U) jackson-core (U) jackson-databind (U) jackson-dataformat-cbor (U) jackson-dataformat-smile (U) jackson-dataformat-yaml (U) libguestfs (U) lucene4.10 (U) snakeyaml (U) spatial4j (U) t-digest (U) utop (U) Holger Levsen <>¶ anarchism (U) debian-edu-doc (U) Holger Wansing <>¶ refcard (U) HTCondor Developers <>¶ condor Hubert Chathi <>¶ asymptote (U) noweb Hubert Pham <>¶ python-pyaudio Hugo Lefeuvre <>¶ pysolfc (U) pysolfc-cardsets (U) python-igraph (U) Héctor Orón Martínez <>¶ dejagnu device-tree-compiler gdb open-build-service (U) uclibc+ (U) Iain Lane <>¶ agda (U) bless (U) gnome-do (U) gnome-do-plugins (U) haskell-hashtables (U) haskell-pcap (U) Iain Lane <>¶ haskell-filemanip (U) Ian Beckwith <>¶ gnuit Ian Campbell <>¶ grub2#+++ (U) Ian Haywood <>¶ gambas3 (U) Ian Jackson <>¶ xen (U) Ian Jackson <>¶ sauce Ian Jackson <>¶ userv Ian Ward <>¶ templayer (U) Ignace Mouzannar <>¶ gip IME Packaging Team <>¶ brise fcitx-libpinyin ibus-table-chinese libpinyin libzhuyin open-gram openvanilla-modules sunpinyin Ingo Bauersachs <>¶ sdes4j (U) weupnp (U) Innocent De Marchi <>¶ gentoo+ IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <>¶ ardour (U) drumkv1 (U) gmerlin-avdecoder (U) libambix (U) libsndfile (U) pd-cyclone (U) pd-flite (U) pd-ggee (U) pd-libdir (U) pd-mrpeach (U) puredata (U) Israel Dahl <>¶ lmms (U) Iulian Udrea <>¶ haskell-adjunctions (U) haskell-bifunctors (U) haskell-comonad (U) haskell-distributive (U) haskell-free (U) haskell-http-date (U) haskell-keys (U) haskell-numinstances (U) haskell-numtype (U) Iulian Udrea <>¶ haskell-data-memocombinators (U) haskell-ieee754 (U) haskell-math-functions (U) Iulian Udrea <>¶ haskell-maths (U) Iustin Pop <>¶ haskell-js-jquery (U) protobuf (U) Ivan Kohler <>¶ libjson-xs-perl (U) libnumber-format-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) Ivan Udovichenko <>¶ horizon (U) murano (U) neutron (U) python-congressclient (U) python-fixtures (U) python-oslotest (U) Ivo Maintz <>¶ libsbml (U) Jackson Doak <>¶ gmusicbrowser (U) Jaime Robles <>¶ trustedqsl (U) Jakub Adam <>¶ antlr3 (U) antlr3.2 (U) apache-log4j1.2 (U) axis (U) commons-io (U) eclipse (U) eclipse-cdt (U) eclipse-cdt-pkg-config (U) eclipse-mercurialeclipse (U) eclipse-mylyn (U) eclipse-rse (U) httpcomponents-client (U) jffi (U) jgit (U) jnr-constants (U) jnr-ffi (U) jpathwatch (U) jsoup (U) jython (U) libcommons-discovery-java (U) libcommons-jxpath-java (U) libdecentxml-java (U) libgnumail-java (U) libjaxp1.3-java (U) libjdom1-java (U) libjfreechart-java (U) libxalan2-java (U) libxerces2-java (U) libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U) libxmlrpc3-java (U) lombok (U) lucene-solr (U) maven-shared-incremental (U) maven-shared-utils (U) rhino (U) sacjava (U) sqljet (U) svnkit (U) swt-gtk (U) tomcat7 (U) tomcat8 (U) wsdl4j (U) wsil4j (U) Jaldhar H. Vyas <>¶ festival (U) fonts-tibetan-machine (U) James Cowgill <>¶ python-sfml (U) James Damour (Suvarov454) <>¶ filler James McCoy <>¶ haskell-github (U) haskell-http-link-header (U) haskell-iso8601-time (U) libvterm subversion# (U) James Page <>¶ ant (U) guava-libraries (U) libcodemodel-java (U) localizer (U) maven-antrun-extended-plugin (U) James Page <>¶ akuma (U) args4j (U) ca-certificates-java (U) httpunit (U) jenkins-trilead-ssh2 (U) jmdns (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libjackson-json-java (U) lucene-solr (U) owasp-java-html-sanitizer (U) python-hp3parclient (U) rabbitmq-server (U) tomcat7 (U) tomcat8 (U) zookeeper (U) James Page <>¶ access-modifier-checker (U) ceph (U) jenkins-json (U) James Price <>¶ oclgrind (U) James Troup <>¶ binutils#++ (U) James Westby <>¶ gnutls28 (U) libgcrypt20 (U) Jameson Graef Rollins <>¶ debirf notmuch (U) Jamie Wilkinson <>¶ chaksem pspresent Jan Dittberner <>¶ ldaptor (U) migrate (U) python-adns (U) python-bitarray Jan Lübbe <>¶ e17 (U) python-pysnmp4-mibs Jan Mojžíš <>¶ nacl Jan Wagner <>¶ icinga2 (U) Jan-Pascal van Best <>¶ easymock (U) Janos Guljas <>¶ uwsgi (U) Janos Guljas <>¶ pymongo (U) Jari Aalto <>¶ cfourcc colortest-python dact dbar fuse-posixovl hpanel morsegen pngcheck spamassassin-heatu tinyirc ttyload xlsx2csv zp Jaromír Mikeš <>¶ ardour (U) caps (U) drumkv1 (U) eq10q (U) hydrogen (U) jaaa (U) liblscp (U) qjackctl (U) qlandkartegt (U) qtractor (U) samplv1 (U) synthv1 (U) vamp-plugin-sdk (U) x42-plugins (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino <>¶ debian-history (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <>¶ xorp (U) Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña <>¶ debian-faq Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <>¶ dns-browse harden-doc paxtest samhain snort tiger Javier Serrano Polo <>¶ lmms (U) Jay Bonci <>¶ libhttp-proxy-perl (U) libxml-sax-perl (U) JCF Ploemen (jcfp) <>¶ par2cmdline Jean Parpaillon <>¶ averell Jean-Philippe MENGUAL <>¶ festival Jeff Breidenbach <>¶ lucene2 (U) Jeff Licquia <>¶ htmldoc lsb (U) Jelmer Vernooij <>¶ bzr (U) subvertpy (U) Jens Reyer <>¶ wine (U) wine-development (U) Jens Seidel <>¶ hex-a-hop (U) Jens Thiele <>¶ gauche (U) gauche-c-wrapper (U) gauche-gtk (U) Jeremiah C. Foster <>¶ libxml-xpathengine-perl (U) Jeremy Bowman <>¶ portabase (U) Jeremy Lainé <>¶ asterisk (U) kdevelop (U) sailcut Jeremy Sanders <>¶ veusz (U) Jeremy T. Bouse <>¶ paramiko Jeroen Dekkers <>¶ sogo (U) sope (U) Jerome Alet <>¶ pkpgcounter (U) Jerome Benoit <>¶ bibtool (U) firehol gap-scscp (U) normaliz (U) primesieve (U) sagemath (U) sagetex (U) singular (U) sollya (U) surf-alggeo (U) tachyon (U) Jerome Kieffer <>¶ pyfai (U) python-fabio (U) Jerome St-Louis <>¶ ecere-sdk Jerry Stueve <>¶ trustedqsl (U) Jimmy Kaplowitz <>¶ eclipse (U) Jo Shields <>¶ gtk-sharp-beans (U) mod-mono (U) mono+ (U) mono-basic (U) mono-debugger-libs mono-reference-assemblies (U) monodevelop (U) nrefactory (U) nuget (U) opentk# (U) sdb Joachim Breiter <>¶ haskell-random (U) Joachim Breitner <>¶ elementary (U) frown (U) ghc (U) ghc-mod (U) ghc-testsuite (U) haskell-blaze-builder (U) haskell-blaze-svg (U) haskell-bmp (U) haskell-bytestring-progress (U) haskell-cairo (U) haskell-cgi (U) haskell-clock (U) haskell-colour (U) haskell-control-monad-free (U) haskell-criterion (U) haskell-crypto-cipher-tests (U) haskell-data-default-class (U) haskell-debian (U) haskell-dependent-sum (U) haskell-dependent-sum-template (U) haskell-devscripts (U) haskell-diagrams-lib (U) haskell-diagrams-svg (U) haskell-digest (U) haskell-dual-tree (U) haskell-edison-core (U) haskell-ghc-events (U) haskell-ghc-paths (U) haskell-gio (U) haskell-glib (U) haskell-gluraw (U) haskell-haskell-src (U) haskell-hint (U) haskell-html (U) haskell-idna (U) haskell-ifelse (U) haskell-intervals (U) haskell-irc (U) haskell-lazysmallcheck (U) haskell-lifted-async (U) haskell-lrucache (U) haskell-mersenne-random-pure64 (U) haskell-mmap (U) haskell-monad-par-extras (U) haskell-mueval (U) haskell-mwc-random (U) haskell-newtype (U) haskell-numeric-extras (U) haskell-objectname (U) haskell-opengl (U) haskell-openglraw (U) haskell-pango (U) haskell-parsec (U) haskell-pcre-light (U) haskell-primitive (U) haskell-process-extras (U) haskell-punycode (U) haskell-regex-base (U) haskell-stack (U) Joachim Falk <>¶ tigervnc (U) Joachim Wiedorn <>¶ hylafax (U) Joan Queralt Molina <>¶ biogenesis (U) Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <>¶ pcapfix virt-top (U) Jochen Friedrich <>¶ mp3blaster Jochen Sprickerhof <>¶ openni (U) Jochen Sprickerhof <>¶ openni-sensor-pointclouds (U) openni-sensor-primesense (U) openni2 (U) Joe Healy <>¶ salt (U) Joe Nahmias <>¶ fceux libtommath wordwarvi Joel Fenwick <>¶ python-escript (U) Joenio Costa <>¶ librinci-perl (U) Joerg Jaspert <>¶ bbdb epiphany Joerg Steffens <>¶ bareos (U) Joey Hess <>¶ haskell-aws (U) haskell-dns (U) haskell-edit-distance (U) haskell-fdo-notify (U) haskell-hsyslog (U) haskell-iproute (U) haskell-network-info (U) haskell-pointed (U) Johan Van de Wauw <>¶ python-geopandas (U) Johan Van de Wauw <>¶ owslib (U) Johann Felix Soden <>¶ pdftk Johannes Schauer <>¶ dose3 (U) ocp-indent (U) John Feuerstein <>¶ hatop John Goerzen <>¶ dict-bouvier dict-gazetteer2k dict-moby-thesaurus haskell-convertible (U) ldap-haskell (U) John Millikin <>¶ haskell-chell (U) haskell-dbus (U) haskell-ncurses (U) haskell-options (U) haskell-patience (U) John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>¶ fs-uae mate-menus (U) mate-netbook (U) mate-power-manager (U) mate-user-share (U) radeontop John Paulett <>¶ python-hl7 (U) Jon Dowland <>¶ freedoom (U) Jonas Genannt <>¶ php-redis (U) Jonas Meurer <>¶ python-mysqldb (U) tidy-proxy Jonas Smedegaard <>¶ asterisk (U) blends (U) compass-h5bp-plugin (U) dsdo ezstream (U) gmerlin-avdecoder (U) http-icons+ hydrogen (U) icon-slicer (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) kannel (U) kannel-sqlbox konclude libffado (U) libgeo-point-perl (U) libhtml-html5-sanity-perl (U) libhtml-microformats-perl (U) libhtml-wikiconverter-snipsnap-perl (U) libicon-famfamfam-silk-perl (U) libio-callback-perl (U) liblo (U) libmarc-file-mij-perl (U) libmodule-install-doapchangesets-perl (U) libmodule-install-rdf-perl (U) libmoosex-mungehas-perl (U) libmoosex-undeftolerant-perl (U) libnet-jabber-bot-perl (U) libparser-mgc-perl (U) librdf-doap-perl (U) libtry-tiny-smartcatch-perl (U) libxml-libxml-lazybuilder-perl (U) libxml-semanticdiff-perl (U) node-async (U) pd-cyclone (U) python-box2d (U) python-gwebsockets (U) python-xklavier (U) ruby-compass (U) squeak-vm (U) sugar-terminal-activity (U) uwsgi (U) Jonathan Marsden <>¶ bibledit-gtk (U) Jonathan McCrohan <>¶ linuxtv-dvb-apps (U) wavemon Jonathan McDowell <>¶ remote-tty sendip Jonathan Nieder <>¶ debian-policy (U) git (U) xz-utils Jonathan Yu <>¶ libcalendar-simple-perl (U) libgraphics-primitive-perl (U) libimage-math-constrain-perl (U) libimage-size-perl (U) libmarc-xml-perl (U) libmediawiki-api-perl (U) libnumber-format-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl (U) Joost van Baal <>¶ debian-faq (U) Joost van Baal-Ilić <>¶ r-cran-knitr (U) r-cran-mi (U) uruk Jordan Justen <>¶ nasm (U) Jordan Metzmeier <>¶ qjoypad (U) Jordi Mallach <>¶ alsa-tools (U) evolution-data-server (U) gimp (U) gnome-video-arcade grub2#+++ (U) lava-server (U) mame (U) minicom (U) qstat sogo (U) sope (U) Jorge Salamero Sanz <>¶ gsasl (U) Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <>¶ cecil-flowanalysis (U) db4o (U) libgpg-error (U) pygoocanvas taglib-sharp (U) Jose G. López <>¶ scid Jose Luis Blanco (University of Malaga) <>¶ mrpt Jose Luis Rivas <>¶ libhttp-proxy-perl (U) Jose Luis Rivero <>¶ gazebo (U) Jose M Calhariz <>¶ librep#+ sawfish xorp Jose Parrella <>¶ onesixtyone Josip Rodin <>¶ debian-faq (U) leave maint-guide (U) xvier+ Josselin Mouette <>¶ evolution-data-server (U) libcanberra (U) pyorbit (U) rarian (U) Josue Ortega <>¶ galpy (U) pysvn (U) python-axolotl-curve25519 José L. Redrejo Rodríguez <>¶ gambas3 (U) jfractionlab squeak-vm (U) ju xor <>¶ anarchism (U) Juan Cespedes <>¶ linux86 Juan Esteban Monsalve Tobon <>¶ libjama liblip libranlip libtnt Julian Andres Klode <>¶ ndiswrapper Julian Gilbey <>¶ cwebx epix rcs-latex Julian Taylor <>¶ fftw3 (U) keepass2 (U) nunit (U) pyzmq (U) Julien Danjou <>¶ awesome python-hp3parclient (U) python-ibm-db-sa (U) python-mockito (U) Julien Jorge <>¶ libclaw (U) Julien Kauffmann <>¶ freelan (U) Julien Puydt <>¶ flint (U) flint-arb (U) node-graceful-fs (U) node-moment (U) node-source-map (U) node-wrench (U) ntl (U) sagemath (U) Julián Moreno Patiño <>¶ libnet-address-ip-local-perl (U) Julián Moreno Patiño <>¶ john (U) Junichi Uekawa <>¶ jack-audio-connection-kit (U) whizzytex Jurij Smakov <>¶ torrus (U) Jurjen Bokma <>¶ msktutil (U) Justin Mazzola Paluska <>¶ python-pyaudio (U) Jérémy Lal <>¶ mapnik (U) mongodb (U) node-graceful-fs (U) node-lru-cache (U) node-multiparty (U) node-normalize-package-data (U) node-raw-body (U) node-retry (U) node-rimraf (U) node-semver (U) node-tap (U) should.js (U) Jérôme Pouiller (Jezz) <>¶ par (U) Jörg Frings-Fürst <>¶ downtimed sane-backends scons-doc shotwell simutrans-pak128.britain (U) Kai Wasserbäch <>¶ kvirc (U) puf (U) Kai-Chung Yan <>¶ android-platform-external-libunwind (U) gradle (U) icu4j (U) icu4j-4.2 (U) jacoco (U) java-allocation-instrumenter (U) libnative-platform-java (U) maven-shared-utils (U) okio (U) Kamal Mostafa <>¶ trustedqsl (U) Kan-Ru Chen (陳侃如) <>¶ mupdf Kapil Hari Paranjape <>¶ par Kari Pahula <>¶ klone tntnet Karl Ramm <>¶ timidity (U) zephyr# Kartik Mistry <>¶ apertium (U) apertium-es-ro (U) apertium-hin (U) apertium-kaz (U) apertium-tat (U) fontypython giella-sme (U) nginx (U) ostinato Kasper Peeters <>¶ lie (U) Kees Cook <>¶ scantool Keith Packard <>¶ altos (U) cc1111 (U) gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) ricochet Kentaro Hayashi <>¶ groonga (U) Kevin M. Rosenberg <>¶ cl-sql Kevin Murray <>¶ iqtree (U) libzstd (U) python-skbio (U) Kevin Murray <>¶ seqan2 (U) Kilian Krause <>¶ belle-sip (U) ircd-irc2 (U) libcommoncpp2 (U) opal (U) ptlib (U) Kiwamu Okabe <>¶ agda (U) haskell-ansi-wl-pprint (U) haskell-ghc-syb-utils (U) haskell-hostname (U) haskell-io-choice (U) haskell-language-haskell-extract (U) Klas Lindfors <>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) Komal Sukhani <>¶ javawriter (U) lombok (U) Konstantinos Poulios <>¶ getfem++ (U) Kouhei Maeda <>¶ nwdiag pystache yrmcds Kristof Ralovich <>¶ quickroute-gps Krzysztof Burghardt <>¶ poco-doc Krzysztof Klimonda <>¶ mcomix Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <>¶ libcalendar-simple-perl (U) liblocale-subcountry-perl (U) libpar-dist-perl (U) Krzysztof Krzyżaniak (eloy) <>¶ libhtml-tree-perl (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) libmemoize-expirelru-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) librose-db-perl (U) libsub-name-perl (U) libtokyocabinet-perl (U) Kumar Appaiah <>¶ festival (U) libcommons-digester-java (U) libcommons-discovery-java (U) logapp pkpgcounter (U) supercat xom (U) Kumar Appaiah <>¶ libj2ssh-java (U) KURASHIKI Satoru <>¶ hyperestraier mysqltuner qdbm Kurt Roeckx <>¶ ircd-irc2 ntp (U) Kyle Robbertze <>¶ liquidsoap (U) Lachlan Gunn <>¶ fonts-ocr-b (U) LaMont Jones <>¶ bind9 (U) postfix Larissa Reis <>¶ python-simpy3 (U) Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <>¶ freerdp (U) Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <>¶ angular.js cxxtest graphviz+ libpgm lsdvd mongo-cxx-driver-legacy (U) mongodb (U) node-jake (U) protobuf (U) python-googleapi scons-doc (U) sqlite3 whitedb Laszlo Kajan <>¶ gridengine# (U) librcsb-core-wrapper (U) ncbi-seg (U) Laszlo Kajan <>¶ librg-utils-perl (U) metastudent-data (U) norsnet (U) profisis (U) profnet (U) Laurent Bigonville <>¶ evolution-data-server (U) gdm3 (U) gedit (U) gedit-plugins (U) libcanberra (U) nut (U) secilc (U) setools (U) telepathy-python (U) totem (U) Laurent Léonard <>¶ libvirt (U) Lennart Weller <>¶ nvidia-texture-tools pgcli Lenny Verkhovsky <>¶ networking-mlnx (U) Leo Costela <>¶ pidgin-encryption Leo Iannacone <>¶ node-constantinople (U) node-dryice (U) node-etag (U) node-parseurl (U) node-source-map (U) node-through2 (U) should.js (U) Leo Singer <>¶ chealpix (U) healpix-cxx (U) LeoFS maintainers team <>¶ erlang-cowboy erlang-cowlib erlang-proper erlang-ranch Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <>¶ flann (U) ode (U) Lev Lamberov <>¶ swi-prolog LI Daobing <>¶ debian-zh-faq (U) Liang Guo <>¶ open-gram (U) spice-gtk sunpinyin (U) tigervnc (U) Lifeng Sun <>¶ cernlib (U) geant321 (U) mclibs# (U) ntl (U) paw (U) Lionel Elie Mamane <>¶ asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle (U) asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique (U) Lionel Le Folgoc <>¶ exo (U) garcon (U) xfce4-terminal (U) Lior Kaplan <>¶ aspell-ar-large (U) bidiui (U) gphpedit libhdate (U) php7.0 (U) lirc Maintainer Team <>¶ lirc+#++ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <>¶ kde4libs (U) kuser (U) qt4-x11 (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtscript-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebkit (U) qtwebkit-opensource-src (U) Live Systems Maintainers <>¶ live-manual Lluís Vilanova <>¶ coz-profiler LLVM Packaging Team <>¶ z3 Loic Dachary (OuoU) <>¶ python-hp3parclient (U) Loic Minier <>¶ dbus-python (U) nss-mdns (U) pitivi vlc#+ (U) Louis Bettens <>¶ haskell-devscripts (U) haskell-dyre (U) haskell-gtk-traymanager (U) Louis Bouchard <>¶ makedumpfile Loïc Minier <>¶ gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) LTSP Debian Maintainers <>¶ libpam-sshauth LTSP Debian/Ubuntu Maintainers <>¶ ltsp-docs Luca Boccassi <>¶ dpdk (U) Luca Bruno <>¶ cargo (U) gcc-msp430## gdb (U) gtk-gnutella msp430-libc openocd (U) uzbl Luca Vercelli <>¶ tycho (U) Lucas de Castro Borges <>¶ libpam-ldap Lucas Nussbaum <>¶ developers-reference (U) marionnet (U) ocamlbricks (U) ruby-netrc (U) simgrid (U) Luciano Bello <>¶ mrtgutils Ludovic Brenta <>¶ adacontrol asis gnat-gps libaws libflorist libgtkada libtemplates-parser polyorb (U) Ludovic Claude <>¶ ant (U) antlr3 (U) antlr3.2 (U) apache-log4j1.2 (U) asm3 (U) commons-beanutils (U) doxia-sitetools (U) ivy (U) libcommons-net-java (U) libregexp-java (U) libxpp3-java (U) maven-common-artifact-filters (U) maven-dependency-tree (U) maven-plugin-testing (U) maven-scm (U) maven-verifier (U) maven2-core (U) modello (U) modello-maven-plugin (U) osgi-foundation-ee (U) plexus-active-collections (U) plexus-build-api (U) plexus-cipher (U) plexus-classworlds (U) plexus-classworlds2 (U) plexus-compiler (U) plexus-compiler-1.0 (U) plexus-containers (U) plexus-interpolation (U) plexus-utils2 (U) velocity (U) wagon (U) xmlunit (U) Ludovic Drolez <>¶ libio-dirent-perl swish-e Ludovic Rousseau <>¶ pilot-link Ludovico Cavedon <>¶ jcc ntopng Luis Ibanez <>¶ fis-gtm (U) Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>¶ pubtal Luke Faraone <>¶ python-django (U) python-xklavier (U) snapd (U) sugar-terminal-activity (U) Luke Faraone <>¶ python-box2d (U) Luke Yelavich <>¶ qt-at-spi (U) Luke Yelavich <>¶ alsa-tools (U) LXQt Packaging Team <>¶ pcmanfm-qt Magnus Holmgren <>¶ pike7.8 pike8.0+++ Maintainers of GStreamer packages <>¶ gst-plugins-base1.0 gstreamer-vaapi gstreamer1.0 Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages <>¶ nss pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages <>¶ firefox-esr Maintainers of Vala packages <>¶ libgee-0.8 Malihe Asemani <>¶ manila (U) Manoj Srivastava <>¶ flex Manu Mahajan <>¶ java-gnome (U) Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>¶ cwidget k3d libsdl-console (U) sdlgfx (U) Manuel Prinz <>¶ openmpi (U) Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <>¶ developers-reference (U) liblocale-subcountry-perl (U) perlpanel Marc Dequènes (Duck) <>¶ boswars (U) Marc Haber <>¶ apg augeas (U) exim4 (U) libopendbx (U) torrus (U) Marc Pavot <>¶ ario Marc Singer <>¶ buici-clock Marc-Andre Lureau <>¶ libgee-0.8 (U) Marcelo Jorge Vieira (metal) <>¶ gpt Marcelo Jorge Vieira <>¶ jsjac (U) Marcio Roberto Teixeira <>¶ manpages-pt (U) Marco d'Itri <>¶ inn2 rblcheck systemd (U) Marco Nenciarini <>¶ puf skytools3 (U) Marco Silva <>¶ haskell-devscripts (U) Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <>¶ haskell98-report+ (U) Marcos Fouces <>¶ acct (U) Marcus Better <>¶ dom4j (U) emma-coverage (U) ganymed-ssh2 (U) libjaxen-java (U) libjdom1-java (U) libxalan2-java (U) libxerces2-java (U) libxpp3-java (U) nekohtml (U) rhino (U) Marek Brudka <>¶ ace (U) Marek Slama <>¶ beansbinding (U) ini4j (U) javahelp2 (U) Margarita Manterola <>¶ cinnamon-desktop (U) dbf (U) hannah uisp Marius Gavrilescu <>¶ libio-prompt-tiny-perl (U) libtransmission-client-perl (U) Mark Brown <>¶ clc-intercal cvsgraph nis xemacs21 xemacs21-packages Mark Hymers <>¶ gridengine# (U) Mark Purcell <>¶ asterisk (U) belle-sip (U) dahdi-linux (U) dvbtune (U) exiv2 (U) gsmlib kphotoalbum (U) kvirc (U) libcommoncpp2 (U) linuxtv-dvb-apps (U) opal (U) ptlib (U) Mark Vejvoda <>¶ megaglest (U) Markus Frosch <>¶ icinga2 (U) Markus Koschany <>¶ ace-of-penguins (U) armagetronad (U) asc (U) easymock (U) empire (U) freecol (U) jackson-dataformat-xml (U) jboss-classfilewriter (U) jboss-jdeparser2 (U) jboss-logging (U) jboss-logging-tools (U) jboss-logmanager (U) jboss-modules (U) jboss-xnio (U) libhtml5parser-java (U) libnb-platform18-java (U) libpicocontainer-java (U) lincity-ng (U) mediathekview megaglest (U) mockito (U) netbeans (U) objenesis (U) pangzero (U) qdox2 (U) robocode (U) spring (U) tycho (U) ufoai (U) ufoai-data (U) ufoai-maps (U) ufoai-music (U) Markus Loeberbauer <>¶ coco-java Markus Wanner <>¶ postgis (U) Martijn van Brummelen <>¶ dhcpd-pools nwipe Martin A. Godisch <>¶ cgoban gnugo lrzsz minicom pachi rockdodger wmpuzzle wmwork Martin Erik Werner <>¶ fonts-play (U) martin f. krafft <>¶ hibernate (U) Martin Fuzzey <>¶ python-cdd (U) Martin Gerhard Loschwitz <>¶ ircd-ircu Martin Kelly <>¶ openclipart Martin Pitt <>¶ calibre (U) postgresql-9.6 (U) python-distutils-extra (U) systemd (U) Martin Quinson <>¶ libirclib-java (U) plm simgrid Martin Schulze <>¶ cfingerd cgilib dbview dhcping dtaus gerstensaft+ mailto newmail rbootd sendfile Martin Steghöfer <>¶ libtheora (U) Martin Stigge <>¶ wmweather+ Martin Uecker <>¶ bart (U) Martin Wimpress <>¶ mate-optimus (U) Martin Zobel-Helas <>¶ dacs (U) tcptraceroute (U) Martín Ferrari <>¶ golang-github-coreos-pkg (U) libjtds-java (U) libmail-verp-perl (U) libpixels-java libpoe-perl (U) prometheus-node-exporter (U) Masayuki Hatta <>¶ haskell-pointedlist (U) yi (U) Mat Scales <>¶ lucene-solr (U) matanya moses <>¶ libtree-xpathengine-perl (U) MATE Packaging Team <>¶ mate-menus mate-netbook mate-optimus mate-power-manager mate-user-share Mateusz Łukasik <>¶ vlc#+ (U) Mathias Behrle <>¶ tryton-modules-sale-complaint (U) Mathieu Malaterre <>¶ dicom3tools (U) flann (U) fop (U) hexbox (U) jpylyzer (U) khronos-opengl-man4PP (U) mrmpi (U) net-luminis-build-plugin (U) openmcdf (U) pirl (U) pixelmed (U) xmlformat xmlgraphics-commons (U) Mats Erik Andersson <>¶ nd Mats Rynge <>¶ p3scan Matt Arnold <>¶ yabause (U) Matt Taggart <>¶ pciutils (U) Matt Zagrabelny <>¶ libtext-trim-perl (U) Matteo Cypriani <>¶ fdutils Matteo F. Vescovi <>¶ babl blender (U) gegl mixxx (U) Matthew Harm Bekkema <>¶ fuse-zip Matthew Johnson <>¶ bluemon dbus-java (U) nxcl Matthew Vernon <>¶ libowasp-antisamy-java (U) libowasp-esapi-java (U) libvt-ldap-java (U) xbs Matthias Klose <>¶ ant (U) autoconf2.59 (U) bash binutils#++ cross-toolchain-base (U) doxygen ecj (U) gcc-6 (U) gcc-6-cross (U) gcc-6-cross-ports (U) gcc-defaults (U) gcc-python-plugin (U) libabigail (U) python2.7 python3.5 readline Matthias Klose <>¶ ca-certificates-java (U) icedtea-web (U) libjaxp1.3-java (U) libpgjava (U) libxalan2-java (U) libxerces2-java (U) openjdk-8 (U) visualvm (U) Matthias Klumpp <>¶ dub (U) Matthias Maier <>¶ deal.ii (U) Mattia Dongili <>¶ uml-utilities (U) Mattia Monga <>¶ tkrat Mattias Ellert <>¶ voms-api-java Mattias Ellert <>¶ canl-c canl-java davix globus-common gridsite gsoap jglobus nordugrid-arc nordugrid-arc-doc Mauro Lizaur <>¶ essays1743 Mauro Lizaur <>¶ fonts-breip (U) maxigas <>¶ bugs-everywhere maximilian attems <>¶ kernel-handbook (U) Maximilian Gass <>¶ libgraphics-libplot-perl (U) Maximiliano Curia <>¶ akonadi (U) breeze-icons (U) cinnamon-desktop (U) git-hub kapptemplate (U) kde4libs (U) kdelibs4support (U) kdesignerplugin (U) krunner (U) kuser (U) kxmlgui (U) libkf5libkdepim (U) libkf5pimcommon (U) muon (U) oregano oxygen-fonts (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) pairs (U) plasma-framework (U) plasma-workspace (U) powerdevil (U) qtruby (U) qtwebkit (U) smokeqt (U) sonnet (U) stgit xawtv Mehdi Abaakouk <>¶ python-hp3parclient (U) python-ibm-db-sa (U) python-lzo python-mockito (U) Mehdi Dogguy <>¶ ben (U) frama-c (U) mldonkey (U) mlgmp (U) ocamlgraph (U) ocamlviz (U) opam (U) scala (U) Micah Anderson <>¶ augeas (U) passenger (U) puppet-lint (U) pycryptopp (U) qt4reactor Micah Gersten <>¶ gmusicbrowser (U) Micha Lenk <>¶ mod-proxy-msrpc smcroute Michael Banck <>¶ abinit (U) aces3 (U) chemps2 (U) cp2k (U) elpa (U) espresso (U) gridengine# (U) libint (U) libint2 (U) madness (U) mpqc (U) naga (U) opsin (U) psi4 (U) psicode (U) pymol (U) qutemol (U) scmxx votca-csg (U) Michael Biebl <>¶ cogl (U) evolution-data-server (U) four-in-a-row (U) gdm3 (U) gedit (U) gedit-plugins (U) gnome-documents (U) gnome-system-monitor (U) gtk+3.0 (U) iagno (U) libgda5 (U) libgee-0.8 (U) libxml++2.6 (U) mm-common+ (U) rarian (U) systemd (U) totem (U) tracker vte2.91 (U) Michael Casadevall <>¶ codeblocks (U) Michael Fladischer <>¶ celery (U) django-celery (U) librabbitmq python-cement (U) Michael Gilbert <>¶ bind9 (U) chromium (U) chromium-browser (U) minizip wine (U) wine-development (U) Michael Hanke <>¶ ants# (U) nibabel (U) pandas# (U) psychtoolbox-3 (U) scikit-learn (U) statsmodels (U) Michael Hanke <>¶ cctools+ (U) condor (U) itksnap (U) nitime (U) pymvpa2 (U) pynifti (U) pysurfer (U) qlandkartegt (U) Michael Hanus <>¶ curry-libs (U) curry-tools (U) Michael Hudson-Doyle <>¶ golang-1.7 (U) golang-1.8 (U) snapd (U) Michael Kleiber <>¶ flann (U) Michael Koch <>¶ emma-coverage (U) ganymed-ssh2 (U) jericho-html (U) jtidy (U) libcodemodel-java (U) libdtdparser-java (U) libgnuinet-java (U) libjaxp1.3-java (U) libregexp-java (U) libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U) libxpp2-java (U) plexus-component-api (U) Michael Lustfield <>¶ nginx (U) Michael Meskes <>¶ clamav (U) netdiag qtruby (U) smokeqt (U) Michael Prokop <>¶ anytun (U) fai (U) grml-debootstrap (U) physlock Michael R. Crusoe <>¶ libjung-free-java (U) trinityrnaseq (U) Michael R. Crusoe <>¶ mira (U) seqan2 (U) Michael Schutte <>¶ ruby-gnome2 (U) Michael Schutte <>¶ python-docutils (U) Michael Stapelberg <>¶ golang-1.7 (U) golang-1.8 (U) libtomcrypt mxallowd tircd Michael Tautschnig <>¶ boolector brickos clamav (U) gcc-h8300-hms z3 (U) Michael Tokarev <>¶ libcacard qemu# (U) sgabios (U) Michael Vogt <>¶ scite vdk2 Michael Ziegler <>¶ python-django-piston (U) Michal Čihař <>¶ wammu Michele Baldessari <>¶ idm-console-framework (U) Michele Martone <>¶ fim Miguel A. Colón Vélez <>¶ mplayer (U) Miguel Angel Martin Serrano <>¶ neopi (U) Miguel Landaeta <>¶ castor (U) checkstyle (U) codenarc (U) eclipselink (U) ganymed-ssh2 (U) geronimo-jpa-2.0-spec (U) gmetrics (U) gradle (U) guava-libraries (U) guice (U) hessian (U) httpunit (U) ivy (U) libhibernate3-java (U) openjpa (U) serp (U) sitemesh (U) xhtmlrenderer (U) Miguel Landaeta <>¶ cglib (U) groovy (U) httpcomponents-client (U) invokebinder (U) jruby (U) jruby-openssl (U) libgpars-groovy-java (U) libspring-java (U) maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 (U) maven-shared-incremental (U) mojarra (U) openid4java (U) plexus-compiler-1.0 (U) rome (U) ruby-sawyer# (U) svnkit (U) tomcat7 (U) tomcat8 (U) Mike Furr <>¶ mlgmp (U) omake# (U) Mike Gabriel <>¶ tigervnc (U) Mike Gabriel <>¶ curry-libs (U) curry-tools (U) freerdp (U) libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl (U) libpoe-component-schedule-perl (U) mate-menus (U) mate-netbook (U) mate-optimus (U) mate-power-manager (U) mate-user-share (U) node-graceful-fs (U) node-log4js (U) node-node-redis (U) node-security (U) nx-libs-lite (U) python-x2go (U) Mike Hommey <>¶ firefox-esr (U) nss (U) pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring (U) vmfs-tools Mike Markley <>¶ scrollz Mike Miller <>¶ octave-nan (U) octave-secs2d (U) octave-sockets (U) octave-specfun (U) rlwrap Mike O'Connor <>¶ scala-mode-el Mikhail Gusarov <>¶ liblocale-maketext-gettext-perl# (U) Milan Zamazal <>¶ slime (U) stockfish Miles Lubin <>¶ coinor-cgl (U) coinor-symphony (U) Min Huang <>¶ scala (U) Miquel van Smoorenburg <>¶ nis (U) Miquel van Smoorenburg <>¶ elvis-tiny Mirco Bauer <>¶ bareftp (U) db4o (U) gnome-sharp2 (U) gtk-sharp2 (U) gtk-sharp3 (U) mod-mono (U) mono+ (U) mono-addins (U) mono-basic (U) mono-reference-assemblies (U) mono-tools (U) monodevelop (U) nini (U) nunit (U) smuxi Miriam Ruiz <>¶ calibre hex-a-hop (U) kraptor (U) pangzero (U) peg-e (U) rabbyt (U) tatan (U) tumiki-fighters (U) Miriam Ruiz <>¶ biogenesis boolstuff goplay (U) love (U) nikwi (U) pebl (U) pianobooster (U) xmlcopyeditor MJ Ray (Debian) <>¶ gnuit (U) wily Modestas Vainius <>¶ akonadi (U) kapptemplate (U) kde4libs (U) kdevelop-php (U) kuser (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) qtscriptgenerator Mohammad Akhlaghi <>¶ gnuastro (U) Mohammed Adnène Trojette <>¶ fonts-kacst-one (U) par (U) vlc#+ (U) xz-utils (U) Mohammed Sameer <>¶ aspell-ar-large (U) Monty Taylor <>¶ libinnodb oscpack Moray Allan <>¶ libmatchbox Morten Kjeldgaard <>¶ clipper (U) qutemol (U) Morten Sørensen <>¶ libtggraphlayout-java (U) Muammar El Khatib <>¶ blacs-mpi blacs-pvm yacas Muneeb Shaikh <>¶ fonts-lohit-beng-assamese (U) fonts-lohit-orya (U) Murat Demirten <>¶ manpages-tr Mònica Ramírez Arceda <>¶ xmlstarlet Nacho Barrientos Arias <>¶ rabbyt (U) Nathan Handler <>¶ libhtml-tree-perl (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) libpar-dist-perl (U) libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl (U) libxml-writer-perl (U) Nathan Scott <>¶ libxml-tokeparser-perl Neil Williams <>¶ lava-server (U) Nelson A. de Oliveira <>¶ emboss (U) NeuroDebian Team <>¶ ants# cctools+ itksnap nibabel nitime pandas# psychtoolbox-3 pynifti pysurfer scikit-learn NeuroDebian team <>¶ pymvpa2 Nicholas Bamber <>¶ ksh libmemoize-memcached-perl (U) Nicholas Breen <>¶ grace gromacs (U) Nicholas D Steeves <>¶ muse-el (U) Nick Andrik <>¶ lyx (U) Nick Daly <>¶ plinth (U) Nick Ellery <>¶ gngb (U) Nico Schlömer <>¶ trilinos (U) Nicolas Boulenguez <>¶ adacontrol (U) asis (U) gnat-gps (U) libaunit libaws (U) libflorist (U) libgnatcoll libgtkada (U) liblog4ada (U) libncursesada libtemplates-parser (U) libtexttools libxmlezout (U) oolite opentoken Nicolas Bourdaud <>¶ mwrap (U) Nicolas Braud-Santoni <>¶ libu2f-host+ (U) libu2f-server (U) pam-u2f (U) Nicolas Dandrimont <>¶ js-of-ocaml (U) obus (U) ocamlbricks (U) Nicolas Dandrimont <>¶ cloud-sptheme (U) marionnet (U) slic3r (U) Nicolas Delvaux <>¶ lift Nicolas Spalinger <>¶ fonts-cantarell (U) fonts-century-catalogue (U) fonts-levien-typoscript (U) fonts-oldstandard (U) fonts-sil-abyssinica (U) Niels Thykier <>¶ mscgen swt-gtk (U) NIIBE Yutaka <>¶ gauche (U) gauche-c-wrapper (U) gauche-gtk (U) Niko Tyni <>¶ libjson-xs-perl (U) liblocale-subcountry-perl (U) libmarc-charset-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libxml-sax-perl (U) Niko Tyni <>¶ libgraphics-libplot-perl (U) libnet-cidr-lite-perl (U) libxml-writer-perl (U) Nikos Tsipinakis <>¶ newsbeuter Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>¶ afnix erlang-cowboy (U) erlang-proper (U) erlang-ranch (U) libopenobex mruby opencv (U) openni (U) openni2 (U) rebar (U) smlsharp xfonts-mona NOKUBI Takatsugu <>¶ namazu2 simstring Norbert Preining <>¶ asymptote (U) biber (U) bibtool (U) cafeobj cjk (U) latex-cjk-chinese-arphic (U) texworks (U) texworks-manual (U) Norbert Tretkowski <>¶ mylvmbackup (U) Noël Köthe <>¶ ncftp OHURA Makoto <>¶ auctexP (U) latexmk Ola Lundqvist <>¶ arj (U) cron-apt gngb (U) hp-search-mac jpeginfo tigervnc (U) Ole Streicher <>¶ blends (U) casacore-data-igrf (U) casacore-data-lines (U) casacore-data-observatories (U) casacore-data-sources (U) eso-midas (U) idlastro (U) pyephem (U) python-asdf (U) python-astropy (U) skycat (U) splash (U) starlink-ast (U) sunpy (U) tk-html3 wcslib (U) Oleksandr Moskalenko <>¶ myghty (U) Oliver Sander <>¶ dune-common (U) dune-localfunctions (U) Olivier Berger <>¶ rdflib (U) Olivier Sallou <>¶ biojava-live (U) biojava4-live (U) bytecode (U) gbrowse (U) htsjdk (U) libjung-free-java (U) logol (U) mapsembler2 (U) ncbi-blast+ (U) prodigal (U) Olivier Weinstoerffer <>¶ openid4java (U) Olly Betts <>¶ therion (U) wxwidgets3.0 (U) Ondrej Certik <>¶ python-scipy (U) Ondřej Kuzník <>¶ quodlibet Ondřej Nový <>¶ alembic (U) python-flake8 (U) python-pygit2 (U) python-swiftclient (U) Ondřej Surý <>¶ bind9 (U) botan1.10 db5.3 (U) dnssec-trigger (U) knot (U) lua-cqueues nsd (U) pelican (U) php-redis (U) php7.0 (U) Onkar Shinde <>¶ batik (U) cdk (U) jakarta-jmeter+ (U) java-gnome (U) java3d (U) Open vSwitch developers <>¶ openvswitch OpenJDK Team <>¶ icedtea-web openjdk-8 Osamu Aoki <>¶ debian-history (U) debian-reference debiandoc-sgml-doc debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br debmake-doc ibus-table-chinese (U) ipadic maint-guide Otavio Salvador <>¶ abntex discover (U) manpages-pt (U) python-cdd Otto Kekäläinen <>¶ mariadb-10.1 (U) mariadb-connector-c (U) ownCloud for Debian maintainers <>¶ owncloud-client Oxan van Leeuwen <>¶ subliminal (U) Pablo Oliveira <>¶ ask (U) r-cran-gbm (U) Paolo Greppi <>¶ node-loose-envify (U) Parted Maintainer Team <>¶ fatresize Pascal Packaging Team <>¶ fpc lazarus pasdoc Patrick Gansterer <>¶ poco-doc (U) Patrick Matthäi <>¶ geoip needrestart-session videocut Patrick Ouellette <>¶ trustedqsl (U) Patrick Schoenfeld <>¶ vimoutliner Patrick Winnertz <>¶ lmms (U) mc (U) Patryk Cisek <>¶ injeqt Pau Garcia i Quiles <>¶ ace (U) jquery-jplayer witty Paul Brossier <>¶ aconnectgui fftw (U) fftw3 (U) liblscp (U) mixxx (U) puredata raul paul cannon <>¶ uftrace Paul Cupis <>¶ doctorj Paul Dwerryhouse <>¶ kannel (U) Paul Gevers <>¶ fpc (U) lazarus (U) pasdoc (U) winff Paul Hardy <>¶ unifont Paul Klos <>¶ libkolabxml (U) Paul Martin <>¶ milter-greylist Paul Sladen <>¶ jsamp (U) libcds-moc-java (U) Paul Slootman <>¶ libident rsync Paul Tagliamonte <>¶ golang-1.7 (U) golang-1.8 (U) Paul van Tilburg <>¶ ruby-gnome2 (U) Paul Wise <>¶ warzone2100 (U) Paulo Assis <>¶ libwebcam Pawel Wiecek <>¶ ncdt Archive Automatic Signing Key <>¶ fonts-pecita (U) Per Andersson <>¶ python-bleach (U) Per Olofsson <>¶ lyx (U) Peter Colberg <>¶ cgit (U) julia (U) Peter De Wachter <>¶ tatan (U) tumiki-fighters (U) Peter Eisentraut <>¶ lzop ntp (U) pinentry (U) postgresql-9.6 (U) source-highlight Peter Michael Green <>¶ fpc (U) Peter Pentchev <>¶ gforth kakoune Peter S Galbraith <>¶ g3data gri libforms+ mh-e xtide Peter Samuelson <>¶ apr (U) equivs subversion# Peter Van Eynde <>¶ cffi (U) cmucl (U) ecl (U) sbcl (U) slime (U) Petr Baudis <>¶ mate-power-manager (U) Petr Rockai <>¶ darcs (U) Petter Reinholdtsen <>¶ blends (U) coz-profiler (U) discover (U) goplay (U) libnxt (U) libtheora (U) lmms (U) ng-utils plinth (U) sonic-pi (U) vecmath (U) Phil Brooke <>¶ adacgi+ adasockets ripmime topal Philipp Kern <>¶ hercules openclonk Philippe Coval <>¶ atitvout connect-proxy fatresize (U) jaaa (U) spectacle tuxguitar (U) whitedune# (U) Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>¶ asymptote (U) clipper (U) hkl (U) pyfai (U) pymca (U) python-fabio (U) python-fisx (U) python-qtconsole (U) Pierre Blanc <>¶ stressapptest Pierre Chifflier <>¶ nflog-bindings nufw prewikka sagan xtables-addons Pierre Saramito <>¶ rheolef (U) Pietro Abate <>¶ cduce (U) Pietro Battiston <>¶ python-shapely (U) Pino Toscano <>¶ kdevelop-python (U) qt4-x11 (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtscript-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) Piotr Ożarowski <>¶ plinth (U) sqlalchemy yarl Piotr Pokora <>¶ libgda5 (U) Pirate Praveen <>¶ node-fuzzaldrin-plus (U) ruby-macaddr (U) ruby-sigar (U) ruby-url-safe-base64 (U) PKG OpenStack <>¶ alembic ceilometer cinder heat horizon ironic manila migrate murano networking-mlnx neutron nova novnc ntpstat puppet-module-puppetlabs-rabbitmq python-ceilometermiddleware python-congressclient python-django-compressor python-futurist python-hp3parclient python-ibm-db-sa python-keystonemiddleware python-mockito python-neutronclient python-nose-timer python-oslo.db python-oslo.utils python-oslo.vmware python-oslotest python-pygit2 python-rjsmin python-rtslib-fb python-swiftclient python-taskflow python-txaio python-watcherclient python-xstatic-jasmine python-xstatic-term.js python-zaqarclient rabbitmq-server senlin sheepdog sphinxcontrib-programoutput Popularity Contest Developers <>¶ popularity-contest Prach Pongpanich <>¶ haproxy (U) php-mail (U) php-net-socket (U) Prach Pongpanich <>¶ php-finder-facade (U) phpdox (U) Puppet Package Maintainers <>¶ puppet-lint puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib Python Applications Packaging Team <>¶ eric (U) fdroidserver (U) lunch mayavi2 mypaint pkpgcounter plainbox-provider-checkbox (U) pycarddav pyinfra synopsis turnin-ng (U) veusz winpdb (U) Qijiang Fan <>¶ brise (U) Quoc-Viet Nguyen <>¶ mupdf (U) Radovan Garabík <>¶ mountpy Radu Spineanu <>¶ sphinxsearch Radu-Bogdan Croitoru <>¶ libarray-group-perl (U) libhtml-prettyprinter-perl (U) Rafael Laboissiere <>¶ fim (U) librsb (U) octave (U) octave-gsl (U) octave-ltfat (U) octave-nan (U) octave-tsa (U) praat (U) xmds2 (U) Rafael Laboissiere <>¶ octave-secs2d (U) octave-sockets (U) octave-specfun (U) Rail Aliev <>¶ jaminid Ralf Treinen <>¶ advi (U) bibtex2html (U) coq (U) dose3 (U) maria (U) minisat+ (U) mlgmp (U) mona (U) ocamlweb (U) packup yap# Ralph Giles <>¶ libtheora (U) Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>¶ pycryptopp Raphael Hertzog <>¶ vboot-utils (U) Raphaël Hertzog <>¶ publican python-django (U) Raúl Benencia <>¶ bro (U) Raúl Sánchez Siles <>¶ kvirc (U) Rebecca N. Palmer <>¶ beignet (U) Reinhard Tartler <>¶ aspectc++ ffmpeg+ (U) handbrake (U) idjc (U) jack-audio-connection-kit (U) libbluray (U) mplayer (U) nx-libs-lite (U) pong2 (U) vlc#+ (U) Remi Vanicat <>¶ mlgmp (U) Rene Engelhard <>¶ collada2gltf (U) flute (U) hsqldb1.8.0 (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libepubgen libformula (U) liblayout (U) libloader (U) libreoffice (U) librepository (U) librevenge (U) lightproof (U) lucene2 (U) muttprint ooolib-perl (U) pentaho-reporting-flow-engine (U) sacjava (U) saxonb (U) writer2latex (U) Rene Mayorga <>¶ libpar-dist-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libxml-writer-perl (U) Reto Buerki <>¶ ahven anet dbusada libalog (U) pcscada Rhonda D'Vine <>¶ dctrl-tools (U) netris Ricardo Mones <>¶ epiphany (U) oneko Richard Antony Burton <>¶ kicad (U) Richard Darst <>¶ python-lzma (U) Richard Hartmann <>¶ git-annex Richard Jones <>¶ libguestfs (U) Richard Ulrich <>¶ cardpeek Rico Rommel <>¶ libfso-glib (U) Rico Sennrich <>¶ sfst Rico Tzschichholz <>¶ cogl (U) docky (U) libbluray (U) Riku Voipio <>¶ qemu# (U) Riku Voipio <>¶ chromium (U) chromium-browser (U) device-tree-compiler (U) gdb (U) latrace# Riley Baird <>¶ pyelliptic RISKO Gergely <>¶ ffmpeg2theora+ (U) Ritesh Raj Sarraf <>¶ dict-gcide mergerfs systemtap uml-utilities (U) Rob Browning <>¶ emacs24 emacs25 guile-2.0 Robert Collins <>¶ python-fixtures Robert Edmonds <>¶ protobuf (U) protobuf-c unbound (U) Robert James Clay <>¶ libmoosex-param-perl (U) libpgobject-perl (U) libpgobject-simple-perl (U) libpgobject-simple-role-perl (U) Robert Lemmen <>¶ actor-framework aewan cgdb eukleides ragel Robert Luberda <>¶ p7zip+ sysstat Robert Millan <>¶ grub (U) Roberto C. Sánchez <>¶ bibledit-gtk (U) Robie Basak <>¶ bind9 (U) Robin Gareus <>¶ x42-plugins (U) Robin Sheat <>¶ libhttp-oai-perl (U) libmemoize-memcached-perl (U) Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <>¶ uswsusp Rodolphe PELLOUX-PRAYER <>¶ spacenavd Rogério Brito <>¶ fonts-linuxlibertine (U) handbrake (U) magicfilter Roland Fehrenbacher <>¶ infinipath-psm+ (U) Roland Rosenfeld <>¶ privoxy Roland Stigge <>¶ d-itg irsim latex2html libowfat olsrd sfst (U) Rolf Leggewie <>¶ freelan n2n (U) Romain Beauxis <>¶ ezstream (U) gmerlin-avdecoder (U) liquidsoap (U) ocaml-gavl (U) Romain Francoise <>¶ rcs Roman Haefeli <>¶ pd-flite (U) Roman Tsisyk <>¶ tarantool Ron Lee <>¶ vpb-driver rosea grammostola <>¶ rumor (U) Ross Gammon <>¶ node-js-yaml (U) Ross Gammon <>¶ node-leaflet-formbuilder (U) Ruben Molina <>¶ asymptote (U) john Ruben Undheim <>¶ berkeley-abc (U) python-zeroconf (U) yosys (U) Russ Allbery <>¶ debian-policy (U) gnubg gss (U) openafs (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib (U) shishi (U) webauth Russell Coker <>¶ cyclades-serial-client selinux-basics (U) Rust Maintainers <>¶ cargo Ryan Kavanagh <>¶ rumor (U) turnin-ng Ryan Niebur <>¶ libend-perl (U) libimage-size-perl (U) libmediawiki-api-perl (U) libnumber-format-perl (U) libpoe-perl (U) libstatistics-descriptive-perl (U) libtokyocabinet-perl (U) libxml-sax-expatxs-perl (U) libxml-xpathengine-perl (U) libyaml-syck-perl (U) Ryan Niebur <>¶ libmoosex-meta-typeconstraint-forcecoercion-perl (U) teseq Rémi Debay <>¶ service-wrapper-java (U) Răzvan Crainea <>¶ opensips Salvatore Bonaccorso <>¶ libio-digest-perl (U) libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl (U) libmath-prime-util-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) libstatistics-descriptive-perl (U) Sam Hartman <>¶ barnowl openafs (U) zephyr# (U) Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <>¶ beav hex-a-hop (U) monsterz (U) opencv (U) vdk2 (U) Sam Hocevar <>¶ asc (U) clanlib (U) nikwi (U) pangzero (U) supertuxkart (U) taoframework (U) Sam Morris <>¶ vim-command-t Samuel Bronson <>¶ gdb (U) Samuel Mimram <>¶ advi (U) bibtex2html (U) coq (U) liquidsoap (U) mldonkey (U) ocaml-gavl (U) ocamlweb (U) Samuel Thibault <>¶ brltty (U) festival (U) glibc (U) gnome-mousetrap (U) installation-guide (U) isorelax (U) jaxe joptsimple (U) qt-at-spi (U) starpu vite Sana Khan <>¶ fonts-lohit-telu (U) Sandro Knauß <>¶ libkolabxml (U) Sandro Knauß <>¶ owncloud-client (U) qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) Sandro Tosi <>¶ basemap+ dbf libmime-lite-tt-html-perl (U) mathomatic (U) matplotlib mp3check mrtg prettytable python-cycler python-networkx python-numpy python-scp python-tornadorpc Santiago Ruano Rincón <>¶ quixote1 (U) Santiago Ruano Rincón <>¶ dpdk (U) Santiago Vila <>¶ gettext indent postfix-gld procmail smartlist# Sarah Connor <>¶ libclass-pluggable-perl Sascha Steinbiss <>¶ genometools (U) Scarlett Clark <>¶ qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) Scott Christley <>¶ biococoa (U) Scott Howard <>¶ fonts-ebgaramond (U) qtexengine (U) qtiplot (U) triplea (U) Scott Kitterman <>¶ clamav (U) libopendbx (U) postfix (U) pyqt5 (U) python-bleach (U) python-softlayer (U) Scott Leggett <>¶ quagga Sean Whitton <>¶ agda (U) haskell-zxcvbn-c (U) Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <>¶ clamav (U) Sebastian Dröge <>¶ banshee (U) db4o (U) dbus-python (U) gnome-sharp2 (U) gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) gtk-sharp2 (U) libgee-0.8 (U) log4net (U) mm-common+ (U) mono-addins (U) mono-tools (U) mono-zeroconf (U) nini (U) pitivi (U) rarian (U) taglib-sharp (U) taoframework (U) Sebastian Harl <>¶ enblend-enfuse (U) pfstools (U) tig Sebastian Heinlein <>¶ python-distutils-extra (U) Sebastian Humenda <>¶ freedict Sebastian Kuzminsky <>¶ yosys (U) Sebastian Ramacher <>¶ directfb (U) handbrake (U) libbluray (U) pytest (U) vlc#+ (U) Sebastian Reichel <>¶ aegisub libfso-glib (U) Sebastian Wouters <>¶ chemps2 (U) Sebastien Bacher <>¶ gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) libgda5 (U) pyorbit Sebastien Badia <>¶ hwinfo Sebastien Delafond <>¶ org-mode wikipediafs Sebastien Jodogne <>¶ orthanc (U) orthanc-webviewer (U) Senthil Kumaran S (stylesen) <>¶ lava-server (U) Sergei Golovan <>¶ erlang (U) erlang-cl (U) manderlbot (U) tcllib (U) yaws (U) Sergey B Kirpichev <>¶ auto-07p (U) parser-mysql Shachar Shemesh <>¶ argtable2 bidiui (U) libhdate (U) Shan-Bin Chen <>¶ lxmusic (U) Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars) <>¶ pcmanfm-qt (U) Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <>¶ gbrainy Simon Chopin <>¶ pylast (U) pytest (U) rgain (U) Simon Horman <>¶ openvswitch (U) Simon Josefsson <>¶ gnutls28 (U) gsasl (U) gss (U) libgcrypt20 (U) libu2f-host+ (U) libu2f-server (U) pam-u2f (U) shishi (U) Simon McVittie <>¶ dbus-python (U) nss-mdns (U) Simon Paillard <>¶ debian-faq (U) Simon Quigley <>¶ qtwebchannel-opensource-src (U) qtwebengine-opensource-src (U) Simon Richter <>¶ beignet (U) uclibc+ Simone Rossetto <>¶ qsapecng Sjoerd Simons <>¶ cogl (U) dbus-python (U) evolution-data-server (U) gst-plugins-base1.0 (U) gstreamer-vaapi (U) gstreamer1.0 (U) libcanberra (U) libcec libgee-0.8 (U) nss-mdns (U) systemd (U) telepathy-python (U) Soeren Sonnenburg <>¶ coinor-dylp cvxopt jblas (U) weka (U) Sophie Brun <>¶ vboot-utils Soputtra San <>¶ khmerconverter Soren Hansen <>¶ python-gflags (U) Stefan Denker <>¶ snakeyaml (U) Stefan Ebner <>¶ bareftp (U) yahtzeesharp (U) Stefan Fritsch <>¶ apr (U) Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <>¶ lirc+#++ (U) Stefan Pfetzing <>¶ keylaunch oroborus Stefan Potyra <>¶ trigger-rally (U) Stefan van der Walt <>¶ skimage (U) Stefano Karapetsas <>¶ mate-menus (U) mate-netbook (U) mate-power-manager (U) mate-user-share (U) Stefano Rivera <>¶ pypy Stefano Zacchiroli <>¶ dose3 (U) Stefanos Harhalakis <>¶ libnet Steffen Moeller <>¶ ball (U) biojava-live (U) cdbfasta (U) icu4j (U) icu4j-4.2 (U) libiscwt-java (U) libisrt-java (U) microbiomeutil (U) mira (U) mothur (U) mummer (U) primer3 (U) python-bioblend (U) python-cogent (U) tigr-glimmer (U) treeview (U) Steffen Moeller <>¶ rdp-classifier (U) wsdl4j (U) Stein Magnus Jodal <>¶ python-pykka python-ws4py (U) Steinar H. Gunderson <>¶ libapreq2 Stephan Michels <>¶ xom (U) Stephen Dennis <>¶ tinymux Stephen Frost <>¶ postgis (U) Stephen Kitt <>¶ binutils-mingw-w64 gcc-mingw-w64 wine (U) wine-development (U) Stephen M. Webb <>¶ viruskiller (U) Stephen Nelson <>¶ jmock2 (U) joptsimple (U) openjpa (U) serp (U) Steve Capper <>¶ tbb Steve Greenland <>¶ jargon Steve Langasek <>¶ shim snapd Steve M. Robbins <>¶ boost1.62 (U) cppunit geomview (U) Steve McIntyre <>¶ moin partman-auto (U) pesign+ (U) Steven Hamilton <>¶ mrrescue (U) Stewart Smith <>¶ libinnodb (U) Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <>¶ puppet-lint (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib (U) Stuart Prescott <>¶ ktikz (U) latexdraw pyx3 pyxplot Stéphane Glondu <>¶ advi (U) ben (U) cduce (U) coq (U) js-of-ocaml (U) labltk (U) mlpost (U) net-acct nss-passwords (U) obus (U) ocaml-config-file (U) ocaml-deriving-ocsigen (U) ocaml-ipaddr (U) ocaml-text (U) ocamlnet (U) ppx-deriving (U) Sune Vuorela <>¶ akonadi (U) qt4-x11 (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtscript-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) Sune Vuorela <>¶ kapptemplate (U) kde4libs (U) kuser (U) oxygen-icons5 (U) pairs (U) qtruby (U) smokeqt (U) Sunil Mohan Adapa <>¶ plinth (U) Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik <>¶ libnanoxml2-java (U) Sven Bartscher <>¶ haskell-memoize (U) Sven Hoexter <>¶ lyx (U) mysqltcl Sven Joachim <>¶ dict-devil Sylvain Le Gall <>¶ gmetadom (U) ocaml-data-notation (U) Sylvain Pineau <>¶ plainbox (U) plainbox-provider-checkbox (U) Sylvestre Ledru <>¶ code-saturne (U) gluegen2 (U) libjgraphx-java (U) libjlatexmath-java (U) libjogl2-java (U) libskinlf-java (U) morse-simulator (U) openmpi (U) pep8 (U) scilab (U) sundials (U) SZALAY Attila <>¶ libzorpll Sébastien Villemot <>¶ atlas (U) dynare (U) octave (U) octave-econometrics (U) octave-gsl (U) octave-nan (U) octave-secs2d (U) octave-sockets (U) octave-specfun (U) openblas (U) r-cran-rsdmx (U) zotero-standalone-build Sérgio Benjamim <>¶ mgba (U) Séverin Lemaignan <>¶ morse-simulator (U) Taku YASUI <>¶ erlang-cowboy (U) erlang-proper (U) erlang-ranch (U) libnet-traceroute-perl (U) ruby-filesystem (U) Tanguy Ortolo <>¶ slixmpp TANIGUCHI Takaki <>¶ asciijump (U) haskell-cereal (U) haskell-hxt (U) haskell-hxt-charproperties (U) haskell-hxt-curl (U) haskell-hxt-http (U) haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema (U) haskell-hxt-relaxng (U) haskell-hxt-unicode (U) haskell-listlike (U) python-git (U) python-igraph (U) python-jpype (U) python-nine (U) python-pgmagick (U) python-socketpool (U) xgalaga++ (U) Tatsuki Sugiura <>¶ ruby-filesystem Tcl/Tk Debian Packagers <>¶ tcllib Teemu Ikonen <>¶ ann (U) freecad (U) openctm (U) pymca (U) Teus Benschop <>¶ bibledit-gtk (U) Thaddeus H. Black <>¶ derivations Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo <>¶ gsasl (U) jsjac (U) The Debian Lua Team <>¶ lua-cjson The Debichem Group <>¶ libpwiz libwildmagic tandem-mass Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <>¶ fonts-sipa-arundina fonts-tlwg Thibaut Paumard <>¶ fftw (U) lorene (U) zerofree Thijs Kinkhorst <>¶ harden-doc (U) Thomas Bechtold <>¶ puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib (U) Thomas Bushnell, BSG <>¶ scm Thomas Gaugler <>¶ nsis Thomas Girard <>¶ ace (U) gnu-smalltalk (U) omniorb-dfsg (U) Thomas Goirand <>¶ alembic (U) ceilometer (U) cinder (U) dtc-xen heat (U) horizon (U) ironic (U) libjs-requirejs-text (U) manila (U) migrate (U) miniupnpd murano (U) networking-mlnx (U) neutron (U) nova (U) novnc (U) ntpstat (U) php-mail (U) puppet-module-puppetlabs-rabbitmq (U) python-ceilometermiddleware (U) python-congressclient (U) python-django-compressor (U) python-fixtures (U) python-flake8 (U) python-futurist (U) python-gflags (U) python-hp3parclient (U) python-ibm-db-sa (U) python-keystonemiddleware (U) python-mockito (U) python-mysqldb (U) python-neutronclient (U) python-nose-timer (U) python-oslo.db (U) python-oslo.utils (U) python-oslo.vmware (U) python-oslotest (U) python-pygit2 (U) python-rjsmin (U) python-rtslib-fb (U) python-swiftclient (U) python-taskflow (U) python-txaio (U) python-watcherclient (U) python-xstatic-jasmine (U) python-xstatic-term.js (U) python-zaqarclient (U) qpid-proton (U) rabbitmq-server (U) senlin (U) sphinxcontrib-programoutput (U) Thomas Günther <>¶ vdr-plugin-fritzbox (U) vdr-plugin-live (U) vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (U) vdr-plugin-spider (U) vdr-plugin-sudoku (U) Thomas Koch <>¶ closure-compiler (U) libandroid-json-org-java (U) libjuniversalchardet-java (U) Thomas Lange <>¶ fai Thomas Pierson <>¶ libqxt Thomas Preud'homme <>¶ gcc-arm-none-eabi (U) libstdc++-arm-none-eabi (U) Thomas Schmidt <>¶ vdr-plugin-fritzbox (U) vdr-plugin-live (U) vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (U) vdr-plugin-spider (U) vdr-plugin-sudoku (U) Thomas Weber <>¶ octave-econometrics (U) octave-nan (U) octave-secs2d (U) octave-sockets (U) octave-specfun (U) Thomi Richards <>¶ sphinxcontrib-youtube Thorsten Alteholz <>¶ alljoyn-core-1504 (U) alljoyn-core-1509 (U) alljoyn-core-1604 (U) bibclean chktex feynmf fis-gtm (U) ginkgocadx (U) highlight.js (U) mira (U) node-querystringify (U) node-setimmediate (U) node-xmlhttprequest-ssl (U) openzwave (U) python-cogent (U) scheme48 treeview (U) Thorsten Glaser <>¶ rs Thorsten Glaser <>¶ guacamole-client (U) Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <>¶ ffmpeg2theora+ (U) manpages-pt (U) nasty (U) taopm (U) tinyeartrainer zyne (U) Tiago Saboga <>¶ libhtmlparser-java (U) Tianon Gravi <>¶ golang-1.7 (U) golang-1.8 (U) golang-github-tinylib-msgp (U) TigerVNC Packaging Team <>¶ tigervnc Tim Booth <>¶ cdbfasta (U) derby (U) microbiomeutil (U) mira (U) mothur (U) pyqi (U) python-skbio (U) rdp-classifier (U) tcode (U) Tim Potter <>¶ argparse4j (U) fest-assert (U) fest-test (U) jackson-datatype-guava (U) jackson-datatype-joda (U) java-allocation-instrumenter (U) jffi (U) jnr-constants (U) jnr-ffi (U) jnr-unixsocket (U) jruby (U) Tim Potter <>¶ golang-github-appc-cni (U) golang-github-coreos-pkg (U) golang-github-ghodss-yaml (U) influxdb (U) Tim Retout <>¶ gnu-standards libhttp-proxy-perl (U) Tim Theisen <>¶ condor (U) Timo Aaltonen <>¶ idm-console-framework (U) jaxb (U) jss (U) maven-replacer-plugin (U) Timo Aaltonen <>¶ gstreamer-vaapi (U) relaxngcc (U) Timo Juhani Lindfors <>¶ systemtap (U) Timo Jyrinki <>¶ qt4-x11 (U) qtconnectivity-opensource-src (U) qtdoc-opensource-src (U) qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (U) qtscript-opensource-src (U) qtsensors-opensource-src (U) qttools-opensource-src (U) qtwayland-opensource-src (U) qtwebkit-opensource-src (U) voikko-fi Tino Didriksen <>¶ apertium (U) Tino Didriksen <>¶ apertium-es-ro (U) apertium-hin (U) apertium-kaz (U) apertium-tat (U) giella-sme (U) Tino Mettler <>¶ syncevolution+ Tobias Grimm <>¶ linuxtv-dvb-apps (U) vdr-plugin-fritzbox (U) vdr-plugin-live (U) vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (U) vdr-plugin-spider (U) vdr-plugin-sudoku (U) Tobias Hamp <>¶ metastudent-data (U) Tobias Hansen <>¶ allegro5 (U) cddlib (U) ecl (U) maxima-sage (U) sagemath (U) Tobias Winchen <>¶ engauge-digitizer Tobias Winchen <>¶ klatexformula Tom Soderlund <>¶ fonts-tibetan-machine (U) Tomasz Buchert <>¶ hwinfo (U) mg (U) mothur (U) Tomasz Rybak <>¶ pytools Tommi Vainikainen <>¶ flex-old Tony Mancill <>¶ c++-annotations (U) stealth (U) tony mancill <>¶ closure-compiler (U) jabref (U) javamorph (U) jblas (U) jnr-constants (U) libfastutil-java (U) libglazedlists-java (U) libjgraph-java (U) libjpf-java (U) libonemind-commons-invoke-java (U) libonemind-commons-java-java (U) libpdfbox-java (U) libspin-java (U) mathomatic (U) mimetic (U) msktutil plexus-cli (U) service-wrapper-java (U) tomcat7 (U) tomcat8 (U) tuxguitar (U) weka (U) yodl (U) Torquil Macdonald Sørensen <>¶ mpich (U) Torrus maintainers <>¶ torrus Torsten Landschoff <>¶ swig Torsten Marek <>¶ pycairo (U) qtruby (U) smokeqt (U) Torsten Werner <>¶ ant (U) antlr (U) apache-log4j1.2 (U) axis (U) bcel (U) ca-certificates-java (U) commons-configuration (U) doxia (U) doxia-sitetools (U) fop (U) geronimo-jta-1.1-spec (U) ivy (U) java3d (U) javassist (U) jblas (U) jericho-html (U) jsoup (U) libapache-poi-java (U) libcobra-java (U) libcodemodel-java (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) libfreemarker-java (U) libgnumail-java (U) libhibernate-validator-java (U) libhibernate3-java (U) libjboss-marshalling-java (U) libjdbm-java (U) libjgroups-java (U) libjoda-time-java (U) libquartz-java (U) libregexp-java (U) libskinlf-java (U) libswingx-java (U) libtablelayout-java (U) libvldocking-java (U) libxbean-java (U) libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) libxmlrpc3-java (U) libxpp3-java (U) livetribe-jsr223 (U) maven-compiler-plugin (U) maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 (U) maven-dependency-tree (U) maven-doxia-tools (U) maven-jar-plugin (U) maven-reporting-impl (U) maven-shared-io (U) maven-shared-jar (U) maven2-core (U) mockobjects (U) modello (U) oss-preserve (U) plexus-active-collections (U) plexus-compiler (U) plexus-compiler-1.0 (U) plexus-containers (U) plexus-digest (U) plexus-interactivity-api (U) plexus-interpolation (U) wagon (U) weka (U) wsdl4j (U) Tristan Seligmann <>¶ python-service-identity (U) quodlibet (U) Troy Heber <>¶ crash lastpass-cli TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <>¶ juman Tzafrir Cohen <>¶ asterisk (U) belle-sip (U) bidiui (U) dahdi-linux (U) iaxmodem (U) kamailio (U) libhdate (U) opal (U) plinth (U) Ubuntu Developers <>¶ ubuntu-packaging-guide Ulrich Dangel <>¶ grml-debootstrap (U) User Mode Linux Maintainers <>¶ uml-utilities Utopia Maintenance Team <>¶ dbus-python nss-mdns Uwe Hermann <>¶ cvsutils flashrom openocd Uwe Kleine-König <>¶ microcom Uwe Steinmann <>¶ orpie pslib pxlib routino (U) uWSGI packaging team <>¶ uwsgi Vagrant Cascadian <>¶ libpam-sshauth (U) ltsp-docs (U) qemu# (U) Valentin Vidic <>¶ heartbeat (U) resource-agents (U) Vanessa Gutierrez <>¶ pyntor Vanessa Gutiérrez <>¶ apt-dpkg-ref Vangelis Mouhtsis <>¶ mate-menus (U) mate-netbook (U) mate-power-manager (U) mate-user-share (U) Varun Hiremath <>¶ apache-log4j1.2 (U) c3p0 (U) commons-io (U) ivy (U) javahelp2 (U) javassist (U) jericho-html (U) libcobra-java (U) libcodemodel-java (U) libcommons-collections3-java (U) libcommons-digester-java (U) libcommons-discovery-java (U) libcommons-validator-java# (U) libfreemarker-java (U) libhamcrest-java (U) libhibernate-validator-java (U) libhibernate3-java (U) libjdbm-java (U) libjfreechart-java (U) libjgroups-java (U) libjoda-time-java (U) libquartz-java (U) libswingx-java (U) libvldocking-java (U) libxml-security-java (U) mayavi2 (U) mockobjects (U) oss-preserve python-scipy (U) xom (U) Varun Hiremath <>¶ libj2ssh-java (U) Vasudev Kamath <>¶ fonts-gubbi (U) fonts-lohit-beng-assamese (U) fonts-lohit-beng-bengali (U) fonts-lohit-deva (U) fonts-lohit-guru (U) fonts-lohit-orya (U) fonts-lohit-taml (U) fonts-lohit-taml-classical (U) fonts-meera-taml (U) fonts-navilu (U) fonts-samyak (U) fonts-smc (U) Vasudev Kamath <>¶ cargo (U) fonts-fantasque-sans (U) fonts-lohit-telu (U) Victor Seva <>¶ kamailio (U) lua-redis smuxi (U) Vincent Bernat <>¶ exabgp haproxy (U) python-git (U) pyzmq (U) systemtap (U) tj3 xnee Vincent Cheng <>¶ 0ad (U) codeblocks (U) conky dbus-c++ gstreamer-vaapi (U) mypaint (U) pelican (U) supertuxkart (U) Vincent Danjean <>¶ htsjdk (U) libmarc-crosswalk-dublincore-perl (U) libmarc-xml-perl (U) libnet-z3950-zoom-perl (U) libpdl-stats-perl (U) pocl (U) sgf2dg Vincent Fourmond <>¶ batik (U) fop (U) freecol (U) libjfreechart-java (U) ruby-tioga+ statcvs (U) xmlgraphics-commons (U) Vincent Ladeuil <>¶ bzr (U) Vincent Prat <>¶ astroplan (U) pyregion (U) Vincent Sanders <>¶ netsurf Václav Šmilauer <>¶ woo (U) W. Martin Borgert <>¶ python-activipy (U) python-mplexporter (U) python-pgmagick (U) python-simpy3 (U) refcard (U) xmlroff (U) Wartan Hachaturow <>¶ console-common (U) Wences Arana <>¶ procmeter3 Werner Detter <>¶ policyd-weight Wesley W. Terpstra <>¶ mlton Willem van Engen <>¶ hexter (U) William Blough <>¶ xalan William Grzybowski <>¶ py-postgresql Wolfgang Baer <>¶ batik (U) libcommons-codec-java (U) Wolodja Wentland <>¶ jackson-annotations (U) jackson-core (U) jackson-databind (U) jackson-dataformat-smile (U) jackson-dataformat-yaml (U) salt (U) Wookey <>¶ terraintool therion tunnelx Wouter van Heyst <>¶ bzr (U) Wouter Verhelst <>¶ pmw wxWidgets Maintainers <>¶ wxwidgets3.0 X2Go Packaging Team <>¶ libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl (U) nx-libs-lite Xavier Grave <>¶ gnat-gps (U) liblog4ada libtemplates-parser (U) libxmlezout polyorb Xavier Grave <>¶ asis (U) Xavier Guimard <>¶ libgeo-point-perl (U) libnumber-format-perl (U) librpc-xml-perl (U) Ximin Luo <>¶ cargo (U) naga (U) sagemath (U) YAEGASHI Takeshi <>¶ gauche (U) gauche-c-wrapper (U) gauche-gtk (U) Yann Dirson <>¶ memtest86+ sgml2x Yaroslav Halchenko <>¶ ants# (U) cctools+ (U) freeipmi (U) itksnap (U) nibabel (U) nitime (U) openopt pandas# (U) pebl (U) psychtoolbox-3 (U) pymvpa2 (U) pynifti (U) pysurfer (U) python-git (U) scikit-learn (U) skimage (U) statsmodels (U) tigervnc (U) Yavor Doganov <>¶ (U) dbuskit (U) gnustep-base (U) gnustep-gui (U) gnustep-make (U) Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <>¶ avifile kawari8 moblin-icon-theme (U) mx png-sixlegs unrar-free west-chamber Youhei SASAKI <>¶ ruby-colorator (U) Yuan CHAO <>¶ pcmanfm-qt (U) Yukiharu YABUKI <>¶ canna-shion Yulia Novozhilova <>¶ felix-framework (U) felix-main (U) YunQiang Su <>¶ savi (U) sphinxsearch (U) YunQiang Su <>¶ brise (U) fcitx-libpinyin (U) libpinyin (U) ns2 (U) open-gram (U) sheepdog (U) sunpinyin (U) Yury V. Zaytsev <>¶ mc (U) Yuvi Panda <>¶ mwparserfromhell Yves-Alexis Perez <>¶ exo (U) garcon (U) xfce4-terminal (U) Zak B. Elep <>¶ libio-socket-multicast-perl (U) Zhengpeng Hou <>¶ moblin-icon-theme Zygmunt Krynicki <>¶ snapd (U) Zygmunt Krynicki <>¶ plainbox (U) plainbox-provider-checkbox (U) python-guacamole (U) python-padme (U) Євгеній Мещеряков <>¶ coccinelle (U) ispell-uk spark أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) <>¶ swt-gtk (U) أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) <>¶ libverilog-perl (U) verilator# (U)
A package name displayed with a bold
font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited
packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are
linked in blue.
A #
sign after the name of a package
indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a
sign indicates there is a
patch available, a P
means a
pending bug while #
indicates a
closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.