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Packages in stretch/amd64 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 1514 (6.1%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in stretch/amd64:

haskell-puremd5 haskell-reactive-banana haskell-reform haskell-regex-pcre haskell-regex-base haskell-reform-happstack haskell-reflection haskell-process-extras haskell-punycode haskell-polyparse haskell-readargs haskell-random-shuffle haskell-random haskell-quickcheck-instances haskell-primitive haskell-pipes-parse haskell-primes haskell-project-template haskell-profunctors haskell-prelude-extras haskell-pointedlist haskell-pointed haskell-pipes-zlib haskell-pipes haskell-persistent-postgresql haskell-persistent-template haskell-persistent haskell-pcap haskell-parsec haskell-pango haskell-pcre-light haskell-persistent-sqlite haskell-pem haskell-path-pieces haskell-monoid-subclasses haskell-patience haskell-parallel haskell-pandoc-citeproc haskell-options haskell-openpgp-asciiarmor haskell-openglraw haskell-opengl haskell-netwire haskell-objectname haskell-numtype haskell-numinstances haskell-numeric-extras haskell-numbers haskell-mueval haskell-newtype haskell-network-info haskell-monadprompt haskell-ncurses haskell-mwc-random haskell-mtlparse haskell-monad-loops haskell-mono-traversable haskell-mmap haskell-mersenne-random-pure64 haskell-math-functions haskell-monadcryptorandom haskell-monad-par-extras haskell-monad-control haskell-mmorph haskell-mime-types haskell-mime-mail haskell-memoize haskell-mbox haskell-lrucache haskell-maths haskell-markdown haskell-logict haskell-language-haskell-extract haskell-listlike haskell-lifted-async haskell-lens haskell-lazysmallcheck haskell-iproute haskell-json haskell-iospec haskell-incremental-parser haskell-libxml-sax haskell-keys haskell-io-choice haskell-idna haskell-irc haskell-io-storage haskell-ieee754 haskell-iconv haskell-intervals haskell-hxt-relaxng haskell-hxt-unicode haskell-hxt-http haskell-hxt-charproperties haskell-gitlib haskell-http-date haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema haskell-hxt-curl haskell-html haskell-hxt haskell-hstringtemplate haskell-hsyslog haskell-http haskell-hspec-expectations haskell-hsp haskell-hsemail haskell-hourglass haskell-hledger haskell-hs-bibutils haskell-hostname haskell-hmatrix haskell-hit haskell-hint haskell-ghc-syb-utils haskell-haskell-src haskell-hedis haskell-gtk-traymanager haskell-gluraw haskell-gnuidn haskell-hashtables haskell-glib haskell-hashable haskell-hashmap haskell-happstack-hsp haskell-gio haskell-ghc-events haskell-github haskell-ghc-paths haskell-email-validate haskell-gd haskell-file-location haskell-feed haskell-free haskell-foldl haskell-filemanip haskell-dpkg haskell-file-embed haskell-fdo-notify haskell-esqueleto haskell-dyre haskell-fast-logger haskell-executable-path haskell-dual-tree haskell-fb haskell-errors haskell-entropy haskell-either haskell-edit-distance haskell-edison-core haskell-distributive haskell-diff haskell-diagrams-svg haskell-devscripts haskell-dbus haskell-dns haskell-digest haskell-diagrams-lib haskell-dependent-sum-template haskell-dependent-sum freedict haskell-cryptohash haskell-convertible haskell-data-memocombinators haskell-debian haskell-crypto-random-api haskell-data-default-instances-base haskell-crypto-cipher-tests haskell-data-inttrie haskell-cmdargs haskell-data-default-class haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi haskell-colour haskell-cprng-aes haskell-control-monad-free haskell-configurator haskell-clock haskell-comonad haskell-chell haskell-chart haskell-cassava haskell-cipher-aes haskell-asn1-parse haskell-bmp haskell-charset haskell-bytestring-lexing haskell-cereal haskell-cairo haskell-bytestring-progress haskell-byteorder haskell-blaze-svg haskell-blaze-textual haskell-asn1-types haskell-bytedump lucene-solr haskell-bindings-sane haskell-blaze-builder haskell-adjunctions haskell-bifunctors haskell-basic-prelude haskell-authenticate-oauth haskell-attoparsec-enumerator htsjdk haskell-async elki haskell-ansi-wl-pprint haskell-cgi haskell-ifelse dnss ball python-futurist debmake-doc libnet-ssleay-perl sollya gcc-6-cross-ports jruby racket python-whoosh eclipse-titan ipxe swt-gtk dpdk vlc#+ chromium git gnucash qemu# php7.0 openjdk-8 clamav postgresql-9.6 firefox-esr thunderbird batik openjfx ant python-django checkstyle gnutls28 salt bind9 netqmail erlang rlwrap bouncycastle pysurfer tachyon augeas eclipse-mercurialeclipse maria qttools-opensource-src xdmf jaxb libambix python-bioblend should.js libfann dune-pdelab oasis3 pyinfra garcon opensips geant321 portabase ardour bzr spice-gtk python-fabio libopenobex apr subversion# zabbix dacs gridsite gitano uwsgi ocamlnet libxbean-java libapache2-mod-ruid2 gbrowse webauth jsxgraph wmweather+ libxml++2.6 memtest86+ dbus-c++ getfem++ mpqc emacs24 libvirt gettext freerdp c3p0 ceph plasma-framework gsoap chromium-browser pdl dose3 libpdl-stats-perl openni2 db5.3 sonnet libgcrypt20 open-build-service python-skbio heat icinga2 qtwebchannel-opensource-src mate-menus xtables-addons node-loose-envify dnssec-trigger haskell-mode lirc+#++ ptlib casacore-data-observatories vdk2 perlpanel eclipse-mylyn kdevelop-php calibre rumor tagcoll2 tasque freefem3d esys-particle fonts-ocr-b avifile kodi code-saturne lcm+ ipadic apertium-tat openorienteering-mapper+ rest2web murano r-cran-mi fonts-atarismall jmodeltest apertium-kaz anytun senlin healpix-cxx freecad condor nis forked-daapd haskell-http-link-header pocl openmcdf votca-csg kicad pandas# getdp libcoyotl manila plinth winswitch aprx belle-sip hexbox ufoai-music gnuradio smcroute r-cran-futile.logger elida automake-1.15 guile-json sweethome3d-furniture oxygen-fonts ttyload graxxia userv wordwarvi xorg-docs ufoai-data sisc scalable-cyrfonts gcc-python-plugin xz-utils wmii-doc taopm wine-development foxeye rockdodger zephyr# normaliz tinydyndns tuxguitar ssmtp ubuntu-packaging-guide webkitgtk shishi tinyirc sumo ruby-compass topal spooles sane-backends sacjava uisp sphinxcontrib-youtube tsdecrypt sgf2dg spectacle scantool smokeqt shotwell stressapptest sauce r-cran-rsdmx source-highlight rdflib skytools3 samhain spamassassin-heatu scheme48 cdebootstrap+ raster3d python-gflags statsmodels rbootd sensible-utils pycorrfit qrfcview ruby-sigar plib-doc ripmime newmail scala-mode-el python-astropy qdbm qtexengine rakudo# p7zip+ qtruby prewikka node-tap qtdoc-opensource-src qt4-x11 pyqt5 zyne pixelmed opticalraytracer python-x2go sendfile qtwebkit libranlip p3scan opencv pypy pasdoc pycode-browser node-rimraf pfstools py-postgresql ocaml-atd pygoocanvas pyscanfcs qtscriptgenerator postgis omake# oaklisp pentaho-reporting-flow-engine prover9-manual psicode nss-passwords openclonk python-biopython snake4 ocamlviz mh-e nfft maxima pari mxallowd mountpy ocamlgraph nut mono-upnp mldonkey mm-common+ mwrap nose2 pdfmod n2n muse-el manpages-tr libjgroups-java metastudent-data nco openhackware libtnt mono-basic mpich live-manual mit-scheme opam libquvi log4net logapp libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java mathomatic mm3d lam+ ldap-haskell libjama libgpg-error ltsp-docs libnet libstatgrab mrmpi libpixels-java libxalan2-java linuxdoc-tools lazarus liquidwar libjdom1-java jacal libskinlf-java libspring-java libint libxerces2-java libsdl-console libqxt libhdate libncursesada libjaxp1.3-java lcov gradle libjdom2-java libforms+ libsaxon-java jss keylaunch kde4libs jack-audio-connection-kit keyutils libpinyin erlang-ranch liblip libdumbnet libcommoncpp2 gerstensaft+ enblend-enfuse hdf-eos4 libbrahe ktikz hyperestraier gnustep-gui hydrogen jsjac gmusicbrowser isdnutils gnome-sharp2 gegl gtk-sharp2 geomview epiphany gss gtkspell gbrainy hdf5 geoip ferret-vis gdb fonts-pecita grass erlang-cl gnustep-make debian-reference idjc fonts-fantasque-sans grml-debootstrap fonts-tibetan-machine freeplane emboss festival grace gnu-standards fonts-arphic-bkai00mp fonts-cantarell grub java-gnome gsasl gnugo emms gmetrics elementary freecol fs-uae fonts-arphic-bsmi00lp fonts-dejavu dd2 flann efl feynmf epubcheck cxxtest dbview fcitx-libpinyin ecl bibtool ecj biojava-live developers-reference chktex ezstream dia dtaus dkg-handwriting debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br dict-gcide dbus-java courier-authlib cppunit eclipse eclipse-rse dbuskit dash colord coinor-symphony comedilib cwebx blockattack d-itg ceilometer debian-builder chaksem cwidget diploma cgilib bsh directfb bgoffice cffi buildapp closure-compiler antlr armagetronad giella-sme babl django-celery bbdb3 cfi automake1.11++ cclive+ clipper bibtex2html advi alsa-tools sdb tig keepass2 antelope pound abntex acct boolstuff miniupnpd python-qtconsole amora-server gnu-smalltalk yosys gnustep-dl2 openocd botan1.10 qterm kapptemplate uncertainties ppx-deriving ricochet simstring haskell98-report+ lava-server injeqt netxx bareftp malaga tatan python-simpy3 libu2f-host+ remote-tty cardpeek slic3r umlet savi broccoli scm liblog4ada manderlbot zlibc buffy grub2#+++ limesuite slepc eficas python-certbot gnucash-docs krunner mono-reference-assemblies gcc-msp430## sphinxsearch sagetex linux86 evolution-data-server mlton python-cogent skimage metview gmsh tycho mp3blaster nqp cloud-sptheme ooolib-perl nfstrace mesa haproxy r-cran-knitr gridengine# crash uhub+ keepalived scilab fonts-freefont apron astroplan esnacc curry-tools patat barnowl slic3r-prusa casacore-data-igrf firebird3.0 crack++ kvirc slixmpp boost1.62 yt libalog sipxtapi splint afnix glob2 0ad libhpptools curry-libs emacs25 espresso bacula-doc crac oclgrind bless woo msp430-libc codeblocks dpmb mmh alljoyn-core-1604 ants# gnome-do-plugins banshee cp2k trinityrnaseq goplay form ecere-sdk cctools+ alljoyn-core-1509 cupt groovy gambas3 alljoyn-core-1504 syncevolution+ iqtree horizon spring phpwebcounter sagan prometheus-mysqld-exporter asc python-asdf dub blender mona virtuoso-opensource freelan netbeans idlastro virt-top warzone2100 itksnap zotero-standalone-build java-policy ufoai libabigail nitime courier-unicode pyregion ksh pylucene ufoai-maps libgnatcoll libaws hardinfo morse-simulator gnat-gps urweb libevocosm jboss-xnio influxdb adacontrol labltk plasma-workspace zssh yacas asis inn2 pike8.0+++ surf-alggeo reposurgeon cross-toolchain-base libu2f-server 3270font yahtzeesharp apt-dpkg-ref kdelibs4support actor-framework lift bareos xtide mrrescue ironic uswsusp west-chamber python-padme zp yudit xmds2 wily xvier+ winff python-geopandas verilator# xjig ucspi-proxy+ xbs wine xmlunit xmlcopyeditor sgabios uclibc+ tuxpaint whizzytex wordgrinder vboot-utils tircd tiger telepathy-python turnin-ng synthv1 setools ttf-staypuft vimoutliner teseq tcpreen tcode tntnet ucspi-unix stgit openbios tidy-proxy qmail-tools squeak-vm the ttf-freefont swi-prolog sundials pyntor sysinfo spark orpie styx regina-rexx splash sympy mp3fs snacc nacl mailfront pngcheck openjpa nsnake plastex nostalgy nova openmpi olsrd mclibs# nibabel jsmath latex-cjk-chinese-arphic liblayout gap-autpgrp libinnodb kawari8 mailto madlib libapache-poi-java libffado libwebcam libguestfs kernel-handbook morsegen ncbi-blast+ jargon mimefilter leave derby jpylyzer ldaptor latrace# frama-c gcc-avr jssip exo junior-doc gap-gapdoc handbrake jfractionlab e17 fspy ibus-table-chinese gtk-gnutella ircd-irc2 ipsvd+ gcc-m68hc1x flex device-tree-compiler ckeditor fonts-lohit-orya gcc-h8300-hms firehol fai hp-search-mac fftw bibledit-gtk cherrypy3 davix cfingerd dynare fdutils docbook-xsl-saxon autogen cortina flashrom debiandoc-sgml-doc cgdb chemical-structures console-setup cvm blcr cloop cinder allegro5 celery darcs cuyo bittornado adasockets beignet boolector colortest-python blends cjk bibclean asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle checkpw biogenesis bidiui arj autoconf2.59 clc-intercal cfourcc coccinelle canna-shion mylvmbackup ask akonadi beav ario ahven aolserver4 nsis autoconf biff asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique apg apcupsd+ aspectj casacore-data-sources anet adacgi+ khmerconverter gerris pyfr gcc-defaults alembic guile-gnome-platform mono+ debdelta templayer namazu2 pcscada ghc apertium gcc-arm-none-eabi tbb milter-greylist swish-e hsqldb1.8.0 klone voikko-fi git-annex node-semver adabrowse lightproof eso-midas aspell-ar-large chemps2 ispell-uk bugs-everywhere yade unbound libwx-perl qgis indent gcc-6-cross neutron icedtea-web gnuplot qtwebengine-opensource-src equivs libpdl-linearalgebra-perl ntp fpc xorg-server polyorb maxima-sage biber dicom3tools openclipart debian-history jabref canl-c knot jython minlog subliminal casacore-data-lines petsc kxmlgui asterisk kdesignerplugin python-pcs pebl dballe conky sogo debian-edu-doc openjdk-8-jre-dcevm buici-clock rabbitmq-server pidentd sagemath python-watcherclient engauge-digitizer dune-localfunctions linbox munipack jacksum gnuift deal.ii qmail-run prometheus-blackbox-exporter ircd-ircu eclipse-cdt pgloader quagga abinit cyclades-serial-client yap# snapd altos gnuastro gri fonts-goudybookletter activemq elvis-tiny eclipse-cdt-pkg-config netsurf libkf5libkdepim libphp-jpgraph seqan2 kannel-sqlbox brickos dict-moby-thesaurus shim cimg openturns witty udo node-js-yaml colpack python-cement mapsembler2 yaws xemacs21 gnome-video-arcade libkf5pimcommon gcc-6 rheolef starpu oolite averell mayavi2 secilc qtiplot fbreader lout logol psychtoolbox-3 dhcpd-pools php-finder-facade psi4 ivtools fim booth smuxi python-escript groovebasin paraview+ icu4j-4.2 infinipath-psm+ git-hub quickroute-gps r-cran-tm dict-gazetteer2k chealpix freewnn phpdox piespy lynx nrefactory vite pygccxml madness treeview audiotools magics++ plplot tj3 pegasus-wms python-dtcwt dict-bouvier monodevelop complexity visualvm netrek-client-cow cduce sdcc x11vnc drbd-doc flowscan python-cycler r-cran-lambda.r lucene4.10 xnee jruby-openssl xemacs21-packages wordnet xorp xmlgraphics-commons k3d frobby x11proto-core lombok python-ly whitedune# writer2latex xmlstarlet yodl vtk6 systemtap unicon# xlsx2csv xmlformat vpb-driver spherepack viking harden-doc tclap therion weka triplea stealth slime h2database chake r-cran-teachingdemos unifont mongodb sawfish syslinux texi2html utop tinymux vdr-plugin-live taoframework sgml-base-doc scrollz sqlite3 speedcrunch starlink-ast scons-doc slof sendip torrus sdlgfx pyxplot sphinxcontrib-programoutput supercat sbcl sheepdog refcard smlnj scala ruby-tioga+ sailcut routino silo-llnl python-pyaudio quantlib qjackctl reportbug-ng rcs rgain ruby-standalone samplv1 quvi ragel qtractor rebar r-cran-diagnosismed posixtestsuite octave qt-at-spi pymvpa2 qtquickcontrols-opensource-src r-cran-amelia r-base qtwebkit-opensource-src r-cran-fastcluster paramiko pyfai pstoedit pdftk pycairo python-xlib+ python-taskflow pymol qpid-proton openmolar pitivi ocamlbricks python-scipy pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring plainbox python-numpy publican opentk# python-networkx pd-flite oroborus opentoken plr pyside python-shapely mina2 ocaml-deriving-ocsigen pairs pike7.8 oregano nunit mrpt libsbml mimetic openvswitch mondrian open-gram mono-zeroconf lie mono-tools myghty newtonsoft-json plm libsndfile nss moon-buggy leds-alix mpack nordugrid-arc noweb muttprint mono-addins nordugrid-arc-doc minicom mathpiper marionnet maildirsync mlpost libical libcddb htp mediathekview mira lprng gtools mc librep#+ lifelines microbiomeutil libzhuyin maint-guide libident librevenge matplotlib libhamcrest-java mummer latex2html libcec libtheora jaminid libaunit libgtkada love libnb-platform18-java librabbitmq hol88 libflorist javamorph iproute2 kannel libpam-ldap libgda5 libtomcrypt libtommath julia gromacs libbluray js-of-ocaml htmldoc jakarta-jmeter+ libgpars-groovy-java hkl hercules gamera juman libkolabxml irsim herbstluftwm hyperic-sigar jsmath-fonts ilisp hibernate gedit-plugins jsmath-fonts-sprite gpsbabel gsmlib gentoo+ hex-a-hop hpanel http-icons+ ftpcopy idm-console-framework fonts-lohit-deva guile-2.0 grap fonts-play gforth fonts-uralic gnome-documents gnome-do guile-lib g15daemon fonts-smc gap-scscp fonts-tuffy galax gtk-sharp3 fftw3 gcl gnubg gmt graphviz+ fonts-sil-abyssinica gdata-sharp fonts-kacst-one ghc-testsuite frown gauche-gtk fonts-breip fonts-georgewilliams fonts-tlwg fonts-lohit-guru fonts-lohit-telu fonts-samyak fonts-prociono fonts-sipa-arundina fuse-posixovl dhcping fonts-levien-typoscript fonts-lohit-beng-bengali gfxboot+ fonts-meera-taml freecdb+ epix doc-linux-fr freeipmi fonts-oldstandard fonts-linuxlibertine fceux fonts-navilu flex-old fonts-lohit-beng-assamese essays1743 fastforward fonts-gubbi freedoom fonts-lohit-taml-classical fonts-isabella flactag filler fonts-ebgaramond fonts-ocr-a fonts-century-catalogue docky fis-gtm brltty dune-common felix-latin fonts-dustin doctorj dbusada ddd dc3dd doxygen dbus-python cafeobj fonts-lohit-taml erlang-cowboy dtc-xen coco-java emma-coverage dbar ecb c++-annotations drumkv1 erlang-proper dict-devil ecasound dejagnu coq dbf debian-faq debian-zh-faq cgit derivations cxref dahdi-linux codenarc debian-policy canna blktrace texworks-manual cvsutils auctexP openafs bash a2ps gimp trilinos bbdb atlas axiom asymptote auto-07p gstreamer1.0 avr-libc snort nasm installation-guide python2.7 ca-certificates-java fsharp khronos-opengl-man4PP tigervnc gnustep-base xen cargo clojure smartlist#

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.