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Packages in unstable/arm64 where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied

reproducible icon 150 (0.4%) packages where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied. Note that temporary failures (eg. due to network problems) are automatically rescheduled every 4 hours.

prads nqp r-cran-waveslim plastimatch php-fxsl unicycler mongo-cxx-driver-legacy nim-unicodedb nvme-cli vagrant-mutate hts-nim-tools ants mydumper umap-learn shc rust-idna-adapter mlpy graypy php-fdomdocument pplatex circlator ruby-distribution# rust-hurl haskell-hsx-jmacro shush rust-hurl-core haskell-raaz gimp-texturize pybik itkadaptivedenoising prelude-correlator ruby-faraday unicrypto forgejo-cli python-pyramid-retry wasix-libc python-aioraven nim-docopt python-adb-shell ukui-control-center rust-cargo-test-support haskell-publicsuffixlist rust-symphonia-format-caf jupyter-ydoc python-fastparquet python-thinc dioptas libmmmulti python-oauth2client sdml ukui-settings-daemon gubbins biobambam2 mvdsv wine-development qemu raku-librarycheck libpsml ypy yosys-plugin-ghdl raku-license-spdx rust-termwiz resampy rust-tree-sitter-highlight gitlab rust-symphonia-format-riff haskell-soap-tls python-feather-format sfepy ruby-integration verilog-mode syrthes pymia haskell-reform-happstack haskell-regexpr threeb nim-kexpr haskell-cryptol haskell-smtp-mail gimp-plugin-registry appstream-generator gamehub itkgenericlabelinterpolator win32-loader synfigstudio adabrowse sane-frontends nim mosdepth sight pysph scmutils nim-lapper oaklisp r-cran-psychtools sagemath golang-github-apptainer-container-library-client edk2 minimac4 materialize ukui-panel kraft debian-parl camitk grok q2-dada2 python-sparse pysurfer ukui-session-manager gensim hyperspy python-aiortc nim-hts promod3 trafficserver nim-unicodeplus python-loompy psortb haskell-web-routes-th libghemical tilix ruby-voight-kampff unburden-home-dir debian-design xserver-xorg-video-glide+ glib-d python-pynndescent nim-d3 smuxi haskell-misfortune phpdox haskell-idna libatomic-queue ecere-sdk asis calculix-ccx ruby-premailer-rails ghemical gtk-d jakarta-standard-taglib haskell-happstack-hsp haskell-web-routes-happstack sagetex python-cogent haskell-web-routes-hsp tree-style-tab haskell-web-routes-boomerang pygccjit shovill coq-interval

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.