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freedombox_build-depends package set for trixie/arm64

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package set freedombox_build-depends in trixie/arm64
The package set freedombox_build-depends in trixie/arm64 consists of 643 packages:
None 16 (2.5%) packages failed to build reproducibly: black gcc-14 lynx python3.11 gdb python-pip nss systemtap dejagnu fonts-fork-awesome doxygen freetds+ bluez augeas libzstd qtwebengine-opensource-src
None 20 (3.1%) packages failed to build from source: strace python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface routes fakeroot freezegun mypy webkit2gtk libxcb pexpect sphinx# linux+ ceph nspr python-cheroot gnupg2 vim curl libuv1 gem2deb python-django
None None None None 8 (1.2%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: mono+ gnumach mig krb5# python-cryptography pcp systemd setuptools
None 599 (93.2%) packages successfully build reproducibly: acl alabaster alsa-lib apache2# apparmor appstream apr apr-util apt argon2 asciidoc asciidoctor aspell aspell-en at-spi2-core attr audit autoconf autoconf2.69 autoconf-archive autoconf-dickey automake-1.16 autopkgtest autotools-dev avahi awesomplete baconqrcode bash-completion bats bc binutils# bison boost-defaults brotli btrfs-progs byacc bzip2 ca-certificates cairo c-ares cargo cdbs cdebconf chafa chardet check chrpath cli-common cmake cmocka codespell configobj cpio cppcheck cracklib2 cron cryptsetup cunit cvs cyrus-sasl2 cython cython-legacy datefudge db-defaults dblatex dbus dbus-python dctrl-tools debhelper dh-autoreconf dh-buildinfo dh-exec dh-golang dh-python dh-runit dist distro-info-data docbook docbook2x docbook-dsssl docbook-to-man docbook-utils docbook-xml docbook-xsl dpkg# d-shlibs duktape dwz e2fsprogs ed elfutils ell elogind enchant-2 equivs expat extra-cmake-modules fakechroot file firebird3.0 flex flit flit-scm fontcustom freeglut freetype fribidi fstrm furo fuse fuse3 gawk+ gcc-defaults gdal gdbm# gengetopt geoip gettext ghostscript gi-docgen giflib git glib2.0 glibc glib-networking gloox glusterfs gmp gnome-common gnu-efi gnulib gnutls28 gobject-introspection golang-defaults golang-ed25519-dev golang-filippo-edwards25519 golang-gitlab-yawning-edwards25519-extra golang-go.crypto golang-goptlib golang-siphash-dev googletest gperf gpm graphite2 groff grunt gsettings-desktop-schemas gtk+2.0 gtk+3.0 gtk-doc guzzle guzzle-sphinx-theme harfbuzz haskell-shake hatchling hatch-vcs heimdal help2man i18nspector icu imagemagick importlib-resources indent intltool iproute2 iptables isort itstool jansson jaraco.classes jaraco.collections jaraco.context jaraco.text java-common javatools# jbigkit jdupes jemalloc jetring jinja2 jq json-c json-glib jupyter-server kconfig kcoreaddons keyutils kmod knotifications knotifyconfig ktextwidgets kwidgetsaddons kxmlgui lcms2 lcov lerc less less.js libaio libassuan libatasmart libatomic-ops libb2 libblockdev libbsd libcap2 libcap-ng libcbor libdaemon libdbusmenu-qt libdebian-installer libdeflate libdevel-cover-perl libedit libev libevent libfcgi libffi libfido2 libfile-copy-recursive-perl libfile-slurp-perl libfile-which-perl libgcrypt20 libgd2 libglu libgpg-error libgudev libical3 libidn2 libimagequant libio-pty-perl libipc-run3-perl libipc-run-perl libipc-system-simple-perl libjpeg-turbo libjs-blazy libksba liblocale-gettext-perl libmaxminddb libmbim libmd libmicrohttpd libmnl libmodule-build-perl libmodule-find-perl libndp libnetfilter-conntrack libnfnetlink libnftnl libnl3 libnsl libonig libpaper libpcap libpgm libpng1.6 libpod-pom-view-restructured-perl libproxy libpsl libpthread-stubs libqmi libseccomp libselinuxP libsemanage libsepol libsodium libssh libssh2 libtasn1-6 libteam libtest-deep-perl libtest-minimumversion-perl libtest-output-perl libtest-perl-critic-perl libtest-pod-coverage-perl libtest-pod-perl libtest-spelling-perl libtest-strict-perl libtest-synopsis-perl libtext-hogan-perl libtextwrap libtool libunistring liburcu libusb-1.0 libverto libwebp libx11 libxau libxcrypt libxdmcp libxi libxml2 libxmltok libxmu libxslt libyaml libzip linux-base llvm-defaults lmdb lowdown lsb-release-minimal lua5.1 lua5.3 lvm2 lz4 lzma lzo2 m4 man2html maven-repo-helper mawk mbedtls mdocml media-types mercurial meson mhash modemmanager more-itertools mpi-defaults mysql-defaults myst-parser nasm naturaldocs ncurses ndg-httpsclient netbase netcat-openbsd net-snmp nettle net-tools network-manager newt nghttp2 ninja-build node-autoprefixer node-babel7 node-babel-loader node-clean-css node-css-loader node-file-loader node-grunt-babel node-grunt-contrib-uglify node-he node-load-grunt-tasks node-mini-css-extract-plugin node-postcss-cli node-rollup node-rollup-plugin-babel node-rollup-plugin-buble node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve node-source-map node-strip-json-comments node-terser node-webpack norm npth nss-wrapper numactl objgraph olefile openjdk-17 openjpeg2 openldap opensp openssh openssl+ openstack-pkg-tools p11-kit package-notes pam pandoc parsedatetime patch patchutils pcre2 perl phonon phpab php-arthurhoaro-web-thumbnailer php-crypt-gpg php-defaults php-klogger php-mail-mime php-malkusch-lock php-masterminds-html5 php-net-ldap3 php-netscape-bookmark-parser php-oscarotero-gettext php-parsedown php-parsedown-extra php-pubsubhubbub-publisher php-roundcube-rtf-html-php php-slim phpunit pigz pillow pkcs11-helper pkgconf pkg-kde-tools pkg-php-tools po4a po-debconf poetry-core policykit-1 popper.js popt postgresql-16 postgresql-common ppp procps protobuf protobuf-c psycopg2 pyasn1 pycairo pycodestyle pycparser pyflakes pygments pygobject pyinotify pylint pyopenssl pyparsing pyrfc3339 pytest pytest-forked pytest-httpbin pytest-mock pytest-rerunfailures pytest-runner pytest-xdist python3-defaults python3-stdlib-extensions python-apt python-asgiref python-async-timeout python-autocommand python-bcrypt python-certifi python-cffi python-configargparse python-coverage python-cryptography-vectors python-daemon python-dateutil python-dbusmock python-distro python-distutils-extra python-django-formtools python-docutils python-ecdsa python-flake8 python-greenlet python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme python-hypothesis python-idna python-inflect python-invoke python-iso8601 python-jaraco.functools python-josepy python-ldap python-maturin python-mock python-msgpack python-nacl python-packaging python-pathspec python-pkgconfig python-pluggy python-portend python-pretend python-py python-pyasn1-modules python-pytest-asyncio python-pytest-benchmark python-pytest-cov python-pytest-subtests python-pytest-timeout python-requests-toolbelt python-requests-unixsocket python-selenium python-setuptools-rust python-socksipy python-sphinxcontrib.apidoc python-tblib python-tempora python-toml python-tomli python-tornado python-trustme python-typeguard python-tz python-urllib3 python-virtualenv pyyaml qca2 qdbm qrencode qtmultimedia-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src qtwebkit-opensource-src quilt raqm rdfind re2c readline reiserfsprogs requests requirejs rpds-py rtmpdump ruby-defaults ruby-sass rust-archery rust-foreign-types-shared-0.1 rust-openssl rust-openssl-sys rust-paste rust-pyo3 rust-rpds sassc sass-stylesheets-purecss scowl setuptools-scm sharutils shellcheck shunit2 simplejson six sizzle slang2 socat spatialite sphinx-design sphinx-favicon sphinx-notfound-page sphinx-reredirects sphinx-rtd-theme sqlite3 sqlparse strip-nondeterminism subversion# swig symlinks talloc tcl8.6 tcltk-defaults tcp-wrappers texi2html texinfo texlive-base+ tidy-html5 tiff time tpm2-tss traitlets triehash trove-classifiers twitter-bootstrap3 twitter-bootstrap4 typeshed typogrify tzdata uglify-js umockdev unbound unicode-data unixodbc util-linux vala valgrind-if-available w3m wheel xauth xcb-proto xen xml-core xmlto xmltoman xorgproto xorg-server xorg-sgml-doctools xtrans xutils-dev xxhash xz-utils yajl zc.lockfile zeromq3 zlib zope.interface

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.