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Packages in trixie/arm64 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 559 (1.5%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in trixie/arm64:

fritzconnection+ enblend-enfuse node-rollup-plugin-node-polyfills gpsd stockfish jmol allegro5# publican python-igraph icinga2 kicad qtwebengine-opensource-src python3.13 yt ksh93u+m# bluez raku-getopt-long mdtraj nheko riseup-vpn fonts-meera-inimai xonsh# unicon# kooha ghub-el ghc node-shiny-server fragments gap-design maxima sumo caddy epics-base rdflib+ igraph getfem primesieve python-pint lmfit-py metview scons moment-timezone.js dpdk python3.12 mesa gcc-14 aspectj sbcl python-pydash+ qpid-proton hdf-eos4 gm-assistant quickfix scap-security-guide elpa-transient macaulay2 u1db-qt foot joblib rakudo# raku-readline zabbix aegisub magic-wormhole-transit-relay+ mayavi2 gr-radar dnf-plugins-core kleborate ocamlviz jsjac python-laszip justbuild scikit-misc namazu2 golang-github-go-git-go-git+ guidata texmacs quickroute-gps ocaml-containers rust-gperftools haskell-shell-conduit osmocom-dahdi-linux pelican+ pupnp guile-reader pgpool2 log4net r-bioc-biocparallel mousai gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast pybdsf amanda openmsx r-cran-dimred qtscxml-everywhere-src qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src opm-upscaling pwntools terminaltables freecad doomsday starjava-ttools elixir-makeup gnome-metronome pyfai# swish-e dub+ libjpam-java topal r-bioc-ioniser elixir-ex-doc hdf-eos5 bpfcc optee-os xmlcopyeditor alire optee-test datalad-next fonts-topaz-unicode hyperic-sigar hipcub rust-gst-plugin-gtk4 ironic cctbx gsequencer graxxia conky adasockets govarnam nitime python-neutron-lib sawfish ruby-re2 python-mt-940+ node-opencv dpmb qt6-remoteobjects frozenlist g2o libcamera fritzing lombok tetzle+ ngspice astroplan# piglit python-levenshtein cardpeek atlas-ecmwf rockdodger rocm-hipamd giac netrek-client-cow quantlib gri nbconvert masakari-monitors fcitx-libpinyin rocrand dcl prometheus-mysqld-exporter vlc#+ visualvm r-cran-sass pydicom xpenguins dipy python-x2go+ tomcat10 slm graphviz+ rulex open3d rocfft patroni# libpqxx black librsb python-schema-salad sisc gensio+ fdb bidiui r-cran-cli contourpy linuxcnc condor topparser python-pymzml salmon why3 sasview fricas acmetool libopensmtpd r-cran-rstan cvc5 pysolid guile-2.2 pdb-tools cappuccino r-cran-prophet pfstools libxtc-rats-java bird2 libgtkada liblog4ada neuron tracker core-specs-alpha-clojure pyside2 vertico ymuse woof-doom+ opensubdiv sphinxsearch r-cran-dbitest underscore lifelines r-cran-tweenr r-cran-r.rsp libflame python-hdf5plugin pandas# yasnippet r-cran-r.devices pymol wxmplot+ orderless emboss librostlab statsmodels python-rcon metkit fiat-ecmwf vdr-plugin-markad apophenia+ consult-el ecl embark buildapp python-qtconsole golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact marginalia kuttypy gcl arm-compute-library skimage erlang eye gkrellm-ledsP mdnsd parallel raku-json-name rebar3 python-fabio ocaml-atd ne10 raku-log silo-llnl mypy ncbi-igblast buici-clock musescore3 pyside6 juman golang-golang-x-net raku-uri valgrind+ python-gsd python-django awesome wrk python-fudge# yaws fdutils citar polybar jcabi-aspects pforth termshark petsc raku-tap-harness fonts-beteckna python-cycler rabbitmq-server leiningen-clojure+ sayonara mpich slepc mapsembler2 r-cran-rsdmx yarl zeitgeist axiom binutils-mipsen octave-communications python-inline-snapshot# r-cran-tm spglib g15daemon findent xsnow sailcut fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi libcifpp libiio eckit freetds+ indexed-gzip codelite dnsjit pypy3 libswe augeas golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl jsxgraph libtorrent-rasterbar r-cran-rinside r-cran-teachingdemos dde-qt-dbus-factory scikit-fmm eso-midas userv libhdate fonts-smc-karumbi hmmer jabref muttprint autokey libjcat fonts-fantasque-sans cheesecutter yubihsm-connector fonts-arundina r-cran-quantmod mathpiper fairy-stockfish avr-libc freespeech savi ufoai fonts-smc-keraleeyam grub2++++ r-bioc-ballgown grass slime libosmocore fonts-smc-uroob fonts-smc-meera cc65 doxygen fonts-smc-dyuthi swi-prolog xindy refcard gap-sonata jupyter-server casacore-data-jplde r-cran-cliapp m2crypto fonts-fork-awesome cardo r-cran-rprojroot r-bioc-qtlizer libpll r-bioc-genomicfeatures blockattack rebar python-rtmidi maint-guide python-sphobjinv+ grace smartdns hsail-tools ibus-libzhuyin ruby-pygments.rb nco scala rcolorbrewer hello jpylyzer ripmime sdpb h2database r-cran-futile.logger libint+ fonts-smc-rachana maxima-sage clojure yash casacore-data-igrf treeview hol88 bliss fftw gcc-avr posixtestsuite lynx fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans live-manual htp gdcm scalable-cyrfonts cddlib sgf2dg lucene4.10 writer2latex node-function-bind+ cjk cxxtest ldc frobby libofx r-cran-diagnosismed castle-game-engine qtconnectivity-opensource-src noweb bibclean libforms+ emoslib rkward gcc-12-cross-mipsen dicom3tools ppl dejagnu john lam+ r-cran-lambda.r latex-cjk-chinese-arphic faker geomview latex-coffee-stains openmcdf pyopenssl efl systemtap libpinyin nbsphinx dict-gcide sketch debian-history gmetrics closure-compiler fte wings3d critcl+ sweethome3d-furniture injeqt metastudent-data freeplane dxf2gcode with-editor omake# yudit erlang-proper+ libnb-platform18-java psi-plus telepathy-spec firehol wyrd mona sqlalchemy kitty lie scheme48 libkolabxml buddy+ macsyfinder r-cran-tmvtnorm fltk1.3 groovy ncbi-blast+ hexbox liquidwar boolstuff linux86 texworks-manual fcitx5-zhuyin mah-jong r-cran-repr asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle gbrowse bibtool receptor+ ludevit+ vkd3d esnacc spec-alpha-clojure secilc pygopherd+ starjava-topcat twopaco debmake-doc sphinx-panels+ gromacs phcpack opentk rocdbgapi idm-console-framework r-base r-cran-taxize mpi4py nss fonts-atarist eccodes r-cran-emayili guile-3.0 r-cran-gprofiler2 coq-iris getdp gmsh scala-pickling python-escript coq gpredict ssreflect python-pyqtgraph tty-record gr-dab debug-me jupyterlab jool madness chezscheme golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf gap-scscp fs-uae lucene-solr biogenesis uclibc+ odc notary cyclograph epix simstring+ librep#+ muon-meson+ manila pstoedit qt6-connectivity python-cloup flask-limiter+ opencpn monado grandorgue netsurf masakari libu2f-host+ jameica-h2database gtsam rocketcea watcher magic-wormhole-mailbox-server pgloader r-cran-gert yade

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A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.