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maint_debian-lua package set for trixie/i386

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package set maint_debian-lua in trixie/i386
The package set maint_debian-lua in trixie/i386 consists of 105 packages:
None 1 (1.0%) packages failed to build reproducibly: libguestfs
None 104 (99.0%) packages successfully build reproducibly: gnuplot golly hamlib ibus-pinyin libmpack-lua lua5.1 lua5.2 lua5.3 lua5.4 lua-ansicolors lua-argparse lua-augeas lua-basexx lua-binaryheap luabind lua-bit32 lua-bitop lua-busted lua-cgi luacheck lua-cjson lua-cliargs lua-cmsgpack lua-compat53 lua-copas lua-cosmo lua-coxpcall lua-cqueues lua-curl lua-curses lua-cyrussasl lua-discount lua-dkjson lua-doc lua-event lua-expat lua-fifo lua-filesystem lua-http lua-iconv lua-inifile lua-inotify lua-inspect lua-json luakit lua-ldap lua-ldoc lua-leg lua-lemock lua-lgi lua-ljsyscall lua-logging lua-lpeg lua-lpeg-patterns lua-lpty lua-lsqlite3 lua-luaossl lua-luassert lua-lxc lua-markdown lua-md5 lua-mediator lua-messagepack luametatex lua-mmdb lua-mode lua-moses lua-nginx-cookie lua-nginx-dns lua-nginx-kafka lua-nginx-memcached lua-nginx-redis lua-nginx-redis-connector lua-nginx-string lua-nginx-websocket lua-orbit lua-posix lua-psl lua-readline lua-redis lua-resty-core lua-resty-lrucache lua-rexlib lua-rings luarocks lua-say lua-sec lua-soap luasocket lua-sql lua-struct lua-svn lua-system lua-term lua-unbound lua-unit lua-uri lua-wsapi lua-xmlrpc lua-yaml lua-zip lua-zlib neomutt rrdtool

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.