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Packages in bullseye/arm64 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 755 (2.4%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in bullseye/arm64:

mlpost graphviz+ linux# org-mode emacs libreoffice# imagemagick bind9# calibre znc runc webkit2gtk postfix qtbase-opensource-src### php7.4 vlc#+ tomcat9 allegro5# libapache-poi-java sks libscout pocl secsipidx glibmm2.4 seqan3 scons openms jskeus pmix libpod rabbitmq-server grub2++++ nlohmann-json3 qtwebengine-opensource-src gromacs getfem++ jsjac julia qtcreator ncbi-blast+ deal.ii axiom refcard musescore3 klayout sagemath bidiui libopenobex dlt-viewer libguestfs whitakers-words ircd-irc2 debug-me go-mtpfs drawing ocamlviz ruby-sigar ball crossfire ypserv victoriametrics pymol laminar kodi golang-github-sylabs-sif arduino-core-avr fonts-beteckna cinder cclive why3 mir pyside2 metkit kuserfeedback fdutils freecad golang-github-containers-buildah drbd-doc go-gir-generator r-cran-parsetools glob2 gri gle-graphics lomiri-api xtide gfpoken dolfinx metview numpy dde-qt-dbus-factory dmarc-cat python-av apt-offline cadvisor libgpars-groovy-java python-gsd buici-clock minexpert2 mcabber qtscxml-everywhere-src libjcat golang-github-alecthomas-chroma quickfix sagetex fricas eric python-escript golang-gonum-v1-plot giac cif-tools pakcs firmware-microbit-micropython aseba github-backup libhdate badger gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf android-platform-external-boringssl bitshuffle starlink-ast esys-particle starjava-ttools stenographer termshark plover cgal fonts-arundina kissplice python-xarray eckit apiguardian macs atlas-ecmwf opentest4j prometheus-postfix-exporter pcp prometheus-libvirt-exporter sumo kdevelop-php conky pyswarms mountpy libiio fonts-fantasque-sans ipp-usb gsoap r-bioc-biocparallel fonts-meera-inimai zabbix golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl massxpert manderlbot# fairy-stockfish cheesecutter node-opencv console-setup python3.9 mpqc asymptote scrollz cp2k bird2 ns2 sawfish ddd kicad mayavi2 bird http-icons avr-libc autokey logol weka hkl hevea muttprint mathpiper tuxpaint sympy wings3d nss libaws curry-libs starpu mrtrix3 lxml jabref evolution-data-server eccodes git-annex expeyes nipype python-ase nheko sphinxcontrib-programoutput syrthes libstatgrab g15daemon python2.7 mesa scummvm mingw-w64 golang-github-containers-storage libsbml golang-github-revel-revel keepass2 xonsh# blitz++ petsc savi mia ufoai msxpertsuite qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src nbibtex boost1.74 brickos gnu-smalltalk pdl gbrowse liblopsub gdb gcc-h8300-hms pypy racket latex2html fonts-smc-meera slepc kdelibs4support networkx golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact mender-client warzone2100 swi-prolog pytsk visualvm lirc festival go-exploitdb r-cran-cliapp hyperic-sigar libu2f-host+ qpid-proton awesome golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go quantlib knxd casacore-data-jplde kuttypy sasview mpv pytango ne10 gcc-avr libflame opentk ghdl piglit cardo fonts-rit-sundar debian-reference cc65 r-cran-quantmod pike8.0+++ slic3r amanda adacontrol asis adabrowse liblog4ada r-cran-rprojroot libayatana-appindicator libgtkada skimage maxima grass ghc abinit oclgrind libint2 libxmlezout tinymux amp prometheus-snmp-exporter maint-guide jpylyzer netrek-client-cow xindy secilc ibus-libzhuyin libpdl-linearalgebra-perl volume-key libpdl-stats-perl pdfmod dask ripmime r-cran-rstan pgsphere dcl qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src fonts-smc-keraleeyam openorienteering-mapper+ pgrouting libzeep therion cairomm fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi obs-studio fonts-smc-karumbi pyacidobasic gap-sonata doxygen taoframework htslib fonts-fork-awesome namazu2 timew fonts-smc-uroob python-scrapy eso-midas amavisd-milter libfann blockattack gnome-documents writer2latex fonts-smc-rachana curry-tools gap-design yash librostlab ora2pg maxima-sage golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers fonts-smc-dyuthi mira hsail-tools ecl glpk-java qt3d-opensource-src rockdodger setools ganeti r-cran-knitr hol88 spooles nco textql cyrus-sasl2 libpixels-java fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans grace automake1.11++ pd-flite qtcharts-opensource-src sdpb yasnippet python-pyqtgraph clojure live-manual idm-console-framework efitools evolution fftw toulbar2 gtk-sharp2 qtdoc-opensource-src qd netgen-lvs python-asdf boolector pgpool2 openmpi apt-dpkg-ref leave gtk-sharp3 r-cran-teachingdemos bless esdl h2database libphp-jpgraph node-mocha scalable-cyrfonts nunit userv remote-tty cjk mmorph gutenprint libquvi codenarc chktex casacore-data-igrf cardpeek qtconnectivity-opensource-src qttools-opensource-src fdb cxxtest canna ldap-haskell gcl speedcrunch scala xbs libbrahe quickroute-gps r-cran-diagnosismed python-x2go+ checkpw openmcdf zephyr# ucspi-proxy esnacc jsxgraph beav sonnet mailto gtools emboss r-cran-lambda.r yahtzeesharp silo-llnl rkward libint+ a2ps unicon# pandas# apbs simutrans-pak128.britain r-cran-futile.logger elida primesieve htp xmlcopyeditor atlas sgf2dg snake4 gforth injeqt mono-zeroconf rebar bibclean slime hp-search-mac slixmpp mono-addins xnee libcddb dc3dd posixtestsuite nsnake libpinyin gl2ps rdflib+ liblip metastudent-data libtheora lynx lucene4.10 sgml-base-doc dejagnu cffi libident alembic python-qtconsole omake# elvis-tiny nbsphinx malaga freeplane critcl+ treeview mona erlang latex-coffee-stains sdb mono-tools canl-c cfi comedilib+ yaws yudit mono-upnp lam+ muse-el matplotlib xemacs21-packages tclap colpack gdata-sharp dicom3tools taopm lifelines arduino gdcm qtx11extras-opensource-src polyml freewnn asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle qtwebsockets-opensource-src emoslib systemtap cvsutils efl mrmpi haskell98-report topal ahven cherrypy3 stgit r-cran-rsdmx snacc r-cran-tm basemap# libpam-ldap r-cran-amelia debian-history requirejs psi-plus d-itg mimetic cddlib gentoo telepathy-spec log4net lilypond swish-e statsmodels tsdecrypt gmpc tcpreen tntnet scheme48 wordnet winff mpich dict-gcide debian-faq newlib plplot libforms+ clc-intercal squeak-vm dpmb dia git-repair guile-2.2 icinga2 python-pygraphviz sweethome3d-furniture burrow closure-compiler libkolabxml openmsx nwchem scikit-learn bibtool sphinx-gallery+ gcc-arm-none-eabi gnu-standards qtsensors-opensource-src ispell-uk fltk1.3 yacas libranlip gnubg maildirsync c3p0 qtsvg-opensource-src gerris libnb-platform18-java pstoedit liquidwar gmetrics libnet zynaddsubfx firehol brise nbconvert geomview r-cran-dbitest asl antlr libsdl-console abntex psicode enblend-enfuse newtonsoft-json libpdl-vectorvalued-perl ocaml-atd r-cran-repr neon27 tcode leds-alix jargon boolstuff gpredict opencv latex-cjk-chinese-arphic goval-dictionary sisc sbcl qbs pydicom linux86 erlang-proper+ uhd texworks-manual openjpa r-base psi hexbox virtuoso-opensource groovy liggghts+ lie leiningen-clojure+ ecasound jack-audio-connection-kit sketch keylaunch hhsuite biber quvi nrefactory qtwebchannel-opensource-src samhain hdf-eos5 r-cran-mi advi+ go-cve-dictionary noweb cxref dahdi-linux fflas-ffpack ruby-tioga cppunit sipxtapi asterisk-prompt-fr-proformatique libjama qtserialport-opensource-src tasque dxf2gcode kawari8+ buildapp madlib haskell-haskell-gi-base cgit mc r-cran-tmvtnorm time publican ktikz haskell-shell-conduit ssocr auctex osmo-mgw xemacs21 mnemosyne nqp vdr-plugin-live gxemul spec-alpha-clojure gost golang-pault-go-ykpiv skopeo centrifuge lcm bali-phy r-cran-cli core-specs-alpha-clojure eclipse-titan starjava-topcat getdp qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src debmake-doc python-anndata acmetool libgnatcoll-db jakarta-jmeter+ fcitx-libpinyin vdk2 cafeobj elki ario garagemq lift neuron polybar jool golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate r-cran-taxize containerd scala-pickling pgloader kvirc abydos regina-normal slinkwatch node-npmrc perl6-zef rakudo# vuls madness lucene8 crack lucene-solr biogenesis epix mpb crystal-facet-uml epiphany odc cyclograph autosuspend uclibc+ gap-scscp golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf qterm librep#+ fs-uae gocryptfs libpdl-ccs-perl mylvmbackup guile-gnome-platform simstring+ notary mm-common bnd eye r-cran-dimred qtserialbus-everywhere-src netsurf mapsembler2 doomsday liquidsoap pyfai# cimg mdtraj prometheus-mysqld-exporter cmtk r-cran-sass libflorist dbusada libaunit libgnatcoll adasockets libncursesada anet simrisc lmfit-py xrayutilities sayonara python-pyaudio

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