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Packages in stretch/i386 which failed to build from source

reproducible icon 129 (0.5%) packages which failed to build from source in stretch/i386: (this list is filtered and only shows unexpected ftbfs issues - see the list below for expected failures.)

yade kvmtool openbios argyll scilab-ann kbuild llvm-toolchain-4.0 llvm-toolchain-7 gammu scilab-plotlib icu mpqc3 yadifa llvm-toolchain-3.9 zookeeper ncbi-vdb elixir-lang crash 0ad dico custodia sra-sdk traverso astroquery pbbam neovim ecere-sdk sketch user-mode-linux qbs sbcl soundscaperenderer kmer cinder python-gammu scilab-celestlab llvm-toolchain-3.8 quantlib-swig cvc3 sagemath system-config-lvm simpletal rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar qmapshack qtwebkit-opensource-src python-networkx circlator xapian-core ants# scilab golang-1.8 subversion# python-django libtemplate-plugin-calendar-simple-perl python-apt ipywidgets libio-socket-ssl-perl gridengine# ruby2.3 strace+ urwid node-grunt-contrib-copy node-marked-man python-kdcproxy prometheus x264 node-yargs watcher refind# cadabra txfixtures debci android-platform-external-doclava python-babel mkosi zfs-fuse sword botch python-arrayfire galera-3 zeroc-ice translate-toolkit cups# validator.js python-formencode sslsplit dc-qt tcc saga wiredtiger libio-socket-multicast6-perl ryu polygen regina-rexx xpp the ruby-eventmachine nuitka php-sabre-vobject-3 python-biplist python-argcomplete handbrake nodejs natbraille libpqtypes bcftools nbd latrace# gatos exec-maven-plugin openmsx meson ocrmypdf jetty9 golang-github-boltdb-bolt mlton blockdiag libffado jnr-posix ruby-diaspora-vines git-build-recipe 3270font iodine# cross-toolchain-base-ports trilinos snap-aligner checkinstall bagel

reproducible icon 1 (0.0%) packages which failed to build from source in stretch/i386 due to our changes in the toolchain or due to our setup. This list includes packages tagged or ftbfs_build-indep_not_build_on_some_archs.


A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.