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Notes about issue build_id_differences_only in unstable

Identifier: build_id_differences_only
Suites: unstable / trixie / bookworm / bullseye / experimental
Description: The Build ID differs, but there are no other differences.
Specifically, NT_GNU_BUILD_ID, .gnu_debuglink, and
/usr/lib/debug/build-id/* filenames differ, but there are no other
[On 'sope' seen also a difference in a .GCC.command.line section; compare 'records_build_flags'.]
If there _are_ other differences (or if diffoscope output is truncated),
don't tag with this issue, but look for the root problem, as explained
under build_id_variation_requiring_further_investigation.
When this occurs on unstable but not on testing, it's likely a form
of captures_build_path. If it uses the cmake buildsystem, very
likely to be cmake_rpath_contains_build_path.
Packages in 'unstable' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)

reproducible icon 260 reproducible packages in unstable/amd64: akonadi-search alure analitza aoflagger apper apt ark artikulate audiocd-kio authbind autoclass avogadro avogadrolibs axe-demultiplexer baloo-kf5 bamtools bandwidthd bible-kjv binfmtc bladerf bullet cantor cassiopee cervisia cg3 cgal choose-mirror cmark-gfm codec2 colobot colorcode cpmtools cppdb deepin-movie-reborn deja-dup diffpdf digikam dislocker dolphin doublecmd dpic drumkv1 dustmite efax elpa faifa fcitx ffmpegthumbnailer field3d flameshot flightcrew fluidsynth freeorion fscrypt gifticlib glbinding glyr gp2c gr-fosphor gr-hpsdr gr-osmosdr gr-rds grantlee5 grpc grub-installer gwenview hackrf haskell-gtk-traymanager haskell-iso8601-time hatari haveged hershey-fonts hmat-oss hugin icmake icon ignition-msgs ignition-transport inkscape juffed jxrlib kaccounts-integration kactivities-kf5 kactivitymanagerd kconfig kde-cli-tools kdeclarative kdeconnect kdepim-addons kdepim-runtime kdeplasma-addons kdesu kdevelop kdevelop-python kdf kemoticons kf5-messagelib kfilemetadata-kf5 kglobalaccel khotkeys khtml kinit kio kio-extras kiten kjsembed klatexformula kleopatra kmailtransport kmenuedit kolf kolourpaint kompare konsole kpat kpeople krdc krfb kross kservice ksirk kst ktp-common-internals ktp-text-ui kup-backup kwallet-kf5 kwave kwin kwindowsystem libam7xxx libcitygml libclaw libcorkipset libdigidoc libdrumstick libftdi1 libgdf libjdns libjson-rpc-cpp libkcddb libkf5ksieve libkgapi libkml libkscreen libksysguard liblastfm libminc libphysfs libqapt libqes libqtxdg librime libsmdev libsolv libsoxr lmms looptools luakit lucene++ lxqt-config lxqt-globalkeys main-menu mbedtls metis milou mimedefang mlpack mold mshr multimail mygui netmaze nis nvidia-texture-tools oakleaf obexftp ogamesim ogre-1.9 okteta openal-soft opencc openimageio opennds otcl padthv1 palapeli pam-wrapper perl-byacc pgpgpg phonon pipemeter pktools plasma-desktop plasma-discover plasma-nm plasma-workspace plee-the-bear polkit-qt-1 popt poster powerdevil prime-phylo print-manager proftpd-mod-autohost proftpd-mod-case proftpd-mod-clamav proftpd-mod-fsync proftpd-mod-msg proftpd-mod-tar proftpd-mod-vroot projectm puredata-import purpose pyfribidi pyosmium q4wine qca2 qhttpengine qtcurve ratfor rocs rtl-sdr s3d sdformat sigil skrooge soapyosmo soapysdr soci solid squirrel3 stalin swami swirc synthv1 systemsettings telepathy-qt tetgen tidy-html5 udpkg urdfdom vmpk volk vtk-dicom waffle wildmidi wpa wsclean x2goclient xinv3d xvier yacpi yajl zulucrypt clucene-core+ ismrmrd# nitpic+ xjump+ yaskkserv+

FTBFS icon 15 FTBFS packages in unstable/amd64: avro-c dsh ferret-vis fweb hfst ksyntax-highlighting massxpert mysql-workbench nomacs pixmap sjeng stimfit ubertooth uml-utilities aribas+

FTBR icon 10 unreproducible packages in unstable/amd64: dcmtk debug-me gr-radar libsfml odil pyqwt3d python-laszip qt-gstreamer svxlink liggghts+


Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).

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