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Notes about issue captures_kernel_variant in bookworm

Identifier: captures_kernel_variant
Suites: unstable / trixie / bookworm / bullseye / experimental
Description: Similar to captures_kernel_version, but specifically refers to capturing
x86_64 vs i686. This can (currently) happen when testing the i386
architecture as we use a 64-bit kernel with a 32-bit Debian userland.
Notably, we do not use `linux32` to emulate the 32 bit personality when
running those builds, as normally this hides packages that are making use of
`uname` to detect the host architecture when they really should not.
Packages in 'bookworm' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)

reproducible icon 38 reproducible packages in bookworm/amd64: angelfish deepin-image-viewer epm fcitx5-configtool hydrogen jtdx kdevelop-pg-qt kdewebkit keepassx keepassxc kjots kmymoney kronometer krusader ktechlab libkf5kexiv2 lokalize lomiri-camera-app lomiri-docviewer-app pentobi photoqt poxml procmail proj python-psycopg2cffi qabcs qmapshack qqc2-desktop-style qt6-connectivity quassel rsibreak sayonara sweeper toppic vrfy wireshark zfp shotcut+

FTBR icon 7 unreproducible packages in bookworm/amd64: ausweisapp2 fairy-stockfish foot qt6-5compat qt6-declarative qt6-multimedia qt6-quick3d


Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.