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maint_debian-qa package set for buster/arm64

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package set maint_debian-qa in buster/arm64
The package set maint_debian-qa in buster/arm64 consists of 807 packages:
None 30 (3.7%) packages failed to build reproducibly: webauth qtscrob sgml-base-doc texi2html doxygen lout python-pcs unicon# malaga ttf-staypuft a2ps minlog tacacs+ virtuoso-opensource htp pegasus-wms canna mp3blaster ftpcopy wmii-doc splitpatch mmorph freewnn openclipart nis piespy qdbm libdigidoc posixtestsuite libcommoncpp2
None 3 (0.4%) packages failed to build from source: libcdio eterm massif-visualizer
None None None None 15 (1.9%) packages are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded: smlnj nictools-pci vzctl yacpi vzquota xenwatch tpb mknbi vbetool fnfx zfs-fuse gfxboot+ cpqarrayd e3 codelite
None 759 (94.1%) packages successfully build reproducibly: 9base abiword acheck-rules achilles acorn-fdisk acoustid-fingerprinter adequate adplay adplug aewm airport-utils ajaxterm aj-snapshot ale alien alliance altermime ample anacron analog antigrav antpm apf-firewall apngasm apngdis apngopt apparix apsfilter apt-build apt-move apt-rdepends apt-xapian-index ap-utils apvlv arc aspell-hu aspell-it aspell-uz asterisk-prompt-es-co audiolink aumix autoclass autofs autoproject autopsy autounit awffull awstats aylet balder2d bandwidthd bbmail bbtime bcfg2 bhl binutils-m68hc1x bitstormlite bittorrent blackbox blockfinder bluemon boa-constructor buddy+ bugz cadabra cal3d calife capi4hylafax catwalk ccontrol cdbackup cdrdao cellwriter cflow changetrack citeproc-py clamfs clearsilver clex clitest cmdtest codegroup cowsay cplay cpopen cpu cricket crip criticalmass cronolog csstidy ctorrent ctwm cutils cvs-buildpackage cvsps cwiid dadadodo darksnow dctrl2xml ddns3-client dds2tar ddtc debdry debian-installer-launcher delta devil devilspie devilspie2 dh-exec dia-shapes directfb disc-cover djagios django-notification djtools djvubind dmucs dnprogs dnswalk docbook docbook-defguide docbook-ebnf docbook-website docbook-xml docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-saxon doc-central doclifter dogtail dosage doschk dot-forward dtrx dvbackup dvi2dvi e2ps eancheck easygit ebview efte ekg2 eldav elfrc email2trac enscribe envstore epm eqonomize ewipe fastforward fbpager fbset ferret fet ffe fileschanged filter fische flam3 flip flowscan-cuflow flpsed fonts-humor-sans fonts-tiresias fookebox fortunes-ru freefem freepwing fruit fslint fspy fsvs fte fteproxy ftp-upload fts fwanalog fwsnort gadmin-bind gadmin-openvpn-client gadmin-openvpn-server gadmin-samba gadmintools-meta gaduhistory gaffitter gaim-themes galib ganv garmin-forerunner-tools gcap gdome2 gengetopt geotranz geshi getstream+ gexec gftp giflib giftrans gimp-dcraw gitgraph.js gkdebconf gkermit gkrellmitime gl-117 glfer glhack gniall gnomad2 gnome-mastermind gnome-mime-data gnome-shell-extension-weather gnomint gnubiff gnulib gnupod-tools golang-code.gitea-git golang-code.gitea-sdk golang-github-alicebob-miniredis golang-github-blevesearch-bleve golang-github-blevesearch-go-porterstemmer golang-github-blevesearch-segment golang-github-bsm-pool golang-github-bsm-redeo golang-github-couchbase-ghistogram golang-github-couchbase-moss golang-github-cupcake-rdb golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-go golang-github-facebookgo-clock golang-github-facebookgo-ensure golang-github-facebookgo-freeport golang-github-facebookgo-grace golang-github-facebookgo-httpdown golang-github-facebookgo-stack golang-github-facebookgo-stats golang-github-facebookgo-subset golang-github-gogits-chardet golang-github-gogits-cron golang-github-gogits-go-gogs-client golang-github-go-macaron-bindata golang-github-go-macaron-csrf golang-github-go-macaron-i18n golang-github-go-macaron-toolbox golang-github-gorilla-pat golang-github-gorilla-securecookie golang-github-gorilla-sessions golang-github-go-xorm-builder golang-github-issue9-assert golang-github-issue9-identicon golang-github-juju-errors golang-github-kisielk-gotool golang-github-leemcloughlin-gofarmhash golang-github-lunny-log golang-github-lunny-nodb golang-github-markbates-goth golang-github-mcuadros-go-version golang-github-mrjones-oauth golang-github-msteinert-pam golang-github-nbutton23-zxcvbn-go golang-github-neelance-astrewrite golang-github-neelance-sourcemap golang-github-ngaut-deadline golang-github-ngaut-go-zookeeper golang-github-ngaut-log golang-github-ngaut-pools golang-github-ngaut-sync2 golang-github-petar-gollrb golang-github-pingcap-check golang-github-pquerna-otp golang-github-seiflotfy-cuckoofilter golang-github-siddontang-go golang-github-siddontang-goredis golang-github-siddontang-go-snappy golang-github-siddontang-rdb golang-github-ssor-bom golang-github-steveyen-gtreap golang-github-twinj-uuid golang-github-unknwon-i18n golang-github-unknwon-paginater golang-github-willf-bitset golang-github-yohcop-openid-go golang-github-yuin-gopher-lua golang-gopkg-alexcesaro-quotedprintable.v3 golang-gopkg-editorconfig-editorconfig-core-go.v1 golang-gopkg-gomail.v2 golang-gopkg-testfixtures.v2 golang-strk.kbt-projects-go-libravatar gozerbot gpp gpsmanshp gpstrans grail gramofile grap grepmail grun gscanbus gsetroot gsimplecal gsm0710muxd gtkam gtkpod guilt gxmessage gyrus hashalot hashcash haskell98-tutorial haskell-doc hfsplus hfsutils hotswap htdig html2ps htmldoc httpbin icon+ id3ren id3v2 idesk ifhp ifrit imagination imwheel ink ino-headers intlfonts intltool-debian iog ioprocess ipcheck ipgrab ircii iroffer irqbalance isakmpd ispell-lt jaula java2html jetring jgraph jp2a jquery-areyousure json-c jtb kcollectd kdbg kinput2 kmldonkey krb5-sync kst laborejo ladr lasi latd latex-mk launchy lbcd libacpi libantlr3c libapache2-mod-authn-yubikey libapache2-mod-auth-openid libapache2-mod-auth-plain libapache2-mod-encoding libapache-mod-encoding libapache-mod-musicindex libappindicator libast libaudiomask libavg libbase58 libbash libcdaudio libcdio-paranoia libcue libdumbnet libdv+ libexplain libfixbuf libgadu libgltf libgpiv libgpod libgroove libguess libhbaapi libhbalinux libidl libiec61883 libifp libindicator libinklevel libjconv libjs-autolink libjs-emojify libkarma libmowgli-2 libmpd libnih libnoise libnss-db libnss-extrausers libnss-ldap libnss-lwres liboauth libopendbx libopkele libpam-afs-session libpam-radius-auth libpcl1 librcd libsieve libsoc libsoundio libstroke libturpial libtut libwibble libwmf libxsettings libxsettings-client liece lightspeed lightsquid lighttpd link-grammar linux-atm localepurge# lockout lomoco louie lua-augeas lxctl m2vrequantiser maelstrom magicfilter magicmaze maildir-filter mailfront mailman-api makedev mason mazeofgalious mcrypt mcu8051ide mdetect meanwhile metacity-themes meterec mffm-fftw mgdiff mididings mmake modglue moon-lander mouseemu mp3rename mp3report mpc123 mpdtoys mpt-status mrtg-ping-probe mtink multistrap naspro-bridge-it naspro-bridges naspro-core nast naturaldocs nautic nautilus-image-converter ncap ncdt netmate netrik ng nitpic+ nixstatsagent nvi o3dgc+ obex-data-server obexfs obexftp omnievents openambit opendict opendkim openvpn-auth-radius openwince-include openwince-jtag oscpack osdclock osspsa ots p9m4 pam-shield parsewiki partimage-doc pasmo pax-britannica perl-byacc+ pev pexec photopc photo-uploader php-xajax picprog pidgin-audacious pidgin-extprefs pidgin-mpris pidgin-openpgp pinyin-database planner playmidi plib ploop pm-utils png2html png-definitive-guide pngmeta pngphoon poc-streamer podracer polipo polygen pop3browser power pppconfig process-cpp procinfo prover9-manual proxsmtp psrip ptex-base pthreading publib pugl purity pvm pyao pybit pyew pygccxml pygresql py-libmpdclient pyprotocols pyrite-publisher pysesame pytest-localserver python2-pythondialog python-adodb pythoncard python-characteristic python-cliapp python-contract python-coverage-test-runner python-hkdf python-libpcap python-mplexporter python-ofxhome python-ofxparse python-plwm python-scriptutil python-svg.path python-tgext.admin python-toscawidgets python-ttystatus python-webflash qcomicbook qmpdclient qmtest qpdfview qpsmtpd qr-tools qtsmbstatus qwo rafkill randomplay ratfor rc rdiff-backup-fs readline5 regexxer renattach riemann-c-client rlpr root-tail safelease sanitizer sanlock scalapack-doc scanbd schroot sclapp scoop scsitools+ search-ccsb search-citeseer sendmail seyon sgml-base sgmltools-lite shhopt shogun shtool signify simba simplemde-markdown-editor simpletal simulavr sks-ecc slcfitsio slcurl sleepd slexpat slgdbm slgsl slib slpvm slsqlite slwildcard slxfig snappea snarf snmptrapfmt socks4-server socnetv sortmail spamprobe sparkline-php spellutils splint splitvt sprox srecord starvoyager statserial statsvn stopwatch storm stymulator+ subcommander suede svn-buildpackage svnmailer swaml sweep swi-prolog-doc swish++ sysfsutils sysnews sysprofile systune sysvbanner sysv-rc-conf tabble tagainijisho tagcoll2 tamil-gtk2im tcm+ tcpser tcpspy tdfsb+ tess ticker tinymce tircd tk707 tkdesk tla tmexpand tofu toga2 transcalc transfermii trueprint tse3 tsocks ttf-engadget ttf-summersby tunapie tuxcmd tuxcmd-modules tvtime udo ulatencyd uligo unac unadf unyaffs upse usermode uudeview uzbek-wordlist vbrfix vcdimager vdesk vfu videotrans visual-regexp vlock volti vtun vzdump vzstats w3c-markup-validator w3c-sgml-lib wav2cdr weathermap4rrd webdruid weplab whyteboard wifi-radar wiggle wizznic wmii wnn6-sdk wvdial wvstreams xarclock xautomation xball xbuffy xchain xcolorsel xdemorse xflip xfonts-bolkhov xfonts-cronyx xfrisk xine-lib-1.2 xli xlsx2csv xmacro+ xml2 xmldiff xmlrpc-c xnbd xnecview xpdf xpilot-extra xplc xpp xshisen xsok+ xtail xzoom+ yafc yappy yatm yiyantang ytalk zapping zbar zeitgeist zipios++ zthreads

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.