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Packages in trixie/amd64 where the sources failed to download

reproducible icon 66 (0.2%) packages where the sources failed to download in trixie/amd64:

libexperimental-perl myst-nb gnucash-docs sway-contrib debputy scalene nautilus-wipe gramophone2 hyprlang chemicaltagger python-sphinxcontrib-django commons-io quelcom python-recipe-scrapers dosage qpdf python-ironic-inspector-client php-codeigniter-framework python-doc8 python-mercantile python-icalendar flowblade unyaffs rust-eza libpysal python-blazarclient labwc toga2 srpc rust-distro-info node-ip libjpeg-turbo discodos pgsphere rust-mio-0.6 foot cloud-init node-sanitize-html libime-jyutping c-ares rust-uutils-term-grid python-requests-unixsocket planetblupi fcitx5-table-extra blupimania python-tooz vdesk libt3key r-cran-rcppspdlog python-zeroconf typedload python-mechanize dos2unix qsampler libev xcb-imdkit lincity-ng ausweisapp2 confclerk cvsps aprsdigi libime blag libterm-choose-perl golang-github-zitadel-oidc openjdk-17

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A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.