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Packages in bullseye/i386 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 106 packages (0.3% of 30861) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 106 (100.0% of 106) of them in the last 48h in bullseye/i386:

paleomix q2-dada2 trinityrnaseq qcumber libmaxmind-db-writer-perl ideep q2-metadata deal.ii pbbam eclipse-platform-team xperia-flashtool q2-cutadapt shovill ruby-webauthn plasmidid unicycler q2-types sepp openmolcas pigx-rnaseq q2-feature-table q2-demux parallel-fastq-dump eclipse-platform-debug eclipse-wtp eclipse-linuxtools eclipse-platform-resources haskell-termonad xnnpack equinox-p2 libxtrx ariba kleborate nattable eclipse-jdt-debug bpftrace fsm-lite gasic davmail jverein pyzoltan edk2 psortb eclipse-remote biglybt seqsero libmiglayout-java eclipse-jdt-ui libnet-works-perl swtchart eclipse-platform-text libjfreechart-java lombok python-ete3 scilab rsem jftp libiscwt-java eclipse-platform-runtime equinox-bundles hibiscus libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl jameica srst2 minimac4 sspace swtcalendar eclipse-platform-ui q2-feature-classifier tuxguitar stegosuite proteinortho swt-paperclips storymaps piccolo fdb pysph libjogl2-java tpot q2-alignment theli q2-taxa q2-quality-filter sambamba pbdagcon r-bioc-dupradar smrtanalysis libatomic-queue q2-quality-control libmmmulti blasr ruby-cose pbseqlib insubstantial king pytorch-text cat-bat macromoleculebuilder pytorch-ignite metaphlan2 pytorch pytorch-vision eclipse-tracecompass eclipse-swtchart skorch pytorch-audio+

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.