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Packages in bookworm/i386 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 953 (2.8%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in bookworm/i386:

webkit2gtk linux# php8.2 python3.11 amanda sumo twisted python-scrapy sks omake# hevea ocaml-obuild rust-sequoia-sq ffmpeg rustc-web emacs imagemagick bind9# nova znc glance graphviz+ cinder newlib calibre gcc-12-cross gcc-11-cross neovim user-mode-linux pypy3 postfix riseup-vpn icinga2 vlc#+ qtbase-opensource-src### bluez igtf-policy-bundle goldendict-webengine guile-2.2 zabbix fop coq gsequencer secsipidx gcc-avr xmlbeans xonsh# simstring+ clojure ecl watcher abinit rockdodger gcc-11-cross-mipsen qtwebengine-opensource-src pgpool2 wings3d scala-tools-sbinary gcc-12-cross-mipsen opensaml darkradiant pandas# openms madness python-pint psi-plus kitty openclipart ktikz spec-alpha-clojure aerc go-sendxmpp golang-github-stvp-tempredis xmpp-dns qtsvg-opensource-src rebar python-graphviz asl ruby-tioga velocity proftpd-dfsg fish pipewire grub2++++ binaryen fricas intel-graphics-compiler boost1.81 flightgear wxwidgets3.2 pdb-tools speedcrunch libaunit gri rdflib+ libgnatcoll libxmlada u1db-qt sisc raku-json-marshal muse-el adasockets freecad liblog4ada whitakers-words libcamera asmtools libgtkada ignition-physics aws-crt-python openmesh raku-readline glib-d flask-limiter+ alire ssreflect ring libxtc-rats-java opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign ipyparallel nco r-cran-rstan apache-commons-rdf ghdl unknown-horizons dpmb kristall pcp rust-configparser ruby-pgplotP firmware-microbit-micropython ocamlviz biojava6-live dolfin taoframework topparser mercurial-evolve polyml content-hub gradle-kotlin-dsl+ keepass2 zookeeper sagetex why3 starjava-topcat librsb visp juman pike8.0+++ openimageio python-cloup knxd rime-cantonese gfpoken libflame node-d3 qtwebview-opensource-src qtconnectivity-opensource-src ksh93u+m# lifelines qtlocation-opensource-src maxima qtserialport-opensource-src libopensmtpd tpm2-pytss pfstools qtquickcontrols-opensource-src qt3d-opensource-src nwchem kvirc halide qtwebsockets-opensource-src python-parse-type pyside2 madlib qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src mpl-sphinx-themeP menu r-base scikit-learn filament paperwork sasview python-iso8601 mdanalysis sphinxsearch tbox qt6-quick3d mdtraj r-cran-emayili collada2gltf vdk2 openlp hkl git-annex binutils-m68hc1x sfepy ymuse rust-ripasso-cursive rapid-photo-downloader python-hdf5plugin r-cran-r.devices openstack-trove openafs rust-elfx86exts opensubdiv rakudo# gap pyferret acm qtdoc-opensource-src atitvout pyswarms yt scap-security-guide gr-osmosdr yasnippet cp2k jameica-h2database galera-3 solvespace xemacs21-packages git-hub gegl grass r-cran-gprofiler2 neuron raku-json-name shapeit4 ausweisapp2 xemacs21 spring weupnp arduino lava lomiri opencc mpqc mayavi2 r-bioc-biocparallel raku-zef simbody orderless dnf-plugins-core sphinx-panels+ conky igraph syncevolution+ warzone2100 jakarta-jmeter+ consult-el marginalia embark enblend-enfuse raku-json-fast libkdumpfile libpinyin libadwaita-1 python-qtconsole libguestfs elpa rime-soutzoe qutip lilypond qpid-proton vlfeat buildbot cmtk gkrellm-ledsP cryfs gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast ucommon kubernetes libayatana-appindicator python-fabio rime-scj mapnik breeze-icons indexed-gzip oclgrind rebar3 prove6 valgrind+ eccodes lmfit-py groonga flint starjava-ttools parallel node-opencv ibus-libzhuyin oxygen-icons5 wireplumber smlnj getfem biojava5-live h2database r-bioc-genomicfeatures r-bioc-ioniser vertico maint-guide dde-qt-dbus-factory multipath-tools octavia gitbatch senlin r-cran-sass masakari ldc mame gosop murano racket golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact squeak-vm polymake buildapp petsc fcitx5-bamboo horizon-eda libdeflate fenics-dolfinx abcl black xsnow awesome nss openni python-cycler eye age otb commons-io gcl ignition-plugin termshark dub+ python-jsonschema rime-array fcitx5-zhuyin pacemaker rabbitmq-server debmake-doc nheko linux86 rust-laurel libcobra-java libvbz-hdf-plugin skimage qtcreator ardour obs-studio yaws rssguard pforth masakari-monitors jellyfish python-ase r-cran-dbitest qtwebchannel-opensource-src citar openlayers dnsjit lynx python-taskflow eso-midas qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src jcabi-aspects libosmium rdkit ace-of-penguins freebayes xmltooling libbrahe hol88 coinor-bonmin nipy scala gdb mpich polybar musescore3 r-cran-rsdmx cl-sql dia uncertainties qt6-declarative binutils# ball ncftp libzypp ruby-sigar emboss kicad qt6-5compat arduino-core-avr axiom puzzle-jigsaw fonts-beteckna raku-log pymol ypserv kuserfeedback libamplsolver dune-istl libtorrent-rasterbar python-escript qt6-virtualkeyboard ncl ikarus ogre-1.12 hwinfo gm-assistant r-cran-parsetools ulcc binutils-mingw-w64 wrk python-gsd bzflag opendrop open3d nss-pem wasi-libc coinor-dylp fdutils dune-grid-glue buici-clock python-psycopg2cffi raku-tap-harness apt-offline go-gir-generator raku-getopt-long filtlong qtsensors-opensource-src libapache-poi-java metastudent-data libjcat ipqalc mdnsd libswe ocaml-topkg boost1.74 binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf userv simgrid gnuradio foot pgloader libhdate quickfix plover libcm256cc fonts-fantasque-sans avr-libc zytrax boogie ncbi-blast+ rkward eclipse-titan shoelaces gdal cpu-x fonts-meera-inimai fonts-arundina scrollz felix-scr sawfish erlang automake1.11++ canl-c nrefactory fairy-stockfish bidiui tuxpaint segemehl onedrive bird systemtap underscore autokey trustedqsl syrthes rime-luna-pinyin xawtv rime-pinyin-simp fonts-karmilla coin3 logol javawriter rime-stroke rime-quick plplot rime-ipa refcard jabref mm-common python-nacl icewm jebl2 lwip gcc-h8300-hms r-cran-tweenr yp-svipc g15daemon liblopsub hyperic-sigar brickos r-cran-taxize scheme-bytestructures savi ufoai firebird3.0 httpcomponents-client mia ruby-pygments.rb slepc kdevelop-php abseil freetds+ sqlalchemy sbcl r-cran-cliapp node-webpack casacore-data-jplde jaxb ocaml-atd simavr qtdatavis3d-everywhere-src singular fwknop iqtree node-mocha r-cran-teachingdemos cargo opentk nginx pixelmed fonts-rit-sundar cardo cc65 starpu dejagnu r-cran-lambda.r r-cran-rinside r-cran-diagnosismed busybox rust-sequoia-sop slic3r rime-terra-pinyin xindy amp jxplorer pyqwt3d oaklisp radon pgsphere passenger ripmime mypy rime-wugniu rime-middle-chinese lucene8 slime dune-geometry ferret-vis process-cpp dune-functions dcl jpylyzer shibboleth-sp libxml-security-java colobot dune-localfunctions libu2f-host+ grace latex-coffee-stains fonts-smc-dyuthi r-cran-knitr fonts-smc-meera blockattack hello libcommons-lang3-java toulbar2 pymodbus dune-typetree qtvirtualkeyboard-opensource-src librostlab hsail-tools gap-design montage fonts-smc-rachana gap-sonata fonts-fork-awesome fonts-smc-karumbi namazu2 sdpb proj writer2latex fonts-smc-keraleeyam qtcharts-opensource-src fonts-smc-anjalioldlipi gnome-shell-extension-caffeine gretl fonts-smc-uroob libspring-java dask slixmpp libhibernate-validator4-java fonts-smc-raghumalayalamsans fltk1.3 yash sope snapd mira quantlib quodlibet openjpa r-cran-rprojroot r-cran-quantmod r-cran-futile.logger rcolorbrewer qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src maxima-sage ppl esnacc lirc casacore-data-igrf r-cran-tmvtnorm nbconvert yadifa nbsphinx piglit mono-debugger-libs maloc r-cran-repr yahtzeesharp nvidia-texture-tools gdcm omnievents crack cmucl consensuscore dxf2gcode xmlcopyeditor liggghts+ haskell-haskell-gi-base gnome-video-arcade mona dupeguru twopaco yudit yacas gbrowse raku-test-meta texworks-manual groovy raku-meta6 wyrd fcitx-libpinyin silo-llnl spherepack spooles teeworlds stockfish vboot-utils fscrypt qtspeech-opensource-src sweethome3d-furniture swish-e wmpuzzle unicon# scalable-cyrfonts sketch python-x2go+ ucspi-proxy uclibc+ saxonb tk-html3 treeview serp mp4parser pylint winff statsmodels silly scim scheme48 nqp swi-prolog tcllib wmwork pstoedit qttools-opensource-src rosegarden scons scala-xml python-fudge# sgf2dg telepathy-spec remote-tty r-cran-tm primesieve python-pygraphviz r-cran-amelia taglib-sharp samhain oce publican psicode posixtestsuite noweb newtonsoft-json netw-ib-ox-ag opencv openmcdf mono-tools ocaml-batteries numexpr nsnake mockobjects mono-upnp mono-zeroconf netrek-client-cow muttprint mrmpi debug-me mod-mono mono-addins mimetic libopenobex lie manderlbot# secilc nunit libnb-platform18-java gnubg libkolabxml porechop med-fichier lincity-ng libnative-platform-java liquidwar libm4ri libpqxx libxbean-java libcommons-net-java mathpiper libzia python-simpy3 ssocr librep#+ lam+ libcommons-codec-java latexdraw libcommons-collections4-java gtk-sharp2 libcommons-collections3-java gsoap ldap-haskell gtk-sharp3 esdl libofx libsdl-console libint+ live-manual injeqt gtk-sharp-beans libfastutil-java gpredict libforms+ ns2 jts icmake golang-github-revel-revel sfst jsch jsoup infinipath-psm htp hdf-eos5 hylafax glew bsh gnupg2 boolstuff highlight.js c3p0 bcel bnd javaparser libandroid-json-org-java hyena buddy+ ipxe gerris gentoo httpunit gmpc gluegen2 latex-cjk-chinese-arphic aspectj geomview gmetrics atlas hexbox icon hmmer biogenesis asc gdata-sharp gforth haskell98-report derby dicom3tools advi+ bibclean cxxtest dict-gcide auctex allegro5# argparse4j alembic firehol debian-history critcl+ dahdi-linux freewnn db4o coinor-ipopt msgpack-cxx freeplane codec2 comedilib+ ace efl cgoban codenarc fftw commons-vfs cjk clc-intercal emoslib cdebootstrap+ cecil-flowanalysis erlang-proper+ checkpw biojava-live castle-game-engine epix erlang-cowlib ledger2beancount a2ps cardpeek euslisp jsxgraph combblas haskell-shell-conduit expeyes doxygen core-specs-alpha-clojure mckoisqldb cafeobj astropy raku-hash-merge mnemosyne xfce4-panel-profiles ganeti sphinx-gallery+ siscone gr-limesdr git-repair icu lcm macsyfinder idm-console-framework open-gram linphone pygopherd+ flycheck zeitgeist micro json4s refpolicy scummvm r-cran-cli scala-pickling ns3 dune-grid seyon sbt-serialization golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf haskell-snap-templates lucene-solr gant lucene4.10 libcommons-compress-java commons-csv qterm gap-scscp dune-common closure-compiler sdb rdma-core rust-sequoia-sqv chezscheme range-v3 cyclograph libqtpas de4dot java-gnome vkd3d node-shiny-server pachi sahara notary fs-uae gr-rds liblemon qabcs heat doomsday raku-license-spdx libgrokj2k deepin-deb-installer visualvm esys-particle coq-iris liquidsoap raku-json-class raku-json-unmarshal gr-fosphor r-cran-gert tvc netsurf manila jool mixxx pampi ironic barbican klystrack getdp gr-radar giac mir r-cran-dimred raku-uri shaderc asterisk-prompt-fr-armelle librnd terminaltables

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.