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Packages in factory/x86_64 which failed to build reproducibly

reproducible icon 243 (1.5%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in factory/x86_64:

fractal installation-images whatsie scsh python-numpy1 python-numpy openttd LiE libplasma6 emacs enlightenment-theme-openSUSE enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-oliveleaf colord clisp swipl scummvm ollama zed python-rdflib conky warzone2100 hawk2 octave-forge-fits omnisharp-server kernel-source python310 python39 python python-librosa cosmic-ext-color-picker dealii python3-pyside6 cosmic-files app-builder qt6-declarative xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic jboss-websocket-1.0-api git-annex python-HyperKitty cosmic-edit gsequencer cosmic-term merkuro IPAddress xindy calibre kdevelop-plugin-php scheme48 R-base pandoc-cli java-1_8_0-openjdk nyxt uwsgi pympress+ bibletime python-pydata-sphinx-theme opae rage-encryption sbcl grass java-23-openjdk spack eclipse-egit eclipse-ecf eclipse-anyedit eclipse ecl dvgt biome binutils# bcc difftastic avr-libc mingw64-mpfr deepin-file-manager deepin-daemon octave-forge-quaternion dbus-sharp2 asymptote crash cosmic-ext-tweaks cosmic-ext-tasks contrast smlnj collectd eclipse-swtchart mingw64-gmp octave-forge-miscellaneous papi chezscheme mingw64-winpthreads vtk tiny sad mingw32-winpthreads mingw32-runtime gstreamer-plugins-rs pam identity gawk+ wine rakudo# starship qt6-sensors rust-cbindgen joker Fragments resources eclipse-gef python-Sphinx mathgl gri neovim lazarus zola gnome-keyring-sharp efl portmidi opa-fmgui octave mraa java-atk-wrapper erlang eww nodejs22 xemacs ocaml-camlp-streams runawk mono-core octave-forge-communications mono-addins java-1_8_0-openj9 tycho icedtea-web groovy18 eclipse-emf python-scikit-learn libqt5-qtdoc groff ldc gfan octave-forge-video Rivet scap-security-guide mayavi racket git-credential-keepassxc python-yt nst openmpi5 ksh gcc13 zls lilypond java-11-openj9 xemacs-packages esbuild rmt-server srecord sdcc llvm17 turbo mingw64-binutils mingw32-binutils pinta openEMS mono-zeroconf mono-basic keepass flickrnet octave-forge-tisean octave-forge-struct octave-forge-strings octave-forge-stk octave-forge-sockets octave-forge-signal octave-forge-parallel octave-forge-optim octave-forge-nurbs octave-forge-netcdf octave-forge-nan octave-forge-mapping octave-forge-ltfat octave-forge-lssa octave-forge-io octave-forge-interval octave-forge-instrument-control octave-forge-image octave-forge-image-acquisition octave-forge-gsl octave-forge-general octave-forge-econometrics octave-forge-database octave-forge-control nunit newtonsoft-json singularity-ce musescore octave-forge-statistics mingw64-gcc mingw32-gcc gtk-sharp2 wrk enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-ice nauty fpc lout python-mpi4py rinstall pspp deno go1.15 python-cPyparsing pgloader rash sharpfont octave-forge-geometry nunit3 mingw64-zlib mingw64-runtime mingw64-pkgconf mingw64-mpc mingw32-zlib mingw32-pkgconf mingw32-mpfr mingw32-mpc mingw32-gmp pnetcdf+ keepass-plugin-HIBPOfflineCheck hevea glucat form enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-neon ginac libayatana-appindicator xiphos maxima toipe java-17-openj9 llvm14 llvm15 wpewebkit subversion#

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A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.