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Packages in experimental/arm64 which failed to build from source

reproducible icon 138 (14.9%) packages which failed to build from source in experimental/arm64: (this list is filtered and only shows unexpected ftbfs issues - see the list below for expected failures.)

daq openhft-chronicle-wire openhft-affinity openhft-chronicle-network scap-workbench reiser4progs rust-zbus-macros rust-zvariant-derive grok kf6-kwallet mediasoup pluto-sat-code mesa curl php-file-iterator clamav php-text-template phpunit-code-unit sasview phpunit-code-unit-reverse-lookup phpunit-type phpunit-object-reflector php-timer openldap phpunit-recursion-context dolphin-emu highway dino-im mrtdreader qtlocation-opensource-src sssd scalapack polyml yosys qtquickcontrols-opensource-src inkscape aardvark-dns persalys gcc-14-cross symfony kopete nvidia-texture-tools libgpiv sphinxsearch iem-plugin-suite broker insighttoolkit5 cloudcompare musescore-snapshot esdm libcgns go-gir-generator budgie-desktop netavark rustc phpunit-environment gtk4 qtwebengine-opensource-src llvm-toolchain-snapshot sawfish fmtlib autogen darkice sqlalchemy puppet mediagoblin freebayes webkit2gtk varnam-schemes carl9170fw qt6-webengine glibc mutter mpmath phpunit-diff vorta ruby-serverengine pg-cron diaspora khmer rust-futures-rustls python-urllib3 golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe android-platform-external-doclava slepc4py in-toto-golang mutatormath qwt python3-defaults bali-phy node-readable-stream kata-containers liblsl ruby-uglifier# reprepro mu-editor ruby-nmatrix node-d3-time simtools kf6-kconfig qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles janitor vimix ruby-omniauth-salesforce node-d3-hierarchy ruby-gitlab-pg-query wmbusmeters monkeysphere golang-github-golang-geo yamcha librep#+ kf6-kconfigwidgets petsc4py gcc-14-cross-ports rust-async-process sdl2-compat php-codecoverage tools-deps-alpha-clojure kworkflow webrtc-audio-processing jbig2-imageio php-sabre-event# gnome-photos sump-logicanalyzer xmbmon dtc golang-golang-x-debug openhft-chronicle-bytes openhft-chronicle-threads rust-soketto vowpal-wabbit## safeclib phpunit-object-enumerator phpunit-complexity phpunit-global-state phpunit-comparator phpunit-lines-of-code rust-hypothesis

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.