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Packages in experimental/amd64 tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility

reproducible icon 56 packages (5.0% of 1126) failed to build reproducibly in total, 16 (6.2% of 256) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

jpeg-xl mia opensubdiv slepc qtconnectivity-opensource-src libsrm qt6-scxml rakudo# moarvm samba# openmm mongo-cxx-driver rebar kf6-breeze-icons ace dcmtk

reproducible icon 175 packages (15.5% of 1126) failed to build from source in total, 39 (15.2% of 256) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

sawfish iem-plugin-suite qtquickcontrols-opensource-src libgpiv mrtdreader polyml mediagoblin kopete scap-workbench daq gcc-14-cross-ports grok phpunit-environment openldap autogen broker pcl qtlocation-opensource-src highway clamav budgie-desktop scalapack puppet reiser4progs python-django fmtlib python-urllib3 flatpak phpunit-code-unit php-codecoverage golang-github-protonmail-go-crypto phpunit-object-reflector reprepro libcgns nvidia-texture-tools golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe python3-defaults ruby-omniauth-salesforce sasview

reproducible icon 65 packages (5.8% of 1126) failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, 5 (2.0% of 256) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

libgnatcoll-bindings php-sabre-vobject# lucene-net# alire phonetisaurus

reproducible icon 819 packages (72.7% of 1126) successfully built reproducibly in total, 192 (75.0% of 256) of them in the last 48h in experimental/amd64:

qt6-speech qt6-virtualkeyboard qt6-quick3d qt6-shadertools qt6-multimedia qt6-3d qt3d-opensource-src rust-cursor-icon xrdp qtwebchannel-opensource-src qtscript-opensource-src qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src qtimageformats-opensource-src qttranslations-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtsvg-opensource-src libsolv gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect rust-wayland-protocols-wlr libflorist qtserialport-opensource-src rust-tiny-skia termrec uw-imap libevent rust-tiny-skia-path libimobiledevice-glue libselinuxP rust-wayland-protocols-plasma pragha wlcs tuiwidgets dante wlroots openconnect macromoleculebuilder qt-qml-models lua-compat53 uudeview libsysstat gmerlin-avdecoder rust-heck rust-multimap python-mapnik cloudcompare qt6-datavis3d qt6-positioning qt6-serialbus qt6-5compat qt6-connectivity qt6-charts qt6-svg qt6-sensors rust-nalgebra qt6-webchannel poppler qt6-networkauth qt6-lottie gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng pytaglib qtmultimedia-opensource-src rust-calloop-wayland-source qt6-httpserver qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src qt6-websockets rust-wayland-csd-frame qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src qt6-grpc rust-alacritty-terminal zaqar-tempest-plugin php-algo26-idna-convert qt6-webengine ki18n qtwebsockets-opensource-src lcms2 qt6-translations qt6-quick3dphysics utfcpp qt6-quicktimeline phpcpd nbd qt6-wayland qtbase-opensource-src### libsdl3-ttf libplist libsdl3-image libxfce4windowing golang-github-google-s2a-go kf6-kglobalaccel kf6-kservice meta-phosh kf6-kxmlgui kf6-kbookmarks kf6-kiconthemes kf6-kdesu rust-event-listener-strategy kf6-ktextwidgets kf6-kded doctrine haskell-hadrian qt6-base nginx evolution-data-server libwebp rust-xkeysym tk9.0 rust-alacritty-config rust-libheif-sys rust-crossfont usbmuxd protobuf rust-libheif-rs rust-alacritty-config-derive nghttp3 taglib ngtcp2 git xfce4-session fuse tcl9.0 rust-gdk4-x11-sys libsdl3-mixer itcl3 rust-cairo-sys-rs rust-glycin-utils adns jupyter-server libkqueue libosmo-netif libpg-query xfce4-power-manager avro-c libkf5libkleo c-blosc2 openstructure gavl evolution evolution-ews# context-modules sdl2-compat kf6-kpackage exiv2 qt6-location rust-gio-sys php-http-interop-http-factory-tests icu libfolia timbl lib2geom indi+ qbs pat ffmpeg discover kf6-kcrash zycore-c libvpx kf6-kdoctools gnome-shell-extension-espresso kf6-kcontacts apt-listchanges ortp gcc-defaults rust-wayland-protocols rust-pangocairo simde itk3 rust-dialoguer rust-vt100 rust-strip-ansi-escapes gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led rust-ansitok gmerlin gmerlin-encoders libsdl3 rust-predicates rust-itertools rust-notify-debouncer-mini rust-notify rust-av-metrics php-nrk-predis unixcw golang-google-grpc libsvm phpunit-version php-invoker runit-services php-parsedown whitedb redis hisat2 msgpack-c

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.