INFO: version 1.2.3 starting (python version = 2.7.9)... Start: init plugins DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/ INFO: selinux disabled Finish: init plugins Start: run DEBUG: mock final configuration: DEBUG: scm: False DEBUG: resultdir: /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet DEBUG: yum_builddep_command: /usr/bin/yum-builddep DEBUG: dist: fc23 DEBUG: verbose: 2 DEBUG: use_host_resolv: True DEBUG: createrepo_command: /usr/bin/createrepo_c -d -q -x *.src.rpm DEBUG: target_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: more_buildreqs: {} DEBUG: chrootuid: 105 DEBUG: update_before_build: True DEBUG: root_log_fmt_str: %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s DEBUG: state_log_fmt_str: %(asctime)s - %(message)s DEBUG: backup_base_dir: /var/lib/mock/backup DEBUG: internal_dev_setup: True DEBUG: environment: {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: releasever: 23 DEBUG: dnf_command: /usr/bin/dnf DEBUG: extra_chroot_dirs: ['/run/lock'] DEBUG: build_log_fmt_name: unadorned DEBUG: chrootgid: 999 DEBUG: files: {} DEBUG: print_main_output: False DEBUG: online: True DEBUG: cache_alterations: False DEBUG: cleanup_on_success: True DEBUG: useradd: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u %(uid)s -g %(gid)s -d %(home)s -n %(user)s DEBUG: root_log_fmt_name: detailed DEBUG: chroot_name: fedora-23-x86_64 DEBUG: plugin_conf: {'package_state_enable': False, 'chroot_scan_opts': {'regexes': ['\\bcore(\\.\\d+)?$', '\\.log$'], 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'ccache_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'compress': None, 'max_cache_size': '4G', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/ccache/'}, 'root_cache_opts': {'exclude_dirs': ['./proc', './sys', './dev', './tmp/ccache', './var/cache/yum'], 'compress_program': 'pigz', 'extension': '.gz', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'age_check': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 15, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/root_cache/'}, 'mount_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'yum_cache_enable': True, 'chroot_scan_enable': False, 'bind_mount_opts': {'dirs': [], 'create_dirs': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'yum_cache_opts': {'max_metadata_age_days': 30, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'online': True, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'max_age_days': 30, 'dir': '%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/yum_cache/'}, 'root_cache_enable': True, 'selinux_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'tmpfs_enable': False, 'tmpfs_opts': {'keep_mounted': False, 'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'required_ram_mb': 900, 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'mode': '0755', 'max_fs_size': None, 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64'}, 'ccache_enable': True, 'selinux_enable': True, 'package_state_opts': {'basedir': '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1', 'root': 'fedora-23-x86_64', 'cachedir': '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64', 'cache_topdir': '/var/cache/mock'}, 'mount_enable': False, 'bind_mount_enable': True} DEBUG: nosync_force: False DEBUG: rhnplugin.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: state_log_fmt_name: state DEBUG: plugin_dir: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mockbuild/plugins DEBUG: rpm_command: /bin/rpm DEBUG: config_paths: ['/etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg', '/etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg'] DEBUG: root: fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: build_log_fmt_str: %(message)s DEBUG: legal_host_arches: ('x86_64',) DEBUG: internal_setarch: True DEBUG: scm_opts: {'exclude_vcs': True, 'git_timestamps': False, 'write_tar': False, 'svn_get': 'svn co file:///srv/svn/SCM_PKG/SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'spec': 'SCM_PKG.spec', 'git_get': 'git clone SCM_BRN git://localhost/SCM_PKG.git SCM_PKG', 'cvs_get': 'cvs -d /srv/cvs co SCM_BRN SCM_PKG', 'ext_src_dir': '/dev/null', 'method': 'git'} DEBUG: yum_command: /usr/bin/yum DEBUG: yum_builddep_opts: DEBUG: yum.conf: [main] keepcache=1 debuglevel=2 reposdir=/dev/null logfile=/var/log/yum.log retries=20 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=0 assumeyes=1 syslog_ident=mock syslog_device= install_weak_deps=0 metadata_expire=0 # repos [fedora] name=fedora baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [updates] name=updates baseurl= metalink=$basearch failovermethod=priority #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/mock/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary #gpgcheck=1 [reproducible-builds] name=reproducible-builds # dhiru's repository, see # this is the same person: dhiru = kholia = halfie baseurl= enabled=1 DEBUG: cleanup_on_failure: True DEBUG: enable_disable_repos: [] DEBUG: plugins: ['tmpfs', 'root_cache', 'yum_cache', 'bind_mount', 'ccache', 'selinux', 'package_state', 'chroot_scan', 'lvm_root', 'compress_logs', 'mount'] DEBUG: no_root_shells: False DEBUG: check: True DEBUG: nosync: False DEBUG: priorities.conf: [main] enabled=0 DEBUG: yum_common_opts: [] DEBUG: chroothome: /builddir DEBUG: rpmbuild_command: /usr/bin/rpmbuild DEBUG: basedir: /var/lib/mock DEBUG: macros: {'%_smp_mflags': '-j8', '%_rpmfilename': '%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm', '%_topdir': '/builddir/build'} DEBUG: version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: log_config_file: logging.ini DEBUG: rpmbuild_arch: x86_64 DEBUG: config_file: /etc/mock/fedora-23-x86_64.cfg DEBUG: backup_on_clean: False DEBUG: rpmbuild_timeout: 0 DEBUG: chroot_setup_cmd: install @buildsys-build DEBUG: subscription-manager.conf: DEBUG: unique-ext: mock_1 DEBUG: clean: True DEBUG: createrepo_on_rpms: False DEBUG: cache_topdir: /var/cache/mock DEBUG: Unsharing. Flags: 201457664 INFO: Start(bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) Start: clean chroot Finish: clean chroot DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 Start: chroot init DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet DEBUG: creating dir: /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet INFO: calling preinit hooks INFO: enabled root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/ Start: unpacking root cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['tar', '--use-compress-program', 'pigz', '-xf', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/root_cache/cache.tar.gz', '-C', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./proc DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./sys DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./dev DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./var/cache/yum DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/./var/cache/yum Finish: unpacking root cache INFO: enabled yum cache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum Start: cleaning yum metadata Finish: cleaning yum metadata INFO: enabled ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/ DEBUG: create skeleton dirs DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/lib/dbus DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/log DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/rpm DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/tmp DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum.repos.d DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/run/lock DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/fstab DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/log/yum.log DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/os-release DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'sysfs', 'mock_chroot_sys', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'mock_chroot_shmfs', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '-t', 'devpts', '-o', 'gid=5,mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,newinstance', 'mock_chroot_devpts', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/yum_cache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/mount', '-n', '--bind', '/var/cache/mock/fedora-23-x86_64/ccache/', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 INFO: Mock Version: 1.2.3 DEBUG: rootdir = /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root DEBUG: resultdir = /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/pki/mock DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/etc/yum/pluginconf.d DEBUG: configure yum DEBUG: configure yum priorities DEBUG: configure yum rhnplugin DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/userdel', '-r', '-f', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: userdel: user 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupdel', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: groupdel: group 'mockbuild' does not exist DEBUG: Child return code was: 6 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-g', '999', 'mockbuild'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: /usr/sbin/useradd -o -m -u 105 -g 999 -d /builddir -n mockbuild with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/RPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SPECS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SRPMS DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/SOURCES DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: ensuring that dir exists: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/originals DEBUG: creating dir: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/builddir/build/originals Start: yum update DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'update'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Update Process DEBUG: No Packages marked for Update DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: yum update DEBUG: touching file: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/.initialized Finish: chroot init Start: build phase for bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm Start: build setup for bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-Uvh', '--nodeps', '/builddir/build/originals/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: Updating / installing... DEBUG: bash-4.3.42-1.fc23 ######################################## DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/rpm', '-qpl', '/builddir/build/originals/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages index using db5 - Permission denied (13) DEBUG: error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm DEBUG: warning: /builddir/build/originals/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 34ec9cba: NOKEY DEBUG: bash-2.02-security.patch DEBUG: bash-2.03-paths.patch DEBUG: bash-2.03-profile.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05a-interpreter.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05b-debuginfo.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05b-manso.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05b-pgrp_sync.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05b-readline-oom.patch DEBUG: bash-2.05b-xcc.patch DEBUG: bash-3.2-audit.patch DEBUG: bash-3.2-ssh_source_bash.patch DEBUG: bash-4.0-nobits.patch DEBUG: bash-4.1-broken_pipe.patch DEBUG: bash-4.1-defer-sigchld-trap.patch DEBUG: bash-4.1-examples.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-coverity.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-1.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-2.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-manpage_trap.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-rc2-logout.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-size_type.patch DEBUG: bash-4.2-trap.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-man-ulimit.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-memleak-lc_all.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-noecho.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-old-memleak.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-pathexp-globignore-delim.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3-select-readonly.patch DEBUG: bash-4.3.tar.gz DEBUG: bash-bashbug.patch DEBUG: bash-infotags.patch DEBUG: bash-requires.patch DEBUG: bash-setlocale.patch DEBUG: bash-tty-tests.patch DEBUG: bash.spec DEBUG: bash43-001 DEBUG: bash43-002 DEBUG: bash43-003 DEBUG: bash43-004 DEBUG: bash43-005 DEBUG: bash43-006 DEBUG: bash43-007 DEBUG: bash43-008 DEBUG: bash43-009 DEBUG: bash43-010 DEBUG: bash43-011 DEBUG: bash43-012 DEBUG: bash43-013 DEBUG: bash43-014 DEBUG: bash43-015 DEBUG: bash43-016 DEBUG: bash43-017 DEBUG: bash43-018 DEBUG: bash43-019 DEBUG: bash43-020 DEBUG: bash43-021 DEBUG: bash43-022 DEBUG: bash43-023 DEBUG: bash43-024 DEBUG: bash43-025 DEBUG: bash43-026 DEBUG: bash43-029 DEBUG: bash43-030 DEBUG: bash43-031 DEBUG: bash43-032 DEBUG: bash43-033 DEBUG: bash43-034 DEBUG: bash43-035 DEBUG: bash43-036 DEBUG: bash43-037 DEBUG: bash43-038 DEBUG: bash43-039 DEBUG: bash43-040 DEBUG: bash43-041 DEBUG: bash43-042 DEBUG: dot-bash_logout DEBUG: dot-bash_profile DEBUG: dot-bashrc DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/bash.spec'], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bs --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/bash.spec'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 18: #Source2:{version}.tar.gz DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'resolvedep', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: 0:ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', 'install', 'ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Setting up Install Process DEBUG: Resolving Dependencies DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: rtld(GNU_HASH) for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: coreutils for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /bin/sh for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: grep for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gmp for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /sbin/install-info for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: glibc-common = 2.22-10.fc23 for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libgcc for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: basesystem for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: setup for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: filesystem for package: basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: tzdata >= 2003a for package: glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: libsepol >= 2.4-1 for package: libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ncurses-base = 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 for package: ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: ca-certificates >= 2008-5 for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: crypto-policies for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit-trust >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: p11-kit >= 0.19.2 for package: ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: keyutils-libs >= 1.5.8 for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: sed for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: gawk for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package setup.noarch 0:2.10.1-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: system-release for package: setup-2.10.1-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: fedora-repos(23) for package: fedora-release-23-1.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: ccache x86_64 3.2.4-1.fc23 updates 206 k DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: basesystem noarch 11-1.fc23 fedora 9.6 k DEBUG: bash x86_64 4.3.42-3.fc23 updates 1.4 M DEBUG: ca-certificates noarch 2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 updates 432 k DEBUG: chkconfig x86_64 1.7-1.fc23 updates 179 k DEBUG: coreutils x86_64 8.24-6.fc23 updates 2.8 M DEBUG: crypto-policies noarch 20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 updates 30 k DEBUG: fedora-release noarch 23-1 fedora 16 k DEBUG: fedora-repos noarch 23-1 fedora 78 k DEBUG: filesystem x86_64 3.2-35.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: gawk x86_64 4.1.3-2.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: glibc x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 3.6 M DEBUG: glibc-common x86_64 2.22-10.fc23 updates 11 M DEBUG: gmp x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 fedora 282 k DEBUG: grep x86_64 2.22-6.fc23 updates 275 k DEBUG: info x86_64 6.0-2.fc23 updates 214 k DEBUG: keyutils-libs x86_64 1.5.9-7.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: krb5-libs x86_64 1.14-9.fc23 updates 839 k DEBUG: libacl x86_64 2.2.52-10.fc23 fedora 32 k DEBUG: libattr x86_64 2.4.47-14.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: libcap x86_64 2.24-8.fc23 fedora 51 k DEBUG: libcom_err x86_64 1.42.13-3.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: libffi x86_64 3.1-8.fc23 fedora 34 k DEBUG: libgcc x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: libselinux x86_64 2.4-4.fc23 fedora 147 k DEBUG: libsepol x86_64 2.4-1.fc23 fedora 257 k DEBUG: libstdc++ x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 425 k DEBUG: libtasn1 x86_64 4.5-2.fc23 fedora 324 k DEBUG: libverto x86_64 0.2.6-5.fc23 fedora 21 k DEBUG: ncurses x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 321 k DEBUG: ncurses-base noarch 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 75 k DEBUG: ncurses-libs x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 306 k DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl x86_64 3.22.0-1.0.fc23 updates 208 k DEBUG: openssl-libs x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 updates 1.2 M DEBUG: p11-kit x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 151 k DEBUG: p11-kit-trust x86_64 0.23.2-1.fc23 updates 131 k DEBUG: pcre x86_64 8.38-5.fc23 updates 495 k DEBUG: popt x86_64 1.16-6.fc23 fedora 59 k DEBUG: sed x86_64 4.2.2-11.fc23 fedora 237 k DEBUG: setup noarch 2.10.1-1.fc23 updates 172 k DEBUG: tzdata noarch 2016a-1.fc23 updates 409 k DEBUG: zlib x86_64 1.2.8-9.fc23 fedora 95 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 42 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 29 M DEBUG: Installed size: 176 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. DEBUG: Installing : libgcc-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 1/42 DEBUG: Installing : fedora-release-23-1.noarch 2/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora saved as /usr/lib/os.release.d/os-release-fedora.rpmorig DEBUG: Installing : fedora-repos-23-1.noarch 3/42 DEBUG: Installing : setup-2.10.1-1.fc23.noarch 4/42 DEBUG: warning: /etc/group created as /etc/group.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/gshadow created as /etc/gshadow.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/hosts created as /etc/hosts.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/passwd created as /etc/passwd.rpmnew DEBUG: warning: /etc/shadow created as /etc/shadow.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : filesystem-3.2-35.fc23.x86_64 5/42 DEBUG: Installing : basesystem-11-1.fc23.noarch 6/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-base-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.noarch 7/42 DEBUG: Installing : tzdata-2016a-1.fc23.noarch 8/42 DEBUG: Installing : nss-softokn-freebl-3.22.0-1.0.fc23.x86_64 9/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-common-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 10/42 DEBUG: Installing : glibc-2.22-10.fc23.x86_64 11/42 DEBUG: Installing : libstdc++-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 12/42 DEBUG: Installing : pcre-8.38-5.fc23.x86_64 13/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-libs-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 14/42 DEBUG: Installing : bash-4.3.42-3.fc23.x86_64 15/42 DEBUG: Installing : libsepol-2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 16/42 DEBUG: Installing : libselinux-2.4-4.fc23.x86_64 17/42 DEBUG: Installing : info-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 18/42 DEBUG: warning: /usr/share/info/dir created as /usr/share/info/dir.rpmnew DEBUG: Installing : libattr-2.4.47-14.fc23.x86_64 19/42 DEBUG: Installing : libacl-2.2.52-10.fc23.x86_64 20/42 DEBUG: Installing : grep-2.22-6.fc23.x86_64 21/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcom_err-1.42.13-3.fc23.x86_64 22/42 DEBUG: Installing : zlib-1.2.8-9.fc23.x86_64 23/42 DEBUG: Installing : libffi-3.1-8.fc23.x86_64 24/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 25/42 DEBUG: Installing : sed-4.2.2-11.fc23.x86_64 26/42 DEBUG: Installing : libcap-2.24-8.fc23.x86_64 27/42 DEBUG: Installing : gawk-4.1.3-2.fc23.x86_64 28/42 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 29/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:gmp-6.0.0-12.fc23.x86_64 30/42 DEBUG: Installing : libverto-0.2.6-5.fc23.x86_64 31/42 DEBUG: Installing : popt-1.16-6.fc23.x86_64 32/42 DEBUG: Installing : chkconfig-1.7-1.fc23.x86_64 33/42 DEBUG: Installing : libtasn1-4.5-2.fc23.x86_64 34/42 DEBUG: Installing : p11-kit-trust-0.23.2-1.fc23.x86_64 35/42 DEBUG: Installing : keyutils-libs-1.5.9-7.fc23.x86_64 36/42 DEBUG: Installing : krb5-libs-1.14-9.fc23.x86_64 37/42 DEBUG: Installing : 1:openssl-libs-1.0.2f-1.fc23.x86_64 38/42 DEBUG: Installing : coreutils-8.24-6.fc23.x86_64 39/42 DEBUG: Installing : crypto-policies-20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23.noarch 40/42 DEBUG: Installing : ca-certificates-2015.2.6-1.0.fc23.noarch 41/42 DEBUG: Installing : ccache-3.2.4-1.fc23.x86_64 42/42 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: ccache.x86_64 0:3.2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: basesystem.noarch 0:11-1.fc23 DEBUG: bash.x86_64 0:4.3.42-3.fc23 DEBUG: ca-certificates.noarch 0:2015.2.6-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: chkconfig.x86_64 0:1.7-1.fc23 DEBUG: coreutils.x86_64 0:8.24-6.fc23 DEBUG: crypto-policies.noarch 0:20151104-1.gitf1cba5f.fc23 DEBUG: fedora-release.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: fedora-repos.noarch 0:23-1 DEBUG: filesystem.x86_64 0:3.2-35.fc23 DEBUG: gawk.x86_64 0:4.1.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: glibc.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: glibc-common.x86_64 0:2.22-10.fc23 DEBUG: gmp.x86_64 1:6.0.0-12.fc23 DEBUG: grep.x86_64 0:2.22-6.fc23 DEBUG: info.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 DEBUG: keyutils-libs.x86_64 0:1.5.9-7.fc23 DEBUG: krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.14-9.fc23 DEBUG: libacl.x86_64 0:2.2.52-10.fc23 DEBUG: libattr.x86_64 0:2.4.47-14.fc23 DEBUG: libcap.x86_64 0:2.24-8.fc23 DEBUG: libcom_err.x86_64 0:1.42.13-3.fc23 DEBUG: libffi.x86_64 0:3.1-8.fc23 DEBUG: libgcc.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libselinux.x86_64 0:2.4-4.fc23 DEBUG: libsepol.x86_64 0:2.4-1.fc23 DEBUG: libstdc++.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libtasn1.x86_64 0:4.5-2.fc23 DEBUG: libverto.x86_64 0:0.2.6-5.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-base.noarch 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: ncurses-libs.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 0:3.22.0-1.0.fc23 DEBUG: openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2f-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0:0.23.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: pcre.x86_64 0:8.38-5.fc23 DEBUG: popt.x86_64 0:1.16-6.fc23 DEBUG: sed.x86_64 0:4.2.2-11.fc23 DEBUG: setup.noarch 0:2.10.1-1.fc23 DEBUG: tzdata.noarch 0:2016a-1.fc23 DEBUG: zlib.x86_64 0:1.2.8-9.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Start: Waiting for yumcache lock Finish: Waiting for yumcache lock DEBUG: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm'] DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/usr/bin/yum-builddep', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/', '--releasever', '23', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'LC_MESSAGES': 'C', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Getting requirements for bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src DEBUG: --> autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> bison-3.0.4-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> ncurses-devel-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> texinfo-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl >= 5.006 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: m4 >= 1.4.14 for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(warnings) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(vars) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(strict) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(constant) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::ParseWords) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(POSIX) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(IO::File) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Getopt::Long) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::stat) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Spec) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Path) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Find) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Copy) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Compare) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Basename) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Exporter) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Errno) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(DynaLoader) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Data::Dumper) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Cwd) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Class::Struct) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Carp) for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: emacs-filesystem for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/perl for package: autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package bison.x86_64 0:3.0.4-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gettext.x86_64 0:0.19.7-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/python3 for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package ncurses-devel.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig for package: ncurses-devel-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: /usr/bin/pkg-config for package: ncurses-devel-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package texinfo.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Unicode::EastAsianWidth) for package: texinfo-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Unidecode) for package: texinfo-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Locale::Messages) for package: texinfo-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package gettext-libs.x86_64 0:0.19.7-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package glib2.x86_64 0:2.46.2-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: shared-mime-info for package: glib2-2.46.2-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package libcroco.x86_64 0:0.6.8-7.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libunistring.x86_64 0:0.9.4-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package libxml2.x86_64 0:2.9.3-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs = 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) >= 1.3 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) >= 1.10 for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-macros for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-libs for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads::shared) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(threads) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(parent) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Unicode::Normalize) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::HiRes) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Wrap) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Text::Tabs) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Storable) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Socket) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Scalar::Util) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::XHTML) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Simple::Search) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(File::Temp) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.22.1) for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Usage) >= 1.14 for package: perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-Unidecode.noarch 0:1.27-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth.noarch 0:1.33-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-libintl.x86_64 0:1.20-18.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Encode) for package: perl-libintl-1.20-18.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package pkgconfig.x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package python3.x86_64 0:3.4.3-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: python3-libs(x86-64) = 3.4.3-5.fc23 for package: python3-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: python3-setuptools for package: python3-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: python3-pip for package: python3-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: python3-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(MIME::Base64) for package: 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Escapes) >= 1.04 for package: 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Pod::Text) >= 3.15 for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl-Pod-Perldoc for package: 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package python3-libs.x86_64 0:3.4.3-5.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: expat >= 2.1.0 for package: python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: for package: python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ---> Package python3-pip.noarch 0:7.1.0-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package python3-setuptools.noarch 0:18.0.1-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package shared-mime-info.x86_64 0:1.5-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package xz-libs.x86_64 0:5.2.1-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package bzip2-libs.x86_64 0:1.0.6-19.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package expat.x86_64 0:2.1.0-12.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(HTTP::Tiny) for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: groff-base for package: perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::Cap) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Term::ANSIColor) for package: perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package readline.x86_64 0:6.3-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package sqlite-libs.x86_64 0:3.11.0-2.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Processing Dependency: perl(Time::Local) for package: perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Running transaction check DEBUG: ---> Package perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 will be installed DEBUG: --> Finished Dependency Resolution DEBUG: Dependencies Resolved DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Package Arch Version Repository DEBUG: Size DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Installing: DEBUG: autoconf noarch 2.69-21.fc23 fedora 709 k DEBUG: bison x86_64 3.0.4-3.fc23 updates 684 k DEBUG: gettext x86_64 0.19.7-3.fc23 updates 1.0 M DEBUG: ncurses-devel x86_64 5.9-21.20150214.fc23 fedora 732 k DEBUG: texinfo x86_64 6.0-2.fc23 updates 1.1 M DEBUG: Installing for dependencies: DEBUG: bzip2-libs x86_64 1.0.6-19.fc23 updates 45 k DEBUG: emacs-filesystem noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 updates 65 k DEBUG: expat x86_64 2.1.0-12.fc23 fedora 86 k DEBUG: gdbm x86_64 1.11-6.fc23 fedora 138 k DEBUG: gettext-libs x86_64 0.19.7-3.fc23 updates 504 k DEBUG: glib2 x86_64 2.46.2-1.fc23 updates 2.3 M DEBUG: groff-base x86_64 1.22.3-6.fc23 fedora 1.0 M DEBUG: libcroco x86_64 0.6.8-7.fc23 fedora 107 k DEBUG: libgomp x86_64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 152 k DEBUG: libunistring x86_64 0.9.4-2.fc23 fedora 315 k DEBUG: libxml2 x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc23 updates 684 k DEBUG: m4 x86_64 1.4.17-8.fc23 fedora 266 k DEBUG: perl x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 6.9 M DEBUG: perl-Carp noarch 1.38-1.fc23 updates 29 k DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper x86_64 2.158-347.fc23 fedora 55 k DEBUG: perl-Encode x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 updates 1.5 M DEBUG: perl-Exporter noarch 5.72-347.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-File-Path noarch 2.09-347.fc23 fedora 31 k DEBUG: perl-File-Temp noarch 0.23.04-346.fc23 fedora 61 k DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long noarch 2.48-1.fc23 updates 61 k DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.056-3.fc23 fedora 53 k DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.15-348.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-PathTools x86_64 3.62-1.fc23 updates 88 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 fedora 19 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.25-347.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 fedora 211 k DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 fedora 33 k DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 updates 62 k DEBUG: perl-Socket x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 updates 55 k DEBUG: perl-Storable x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 fedora 84 k DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 4.03-346.fc23 fedora 45 k DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-1.fc23 fedora 22 k DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-346.fc23 fedora 17 k DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2013.0523-346.fc23 fedora 23 k DEBUG: perl-Text-Unidecode noarch 1.27-1.fc23 updates 145 k DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 1.9728-1.fc23 updates 50 k DEBUG: perl-Time-Local noarch 1.2300-346.fc23 fedora 29 k DEBUG: perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth noarch 1.33-6.fc23 fedora 15 k DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.24-1.fc23 updates 80 k DEBUG: perl-constant noarch 1.33-347.fc23 fedora 24 k DEBUG: perl-libintl x86_64 1.20-18.fc23 fedora 801 k DEBUG: perl-libs x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 822 k DEBUG: perl-macros x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 updates 57 k DEBUG: perl-parent noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 fedora 18 k DEBUG: perl-podlators noarch 2.5.3-347.fc23 fedora 112 k DEBUG: perl-threads x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 fedora 58 k DEBUG: perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.48-346.fc23 fedora 44 k DEBUG: pkgconfig x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 fedora 60 k DEBUG: python3 x86_64 3.4.3-5.fc23 fedora 53 k DEBUG: python3-libs x86_64 3.4.3-5.fc23 fedora 6.7 M DEBUG: python3-pip noarch 7.1.0-1.fc23 fedora 1.6 M DEBUG: python3-setuptools noarch 18.0.1-2.fc23 fedora 406 k DEBUG: readline x86_64 6.3-6.fc23 fedora 205 k DEBUG: shared-mime-info x86_64 1.5-2.fc23 fedora 302 k DEBUG: sqlite-libs x86_64 3.11.0-2.fc23 updates 449 k DEBUG: xz-libs x86_64 5.2.1-3.fc23 fedora 90 k DEBUG: Transaction Summary DEBUG: ================================================================================ DEBUG: Install 61 Packages DEBUG: Total size: 31 M DEBUG: Installed size: 111 M DEBUG: Downloading Packages: DEBUG: Running Transaction Check DEBUG: Running Transaction Test DEBUG: Transaction Test Succeeded DEBUG: Running Transaction DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-libs-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 1/61 DEBUG: Installing : libgomp-5.3.1-2.fc23.x86_64 2/61 DEBUG: Installing : m4-1.4.17-8.fc23.x86_64 3/61 DEBUG: Installing : libunistring-0.9.4-2.fc23.x86_64 4/61 DEBUG: Installing : gdbm-1.11-6.fc23.x86_64 5/61 DEBUG: Installing : xz-libs-5.2.1-3.fc23.x86_64 6/61 DEBUG: Installing : libxml2-2.9.3-2.fc23.x86_64 7/61 DEBUG: Installing : glib2-2.46.2-1.fc23.x86_64 8/61 DEBUG: Installing : shared-mime-info-1.5-2.fc23.x86_64 9/61 DEBUG: Installing : libcroco-0.6.8-7.fc23.x86_64 10/61 DEBUG: Installing : gettext-libs-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 11/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:pkgconfig-0.28-9.fc23.x86_64 12/61 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-macros-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 13/61 DEBUG: Installing : sqlite-libs-3.11.0-2.fc23.x86_64 14/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:emacs-filesystem-24.5-7.fc23.noarch 15/61 DEBUG: Installing : expat-2.1.0-12.fc23.x86_64 16/61 DEBUG: Installing : readline-6.3-6.fc23.x86_64 17/61 DEBUG: Installing : groff-base-1.22.3-6.fc23.x86_64 18/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-Local-1.2300-346.fc23.noarch 19/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-1.fc23.noarch 20/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.03-346.fc23.noarch 21/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.056-3.fc23.noarch 22/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-348.fc23.x86_64 23/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-podlators-2.5.3-347.fc23.noarch 24/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.25-347.fc23.noarch 25/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-348.fc23.noarch 26/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-346.fc23.noarch 27/61 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Encode-2.80-4.fc23.x86_64 28/61 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-Pod-Usage-1.67-3.fc23.noarch 29/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-parent-0.234-3.fc23.noarch 30/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-constant-1.33-347.fc23.noarch 31/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.24-1.fc23.x86_64 32/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-346.fc23.noarch 33/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Time-HiRes-1.9728-1.fc23.x86_64 34/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Storable-2.53-346.fc23.x86_64 35/61 DEBUG: Installing : 3:perl-Socket-2.021-1.fc23.x86_64 36/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-threads-shared-1.48-346.fc23.x86_64 37/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Path-2.09-347.fc23.noarch 38/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-PathTools-3.62-1.fc23.x86_64 39/61 DEBUG: Installing : 2:perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.43-1.fc23.x86_64 40/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Exporter-5.72-347.fc23.noarch 41/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Carp-1.38-1.fc23.noarch 42/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-File-Temp-0.23.04-346.fc23.noarch 43/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.31-1.fc23.noarch 44/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Getopt-Long-2.48-1.fc23.noarch 45/61 DEBUG: Installing : 1:perl-threads-2.02-2.fc23.x86_64 46/61 DEBUG: Installing : 4:perl-5.22.1-350.fc23.x86_64 47/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Data-Dumper-2.158-347.fc23.x86_64 48/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.33-6.fc23.noarch 49/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-libintl-1.20-18.fc23.x86_64 50/61 DEBUG: Installing : perl-Text-Unidecode-1.27-1.fc23.noarch 51/61 DEBUG: Installing : bzip2-libs-1.0.6-19.fc23.x86_64 52/61 DEBUG: Installing : python3-pip-7.1.0-1.fc23.noarch 53/61 DEBUG: Installing : python3-setuptools-18.0.1-2.fc23.noarch 54/61 DEBUG: Installing : python3-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 55/61 DEBUG: Installing : python3-libs-3.4.3-5.fc23.x86_64 56/61 DEBUG: Installing : gettext-0.19.7-3.fc23.x86_64 57/61 DEBUG: Installing : texinfo-6.0-2.fc23.x86_64 58/61 DEBUG: Installing : autoconf-2.69-21.fc23.noarch 59/61 DEBUG: Installing : ncurses-devel-5.9-21.20150214.fc23.x86_64 60/61 DEBUG: Installing : bison-3.0.4-3.fc23.x86_64 61/61 DEBUG: Installed: DEBUG: autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-21.fc23 bison.x86_64 0:3.0.4-3.fc23 DEBUG: gettext.x86_64 0:0.19.7-3.fc23 ncurses-devel.x86_64 0:5.9-21.20150214.fc23 DEBUG: texinfo.x86_64 0:6.0-2.fc23 DEBUG: Dependency Installed: DEBUG: bzip2-libs.x86_64 0:1.0.6-19.fc23 DEBUG: emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.5-7.fc23 DEBUG: expat.x86_64 0:2.1.0-12.fc23 DEBUG: gdbm.x86_64 0:1.11-6.fc23 DEBUG: gettext-libs.x86_64 0:0.19.7-3.fc23 DEBUG: glib2.x86_64 0:2.46.2-1.fc23 DEBUG: groff-base.x86_64 0:1.22.3-6.fc23 DEBUG: libcroco.x86_64 0:0.6.8-7.fc23 DEBUG: libgomp.x86_64 0:5.3.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: libunistring.x86_64 0:0.9.4-2.fc23 DEBUG: libxml2.x86_64 0:2.9.3-2.fc23 DEBUG: m4.x86_64 0:1.4.17-8.fc23 DEBUG: perl.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Carp.noarch 0:1.38-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 0:2.158-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Encode.x86_64 3:2.80-4.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Exporter.noarch 0:5.72-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Path.noarch 0:2.09-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-File-Temp.noarch 0:0.23.04-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 0:2.48-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0:0.056-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 0:3.15-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-PathTools.x86_64 0:3.62-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-348.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 0:3.25-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.31-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.67-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 2:1.43-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Socket.x86_64 3:2.021-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.53-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 0:4.03-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Term-Cap.noarch 0:1.17-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 0:3.30-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 0:2013.0523-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Text-Unidecode.noarch 0:1.27-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 0:1.9728-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Time-Local.noarch 0:1.2300-346.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth.noarch 0:1.33-6.fc23 DEBUG: perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 0:1.24-1.fc23 DEBUG: perl-constant.noarch 0:1.33-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-libintl.x86_64 0:1.20-18.fc23 DEBUG: perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.22.1-350.fc23 DEBUG: perl-parent.noarch 1:0.234-3.fc23 DEBUG: perl-podlators.noarch 0:2.5.3-347.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.02-2.fc23 DEBUG: perl-threads-shared.x86_64 0:1.48-346.fc23 DEBUG: pkgconfig.x86_64 1:0.28-9.fc23 DEBUG: python3.x86_64 0:3.4.3-5.fc23 DEBUG: python3-libs.x86_64 0:3.4.3-5.fc23 DEBUG: python3-pip.noarch 0:7.1.0-1.fc23 DEBUG: python3-setuptools.noarch 0:18.0.1-2.fc23 DEBUG: readline.x86_64 0:6.3-6.fc23 DEBUG: shared-mime-info.x86_64 0:1.5-2.fc23 DEBUG: sqlite-libs.x86_64 0:3.11.0-2.fc23 DEBUG: xz-libs.x86_64 0:5.2.1-3.fc23 DEBUG: Complete! DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 Finish: build setup for bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm Start: rpmbuild bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['ccache', '-M', '4G'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: Set cache size limit to 4.0 GB DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/bash.spec '], chrootPath='/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root'shell=FalseprintOutput=Falseenv={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'}gid=999user='mockbuild'timeout=0logger=uid=105) DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', '/usr/bin/rpmbuild -bb --target x86_64 --nodeps /builddir/build/SPECS/bash.spec '] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'CCACHE_DIR': '/tmp/ccache', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'printf "\x1b]0;\x07"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002'} DEBUG: warning: Macro expanded in comment on line 18: #Source2:{version}.tar.gz DEBUG: Building target platforms: x86_64 DEBUG: Building for target x86_64 DEBUG: Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.LLmC7S DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + rm -rf bash-4.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/bash-4.3.tar.gz DEBUG: + /usr/bin/tar -xof - DEBUG: + STATUS=0 DEBUG: + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . DEBUG: Patch #1 (bash43-001): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #1 (bash43-001):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .001 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file test.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #2 (bash43-002): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #2 (bash43-002):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .002 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file trap.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #3 (bash43-003): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #3 (bash43-003):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .003 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/readline.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #4 (bash43-004): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #4 (bash43-004):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .004 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/readline.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 966 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #5 (bash43-005): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #5 (bash43-005):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .005 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #6 (bash43-006): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #6 (bash43-006):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .006 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file jobs.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #7 (bash43-007): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #7 (bash43-007):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .007 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file arrayfunc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #8 (bash43-008): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #8 (bash43-008):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .008 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/glob/gmisc.c DEBUG: patching file lib/glob/glob.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #9 (bash43-009): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #9 (bash43-009):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .009 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #10 (bash43-010): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #10 (bash43-010):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .010 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file externs.h DEBUG: patching file lib/sh/shquote.c DEBUG: patching file pcomplete.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #11 (bash43-011): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #11 (bash43-011):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .011 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/display.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #12 (bash43-012): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #12 (bash43-012):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .012 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file jobs.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #13 (bash43-013): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #13 (bash43-013):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .013 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/display.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #14 (bash43-014): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #14 (bash43-014):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .014 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #15 (bash43-015): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #15 (bash43-015):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .015 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file bashline.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #16 (bash43-016): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #16 (bash43-016):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .016 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/glob/glob.c DEBUG: patching file lib/glob/gmisc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #17 (bash43-017): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #17 (bash43-017):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .017 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file variables.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #18 (bash43-018): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #18 (bash43-018):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .018 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file arrayfunc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #19 (bash43-019): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #19 (bash43-019):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .019 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/input.c DEBUG: patching file builtins/read.def DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #20 (bash43-020): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #20 (bash43-020):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .020 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file shell.h DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #21 (bash43-021): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #21 (bash43-021):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .021 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/misc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #22 (bash43-022): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #22 (bash43-022):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .022 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #23 (bash43-023): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #23 (bash43-023):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .023 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.h DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #24 (bash43-024): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #24 (bash43-024):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .024 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #25 (bash43-025): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #25 (bash43-025):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .025 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/common.h DEBUG: patching file builtins/evalstring.c DEBUG: patching file variables.c DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #26 (bash43-026): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #26 (bash43-026):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .026 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #27 (bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-1.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #27 (bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-1.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .7169-1 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file variables.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 279 (offset 11 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 312 (offset 11 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 357 (offset 11 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #4 succeeded at 2974 (offset 417 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #5 succeeded at 3871 (offset 463 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #6 succeeded at 3993 (offset 463 lines). DEBUG: Patch #28 (bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-2.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #28 (bash-4.2-cve-2014-7169-2.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .7169-2 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 265 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 532 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 4917 (offset 148 lines). DEBUG: Patch #29 (bash43-029): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #29 (bash43-029):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .029 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file make_cmd.c DEBUG: patching file copy_cmd.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #30 (bash43-030): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #30 (bash43-030):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .030 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/evalstring.c DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 2546 (offset 7 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 4030 (offset -8 lines). DEBUG: patching file shell.h DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #31 (bash43-031): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #31 (bash43-031):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .031 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.h DEBUG: patching file variables.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 2518 (offset 14 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 2569 (offset 14 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 2699 (offset 14 lines). DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #32 (bash43-032): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #32 (bash43-032):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .032 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file jobs.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #33 (bash43-033): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #33 (bash43-033):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .033 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file shell.c DEBUG: patching file builtins/read.def DEBUG: patching file builtins/common.h DEBUG: patching file bashline.c DEBUG: patching file sig.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #34 (bash43-034): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #34 (bash43-034):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .034 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/set.def DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #35 (bash43-035): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #35 (bash43-035):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .035 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/sh/unicode.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #36 (bash43-036): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #36 (bash43-036):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .036 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file variables.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 2835 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #37 (bash43-037): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #37 (bash43-037):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .037 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file assoc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #38 (bash43-038): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #38 (bash43-038):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .038 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 2811 (offset -8 lines). DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 5101 (offset -30 lines). DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #39 (bash43-039): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #39 (bash43-039):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .039 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file arrayfunc.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #40 (bash43-040): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #40 (bash43-040):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .040 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #41 (bash43-041): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #41 (bash43-041):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .041 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file bashline.c DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/complete.c DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #42 (bash43-042): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #42 (bash43-042):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .042 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 3701 (offset -8 lines). DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 5991 (offset -30 lines). DEBUG: patching file patchlevel.h DEBUG: Patch #101 (bash-2.02-security.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #101 (bash-2.02-security.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .security --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 1425 (offset 502 lines). DEBUG: Patch #102 (bash-2.03-paths.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #102 (bash-2.03-paths.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .paths --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file config-top.h DEBUG: Patch #103 (bash-2.03-profile.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #103 (bash-2.03-profile.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .profile --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file config-top.h DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 23 (offset -3 lines). DEBUG: Patch #104 (bash-2.05a-interpreter.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #104 (bash-2.05a-interpreter.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .interpreter --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 722 (offset 16 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 920 (offset 19 lines). DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 705 (offset 46 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 767 (offset 44 lines). DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.c DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 5235 (offset 256 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 5266 (offset 257 lines). DEBUG: Patch #105 (bash-2.05b-debuginfo.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #105 (bash-2.05b-debuginfo.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .debuginfo --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/ DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 115 (offset 22 lines). DEBUG: Patch #106 (bash-2.05b-manso.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #106 (bash-2.05b-manso.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .manso --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file doc/builtins.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 19 (offset 9 lines). DEBUG: Patch #107 (bash-2.05b-pgrp_sync.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #107 (bash-2.05b-pgrp_sync.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .pgrp_sync --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file aclocal.m4 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 1284 (offset 29 lines). DEBUG: Patch #108 (bash-2.05b-readline-oom.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #108 (bash-2.05b-readline-oom.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .readline_oom --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/readline.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 818 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: Patch #109 (bash-2.05b-xcc.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #109 (bash-2.05b-xcc.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .xcc --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 74 (offset 6 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 574 (offset 38 lines). DEBUG: Patch #110 (bash-3.2-audit.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #110 (bash-3.2-audit.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .audit --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 1155 (offset 24 lines). DEBUG: patching file DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 934 (offset 46 lines). DEBUG: patching file lib/readline/readline.c DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 334 (offset 27 lines). DEBUG: Patch #111 (bash-3.2-ssh_source_bash.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #111 (bash-3.2-ssh_source_bash.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .ssh_source_bash --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file config-top.h DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 95 (offset 5 lines). DEBUG: Patch #112 (bash-bashbug.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #112 (bash-bashbug.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .bashbug --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file doc/bash.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 10270 (offset 413 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 10292 (offset 413 lines). DEBUG: patching file doc/bashref.texi DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 8206 (offset 571 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 8228 (offset 571 lines). DEBUG: patching file shell.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 1864 (offset 41 lines). DEBUG: Patch #113 (bash-infotags.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #113 (bash-infotags.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .infotags --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file doc/ DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 74 (offset 5 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 151 (offset 6 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 174 (offset 8 lines). DEBUG: Patch #114 (bash-requires.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #114 (bash-requires.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .requires --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins.h DEBUG: patching file builtins/mkbuiltins.c DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 173 (offset 4 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 836 (offset 10 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #4 succeeded at 1256 (offset 10 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #5 succeeded at 1632 (offset 33 lines). DEBUG: patching file doc/bash.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 234 (offset 3 lines). DEBUG: patching file doc/bashref.texi DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 6063 (offset 720 lines). DEBUG: patching file eval.c DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 145 (offset 8 lines). DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 518 (offset 15 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 552 (offset 16 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 5497 (offset 423 lines). DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.h DEBUG: patching file make_cmd.c DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 832 (offset 4 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #4 succeeded at 870 (offset 4 lines). DEBUG: patching file shell.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 194 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 260 (offset 6 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 497 (offset 8 lines). DEBUG: Patch #115 (bash-setlocale.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #115 (bash-setlocale.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .setlocale --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/setattr.def DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 548 (offset 125 lines). DEBUG: Patch #116 (bash-tty-tests.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #116 (bash-tty-tests.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .tty_tests --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file tests/exec.right DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 51 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: patching file tests/execscript DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 108 (offset 1 line). DEBUG: patching file tests/read.right DEBUG: patching file tests/read.tests DEBUG: Patch #117 (bash-4.0-nobits.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #117 (bash-4.0-nobits.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .nobits --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 5280 (offset 533 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 5290 (offset 533 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 5374 (offset 533 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #4 succeeded at 5487 (offset 533 lines). DEBUG: Patch #118 (bash-4.1-examples.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #118 (bash-4.1-examples.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .examples --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file examples/loadables/ DEBUG: patching file examples/loadables/perl/ DEBUG: Patch #119 (bash-4.1-broken_pipe.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #119 (bash-4.1-broken_pipe.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .broken_pipe --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file config-top.h DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 56 (offset 5 lines). DEBUG: Patch #120 (bash-4.2-rc2-logout.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #120 (bash-4.2-rc2-logout.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .logout --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file config-top.h DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 85 (offset 7 lines). DEBUG: patching file doc/bash.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 329 (offset 3 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 10246 (offset 1432 lines). DEBUG: Patch #121 (bash-4.2-coverity.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #121 (bash-4.2-coverity.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .coverity --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file execute_cmd.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 5291 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 5299 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 5346 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #4 succeeded at 5375 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #5 succeeded at 5383 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #6 succeeded at 5429 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #7 succeeded at 5455 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #8 succeeded at 5505 (offset 255 lines). DEBUG: Patch #122 (bash-4.1-defer-sigchld-trap.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #122 (bash-4.1-defer-sigchld-trap.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .defer_sigchld_trap --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file jobs.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 3195 (offset 158 lines). DEBUG: Patch #123 (bash-4.2-manpage_trap.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #123 (bash-4.2-manpage_trap.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file doc/bash.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 9826 (offset 575 lines). DEBUG: Patch #125 (bash-4.2-size_type.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #125 (bash-4.2-size_type.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .size_type --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file variables.h DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #128 (bash-4.3-man-ulimit.patch):' DEBUG: Patch #128 (bash-4.3-man-ulimit.patch): DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .ulimit --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file doc/bash.1 DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 10021 (offset 570 lines). DEBUG: Patch #134 (bash-4.3-pathexp-globignore-delim.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #134 (bash-4.3-pathexp-globignore-delim.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p0 -b --suffix .delim --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file pathexp.c DEBUG: Patch #135 (bash-4.3-noecho.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #135 (bash-4.3-noecho.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .noecho --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file parse.y DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 4025 (offset 167 lines). DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: Hunk #1 succeeded at 7660 (offset 557 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #2 succeeded at 7963 (offset 561 lines). DEBUG: Hunk #3 succeeded at 7978 (offset 561 lines). DEBUG: Patch #137 (bash-4.3-select-readonly.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #137 (bash-4.3-select-readonly.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .readonly --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file builtins/read.def DEBUG: Patch #138 (bash-4.3-memleak-lc_all.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #138 (bash-4.3-memleak-lc_all.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .lc_all --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file locale.c DEBUG: Patch #139 (bash-4.3-old-memleak.patch): DEBUG: + echo 'Patch #139 (bash-4.3-old-memleak.patch):' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .oldleak --fuzz=0 DEBUG: patching file subst.c DEBUG: + echo 4.3.42 DEBUG: + echo 1.fc23 DEBUG: + rm DEBUG: Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.kXiDdf DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + autoconf DEBUG: + CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CFLAGS DEBUG: + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic' DEBUG: + export CXXFLAGS DEBUG: + FFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FFLAGS DEBUG: + FCFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules' DEBUG: + export FCFLAGS DEBUG: + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld' DEBUG: + export LDFLAGS DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: +++ dirname ./configure DEBUG: ++ find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./support/config.sub DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./support/config.sub DEBUG: ++ basename ./support/config.sub DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub ./support/config.sub DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.sub' -> './support/config.sub' DEBUG: + for i in '$(find $(dirname ./configure) -name config.guess -o -name config.sub)' DEBUG: ++ basename ./support/config.guess DEBUG: + '[' -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ']' DEBUG: + /usr/bin/rm -f ./support/config.guess DEBUG: ++ basename ./support/config.guess DEBUG: + /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess ./support/config.guess DEBUG: '/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/config.guess' -> './support/config.guess' DEBUG: + '[' 1 = 1 ']' DEBUG: + '[' x '!=' x-specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld ']' DEBUG: ++ find . -name DEBUG: + ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bash-malloc=no --with-afs DEBUG: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-dependency-tracking DEBUG: checking build system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking host system type... x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: Beginning configuration for bash-4.3-release for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-gcc... no DEBUG: checking for gcc... gcc DEBUG: checking whether the C compiler works... yes DEBUG: checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out DEBUG: checking for suffix of executables... DEBUG: checking whether we are cross compiling... no DEBUG: checking for suffix of object files... o DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes DEBUG: checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes DEBUG: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed DEBUG: checking for strerror in -lcposix... no DEBUG: checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E DEBUG: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep DEBUG: checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E DEBUG: checking for ANSI C header files... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking minix/config.h usability... no DEBUG: checking minix/config.h presence... no DEBUG: checking for minix/config.h... no DEBUG: checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes DEBUG: checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no DEBUG: checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... no DEBUG: checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no DEBUG: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-ar... no DEBUG: checking for ar... ar DEBUG: checking for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-ranlib... no DEBUG: checking for ranlib... ranlib DEBUG: checking for bison... bison -y DEBUG: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes DEBUG: checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes DEBUG: checking for inline... inline DEBUG: checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no DEBUG: checking for preprocessor stringizing operator... yes DEBUG: checking for long double with more range or precision than double... yes DEBUG: checking for function prototypes... yes DEBUG: checking whether char is unsigned... no DEBUG: checking for working volatile... yes DEBUG: checking for C/C++ restrict keyword... __restrict DEBUG: checking whether NLS is requested... yes DEBUG: checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt DEBUG: checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt DEBUG: checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext DEBUG: checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge DEBUG: checking for off_t... yes DEBUG: checking for size_t... yes DEBUG: checking for working alloca.h... yes DEBUG: checking for alloca... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for sys/param.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/time.h... yes DEBUG: checking for getpagesize... yes DEBUG: checking for working mmap... yes DEBUG: checking whether we are using the GNU C Library 2.1 or newer... yes DEBUG: checking whether integer division by zero raises SIGFPE... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unsigned long long... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether the inttypes.h PRIxNN macros are broken... no DEBUG: checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/bin/ld DEBUG: checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes DEBUG: checking for shared library run path origin... done DEBUG: checking argz.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking argz.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for argz.h... yes DEBUG: checking limits.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking limits.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for limits.h... yes DEBUG: checking locale.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking locale.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for locale.h... yes DEBUG: checking nl_types.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking nl_types.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for nl_types.h... yes DEBUG: checking malloc.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking malloc.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for malloc.h... yes DEBUG: checking stddef.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking stddef.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for stddef.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for sys/param.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for feof_unlocked... yes DEBUG: checking for fgets_unlocked... yes DEBUG: checking for getc_unlocked... yes DEBUG: checking for getcwd... yes DEBUG: checking for getegid... yes DEBUG: checking for geteuid... yes DEBUG: checking for getgid... yes DEBUG: checking for getuid... yes DEBUG: checking for mempcpy... yes DEBUG: checking for munmap... yes DEBUG: checking for putenv... yes DEBUG: checking for setenv... yes DEBUG: checking for setlocale... yes DEBUG: checking for localeconv... yes DEBUG: checking for stpcpy... yes DEBUG: checking for strcasecmp... yes DEBUG: checking for strdup... yes DEBUG: checking for strtoul... yes DEBUG: checking for tsearch... yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_count... yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_stringify... yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_next... yes DEBUG: checking for __fsetlocking... yes DEBUG: checking for iconv... yes DEBUG: checking for iconv declaration... DEBUG: extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); DEBUG: checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET... yes DEBUG: checking for LC_MESSAGES... yes DEBUG: checking for bison... bison DEBUG: checking version of bison... 3.0.4, ok DEBUG: checking whether NLS is requested... yes DEBUG: checking whether included gettext is requested... no DEBUG: checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes DEBUG: checking whether to use NLS... yes DEBUG: checking where the gettext function comes from... libc DEBUG: checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes DEBUG: checking for library containing opendir... none required DEBUG: checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes DEBUG: checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking stdarg.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking stdarg.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for stdarg.h... yes DEBUG: checking varargs.h usability... no DEBUG: checking varargs.h presence... no DEBUG: checking for varargs.h... no DEBUG: checking for limits.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for string.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for memory.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for locale.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking termcap.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking termcap.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for termcap.h... yes DEBUG: checking termio.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking termio.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for termio.h... yes DEBUG: checking termios.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking termios.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for termios.h... yes DEBUG: checking dlfcn.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking dlfcn.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for dlfcn.h... yes DEBUG: checking stdbool.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking stdbool.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for stdbool.h... yes DEBUG: checking for stddef.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking netdb.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking netdb.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for netdb.h... yes DEBUG: checking pwd.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking pwd.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for pwd.h... yes DEBUG: checking grp.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking grp.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for grp.h... yes DEBUG: checking for strings.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking regex.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking regex.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for regex.h... yes DEBUG: checking syslog.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking syslog.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for syslog.h... yes DEBUG: checking ulimit.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking ulimit.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for ulimit.h... yes DEBUG: checking elf.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking elf.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for elf.h... yes DEBUG: checking sys/pte.h usability... no DEBUG: checking sys/pte.h presence... no DEBUG: checking for sys/pte.h... no DEBUG: checking sys/stream.h usability... no DEBUG: checking sys/stream.h presence... no DEBUG: checking for sys/stream.h... no DEBUG: checking sys/select.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/select.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/select.h... yes DEBUG: checking sys/file.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/file.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/file.h... yes DEBUG: checking sys/resource.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/resource.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/resource.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/param.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking sys/socket.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/socket.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/socket.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking sys/times.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/times.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/times.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking sys/wait.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking sys/wait.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/wait.h... yes DEBUG: checking netinet/in.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking netinet/in.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for netinet/in.h... yes DEBUG: checking arpa/inet.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking arpa/inet.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for arpa/inet.h... yes DEBUG: checking for sys/ptem.h... no DEBUG: checking for working alloca.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for alloca... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking whether getpgrp requires zero arguments... yes DEBUG: checking for vprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for _doprnt... no DEBUG: checking for working strcoll... yes DEBUG: checking return type of signal handlers... void DEBUG: checking for __setostype... no DEBUG: checking for wait3... yes DEBUG: checking for mkfifo... yes DEBUG: checking for dup2... yes DEBUG: checking for eaccess... yes DEBUG: checking for fcntl... yes DEBUG: checking for getdtablesize... yes DEBUG: checking for getgroups... yes DEBUG: checking for gethostname... yes DEBUG: checking for getpagesize... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for getpeername... yes DEBUG: checking for getrlimit... yes DEBUG: checking for getrusage... yes DEBUG: checking for gettimeofday... yes DEBUG: checking for kill... yes DEBUG: checking for killpg... yes DEBUG: checking for lstat... yes DEBUG: checking for readlink... yes DEBUG: checking for sbrk... yes DEBUG: checking for select... yes DEBUG: checking for setdtablesize... no DEBUG: checking for setitimer... yes DEBUG: checking for tcgetpgrp... yes DEBUG: checking for uname... yes DEBUG: checking for ulimit... yes DEBUG: checking for waitpid... yes DEBUG: checking for pread... yes DEBUG: checking for rename... yes DEBUG: checking for bcopy... yes DEBUG: checking for bzero... yes DEBUG: checking for confstr... yes DEBUG: checking for faccessat... yes DEBUG: checking for fnmatch... yes DEBUG: checking for getaddrinfo... yes DEBUG: checking for gethostbyname... yes DEBUG: checking for getservbyname... yes DEBUG: checking for getservent... yes DEBUG: checking for inet_aton... yes DEBUG: checking for imaxdiv... yes DEBUG: checking for memmove... yes DEBUG: checking for pathconf... yes DEBUG: checking for putenv... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for raise... yes DEBUG: checking for regcomp... yes DEBUG: checking for regexec... yes DEBUG: checking for setenv... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for setlinebuf... yes DEBUG: checking for setlocale... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for setvbuf... yes DEBUG: checking for siginterrupt... yes DEBUG: checking for strchr... yes DEBUG: checking for sysconf... yes DEBUG: checking for syslog... yes DEBUG: checking for tcgetattr... yes DEBUG: checking for times... yes DEBUG: checking for ttyname... yes DEBUG: checking for tzset... yes DEBUG: checking for unsetenv... yes DEBUG: checking for vasprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for asprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for isascii... yes DEBUG: checking for isblank... yes DEBUG: checking for isgraph... yes DEBUG: checking for isprint... yes DEBUG: checking for isspace... yes DEBUG: checking for isxdigit... yes DEBUG: checking for getpwent... yes DEBUG: checking for getpwnam... yes DEBUG: checking for getpwuid... yes DEBUG: checking for getcwd... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for memset... yes DEBUG: checking for strcasecmp... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for strcasestr... yes DEBUG: checking for strerror... yes DEBUG: checking for strftime... yes DEBUG: checking for strnlen... yes DEBUG: checking for strpbrk... yes DEBUG: checking for strstr... yes DEBUG: checking for strtod... yes DEBUG: checking for strtol... yes DEBUG: checking for strtoul... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for strtoll... yes DEBUG: checking for strtoull... yes DEBUG: checking for strtoimax... yes DEBUG: checking for strtoumax... yes DEBUG: checking for dprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for strchrnul... yes DEBUG: checking for strdup... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking whether AUDIT_USER_TTY is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether confstr is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether printf is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether sbrk is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether setregid is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether strcpy is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether strsignal is declared... yes DEBUG: checking whether strtold is declared... yes DEBUG: checking for broken strtold... no DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtoimax... yes DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtol... yes DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtoll... yes DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtoul... yes DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtoull... yes DEBUG: checking for declaration of strtoumax... yes DEBUG: checking for alarm... yes DEBUG: checking for fpurge... no DEBUG: checking for __fpurge... yes DEBUG: checking for snprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for vsnprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for working mktime... yes DEBUG: checking for argz.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking errno.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking errno.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for errno.h... yes DEBUG: checking fcntl.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking fcntl.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for fcntl.h... yes DEBUG: checking for malloc.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking stdio_ext.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking stdio_ext.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for stdio_ext.h... yes DEBUG: checking for getpagesize... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for working mmap... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_count... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_next... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for __argz_stringify... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for dcgettext... yes DEBUG: checking for mempcpy... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for munmap... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for stpcpy... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for strcspn... yes DEBUG: checking wctype.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking wctype.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for wctype.h... yes DEBUG: checking wchar.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking wchar.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for wchar.h... yes DEBUG: checking langinfo.h usability... yes DEBUG: checking langinfo.h presence... yes DEBUG: checking for langinfo.h... yes DEBUG: checking for mbrlen... yes DEBUG: checking for mbscasecmp... no DEBUG: checking for mbscmp... no DEBUG: checking for mbsnrtowcs... yes DEBUG: checking for mbsrtowcs... yes DEBUG: checking for mbschr... no DEBUG: checking for wcrtomb... yes DEBUG: checking for wcscoll... yes DEBUG: checking for wcsdup... yes DEBUG: checking for wcwidth... yes DEBUG: checking for wctype... yes DEBUG: checking for wcswidth... yes DEBUG: checking whether mbrtowc and mbstate_t are properly declared... yes DEBUG: checking for iswlower... yes DEBUG: checking for iswupper... yes DEBUG: checking for towlower... yes DEBUG: checking for towupper... yes DEBUG: checking for iswctype... yes DEBUG: checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET... yes DEBUG: checking for wchar_t in wchar.h... yes DEBUG: checking for wctype_t in wctype.h... yes DEBUG: checking for wint_t in wctype.h... yes DEBUG: checking for wcwidth broken with unicode combining characters... DEBUG: checking for locale_charset... no DEBUG: checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes DEBUG: checking for dlopen... yes DEBUG: checking for dlclose... yes DEBUG: checking for dlsym... yes DEBUG: checking whether sys_siglist is declared... yes DEBUG: checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes DEBUG: checking type of array argument to getgroups... gid_t DEBUG: checking for off_t... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for mode_t... yes DEBUG: checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for pid_t... yes DEBUG: checking for size_t... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for ssize_t... yes DEBUG: checking for time_t... yes DEBUG: checking for long long... long long DEBUG: checking for unsigned long long... unsigned long long DEBUG: checking return type of signal handlers... (cached) void DEBUG: checking for sig_atomic_t in signal.h... yes DEBUG: checking size of char... 1 DEBUG: checking size of short... 2 DEBUG: checking size of int... 4 DEBUG: checking size of long... 8 DEBUG: checking size of char *... 8 DEBUG: checking size of double... 8 DEBUG: checking size of long long... 8 DEBUG: checking for u_int... yes DEBUG: checking for u_long... yes DEBUG: checking for bits16_t... no DEBUG: checking for u_bits16_t... no DEBUG: checking for bits32_t... no DEBUG: checking for u_bits32_t... no DEBUG: checking for bits64_t... no DEBUG: checking for ptrdiff_t... yes DEBUG: checking whether stat file-mode macros are broken... no DEBUG: checking whether #! works in shell scripts... yes DEBUG: checking whether the ctype macros accept non-ascii characters... yes DEBUG: checking if dup2 fails to clear the close-on-exec flag... no DEBUG: checking whether pgrps need synchronization... yes DEBUG: checking for type of signal functions... posix DEBUG: checking whether AUDIT_USER_TTY is declared... (cached) yes DEBUG: checking for sys_errlist and sys_nerr... yes DEBUG: checking for sys_siglist in system C library... yes DEBUG: checking for _sys_siglist in signal.h or unistd.h... yes DEBUG: checking for _sys_siglist in system C library... yes DEBUG: checking whether signal handlers are of type void... yes DEBUG: checking for clock_t... yes DEBUG: checking for sigset_t... yes DEBUG: checking for sig_atomic_t... yes DEBUG: checking for quad_t... yes DEBUG: checking for intmax_t... yes DEBUG: checking for uintmax_t... yes DEBUG: checking for socklen_t... yes DEBUG: checking for size and type of struct rlimit fields... rlim_t DEBUG: checking size of intmax_t... 8 DEBUG: checking for struct termios.c_line... yes DEBUG: checking for struct termio.c_line... yes DEBUG: checking for struct dirent.d_ino... yes DEBUG: checking for struct dirent.d_fileno... yes DEBUG: checking for struct dirent.d_namlen... no DEBUG: checking for struct winsize in sys/ioctl.h and termios.h... sys/ioctl.h DEBUG: checking for struct timeval in sys/time.h and time.h... yes DEBUG: checking for struct stat.st_blocks... yes DEBUG: checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h DEBUG: checking for struct tm.tm_zone... yes DEBUG: checking for struct timezone in sys/time.h and time.h... yes DEBUG: checking for offset of exit status in return status from wait... 8 DEBUG: checking for struct timespec in ... yes DEBUG: checking for struct stat.st_atim.tv_nsec... yes DEBUG: checking whether struct stat.st_atim is of type struct timespec... yes DEBUG: checking for the existence of strsignal... yes DEBUG: checking if opendir() opens non-directories... no DEBUG: checking whether ulimit can substitute for getdtablesize... yes DEBUG: checking whether fpurge is declared... no DEBUG: checking to see if getenv can be redefined... yes DEBUG: checking if getcwd() will dynamically allocate memory with 0 size... yes DEBUG: checking for presence of POSIX-style sigsetjmp/siglongjmp... present DEBUG: checking whether or not strcoll and strcmp differ... no DEBUG: checking for standard-conformant snprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for standard-conformant vsnprintf... yes DEBUG: checking for standard-conformant putenv declaration... yes DEBUG: checking for standard-conformant unsetenv declaration... yes DEBUG: checking for printf floating point output in hex notation... yes DEBUG: checking if signal handlers must be reinstalled when invoked... no DEBUG: checking for presence of necessary job control definitions... present DEBUG: checking for presence of named pipes... present DEBUG: checking whether termios.h defines TIOCGWINSZ... no DEBUG: checking whether sys/ioctl.h defines TIOCGWINSZ... yes DEBUG: checking for TIOCSTAT in sys/ioctl.h... no DEBUG: checking for FIONREAD in sys/ioctl.h... yes DEBUG: checking whether WCONTINUED flag to waitpid is unavailable or available but broken... no DEBUG: checking for speed_t in sys/types.h... no DEBUG: checking whether getpw functions are declared in pwd.h... yes DEBUG: checking for unusable real-time signals due to large values... no DEBUG: checking for tgetent... no DEBUG: checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... yes DEBUG: checking which library has the termcap functions... using libtermcap DEBUG: checking whether /dev/fd is available... standard DEBUG: checking whether /dev/stdin stdout stderr are available... present DEBUG: checking for default mail directory... /var/mail DEBUG: checking shared object configuration for loadable builtins... supported DEBUG: configure: creating ./config.status DEBUG: config.status: creating Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating builtins/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/readline/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/glob/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/intl/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/malloc/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/sh/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/termcap/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating lib/tilde/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating doc/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating support/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating po/ DEBUG: config.status: creating examples/loadables/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating examples/loadables/perl/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: creating config.h DEBUG: config.status: executing default-1 commands DEBUG: config.status: creating po/POTFILES DEBUG: config.status: creating po/Makefile DEBUG: config.status: executing default commands DEBUG: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-dependency-tracking DEBUG: ++ getconf LFS_CFLAGS DEBUG: + make 'CPPFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='\''"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"'\'' ' DEBUG: bison -y -d ./parse.y DEBUG: ./parse.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr] DEBUG: touch parser-built DEBUG: rm -f mksyntax DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o mksyntax ./mksyntax.c DEBUG: rm -f syntax.c DEBUG: ./mksyntax -o syntax.c DEBUG: /bin/sh ./support/ -b -S . -s release -d 4.3 -o newversion.h \ DEBUG: && mv newversion.h version.h DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -DBUILDTOOL -c -o buildversion.o ./version.c DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o bashversion ./support/bashversion.c buildversion.o DEBUG: ./support/bashversion.c: In function 'main': DEBUG: ./support/bashversion.c:70:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (progname = strrchr (argv[0], '/')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: * * DEBUG: * GNU bash, version 4.3.42(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) DEBUG: * * DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: rm -f shell.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c shell.c DEBUG: shell.c: In function 'parse_shell_options': DEBUG: shell.c:851:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (arg_character = arg_string[i++]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: shell.c: In function 'disable_priv_mode': DEBUG: shell.c:1248:3: warning: ignoring return value of 'setuid', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] DEBUG: setuid (current_user.uid); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: shell.c:1249:3: warning: ignoring return value of 'setgid', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] DEBUG: setgid (current_user.gid); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f eval.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c eval.c DEBUG: eval.c: In function 'reader_loop': DEBUG: eval.c:154:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (current_command = global_command) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: rm -f mkbuiltins.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic mkbuiltins.c DEBUG: mkbuiltins.c: In function 'extract_info': DEBUG: mkbuiltins.c:574:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0; line = defs->lines->array[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: mkbuiltins.c: In function 'free_defs': DEBUG: mkbuiltins.c:690:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0; builtin = (BUILTIN_DESC *)defs->builtins->array[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o mkbuiltins mkbuiltins.o -ldl DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -externfile builtext.h -structfile builtins.c \ DEBUG: -noproduction -D . ./alias.def ./bind.def ./break.def ./builtin.def ./caller.def ./cd.def ./colon.def ./command.def ./declare.def ./echo.def ./enable.def ./eval.def ./getopts.def ./exec.def ./exit.def ./fc.def ./fg_bg.def ./hash.def ./help.def ./history.def ./jobs.def ./kill.def ./let.def ./read.def ./return.def ./set.def ./setattr.def ./shift.def ./source.def ./suspend.def ./test.def ./times.def ./trap.def ./type.def ./ulimit.def ./umask.def ./wait.def ./reserved.def ./pushd.def ./shopt.def ./printf.def ./complete.def ./mapfile.def DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: rm -f DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'yy_readline_get': DEBUG: ./parse.y:1455:29: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign] DEBUG: current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt ? DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:1475:26: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign] DEBUG: line_len = strlen (current_readline_line); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from bashansi.h:28:0, DEBUG: from ./parse.y:25: DEBUG: /usr/include/string.h:394:15: note: expected 'const char *' but argument is of type 'unsigned char *' DEBUG: extern size_t strlen (const char *__s) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:1477:29: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign] DEBUG: current_readline_line = (char *)xrealloc (current_readline_line, 2 + line_len); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:1485:29: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign] DEBUG: current_readline_line = (char *)NULL; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'with_input_from_stdin': DEBUG: ./parse.y:1511:23: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign] DEBUG: location.string = current_readline_line; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'read_secondary_line': DEBUG: ./parse.y:2060:10: warning: unused variable 'c' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int n, c; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:2060:7: warning: unused variable 'n' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int n, c; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'shell_getc': DEBUG: ./parse.y:2315:24: warning: format '%llu' expects argument of type 'long long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'long unsigned int' [-Wformat=] DEBUG: internal_warning("shell_getc: shell_input_line_size (%zu) exceeds SIZE_MAX (%llu): line truncated", shell_input_line_size, SIZE_MAX); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'parse_comsub': DEBUG: ./parse.y:3582:1: warning: label 'comsub_readchar' defined but not used [-Wunused-label] DEBUG: comsub_readchar: DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'xparse_dolparen': DEBUG: ./parse.y:4015:15: warning: unused variable 's' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char *ret, *s, *ep, *ostring; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:4014:7: warning: variable 'orig_ind' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int orig_ind, nc, sflags, orig_eof_token; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'parse_dparen': DEBUG: ./parse.y:4090:15: warning: variable 'sline' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int cmdtyp, sline; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'parse_arith_cmd': DEBUG: ./parse.y:4151:7: warning: variable 'exp_lineno' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int exp_lineno, rval, c; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'cond_error': DEBUG: ./parse.y:4206:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (etext = error_token_from_token (cond_token)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'cond_term': DEBUG: ./parse.y:4288:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (etext = error_token_from_token (cond_token)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:4320:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (etext = error_token_from_token (tok)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:4370:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (etext = error_token_from_token (tok)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:4396:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (etext = error_token_from_token (tok)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:4414:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (etext = error_token_from_token (tok)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'decode_prompt_string': DEBUG: ./parse.y:5265:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = *string++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'error_token_from_token': DEBUG: ./parse.y:5649:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = find_token_in_alist (tok, word_token_alist, 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:5652:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = find_token_in_alist (tok, other_token_alist, 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: At top level: DEBUG: ./parse.y:5816:1: warning: 'discard_parser_constructs' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: discard_parser_constructs (error_p) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'decode_prompt_string': DEBUG: ./parse.y:5351:11: warning: 'n' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: if (n == 0) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:29:0, DEBUG: from ./parse.y:47: DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'parse_comsub.constprop': DEBUG: general.h:153:26: warning: 'nestret' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: #define FREE(s) do { if (s) free (s); } while (0) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:3549:15: note: 'nestret' was declared here DEBUG: char *ret, *nestret, *ttrans, *heredelim; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:29:0, DEBUG: from ./parse.y:47: DEBUG: ./parse.y: In function 'parse_matched_pair': DEBUG: general.h:153:26: warning: 'nestret' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: #define FREE(s) do { if (s) free (s); } while (0) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./parse.y:3280:15: note: 'nestret' was declared here DEBUG: char *ret, *nestret, *ttrans; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f general.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c general.c DEBUG: general.c: In function 'assignment': DEBUG: general.c:282:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[indx]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f make_cmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c make_cmd.c DEBUG: make_cmd.c: In function 'make_here_document': DEBUG: make_cmd.c:625:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (full_line = read_secondary_line (delim_unquoted)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f print_cmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c print_cmd.c DEBUG: print_cmd.c: In function 'make_command_string_internal': DEBUG: print_cmd.c:171:14: warning: zero-length gnu_printf format string [-Wformat-zero-length] DEBUG: cprintf (""); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f dispose_cmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c dispose_cmd.c DEBUG: rm -f execute_cmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c execute_cmd.c DEBUG: execute_cmd.c: In function 'execute_command_internal': DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_for' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: switch (command->type) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_case' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_while' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_if' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_simple' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_select' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_connection' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_function_def' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_until' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_group' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_arith_for' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_subshell' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1060:3: warning: enumeration value 'cm_coproc' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:546:16: warning: variable 'last_pid' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: volatile int last_pid; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c: In function 'coproc_pidchk': DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:2074:1: warning: type of 'status' defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int] DEBUG: coproc_pidchk (pid, status) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c: In function 'execute_builtin': DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:4290:7: warning: variable 'old_e_flag' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int old_e_flag, result, eval_unwind; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c: At top level: DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1663:1: warning: 'cpl_add' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_add (cp) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1686:1: warning: 'cpl_delete' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_delete (pid) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1721:1: warning: 'cpl_reap' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_reap () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1766:1: warning: 'cpl_flush' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_flush () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1784:1: warning: 'cpl_closeall' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_closeall () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1805:1: warning: 'cpl_search' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_search (pid) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1819:1: warning: 'cpl_searchbyname' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_searchbyname (name) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1632:13: warning: 'cpl_prune' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static void cpl_prune __P((void)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1915:1: warning: 'coproc_free' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: coproc_free (cp) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1793:1: warning: 'cpl_fdchk' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cpl_fdchk (fd) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:2889:12: warning: 'LINES' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static int LINES, COLS, tabsize; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: execute_cmd.c: In function 'execute_command_internal': DEBUG: execute_cmd.c:1045:7: warning: 'ofifo_list' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: free ((void *)ofifo_list); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f variables.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c variables.c DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'initialize_shell_variables': DEBUG: variables.c:337:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (string_index = 0; string = env[string_index++]; ) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:384:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (temp_var = find_function (temp_name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:391:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (temp_var = bind_variable (name, string, 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'set_machine_vars': DEBUG: variables.c:650:14: warning: variable 'temp_var' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: SHELL_VAR *temp_var; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'var_lookup': DEBUG: variables.c:1798:5: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (v = hash_lookup (name, vc->table)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'find_nameref_at_context': DEBUG: variables.c:1942:16: warning: unused variable 'nvc' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: VAR_CONTEXT *nvc; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'bind_variable_internal': DEBUG: variables.c:2530:87: warning: passing argument 1 of 'valid_array_reference' discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: if ((aflags & ASS_FROMREF) && (hflags & HASH_NOSRCH) == 0 && valid_array_reference (name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:32:0, DEBUG: from variables.c:49: DEBUG: arrayfunc.h:60:12: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'const char *' DEBUG: extern int valid_array_reference __P((char *)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2532:38: warning: passing argument 1 of 'array_variable_name' discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: newname = array_variable_name (name, &subp, &sublen); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:32:0, DEBUG: from variables.c:49: DEBUG: arrayfunc.h:66:14: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'const char *' DEBUG: extern char *array_variable_name __P((char *, char **, int *)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2577:33: warning: passing argument 1 of 'array_expand_index' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] DEBUG: ind = array_expand_index (name, subp, sublen); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:32:0, DEBUG: from variables.c:49: DEBUG: arrayfunc.h:59:19: note: expected 'SHELL_VAR * {aka struct variable *}' but argument is of type 'const char *' DEBUG: extern arrayind_t array_expand_index __P((SHELL_VAR *, char *, int)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'bind_variable': DEBUG: variables.c:2668:7: warning: unused variable 'level' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int level; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'bind_global_variable': DEBUG: variables.c:2726:7: warning: unused variable 'level' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int level; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2725:21: warning: unused variable 'nvc' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: VAR_CONTEXT *vc, *nvc; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2725:16: warning: unused variable 'vc' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: VAR_CONTEXT *vc, *nvc; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2724:18: warning: unused variable 'nv' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: SHELL_VAR *v, *nv; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c:2724:14: warning: unused variable 'v' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: SHELL_VAR *v, *nv; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'delete_var': DEBUG: variables.c:3209:5: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (elt = hash_remove (name, v->table, 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'makunbound': DEBUG: variables.c:3238:5: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (elt = hash_remove (name, v->table, 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'make_env_array_from_var_list': DEBUG: variables.c:3994:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0, list_index = 0; var = vars[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'pop_var_context': DEBUG: variables.c:4412:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (ret = vcxt->down) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'sv_history_control': DEBUG: variables.c:5031:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (val = extract_colon_unit (temp, &tptr)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'sv_histtimefmt': DEBUG: variables.c:5080:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (v = find_variable (name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: variables.c: In function 'save_pipestatus_array': DEBUG: variables.c:5252:10: warning: variable 'a' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: ARRAY *a, *a2; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f copy_cmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c copy_cmd.c DEBUG: rm -f error.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c error.c DEBUG: rm -f expr.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c expr.c DEBUG: expr.c:210:17: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'exp2' DEBUG: static intmax_t exp2 __P((void)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: expr.c: In function 'exppower': DEBUG: expr.c:908:33: warning: unused variable 'c' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: register intmax_t val1, val2, c; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: expr.c: In function 'readtok': DEBUG: expr.c:1232:17: warning: unused variable 'lval' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: struct lvalue lval; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: expr.c: At top level: DEBUG: expr.c:1068:1: warning: 'alloc_lvalue' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: alloc_lvalue () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: expr.c:1078:1: warning: 'free_lvalue' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: free_lvalue (lv) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f flags.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c flags.c DEBUG: rm -f jobs.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c jobs.c DEBUG: jobs.c: In function 'nohup_job': DEBUG: jobs.c:1073:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (temp = jobs[job_index]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: jobs.c: In function 'wait_for_any_job': DEBUG: jobs.c:2718:13: warning: variable 'waited_for' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int i, r, waited_for; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: jobs.c:2717:9: warning: unused variable 'pid' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: pid_t pid; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: jobs.c: In function 'sigchld_handler': DEBUG: jobs.c:3169:7: warning: variable 'n' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int n, oerrno; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: jobs.c: In function 'waitchld': DEBUG: jobs.c:3198:7: warning: unused variable 'called_from_sighand' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int called_from_sighand = sigchld; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f subst.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c subst.c DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'unquoted_member': DEBUG: subst.c:589:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[sindex]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'unquoted_substring': DEBUG: subst.c:632:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (sindex = 0; c = string[sindex]; ) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'string_extract': DEBUG: subst.c:741:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'string_extract_double_quoted': DEBUG: subst.c:812:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'skip_double_quoted': DEBUG: subst.c:960:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:954:9: warning: variable 'ret' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *ret; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'string_extract_verbatim': DEBUG: subst.c:1096:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:1072:10: warning: variable 'clen' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: size_t clen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'extract_delimited_string': DEBUG: subst.c:1250:9: warning: variable 't' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *t, *result; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'extract_dollar_brace_string': DEBUG: subst.c:1424:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:1408:18: warning: variable 't' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *result, *t; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'skip_matched_pair': DEBUG: subst.c:1622:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:1612:9: warning: variable 'temp' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *temp, *ss; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'skip_to_delim': DEBUG: subst.c:1730:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = string[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'do_assignment_internal': DEBUG: subst.c:2849:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = mbschr (name, '[')) /*]*/ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'dequote_escapes': DEBUG: subst.c:3595:26: warning: unused variable 's1' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: register char *s, *t, *s1; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'match_upattern': DEBUG: subst.c:4138:7: warning: unused variable 'n1' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int n1; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'match_pattern': DEBUG: subst.c:4396:29: warning: unused variable 'mplen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t slen, plen, mslen, mplen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:4396:22: warning: unused variable 'mslen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t slen, plen, mslen, mplen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:4396:16: warning: unused variable 'plen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t slen, plen, mslen, mplen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:4396:10: warning: unused variable 'slen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t slen, plen, mslen, mplen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_remove_pattern': DEBUG: subst.c:4594:23: warning: variable 'starsub' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int vtype, patspec, starsub; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_expand_word': DEBUG: subst.c:5806:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (var = find_variable (name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:5829:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (var = find_variable_last_nameref (name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_expand_indir': DEBUG: subst.c:5903:9: warning: unused variable 'temp' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char *temp, *t; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'get_var_and_type': DEBUG: subst.c:6379:14: warning: unused variable 'wd' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: WORD_DESC *wd; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_expand': DEBUG: subst.c:7188:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (c = string[sindex]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:7198:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (c = string[sindex]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'string_quote_removal': DEBUG: subst.c:8936:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (dquote = sindex = 0; c = string[sindex];) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'brace_expand_word_list': DEBUG: subst.c:9452:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (eindex = 0; temp_string = expansions[eindex]; eindex++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'shell_expand_word_list': DEBUG: subst.c:9545:10: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = '-'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9549:12: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'g'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9550:12: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'A'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9553:10: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'A'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9556:12: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'g'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9557:12: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'a'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9560:10: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'a'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9562:10: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti++] = 'g'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9570:8: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: opts[opti] = '\0'; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:9521:9: warning: variable 'temp_string' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *temp_string; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: At top level: DEBUG: subst.c:211:14: warning: 'quoted_substring' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static char *quoted_substring __P((char *, int, int)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:212:12: warning: 'quoted_strlen' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static int quoted_strlen __P((char *)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:554:1: warning: 'quoted_strchr' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: quoted_strchr (s, c, flags) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:3631:1: warning: 'list_dequote_escapes' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: list_dequote_escapes (list) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:620:1: warning: 'unquoted_substring' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: unquoted_substring (substr, string) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:579:1: warning: 'unquoted_member' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: unquoted_member (character, string) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:248:23: warning: 'mb_getcharlens' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static unsigned char *mb_getcharlens __P((char *, int)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:263:14: warning: 'variable_remove_pattern' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static char *variable_remove_pattern __P((char *, char *, int, int)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:6606:1: warning: 'shouldexp_replacement' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: shouldexp_replacement (s) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:304:14: warning: 'pos_params_casemod' declared 'static' but never defined [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: static char *pos_params_casemod __P((char *, char *, int, int)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'command_substitute': DEBUG: subst.c:5262:11: warning: 'bufp' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: c = *bufp++; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:5239:29: note: 'bufp' was declared here DEBUG: char *istring, buf[128], *bufp, *s; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:5425:21: warning: 'old_pid' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: last_made_pid = old_pid; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from variables.h:25:0, DEBUG: from shell.h:31, DEBUG: from subst.c:44: DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_substring': DEBUG: array.h:95:35: warning: 'a' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: #define array_num_elements(a) ((a)->num_elements) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:6246:9: note: 'a' was declared here DEBUG: ARRAY *a; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from variables.h:26:0, DEBUG: from shell.h:31, DEBUG: from subst.c:44: DEBUG: assoc.h:29:35: warning: 'h' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: #define assoc_num_elements(h) ((h)->nentries) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:6247:14: note: 'h' was declared here DEBUG: HASH_TABLE *h; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'param_expand': DEBUG: subst.c:7011:11: warning: 'modspec' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: else if (modspec == '~') DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:7133:34: note: 'modspec' was declared here DEBUG: int t_index, sindex, c, tflag, modspec; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:29:0, DEBUG: from subst.c:44: DEBUG: subst.c: In function 'parameter_brace_expand_length': DEBUG: general.h:152:46: warning: 't' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: #define STRLEN(s) (((s) && (s)[0]) ? ((s)[1] ? ((s)[2] ? strlen(s) : 2) : 1) : 0) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: subst.c:6085:9: note: 't' was declared here DEBUG: char *t, *newname; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f hashcmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c hashcmd.c DEBUG: rm -f hashlib.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c hashlib.c DEBUG: rm -f mailcheck.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c mailcheck.c DEBUG: mailcheck.c: In function 'remember_mail_dates': DEBUG: mailcheck.c:394:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (mailfile = extract_colon_unit (mailpaths, &i)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: mailcheck.c: In function 'check_mail': DEBUG: mailcheck.c:468:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (temp = expand_string_to_string (message, Q_DOUBLE_QUOTES)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f mksignames.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -DBUILDTOOL -c ./support/mksignames.c DEBUG: rm -f buildsignames.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -DBUILDTOOL -o buildsignames.o -c ./support/signames.c DEBUG: rm -f mksignames DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o mksignames mksignames.o buildsignames.o DEBUG: rm -f lsignames.h DEBUG: ./mksignames lsignames.h DEBUG: if cmp -s lsignames.h signames.h ; then :; else rm -f signames.h ; cp lsignames.h signames.h ; fi DEBUG: rm -f trap.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c trap.c DEBUG: trap.c: In function '_run_trap_internal': DEBUG: trap.c:884:25: warning: unused variable 'token_state' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int trap_exit_value, *token_state; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f input.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c input.c DEBUG: rm -f unwind_prot.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c unwind_prot.c DEBUG: unwind_prot.c: In function 'unwind_frame_discard_internal': DEBUG: unwind_prot.c:247:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (elt = unwind_protect_list) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: unwind_prot.c: In function 'unwind_frame_run_internal': DEBUG: unwind_prot.c:282:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (elt = unwind_protect_list) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f pathexp.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c pathexp.c DEBUG: pathexp.c: In function 'unquoted_glob_pattern_p': DEBUG: pathexp.c:75:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = *string++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: pathexp.c: In function 'quote_string_for_globbing': DEBUG: pathexp.c:186:7: warning: variable 'brack' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int brack, cclass, collsym, equiv, c, last_was_backslash; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: pathexp.c: In function 'setup_ignore_patterns': DEBUG: pathexp.c:592:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (colon_bit = split_ignorespec (this_ignoreval, &ptr)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f sig.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c sig.c DEBUG: rm -f test.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c test.c DEBUG: In file included from test.c:53:0: DEBUG: test.c: In function 'filecomp': DEBUG: ./include/stat-time.h:166:4: warning: 'ts2' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: : (int) (a.tv_nsec - b.tv_nsec))); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: test.c:313:24: note: 'ts2' was declared here DEBUG: struct timespec ts1, ts2; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from test.c:53:0: DEBUG: ./include/stat-time.h:164:6: warning: 'ts1' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: : (a.tv_sec > b.tv_sec DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: test.c:313:19: note: 'ts1' was declared here DEBUG: struct timespec ts1, ts2; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f version.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c version.c DEBUG: rm -f alias.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c alias.c DEBUG: rm -f array.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c array.c DEBUG: array.c: In function 'array_remove_quoted_nulls': DEBUG: array.c:391:8: warning: unused variable 't' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char *t; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f arrayfunc.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c arrayfunc.c DEBUG: arrayfunc.c: In function 'bind_assoc_variable': DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:238:9: warning: unused variable 'newval' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char *newval; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:237:14: warning: unused variable 'dentry' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: SHELL_VAR *dentry; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c: In function 'expand_compound_array_assignment': DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:420:28: warning: unused variable 'n' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: WORD_LIST *hd, *tl, *t, *n; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:420:24: warning: unused variable 't' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: WORD_LIST *hd, *tl, *t, *n; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:420:19: warning: unused variable 'tl' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: WORD_LIST *hd, *tl, *t, *n; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:420:14: warning: unused variable 'hd' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: WORD_LIST *hd, *tl, *t, *n; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: arrayfunc.c: In function 'array_value_internal': DEBUG: arrayfunc.c:1084:9: warning: 'ind' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: retval = array_reference (array_cell (var), ind); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f assoc.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c assoc.c DEBUG: rm -f braces.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c braces.c DEBUG: braces.c: In function 'mkseq': DEBUG: braces.c:429:8: warning: variable 'len' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int len, arg; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c:436:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = (char *)malloc (2)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c:372:10: warning: unused variable 'j' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int i, j, nelem; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c: In function 'expand_seqterm': DEBUG: braces.c:478:7: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int i, lhs_t, rhs_t, lhs_l, rhs_l, width; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c: In function 'brace_gobbler': DEBUG: braces.c:616:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = text[i]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c: At top level: DEBUG: braces.c:718:1: warning: 'degenerate_array' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: degenerate_array (arr) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c: In function 'brace_expand': DEBUG: braces.c:393:27: warning: 'tr' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: prevn = sh_imaxabs (end - start); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: braces.c:480:16: note: 'tr' was declared here DEBUG: intmax_t tl, tr; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f bracecomp.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c bracecomp.c DEBUG: rm -f bashhist.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c bashhist.c DEBUG: bashhist.c: In function 'hc_erasedups': DEBUG: bashhist.c:632:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (temp = previous_history ()) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f bashline.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c bashline.c DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'snarf_hosts_from_file': DEBUG: bashline.c:752:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (temp = fgets (buffer, 255, file)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_forward_shellword': DEBUG: bashline.c:1053:7: warning: unused variable 'sindex' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int sindex, c, p; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_backward_shellword': DEBUG: bashline.c:1162:7: warning: unused variable 'sindex' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int sindex, c, p; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'attempt_shell_completion': DEBUG: bashline.c:1496:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (was_assignment = assignment (n, 0)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:1378:32: warning: variable 'saveti' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int in_command_position, ti, saveti, qc, dflags; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'command_word_completion_function': DEBUG: bashline.c:1960:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (val = glob_matches[local_index++]) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:1741:36: warning: variable 'dequoted_len' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: static int path_index, hint_len, dequoted_len, istate, igncase; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'variable_completion_function': DEBUG: bashline.c:2235:14: warning: variable 'namelen' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: static int namelen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_servicename_completion_function': DEBUG: bashline.c:2357:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (srvent = getservent ()) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:2342:24: warning: variable 'firstc' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: static int snamelen, firstc; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_groupname_completion_function': DEBUG: bashline.c:2413:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (grent = getgrent ()) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_filename_stat_hook': DEBUG: bashline.c:3046:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = mbschr (local_dirname, '$')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:3048:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (t = mbschr (local_dirname, '`')) /* XXX */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_directory_completion_hook': DEBUG: bashline.c:3126:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = mbschr (local_dirname, '$')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:3177:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = j = 0; c = default_filename_quote_characters[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_dequote_filename': DEBUG: bashline.c:3776:44: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: else if (quoted == '"' && ((sh_syntaxtab[p[1]] & CBSDQUOTE) == 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'set_filename_bstab': DEBUG: bashline.c:3849:19: warning: array subscript has type 'char' [-Wchar-subscripts] DEBUG: filename_bstab[*s] = 1; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'bash_execute_unix_command': DEBUG: bashline.c:3981:19: warning: variable 'r' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: register int i, r; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:3979:22: warning: unused variable 'func' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: rl_command_func_t *func; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:3978:10: warning: unused variable 'xkmap' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: Keymap xkmap; /* unix command executing keymap */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c:3977:10: warning: unused variable 'ckmap' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: Keymap ckmap; /* current keymap */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'isolate_sequence': DEBUG: bashline.c:4094:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (passc = 0; c = string[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function '_ignore_completion_names': DEBUG: bashline.c:2723:10: warning: 'oldnames' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: char **oldnames; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bashline.c: In function 'attempt_shell_completion': DEBUG: bashline.c:1511:15: warning: 'e1' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: else if (e == 0 && e == s && text[0] == '\0' && have_progcomps) /* beginning of empty line */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f list.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c list.c DEBUG: rm -f stringlib.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c stringlib.c DEBUG: rm -f locale.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c locale.c DEBUG: locale.c: In function 'reset_locale_vars': DEBUG: locale.c:328:9: warning: variable 't' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: char *t; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: locale.c: At top level: DEBUG: locale.c:549:1: warning: 'locale_isutf8' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: locale_isutf8 (lspec) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f findcmd.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c findcmd.c DEBUG: findcmd.c: In function '_find_user_command_internal': DEBUG: findcmd.c:239:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (var = find_variable_tempenv ("PATH")) /* XXX could be array? */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f redir.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c redir.c DEBUG: redir.c: In function 'redirection_error': DEBUG: redir.c:159:1: warning: label 'expandable_filename' defined but not used [-Wunused-label] DEBUG: expandable_filename: DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c: In function 'do_redirection_internal': DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_output_direction' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: switch (ri) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_input_direction' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_inputa_direction' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_appending_to' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_reading_until' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_reading_string' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_duplicating_input' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_duplicating_output' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_deblank_reading_until' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_close_this' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_err_and_out' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_input_output' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_output_force' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_input' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_output' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:755:4: warning: enumeration value 'r_append_err_and_out' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:815:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_input_word' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: switch (ri) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c:815:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_output_word' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c: In function 'stdin_redirection': DEBUG: redir.c:1299:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_input' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: switch (ri) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c:1299:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_output' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:1299:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_input_word' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c:1299:3: warning: enumeration value 'r_move_output_word' not handled in switch [-Wswitch] DEBUG: redir.c: In function 'redir_varvalue': DEBUG: redir.c:1373:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (vr = valid_array_reference (w)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c: At top level: DEBUG: redir.c:692:1: warning: 'undoablefd' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: undoablefd (fd) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c: In function 'do_redirection_internal': DEBUG: redir.c:832:20: warning: 'oflags' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: redirectee->flags = oflags; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: redir.c:720:13: warning: 'new_redirect' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: REDIRECT *new_redirect; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f pcomplete.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c pcomplete.c DEBUG: pcomplete.c: In function 'pcomp_filename_completion_function': DEBUG: pcomplete.c:781:29: warning: passing argument 1 of 'sh_contains_quotes' discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sh_contains_quotes (text)) /* guess */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from shell.h:42:0, DEBUG: from pcomplete.c:46: DEBUG: externs.h:327:12: note: expected 'char *' but argument is of type 'const char *' DEBUG: extern int sh_contains_quotes __P((char *)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: pcomplete.c:726:7: warning: unused variable 'qc' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int qc; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: pcomplete.c: In function 'programmable_completions': DEBUG: pcomplete.c:1610:13: warning: unused variable 'cs' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: COMPSPEC *cs, *lastcs; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f pcomplib.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c pcomplib.c DEBUG: rm -f syntax.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c syntax.c DEBUG: rm -f xmalloc.o DEBUG: gcc -DPROGRAM='"bash"' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='"x86_64"' -DCONF_OSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='"x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu"' -DCONF_VENDOR='"redhat"' -DLOCALEDIR='"/usr/share/locale"' -DPACKAGE='"bash"' -DSHELL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I./include -I./lib -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -c xmalloc.c DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: rm -f builtins.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic builtins.c DEBUG: rm -f alias.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . alias.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic alias.c || ( rm -f alias.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f bind.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . bind.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic bind.c || ( rm -f bind.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./bind.def: In function 'bind_builtin': DEBUG: ./bind.def:272:17: warning: 'cmd_seq' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: return_code = bind_keyseq_to_unix_command (cmd_seq); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f break.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . break.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic break.c || ( rm -f break.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f builtin.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . builtin.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic builtin.c || ( rm -f builtin.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f caller.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . caller.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic caller.c || ( rm -f caller.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f cd.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . cd.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic cd.c || ( rm -f cd.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./cd.def: In function 'cd_builtin': DEBUG: ./cd.def:355:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (path = extract_colon_unit (cdpath, &path_index)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./cd.def: In function 'change_to_directory': DEBUG: ./cd.def:536:36: warning: variable 'dlen' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int err, canon_failed, r, ndlen, dlen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./cd.def:535:20: warning: unused variable 'ndir' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char *t, *tdir, *ndir; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./cd.def: At top level: DEBUG: ./cd.def:191:1: warning: 'cdxattr' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: cdxattr (dir, ndirp) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f colon.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . colon.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic colon.c || ( rm -f colon.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f command.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . command.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic command.c || ( rm -f command.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f common.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic common.c DEBUG: rm -f declare.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . declare.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic declare.c || ( rm -f declare.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./declare.def: In function 'declare_internal': DEBUG: ./declare.def:333:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (t = strchr (name, '[')) /* ] */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f echo.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . echo.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic echo.c || ( rm -f echo.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./echo.def: In function 'echo_builtin': DEBUG: ./echo.def:139:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (i = *temp++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f enable.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . enable.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic enable.c || ( rm -f enable.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./enable.def: In function 'dyn_load_builtin': DEBUG: ./enable.def:348:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (old_builtin = builtin_address_internal (name, 1)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./enable.def: In function 'enable_builtin': DEBUG: ./enable.def:335:4: warning: 'filename' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: builtin_error (_("cannot find %s in shared object %s: %s"), DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./enable.def:108:9: note: 'filename' was declared here DEBUG: char *filename; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f eval.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . eval.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic eval.c || ( rm -f eval.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f evalfile.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic evalfile.c DEBUG: rm -f evalstring.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic evalstring.c DEBUG: evalstring.c: In function 'parse_and_execute': DEBUG: evalstring.c:208:16: warning: passing argument 1 of 'sigemptyset' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigemptyset (&pe_sigmask); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:213:12: note: expected 'sigset_t * {aka struct *}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigemptyset (sigset_t *__set) __THROW __nonnull ((1)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c:209:45: warning: passing argument 3 of 'sigprocmask' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, (sigset_t *)NULL, &pe_sigmask); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:246:12: note: expected 'sigset_t * restrict {aka struct * restrict}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigprocmask (int __how, const sigset_t *__restrict __set, DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c:288:31: warning: passing argument 2 of 'sigprocmask' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &pe_sigmask, (sigset_t *)NULL); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:246:12: note: expected 'const sigset_t * restrict {aka const struct * restrict}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigprocmask (int __how, const sigset_t *__restrict __set, DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c:307:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: else if (command = global_command) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c: In function 'parse_string': DEBUG: evalstring.c:460:16: warning: passing argument 1 of 'sigemptyset' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigemptyset (&ps_sigmask); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:213:12: note: expected 'sigset_t * {aka struct *}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigemptyset (sigset_t *__set) __THROW __nonnull ((1)); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c:461:45: warning: passing argument 3 of 'sigprocmask' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, (sigset_t *)NULL, &ps_sigmask); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:246:12: note: expected 'sigset_t * restrict {aka struct * restrict}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigprocmask (int __how, const sigset_t *__restrict __set, DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: evalstring.c:513:34: warning: passing argument 2 of 'sigprocmask' discards 'volatile' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] DEBUG: sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &ps_sigmask, (sigset_t *)NULL); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from evalstring.c:31:0: DEBUG: /usr/include/signal.h:246:12: note: expected 'const sigset_t * restrict {aka const struct * restrict}' but argument is of type 'volatile sigset_t * {aka volatile struct *}' DEBUG: extern int sigprocmask (int __how, const sigset_t *__restrict __set, DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f exec.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . exec.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic exec.c || ( rm -f exec.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f exit.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . exit.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic exit.c || ( rm -f exit.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f fc.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . fc.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic fc.c || ( rm -f fc.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f fg_bg.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . fg_bg.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic fg_bg.c || ( rm -f fg_bg.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f hash.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . hash.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic hash.c || ( rm -f hash.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f help.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . help.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic help.c || ( rm -f help.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./help.def: In function 'help_builtin': DEBUG: ./help.def:142:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0; name = shell_builtins[i].name; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./help.def: In function 'wdispcolumn': DEBUG: ./help.def:397:7: warning: unused variable 'wclen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int wclen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./help.def: In function 'show_builtin_command_help': DEBUG: ./help.def:480:10: warning: unused variable 'j' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int i, j; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f history.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . history.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic history.c || ( rm -f history.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./history.def: In function 'history_builtin': DEBUG: ./history.def:186:4: warning: 'delete_arg' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: sh_erange (delete_arg, _("history position")); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f jobs.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . jobs.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic jobs.c || ( rm -f jobs.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f kill.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . kill.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic kill.c || ( rm -f kill.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f let.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . let.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic let.c || ( rm -f let.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f mapfile.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . mapfile.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic mapfile.c || ( rm -f mapfile.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./mapfile.def: In function 'mapfile_builtin': DEBUG: ./mapfile.def:238:22: warning: variable 'clear_array' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int opt, code, fd, clear_array, flags; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f pushd.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . pushd.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic pushd.c || ( rm -f pushd.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f read.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . read.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic read.c || ( rm -f read.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f return.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . return.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic return.c || ( rm -f return.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f set.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . set.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic set.c || ( rm -f set.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./set.def: In function 'parse_shellopts': DEBUG: ./set.def:549:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (vname = extract_colon_unit (value, &vptr)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./set.def: In function 'set_builtin': DEBUG: ./set.def:658:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (flag_name = *++arg) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./set.def: In function 'unset_builtin': DEBUG: ./set.def:841:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (var = find_function (name)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./set.def:864:12: warning: 't' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: tem = unbind_array_element (var, t); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f setattr.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . setattr.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic setattr.c || ( rm -f setattr.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./setattr.def: In function 'set_or_show_attributes': DEBUG: ./setattr.def:291:4: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0; var = variable_list[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./setattr.def:302:5: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (any_failed = sh_chkwrite (any_failed)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./setattr.def: In function 'show_all_var_attributes': DEBUG: ./setattr.def:329:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = any_failed = 0; var = variable_list[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./setattr.def:332:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (any_failed = sh_chkwrite (any_failed)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f shift.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . shift.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic shift.c || ( rm -f shift.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f source.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . source.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic source.c || ( rm -f source.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f suspend.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . suspend.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic suspend.c || ( rm -f suspend.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f test.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . test.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic test.c || ( rm -f test.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f times.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . times.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic times.c || ( rm -f times.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f trap.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . trap.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic trap.c || ( rm -f trap.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f type.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . type.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic type.c || ( rm -f type.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./type.def: In function 'describe_command': DEBUG: ./type.def:332:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (full_path = phash_search (command)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o psize.aux ./psize.c DEBUG: /bin/sh ./ > pipesize.h DEBUG: rm -f ulimit.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . ulimit.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic ulimit.c || ( rm -f ulimit.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./ulimit.def:757:1: warning: 'set_all_limits' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: set_all_limits (mode, newlim) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f umask.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . umask.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic umask.c || ( rm -f umask.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f wait.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . wait.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic wait.c || ( rm -f wait.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f getopts.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . getopts.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic getopts.c || ( rm -f getopts.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f shopt.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . shopt.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic shopt.c || ( rm -f shopt.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: ./shopt.def: In function 'set_bashopts': DEBUG: ./shopt.def:683:24: warning: unused variable 'ip' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int vsize, i, vptr, *ip, exported; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: ./shopt.def: In function 'parse_bashopts': DEBUG: ./shopt.def:744:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (vname = extract_colon_unit (value, &vptr)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f printf.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . printf.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic printf.c || ( rm -f printf.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f getopt.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic getopt.c DEBUG: getopt.c: In function 'sh_getopt': DEBUG: getopt.c:182:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (sh_badopt = (temp == NULL || c == ':')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f bashgetopt.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic bashgetopt.c DEBUG: rm -f complete.o DEBUG: ./mkbuiltins -D . complete.def DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -I. -I.. -I.. -I../include -I../lib -I. -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic complete.c || ( rm -f complete.c ; exit 1 ) DEBUG: rm -f libbuiltins.a DEBUG: ar cr libbuiltins.a builtins.o alias.o bind.o break.o builtin.o caller.o cd.o colon.o command.o common.o declare.o echo.o enable.o eval.o evalfile.o evalstring.o exec.o exit.o fc.o fg_bg.o hash.o help.o history.o jobs.o kill.o let.o mapfile.o pushd.o read.o return.o set.o setattr.o shift.o source.o suspend.o test.o times.o trap.o type.o ulimit.o umask.o wait.o getopts.o shopt.o printf.o getopt.o bashgetopt.o complete.o DEBUG: ranlib libbuiltins.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: making lib/glob/libglob.a in ./lib/glob DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/glob' DEBUG: rm -f glob.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic glob.c DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'extglob_skipname': DEBUG: glob.c:210:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (t = glob_patscan (pp, pe, '|')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c:185:13: warning: variable 'negate' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int n, r, negate; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'wextglob_skipname': DEBUG: glob.c:310:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (t = glob_patscan_wc (pp, pe, '|')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c:294:10: warning: variable 'negate' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int r, negate; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'finddirs': DEBUG: glob.c:496:14: warning: unused variable 'n' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: char **r, *n; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'mbskipname': DEBUG: glob.c:365:10: warning: 'r' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: return ret; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'skipname': DEBUG: glob.c:185:10: warning: 'r' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: int n, r, negate; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c: In function 'glob_vector': DEBUG: glob.c:762:11: warning: 'isdir' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: if (isdir == 0) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: glob.c:767:9: warning: 'subdir' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: free (subdir); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f strmatch.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic strmatch.c DEBUG: rm -f smatch.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic smatch.c DEBUG: In file included from smatch.c:241:0: DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'brackmatch': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:319:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (not = (*p == L('!') || *p == L('^'))) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'glob_patscan': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:553:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (s = string; c = *s; s++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'extmatch': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:764:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (m1 = (GMATCH (s, srest, psub, pnext - 1, flags) == 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: In file included from smatch.c:373:0: DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'brackmatch_wc': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:319:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (not = (*p == L('!') || *p == L('^'))) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'glob_patscan_wc': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:553:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (s = string; c = *s; s++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: sm_loop.c: In function 'extmatch_wc': DEBUG: sm_loop.c:764:8: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (m1 = (GMATCH (s, srest, psub, pnext - 1, flags) == 0)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: smatch.c: In function 'xstrmatch': DEBUG: smatch.c:387:29: warning: unused variable 'mslen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t plen, slen, mplen, mslen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: smatch.c:387:22: warning: unused variable 'mplen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t plen, slen, mplen, mslen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: smatch.c:387:16: warning: unused variable 'slen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t plen, slen, mplen, mslen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: smatch.c:387:10: warning: unused variable 'plen' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t plen, slen, mplen, mslen; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f xmbsrtowcs.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic xmbsrtowcs.c DEBUG: rm -f gmisc.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic gmisc.c DEBUG: gmisc.c: In function 'wmatchlen': DEBUG: gmisc.c:89:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (wc = *wpat++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gmisc.c:83:25: warning: unused variable 't' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int matlen, bracklen, t, in_cclass, in_collsym, in_equiv; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gmisc.c: In function 'umatchlen': DEBUG: gmisc.c:266:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (c = *pat++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gmisc.c:260:25: warning: unused variable 't' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int matlen, bracklen, t, in_cclass, in_collsym, in_equiv; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f -f libglob.a DEBUG: ar cr libglob.a glob.o strmatch.o smatch.o xmbsrtowcs.o gmisc.o DEBUG: test -n "ranlib" && ranlib libglob.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/glob' DEBUG: making lib/sh/libsh.a in ./lib/sh DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/sh' DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' clktck.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' clock.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' getenv.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' oslib.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' setlinebuf.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' strnlen.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' itos.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' zread.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' zwrite.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' shtty.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' shmatch.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' eaccess.c DEBUG: eaccess.c:174:1: warning: 'sh_euidaccess' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: sh_euidaccess (path, mode) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' netconn.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' netopen.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' timeval.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' makepath.c DEBUG: makepath.c: In function 'sh_makepath': DEBUG: makepath.c:123:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (*r++ = *s++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' pathcanon.c DEBUG: pathcanon.c: In function 'sh_canonpath': DEBUG: pathcanon.c:117:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (rooted = ROOTEDPATH(path)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' pathphys.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' tmpfile.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' stringlist.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' stringvec.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' spell.c DEBUG: spell.c: In function 'spname': DEBUG: spell.c:98:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (p = best; *np = *p++; np++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' shquote.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' strtrans.c DEBUG: strtrans.c: In function 'ansic_quote': DEBUG: strtrans.c:232:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (s = str; c = *s; s++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: strtrans.c: In function 'ansic_wshouldquote': DEBUG: strtrans.c:317:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (wcs = wcstr; wcc = *wcs; wcs++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: strtrans.c: In function 'ansic_shouldquote': DEBUG: strtrans.c:340:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (s = string; c = *s; s++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' snprintf.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' mailstat.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' fmtulong.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' fmtullong.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' fmtumax.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' zcatfd.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' zmapfd.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' winsize.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' wcsdup.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' fpurge.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' zgetline.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' mbscmp.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' uconvert.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' ufuncs.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' casemod.c DEBUG: casemod.c: In function 'sh_modcase': DEBUG: casemod.c:109:15: warning: unused variable 'c' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int inword, c, nc, nop, match, usewords; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' input_avail.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' mbscasecmp.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' fnxform.c DEBUG: fnxform.c:49:14: warning: 'outbuf' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static char *outbuf = 0; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: fnxform.c:50:15: warning: 'outlen' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static size_t outlen = 0; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: fnxform.c:80:1: warning: 'init_tofs' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: init_tofs () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: fnxform.c:89:1: warning: 'init_fromfs' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: init_fromfs () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' unicode.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' shmbchar.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' wcsnwidth.c DEBUG: gcc -c -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../lib -I../../include -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' mbschr.c DEBUG: rm -f libsh.a DEBUG: ar cr libsh.a clktck.o clock.o getenv.o oslib.o setlinebuf.o strnlen.o itos.o zread.o zwrite.o shtty.o shmatch.o eaccess.o netconn.o netopen.o timeval.o makepath.o pathcanon.o pathphys.o tmpfile.o stringlist.o stringvec.o spell.o shquote.o strtrans.o snprintf.o mailstat.o fmtulong.o fmtullong.o fmtumax.o zcatfd.o zmapfd.o winsize.o wcsdup.o fpurge.o zgetline.o mbscmp.o uconvert.o ufuncs.o casemod.o input_avail.o mbscasecmp.o fnxform.o unicode.o shmbchar.o wcsnwidth.o mbschr.o DEBUG: test -n "ranlib" && ranlib libsh.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/sh' DEBUG: making lib/readline/libreadline.a in ./lib/readline DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/readline' DEBUG: rm -f readline.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic readline.c DEBUG: readline.c: In function 'readline_internal_char': DEBUG: readline.c:572:21: warning: variable 'eof_found' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: static int lastc, eof_found; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: readline.c: At top level: DEBUG: readline.c:1257:1: warning: 'reset_default_bindings' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: reset_default_bindings () DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: readline.c:341:1: warning: 'audit_tty' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: audit_tty (char *string) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f vi_mode.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic vi_mode.c DEBUG: vi_mode.c: In function 'rl_domove_motion_callback': DEBUG: vi_mode.c:1092:10: warning: unused variable 'save' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int c, save, r; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: vi_mode.c: In function 'rl_vi_domove': DEBUG: vi_mode.c:1260:7: warning: unused variable 'r' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int r; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f funmap.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic funmap.c DEBUG: rm -f keymaps.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic keymaps.c DEBUG: rm -f parens.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic parens.c DEBUG: parens.c: In function 'rl_insert_close': DEBUG: parens.c:109:36: warning: variable 'ready' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int orig_point, match_point, ready; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f search.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic search.c DEBUG: rm -f rltty.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic rltty.c DEBUG: rm -f complete.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic complete.c DEBUG: complete.c: In function '_rl_find_completion_word': DEBUG: complete.c:1087:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (rl_point = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_ANY)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'rl_completion_matches': DEBUG: complete.c:2121:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (string = (*entry_function) (text, matches)) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'rl_username_completion_function': DEBUG: complete.c:2195:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: while (entry = getpwent ()) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'rl_menu_complete': DEBUG: complete.c:2728:25: warning: unused variable 'cstate' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static int delimiter, cstate; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'print_filename': DEBUG: complete.c:976:15: warning: 'printed_len' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: printed_len++; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'rl_filename_completion_function': DEBUG: complete.c:2575:2: warning: 'convfn' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: xfree (convfn); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c:2574:10: warning: 'dentry' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: if (convfn != dentry) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: complete.c: In function 'rl_complete_internal': DEBUG: complete.c:2007:7: warning: 'tlen' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: if (mlen >= tlen) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f bind.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic bind.c DEBUG: bind.c: In function 'rl_translate_keyseq': DEBUG: bind.c:455:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = l = 0; c = seq[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bind.c: In function '_rl_skip_to_delim': DEBUG: bind.c:1213:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = start,passc = 0; c = string[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bind.c: In function 'rl_parse_and_bind': DEBUG: bind.c:1300:11: warning: unused variable 's' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int s; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: bind.c: In function 'rl_function_dumper': DEBUG: bind.c:2201:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (i = 0; name = names[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f isearch.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic isearch.c DEBUG: isearch.c: In function 'rl_search_history': DEBUG: isearch.c:743:7: warning: variable 'c' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int c, r; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: isearch.c: In function '_rl_isearch_callback': DEBUG: isearch.c:781:7: warning: variable 'c' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int c, r; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f display.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic display.c DEBUG: display.c: In function 'update_line': DEBUG: display.c:1317:39: warning: unused variable 'twidth' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: int temp, lendiff, wsatend, od, nd, twidth, o_cpos; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: display.c: At top level: DEBUG: display.c:2490:1: warning: 'insert_some_chars' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: insert_some_chars (string, count, col) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: display.c: In function 'rl_redisplay': DEBUG: display.c:919:8: warning: 'wc_width' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: for (i = 0; i < wc_width; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: display.c:757:10: warning: 'n0' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] DEBUG: lpos -= _rl_col_width (local_prompt, n0, num, 1); DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f signals.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic signals.c DEBUG: signals.c:579:17: warning: 'sigint_set' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static sigset_t sigint_set, sigint_oset; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: signals.c:579:29: warning: 'sigint_oset' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static sigset_t sigint_set, sigint_oset; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f util.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic util.c DEBUG: rm -f kill.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic kill.c DEBUG: rm -f undo.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic undo.c DEBUG: undo.c: In function 'rl_free_undo_list': DEBUG: undo.c:127:14: warning: unused variable 'release' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: UNDO_LIST *release, *orig_list; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f macro.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic macro.c DEBUG: rm -f input.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic input.c DEBUG: input.c: In function 'rl_read_key': DEBUG: input.c:434:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (c = _rl_next_macro_key ()) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f callback.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic callback.c DEBUG: rm -f terminal.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic terminal.c DEBUG: rm -f text.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic text.c DEBUG: text.c: In function '_rl_overwrite_char': DEBUG: text.c:862:7: warning: variable 'k' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int k; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f nls.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic nls.c DEBUG: nls.c: In function 'utf8locale': DEBUG: nls.c:107:10: warning: unused variable 'len' [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: size_t len; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: nls.c: At top level: DEBUG: nls.c:233:1: warning: 'find_codeset' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] DEBUG: find_codeset (name, lenp) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f misc.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic misc.c DEBUG: misc.c: In function '_rl_revert_all_lines': DEBUG: misc.c:458:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (ul = (UNDO_LIST *)entry->data) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: misc.c: In function 'rl_clear_history': DEBUG: misc.c:505:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (ul = (UNDO_LIST *)hent->data) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f history.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic history.c DEBUG: rm -f histexpand.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic histexpand.c DEBUG: histexpand.c: In function 'get_history_event': DEBUG: histexpand.c:207:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: for (local_index = i; c = string[i]; i++) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: histexpand.c: In function 'history_expand_internal': DEBUG: histexpand.c:680:41: warning: variable 'ws' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] DEBUG: int delimiter, failed, si, l_temp, ws, we; DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f histfile.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic histfile.c DEBUG: rm -f histsearch.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic histsearch.c DEBUG: rm -f shell.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic shell.c DEBUG: shell.c:126:13: warning: 'putenv_buf1' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static char putenv_buf1[INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + 6 + 1]; /* sizeof("LINES=") == 6 */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: shell.c:127:13: warning: 'putenv_buf2' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] DEBUG: static char putenv_buf2[INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + 8 + 1]; /* sizeof("COLUMNS=") == 8 */ DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f savestring.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic savestring.c DEBUG: rm -f mbutil.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic mbutil.c DEBUG: rm -f tilde.o DEBUG: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -DREADLINE_LIBRARY -c ./tilde.c DEBUG: ./tilde.c: In function 'tilde_expand': DEBUG: ./tilde.c:199:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (result = strchr (string, '~')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f colors.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic colors.c DEBUG: rm -f parse-colors.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic parse-colors.c DEBUG: rm -f xmalloc.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic xmalloc.c DEBUG: rm -f xfree.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic xfree.c DEBUG: rm -f compat.o DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 -I../.. -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic compat.c DEBUG: rm -f libreadline.a DEBUG: ar cr libreadline.a readline.o vi_mode.o funmap.o keymaps.o parens.o search.o rltty.o complete.o bind.o isearch.o display.o signals.o util.o kill.o undo.o macro.o input.o callback.o terminal.o text.o nls.o misc.o history.o histexpand.o histfile.o histsearch.o shell.o savestring.o mbutil.o tilde.o colors.o parse-colors.o xmalloc.o xfree.o compat.o DEBUG: test -n "ranlib" && ranlib libreadline.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/readline' DEBUG: making lib/readline/libhistory.a in ./lib/readline DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/readline' DEBUG: rm -f libhistory.a DEBUG: ar cr libhistory.a history.o histexpand.o histfile.o histsearch.o shell.o savestring.o mbutil.o xmalloc.o xfree.o DEBUG: test -n "ranlib" && ranlib libhistory.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/readline' DEBUG: making lib/tilde/libtilde.a in ./lib/tilde DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/tilde' DEBUG: gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSHELL -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRECYCLES_PIDS -DDEFAULT_PATH_VALUE='"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"' -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../lib -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic tilde.c DEBUG: tilde.c: In function 'tilde_expand': DEBUG: tilde.c:199:3: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] DEBUG: if (result = strchr (string, '~')) DEBUG: ^ DEBUG: rm -f libtilde.a DEBUG: ar cr libtilde.a tilde.o DEBUG: test -n "ranlib" && ranlib libtilde.a DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/lib/tilde' DEBUG: rm -f bash DEBUG: gcc -L./builtins -L./lib/readline -L./lib/readline -L./lib/glob -L./lib/tilde -L./lib/sh -Wl,-z,relro -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -rdynamic -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -o bash shell.o eval.o general.o make_cmd.o print_cmd.o dispose_cmd.o execute_cmd.o variables.o copy_cmd.o error.o expr.o flags.o jobs.o subst.o hashcmd.o hashlib.o mailcheck.o trap.o input.o unwind_prot.o pathexp.o sig.o test.o version.o alias.o array.o arrayfunc.o assoc.o braces.o bracecomp.o bashhist.o bashline.o list.o stringlib.o locale.o findcmd.o redir.o pcomplete.o pcomplib.o syntax.o xmalloc.o -lbuiltins -lglob -lsh -lreadline -lhistory -ltermcap -ltilde -ldl DEBUG: ls -l bash DEBUG: -rwxr-xr-x 1 mockbuild mockbuild 3914776 Mar 2 07:57 bash DEBUG: : bash DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.HzLqTq DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + '[' /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 '!=' / ']' DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: ++ dirname /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT DEBUG: + mkdir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + '[' -e autoconf ']' DEBUG: + perl -pi -e 's,bashref\.info,,' doc/ DEBUG: + make DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 install DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: * * DEBUG: * GNU bash, version 4.3.42(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) DEBUG: * * DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1 DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: ( cd ./po/ ; make DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 installdirs ) DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: /bin/sh /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/./support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/en@boldquot/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: mkdir -p -- /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES DEBUG: if test "bash" = "gettext-tools"; then \ DEBUG: /bin/sh /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/./support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/gettext/po; \ DEBUG: else \ DEBUG: : ; \ DEBUG: fi DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 0755 bash /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bash DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 0555 bashbug /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bashbug DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./CHANGES ./COMPAT ./NEWS ./POSIX ./RBASH ./README /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: ( cd ./doc ; make \ DEBUG: man1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 man1ext=.1 \ DEBUG: man3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 man3ext=.3 \ DEBUG: infodir=/usr/share/info htmldir=/usr/share/doc/bash DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 install ) DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/doc' DEBUG: makeinfo --no-split -I../lib/readline/doc ./bashref.texi -o DEBUG: /bin/sh ../support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1 DEBUG: /bin/sh ../support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info DEBUG: /bin/sh ../support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: if test -n "/usr/share/doc/bash" ; then \ DEBUG: /bin/sh ../support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash ; \ DEBUG: fi DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./bash.1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/bash.1 DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./bashbug.1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/bashbug.1 DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./FAQ ./INTRO /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: if test -f; then d=.; else d=.; fi; \ DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 $d/ /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info/ DEBUG: if /bin/sh -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ DEBUG: install-info --dir-file=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info/dir /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info/; \ DEBUG: else true; fi DEBUG: if test -n "/usr/share/doc/bash" ; then \ DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./bash.html /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash ; \ DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./bashref.html /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash ; \ DEBUG: fi DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/doc' DEBUG: ( cd ./builtins ; make DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 install ) DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'install'. DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/builtins' DEBUG: ( cd ./po/ ; make DESTDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 install ) DEBUG: make[1]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: test -z "" || make DEBUG: make[2]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: '' is up to date. DEBUG: make[2]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: touch stamp-po DEBUG: /bin/sh /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/./support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/en@boldquot/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: installing as /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ DEBUG: if test "bash" = "gettext-tools"; then \ DEBUG: /bin/sh /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/./support/mkinstalldirs /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/gettext/po; \ DEBUG: for file in remove-potcdate.sin quot.sed boldquot.sed en@quot.header en@boldquot.header insert-header.sin Rules-quot Makevars.template; do \ DEBUG: /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./$file \ DEBUG: /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ DEBUG: done; \ DEBUG: for file in Makevars; do \ DEBUG: rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ DEBUG: done; \ DEBUG: else \ DEBUG: : ; \ DEBUG: fi DEBUG: make[1]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/po' DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/etc DEBUG: + pushd doc DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/doc ~/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 DEBUG: + sed -e ' DEBUG: /^\.SH NAME/, /\\- bash built-in commands, see \\fBbash\\fR(1)$/{ DEBUG: /^\.SH NAME/d DEBUG: s/^bash, // DEBUG: s/\\- bash built-in commands, see \\fBbash\\fR(1)$// DEBUG: s/,//g DEBUG: b DEBUG: } DEBUG: d DEBUG: ' builtins.1 DEBUG: + for i in echo pwd test kill DEBUG: + perl -pi -e s,echo,,g man.pages DEBUG: + perl -pi -e 's, , ,g' man.pages DEBUG: + for i in echo pwd test kill DEBUG: + perl -pi -e s,pwd,,g man.pages DEBUG: + perl -pi -e 's, , ,g' man.pages DEBUG: + for i in echo pwd test kill DEBUG: + perl -pi -e s,test,,g man.pages DEBUG: + perl -pi -e 's, , ,g' man.pages DEBUG: + for i in echo pwd test kill DEBUG: + perl -pi -e s,kill,,g man.pages DEBUG: + perl -pi -e 's, , ,g' man.pages DEBUG: + install -c -m 644 builtins.1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: ++ cat man.pages DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/:.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/..1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 '/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/[.1' DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/alias.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/bg.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/bind.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/break.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/builtin.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/caller.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/cd.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/command.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/compgen.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/complete.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/compopt.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/continue.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/declare.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/dirs.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/disown.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/enable.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/eval.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/exec.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/exit.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/export.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/false.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/fc.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/fg.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/getopts.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/hash.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/help.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/history.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/jobs.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/let.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/local.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/logout.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/mapfile.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/popd.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/printf.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/pushd.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/read.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/readonly.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/return.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/set.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/shift.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/shopt.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/source.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/suspend.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/times.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/trap.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/true.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/type.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/typeset.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/ulimit.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/umask.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/unalias.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/unset.1 DEBUG: + for i in '`cat man.pages`' DEBUG: + echo .so man1/builtins.1 DEBUG: + chmod 0644 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/wait.1 DEBUG: ~/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 DEBUG: + popd DEBUG: + ln -s bash.1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1/sh.1 DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/man/man1/printf.1 DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/man/man1/true.1 DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/man/man1/false.1 DEBUG: + ln -sf bash /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/sh DEBUG: + rm -f /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/info/dir DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/etc/skel DEBUG: + install -c -m644 /builddir/build/SOURCES/dot-bashrc /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/etc/skel/.bashrc DEBUG: + install -c -m644 /builddir/build/SOURCES/dot-bash_profile /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/etc/skel/.bash_profile DEBUG: + install -c -m644 /builddir/build/SOURCES/dot-bash_logout /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/etc/skel/.bash_logout DEBUG: ++ getconf LONG_BIT DEBUG: + LONG_BIT=64 DEBUG: + mv /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bashbug /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bashbug-64 DEBUG: + ln -s bashbug-64 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bashbug DEBUG: + ln -s bashbug.1 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/man/man1/bashbug-64.1 DEBUG: + for script in examples/scripts/shprompt DEBUG: + cp examples/scripts/shprompt examples/scripts/shprompt-orig DEBUG: + echo '#!/bin/bash' DEBUG: + cat examples/scripts/shprompt-orig DEBUG: + rm -f examples/scripts/shprompt-orig DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/alias DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/bg DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/cd DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/command DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/fc DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/fg DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/getopts DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/jobs DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/read DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/umask DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/unalias DEBUG: + for ea in alias bg cd command fc fg getopts jobs read umask unalias wait DEBUG: + cat DEBUG: + chmod +x /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/bin/wait DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/ /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 bash DEBUG: + cat /dev/null DEBUG: + mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/doc DEBUG: + rm -rf examples/loadables DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp CHANGES /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/CHANGES DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/CHANGES' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp COMPAT /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/COMPAT DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/COMPAT' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp NEWS /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/NEWS DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/NEWS' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp NOTES /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/NOTES DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/NOTES' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp POSIX /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/POSIX DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/POSIX' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp RBASH /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/RBASH DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/RBASH' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp README /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/README DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/README' DEBUG: + for file in CHANGES COMPAT NEWS NOTES POSIX RBASH README examples DEBUG: + cp -rp examples /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64//usr/share/doc/bash/examples DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/examples' DEBUG: + echo '%doc /usr/share/doc/bash/doc' DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/ --strict-build-id -m --run-dwz --dwz-low-mem-die-limit 10000000 --dwz-max-die-limit 110000000 /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3 DEBUG: extracting debug info from /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/bin/bash DEBUG: dwz: Too few files for multifile optimization DEBUG: /usr/lib/rpm/sepdebugcrcfix: Updated 1 CRC32s, 0 CRC32s did match. DEBUG: symlinked /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/bash.debug to /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/sh.debug DEBUG: 7313 blocks DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /usr/bin/strip DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-bytecompile /usr/bin/python 1 DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink DEBUG: + /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars DEBUG: Executing(%check): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.gaUKL6 DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + make check DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: * * DEBUG: * GNU bash, version 4.3.42(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) DEBUG: * * DEBUG: *********************************************************** DEBUG: Testing /builddir/build/BUILD/bash-4.3/bash DEBUG: version: 4.3.42(1)-release DEBUG: versinfo: 4 3 42 1 release x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: HOSTTYPE = x86_64 DEBUG: OSTYPE = linux-gnu DEBUG: MACHTYPE = x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu DEBUG: Any output from any test, unless otherwise noted, indicates a possible anomaly DEBUG: run-alias DEBUG: run-appendop DEBUG: run-arith DEBUG: run-arith-for DEBUG: run-array DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: warning: the BASH_ARGC and BASH_ARGV tests will fail if debugging support DEBUG: warning: has not been compiled into the shell DEBUG: run-array2 DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: run-assoc DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: run-braces DEBUG: run-builtins DEBUG: warning: some of these tests may fail if process substitution has not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell or if the OS does not provide DEBUG: warning: /dev/fd. DEBUG: run-case DEBUG: run-casemod DEBUG: run-comsub DEBUG: run-comsub-eof DEBUG: run-comsub-posix DEBUG: run-cond DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if the conditional command has not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: warning: some of these tests will fail if extended pattern matching has not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: run-coproc DEBUG: warning: the process IDs printed will differ on every run DEBUG: warning: and generate diffs DEBUG: 1c1 DEBUG: < 8780 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 84575 DEBUG: 4c4 DEBUG: < 9076 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 84577 DEBUG: 7,8c7,8 DEBUG: < ./coproc.tests: line 22: 9076 Terminated coproc REFLECT { cat -; } DEBUG: < 9079 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > ./coproc.tests: line 22: 84577 Terminated coproc REFLECT { cat -; } DEBUG: > 84579 DEBUG: run-cprint DEBUG: run-dbg-support DEBUG: run-dbg-support2 DEBUG: run-dirstack DEBUG: run-dollars DEBUG: run-errors DEBUG: run-execscript DEBUG: warning: the text of a system error message may vary between systems and DEBUG: warning: produce diff output. DEBUG: warning: if the text of the error messages concerning `notthere' or DEBUG: warning: `/tmp/bash-notthere' not being found or `/' being a directory DEBUG: warning: produce diff output, please do not consider this a test failure DEBUG: warning: if diff output differing only in the location of the bash DEBUG: warning: binary appears, please do not consider this a test failure DEBUG: run-exp-tests DEBUG: run-extglob DEBUG: run-extglob2 DEBUG: run-extglob3 DEBUG: run-func DEBUG: warning: if you have exported functions defined in your environment, DEBUG: warning: they may show up as diff output. DEBUG: warning: if so, please do not consider this a test failure DEBUG: run-getopts DEBUG: run-glob-test DEBUG: run-globstar DEBUG: run-heredoc DEBUG: warning: UNIX versions number signals and schedule processes differently. DEBUG: warning: If output differing only in line numbers is produced, please DEBUG: warning: do not consider this a test failure. DEBUG: run-herestr DEBUG: run-histexpand DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if history has not been compiled DEBUG: warning: into the shell DEBUG: run-history DEBUG: warning: all of these tests will fail if history has not been compiled DEBUG: warning: into the shell DEBUG: run-ifs DEBUG: run-ifs-posix DEBUG: run-input-test DEBUG: run-intl DEBUG: warning: some of these tests will fail if you do not have UTF-8 DEBUG: warning: locales installed on your system. DEBUG: warning: please ignore any differences consisting only of white space DEBUG: 21c21 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 23c23 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 25c25 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 27c27 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 29c29 DEBUG: < 0000000 357 277 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 357 277 277 012 DEBUG: 31c31 DEBUG: < 0000000 357 277 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 357 277 277 012 DEBUG: 33c33 DEBUG: < 0000000 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 012 DEBUG: 35c35 DEBUG: < 0000000 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 012 DEBUG: 37c37 DEBUG: < 0000000 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 012 DEBUG: 39c39 DEBUG: < 0000000 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 012 DEBUG: 41c41 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 43c43 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 45c45 DEBUG: < 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 303 277 012 DEBUG: 47c47 DEBUG: < 0000000 101 040 302 243 040 305 222 012 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0000000 101 040 302 243 040 305 222 012 DEBUG: 50c50 DEBUG: < $'5\247@3\231+\306S8\237\242\352\263' DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 5�@3�+�S8���� DEBUG: run-invert DEBUG: run-iquote DEBUG: run-jobs DEBUG: warning: some of these tests may fail if job control has not been compiled DEBUG: warning: into the shell DEBUG: warning: there may be a message regarding a cat process dying due to a DEBUG: warning: SIGHUP. Please disregard. DEBUG: run-lastpipe DEBUG: run-mapfile DEBUG: run-more-exp DEBUG: run-nameref DEBUG: warning: some of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell DEBUG: run-new-exp DEBUG: warning: two of these tests will fail if your OS does not support DEBUG: warning: named pipes or the /dev/fd filesystem. If the tests of the DEBUG: warning: process substitution mechanism fail, please do not consider DEBUG: warning: this a test failure DEBUG: warning: if you have exported variables beginning with the string _Q, DEBUG: warning: diff output may be generated. If so, please do not consider DEBUG: warning: this a test failure DEBUG: run-nquote DEBUG: run-nquote1 DEBUG: warning: several of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell. DEBUG: run-nquote2 DEBUG: warning: several of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell. DEBUG: run-nquote3 DEBUG: warning: several of these tests will fail if arrays have not DEBUG: warning: been compiled into the shell. DEBUG: run-nquote4 DEBUG: warning: some of these tests will fail if you do not have UTF-8 DEBUG: warning: locales installed on your system DEBUG: run-nquote5 DEBUG: run-posix2 DEBUG: run-posixexp DEBUG: run-posixexp2 DEBUG: run-posixpat DEBUG: run-posixpipe DEBUG: run-precedence DEBUG: run-printf DEBUG: run-quote DEBUG: run-read DEBUG: warning: please do not consider output differing only in the amount of DEBUG: warning: white space to be an error. DEBUG: 58c58 DEBUG: < 0 DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 1 DEBUG: run-redir DEBUG: warning: the text of a system error message may vary between systems and DEBUG: warning: produce diff output. DEBUG: warning: if the text of an error message concerning `redir1.*' not being DEBUG: warning: found or messages concerning bad file descriptors produce diff DEBUG: warning: output, please do not consider it a test failure DEBUG: run-rhs-exp DEBUG: run-rsh DEBUG: run-set-e DEBUG: run-set-x DEBUG: run-shopt DEBUG: run-strip DEBUG: run-test DEBUG: 58c58 DEBUG: < ./test.tests: line 102: /dev/tty: No such device or address DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > 0 DEBUG: run-tilde DEBUG: run-tilde2 DEBUG: run-trap DEBUG: warning: UNIX versions number signals and schedule processes differently. DEBUG: warning: If output differing only in line numbers is produced, please DEBUG: warning: do not consider this a test failure. DEBUG: 8d7 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 18d16 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 30d27 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 46d42 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 54d49 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 60d54 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: 108d101 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGUSR2 DEBUG: 110c103 DEBUG: < trap -- '' SIGXFSZ DEBUG: --- DEBUG: > trap -- '' SIGUSR2 DEBUG: run-type DEBUG: run-varenv DEBUG: run-vredir DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Processing files: bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.pkmbbm DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: + export DOCDIR DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: + cp -pr RBASH /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: + cp -pr README /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: + cp -pr doc/FAQ doc/INTRO doc/README doc/bash.html doc/bashref.html /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.sty4EB DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + LICENSEDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/bash DEBUG: + export LICENSEDIR DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/bash DEBUG: + cp -pr COPYING /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/bash DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/doc/bash DEBUG: warning: File listed twice: /usr/share/doc/bash/README DEBUG: Provides: /bin/bash /bin/sh bash = 4.3.42-1.fc23 bash(x86-64) = 4.3.42-1.fc23 config(bash) = 4.3.42-1.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(BuiltinLuaScripts) <= 4.2.2-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires: /bin/sh rtld(GNU_HASH) DEBUG: Conflicts: filesystem < 3 DEBUG: Processing files: bash-doc-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.VY3gKS DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + export DOCDIR DEBUG: + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + cp -pr doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + cp -pr doc/bash.0 doc/bashbug.0 doc/builtins.0 doc/rbash.0 /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + cp -pr doc/bash.html doc/bashref.html /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + cp -pr doc/article.txt /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64/usr/share/doc/bash-doc DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Provides: bash-doc = 4.3.42-1.fc23 bash-doc(x86-64) = 4.3.42-1.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Requires: /bin/bash /bin/sh DEBUG: Processing files: bash-debuginfo-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Provides: bash-debuginfo = 4.3.42-1.fc23 bash-debuginfo(x86-64) = 4.3.42-1.fc23 DEBUG: Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 DEBUG: Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/bash-doc-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64.rpm DEBUG: Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/bash-debuginfo-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64.rpm DEBUG: Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.SoqAEn DEBUG: + umask 022 DEBUG: + cd /builddir/build/BUILD DEBUG: + cd bash-4.3 DEBUG: + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.x86_64 DEBUG: + exit 0 DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 INFO: LEAVE do --> DEBUG: Copying packages to result dir Finish: rpmbuild bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm Finish: build phase for bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm INFO: Done(bash-4.3.42-1.fc23.src.rpm) Config(fedora-23-x86_64) 6 minutes 18 seconds INFO: Results and/or logs in: /tmp/bash-rbuild-rpm-dPhWkMet INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True') Start: clean chroot DEBUG: kill orphans DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/tmp/ccache'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/var/cache/yum'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: child environment: None DEBUG: Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'} DEBUG: Child return code was: 0 DEBUG: remove tree: /var/lib/mock/fedora-23-x86_64-mock_1 Finish: clean chroot Finish: run