Mon Jul 20 00:26:13 UTC 2020 I: starting to build rio/buster/arm64 on jenkins on '2020-07-20 00:25' Mon Jul 20 00:26:13 UTC 2020 I: The jenkins build log is/was available at Mon Jul 20 00:26:13 UTC 2020 I: Downloading source for buster/rio=1.07-12 --2020-07-20 00:26:14-- Connecting to connected. Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 963 Saving to: ‘rio_1.07-12.dsc’ 0K 100% 91.8M=0s 2020-07-20 00:26:14 (91.8 MB/s) - ‘rio_1.07-12.dsc’ saved [963/963] Mon Jul 20 00:26:14 UTC 2020 I: rio_1.07-12.dsc -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.0 Source: rio Binary: rio Architecture: alpha amd64 i386 kfreebsd-i386 Version: 1.07-12 Maintainer: Vince Mulhollon Standards-Version: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) Package-List: rio deb sound optional Checksums-Sha1: 85feff9bb20b5b214989e05b932c3965ef8a745a 28745 rio_1.07.orig.tar.gz 8be60823558b25f6c0ac85fa8c0f694d2cecb1be 4965 rio_1.07-12.diff.gz Checksums-Sha256: e0426cd1dc90acb1aae6a647f5e65168c345fc262456a47dba5ff1a2cae1ab6b 28745 rio_1.07.orig.tar.gz 8a223ff84276a03c37333b6c4b4409c79349754b7500dc7f88e9a4aae1dd264b 4965 rio_1.07-12.diff.gz Files: a8b79efa2f92440f6b74c3808f3b5e90 28745 rio_1.07.orig.tar.gz 3cacfc6ac464b14ec84b2f372f8974a0 4965 rio_1.07-12.diff.gz -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFTLGHY4oRQ9gHTq5MRAh3CAJ45ALm/rM70fi4m2mXW2kNZFRsmdACfTPm4 rGBd55l+8JwTEe24Y8T6wwE= =K99I -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Mon Jul 20 00:26:14 UTC 2020 I: Checking whether the package is not for us Mon Jul 20 00:26:14 UTC 2020 I: Package rio (1.07-12) shall only be build on "alpha amd64 i386 kfreebsd-i386" and thus was skipped.