Notes for subversion - reproducible builds result

Version annotated: 1.9.5-1
Identified issues:
Identifier: captures_build_path_via_assert
Description Absolute paths to source file names are embedded through assert(), which
embeds the value of the __FILE__ macro in the .data section, or via
filenames in debug symbols, which shows in the .text and .debug_str sections.
We have a pending patch to GCC to fix this in one central place.
If/when this is accepted, this issue should be fixed for all packages and
you should not need to fix it specifically in your package.
For more background information see:
Bugs noted: 915673: "libapache2-mod-svn: Embeds buildd FS path in RPATH of usr/lib/apache2/modules/*.so"
Comments: In the upstream build process, generating the tarballs from the tags is unreproducible due to
(1) different_pot_creation_date_in_gettext_mo_files affecting the subversion.pot file;
this variant is tracked as #792687 against gettext.
(2) swig embedding non-$SOURCE_ROOT_DIR-relative paths into generated files.
(3) The test suite («make davautocheck») may fail with a "certificate expired" error after 2039-12-30; see subversion/tests/cmdline/ (grep for "BEGIN CERTIFICATE")

Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).