Notes for intel-mediasdk - reproducible builds result

Version annotated: 20.3.0-1
Identified issues:
Identifier: captures_kernel_version_via_CMAKE_SYSTEM
Description Uses CMAKE_SYSTEM, which embeds `uname -sr` output; the -r (version) varies.
Instead, use CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME (`uname -s`), which shouldn't vary.
May also be triggered by use of CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM,
Parent issue: captures_kernel_version
Identifier: unsorted_file_glob_by_cmake
Description File lists are generated in a CMakeLists.txt file with file(GLOB ...), which varies
with the readdir() order. This file list is passed to add_executable / add_library or
otherwise used for generating an output.
A solution is to sort the lists: list(SORT SRC_FILES)

Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).