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Notes about issue ocaml_captures_build_path in stretch

Identifier: ocaml_captures_build_path
Suites: unstable / bookworm / bullseye / buster / stretch / experimental
Description: Captures build path, e.g., /build/1st/foo-42.0 v. /build/foo-42.0/2nd
Packages in 'stretch' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)

reproducible icon 112 reproducible packages in stretch/amd64: ben cairo-ocaml camlidl camlimages camljava camlp4 camlpdf camlzip camomile cmdliner coinst cppo cryptgps dochelp easy-format facile findlib haxe jsonm kalzium lablgl lambda-term liquidsoap mcl menhir misery mlgmp mysql-ocaml obus ocaml-alsa ocaml-base64 ocaml-batteries ocaml-benchmark ocaml-bitstring ocaml-cry ocaml-csv ocaml-ctypes ocaml-data-notation ocaml-dbus ocaml-dssi ocaml-dtools ocaml-duppy ocaml-estring ocaml-expat ocaml-expect ocaml-extunix ocaml-faad ocaml-fileutils ocaml-flac ocaml-frei0r ocaml-gettext ocaml-gstreamer ocaml-inifiles ocaml-inotify ocaml-ipaddr ocaml-lame ocaml-lastfm ocaml-libvirt ocaml-lo ocaml-mm ocaml-ogg ocaml-opus ocaml-portaudio ocaml-pulseaudio ocaml-re ocaml-reins ocaml-res ocaml-samplerate ocaml-shine ocaml-soundtouch ocaml-speex ocaml-sqlexpr ocaml-sqlite3 ocaml-ssl ocaml-taglib ocaml-text ocaml-theora ocaml-usb ocaml-voaacenc ocaml-vorbis ocamlagrep ocamlcreal ocamldap ocamlify ocamlmod ocamlsdl ocp-indent ocplib-simplex ocsigenserver ohcount pagodacf parmap pcre-ocaml perl4caml ppx-optcomp ppx-tools prooftree pxp react reactivedata syslog-ocaml type-conv unison uuidm why3 wyrd xstr xstrp4 yojson zed zeroinstall-injector ocamlgsl#

FTBR icon 11 unreproducible packages in stretch/amd64: apron js-of-ocaml libguestfs ocaml-atd ocaml-deriving-ocsigen ocamlnet orpie ppx-deriving ragel virt-top omake#


Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in 'unstable/amd64' (unless they say otherwise).

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.