{"diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.1bdtCqKf/b1/fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.changes", "source2": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.1bdtCqKf/b2/fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.changes", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "Files", "source2": "Files", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n \n- 0fee6358fbdc90a507d3263164fe241e 1264488 debug optional fcitx5-bamboo-dbgsym_1.0.6-2_i386.deb\n- d5fb40464cfc3a136a621c2066e5bd38 701512 utils optional fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.deb\n+ 0a053fcc6b0e5a070d97c2a5b0902a30 1264504 debug optional fcitx5-bamboo-dbgsym_1.0.6-2_i386.deb\n+ c61142dd12c17369f9f01384345331d6 701424 utils optional fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.deb\n"}, {"source1": "fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.deb", "source2": "fcitx5-bamboo_1.0.6-2_i386.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 debian-binary\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1104 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 700216 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1108 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 control.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 700124 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}]}]}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/fcitx5/libbamboo.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/fcitx5/libbamboo.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 67353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b4f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.go.buildid\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- Go 0x00000053\tGO BUILDID\t description data: 35 46 4e 74 6f 32 53 38 4d 55 48 48 46 55 6c 61 39 53 76 6f 2f 75 6e 70 78 73 68 66 31 2d 6b 49 41 62 48 2d 37 30 6a 67 56 2f 41 76 4d 5a 6e 56 4e 54 4c 32 43 4e 72 33 73 73 4f 61 57 4e 2f 6d 6f 49 74 36 54 47 59 69 76 56 4c 74 68 34 35 31 47 6b 4f \n+ Go 0x00000053\tGO BUILDID\t description data: 62 7a 4e 64 6c 5a 62 66 53 6b 7a 55 38 61 67 46 54 6f 30 48 2f 75 6e 70 78 73 68 66 31 2d 6b 49 41 62 48 2d 37 30 6a 67 56 2f 41 76 4d 5a 6e 56 4e 54 4c 32 43 4e 72 33 73 73 4f 61 57 4e 2f 6d 6f 49 74 36 54 47 59 69 76 56 4c 74 68 34 35 31 47 6b 4f \n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-5FNto2S8MUHHFUla9Svo/unpxshf1-kIAbH-70jgV/AvMZnVNTL2CNr3ssOaWN/moIt6TGYivVLth451GkO\n+bzNdlZbfSkzU8agFTo0H/unpxshf1-kIAbH-70jgV/AvMZnVNTL2CNr3ssOaWN/moIt6TGYivVLth451GkO\n __gmon_start__\n _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable\n _ITM_registerTMCloneTable\n __cxa_finalize\n _ZSt21ios_base_library_initv\n _ZN5fcitx12OptionBaseV3D2Ev\n _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_assignERKS4_\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 33353338 33366130 62376561 34643030 353836a0b7ea4d00\n- 0x00000010 64646335 33333865 35303336 66646562 ddc5338e5036fdeb\n- 0x00000020 35623732 36662e64 65627567 00000000 5b726f.debug....\n- 0x00000030 0183c156 ...V\n+ 0x00000000 66303965 61383633 36633365 64386262 f09ea8636c3ed8bb\n+ 0x00000010 62633961 63646462 66303932 37363832 bc9acddbf0927682\n+ 0x00000020 38343235 31352e64 65627567 00000000 842515.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 63bd6f3f c.o?\n \n"}]}]}]}]}, {"source1": "fcitx5-bamboo-dbgsym_1.0.6-2_i386.deb", "source2": "fcitx5-bamboo-dbgsym_1.0.6-2_i386.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 debian-binary\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 548 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1263748 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 552 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 control.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1263760 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./control", "source2": "./control", "unified_diff": "@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@\n Maintainer: Debian Input Method Team \n Installed-Size: 1396\n Depends: fcitx5-bamboo (= 1.0.6-2)\n Section: debug\n Priority: optional\n Multi-Arch: same\n Description: debug symbols for fcitx5-bamboo\n-Build-Ids: 67353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f\n+Build-Ids: b4f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515\n"}, {"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}, {"source1": "line order", "source2": "line order", "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-usr/lib/debug/.build-id/67/353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f.debug\n+usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b4/f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515.debug\n"}]}]}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/\n-drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/67/\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 1418336 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/67/353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f.debug\n+drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b4/\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 1418336 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b4/f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515.debug\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/share/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/share/doc/\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-06-26 15:23:58.000000 ./usr/share/doc/fcitx5-bamboo-dbgsym -> fcitx5-bamboo\n"}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/67/353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b4/f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 0% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 67353836a0b7ea4d00ddc5338e5036fdeb5b726f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b4f09ea8636c3ed8bbbc9acddbf0927682842515\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.go.buildid\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- Go 0x00000053\tGO BUILDID\t description data: 35 46 4e 74 6f 32 53 38 4d 55 48 48 46 55 6c 61 39 53 76 6f 2f 75 6e 70 78 73 68 66 31 2d 6b 49 41 62 48 2d 37 30 6a 67 56 2f 41 76 4d 5a 6e 56 4e 54 4c 32 43 4e 72 33 73 73 4f 61 57 4e 2f 6d 6f 49 74 36 54 47 59 69 76 56 4c 74 68 34 35 31 47 6b 4f \n+ Go 0x00000053\tGO BUILDID\t description data: 62 7a 4e 64 6c 5a 62 66 53 6b 7a 55 38 61 67 46 54 6f 30 48 2f 75 6e 70 78 73 68 66 31 2d 6b 49 41 62 48 2d 37 30 6a 67 56 2f 41 76 4d 5a 6e 56 4e 54 4c 32 43 4e 72 33 73 73 4f 61 57 4e 2f 6d 6f 49 74 36 54 47 59 69 76 56 4c 74 68 34 35 31 47 6b 4f \n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-5FNto2S8MUHHFUla9Svo/unpxshf1-kIAbH-70jgV/AvMZnVNTL2CNr3ssOaWN/moIt6TGYivVLth451GkO\n+bzNdlZbfSkzU8agFTo0H/unpxshf1-kIAbH-70jgV/AvMZnVNTL2CNr3ssOaWN/moIt6TGYivVLth451GkO\n GCC: (Debian 14.2.0-5) 14.2.0\n 'rH{t;Ym\n /g$-