{"diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.Y0T4xiia/b1/quodlibet_4.6.0-3_armhf.changes", "source2": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.Y0T4xiia/b2/quodlibet_4.6.0-3_armhf.changes", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "Files", "source2": "Files", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n \n- 63492746fd1362374453aa78d8fadaf4 2726732 sound optional exfalso_4.6.0-3_all.deb\n+ e6e2dc74134292b563c28d164f085ca7 2727200 sound optional exfalso_4.6.0-3_all.deb\n c128ad307c2d72d765b83cc1ebbcb39a 100192 sound optional quodlibet_4.6.0-3_all.deb\n"}, {"source1": "exfalso_4.6.0-3_all.deb", "source2": "exfalso_4.6.0-3_all.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2024-04-06 10:45:40.000000 debian-binary\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 16264 2024-04-06 10:45:40.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 2710276 2024-04-06 10:45:40.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 2710744 2024-04-06 10:45:40.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}]}]}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./usr/share/doc/exfalso/searchindex.js", "source2": "./usr/share/doc/exfalso/searchindex.js", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "js-beautify {}", "source2": "js-beautify {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@\n \"ALBUM COVERS\": [\n [14, \"album-covers\"]\n ],\n \"AUDIO BACKENDS\": [\n [14, \"audio-backends\"]\n ],\n \"AUTHORS\": [\n- [14, \"authors\"],\n- [11, \"authors\"]\n+ [11, \"authors\"],\n+ [14, \"authors\"]\n ],\n \"Aggregation\": [\n [6, \"aggregation\"]\n ],\n \"Album Browsers\": [\n [0, \"album-browsers\"]\n ],\n@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@\n \"Audio Backends\": [\n [21, \"audio-backends\"]\n ],\n \"Audio Feeds Browser\": [\n [1, \"audio-feeds-browser\"]\n ],\n \"BUGS\": [\n- [14, \"bugs\"],\n- [11, \"bugs\"]\n+ [11, \"bugs\"],\n+ [14, \"bugs\"]\n ],\n \"Basic Syntax\": [\n [25, \"basic-syntax\"]\n ],\n \"Batch edit track numbers\": [\n [16, \"batch-edit-track-numbers\"]\n ],\n@@ -131,16 +131,16 @@\n \"Creating playlists\": [\n [7, \"creating-playlists\"]\n ],\n \"Custom Pipelines\": [\n [21, \"custom-pipelines\"]\n ],\n \"DESCRIPTION\": [\n- [14, \"description\"],\n- [11, \"description\"]\n+ [11, \"description\"],\n+ [14, \"description\"]\n ],\n \"Debugging Pipelines\": [\n [21, \"debugging-pipelines\"]\n ],\n \"Disabling\": [\n [24, \"disabling\"]\n ],\n@@ -252,16 +252,16 @@\n \"Integration with third party tools\": [\n [19, \"integration-with-third-party-tools\"]\n ],\n \"Interacting with Quod Libet\": [\n [19, \"interacting-with-quod-libet\"]\n ],\n \"Internal Tags\": [\n- [32, \"internal-tags\"],\n- [30, \"internal-tags\"]\n+ [30, \"internal-tags\"],\n+ [32, \"internal-tags\"]\n ],\n \"Internet Radio Browser\": [\n [4, \"internet-radio-browser\"]\n ],\n \"JACK support\": [\n [21, \"jack-support\"]\n ],\n@@ -298,21 +298,21 @@\n \"Numeric Searches\": [\n [26, \"numeric-searches\"]\n ],\n \"Numeric Tags\": [\n [30, \"numeric-tags\"]\n ],\n \"OPTIONS\": [\n- [14, \"options\"],\n [11, \"options\"],\n- [13, \"options\"]\n+ [13, \"options\"],\n+ [14, \"options\"]\n ],\n \"Overview\": [\n- [6, \"overview\"],\n [5, \"overview\"],\n+ [6, \"overview\"],\n [20, \"overview\"],\n [32, \"overview\"],\n [10, \"overview\"]\n ],\n \"Pane Configuration\": [\n [6, \"pane-configuration\"]\n ],\n@@ -360,16 +360,16 @@\n \"Queue and Playlist Browser\": [\n [27, \"queue-and-playlist-browser\"]\n ],\n \"Quod Libet in Conky\": [\n [19, \"quod-libet-in-conky\"]\n ],\n \"RENAMING FILES\": [\n- [14, \"renaming-files\"],\n- [11, \"renaming-files\"]\n+ [11, \"renaming-files\"],\n+ [14, \"renaming-files\"]\n ],\n \"Regular Expressions\": [\n [26, \"regular-expressions\"]\n ],\n \"Rename Files Based on Tags\": [\n [16, \"rename-files-based-on-tags\"]\n ],\n@@ -385,25 +385,25 @@\n \"Reusing queries\": [\n [26, \"reusing-queries\"]\n ],\n \"SEARCH SYNTAX\": [\n [14, \"search-syntax\"]\n ],\n \"SEE ALSO\": [\n- [14, \"see-also\"],\n [11, \"see-also\"],\n- [13, \"see-also\"]\n+ [13, \"see-also\"],\n+ [14, \"see-also\"]\n ],\n \"SHOW FILE METADATA\": [\n [13, \"id2\"]\n ],\n \"SYNOPSIS\": [\n- [14, \"synopsis\"],\n [11, \"synopsis\"],\n- [13, \"synopsis\"]\n+ [13, \"synopsis\"],\n+ [14, \"synopsis\"]\n ],\n \"Saved values for search, tagging and renaming patterns\": [\n [15, \"saved-values-for-search-tagging-and-renaming-patterns\"]\n ],\n \"Search Browser\": [\n [9, \"search-browser\"]\n ],\n@@ -453,16 +453,16 @@\n \"String Tags\": [\n [30, \"string-tags\"]\n ],\n \"Support for Quod Libet queries\": [\n [10, \"support-for-quod-libet-queries\"]\n ],\n \"TIED TAGS\": [\n- [14, \"tied-tags\"],\n- [11, \"tied-tags\"]\n+ [11, \"tied-tags\"],\n+ [14, \"tied-tags\"]\n ],\n \"Tag Patterns\": [\n [31, \"tag-patterns\"]\n ],\n \"Tags\": [\n [29, \"tags\"],\n [10, \"tags\"]\n"}]}]}]}]}]}