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3 | ·c3478db55d560d02963b79d6d0f8dfe2·2059160·python·optional·python3-dipy-lib_1.10.0-1_i386.deb | ||
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Offset 1, 3 lines modified | Offset 1, 3 lines modified | ||
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6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·38373366·66362e64·65627567·00000000·873ff6.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·6fd4e7d8····························o... |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
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6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·30646464·39363231·65616337·35346433·0ddd9621eac754d3 |
3 | ··0x00000010·30633637·34363534·30323830·30623432·0c67465402800b42 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·6 | 4 | ··0x00000020·38643537·32372e64·65627567·00000000·8d5727.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·d22aec61····························.*.a |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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2 | ··0x00000000·30653764·33303731·38656635·38656431·0e7d30718ef58ed1 | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·38373038·36333465·64663464·31313464·8708634edf4d114d |
3 | ··0x00000010·31356666·63393539·31623064·64353562·15ffc9591b0dd55b | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·37383364·62632e64·65627567·00000000·783dbc.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·ffc23dcc····························..=. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
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2 | ··0x00000000·31383435·39613130·31626538·31376563·18459a101be817ec | ||
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3 | ··0x00000010·62316232·61323164·31633335·32663531·b1b2a21d1c352f51 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·37656461·35612e64·65627567·00000000·7eda5a.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030·e | 5 | ··0x00000030·ea24064a····························.$.J |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·61313139·65323032·33333665·65646164·a119e202336eedad | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·65393265·34316165·38653162·36656237·e92e41ae8e1b6eb7 |
3 | ··0x00000010·38326663·30383564·62366538·33376566·82fc085db6e837ef | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·6 | 4 | ··0x00000020·63643439·30652e64·65627567·00000000·cd490e.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·854faa60····························.O.` |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·5c761681b9a29e4e13a5fa9fea4ec6ad0840976b |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·61643832·66306566·64313932·39666566·ad82f0efd1929fef | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·37363136·38316239·61323965·34653133·761681b9a29e4e13 |
3 | ··0x00000010·61356661·39666561·34656336·61643038·a5fa9fea4ec6ad08 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·34303937·36622e64·65627567·00000000·40976b.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·ae0d356f····························..5o |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·c | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·6a1c78b7a1c8ef01863d4723708c22f74db0619b |
Offset 1, 20 lines modified | Offset 1, 20 lines modified | ||
1 | Disassembly·of·section·.text: | 1 | Disassembly·of·section·.text: |
2 | 00004a80·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base-0x18e82>: | 2 | 00004a80·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base-0x18e82>: |
3 | __Pyx_PyImport_AddModuleRef(): | 3 | __Pyx_PyImport_AddModuleRef(): |
4 | ./.mesonpy- | 4 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
5 | » push···%ebx | 5 | » push···%ebx |
6 | » call···1d930·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base+0x2e> | 6 | » call···1d930·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base+0x2e> |
7 | » add····$0x222242,%ebx | 7 | » add····$0x222242,%ebx |
8 | » sub····$0x14,%esp | 8 | » sub····$0x14,%esp |
9 | ./.mesonpy- | 9 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
10 | » push···%eax | 10 | » push···%eax |
11 | » call···42c0·<PyImport_AddModule@plt> | 11 | » call···42c0·<PyImport_AddModule@plt> |
12 | Py_XINCREF(): | 12 | Py_XINCREF(): |
13 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:787 | 13 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:787 |
14 | » add····$0x10,%esp | 14 | » add····$0x10,%esp |
15 | » test···%eax,%eax | 15 | » test···%eax,%eax |
16 | » je·····4aa9·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x61> | 16 | » je·····4aa9·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x61> |
Offset 25, 155 lines modified | Offset 25, 155 lines modified | ||
25 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:649·(discriminator·1) | 25 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:649·(discriminator·1) |
26 | » cmp····$0x3fffffff,%edx | 26 | » cmp····$0x3fffffff,%edx |
27 | » je·····4aa9·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x61> | 27 | » je·····4aa9·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x61> |
28 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:652 | 28 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:652 |
29 | » inc····%edx | 29 | » inc····%edx |
30 | » mov····%edx,(%eax) | 30 | » mov····%edx,(%eax) |
31 | __Pyx_PyImport_AddModuleRef(): | 31 | __Pyx_PyImport_AddModuleRef(): |
32 | ./.mesonpy- | 32 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
33 | » add····$0x8,%esp | 33 | » add····$0x8,%esp |
34 | » pop····%ebx | 34 | » pop····%ebx |
35 | » ret | 35 | » ret |
36 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): | 36 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): |
37 | ./.mesonpy- | 37 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
38 | » push···%ebp | 38 | » push···%ebp |
39 | » push···%edi | 39 | » push···%edi |
40 | » push···%esi | 40 | » push···%esi |
41 | » mov····%eax,%esi | 41 | » mov····%eax,%esi |
42 | » push···%ebx | 42 | » push···%ebx |
43 | » call···1d930·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base+0x2e> | 43 | » call···1d930·<PyInit_vector_fields@@Base+0x2e> |
44 | » add····$0x22220f,%ebx | 44 | » add····$0x22220f,%ebx |
45 | » sub····$0xc,%esp | 45 | » sub····$0xc,%esp |
46 | ./.mesonpy- | 46 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
47 | » mov····0xa8(%eax),%ecx | 47 | » mov····0xa8(%eax),%ecx |
48 | ./.mesonpy- | 48 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
49 | » test···%ecx,%ecx | 49 | » test···%ecx,%ecx |
50 | » je·····4b26·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xde> | 50 | » je·····4b26·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xde> |
51 | ./.mesonpy- | 51 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/·(discriminator·1) |
52 | » mov····0x90(%eax),%ebp | 52 | » mov····0x90(%eax),%ebp |
53 | Py_SIZE(): | 53 | Py_SIZE(): |
54 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:233 | 54 | /usr/include/python3.12/object.h:233 |
55 | » mov····0x8(%ecx),%edi | 55 | » mov····0x8(%ecx),%edi |
56 | __Pyx_validate_bases_tuple(): | 56 | __Pyx_validate_bases_tuple(): |
57 | ./.mesonpy- | 57 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
58 | » mov····$0x1,%edx | 58 | » mov····$0x1,%edx |
59 | ./.mesonpy- | 59 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/·(discriminator·1) |
60 | » cmp····%edx,%edi | 60 | » cmp····%edx,%edi |
61 | » jle····4b26·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xde> | 61 | » jle····4b26·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xde> |
62 | ./.mesonpy- | 62 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
63 | » mov····0xc(%ecx,%edx,4),%eax | 63 | » mov····0xc(%ecx,%edx,4),%eax |
64 | ./.mesonpy- | 64 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
65 | » testb··$0x2,0x55(%eax) | 65 | » testb··$0x2,0x55(%eax) |
66 | » jne····4af4·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xac> | 66 | » jne····4af4·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xac> |
67 | ./.mesonpy- | 67 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
68 | » push···%edx | 68 | » push···%edx |
69 | » push···0xc(%eax) | 69 | » push···0xc(%eax) |
70 | » lea····-0x48140(%ebx),%eax | 70 | » lea····-0x48140(%ebx),%eax |
71 | » jmp····4b0d·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xc5> | 71 | » jmp····4b0d·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xc5> |
72 | ./.mesonpy- | 72 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
73 | » test···%ebp,%ebp | 73 | » test···%ebp,%ebp |
74 | » jne····4b23·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xdb> | 74 | » jne····4b23·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xdb> |
75 | ./.mesonpy- | 75 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
76 | » cmpl···$0x0,0x90(%eax) | 76 | » cmpl···$0x0,0x90(%eax) |
77 | » je·····4b23·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xdb> | 77 | » je·····4b23·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0xdb> |
78 | ./.mesonpy- | 78 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
79 | » push···0xc(%eax) | 79 | » push···0xc(%eax) |
80 | » lea····-0x48118(%ebx),%eax | 80 | » lea····-0x48118(%ebx),%eax |
81 | » push···0xc(%esi) | 81 | » push···0xc(%esi) |
82 | » push···%eax | 82 | » push···%eax |
83 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): | 83 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): |
84 | ./.mesonpy- | 84 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
85 | » or·····$0xffffffff,%edi | 85 | » or·····$0xffffffff,%edi |
86 | __Pyx_validate_bases_tuple(): | 86 | __Pyx_validate_bases_tuple(): |
87 | ./.mesonpy- | 87 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
88 | » mov····0x2b0(%ebx),%eax | 88 | » mov····0x2b0(%ebx),%eax |
89 | » push···(%eax) | 89 | » push···(%eax) |
90 | » call···4320·<PyErr_Format@plt> | 90 | » call···4320·<PyErr_Format@plt> |
91 | ./.mesonpy- | 91 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
92 | » add····$0x10,%esp | 92 | » add····$0x10,%esp |
93 | » jmp····4b52·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10a> | 93 | » jmp····4b52·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10a> |
94 | ./.mesonpy- | 94 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/·(discriminator·2) |
95 | » inc····%edx | 95 | » inc····%edx |
96 | » jmp····4ada·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x92> | 96 | » jmp····4ada·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x92> |
97 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): | 97 | __Pyx_PyType_Ready(): |
98 | ./.mesonpy- | 98 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
99 | » call···4970·<PyGC_Disable@plt> | 99 | » call···4970·<PyGC_Disable@plt> |
100 | ./.mesonpy- | 100 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
101 | » sub····$0xc,%esp | 101 | » sub····$0xc,%esp |
102 | ./.mesonpy- | 102 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
103 | » orl····$0x300,0x54(%esi) | 103 | » orl····$0x300,0x54(%esi) |
104 | ./.mesonpy- | 104 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
105 | » push···%esi | 105 | » push···%esi |
106 | ./.mesonpy- | 106 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
107 | » mov····%eax,%ebp | 107 | » mov····%eax,%ebp |
108 | ./.mesonpy- | 108 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
109 | » call···40c0·<PyType_Ready@plt> | 109 | » call···40c0·<PyType_Ready@plt> |
110 | ./.mesonpy- | 110 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
111 | » andl···$0xfffffdff,0x54(%esi) | 111 | » andl···$0xfffffdff,0x54(%esi) |
112 | ./.mesonpy- | 112 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
113 | » add····$0x10,%esp | 113 | » add····$0x10,%esp |
114 | ./.mesonpy- | 114 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
115 | » mov····%eax,%edi | 115 | » mov····%eax,%edi |
116 | ./.mesonpy- | 116 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
117 | » test···%ebp,%ebp | 117 | » test···%ebp,%ebp |
118 | » je·····4b52·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10a> | 118 | » je·····4b52·<__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10a> |
119 | ./.mesonpy- | 119 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
120 | » call···41a0·<PyGC_Enable@plt> | 120 | » call···41a0·<PyGC_Enable@plt> |
121 | ./.mesonpy- | 121 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
122 | » add····$0xc,%esp | 122 | » add····$0xc,%esp |
123 | » mov····%edi,%eax | 123 | » mov····%edi,%eax |
124 | » pop····%ebx | 124 | » pop····%ebx |
125 | » pop····%esi | 125 | » pop····%esi |
126 | » pop····%edi | 126 | » pop····%edi |
127 | » pop····%ebp | 127 | » pop····%ebp |
128 | » ret | 128 | » ret |
129 | __Pyx_InitGlobals(): | 129 | __Pyx_InitGlobals(): |
130 | ./.mesonpy- | 130 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
Max diff block lines reached; 40635729/40644628 bytes (99.98%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·62396130·30396233·33313862·66396664·b9a009b3318bf9fd | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·31633738·62376131·63386566·30313836·1c78b7a1c8ef0186 |
3 | ··0x00000010·33643437·32333730·38633232·66373464·3d4723708c22f74d | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·6 | 4 | ··0x00000020·62303631·39622e64·65627567·00000000·b0619b.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·b8150045····························...E |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
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Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
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3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·38353563·32393432·38313833·33646130·855c294281833da0 | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·66663734·62333736·35663334·30316131·ff74b3765f3401a1 |
3 | ··0x00000010·37316163·33323830·33623964·64333432·71ac32803b9dd342 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·30373334·35312e64·65627567·00000000·073451.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·c2f0e209····························.... |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
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Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
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2 | ··0x00000000·34663165·34396566·35313263·37626136·4f1e49ef512c7ba6 | ||
3 | ··0x000000 | 2 | ··0x00000000·32353962·66336433·63386566·37636339·259bf3d3c8ef7cc9 |
3 | ··0x00000010·61386638·31666265·66666530·34663136·a8f81fbeffe04f16 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·66 | 4 | ··0x00000020·66376639·65352e64·65627567·00000000·f7f9e5.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·ed2fe0e9····························./.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
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6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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3 | ··0x00000010·38623830·31653964·65633037·34396364·8b801e9dec0749cd | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·38353265·31622e64·65627567·00000000·852e1b.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·85e9d74c····························...L |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
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6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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3 | ··0x00000010·63353262·65306365·65663066·65346535·c52be0ceef0fe4e5 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·64336564·61362e64·65627567·00000000·d3eda6.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·7ece4790····························~.G. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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3 | ··0x00000010·63323136·36343931·61643534·38343133·c2166491ad548413 | ||
4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·31346566·62382e64·65627567·00000000·14efb8.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·216d7bca····························!m{. |
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4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
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6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
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3 | ··0x00000010·63383630·36623938·32643664·31656664·c8606b982d6d1efd | ||
4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·39313737·36352e64·65627567·00000000·917765.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·d1357575····························.5uu |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
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4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·66396236·37382e64·65627567·00000000·f9b678.debug.... |
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4 | ··0x00000020·3 | 4 | ··0x00000020·32363239·39392e64·65627567·00000000·262999.debug.... |
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3 | ··0x00000010·34633939·36636661·64663730·35636436·4c996cfadf705cd6 | ||
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28 | ··8» (string)» /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 28 | ··8» (string)» /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
29 | ··9» (string)» /usr/include/python3.12/internal | 29 | ··9» (string)» /usr/include/python3.12/internal |
30 | ··10» (string)» /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 30 | ··10» (string)» /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
31 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x163,·lines·76,·columns·2): | 31 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x163,·lines·76,·columns·2): |
32 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 32 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
33 | ··0» (udata)» 0» (string)» <dwz> | 33 | ··0» (udata)» 0» (string)» <dwz> |
Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00043c18·000c14·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00043c18·000c14·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00043c1c·000c14·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00043c1c·000c14·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00043d0c·000c14·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00043d0c·000c14·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00044000·000c14·000c38·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00044000·000c14·000c38·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00044c40·000c14·0005dc·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00044c40·000c14·0005dc·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02af | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02af20·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b150·00042e·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b150·00042e·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02b580·0151c | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02b580·0151ca·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04074c·0002fc·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04074c·0002fc·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·040a48·0001d | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·040a48·0001d2·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040c1c·025c00·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040c1c·025c00·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06681c·006758·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06681c·006758·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06cf74·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06cf74·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06cfc4·002ed0·10·····34·562··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06cfc4·002ed0·10·····34·562··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·06fe94·0047e5·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·06fe94·0047e5·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·074679·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·074679·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·0 | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·3090eceec497077fd3765c44c17ce1b990de43ad |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x67):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x7b):·dipy/direction/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x7b):·dipy/direction/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xdd):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xdd):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfd):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfd):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x156):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x156):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c4):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c4):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d1):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d1):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·68,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·68,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4a):·bootstrap_direction_getter.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4a):·bootstrap_direction_getter.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x405):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x405):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f2):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f2):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fd):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fd):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x20b):·floatobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x20b):·floatobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x219):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x219):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x22c):·dictobject.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x22c):·dictobject.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x239):·stdio2.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x239):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·148·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·148·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/direction/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x67):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xacae | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xacae |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 70 lines modified | Offset 1, 65 lines modified | ||
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70 | ,RGX3dJ#| | 65 | ,RGX3dJ#| |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/direction/ |
3 | ··[····67]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····7b]··dipy/direction/ | 4 | ··[····7b]··dipy/direction/ |
5 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····dd]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····dd]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····fd]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····fd]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···11e]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···11e]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···156]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···156]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···17d]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···17d]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········81698 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········816980·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0xc775 | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0xc7754: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c30·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c30·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 27, 19 lines modified | Offset 27, 19 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00074da0·000bf0·0005a4·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00074da0·000bf0·0005a4·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·044532·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·044532·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·044758·000406·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·044758·000406·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·044b60·01f15b·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·044b60·01f15b·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·063cbc·000306·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·063cbc·000306·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·063fc4·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·063fc4·0001cc·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·06419 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·064190·0502e5·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0b447 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0b4478·00aebe·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0bf33 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0bf336·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0bf38 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0bf384·0035d0·10·····34·667··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0c295 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0c2954·004c95·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0c75e | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0c75e9·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·648708634edf4d114d15ffc9591b0dd55b783dbc |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x120):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x120):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·141·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·141·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x143a1 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x143a1 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 79, 15 lines modified | Offset 79, 14 lines modified | ||
79 | Tmro}(WD | 79 | Tmro}(WD |
80 | rV[U}bK2 | 80 | rV[U}bK2 |
81 | 8;*mBr2v | 81 | 8;*mBr2v |
82 | `d}VX52.O{ | 82 | `d}VX52.O{ |
83 | BadA=y?`d | 83 | BadA=y?`d |
84 | ;;[f'7o\ | 84 | ;;[f'7o\ |
85 | }#.([T}W[ | 85 | }#.([T}W[ |
86 | A7hhAUT+ | ||
87 | y*:/=:_E | 86 | y*:/=:_E |
88 | (O%B;*U% | 87 | (O%B;*U% |
89 | nQ·O@F65 | 88 | nQ·O@F65 |
90 | rs_uG<%h | 89 | rs_uG<%h |
91 | ut^cqrt) | 90 | ut^cqrt) |
92 | -|#30rF$ | 91 | -|#30rF$ |
93 | _'rh_5,A | 92 | _'rh_5,A |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····41]··./.mesonpy- | 3 | ··[····41]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11b]··dipy | 9 | ··[···11b]··dipy |
10 | ··[···120]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···120]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 27, 15 lines modified | Offset 27, 15 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········000b10c0·000bc0·0007f8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········000b10c0·000bc0·0007f8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000cd·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000cd·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000268·063814·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000268·063814·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·063a7c·00054c·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·063a7c·00054c·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·063fc8·03068f·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·063fc8·03068f·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·094658·00080d·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·094658·00080d·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·094e68·0001e | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·094e68·0001e1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·09504c·06decc·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·09504c·06decc·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·102f18·00fb80·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·102f18·00fb80·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·112a98·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·112a98·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·112ae8·004320·10·····34·868··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·112ae8·004320·10·····34·868··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·116e08·007110·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·116e08·007110·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·11df18·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·11df18·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·03ff74b3765f3401a171ac32803b9dd342073451 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5c):·dipy/core/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5c):·dipy/core/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·191·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·191·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/core/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/core/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x215ed | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x215ed |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x65ff)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x65ff)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | 4QGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | '+ys-r8+y | 2 | '+ys-r8+y |
3 | F|aBAz[; | 3 | F|aBAz[; |
4 | <kL1PIB/ | 4 | <kL1PIB/ |
5 | th)!Wq@/ | 5 | th)!Wq@/ |
6 | ·60PA3» M | 6 | ·60PA3» M |
7 | $_^lp;aa | 7 | $_^lp;aa |
8 | C$XV;,gs | 8 | C$XV;,gs |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/core/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/core/ |
4 | ··[····5c]··dipy/core/ | 4 | ··[····5c]··dipy/core/ |
5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········3841 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········384172·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x5dca | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x5dcac: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b90·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b90·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 25, 21 lines modified | Offset 25, 21 lines modified | ||
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00036d18·000c20·0002e8·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00036d18·000c20·0002e8·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00037000·000c20·000cb8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00037000·000c20·000cb8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00037cc0·000c20·00051c·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00037cc0·000c20·00051c·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·024276·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·024276·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0244a8·000408·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0244a8·000408·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·0248b0·01100 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·0248b0·011007·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·0358b8·000227·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·0358b8·000227·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035ae0·0001d | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035ae0·0001d1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035cb | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035cb4·01c227·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·051ed | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·051edc·004bd9·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·056ab | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·056ab5·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·056b0 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·056b04·002ab0·10·····34·499··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0595b | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0595b4·00458d·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05db | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05db41·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·1 | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·db1d4cebe11929b73aa814c7a0a2d243bbe18994 |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x83):·dipy/direction/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x83):·dipy/direction/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd1):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd1):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x109):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x109):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12a):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12a):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x162):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x162):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x189):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x189):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a9):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a9):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d0):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d0):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1dd):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1dd):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·67,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·67,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4e):·probabilistic_direction_getter.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4e):·probabilistic_direction_getter.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x32a):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x32a):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fe):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fe):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x209):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x209):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x217):·floatobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x217):·floatobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x225):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x225):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x238):·dictobject.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x238):·dictobject.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x245):·stdio2.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x245):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/direction/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x6f):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8b63 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8b63 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 58 lines modified | Offset 1, 58 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
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41 | }Tz_z^u# | ||
42 | oqGL<-KwJ | ||
43 | igHN}/M)m | ||
44 | ;>YF!wgW | ||
45 | P',V8eUn | ||
46 | k#K}jb?Q | ||
47 | `R}).KFiC | ||
48 | vaNm» nkc? | ||
49 | UC^KIBw% | ||
50 | HwQ{f.G# | ||
51 | |l#]» Sw2< | ||
52 | ;2}B::z^ | 52 | ;2}B::z^ |
53 | otM|/N>3 | 53 | otM|/N>3 |
54 | %Gge+dJs | 54 | %Gge+dJs |
55 | n`(a`(b`( | 55 | n`(a`(b`( |
56 | 6J;A%/051 | 56 | 6J;A%/051 |
57 | @U7=#wf# | 57 | @U7=#wf# |
58 | pW8.d(\| | 58 | pW8.d(\| |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/direction/ |
3 | ··[····6f]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····83]··dipy/direction/ | 4 | ··[····83]··dipy/direction/ |
5 | ··[····d1]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····d1]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····e9]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····e9]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[···109]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[···109]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···12a]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···12a]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···162]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···162]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···189]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···189]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········492 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········492800·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x78 | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x78500: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c00·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c00·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00046c08·000c04·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00046c08·000c04·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00046c0c·000c04·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00046c0c·000c04·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00046cfc·000c04·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00046cfc·000c04·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00047000·000c04·000ff8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00047000·000c04·000ff8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00048000·000c04·000680·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00048000·000c04·000680·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02cba | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02cba4·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02cdd4·000469·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02cdd4·000469·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02d240·01621d·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02d240·01621d·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·043460·0005a4·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·043460·0005a4·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·043a04·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·043a04·0001c5·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·043bc | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·043bcc·02567d·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06924 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06924c·006a49·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06fc9 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06fc95·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06fce | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06fce4·0032d0·10·····34·622··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·072fb | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·072fb4·0053e4·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·07839 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·078398·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·b79948353f88621dd7836aa4958bb0200ec3bfdf |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4f):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x63):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x63):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa0):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa0):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x131):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x131):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x158):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x158):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x178):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x178):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x185):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x185):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·66,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·66,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3d):·clusteringspeed.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3d):·clusteringspeed.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c4):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c4):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b1):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b1):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bf):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bf):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e0):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e0):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ed):·longintrepr.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ed):·longintrepr.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·163·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·163·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x4f):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xb35d | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xb35d |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 79 lines modified | Offset 1, 77 lines modified | ||
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Max diff block lines reached; 63/1653 bytes (3.81%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/segment/ |
3 | ··[····4f]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····63]··dipy/segment/ | 4 | ··[····63]··dipy/segment/ |
5 | ··[····a0]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a0]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····d8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····d8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····f9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····f9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···131]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···131]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···158]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···158]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00042cfc·000bfc·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00042cfc·000bfc·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00043000·000bfc·000bf8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00043000·000bfc·000bf8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00043c00·000bfc·0005b0·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00043c00·000bfc·0005b0·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008a·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008a·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·02b44e·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·02b44e·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b674·000463·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b674·000463·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02bad8·014e | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02bad8·014e2f·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·040908·000472·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·040908·000472·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·040d7c·0001c7·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·040d7c·0001c7·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040f44·026314·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040f44·026314·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·067258·0068ac·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·067258·0068ac·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06db04·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06db04·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06db54·002e90·10·····34·554··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06db54·002e90·10·····34·554··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0709e4·0046e1·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0709e4·0046e1·00······0···0··1 |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·8105cb56a708d055ab8b801e9dec0749cd852e1b |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x69):·dipy/denoise/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x69):·dipy/denoise/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa9):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa9):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc1):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc1):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe1):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe1):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x102):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x102):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x161):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x161):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x181):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x181):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·67,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·67,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40):·enhancement_kernel.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40):·enhancement_kernel.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cd):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cd):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1af):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1af):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c8):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c8):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e9):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e9):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f6):·stdio2.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f6):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·155·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·155·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/denoise/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x55):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xaf8d | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xaf8d |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 82 lines modified | Offset 1, 84 lines modified | ||
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Max diff block lines reached; 89/1711 bytes (5.20%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/denoise/ |
3 | ··[····55]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····69]··dipy/denoise/ | 4 | ··[····69]··dipy/denoise/ |
5 | ··[····a9]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a9]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····c1]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····c1]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····e1]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····e1]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···102]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···102]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···13a]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···13a]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···161]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···161]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·1 | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·1b259bf3d3c8ef7cc9a8f81fbeffe04f16f7f9e5 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/denoise/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/denoise/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8b):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8b):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe4):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe4):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11c):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11c):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x143):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x143):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x978d | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x978d |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ |
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/denoise/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/denoise/ |
5 | ··[····8b]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8b]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e4]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e4]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11c]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···11c]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·a6abe3b28bfec7b1c40f589884b49696492c5010 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·9,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·9,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x35):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x35):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x49):·dipy/utils/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x49):·dipy/utils/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x78):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x78):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb0):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb0):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd7):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd7):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x118):·/usr/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x118):·/usr/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·29·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·29·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/utils/ | 12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/utils/ |
13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x35):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x35):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x1ca7 | 14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x1ca7 |
15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·45·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·45·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | Wd$>=SJ! | 2 | Wd$>=SJ! |
3 | me8h[C{! | 3 | me8h[C{! |
4 | #c» 9X"oId | 4 | #c» 9X"oId |
5 | C4'_pH-V | 5 | C4'_pH-V |
6 | o'o]@,Qoy | 6 | o'o]@,Qoy |
7 | omqq]ctaES | 7 | omqq]ctaES |
8 | 8A))tpvH+a | 8 | 8A))tpvH+a |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/utils/ | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/utils/ |
3 | ··[····35]··./.mesonpy- | 3 | ··[····35]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
4 | ··[····49]··dipy/utils/ | 4 | ··[····49]··dipy/utils/ |
5 | ··[····78]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····78]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····b0]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 7 | ··[····b0]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
8 | ··[····d7]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 8 | ··[····d7]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
9 | ··[····f8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 9 | ··[····f8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
10 | ··[···118]··/usr/include | 10 | ··[···118]··/usr/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 25, 17 lines modified | Offset 25, 17 lines modified | ||
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0004dcd0·000bd0·000330·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0004dcd0·000bd0·000330·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0004e000·000bd0·001418·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0004e000·000bd0·001418·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0004f420·000bd0·000748·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0004f420·000bd0·000748·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000ac·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000ac·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000244·0318ad·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000244·0318ad·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·031af4·0004a7·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·031af4·0004a7·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·031f9c·0174e | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·031f9c·0174ee·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04948c·0007ed·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04948c·0007ed·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·049c7c·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·049c7c·0001ca·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·049e48·027c6e·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·049e48·027c6e·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·071ab8·006d15·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·071ab8·006d15·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0787cd·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0787cd·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·07881c·003910·10·····34·711··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·07881c·003910·10·····34·711··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·07c12c·006499·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·07c12c·006499·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0825c5·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0825c5·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·faaac764ff1dd7735b4f9b4ba65ec72623f9b678 |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x56):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6a):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6a):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xab):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xab):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x104):·dipy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x104):·dipy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x109):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x109):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x130):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x130):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x150):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x150):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15d):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15d):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17e):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17e):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·68,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·68,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·stopping_criterion.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·stopping_criterion.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3b2):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3b2):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cf):·floatobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cf):·floatobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1dd):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1dd):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f0):·dictobject.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f0):·dictobject.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fd):·stdio2.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fd):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·158·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·158·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x56):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xc67d | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xc67d |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 87 lines modified | Offset 1, 70 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | xGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
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Max diff block lines reached; 62/1654 bytes (3.75%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/tracking/ |
3 | ··[····56]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····6a]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····6a]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····ab]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····ab]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····e3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····e3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···104]··dipy | 8 | ··[···104]··dipy |
9 | ··[···109]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···109]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···130]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···130]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·fc1f0033c1fcaf79b2f6de50cba7d42689e933ac |
Offset 25, 31 lines modified | Offset 25, 31 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x44):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x100):·dipy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x100):·dipy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x105):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x105):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x194):·/usr/include | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x194):·/usr/include |
42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a1):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a1):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·64,·columns·2): | 43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·64,·columns·2): |
44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x38):·distances.c |
46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x38):·distances.c |
47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x227):·object.h | 47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x227):·object.h |
48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c2):·abstract.h | 48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c2):·abstract.h |
49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·tupleobject.h | 49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·tupleobject.h |
50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1db):·listobject.h | 50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1db):·listobject.h |
51 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·dictobject.h | 51 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·dictobject.h |
52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f5):·longintrepr.h | 52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f5):·longintrepr.h |
53 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x203):·floatobject.h | 53 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x203):·floatobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x44):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x10706 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x10706 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 100 lines modified | Offset 1, 82 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | 8L» nb5)$; | ||
3 | 6<>%QS-F | ||
4 | 2 | ulFPUgpM | |
3 | 1sHdoPqx[B | ||
4 | ·q_oSeEV9 | ||
5 | U"fE'2Qj | ||
5 | F1[~Fk~8 | 6 | F1[~Fk~8 |
6 | d)gtw&"8 | 7 | d)gtw&"8 |
7 | %N!btuy-q | 8 | %N!btuy-q |
9 | ·» tp"7%r | ||
10 | M» Q~ihuD;w | ||
11 | y:O*3]{(e&9 | ||
12 | ·}9+~#Z~ | ||
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Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/tracking/ |
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5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
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7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
8 | ··[···100]··dipy | 8 | ··[···100]··dipy |
9 | ··[···105]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 9 | ··[···105]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
10 | ··[···126]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···126]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
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Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0006fc10·000c0c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0006fc10·000c0c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0006fc14·000c0c·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0006fc14·000c0c·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0006fd0c·000c0c·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0006fd0c·000c0c·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00070000·000c0c·000b78·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00070000·000c0c·000b78·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00070b80·000c0c·000680·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00070b80·000c0c·000680·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·03a17 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·03a17a·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·03a3ac·000435·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·03a3ac·000435·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·03a7e4·01e6b | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·03a7e4·01e6b2·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·058e98·000556·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·058e98·000556·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·0593f0·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·0593f0·0001c4·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0595b4·043742·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0595b4·043742·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·09ccf8·009c92·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·09ccf8·009c92·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0a698a·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0a698a·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0a69d8·003550·10·····34·666··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0a69d8·003550·10·····34·666··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0a9f28·0050b9·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0a9f28·0050b9·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0aefe1·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0aefe1·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·3ee47033bda65959e7b1b2a21d1c352f517eda5a |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x123):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x123):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14a):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14a):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16a):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16a):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x177):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x177):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·66,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·66,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x36):·parzenhist.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x36):·parzenhist.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c1):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c1):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x198):·floatobject.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x198):·floatobject.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·abstract.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·abstract.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b1):·tupleobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b1):·tupleobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bf):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bf):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d2):·__multiarray_api.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d2):·__multiarray_api.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e5):·unicodeobject.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e5):·unicodeobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·146·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·146·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xfa43 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xfa43 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
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70 | e|0-5,cTVS | ||
71 | iFG]Vfc% | ||
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73 | ·}`o·.9C | ||
74 | ~P-`kT+K | ||
75 | dP5PDkhL | ||
76 | O~PM~M;TG | ||
77 | Wf4-PxLE | ||
78 | VSMDM5Q6 | ||
79 | "y» }[G[e | ||
80 | IWj-PQ!n' | ||
81 | -,"UK!++ | ||
82 | X_n^E{aL | ||
83 | 32 | g.k}sY?s | |
33 | $c6oQ.%! | ||
34 | Y4W"C]zV | ||
35 | lVT862eX] | ||
36 | @:yoozQc | ||
37 | ErT\#uYS<o | ||
38 | ,kF~A56A | ||
39 | FA%){Mz. | ||
40 | s~s@w1Y:9 | ||
41 | E\$UwYp2 | ||
42 | Meix20iov | ||
43 | Kzjg$c=· | ||
44 | Ci9YQ<r#j, | ||
45 | 95As&&hjZ | ||
46 | ,gS>+GeL | ||
47 | 2s'^bj&HL | ||
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51 | i1n`/2n3 | ||
52 | =0-(?(VBv | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 64/1827 bytes (3.50%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····43]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····57]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····57]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e6]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e6]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11e]··dipy | 9 | ··[···11e]··dipy |
10 | ··[···123]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···123]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········6215 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········62156·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0xf2c | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0xf2cc: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·0006e0·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·0006e0·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0000cd48·000d44·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0000cd48·000d44·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0000cd4c·000d44·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0000cd4c·000d44·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0000ce44·000d44·0001bc·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0000ce44·000d44·0001bc·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0000d000·000d44·00035c·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0000d000·000d44·00035c·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0000d360·000d44·000110·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0000d360·000d44·000110·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00006f·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00006f·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000208·005d | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000208·005dce·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·005fd8·000382·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·005fd8·000382·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·00635c·002aa1·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·00635c·002aa1·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·008e00·000106·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·008e00·000106·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·008f08·00019 | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·008f08·00019d·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0090a | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0090a8·00316b·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·00c21 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·00c214·000a90·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·00cca | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·00cca4·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·00ccf | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·00ccf4·000ec0·10·····34·127··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·00dbb | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·00dbb4·0015ad·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·00f1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·00f161·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·4 | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·45136908080762cd6d4c996cfadf705cd640f1a9 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/utils/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/utils/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xec):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xec):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10d):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12d):·/usr/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12d):·/usr/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15b):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15b):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·57,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·57,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x36):·fast_numpy.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x36):·fast_numpy.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x24f):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x24f):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x193):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x193):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19e):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19e):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ac):·dictobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ac):·dictobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b9):·unicodeobject.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b9):·unicodeobject.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c9):·listobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c9):·listobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·floatobject.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·floatobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·117·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·117·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/utils/ |
13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x11e9 | 14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x11e9 |
15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·12 | 18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·12 |
19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) | 19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) |
20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x63a3)· | 20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x63a3)· |
Offset 1, 14 lines modified | Offset 1, 16 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | 2 | 9M^dba~7C | |
3 | 'uAUa1+, | 3 | 'uAUa1+, |
4 | Eo<uX{os | ||
5 | sZ=_ri$3i | ||
6 | K,Ov~DuR | ||
7 | 4 | /--sG» 7' | |
5 | gpkV~Nu? | ||
6 | A;&5Zl.N | ||
7 | r;XJrQrJV | ||
8 | MnuLnu·cf | ||
9 | zr9]g]6'e] | ||
8 | /b|&P?·; | 10 | /b|&P?·; |
9 | G&b&i/NB/ | 11 | G&b&i/NB/ |
10 | U&\N}U``P` | 12 | U&\N}U``P` |
11 | /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/i386-linux-gnu/python3-dipy-lib.debug | 13 | /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/i386-linux-gnu/python3-dipy-lib.debug |
12 | fast_numpy.c | 14 | fast_numpy.c |
13 | __pyx_f_4dipy_5utils_10fast_numpy_where_to_insert | 15 | __pyx_f_4dipy_5utils_10fast_numpy_where_to_insert |
14 | __pyx_f_4dipy_5utils_10fast_numpy_cumsum | 16 | __pyx_f_4dipy_5utils_10fast_numpy_cumsum |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/utils/ |
3 | ··[····43]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····57]··dipy/utils/ | 4 | ··[····57]··dipy/utils/ |
5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
8 | ··[····ec]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 8 | ··[····ec]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
9 | ··[···10d]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 9 | ··[···10d]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
10 | ··[···12d]··/usr/include | 10 | ··[···12d]··/usr/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·6f0ddd9621eac754d30c67465402800b428d5727 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x142):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x142):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·157·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·157·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/align/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x16bf3 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x16bf3 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | W'GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | ~·bPne1Bv!U | 2 | ~·bPne1Bv!U |
3 | .4O8u(LT | 3 | .4O8u(LT |
4 | oksucKTQ | 4 | oksucKTQ |
5 | b!W_bK_L | 5 | b!W_bK_L |
6 | ,J,C%>O0- | 6 | ,J,C%>O0- |
7 | vZb#@wB(Y | 7 | vZb#@wB(Y |
8 | c&99;o@` | 8 | c&99;o@` |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/align/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/align/ |
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···11b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········40626 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········406260·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x632f | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x632f4: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b80·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b80·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 27, 19 lines modified | Offset 27, 19 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003bae0·000c1c·000560·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003bae0·000c1c·000560·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000093·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000093·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·023f02·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·023f02·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·024130·00040c·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·024130·00040c·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02453c·011ce7·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02453c·011ce7·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·036224·0002fd·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·036224·0002fd·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·036524·0001b | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·036524·0001bc·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0366e | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0366e0·020e14·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0574f | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0574f4·0054cf·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05c9c | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05c9c3·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05ca1 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05ca14·002b70·10·····34·512··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05f58 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05f584·003c05·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·06318 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·063189·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·046bbbdad2a7ece3b6c52be0ceef0fe4e5d3eda6 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5f):·dipy/denoise/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5f):·dipy/denoise/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x9a):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x9a):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x152):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x152):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8f74 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8f74 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ |
4 | ··[····5f]··dipy/denoise/ | 4 | ··[····5f]··dipy/denoise/ |
5 | ··[····9a]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····9a]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····b2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····b2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····d2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····d2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····f3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····f3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···12b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···12b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········52825 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········528256·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x80f | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x80f80: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b50·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b50·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00051c34·000c30·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00051c34·000c30·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00051c38·000c30·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00051c38·000c30·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00051d28·000c30·0002d8·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00051d28·000c30·0002d8·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00052000·000c30·001538·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00052000·000c30·001538·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00053540·000c30·0006d4·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00053540·000c30·0006d4·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000097·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·03469 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·034699·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0348c | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0348cc·0003fe·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·034cc | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·034ccc·01705f·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04bd2 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04bd2c·00063f·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·04c36 | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·04c36c·0001bb·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·04c52 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·04c528·02445d·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·07098 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·070988·006ac9·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0774 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·077451·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0774 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0774a0·003410·10·····34·653··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·07a8 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·07a8b0·006567·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·080e1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·080e17·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·10707dc65117503bb216fce3bceb995d4dfb5da2 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x49):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x97):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x97):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xaf):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xaf):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcf):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcf):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14f):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14f):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16f):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16f):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17c):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x17c):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·65,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·65,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3a):·featurespeed.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3a):·featurespeed.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2bb):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2bb):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19d):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19d):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a8):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a8):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c4):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c4):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d7):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d7):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e4):·stdio2.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e4):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x49):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xe3d5 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xe3d5 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 87 lines modified | Offset 1, 65 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
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61 | -R'5aXNN}) | ||
62 | AvMu,·{F | ||
63 | ARZ|Y6U') | ||
64 | Y),y,+$,Y | ||
65 | V;cXrm'7X2 | ||
66 | ),y}oRXr | ||
67 | A',yiBz4e3 | ||
68 | x%G,))D} | ||
69 | tqh=G#P^ | ||
70 | km#-wi!»/R | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 77/1603 bytes (4.80%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/segment/ |
3 | ··[····49]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/segment/ | 4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/segment/ |
5 | ··[····97]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····97]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····af]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····af]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cf]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cf]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····f0]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····f0]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···128]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···128]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···14f]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···14f]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·8362d0c3fdfe6baee9bf09e9904c83c55a59a254 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/reconst/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/reconst/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xca):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xca):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xea):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xea):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10b):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10b):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x143):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x143):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x148):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x148):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7389 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7389 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | TGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | w=a2A!]iU | 2 | w=a2A!]iU |
3 | qG7XvKu? | 3 | qG7XvKu? |
4 | Kc<"Fz4XNv | 4 | Kc<"Fz4XNv |
5 | 2Ct;FeVWv | 5 | 2Ct;FeVWv |
6 | Hsz2/.>M | 6 | Hsz2/.>M |
7 | M4}3jz[k | 7 | M4}3jz[k |
8 | *'{x~|iA | 8 | *'{x~|iA |
Offset 36, 14 lines modified | Offset 36, 16 lines modified | ||
36 | MQsCxi@=$ | 36 | MQsCxi@=$ |
37 | zY*;=M» M | 37 | zY*;=M» M |
38 | f%[Xdkai | 38 | f%[Xdkai |
39 | ND5Zwe\| | 39 | ND5Zwe\| |
40 | "DoLiDnl | 40 | "DoLiDnl |
41 | :vl{g-YnO` | 41 | :vl{g-YnO` |
42 | Oz{V])s`L | 42 | Oz{V])s`L |
43 | `xIJWlFE | ||
44 | lyt;» ~a3 | ||
43 | w0U0t-b7 | 45 | w0U0t-b7 |
44 | <K4)D~\* | 46 | <K4)D~\* |
45 | b1sYLQJF | 47 | b1sYLQJF |
46 | "fD>\Gk"{GFD | 48 | "fD>\Gk"{GFD |
47 | Tltv;qrw; | 49 | Tltv;qrw; |
48 | D,CMtfRe | 50 | D,CMtfRe |
49 | 3>N@jSg_ | 51 | 3>N@jSg_ |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ |
4 | ··[····6f]··dipy/reconst/ | 4 | ··[····6f]··dipy/reconst/ |
5 | ··[····b2]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····b2]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ca]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ca]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····ea]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····ea]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···10b]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···10b]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···143]··dipy | 9 | ··[···143]··dipy |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 27, 15 lines modified | Offset 27, 15 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00036a60·000c04·0004cc·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00036a60·000c04·0004cc·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000091·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000091·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·022019·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·022019·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·022248·0003f3·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·022248·0003f3·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02263c·0106ce·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02263c·0106ce·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·032d0c·0001ce·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·032d0c·0001ce·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·032edc·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·032edc·0001c1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0330a0·01cce3·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0330a0·01cce3·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·04fd84·004e3f·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·04fd84·004e3f·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·054bc3·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·054bc3·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·054c14·002a20·10·····34·485··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·054c14·002a20·10·····34·485··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·057634·003af2·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·057634·003af2·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05b126·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05b126·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·864c3cd12f191dc4b6c8606b982d6d1efd917765 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x73):·dipy/denoise/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x73):·dipy/denoise/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd0):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd0):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x111):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x111):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x149):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x149):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x170):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x170):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·136·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·136·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/denoise/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8276 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8276 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | weGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | Z)Lbk}4Fd | 2 | Z)Lbk}4Fd |
3 | i5:g-1+&52V | 3 | i5:g-1+&52V |
4 | \O)wV·g9· | 4 | \O)wV·g9· |
5 | 8JDFQD|:tw | 5 | 8JDFQD|:tw |
6 | y775*_s?M | 6 | y775*_s?M |
7 | >Z/*?[~J | 7 | >Z/*?[~J |
8 | ;Fzw*/0J | 8 | ;Fzw*/0J |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/denoise/ |
4 | ··[····73]··dipy/denoise/ | 4 | ··[····73]··dipy/denoise/ |
5 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····d0]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····d0]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····f0]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····f0]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···111]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···111]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···149]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···149]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 27, 15 lines modified | Offset 27, 15 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00052e80·000be4·0006b8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00052e80·000be4·0006b8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·033959·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·033959·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·033b8c·000414·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·033b8c·000414·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·033fa0·018b85·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·033fa0·018b85·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04cb28·00061e·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04cb28·00061e·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·04d148·0001e | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·04d148·0001e1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·04d32c·033946·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·04d32c·033946·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·080c74·0082dd·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·080c74·0082dd·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·088f51·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·088f51·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·088fa0·003600·10·····34·667··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·088fa0·003600·10·····34·667··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·08c5a0·004b43·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·08c5a0·004b43·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0910e3·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0910e3·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·fceb28802ff372547cc04539cc7684a3881b3b21 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/reconst/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/reconst/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8b):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8b):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa3):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc3):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe4):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe4):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11c):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11c):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·146·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·146·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xd8a3 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xd8a3 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | ;!GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | _>No5J?t | 2 | _>No5J?t |
3 | 0cNq@7mh | 3 | 0cNq@7mh |
4 | ]Z» ]u]Z» | 4 | ]Z» ]u]Z» |
5 | hb%K%E\J$_e; | 5 | hb%K%E\J$_e; |
6 | xz#[OfUG | 6 | xz#[OfUG |
7 | BY6+J:M[ | 7 | BY6+J:M[ |
8 | 6ea*3\Mj | 8 | 6ea*3\Mj |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ |
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/reconst/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/reconst/ |
5 | ··[····8b]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8b]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a3]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c3]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e4]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e4]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11c]··dipy | 9 | ··[···11c]··dipy |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·da3e09e49a33e1b48c78b734fa7e006ef6c3b8e5 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·116·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·116·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/segment/ | 12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x6080 | 14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x6080 |
15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/segment/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/segment/ |
4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/segment/ | 4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/segment/ |
5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 25, 17 lines modified | Offset 25, 17 lines modified | ||
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0003cd30·000c38·0002d0·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0003cd30·000c38·0002d0·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0003d000·000c38·000b98·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0003d000·000c38·000b98·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003dba0·000c38·000574·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003dba0·000c38·000574·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·02734d·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·02734d·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·027574·0003c9·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·027574·0003c9·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·027940·01307 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·027940·013073·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03a9b4·000298·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03a9b4·000298·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03ac4c·0001a | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03ac4c·0001ac·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·03adf8·020b88·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·03adf8·020b88·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·05b980·006443·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·05b980·006443·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·061dc3·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·061dc3·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·061e14·002b20·10·····34·512··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·061e14·002b20·10·····34·512··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·064934·004109·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·064934·004109·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·068a3d·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·068a3d·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·a1fc49040619d9ad4442d13d6c5a33e4a6ae1b51 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x53):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x67):·dipy/utils/tests/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x67):·dipy/utils/tests/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc0):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc0):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe0):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe0):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x101):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x101):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x148):·/usr/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x148):·/usr/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x155):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x155):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x176):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x176):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·62,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·62,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·test_fast_numpy.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·test_fast_numpy.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c1):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2c1):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ae):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ae):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b9):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b9):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c7):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c7):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f5):·stdio2.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f5):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·130·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·130·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/utils/tests/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x53):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa778 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa778 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | QGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | xnyb!cDK | 2 | xnyb!cDK |
3 | JGo]`_Tz{ | 3 | JGo]`_Tz{ |
4 | ,>zD>\Eb | 4 | ,>zD>\Eb |
5 | !@K<@{;:Z | 5 | !@K<@{;:Z |
6 | *j'P:0u!Q | 6 | *j'P:0u!Q |
7 | SLu&$0.N | 7 | SLu&$0.N |
8 | c6W2pIfs | 8 | c6W2pIfs |
Offset 27, 30 lines modified | Offset 27, 34 lines modified | ||
27 | %Q1[&ja( | 27 | %Q1[&ja( |
28 | h72K:tf1 | 28 | h72K:tf1 |
29 | U%x<}HyV? | 29 | U%x<}HyV? |
30 | L,>t\|)SG6C | 30 | L,>t\|)SG6C |
31 | >76z|&7V} | 31 | >76z|&7V} |
32 | 4%UoD1MM | 32 | 4%UoD1MM |
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35 | <0+(>(RCf | ||
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40 | %GoWbI5U | ||
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48 | z=|zYD!z | ||
49 | 38 | y6V2eS<+ | |
39 | 1vOON$Y% | ||
40 | BsT:gPF} | ||
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51 | !?8)aN3) | ||
52 | \>\ZgT(k | ||
53 | sWw+zDLY | ||
50 | dH;pQKb" | 54 | dH;pQKb" |
51 | Fhn[=n[=n{=n | 55 | Fhn[=n[=n{=n |
52 | (m{VLJg9 | 56 | (m{VLJg9 |
53 | 3FdX46+V | 57 | 3FdX46+V |
54 | 2GdJ);TQw | 58 | 2GdJ);TQw |
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56 | ^rZi~@i>)R | 60 | ^rZi~@i>)R |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/utils/tests/ |
3 | ··[····53]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····67]··dipy/utils/tests/ | 4 | ··[····67]··dipy/utils/tests/ |
5 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····c0]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····c0]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····e0]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····e0]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···101]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 8 | ··[···101]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
9 | ··[···128]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 9 | ··[···128]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
10 | ··[···148]··/usr/include | 10 | ··[···148]··/usr/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 27, 15 lines modified | Offset 27, 15 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00041bc0·000c10·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00041bc0·000c10·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008c·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·028d73·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000224·028d73·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·028f98·000470·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·028f98·000470·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·029408·013988·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·029408·013988·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03cd90·000362·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03cd90·000362·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03d0f4·0001d | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03d0f4·0001d1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·03d2c8·022f85·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·03d2c8·022f85·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·060250·006044·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·060250·006044·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·066294·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·066294·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0662e4·002ed0·10·····34·563··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0662e4·002ed0·10·····34·563··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0691b4·004676·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0691b4·004676·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·06d82a·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·06d82a·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·8af1708a8b572e6bc9f18cd9429d47cbb2033537 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/direction/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/direction/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb3):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb3):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcb):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcb):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xeb):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xeb):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10c):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10c):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x144):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x144):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16b):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16b):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·152·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·152·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/direction/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/direction/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa1bd | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa1bd |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | 57GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | lhwdM{·[ | 2 | lhwdM{·[ |
3 | xcTL%T?R | 3 | xcTL%T?R |
4 | » vGSa5F\= | 4 | » vGSa5F\= |
5 | c50^A*w`#g=( | 5 | c50^A*w`#g=( |
6 | M4D~+D~k | 6 | M4D~+D~k |
7 | rA;n(0N(PG) | 7 | rA;n(0N(PG) |
8 | `fn/g}HTk | 8 | `fn/g}HTk |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/direction/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/direction/ |
4 | ··[····6f]··dipy/direction/ | 4 | ··[····6f]··dipy/direction/ |
5 | ··[····b3]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····b3]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····cb]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····cb]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····eb]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····eb]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···10c]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···10c]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···144]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···144]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········473 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········473400·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x7393 | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x73938: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c00·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c00·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00044c08·000c04·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00044c08·000c04·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00044c0c·000c04·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00044c0c·000c04·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00044cfc·000c04·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00044cfc·000c04·000304·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00045000·000c04·000fd8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00045000·000c04·000fd8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00045fe0·000c04·000668·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00045fe0·000c04·000668·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000a1·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000a1·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00023c·02b20 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00023c·02b201·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02b440·000408·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02b84 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02b848·014dc4·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04060 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·04060c·0003c0·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·0409c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·0409cc·0001db·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040ba | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·040ba8·024272·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·064e1 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·064e1c·0064bf·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06b2d | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06b2db·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06b32 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06b32c·003140·10·····34·597··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·06e46 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·06e46c·005363·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0737c | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0737cf·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·71ce0b7e70f33177301dc850e1900787d30cb44a |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6d):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x81):·dipy/direction/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x81):·dipy/direction/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x106):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x106):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15f):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15f):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x186):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x186):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a6):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1cd):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1da):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1da):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·69,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·69,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4d):·closest_peak_direction_getter.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4d):·closest_peak_direction_getter.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40e):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40e):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fb):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fb):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x206):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x206):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x214):·floatobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x214):·floatobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x222):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x222):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x235):·classobject.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x235):·classobject.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x243):·dictobject.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x243):·dictobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/direction/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x6d):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xba85 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xba85 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 69 lines modified | Offset 1, 68 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | JGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
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Max diff block lines reached; 0/1427 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/direction/ |
3 | ··[····6d]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····81]··dipy/direction/ | 4 | ··[····81]··dipy/direction/ |
5 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····e6]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····e6]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[···106]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[···106]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···127]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···127]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···15f]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···15f]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···186]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···186]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·ac1d6015749bf8f8425274b2b0851a6bf1f6ef42 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/segment/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xdd10 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xdd10 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | BGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | c?(alA» + | 2 | c?(alA» + |
3 | _(z))BFk | 3 | _(z))BFk |
4 | Pv8}V6DZ | 4 | Pv8}V6DZ |
5 | » !!H·Xq+ | 5 | » !!H·Xq+ |
6 | 4;?E~a7;? | 6 | 4;?E~a7;? |
7 | 'qU4<t>G | 7 | 'qU4<t>G |
8 | W%djhS;dj | 8 | W%djhS;dj |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/segment/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/segment/ |
4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/segment/ | 4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/segment/ |
5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········4107 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········410752·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x644 | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x64480: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000bc0·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000bc0·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0003ec18·000c14·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0003ec18·000c14·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0003ec1c·000c14·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0003ec1c·000c14·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0003ed0c·000c14·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0003ed0c·000c14·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0003f000·000c14·000a38·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0003f000·000c14·000a38·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003fa40·000c14·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003fa40·000c14·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000085·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000085·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000220·02548 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000220·025489·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0256a | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·0256ac·0003fc·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·025aa | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·025aa8·01325a·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·038d0 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·038d04·0002f0·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·038ff | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·038ff4·0001c4·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0391b | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0391b8·01f1ad·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·05836 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·058368·0055a2·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05d90 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05d90a·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05d95 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05d958·002d60·10·····34·539··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0606b | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0606b8·003c5f·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·06431 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·064317·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·0ebb77256ee1c0ddf9c2166491ad54841314efb8 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x69):·dipy/denoise/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x69):·dipy/denoise/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa9):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa9):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc1):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc1):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe1):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe1):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x102):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x102):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13a):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x161):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x161):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x181):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x181):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·65,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·65,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40):·pca_noise_estimate.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x40):·pca_noise_estimate.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cd):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cd):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1af):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1af):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c8):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c8):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d6):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e9):·__multiarray_api.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e9):·__multiarray_api.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fc):·dictobject.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fc):·dictobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/denoise/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x55):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8ef5 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8ef5 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 64 lines modified | Offset 1, 67 lines modified | ||
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Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/denoise/ |
3 | ··[····55]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····69]··dipy/denoise/ | 4 | ··[····69]··dipy/denoise/ |
5 | ··[····a9]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a9]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····c1]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····c1]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····e1]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····e1]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[···102]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[···102]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···13a]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···13a]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···161]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···161]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········39293 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········392936·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x5fee | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x5fee8: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b70·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000b70·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00036c24·000c20·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00036c24·000c20·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00036c28·000c20·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00036c28·000c20·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00036d20·000c20·0002e0·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00036d20·000c20·0002e0·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00037000·000c20·000bf8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00037000·000c20·000bf8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00037c00·000c20·00052c·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00037c00·000c20·00052c·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000094·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000094·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·02402 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·02402d·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02425 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02425c·000429·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02468 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·024688·01142e·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·035ab | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·035ab8·0001b4·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035c6 | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035c6c·0001e0·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035e4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035e4c·01df41·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·053d | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·053d90·0051ad·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·058f3 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·058f3d·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·058f8 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·058f8c·002c50·10·····34·527··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05bbd | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05bbdc·0041a2·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05fd7 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·05fd7e·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·d3f9065be66ac226432a71d4fdaaa78bbf8a9083 |
Offset 25, 31 lines modified | Offset 25, 31 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x52):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x66):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x66):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xbd):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xbd):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xdd):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xdd):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfe):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfe):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x136):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x136):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x13b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x162):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x162):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x182):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x182):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a9):·/usr/include | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a9):·/usr/include |
42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b6):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·69,·columns·2): | 43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·69,·columns·2): |
44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3f):·direction_getter.c |
46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x3f):·direction_getter.c |
47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x30e):·object.h | 47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x30e):·object.h |
48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d7):·abstract.h | 48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d7):·abstract.h |
49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e2):·tupleobject.h | 49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e2):·tupleobject.h |
50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f0):·floatobject.h | 50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f0):·floatobject.h |
51 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fe):·string_fortified.h | 51 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1fe):·string_fortified.h |
52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x211):·dictobject.h | 52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x211):·dictobject.h |
53 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x21e):·stdio2.h | 53 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x21e):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·143·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x52):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8c37 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8c37 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 62 lines modified | Offset 1, 66 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
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Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/tracking/ |
3 | ··[····52]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····66]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····66]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····bd]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····bd]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····dd]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····dd]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····fe]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····fe]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···136]··dipy | 9 | ··[···136]··dipy |
10 | ··[···13b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···13b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00031c40·000c3c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00031c40·000c3c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00031c44·000c3c·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00031c44·000c3c·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00031d34·000c3c·0002cc·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00031d34·000c3c·0002cc·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00032000·000c3c·000a38·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00032000·000c3c·000a38·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00032a40·000c3c·0004a0·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00032a40·000c3c·0004a0·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00007d·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00007d·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000218·01f1b | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000218·01f1bb·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·01f3d4·0003aa·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·01f3d4·0003aa·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·01f780·00f159·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·01f780·00f159·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·02e8dc·000115·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·02e8dc·000115·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·02e9f4·0001b | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·02e9f4·0001b6·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·02ebac·01950d·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·02ebac·01950d·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0480bc·00442f·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0480bc·00442f·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·04c4eb·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·04c4eb·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·04c53c·002760·10·····34·453··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·04c53c·002760·10·····34·453··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·04ec9c·0035eb·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·04ec9c·0035eb·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·052287·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·052287·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·801c5366c2dddabad8ec8c72384e1ba4b3f64cd7 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x47):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/reconst/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·dipy/reconst/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xac):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcc):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xed):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x125):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14c):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16c):·/usr/include | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x16c):·/usr/include |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x179):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x179):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·64,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·64,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x39):·vec_val_sum.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x39):·vec_val_sum.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2b8):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2b8):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19a):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19a):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a5):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a5):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b3):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b3):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d4):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d4):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e1):·stdio2.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e1):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·127·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·127·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<d>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<11>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<12>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/reconst/ |
13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<16>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x47):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x72e4 | 14 | ····<1a>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x72e4 |
15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1e>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<22>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><26>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<27>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<28>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<29>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | $xpK(Ph( | 2 | $xpK(Ph( |
3 | %C|.q9iO | ||
3 | Po::+3ja | ||
4 | ds>Q,:,L | ||
5 | ]v2Mvw#C& | 4 | ]v2Mvw#C& |
6 | Hz9RU:.9 | 5 | Hz9RU:.9 |
7 | yVZ,~*dR | 6 | yVZ,~*dR |
8 | Lc+(&3_M | 7 | Lc+(&3_M |
9 | TF9'R(EJ | 8 | TF9'R(EJ |
10 | lSZ2KKfi^R | 9 | lSZ2KKfi^R |
11 | zx8})aq3 | 10 | zx8})aq3 |
Offset 27, 24 lines modified | Offset 26, 36 lines modified | ||
27 | gevkpvk8g | 26 | gevkpvk8g |
28 | TfH~YuX7[ | 27 | TfH~YuX7[ |
29 | 9zi(gk9Iy | 28 | 9zi(gk9Iy |
30 | -^p[/jy5 | 29 | -^p[/jy5 |
31 | )_>'.T65 | 30 | )_>'.T65 |
32 | }_S6v@==So | 31 | }_S6v@==So |
33 | h},Z1V:)] | 32 | h},Z1V:)] |
34 | [s3oWC3Y@)~ | ||
35 | o{1k\=?uR | ||
36 | WUZUHe'5 | ||
37 | 'yO]u"'y | ||
38 | ONa|7HFX | ||
39 | oH#9m=f`& | ||
40 | c:9.7W9G= | ||
41 | ·r1"<Wkr | ||
42 | SN\DW-hE | ||
43 | 33 | .%;P;D~+U=y | |
34 | i/`{V(rx | ||
35 | Yo%{"6WZ^" | ||
36 | wV%{AoRy | ||
37 | )$n<r]Lo | ||
38 | Ldv}0lg" | ||
39 | ;tth\e\th | ||
40 | L/kp\v0` | ||
41 | _~kzDz*1 | ||
42 | !X+I<rbzH | ||
43 | I"#`#V:+ | ||
44 | I7I/42IU9OR | ||
45 | beJ5@$FF | ||
46 | 9%cy:%+r | ||
47 | l&,Og55b | ||
48 | wa&·Or+Q' | ||
49 | {<A)9$I;d | ||
50 | K$.PR&`q | ||
51 | z9KOi4K; | ||
52 | DzFyQ:Po | ||
53 | yfWgLD$g | ||
54 | _d^,5]&5e | ||
44 | WdnxS)x/&/% | 55 | WdnxS)x/&/% |
45 | h9rhxZX' | 56 | h9rhxZX' |
46 | )KEB?*U% | 57 | )KEB?*U% |
47 | &b/}<}|/ | 58 | &b/}<}|/ |
48 | =^w3/ocu | 59 | =^w3/ocu |
49 | L-2C7"29 | 60 | L-2C7"29 |
50 | +·ghx&VQ | 61 | +·ghx&VQ |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/reconst/ |
3 | ··[····47]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/reconst/ | 4 | ··[····5b]··dipy/reconst/ |
5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ac]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cc]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ed]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···125]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···14c]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···14c]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·5c761681b9a29e4e13a5fa9fea4ec6ad0840976b |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x57):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8d):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa5):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc5):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe6):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11e):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x123):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x123):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·139·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x43):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8e0a | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8e0a |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | kGCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | ]guEx,zbk!j( | 2 | ]guEx,zbk!j( |
3 | XVUzQ+N/ | 3 | XVUzQ+N/ |
4 | nlAzI@>D | 4 | nlAzI@>D |
5 | OK~TYUv$Q | 5 | OK~TYUv$Q |
6 | .+·zY7Q5 | 6 | .+·zY7Q5 |
7 | yL·C>CFJ | 7 | yL·C>CFJ |
8 | » z)B^t62e | 8 | » z)B^t62e |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····43]··./.mesonpy- | 3 | ··[····43]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
4 | ··[····57]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····57]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8d]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a5]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c5]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e6]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e6]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11e]··dipy | 9 | ··[···11e]··dipy |
10 | ··[···123]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···123]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·1f8a8286ea8f464d8a8b0dcd9c9a5c94e3873ff6 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x142):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x142):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8819 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8819 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | rI%"iotY | 2 | rI%"iotY |
3 | p`CzKqJd_At" | 3 | p`CzKqJd_At" |
4 | m.FxX8^T | 4 | m.FxX8^T |
5 | H}[#t#y7N | 5 | H}[#t#y7N |
6 | &&(,2}oD- | 6 | &&(,2}oD- |
7 | k@_!9» Q< | 7 | k@_!9» Q< |
8 | &s» d5FVc | 8 | &s» d5FVc |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····41]··./.mesonpy- | 3 | ··[····41]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···11b]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
10 | ··[···142]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 10 | ··[···142]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·315560252e39eae529c235e81adde3df7e59b203 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5a):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5a):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x93):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x93):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xab):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xab):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcb):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcb):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xec):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xec):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x124):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x124):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14b):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14b):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8ea8 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x8ea8 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | *·HW@ZBQ | 2 | *·HW@ZBQ |
3 | Mkc:ACiN | 3 | Mkc:ACiN |
4 | _aHA&w\_ | 4 | _aHA&w\_ |
5 | N+6*a·j! | 5 | N+6*a·j! |
6 | j*ID/DJT | 6 | j*ID/DJT |
7 | zb&Wd8%G | 7 | zb&Wd8%G |
8 | a\y.·[gB | 8 | a\y.·[gB |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ |
4 | ··[····5a]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····5a]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····93]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····93]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ab]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ab]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cb]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cb]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ec]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ec]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···124]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···124]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·edd27ea51f7703f0132b499638162cde8b2d94eb |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4d):·dipy/direction/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4d):·dipy/direction/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x80):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x80):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x98):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x98):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x111):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x111):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x138):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x138):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/direction/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/direction/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa6d9 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa6d9 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 44, 14 lines modified | Offset 44, 15 lines modified | ||
44 | aBu}3A,v» x | 44 | aBu}3A,v» x |
45 | OAdi.*J< | 45 | OAdi.*J< |
46 | ~g{Fz@S, | 46 | ~g{Fz@S, |
47 | l6\T$5\$ | 47 | l6\T$5\$ |
48 | fKJC{<T!Qv | 48 | fKJC{<T!Qv |
49 | LD~PQ'9} | 49 | LD~PQ'9} |
50 | &`jz<`z/ | 50 | &`jz<`z/ |
51 | IbX83A"f | ||
51 | <%]~Q$v4 | 52 | <%]~Q$v4 |
52 | i&onM?m> | 53 | i&onM?m> |
53 | 5^,aem1: | 54 | 5^,aem1: |
54 | x_XTIocV | 55 | x_XTIocV |
55 | kBxz8Ayc | 56 | kBxz8Ayc |
56 | E;v/D+O, | 57 | E;v/D+O, |
57 | /sF9:-rt | 58 | /sF9:-rt |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/direction/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/direction/ |
4 | ··[····4d]··dipy/direction/ | 4 | ··[····4d]··dipy/direction/ |
5 | ··[····80]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····80]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····98]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····98]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····b8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····d9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····d9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···111]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···111]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········5186 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········518648·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x7e9f | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x7e9f8: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c30·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c30·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 27, 19 lines modified | Offset 27, 19 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0004cd00·000bf0·00066c·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0004cd00·000bf0·00066c·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008f·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·00008f·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000228·02dcfd·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000228·02dcfd·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02df28·00047a·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02df28·00047a·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02e3a4·0170d9·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02e3a4·0170d9·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·045480·00050f·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·045480·00050f·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·045990·0001b | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·045990·0001b4·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·045b4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·045b44·02a253·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06fd9 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·06fd98·0070e7·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·076e | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·076e7f·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·076ed | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·076ed0·003110·10·····34·591··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·079fe | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·079fe0·0048af·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·07e8 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·07e88f·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·50c8225d44f430f416d6e03775c315dafcb826be |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5c):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5c):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x96):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x96):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xae):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xae):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xef):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xef):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14e):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14e):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xbcaf | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xbcaf |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | )ee*!kGY | 2 | )ee*!kGY |
3 | Yn?]J7>a | 3 | Yn?]J7>a |
4 | Rz7;^|"2 | 4 | Rz7;^|"2 |
5 | Fb/tw/SO | 5 | Fb/tw/SO |
6 | #iAP(AJt$ | 6 | #iAP(AJt$ |
7 | ?voggvfvvvo | 7 | ?voggvfvvvo |
8 | ~6M9mj:9m | 8 | ~6M9mj:9m |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ |
4 | ··[····5c]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····5c]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····96]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····96]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ae]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ae]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ef]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ef]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···127]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···127]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·2c7bf19a63fef9072dc6fb9f54efbe57466906e6 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7bb5 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7bb5 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 43, 14 lines modified | Offset 43, 15 lines modified | ||
43 | YKZ#Ldk| | 43 | YKZ#Ldk| |
44 | Z\%hqAXp | 44 | Z\%hqAXp |
45 | bv/nu:/.5 | 45 | bv/nu:/.5 |
46 | rBx)-51' | 46 | rBx)-51' |
47 | JL8ByKtI | 47 | JL8ByKtI |
48 | u» mt!.<[ | 48 | u» mt!.<[ |
49 | H2{O/kTV | 49 | H2{O/kTV |
50 | )RAxN{wp | ||
50 | 33ff·\\bq» | 51 | 33ff·\\bq» |
51 | hs"eB;*U% | 52 | hs"eB;*U% |
52 | hXBvQBj3P. | 53 | hXBvQBj3P. |
53 | {F{FU88j | 54 | {F{FU88j |
54 | y0|!\lA] | 55 | y0|!\lA] |
55 | N(+4nJ^v' | 56 | N(+4nJ^v' |
56 | uA`md» mZ | 57 | uA`md» mZ |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ |
4 | ··[····58]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····58]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···121]··dipy | 9 | ··[···121]··dipy |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00226bcc·000bc8·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00226bcc·000bc8·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00226bd0·000bc8·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00226bd0·000bc8·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00226cc8·000bc8·000338·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00226cc8·000bc8·000338·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00227000·000bc8·001518·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00227000·000bc8·001518·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00228520·000bc8·0009bc·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00228520·000bc8·0009bc·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000c5·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·0000c5·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000260·11237 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000260·112376·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·1125d8·0004ba·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·1125d8·0004ba·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·112a94·06ee86·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·112a94·06ee86·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·18191c·00525b·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·18191c·00525b·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·186b78·0001d | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·186b78·0001da·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·186d54·19e1dc·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·186d54·19e1dc·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·324f30·027245·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·324f30·027245·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·34c178·008440·10·····33·1912··4 | 37 | ··[32]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·34c178·008440·10·····33·1912··4 |
38 | ··[33]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·3545b8·00cef1·00······0···0··1 | 38 | ··[33]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·3545b8·00cef1·00······0···0··1 |
39 | ··[34]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·3614a9·000156·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·3614a9·000156·00······0···0··1 |
40 | Key·to·Flags: | 40 | Key·to·Flags: |
41 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 41 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·c | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·6a1c78b7a1c8ef01863d4723708c22f74db0619b |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x49):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x96):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x96):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xae):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xae):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xce):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xef):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xef):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x127):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12c):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x12c):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x153):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x153):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x173):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x173):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x180):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x180):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·74,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·74,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x39):·vector_fields.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x39):·vector_fields.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x255):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x255):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a1):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a1):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ac):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ac):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·listobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ba):·listobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c7):·floatobject.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c7):·floatobject.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·string_fortified.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·string_fortified.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·__multiarray_api.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e8):·__multiarray_api.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·161·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·161·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(strp)·(offset:·0x86db):·GNU·C99·14.2.0·-mtune=generic·-march=i686·-g·-O2·-O2·-std=c99·-fvisibility=hidden·-fstack-protector-strong·-fPIC·-fopenmp·-fasynchronous-unwind-tables | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(strp)·(offset:·0x86db):·GNU·C99·14.2.0·-mtune=generic·-march=i686·-g·-O2·-O2·-std=c99·-fvisibility=hidden·-fstack-protector-strong·-fPIC·-fopenmp·-fasynchronous-unwind-tables |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x49):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x62e18 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x62e18 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(strp)·(offset:·0x1cd1):·double | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(strp)·(offset:·0x1cd1):·double |
Offset 1, 89 lines modified | Offset 1, 79 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
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Max diff block lines reached; 5351/6748 bytes (79.30%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 73, 39 lines modified | Offset 73, 39 lines modified | ||
73 | » ... | 73 | » ... |
74 | 0000d8de·<__pyx_pymod_exec_vector_fields>: | 74 | 0000d8de·<__pyx_pymod_exec_vector_fields>: |
75 | » ... | 75 | » ... |
76 | 0001d8e6·<__pyx_fuse_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_99simplify_warp_function_2d.cold>: | 76 | 0001d8e6·<__pyx_fuse_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_99simplify_warp_function_2d.cold>: |
77 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_98simplify_warp_function_2d(): | 77 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_98simplify_warp_function_2d(): |
78 | ./.mesonpy- | 78 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
79 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 79 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
80 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 80 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
81 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 81 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
82 | » ... | 82 | » ... |
83 | 0001d8ed·<__pyx_fuse_1__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_101simplify_warp_function_2d.cold>: | 83 | 0001d8ed·<__pyx_fuse_1__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_101simplify_warp_function_2d.cold>: |
84 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_100simplify_warp_function_2d(): | 84 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_100simplify_warp_function_2d(): |
85 | ./.mesonpy- | 85 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
86 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 86 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
87 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 87 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
88 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 88 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
89 | » ... | 89 | » ... |
90 | 0001d8f4·<__pyx_fuse_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_105simplify_warp_function_3d.cold>: | 90 | 0001d8f4·<__pyx_fuse_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_105simplify_warp_function_3d.cold>: |
91 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_104simplify_warp_function_3d(): | 91 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_104simplify_warp_function_3d(): |
92 | ./.mesonpy- | 92 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
93 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 93 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
94 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 94 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
95 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 95 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
96 | » ... | 96 | » ... |
97 | 0001d8fb·<__pyx_fuse_1__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_107simplify_warp_function_3d.cold>: | 97 | 0001d8fb·<__pyx_fuse_1__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_107simplify_warp_function_3d.cold>: |
98 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_106simplify_warp_function_3d(): | 98 | __pyx_pf_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_106simplify_warp_function_3d(): |
99 | ./.mesonpy- | 99 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
100 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 100 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
101 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 101 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
102 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 102 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
103 | » ... | 103 | » ... |
104 | 0001d902·<PyInit_vector_fields>: | 104 | 0001d902·<PyInit_vector_fields>: |
105 | » ... | 105 | » ... |
Offset 1545, 15 lines modified | Offset 1545, 15 lines modified | ||
1545 | » ... | 1545 | » ... |
1546 | 000999a0·<.L30959>: | 1546 | 000999a0·<.L30959>: |
1547 | » ... | 1547 | » ... |
1548 | 000999d0·<.L30988>: | 1548 | 000999d0·<.L30988>: |
1549 | __pyx_fuse_6_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_253warp_2d_nn(): | 1549 | __pyx_fuse_6_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_253warp_2d_nn(): |
1550 | ./.mesonpy- | 1550 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
1551 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 1551 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
1552 | » ... | 1552 | » ... |
1553 | 000999d3·<.L30990>: | 1553 | 000999d3·<.L30990>: |
1554 | » ... | 1554 | » ... |
1555 | 00099a00·<.L31316>: | 1555 | 00099a00·<.L31316>: |
Offset 1590, 15 lines modified | Offset 1590, 15 lines modified | ||
1590 | » ... | 1590 | » ... |
1591 | 0009d5a0·<.L31629>: | 1591 | 0009d5a0·<.L31629>: |
1592 | » ... | 1592 | » ... |
1593 | 0009d5d0·<.L31658>: | 1593 | 0009d5d0·<.L31658>: |
1594 | __pyx_fuse_5_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_249warp_2d_nn(): | 1594 | __pyx_fuse_5_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_249warp_2d_nn(): |
1595 | ./.mesonpy- | 1595 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
1596 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 1596 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
1597 | » ... | 1597 | » ... |
1598 | 0009d5d3·<.L31660>: | 1598 | 0009d5d3·<.L31660>: |
1599 | » ... | 1599 | » ... |
1600 | 0009d600·<.L31986>: | 1600 | 0009d600·<.L31986>: |
Offset 1635, 15 lines modified | Offset 1635, 15 lines modified | ||
1635 | » ... | 1635 | » ... |
1636 | 000a1180·<.L32299>: | 1636 | 000a1180·<.L32299>: |
1637 | » ... | 1637 | » ... |
1638 | 000a11b0·<.L32328>: | 1638 | 000a11b0·<.L32328>: |
1639 | __pyx_fuse_4_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_245warp_2d_nn(): | 1639 | __pyx_fuse_4_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_245warp_2d_nn(): |
1640 | ./.mesonpy- | 1640 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
1641 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 1641 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
1642 | » ... | 1642 | » ... |
1643 | 000a11b3·<.L32330>: | 1643 | 000a11b3·<.L32330>: |
1644 | » ... | 1644 | » ... |
1645 | 000a11e0·<.L32656>: | 1645 | 000a11e0·<.L32656>: |
Offset 1680, 15 lines modified | Offset 1680, 15 lines modified | ||
1680 | » ... | 1680 | » ... |
1681 | 000a4d70·<.L32969>: | 1681 | 000a4d70·<.L32969>: |
1682 | » ... | 1682 | » ... |
1683 | 000a4da0·<.L32998>: | 1683 | 000a4da0·<.L32998>: |
1684 | __pyx_fuse_3_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_241warp_2d_nn(): | 1684 | __pyx_fuse_3_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_241warp_2d_nn(): |
1685 | ./.mesonpy- | 1685 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
1686 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 1686 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
1687 | » ... | 1687 | » ... |
1688 | 000a4da3·<.L33000>: | 1688 | 000a4da3·<.L33000>: |
1689 | » ... | 1689 | » ... |
1690 | 000a4dd0·<.L33326>: | 1690 | 000a4dd0·<.L33326>: |
Offset 1725, 15 lines modified | Offset 1725, 15 lines modified | ||
1725 | » ... | 1725 | » ... |
1726 | 000a8970·<.L33639>: | 1726 | 000a8970·<.L33639>: |
1727 | » ... | 1727 | » ... |
1728 | 000a89a0·<.L33668>: | 1728 | 000a89a0·<.L33668>: |
1729 | __pyx_fuse_2_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_237warp_2d_nn(): | 1729 | __pyx_fuse_2_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_237warp_2d_nn(): |
1730 | ./.mesonpy- | 1730 | ./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7/dipy/align/ |
1731 | » add····%al,(%eax) | 1731 | » add····%al,(%eax) |
1732 | » ... | 1732 | » ... |
1733 | 000a89a3·<.L33670>: | 1733 | 000a89a3·<.L33670>: |
1734 | » ... | 1734 | » ... |
1735 | 000a89d0·<.L33996>: | 1735 | 000a89d0·<.L33996>: |
Offset 1770, 15 lines modified | Offset 1770, 15 lines modified | ||
1770 | » ... | 1770 | » ... |
1771 | 000ac570·<.L34309>: | 1771 | 000ac570·<.L34309>: |
1772 | » ... | 1772 | » ... |
1773 | 000ac5a0·<.L34338>: | 1773 | 000ac5a0·<.L34338>: |
1774 | __pyx_fuse_1_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_233warp_2d_nn(): | 1774 | __pyx_fuse_1_0__pyx_pw_4dipy_5align_13vector_fields_233warp_2d_nn(): |
Max diff block lines reached; 11230/15624 bytes (71.88%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····49]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····96]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····96]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ae]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ae]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····ce]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····ef]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····ef]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···127]··dipy | 9 | ··[···127]··dipy |
10 | ··[···12c]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···12c]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········48274 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········482744·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x75db | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x75db8: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000bc0·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000bc0·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 23, 23 lines modified | Offset 23, 23 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00045c10·000c0c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00045c10·000c0c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00045c14·000c0c·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00045c14·000c0c·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00045d0c·000c0c·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00045d0c·000c0c·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00046000·000c0c·000b98·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00046000·000c0c·000b98·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00046ba0·000c0c·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00046ba0·000c0c·0005c0·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000098·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02a72 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·02a72f·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02a960·00043a·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·02a960·00043a·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02ad9c·014d9b·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·02ad9c·014d9b·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03fb38·0003ec·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·03fb38·0003ec·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03ff24·0001c | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·03ff24·0001c1·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0400e | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0400e8·028008·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0680 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0680f0·0062ea·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06e3d | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·06e3da·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06e42 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06e428·0030b0·10·····34·592··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0714d | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·0714d8·004778·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·075c | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·075c50·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·f0d17f3c597231509f3149fab2439b4470d566ab |
Offset 25, 30 lines modified | Offset 25, 30 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x37):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4b):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x4b):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x7c):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x7c):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x94):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb4):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb4):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd5):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xd5):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10d):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10d):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x112):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x112):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x139):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x139):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x159):·/usr/include | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x159):·/usr/include |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x166):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x166):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·67,·columns·2): | 42 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x54,·lines·67,·columns·2): |
43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 43 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x31):·mrf.c |
45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x31):·mrf.c |
46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2bb):·object.h | 46 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2bb):·object.h |
47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x187):·abstract.h | 47 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x187):·abstract.h |
48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x192):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x192):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a0):·floatobject.h | 49 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1a0):·floatobject.h |
50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ae):·string_fortified.h | 50 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ae):·string_fortified.h |
51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·listobject.h | 51 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c1):·listobject.h |
52 | ··8» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ce):·__multiarray_api.h | 52 | ··8» (udata)» 5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ce):·__multiarray_api.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·144·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·144·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x37):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa81d | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xa81d |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 71 lines modified | Offset 1, 72 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
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Max diff block lines reached; 70/1471 bytes (4.76%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/segment/ |
3 | ··[····37]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····4b]··dipy/segment/ | 4 | ··[····4b]··dipy/segment/ |
5 | ··[····7c]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····7c]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····94]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····b4]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····b4]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····d5]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····d5]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···10d]··dipy | 9 | ··[···10d]··dipy |
10 | ··[···112]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···112]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00038c2c·000c28·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········00038c2c·000c28·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00038c30·000c28·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········00038c30·000c28·0000f0·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00038d20·000c28·0002e0·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········00038d20·000c28·0002e0·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00039000·000c28·000ab8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········00039000·000c28·000ab8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00039ac0·000c28·000540·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········00039ac0·000c28·000540·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000092·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000092·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·02382 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·023822·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·023a50·0003f7·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·023a50·0003f7·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·023e48·011bfd·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·023e48·011bfd·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·035a48·0001f8·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·035a48·0001f8·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035c40·0001b | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·035c40·0001bc·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035dfc·0206a7·00···C··0···0··4 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·035dfc·0206a7·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0564a4·005961·00···C··0···0··4 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·0564a4·005961·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05be05·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·05be05·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05be54·002b20·10·····34·508··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·05be54·002b20·10·····34·508··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05e974·003bdf·00······0···0··1 | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·05e974·003bdf·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·062553·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·062553·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·35a315d00079759f5d133ba2a63e5d39de69d8c8 |
Offset 25, 29 lines modified | Offset 25, 29 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·10,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5b):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/segment/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x6f):·dipy/segment/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xb2):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xca):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xca):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xea):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xea):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x10b):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x132):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x132):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x152):·/usr/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x152):·/usr/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15f):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x15f):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x180):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x180):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·64,·columns·2): | 41 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x50,·lines·64,·columns·2): |
42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 42 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 43 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·clustering_algorithms.c |
44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 44 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x43):·clustering_algorithms.c |
45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cb):·object.h | 45 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x2cb):·object.h |
46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b8):·abstract.h | 46 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1b8):·abstract.h |
47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c3):·tupleobject.h | 47 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1c3):·tupleobject.h |
48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d1):·floatobject.h | 48 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d1):·floatobject.h |
49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1df):·string_fortified.h | 49 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1df):·string_fortified.h |
50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f2):·dictobject.h | 50 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f2):·dictobject.h |
51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ff):·stdio2.h | 51 | ··8» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ff):·stdio2.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·140·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/segment/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x5b):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x93a8 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x93a8 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 55 lines modified | Offset 1, 45 lines modified | ||
1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 |
2 | U:A:D)"· | 2 | U:A:D)"· |
3 | d[-Yh8m# | ||
4 | >TQZ(r!Y | ||
5 | 2-n(@Xax7 | ||
6 | zcgN}q/@ | ||
7 | ?O6Qo'_W | ||
8 | \RA`VWG· | ||
9 | }2Dy,Rz# | ||
10 | X=H_|AXq%( | ||
11 | T8<p^_u[ | ||
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10 | ··[···152]··/usr/include | 10 | ··[···152]··/usr/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
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Offset 23, 19 lines modified | Offset 23, 19 lines modified | ||
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0007cbf8·000bf4·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0007cbf8·000bf4·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0007cbfc·000bf4·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0007cbfc·000bf4·0000f8·08··WA··4···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0007ccf4·000bf4·00030c·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.got··············NOBITS··········0007ccf4·000bf4·00030c·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0007d000·000bf4·000d98·00··WA··0···0·32 | 26 | ··[21]·.data·············NOBITS··········0007d000·000bf4·000d98·00··WA··0···0·32 |
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0007dda0·000bf4·000644·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0007dda0·000bf4·000644·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000096·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000096·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·04733 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·000230·04733e·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·047570·00040f·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·047570·00040f·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·047980·01f451·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·047980·01f451·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·066dd4·00047f·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·066dd4·00047f·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
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37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0c75a7·00004e·00······0···0··1 | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0c75a7·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0c75f8·003cb0·10·····34·778··4 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·0c75f8·003cb0·10·····34·778··4 |
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40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0d0b2e·000168·00······0···0··1 | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·0d0b2e·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·96e92e41ae8e1b6eb782fc085db6e837efcd490e |
Offset 25, 31 lines modified | Offset 25, 31 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x55):·dipy/align/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x8a):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc2):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe3):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x11b):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x120):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x120):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x147):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 39 | ··8» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x147):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x167):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types | 40 | ··9» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x167):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/types |
41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include | 41 | ··10» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x18e):·/usr/include |
42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19b):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal | 42 | ··11» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x19b):·/usr/include/python3.12/internal |
43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·73,·columns·2): | 43 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0x58,·lines·73,·columns·2): |
44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name | 44 | ··Entry» Dir» Name |
45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 45 | ··0» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x35):·sumsqdiff.c |
46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x | 46 | ··1» (udata)» 1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x35):·sumsqdiff.c |
47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x25d):·object.h | 47 | ··2» (udata)» 2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x25d):·object.h |
48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bc):·tupleobject.h | 48 | ··3» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1bc):·tupleobject.h |
49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ca):·abstract.h | 49 | ··4» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1ca):·abstract.h |
50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·floatobject.h | 50 | ··5» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1d5):·floatobject.h |
51 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e3):·string_fortified.h | 51 | ··6» (udata)» 4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1e3):·string_fortified.h |
52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f6):·longintrepr.h | 52 | ··7» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x1f6):·longintrepr.h |
53 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x204):·dictobject.h | 53 | ··8» (udata)» 3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x204):·dictobject.h |
Offset 5, 16 lines modified | Offset 5, 16 lines modified | ||
5 | ···Version:·······5 | 5 | ···Version:·······5 |
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·145·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·145·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0 | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·dipy/align/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x41):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
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15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·12 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·12 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·4» (float) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x63a3)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x63a3)· |
Offset 1, 98 lines modified | Offset 1, 87 lines modified | ||
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31 | xN9FJ?q> | ||
32 | » sx.» sXc | ||
33 | Yz5b3&:` | ||
34 | s\dr\qOp | ||
35 | GPH3Yvgot | ||
36 | PkpU_ned | ||
37 | a(9)F+r| | ||
38 | vyOtjJB8 | ||
39 | %>Tb[-&P | ||
40 | [yw<G+?13O+ | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 85/1932 bytes (4.40%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 11 lines modified | Offset 1, 11 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-8rmasorz | ||
3 | ··[···· | 2 | ··[·····0]··dipy/align/ |
3 | ··[····41]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 | ||
4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ | 4 | ··[····55]··dipy/align/ |
5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····8a]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c2]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e3]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···11b]··dipy | 9 | ··[···11b]··dipy |
10 | ··[···120]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 10 | ··[···120]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·8a140b81b7db093ff3bd21b30b05600c795f4f36 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/reconst/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x5d):·dipy/reconst/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x97):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x97):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xaf):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xaf):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcf):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xcf):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xf0):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x128):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14f):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x14f):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/sys |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·142·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·142·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/reconst/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7697 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x7697 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | y_O6GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | Ue·Ss]F/Tc·Gs5 | 2 | Ue·Ss]F/Tc·Gs5 |
3 | Ak5~4W/L(m | 3 | Ak5~4W/L(m |
4 | Gwe@N_5~t | 4 | Gwe@N_5~t |
5 | OHgu0N\? | 5 | OHgu0N\? |
6 | k9EN{9W9 | 6 | k9EN{9W9 |
7 | GNaZ2o#x_{. | 7 | GNaZ2o#x_{. |
8 | jq"yPQ-' | 8 | jq"yPQ-' |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/reconst/ |
4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/reconst/ | 4 | ··[····5d]··dipy/reconst/ |
5 | ··[····97]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····97]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····af]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····af]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····cf]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····cf]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····f0]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····f0]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···128]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 9 | ··[···128]··/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·d9a | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·9054d9ab5960db127a23101d5d87efe66f16c2ef |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·11,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x64):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x64):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa2):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xba):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xba):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xda):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xda):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfb):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xfb):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x133):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x133):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x138):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x138):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·150·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xb445 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0xb445 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | +csYd0v»s(2 | 2 | +csYd0v»s(2 |
3 | (*tlTTg0 | 3 | (*tlTTg0 |
4 | Kf7$asy!^· | 4 | Kf7$asy!^· |
5 | K=ea=zF{ | 5 | K=ea=zF{ |
6 | }(c9sZ{Hw | 6 | }(c9sZ{Hw |
7 | TFMd7qpZ | 7 | TFMd7qpZ |
8 | AoCW;0[! | 8 | AoCW;0[! |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ |
4 | ··[····64]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····64]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····a2]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····ba]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····ba]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····da]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····da]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····fb]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····fb]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···133]··dipy | 9 | ··[···133]··dipy |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 | 9 | ··Machine:···························Intel·80386 |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········42596 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········425960·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x0 |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········9 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········36 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·35 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x67fe | 1 | There·are·36·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x67fe8: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000154·000154·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000178·000178·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c50·10···A··4···1··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000198·000178·000c50·10···A··4···1··4 |
Offset 27, 19 lines modified | Offset 27, 19 lines modified | ||
27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003eb80·000be8·0005b8·00··WA··0···0·32 | 27 | ··[22]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0003eb80·000be8·0005b8·00··WA··0···0·32 |
28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 | 28 | ··[23]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000178·00001e·01··MS··0···0··1 |
29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000093·00···C··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000198·000093·00···C··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·025beb·00···C··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00022c·025beb·00···C··0···0··4 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·025e18·00045c·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·025e18·00045c·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·026274·012c03·00···C··0···0··4 | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·026274·012c03·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·038e78·00040b·01·MSC··0···0··4 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·038e78·00040b·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·039284·0001d | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line_str···PROGBITS········00000000·039284·0001d8·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·0394 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_loclists···PROGBITS········00000000·03945c·02230e·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·05b7 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_rnglists···PROGBITS········00000000·05b76c·005a58·00···C··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0611c | 37 | ··[32]·.gnu_debugaltlink·PROGBITS········00000000·0611c4·00004e·00······0···0··1 |
38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·06121 | 38 | ··[33]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·061214·002de0·10·····34·538··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·063ff | 39 | ··[34]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·063ff4·003e8a·00······0···0··1 |
40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·067e | 40 | ··[35]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·067e7e·000168·00······0···0··1 |
41 | Key·to·Flags: | 41 | Key·to·Flags: |
42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 42 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 43 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 44 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) | 45 | ··D·(mbind),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description | 2 | ··Owner················Data·size·» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·827d043880da545c91eb1c4680ede1cdb6262999 |
Offset 25, 15 lines modified | Offset 25, 15 lines modified | ||
25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | 25 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg |
26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | 26 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args |
27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | 27 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args |
28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | 28 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg |
29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): | 29 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0x22,·lines·12,·columns·1): |
30 | ··Entry» Name | 30 | ··Entry» Name |
31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 31 | ··0» (line_strp)» (offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ | 32 | ··1» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x58):·dipy/tracking/ |
33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 | 33 | ··2» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x90):·/usr/include/python3.12 |
34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 34 | ··3» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xa8):·/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 35 | ··4» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xc8):·/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 36 | ··5» (line_strp)» (offset:·0xe9):·/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·dipy | 37 | ··6» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x121):·dipy |
38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include | 38 | ··7» (line_strp)» (offset:·0x126):·/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/14/include |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) | 6 | ···Unit·Type:·····DW_UT_compile·(1) |
7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 | 7 | ···Abbrev·Offset:·0 |
8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 | 8 | ···Pointer·Size:··4 |
9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) | 9 | ·<0><c>:·Abbrev·Number:·151·(DW_TAG_compile_unit) |
10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· | 10 | ····<e>···DW_AT_producer····:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0xe1e6)· |
11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) | 11 | ····<12>···DW_AT_language····:·(data1)·12» (ANSI·C99) |
12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ | 12 | ····<13>···DW_AT_name········:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0x14):·dipy/tracking/ |
13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy- | 13 | ····<17>···DW_AT_comp_dir····:·(line_strp)·(offset:·0):·./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x9424 | 14 | ····<1b>···DW_AT_ranges······:·(sec_offset)·0x9424 |
15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 | 15 | ····<1f>···DW_AT_low_pc······:·(addr)·0 |
16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 | 16 | ····<23>···DW_AT_stmt_list···:·(sec_offset)·0 |
17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) | 17 | ·<1><27>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_base_type) |
18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 | 18 | ····<28>···DW_AT_byte_size···:·(data1)·8 |
19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) | 19 | ····<29>···DW_AT_encoding····:·(data1)·7» (unsigned) |
20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· | 20 | ····<2a>···DW_AT_name········:·(GNU_strp_alt)·(offset:·0x10e97)· |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | 1 | GCC:·(Debian·14.2.0-8)·14.2.0 | |
2 | q&>'*JR_* | 2 | q&>'*JR_* |
3 | yh\e$<CP | 3 | yh\e$<CP |
4 | 0qPst"sB | 4 | 0qPst"sB |
5 | UoB]T<<P | 5 | UoB]T<<P |
6 | !pMR2w24 | 6 | !pMR2w24 |
7 | Re?<e5TB | 7 | Re?<e5TB |
8 | ,|sr$AF4 | 8 | ,|sr$AF4 |
Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': | 1 | String·dump·of·section·'.debug_line_str': |
2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy- | 2 | ··[·····0]··./.mesonpy-mr1r3ps7 |
3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ | 3 | ··[····14]··dipy/tracking/ |
4 | ··[····58]··dipy/tracking/ | 4 | ··[····58]··dipy/tracking/ |
5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 | 5 | ··[····90]··/usr/include/python3.12 |
6 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython | 6 | ··[····a8]··/usr/include/python3.12/cpython |
7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits | 7 | ··[····c8]··/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits |
8 | ··[····e9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy | 8 | ··[····e9]··/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy |
9 | ··[···121]··dipy | 9 | ··[···121]··dipy |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debugaltlink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. | 2 | ··0x00000000·2f757372·2f6c6962·2f646562·75672f2e·/usr/lib/debug/. |
3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g | 3 | ··0x00000010·64777a2f·69333836·2d6c696e·75782d67·dwz/i386-linux-g |
4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- | 4 | ··0x00000020·6e752f70·7974686f·6e332d64·6970792d·nu/python3-dipy- |
5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700 | 5 | ··0x00000030·6c69622e·64656275·6700732b·a53c784f·lib.debug.s+.<xO |
6 | ··0x00000040· | 6 | ··0x00000040·e281270d·51580596·cd76304a·0390·····..'.QX...v0J.. |