Offset 1, 3 lines modified | Offset 1, 3 lines modified | ||
1 | · | 1 | ·e7c1fcb2dcdfd79306f9371b7b0da66e·4435936·debug·optional·tandem-mass-dbgsym_201702011-1_armhf.deb |
2 | · | 2 | ·736cf69ea9706b189fb1d1d4fe59198d·194808·science·optional·tandem-mass_201702011-1_armhf.deb |
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1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·debian-binary | 1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·debian-binary |
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Offset 1, 19 lines modified | Offset 1, 19 lines modified | ||
1 | Elf·file·type·is·DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 1 | Elf·file·type·is·DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
2 | Entry·point·0x52e5 | 2 | Entry·point·0x52e5 |
3 | There·are·9·program·headers,·starting·at·offset·52 | 3 | There·are·9·program·headers,·starting·at·offset·52 |
4 | Program·Headers: | 4 | Program·Headers: |
5 | ··Type···········Offset···VirtAddr···PhysAddr···FileSiz·MemSiz··Flg·Align | 5 | ··Type···········Offset···VirtAddr···PhysAddr···FileSiz·MemSiz··Flg·Align |
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7 | ··PHDR···········0x000034·0x00000034·0x00000034·0x00120·0x00120·R···0x4 | 7 | ··PHDR···········0x000034·0x00000034·0x00000034·0x00120·0x00120·R···0x4 |
8 | ··INTERP·········0x000154·0x00000154·0x00000154·0x00019·0x00019·R···0x1 | 8 | ··INTERP·········0x000154·0x00000154·0x00000154·0x00019·0x00019·R···0x1 |
9 | ······[Requesting·program·interpreter:·/lib/] | 9 | ······[Requesting·program·interpreter:·/lib/] |
10 | ··LOAD···········0x000000·0x00000000·0x00000000·0x5 | 10 | ··LOAD···········0x000000·0x00000000·0x00000000·0x5b06c·0x5b06c·R·E·0x10000 |
11 | ··LOAD···········0x05b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x00d6c·0x00e24·RW··0x10000 | 11 | ··LOAD···········0x05b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x00d6c·0x00e24·RW··0x10000 |
12 | ··DYNAMIC········0x05bee8·0x0006bee8·0x0006bee8·0x00118·0x00118·RW··0x4 | 12 | ··DYNAMIC········0x05bee8·0x0006bee8·0x0006bee8·0x00118·0x00118·RW··0x4 |
13 | ··NOTE···········0x000170·0x00000170·0x00000170·0x00044·0x00044·R···0x4 | 13 | ··NOTE···········0x000170·0x00000170·0x00000170·0x00044·0x00044·R···0x4 |
14 | ··GNU_STACK······0x000000·0x00000000·0x00000000·0x00000·0x00000·RW··0x10 | 14 | ··GNU_STACK······0x000000·0x00000000·0x00000000·0x00000·0x00000·RW··0x10 |
15 | ··GNU_RELRO······0x05b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x00a54·0x00a54·R···0x1 | 15 | ··GNU_RELRO······0x05b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x0006b5ac·0x00a54·0x00a54·R···0x1 |
16 | ·Section·to·Segment·mapping: | 16 | ·Section·to·Segment·mapping: |
Offset 11, 20 lines modified | Offset 11, 20 lines modified | ||
11 | ··[·6]·.dynstr···········STRTAB··········00000b80·000b80·0010d6·00···A··0···0··1 | 11 | ··[·6]·.dynstr···········STRTAB··········00000b80·000b80·0010d6·00···A··0···0··1 |
12 | ··[·7]·.gnu.version······VERSYM··········00001c56·001c56·000134·02···A··5···0··2 | 12 | ··[·7]·.gnu.version······VERSYM··········00001c56·001c56·000134·02···A··5···0··2 |
13 | ··[·8]·.gnu.version_r····VERNEED·········00001d8c·001d8c·000140·00···A··6···5··4 | 13 | ··[·8]·.gnu.version_r····VERNEED·········00001d8c·001d8c·000140·00···A··6···5··4 |
14 | ··[·9]·.rel.dyn··········REL·············00001ecc·001ecc·001250·08···A··5···0··4 | 14 | ··[·9]·.rel.dyn··········REL·············00001ecc·001ecc·001250·08···A··5···0··4 |
15 | ··[10]·.rel.plt··········REL·············0000311c·00311c·000408·08··AI··5··23··4 | 15 | ··[10]·.rel.plt··········REL·············0000311c·00311c·000408·08··AI··5··23··4 |
16 | ··[11]·.init·············PROGBITS········00003524·003524·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 | 16 | ··[11]·.init·············PROGBITS········00003524·003524·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 |
17 | ··[12]·.plt··············PROGBITS········00003530·003530·000630·04··AX··0···0··4 | 17 | ··[12]·.plt··············PROGBITS········00003530·003530·000630·04··AX··0···0··4 |
18 | ··[13]·.text·············PROGBITS········00003b60·003b60·04e | 18 | ··[13]·.text·············PROGBITS········00003b60·003b60·04e714·00··AX··0···0··8 |
19 | ··[14]·.fini·············PROGBITS········00052 | 19 | ··[14]·.fini·············PROGBITS········00052274·052274·000008·00··AX··0···0··4 |
20 | ··[15]·.rodata···········PROGBITS········00052 | 20 | ··[15]·.rodata···········PROGBITS········0005227c·05227c·00541c·00···A··0···0··4 |
21 | ··[16]·.ARM.extab········PROGBITS········00057 | 21 | ··[16]·.ARM.extab········PROGBITS········00057698·057698·002a60·00···A··0···0··4 |
22 | ··[17]·.ARM.exidx········ARM_EXIDX·······0005a0 | 22 | ··[17]·.ARM.exidx········ARM_EXIDX·······0005a0f8·05a0f8·000f70·00··AL·13···0··4 |
23 | ··[18]·.eh_frame·········PROGBITS········0005 | 23 | ··[18]·.eh_frame·········PROGBITS········0005b068·05b068·000004·00···A··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·.init_array·······INIT_ARRAY······0006b5ac·05b5ac·000098·04··WA··0···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·.init_array·······INIT_ARRAY······0006b5ac·05b5ac·000098·04··WA··0···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.fini_array·······FINI_ARRAY······0006b644·05b644·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.fini_array·······FINI_ARRAY······0006b644·05b644·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·······PROGBITS········0006b648·05b648·0008a0·00··WA··0···0··4 | 26 | ··[21]·······PROGBITS········0006b648·05b648·0008a0·00··WA··0···0··4 |
27 | ··[22]·.dynamic··········DYNAMIC·········0006bee8·05bee8·000118·08··WA··6···0··4 | 27 | ··[22]·.dynamic··········DYNAMIC·········0006bee8·05bee8·000118·08··WA··6···0··4 |
28 | ··[23]·.got··············PROGBITS········0006c000·05c000·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 | 28 | ··[23]·.got··············PROGBITS········0006c000·05c000·0002f4·04··WA··0···0··4 |
29 | ··[24]·.data·············PROGBITS········0006c2f4·05c2f4·000024·00··WA··0···0··4 | 29 | ··[24]·.data·············PROGBITS········0006c2f4·05c2f4·000024·00··WA··0···0··4 |
30 | ··[25]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0006c318·05c318·0000b8·00··WA··0···0··4 | 30 | ··[25]·.bss··············NOBITS··········0006c318·05c318·0000b8·00··WA··0···0··4 |
Offset 148, 10 lines modified | Offset 148, 10 lines modified | ||
148 | ···144:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·strchr@GLIBC_2.4·(4) | 148 | ···144:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·strchr@GLIBC_2.4·(4) |
149 | ···145:·00000000·····0·FUNC····WEAK···DEFAULT··UND·__cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.4·(4) | 149 | ···145:·00000000·····0·FUNC····WEAK···DEFAULT··UND·__cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.4·(4) |
150 | ···146:·00000000·····0·OBJECT··GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZSt4cerr@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) | 150 | ···146:·00000000·····0·OBJECT··GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZSt4cerr@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) |
151 | ···147:·00000000·····0·OBJECT··GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZTTSt14basic_ifstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) | 151 | ···147:·00000000·····0·OBJECT··GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZTTSt14basic_ifstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) |
152 | ···148:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_mutateEjjPKcj@GLIBCXX_3.4.21·(2) | 152 | ···148:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_mutateEjjPKcj@GLIBCXX_3.4.21·(2) |
153 | ···149:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) | 153 | ···149:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev@GLIBCXX_3.4·(3) |
154 | ···150:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·floor@GLIBC_2.4·(5) | 154 | ···150:·00000000·····0·FUNC····GLOBAL·DEFAULT··UND·floor@GLIBC_2.4·(5) |
155 | ···151:·0000 | 155 | ···151:·00006935···116·FUNC····WEAK···DEFAULT···13·_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructIPcEEvT_S7_St20forward_iterator_tag |
156 | ···152:·0001 | 156 | ···152:·00012209···116·FUNC····WEAK···DEFAULT···13·_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructIPKcEEvT_S8_St20forward_iterator_tag |
157 | ···153:·0002 | 157 | ···153:·0002df61·····4·FUNC····WEAK···DEFAULT···13·_ZNKSt5ctypeIcE8do_widenEc |
Offset 41, 411 lines modified | Offset 41, 411 lines modified | ||
41 | 0006b640··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 41 | 0006b640··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
42 | 0006b644··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 42 | 0006b644··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
43 | 0006b64c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 43 | 0006b64c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
44 | 0006b650··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 44 | 0006b650··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
45 | 0006b654··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 45 | 0006b654··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
46 | 0006b65c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 46 | 0006b65c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
47 | 0006b660··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 47 | 0006b660··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
48 | 0006b66 | 48 | 0006b664··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
49 | 0006b66c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 49 | 0006b66c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
50 | 0006b670··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 50 | 0006b670··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
51 | 0006b67 | 51 | 0006b674··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
52 | 0006b67c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 52 | 0006b67c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
53 | 0006b680··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 53 | 0006b680··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
54 | 0006b684··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
54 | 0006b688··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 55 | 0006b688··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
55 | 0006b68c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 56 | 0006b68c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
56 | 0006b69 | 57 | 0006b694··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
57 | 0006b698··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 58 | 0006b698··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
58 | 0006b69c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 59 | 0006b69c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
59 | 0006b6a0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 60 | 0006b6a0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
60 | 0006b6a4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 61 | 0006b6a4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
61 | 0006b6a8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 62 | 0006b6a8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
62 | 0006b6b0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 63 | 0006b6b0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
63 | 0006b6b4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 64 | 0006b6b4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
64 | 0006b6b8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 65 | 0006b6b8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
65 | 0006b6bc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
66 | 0006b6c0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 66 | 0006b6c0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
67 | 0006b6c4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 67 | 0006b6c4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
68 | 0006b6c8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
68 | 0006b6cc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 69 | 0006b6cc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
69 | 0006b6d0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 70 | 0006b6d0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
70 | 0006b6d4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 71 | 0006b6d4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
72 | 0006b6d8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
71 | 0006b6dc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 73 | 0006b6dc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
72 | 0006b6e0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 74 | 0006b6e0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
73 | 0006b6e4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
74 | 0006b6e8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 75 | 0006b6e8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
75 | 0006b6ec··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 76 | 0006b6ec··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
76 | 0006b6f0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 77 | 0006b6f0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
77 | 0006b6f4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 78 | 0006b6f4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
78 | 0006b6f8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 79 | 0006b6f8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
79 | 0006b6fc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 80 | 0006b6fc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
80 | 0006b704··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 81 | 0006b704··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
81 | 0006b708··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 82 | 0006b708··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
82 | 0006b70c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 83 | 0006b70c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
83 | 0006b710··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
84 | 0006b714··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 84 | 0006b714··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
85 | 0006b718··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 85 | 0006b718··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
86 | 0006b7 | 86 | 0006b71c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
87 | 0006b724··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 87 | 0006b724··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
88 | 0006b728··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 88 | 0006b728··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
89 | 0006b72c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
89 | 0006b730··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 90 | 0006b730··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
90 | 0006b734··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 91 | 0006b734··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
91 | 0006b738··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 92 | 0006b738··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
92 | 0006b7 | 93 | 0006b73c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
93 | 0006b744··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 94 | 0006b744··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
94 | 0006b748··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 95 | 0006b748··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
96 | 0006b74c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
95 | 0006b750··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 97 | 0006b750··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
96 | 0006b754··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 98 | 0006b754··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
97 | 0006b758··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 99 | 0006b758··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
98 | 0006b7 | 100 | 0006b75c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
99 | 0006b764··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 101 | 0006b764··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
100 | 0006b768··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 102 | 0006b768··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
103 | 0006b76c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
101 | 0006b770··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 104 | 0006b770··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
102 | 0006b774··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 105 | 0006b774··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
103 | 0006b778··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 106 | 0006b778··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
104 | 0006b7 | 107 | 0006b77c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
105 | 0006b784··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 108 | 0006b784··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
106 | 0006b788··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 109 | 0006b788··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
110 | 0006b78c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
107 | 0006b790··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 111 | 0006b790··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
108 | 0006b794··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 112 | 0006b794··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
109 | 0006b798··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 113 | 0006b798··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
110 | 0006b7 | 114 | 0006b79c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
111 | 0006b7a4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 115 | 0006b7a4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
112 | 0006b7a8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 116 | 0006b7a8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
113 | 0006b7ac··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 117 | 0006b7ac··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
114 | 0006b7b0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 118 | 0006b7b0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
115 | 0006b7b4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 119 | 0006b7b4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
116 | 0006b7b8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 120 | 0006b7b8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
117 | 0006b7bc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 121 | 0006b7bc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
118 | 0006b7c | 122 | 0006b7c4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
119 | 0006b7c8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 123 | 0006b7c8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
120 | 0006b7cc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 124 | 0006b7cc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
121 | 0006b7d0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 125 | 0006b7d0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
126 | 0006b7d4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
122 | 0006b7d8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 127 | 0006b7d8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
123 | 0006b7dc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 128 | 0006b7dc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
124 | 0006b7e0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
125 | 0006b7e4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 129 | 0006b7e4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
126 | 0006b7e8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 130 | 0006b7e8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
127 | 0006b7ec··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 131 | 0006b7ec··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
128 | 0006b7f0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 132 | 0006b7f0··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
133 | 0006b7f4··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
129 | 0006b7f8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 134 | 0006b7f8··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
130 | 0006b7fc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 135 | 0006b7fc··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
131 | 0006b800··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
132 | 0006b804··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 136 | 0006b804··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
133 | 0006b808··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 137 | 0006b808··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
134 | 0006b80c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 138 | 0006b80c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
135 | 0006b810··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 139 | 0006b810··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
140 | 0006b814··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
136 | 0006b818··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 141 | 0006b818··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
137 | 0006b81c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 142 | 0006b81c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
138 | 0006b820··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
139 | 0006b824··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 143 | 0006b824··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
140 | 0006b828··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 144 | 0006b828··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
141 | 0006b82c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 145 | 0006b82c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
142 | 0006b830··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 146 | 0006b830··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
147 | 0006b834··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
143 | 0006b838··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 148 | 0006b838··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
144 | 0006b83c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 149 | 0006b83c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
145 | 0006b840··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
146 | 0006b844··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 150 | 0006b844··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
147 | 0006b848··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 151 | 0006b848··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
148 | 0006b84c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 152 | 0006b84c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
149 | 0006b850··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 153 | 0006b850··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
154 | 0006b854··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
150 | 0006b858··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 155 | 0006b858··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
151 | 0006b85c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
152 | 0006b860··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 156 | 0006b860··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
153 | 0006b864··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 157 | 0006b864··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
154 | 0006b868··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | 158 | 0006b868··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ |
155 | 0006b86c··00000017·R_ARM_RELATIVE········ | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 29223/35136 bytes (83.17%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 4, 15 lines modified | Offset 4, 15 lines modified | ||
4 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 4 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
5 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 5 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
6 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 6 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
7 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 7 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
8 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 8 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
9 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] | 9 | ·0x00000001·(NEEDED)·····················Shared·library:·[] |
10 | ·0x0000000c·(INIT)·······················0x3524 | 10 | ·0x0000000c·(INIT)·······················0x3524 |
11 | ·0x0000000d·(FINI)·······················0x52 | 11 | ·0x0000000d·(FINI)·······················0x52274 |
12 | ·0x00000019·(INIT_ARRAY)·················0x6b5ac | 12 | ·0x00000019·(INIT_ARRAY)·················0x6b5ac |
13 | ·0x0000001b·(INIT_ARRAYSZ)···············152·(bytes) | 13 | ·0x0000001b·(INIT_ARRAYSZ)···············152·(bytes) |
14 | ·0x0000001a·(FINI_ARRAY)·················0x6b644 | 14 | ·0x0000001a·(FINI_ARRAY)·················0x6b644 |
15 | ·0x0000001c·(FINI_ARRAYSZ)···············4·(bytes) | 15 | ·0x0000001c·(FINI_ARRAYSZ)···············4·(bytes) |
16 | ·0x6ffffef5·(GNU_HASH)···················0x1b4 | 16 | ·0x6ffffef5·(GNU_HASH)···················0x1b4 |
17 | ·0x00000005·(STRTAB)·····················0xb80 | 17 | ·0x00000005·(STRTAB)·····················0xb80 |
18 | ·0x00000006·(SYMTAB)·····················0x1e0 | 18 | ·0x00000006·(SYMTAB)·····················0x1e0 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:·.note.ABI-tag | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:·.note.ABI-tag |
2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description | 2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000010» NT_GNU_ABI_TAG·(ABI·version·tag)» ····OS:·Linux,·ABI:·3.2.0 | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000010» NT_GNU_ABI_TAG·(ABI·version·tag)» ····OS:·Linux,·ABI:·3.2.0 |
4 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 4 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
5 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description | 5 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description |
6 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·c14a | 6 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·f8c0cf51d4ae5b032747c0023b755642e94da95a |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 9 lines modified | ||
1 | /lib/ | 1 | /lib/ |
2 | ;uVB | ||
2 | | 3 | |
3 | _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable | 4 | _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable |
4 | _ITM_registerTMCloneTable | 5 | _ITM_registerTMCloneTable |
5 | pthread_create | 6 | pthread_create |
6 | pthread_join | 7 | pthread_join |
7 | | 8 | |
8 | __gmon_start__ | 9 | __gmon_start__ |
Offset 158, 29 lines modified | Offset 159, 27 lines modified | ||
158 | GLIBCXX_3.4.11 | 159 | GLIBCXX_3.4.11 |
159 | CXXABI_1.3.9 | 160 | CXXABI_1.3.9 |
160 | CXXABI_1.3 | 161 | CXXABI_1.3 |
161 | GLIBCXX_3.4.9 | 162 | GLIBCXX_3.4.9 |
162 | CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3 | 163 | CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3 |
163 | GLIBCXX_3.4 | 164 | GLIBCXX_3.4 |
164 | GLIBCXX_3.4.21 | 165 | GLIBCXX_3.4.21 |
165 | M|D}D·F | ||
166 | H!F{D | ||
167 | 3xDA | ||
168 | "yD(F | 166 | "yD(F |
169 | "(FyD | 167 | "(FyD |
170 | (FyD | 168 | (FyD |
171 | @FyD5` | 169 | @FyD5` |
172 | "0h | 170 | "0h9 |
173 | dyD0F | 171 | dyD0F |
174 | k0F+h | 172 | k0F+h |
175 | 8a(h | 173 | 8a(h+ |
176 | $<b!F | 174 | $<b!F+ |
177 | )F0FO | 175 | )F0FO |
178 | X0FJFAF | 176 | X0FJFAF |
179 | @FIF | 177 | @FIF |
178 | M·F+ | ||
180 | 0hAF | 179 | 0hAF |
181 | 8:m[ | 180 | 8:m[ |
182 | B{e^ | 181 | B{e^ |
183 | <·i@E | 182 | <·i@E |
184 | ·F,4 | 183 | ·F,4 |
185 | {m850F | 184 | {m850F |
186 | 8<86 | 185 | 8<86 |
Offset 199, 26 lines modified | Offset 198, 29 lines modified | ||
199 | ";k)F0F | 198 | ";k)F0F |
200 | !2F#h@F | 199 | !2F#h@F |
201 | #FAF% | 200 | #FAF% |
202 | ;·F2F | 201 | ;·F2F |
203 | I·FyD | 202 | I·FyD |
204 | I·FyD | 203 | I·FyD |
205 | IHFyD | 204 | IHFyD |
205 | k(h+ | ||
206 | yD(F | 206 | yD(F |
207 | !+hBFHF | 207 | !+hBFHF |
208 | +FIF. | 208 | +FIF. |
209 | ;(FBF | 209 | ;(FBF |
210 | gMHF}D | 210 | gMHF}D |
211 | eIHFyD | 211 | eIHFyD |
212 | k·h5 | ||
213 | F·h* | ||
212 | "HFyD0 | 214 | "HFyD0 |
213 | AFHF | 215 | AFHF |
214 | j+"II(FyD | 216 | j+"II(FyD |
215 | !F(F | 217 | !F(F |
216 | EIyD | 218 | EIyD |
217 | JF)F0F | 219 | JF)F0F |
218 | yD0F | 220 | yD0F |
219 | 1FPF | 221 | 1FPF |
220 | GFED | 222 | GFED |
221 | 9mPF | 223 | 9mPF |
222 | jjI·FyD | 224 | jjI·FyD |
223 | jdI·FyD | 225 | jdI·FyD |
224 | "ZI@FyD | 226 | "ZI@FyD |
Offset 248, 67 lines modified | Offset 250, 53 lines modified | ||
248 | M|D}D·F | 250 | M|D}D·F |
249 | M|D}D·F | 251 | M|D}D·F |
250 | M|D}D·F | 252 | M|D}D·F |
251 | 4}D·F | 253 | 4}D·F |
252 | M|D}D·F | 254 | M|D}D·F |
253 | M|D}D·F | 255 | M|D}D·F |
254 | M|D}D·F | 256 | M|D}D·F |
255 | M|D}D·F | ||
256 | H!F{D | 257 | H!F{D |
257 | 3xDA | 258 | 3xDA |
258 | M|D}D·F | 259 | M|D}D·F |
259 | M|D}D·F | 260 | M|D}D·F |
260 | M|D}D·F | 261 | M|D}D·F |
261 | M|D}D·F | 262 | M|D}D·F |
262 | M|D}D·F | 263 | M|D}D·F |
263 | M|D}D·F | 264 | M|D}D·F |
264 | M|D}D·F | ||
265 | H!F{D | 265 | H!F{D |
266 | 3xDA | 266 | 3xDA |
267 | M|D}D·F | 267 | M|D}D·F |
268 | M|D}D·F | 268 | M|D}D·F |
269 | M|D}D·F | 269 | M|D}D·F |
270 | M|D}D·F | 270 | M|D}D·F |
271 | M|D}D·F | 271 | M|D}D·F |
272 | M|D}D·F | 272 | M|D}D·F |
273 | M|D}D·F | ||
273 | H!F{D | 274 | H!F{D |
274 | 3xDA | 275 | 3xDA |
275 | M|D}D·F | 276 | M|D}D·F |
276 | M|D}D·F | 277 | M|D}D·F |
277 | M|D}D·F | 278 | M|D}D·F |
278 | M|D}D·F | 279 | M|D}D·F |
280 | M|D}D·F | ||
279 | H!F{D | 281 | H!F{D |
280 | 3xDA | 282 | 3xDA |
281 | M|D}D·F | 283 | M|D}D·F |
282 | M|D}D·F | 284 | M|D}D·F |
283 | » L» M|D& | 285 | » L» M|D& |
284 | }D0F | 286 | }D0F |
285 | ##pp | 287 | ##pp |
286 | M|D}D·F | 288 | M|D}D·F |
287 | H!F{D | 289 | H!F{D |
288 | 3xDA | 290 | 3xDA |
291 | M|D}D·F | ||
292 | H!F{D | ||
293 | 3xDA | ||
289 | H» KxD» J{D | 294 | H» KxD» J{D |
290 | J{DzD | 295 | J{DzD |
291 | &8C- | ||
292 | F]hY | ||
293 | 3#`xD6 | ||
294 | %3`O | ||
295 | +h(F | ||
296 | L0KD | ||
297 | 0`p` | ||
298 | #FpF | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 39956/41222 bytes (96.93%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 170400 lines modified | Offset 1, 171137 lines modified | ||
1 | Disassembly·of·section·.text: | 1 | Disassembly·of·section·.text: |
2 | 00003b60·<void·std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,·std::char_traits<char>,·std::allocator<char>·>::_M_construct<char*>(char*,·char*,·std::forward_iterator_tag)@@Base-0x | 2 | 00003b60·<void·std::__cxx11::basic_string<char,·std::char_traits<char>,·std::allocator<char>·>::_M_construct<char*>(char*,·char*,·std::forward_iterator_tag)@@Base-0x2dd4>: |
3 | _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN20mscorefactory_tandemC2Ev(): | ||
4 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:631 | ||
5 | ····3b60:» 4c0db538·» cfstr32mi» mvfx11,·[sp],·{56}» ;·0x38 | ||
6 | ····3b64:» 447c4d0d·» ldrbtmi» r4,·[ip],·#-3341» ;·0xfffff2f3 | ||
7 | ····3b68:» 4620447d·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x4620447d | ||
8 | __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(): | ||
9 | /usr/include/c++/8/iostream:74 | ||
10 | ····3b6c:» ef2af7ff·» svc» 0x002af7ff | ||
11 | ····3b70:» 4a0c4b0b·» bmi» 3167a4·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0x2f1928> | ||
12 | ····3b74:» 58e94620·» stmiapl» r9!,·{r5,·r9,·sl,·lr}^ | ||
13 | ····3b78:» f7ff447a·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7ff447a | ||
14 | ····3b7c:» 4b0aed0a·» blmi» 2befac·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0x29a130> | ||
15 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:143 | ||
16 | ····3b80:» 4621480a·» strtmi» r4,·[r1],·-sl,·lsl·#16 | ||
17 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:141 | ||
18 | ····3b84:» 3308447b·» movwcc» r4,·#33915» ;·0x847b | ||
19 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:143 | ||
20 | ····3b88:» f8414478·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8414478 | ||
21 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:141 | ||
22 | ····3b8c:» e8bd3f04·» pop» {r2,·r8,·r9,·sl,·fp,·ip,·sp} | ||
23 | _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN20mscorefactory_tandemC2Ev(): | ||
24 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:631 | ||
25 | ····3b90:» f0384038·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf0384038 | ||
26 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/mscore_tandem.cpp:143 | ||
27 | ····3b94:» bf00b8f9·» svclt» 0x0000b8f9 | ||
28 | ····3b98:» 000687b2·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000687b2 | ||
29 | ····3b9c:» 00068494·» muleq» r6,·r4,·r4 | ||
30 | ····3ba0:» 000002f0·» strdeq» r0,·[r0],·-r0» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> | ||
31 | ····3ba4:» 0006877c·» andeq» r8,·r6,·ip,·ror·r7 | ||
32 | ····3ba8:» 00067ad0·» ldrdeq» r7,·[r6],·-r0 | ||
33 | ····3bac:» 0004e678·» andeq» lr,·r4,·r8,·ror·r6 | ||
34 | main(): | 3 | main(): |
35 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:179 | 4 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:179 |
36 | ····3b | 5 | ····3b60:» 4ff0e92d·» svcmi» 0x00f0e92d |
37 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184 | 6 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184 |
38 | ····3b | 7 | ····3b64:» ed2d2801·» stc» 8,·cr2,·[sp,·#-4]! |
39 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:179 | 8 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:179 |
40 | ····3b | 9 | ····3b68:» f8df8b04·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8df8b04 |
41 | ····3b | 10 | ····3b6c:» 44fbbc2c·» ldrbtmi» fp,·[fp],·#3116» ;·0xc2c |
42 | ····3b | 11 | ····3b70:» af00b09b·» svcge» 0x0000b09b |
43 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184 | 12 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184 |
44 | ····3b | 13 | ····3b74:» 8709f340·» strhi» pc,·[r9,·-r0,·asr·#6] |
45 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·1) | 14 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·1) |
46 | ····3b | 15 | ····3b78:» 460c684d·» strmi» r6,·[ip],·-sp,·asr·#16 |
47 | /usr/include/string.h:318·(discriminator·1) | 16 | /usr/include/string.h:318·(discriminator·1) |
48 | ····3b | 17 | ····3b7c:» 1c1cf8df·» ldcne» 8,·cr15,·[ip],·{223}» ;·0xdf |
49 | ····3b | 18 | ····3b80:» 44792202·» ldrbtmi» r2,·[r9],·#-514» ;·0xfffffdfe |
50 | ····3b | 19 | ····3b84:» f7ff4628·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7ff4628 |
51 | ····3b | 20 | ····3b88:» 2800ed52·» stmdacs» r0,·{r1,·r4,·r6,·r8,·sl,·fp,·sp,·lr,·pc} |
52 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·1) | 21 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·1) |
53 | ····3b | 22 | ····3b8c:» 86fdf000·» ldrbthi» pc,·[sp],·r0» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
54 | /usr/include/string.h:318·(discriminator·3) | 23 | /usr/include/string.h:318·(discriminator·3) |
55 | ····3b | 24 | ····3b90:» 1c0cf8df·» stcne» 8,·cr15,·[ip],·{223}» ;·0xdf |
56 | ····3b | 25 | ····3b94:» 22024628·» andcs» r4,·r2,·#40,·12» ;·0x2800000 |
57 | ····3b | 26 | ····3b98:» f7ff4479·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7ff4479 |
58 | ····3b | 27 | ····3b9c:» 2800ed48·» stmdacs» r0,·{r3,·r6,·r8,·sl,·fp,·sp,·lr,·pc} |
59 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·3) | 28 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:184·(discriminator·3) |
60 | ····3b | 29 | ····3ba0:» 86f3f000·» ldrbthi» pc,·[r3],·r0» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
61 | /usr/include/c++/8/ostream:561 | 30 | /usr/include/c++/8/ostream:561 |
62 | ····3b | 31 | ····3ba4:» 3bfcf8df·» blcc» fff41f28·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0xfff13fc8> |
63 | ····3b | 32 | ····3ba8:» f8df220b·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8df220b |
64 | ····3b | 33 | ····3bac:» f85b1bfc·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf85b1bfc |
65 | ····3 | 34 | ····3bb0:» 44793003·» ldrbtmi» r3,·[r9],·#-3 |
66 | ····3 | 35 | ····3bb4:» 461d4618·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x461d4618 |
67 | ····3 | 36 | ····3bb8:» f7ff62fb·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7ff62fb |
68 | ····3 | 37 | ····3bbc:» f8dfeeb0·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8dfeeb0 |
69 | ····3 | 38 | ····3bc0:» 22141bec·» andscs» r1,·r4,·#236,·22» ;·0x3b000 |
70 | ····3 | 39 | ····3bc4:» 44794628·» ldrbtmi» r4,·[r9],·#-1576» ;·0xfffff9d8 |
71 | ····3 | 40 | ····3bc8:» eea8f7ff·» mcr» 7,·5,·pc,·cr8,·cr15,·{7}» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
72 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:198 | 41 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:198 |
73 | ····3 | 42 | ····3bcc:» 1be0f8df·» blne» ff841f50·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0xff813ff0> |
74 | ····3 | 43 | ····3bd0:» 44794628·» ldrbtmi» r4,·[r9],·#-1576» ;·0xfffff9d8 |
75 | ····3 | 44 | ····3bd4:» ee36f7ff·» mrc» 7,·1,·APSR_nzcv,·cr6,·cr15,·{7} |
76 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:203 | 45 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:203 |
77 | ····3 | 46 | ····3bd8:» 6080f44f·» addvs» pc,·r0,·pc,·asr·#8 |
78 | ····3 | 47 | ····3bdc:» edd0f7ff·» ldcl» 7,·cr15,·[r0,·#1020]» ;·0x3fc |
79 | ····3 | 48 | ····3be0:» 63b84605·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x63b84605 |
80 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:212 | 49 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:212 |
81 | ····3 | 50 | ····3be4:» 6080f44f·» addvs» pc,·r0,·pc,·asr·#8 |
82 | ····3 | 51 | ····3be8:» 607e1f2e·» rsbsvs» r1,·lr,·lr,·lsr·#30 |
83 | ····3 | 52 | ····3bec:» edc8f7ff·» stcl» 7,·cr15,·[r8,·#1020]» ;·0x3fc |
84 | ····3 | 53 | ····3bf0:» 757ff505·» ldrbvc» pc,·[pc,·#-1285]!» ;·36f3·<cos@plt+0x3>» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
85 | ····3 | 54 | ····3bf4:» 60f84680·» rscsvs» r4,·r8,·r0,·lsl·#13 |
86 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:213 | 55 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:213 |
87 | ····3 | 56 | ····3bf8:» 6080f44f·» addvs» pc,·r0,·pc,·asr·#8 |
88 | ····3 | 57 | ····3bfc:» edc0f7ff·» stcl» 7,·cr15,·[r0,·#1020]» ;·0x3fc |
89 | ····3c | 58 | ····3c00:» 0104f1a8·» smlatbeq» r4,·r8,·r1,·pc» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
90 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:214 | 59 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:214 |
91 | ····3c | 60 | ····3c04:» 23004632·» movwcs» r4,·#1586» ;·0x632 |
92 | ····3c | 61 | ····3c08:» 6d80f5ad·» cfstr32vs» mvfx15,·[r0,·#692]» ;·0x2b4 |
93 | ····3c | 62 | ····3c0c:» d014f8c7·» andsle» pc,·r4,·r7,·asr·#17 |
94 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:213 | 63 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:213 |
95 | ····3c | 64 | ····3c10:» 380460b8·» stmdacc» r4,·{r3,·r4,·r5,·r7,·sp,·lr} |
96 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:219 | 65 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:219 |
97 | ····3c | 66 | ····3c14:» 3f04f842·» svccc» 0x0004f842 |
98 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:218 | 67 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:218 |
99 | ····3c | 68 | ····3c18:» f84042aa·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf84042aa |
100 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:220 | 69 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:220 |
101 | ····3c | 70 | ····3c1c:» f8413f04·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8413f04 |
102 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:221 | 71 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:221 |
103 | ····3c | 72 | ····3c20:» d1f73f04·» mvnsle» r3,·r4,·lsl·#30 |
104 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:224 | 73 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:224 |
105 | ····3c | 74 | ····3c24:» 60c5f44f·» sbcvs» pc,·r5,·pc,·asr·#8 |
106 | ····3c | 75 | ····3c28:» ec92f7ff·» ldc» 7,·cr15,·[r2],·{255}» ;·0xff |
107 | ····3c | 76 | ····3c2c:» f0334605·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf0334605 |
108 | ····3c | 77 | ····3c30:» f8d7ff29·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf8d7ff29 |
109 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:225·(discriminator·3) | 78 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:225·(discriminator·3) |
110 | ····3c | 79 | ····3c34:» 6bbe802c·» blvs» fefa3cec·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0xfef75d8c> |
111 | ····3c | 80 | ····3c38:» 1b78f8df·» blne» 1e41fbc·<std::ctype<char>::do_widen(char)·const@@Base+0x1e1405c> |
112 | ····3c | 81 | ····3c3c:» 44794640·» ldrbtmi» r4,·[r9],·#-1600» ;·0xfffff9c0 |
113 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:224·(discriminator·3) | 82 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:224·(discriminator·3) |
114 | ····3c | 83 | ····3c40:» f7ff6035·» » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7ff6035 |
115 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:225·(discriminator·3) | 84 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:225·(discriminator·3) |
116 | ····3c | 85 | ····3c44:» 4640ee00·» strbmi» lr,·[r0],·-r0,·lsl·#28 |
117 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:226·(discriminator·3) | 86 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:226·(discriminator·3) |
118 | ····3c | 87 | ····3c48:» ed76f7ff·» ldcl» 7,·cr15,·[r6,·#-1020]!» ;·0xfffffc04 |
119 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:230·(discriminator·3) | 88 | /build/tandem-mass-201702011/src/tandem.cpp:230·(discriminator·3) |
120 | ····3c | 89 | ····3c4c:» 6080f44f·» addvs» pc,·r0,·pc,·asr·#8 |
121 | ····3c | 90 | ····3c50:» ed96f7ff·» ldc» 7,·cr15,·[r6,·#1020]» ;·0x3fc |
122 | strcpy(): | 91 | strcpy(): |
123 | /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/string_fortified.h:90·(discriminator·3) | 92 | /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/string_fortified.h:90·(discriminator·3) |
Max diff block lines reached; 18081216/18092113 bytes (99.94%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | Disassembly·of·section·.fini: | 1 | Disassembly·of·section·.fini: |
2 | 00052 | 2 | 00052274·<.fini>: |
3 | ···52 | 3 | ···52274:» e92d4008·» push» {r3,·lr} |
4 | ···52 | 4 | ···52278:» e8bd8008·» pop» {r3,·pc} |
Offset 1, 1349 lines modified | Offset 1, 1349 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.rodata': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.rodata': |
2 | ··0x00052 | 2 | ··0x0005227c·01000200·336d6161·00000000·376d646f·....3maa....7mdo |
3 | ··0x00052 | 3 | ··0x0005228c·6d61696e·00000000·396d7365·7175656e·main....9msequen |
4 | ··0x00052 | 4 | ··0x0005229c·63650000·31306d68·6973746f·6772616d·ce..10mhistogram |
5 | ··0x00052 | 5 | ··0x000522ac·00000000·3136636f·756e745f·6d686973·....16count_mhis |
6 | ··0x00052 | 6 | ··0x000522bc·746f6772·616d0000·326d6900·76656374·togram..2mi.vect |
7 | ··0x00052 | 7 | ··0x000522cc·6f723a3a·72657365·72766500·62617369·or::reserve.basi |
8 | ··0x000522 | 8 | ··0x000522dc·635f7374·72696e67·3a3a5f4d·5f636f6e·c_string::_M_con |
9 | ··0x000522 | 9 | ··0x000522ec·73747275·6374206e·756c6c20·6e6f7420·struct·null·not· |
10 | ··0x000522 | 10 | ··0x000522fc·76616c69·64000000·2d4c0000·2d680000·valid...-L..-h.. |
11 | ··0x00052 | 11 | ··0x0005230c·0a0a5553·4147453a·2074616e·64656d20·..USAGE:·tandem· |
12 | ··0x00052 | 12 | ··0x0005231c·66696c65·6e616d65·0a0a7768·65726520·filename..where· |
13 | ··0x00052 | 13 | ··0x0005232c·66696c65·6e616d65·20697320·616e7920·filename·is·any· |
14 | ··0x00052 | 14 | ··0x0005233c·76616c69·64207061·74682074·6f20616e·valid·path·to·an |
15 | ··0x00052 | 15 | ··0x0005234c·20584d4c·20696e70·75742066·696c652e··XML·input·file. |
16 | ··0x00052 | 16 | ··0x0005235c·0a0a2b2d·2b2d2b2d·2b2d2b2d·2b2d2b0a·..+-+-+-+-+-+-+. |
17 | ··0x00052 | 17 | ··0x0005236c·00000000·0a582120·54414e44·454d2000·.....X!·TANDEM·. |
18 | ··0x00052 | 18 | ··0x0005237c·416c616e·696e6520·28323031·372e322e·Alanine·(2017.2. |
19 | ··0x00052 | 19 | ··0x0005238c·312e3429·00000000·0a436f70·79726967·1.4).....Copyrig |
20 | ··0x00052 | 20 | ··0x0005239c·68742028·43292032·3030332d·32303134·ht·(C)·2003-2014 |
21 | ··0x00052 | 21 | ··0x000523ac·20526f6e·616c6420·43204265·61766973··Ronald·C·Beavis |
22 | ··0x00052 | 22 | ··0x000523bc·2c20616c·6c207269·67687473·20726573·,·all·rights·res |
23 | ··0x00052 | 23 | ··0x000523cc·65727665·640a0000·54686973·20736f66·erved...This·sof |
24 | ··0x000523 | 24 | ··0x000523dc·74776172·65206973·20612063·6f6d706f·tware·is·a·compo |
25 | ··0x000523 | 25 | ··0x000523ec·6e656e74·206f6620·74686520·47504d20·nent·of·the·GPM· |
26 | ··0x000523 | 26 | ··0x000523fc·2070726f·6a656374·2e0a0000·55736520··project....Use· |
27 | ··0x00052 | 27 | ··0x0005240c·6f662074·68697320·736f6674·77617265·of·this·software |
28 | ··0x00052 | 28 | ··0x0005241c·20676f76·65726e65·64206279·20746865··governed·by·the |
29 | ··0x00052 | 29 | ··0x0005242c·20417274·69737469·63206c69·63656e73··Artistic·licens |
30 | ··0x00052 | 30 | ··0x0005243c·652e0a00·49662079·6f752064·6f206e6f·e...If·you·do·no |
31 | ··0x00052 | 31 | ··0x0005244c·74206861·76652074·68697320·6c696365·t·have·this·lice |
32 | ··0x00052 | 32 | ··0x0005245c·6e73652c·20796f75·2063616e·20676574·nse,·you·can·get |
33 | ··0x00052 | 33 | ··0x0005246c·20612063·6f707920·61740a00·68747470··a·copy·at..http |
34 | ··0x00052 | 34 | ··0x0005247c·3a2f2f77·77772e70·65726c2e·636f6d2f·:// |
35 | ··0x00052 | 35 | ··0x0005248c·7075622f·612f6c61·6e677561·67652f6d·pub/a/language/m |
36 | ··0x00052 | 36 | ··0x0005249c·6973632f·41727469·73746963·2e68746d·isc/Artistic.htm |
37 | ··0x00052 | 37 | ··0x000524ac·6c0a0000·0a2b2d2b·2d2b2d2b·2d2b2d2b·l....+-+-+-+-+-+ |
38 | ··0x00052 | 38 | ··0x000524bc·2d2b0a0a·70726573·73203c45·6e746572··<Enter |
39 | ··0x00052 | 39 | ··0x000524cc·3e20746f·20636f6e·74696e75·65202e2e·>·to·continue·.. |
40 | ··0x000524 | 40 | ··0x000524dc·2e000000·4c6f6164·696e6720·73706563·....Loading·spec |
41 | ··0x000524 | 41 | ··0x000524ec·74726100·0a0a416e·20657272·6f722077·tra...An·error·w |
42 | ··0x000524 | 42 | ··0x000524fc·61732064·65746563·74656420·7768696c·as·detected·whil |
43 | ··0x00052 | 43 | ··0x0005250c·65206c6f·6164696e·67207468·6520696e·e·loading·the·in |
44 | ··0x00052 | 44 | ··0x0005251c·70757420·70617261·6d657465·72732e0a·put·parameters.. |
45 | ··0x00052 | 45 | ··0x0005252c·506c6561·73652066·6f6c6c6f·77207468·Please·follow·th |
46 | ··0x00052 | 46 | ··0x0005253c·65206164·76696365·2061626f·7665206f·e·advice·above·o |
47 | ··0x0005247 | 47 | ··0x0005254c·7220636f·6e746163·74206120·47504d20·r·contact·a·GPM· |
48 | ··0x00052 | 48 | ··0x0005255c·61646d69·6e697374·7261746f·7220746f·administrator·to |
49 | ··0x00052 | 49 | ··0x0005256c·2068656c·7020796f·752e0000·206c6f61··help·you...·loa |
50 | ··0x00052 | 50 | ··0x0005257c·6465642e·0a000000·4e6f2069·6e707574·ded.....No·input |
51 | ··0x00052 | 51 | ··0x0005258c·20737065·63747261·206d6574·20746865··spectra·met·the |
52 | ··0x00052 | 52 | ··0x0005259c·20616363·65707461·6e636520·63726974··acceptance·crit |
53 | ··0x00052 | 53 | ··0x000525ac·65726961·2e0a0000·53706563·74726120·eria....Spectra· |
54 | ··0x00052 | 54 | ··0x000525bc·6d617463·68696e67·20637269·74657269·matching·criteri |
55 | ··0x00052 | 55 | ··0x000525cc·61203d20·00000000·53746172·74696e67·a·=·....Starting |
56 | ··0x000525 | 56 | ··0x000525dc·20746872·65616473·202e0000·6572726f··threads·...erro |
57 | ··0x000525 | 57 | ··0x000525ec·72207050·726f6365·73732d3e·4c6f6164·r·pProcess->Load |
58 | ··0x000525 | 58 | ··0x000525fc·50617261·6d657465·72730972·65747572·Parameters.retur |
59 | ··0x00052 | 59 | ··0x0005260c·6e656420·6572726f·7220286d·61696e29·ned·error·(main) |
60 | ··0x00052 | 60 | ··0x0005261c·0d0a0000·20737461·72746564·2e0a0000·....·started.... |
61 | ··0x00052 | 61 | ··0x0005262c·436f6d70·7574696e·67206d6f·64656c73·Computing·models |
62 | ··0x00052 | 62 | ··0x0005263c·3a0a0000·09736571·75656e63·6573206d·:....sequences·m |
63 | ··0x00052 | 63 | ··0x0005264c·6f64656c·6c656420·3d200000·206b730a·odelled·=·..·ks. |
64 | ··0x00052 | 64 | ··0x0005265c·00000000·4d6f6465·6c207265·66696e65·....Model·refine |
65 | ··0x00052 | 65 | ··0x0005266c·6d656e74·3a0a0000·4d657267·696e6720·ment:...Merging· |
66 | ··0x00052 | 66 | ··0x0005267c·72657375·6c74733a·0a000000·0966726f·results:.....fro |
67 | ··0x00052 | 67 | ··0x0005268c·6d200000·61646469·6e672073·70656374·m·..adding·spect |
68 | ··0x00052 | 68 | ··0x0005269c·72612066·61696c65·642e0a00·43726561·ra·failed...Crea |
69 | ··0x00052 | 69 | ··0x000526ac·74696e67·20726570·6f72743a·0a000000·ting·report:.... |
70 | ··0x00052 | 70 | ··0x000526bc·0a56616c·6964206d·6f64656c·73203d20·.Valid·models·=· |
71 | ··0x00052 | 71 | ··0x000526cc·00000000·556e6971·7565206d·6f64656c·....Unique·model |
72 | ··0x000526 | 72 | ··0x000526dc·73203d20·00000000·45737469·6d617465·s·=·....Estimate |
73 | ··0x000526 | 73 | ··0x000526ec·64206661·6c736520·706f7369·74697665·d·false·positive |
74 | ··0x000526 | 74 | ··0x000526fc·73203d20·00000000·20262331·37373b20·s·=·....·±· |
75 | ··0x00052 | 75 | ··0x0005270c·00000000·46616c73·6520706f·73697469·....False·positi |
76 | ··0x00052 | 76 | ··0x0005271c·76652072·61746520·28726576·65727365·ve·rate·(reverse |
77 | ··0x00052 | 77 | ··0x0005272c·64207365·7175656e·63657329·203d2000·d·sequences)·=·. |
78 | ··0x00052 | 78 | ··0x0005273c·00000000·31307033·6d70726f·63657373·....10p3mprocess |
79 | ··0x00052 | 79 | ··0x0005274c·00000000·70726f63·6573732c·20766572·....process,·ver |
80 | ··0x00052 | 80 | ··0x0005275c·73696f6e·00000000·58212050·33200000·sion....X!·P3·.. |
81 | ··0x00052 | 81 | ··0x0005276c·62617369·635f7374·72696e67·3a3a6170·basic_string::ap |
82 | ··0x00052 | 82 | ··0x0005277c·70656e64·00000000·72656669·6e652c20·pend....refine,· |
83 | ··0x00052 | 83 | ··0x0005278c·6d617869·6d756d20·76616c69·64206578·maximum·valid·ex |
84 | ··0x00052 | 84 | ··0x0005279c·70656374·6174696f·6e207661·6c756500·pectation·value. |
85 | ··0x00052 | 85 | ··0x000527ac·31365341·584d7a64·61746148·616e646c·16SAXMzdataHandl |
86 | ··0x00052 | 86 | ··0x000527bc·65720000·656e6469·616e0000·6c697474·er..endian..litt |
87 | ··0x00052 | 87 | ··0x000527cc·6c650000·70726563·6973696f·6e000000·le..precision... |
88 | ··0x000527 | 88 | ··0x000527dc·36340000·6d7a4172·72617942·696e6172·64..mzArrayBinar |
89 | ··0x000527 | 89 | ··0x000527ec·79000000·696e7465·6e417272·61794269·y...intenArrayBi |
90 | ··0x000527 | 90 | ··0x000527fc·6e617279·00000000·64617461·00000000· |
91 | ··0x00052 | 91 | ··0x0005280c·69640000·73706563·7472756d·496e7374·id..spectrumInst |
92 | ··0x00052 | 92 | ··0x0005281c·72756d65·6e740000·61637149·6e737472·rument..acqInstr |
93 | ··0x00052 | 93 | ··0x0005282c·756d656e·74000000·6d734c65·76656c00·ument...msLevel. |
94 | ··0x00052 | 94 | ··0x0005283c·63765061·72616d00·6e616d65·00000000· |
95 | ··0x00052 | 95 | ··0x0005284c·706f6c61·72697479·00000000·76616c75·polarity....valu |
96 | ··0x00052 | 96 | ··0x0005285c·65000000·2b000000·6d7a0000·6d2f7a00· |
97 | ··0x00052 | 97 | ··0x0005286c·43686172·67655374·61746500·73656c65·ChargeState.sele |
98 | ··0x00052 | 98 | ··0x0005287c·63746564·20696f6e·206d2f7a·00000000·cted·ion·m/z.... |
99 | ··0x00052 | 99 | ··0x0005288c·43686172·67652053·74617465·00000000·Charge·State.... |
100 | ··0x00052 | 100 | ··0x0005289c·4d617373·20546f20·43686172·67652052·Mass·To·Charge·R |
101 | ··0x00052 | 101 | ··0x000528ac·6174696f·00000000·4d617373·546f4368·atio....MassToCh |
102 | ··0x00052 | 102 | ··0x000528bc·61726765·52617469·6f000000·6c656e67·argeRatio...leng |
103 | ··0x00052 | 103 | ··0x000528cc·74680000·62696700·31386d73·70656374·th..big.18mspect |
104 | ··0x000528 | 104 | ··0x000528dc·72756d63·6f6e6469·74696f6e·00000000·rumcondition.... |
105 | ··0x000528 | 105 | ··0x000528ec·73706563·7472756d·2c206479·6e616d69·spectrum,·dynami |
106 | ··0x000528 | 106 | ··0x000528fc·63207261·6e676500·73706563·7472756d·c·range.spectrum |
107 | ··0x00052 | 107 | ··0x0005290c·2c20746f·74616c20·7065616b·73000000·,·total·peaks... |
108 | ··0x00052 | 108 | ··0x0005291c·73706563·7472756d·2c206d69·6e696d75·spectrum,·minimu |
109 | ··0x00052 | 109 | ··0x0005292c·6d207065·616b7300·73706563·7472756d·m·peaks.spectrum |
110 | ··0x00052 | 110 | ··0x0005293c·2c206d69·6e696d75·6d207061·72656e74·,·minimum·parent |
111 | ··0x00052 | 111 | ··0x0005294c·206d2b68·00000000·73706563·7472756d··m+h....spectrum |
112 | ··0x00052 | 112 | ··0x0005295c·2c206d69·6e696d75·6d206672·61676d65·,·minimum·fragme |
113 | ··0x00052 | 113 | ··0x0005296c·6e74206d·7a000000·73706563·7472756d·nt·mz...spectrum |
114 | ··0x00052 | 114 | ··0x0005297c·2c207573·6520636f·6e646974·696f6e69·,·use·conditioni |
115 | ··0x00052 | 115 | ··0x0005298c·6e670000·79657300·6e6f0000·73706563· |
116 | ··0x00052 | 116 | ··0x0005299c·7472756d·2c207573·65206e65·75747261·trum,·use·neutra |
117 | ··0x00052 | 117 | ··0x000529ac·6c206c6f·73732077·696e646f·77000000·l·loss·window... |
118 | ··0x00052 | 118 | ··0x000529bc·73706563·7472756d·2c206e65·75747261·spectrum,·neutra |
119 | ··0x00052 | 119 | ··0x000529cc·6c206c6f·73732077·696e646f·77000000·l·loss·window... |
120 | ··0x000529 | 120 | ··0x000529dc·73706563·7472756d·2c206e65·75747261·spectrum,·neutra |
121 | ··0x000529 | 121 | ··0x000529ec·6c206c6f·7373206d·61737300·73706563·l·loss·mass.spec |
122 | ··0x000529 | 122 | ··0x000529fc·7472756d·2c20616c·6c6f7765·64206e65·trum,·allowed·ne |
123 | ··0x00052 | 123 | ··0x00052a0c·75747261·6c206c6f·73736573·00000000·utral·losses.... |
124 | ··0x00052 | 124 | ··0x00052a1c·62617369·635f7374·72696e67·3a3a7375·basic_string::su |
125 | ··0x00052 | 125 | ··0x00052a2c·62737472·00000000·25733a20·5f5f706f·bstr....%s:·__po |
126 | ··0x00052 | 126 | ··0x00052a3c·73202877·68696368·20697320·257a7529·s·(which·is·%zu) |
Max diff block lines reached; 0/180414 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 681 lines modified | Offset 1, 681 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.ARM.extab': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.ARM.extab': |
2 | ··0x00057 | 2 | ··0x00057698·08b10181·b0b00084·00000000·08b10181·................ |
3 | ··0x00057 | 3 | ··0x000576a8·b0b00084·00000000·50c3fa7f·af08b100·........P....... |
4 | ··0x00057 | 4 | ··0x000576b8·ff901d01·15546aa8·0201ee01·040000b4·.....Tj......... |
5 | ··0x00057 | 5 | ··0x000576c8·0204b802·00bc0204·00000100·00000000·................ |
6 | ··0x000576 | 6 | ··0x000576d8·28c3fa7f·b0a90400·ffff0108·38047400·(...........8.t. |
7 | ··0x000576 | 7 | ··0x000576e8·7c040000·14c3fa7f·b0b0ae00·ff901d01·|............... |
8 | ··0x000576 | 8 | ··0x000576f8·154a6ac0·0201f401·040000cc·0204d002·.Jj............. |
9 | ··0x00057 | 9 | ··0x00057708·00d40204·00000100·00000000·ecc2fa7f·................ |
10 | ··0x00057 | 10 | ··0x00057718·b0a90400·ffff0108·38047400·7c040000·........8.t.|... |
11 | ··0x00057 | 11 | ··0x00057728·d8c2fa7f·b0b0ae00·ff901d01·154a6ac0·.............Jj. |
12 | ··0x00057 | 12 | ··0x00057738·0201f401·040000cc·0204d002·00d40204·................ |
13 | ··0x00057 | 13 | ··0x00057748·00000100·00000000·b0c2fa7f·b0a90400·................ |
14 | ··0x00057 | 14 | ··0x00057758·ffff0108·38047400·7c040000·9cc2fa7f·....8.t.|....... |
15 | ··0x00057 | 15 | ··0x00057768·b0af0c00·ff906d01·63520400·00da0104·......m.cR...... |
16 | ··0x00057 | 16 | ··0x00057778·de0901ba·0204f609·01da0304·c20801b2·................ |
17 | ··0x00057 | 17 | ··0x00057788·0404d008·01d40504·b40901a6·0604c209·................ |
18 | ··0x00057 | 18 | ··0x00057798·01b60804·b40901ba·0804c208·01be0804·................ |
19 | ··0x00057 | 19 | ··0x000577a8·de0901cc·08048a09·03d80804·f80803a8·................ |
20 | ··0x00057 | 20 | ··0x000577b8·0904ac09·00b00904·0000be09·04b80a03·................ |
21 | ··0x00057 | 21 | ··0x000577c8·ca090482·0a03fe09·04a40a03·0100007d·...............} |
22 | ··0x000577 | 22 | ··0x000577d8·00000000·24c2fa7f·b0b0ae00·ff901d01·....$........... |
23 | ··0x000577 | 23 | ··0x000577e8·140e0400·003e408e·01019a01·049e0100·.....>@......... |
24 | ··0x000577 | 24 | ··0x000577f8·a2010400·00010000·00000000·fcc1fa7f·................ |
25 | ··0x00057 | 25 | ··0x00057808·b0af1200·ff90d001·01c20196·01fa0200·................ |
26 | ··0x00057 | 26 | ··0x00057818·00e00404·b41b01b2·08040000·c00904cc·................ |
27 | ··0x00057 | 27 | ··0x00057828·1c01da09·04c81c03·8a0a049a·1c03920b·................ |
28 | ··0x00057 | 28 | ··0x00057838·048c1c01·f80b04dc·1c01c00c·04ce1c03·................ |
29 | ··0x00057 | 29 | ··0x00057848·b80fe203·0000e813·04c21b01·861604de·................ |
30 | ··0x00057 | 30 | ··0x00057858·1b01a016·04ec1b03·d01604c4·1a03d617·................ |
31 | ··0x00057 | 31 | ··0x00057868·04f21a01·b81804aa·1d018019·04b61d03·................ |
32 | ··0x00057 | 32 | ··0x00057878·da195a00·00b41a04·8c1c01b8·1a04f21a·..Z............. |
33 | ··0x00057 | 33 | ··0x00057888·01bc1a04·c41a03c0·1a049a1c·03ee1a04·................ |
34 | ··0x00057 | 34 | ··0x00057898·ac1b00fc·1a048c1b·03b01b04·0000be1b·................ |
35 | ··0x00057 | 35 | ··0x000578a8·04f01b00·ca1b0480·1c00961c·04841d03·................ |
36 | ··0x00057 | 36 | ··0x000578b8·c41c04f2·1d03e41c·04981d01·b21d04e0·................ |
37 | ··0x00057 | 37 | ··0x000578c8·1d01881e·048c1e00·901e0400·00010000·................ |
38 | ··0x000578 | 38 | ··0x000578d8·7d000000·00000000·20c1fa7f·b0b0ae00·}.......·....... |
39 | ··0x000578 | 39 | ··0x000578e8·ff901d01·140e0400·003a428c·01019801·.........:B..... |
40 | ··0x000578 | 40 | ··0x000578f8·049c0100·a0010400·00010000·00000000·................ |
41 | ··0x00057 | 41 | ··0x00057908·f8c0fa7f·b0b0ae00·ff901d01·140e0400·................ |
42 | ··0x00057 | 42 | ··0x00057918·003a428c·01019801·049c0100·a0010400·.:B............. |
43 | ··0x00057 | 43 | ··0x00057928·00010000·00000000·d0c0fa7f·b0af1400·................ |
44 | ··0x00057 | 44 | ··0x00057938·ff90b001·01a501a0·01040000·ac0204a4·................ |
45 | ··0x00057 | 45 | ··0x00057948·1000aa03·048c0f00·ca0404d8·0f01e404·................ |
46 | ··0x00057 | 46 | ··0x00057958·04b60e01·940504ee·0f01a406·04920f01·................ |
47 | ··0x00057 | 47 | ··0x00057968·8c0704a6·1001d807·04a00f01·b40804a2·................ |
48 | ··0x00057 | 48 | ··0x00057978·1000f208·04b41000·9009048a·0f009e0a·................ |
49 | ··0x00057 | 49 | ··0x00057988·04f80f00·ce0b04c0·0e00f80c·04ba0e00·................ |
50 | ··0x00057 | 50 | ··0x00057998·ce0d04da·0f009e0e·04920f01·a20e04ee·................ |
51 | ··0x00057 | 51 | ··0x000579a8·0f01a60e·048c0f00·aa0e0400·00ae0e04·................ |
52 | ··0x00057 | 52 | ··0x000579b8·a21000b2·0e04a410·00bc0e04·c00e0086·................ |
53 | ··0x00057 | 53 | ··0x000579c8·0f040000·8e0f04f8·0f009c0f·04c21001·................ |
54 | ··0x000579 | 54 | ··0x000579d8·d40f0492·1000b010·04e21001·01000000·................ |
55 | ··0x000579 | 55 | ··0x000579e8·00000000·14c0fa7f·b0af0c00·ff902901·..............). |
56 | ··0x000579 | 56 | ··0x000579f8·1f560400·006804fc·0501f805·04000086·.V...h.......... |
57 | ··0x00057 | 57 | ··0x00057a08·06049606·03ac0604·b00600b4·06040000·................ |
58 | ··0x00057 | 58 | ··0x00057a18·0100007d·00000000·e0bffa7f·af04b200·...}............ |
59 | ··0x00057 | 59 | ··0x00057a28·ffff0123·6cf20800·009c0afc·11a42a00·...#l.........*. |
60 | ··0x00057 | 60 | ··0x00057a38·a621f608·00009c2a·08a42a00·aa2a0400·.!.....*..*..*.. |
61 | ··0x00057 | 61 | ··0x00057a48·00ae2a08·a42a0000·b0bffa7f·af70b200·..*..*.......p.. |
62 | ··0x00057 | 62 | ··0x00057a58·ffff0113·54040000·5c04820e·006e04f2·....T...\....n.. |
63 | ··0x00057 | 63 | ··0x00057a68·0d00fe0d·04000000·90bffa7f·af6eb200·.............n.. |
64 | ··0x00057 | 64 | ··0x00057a78·ffff011b·1c040000·2ade08e0·11009609·........*....... |
65 | ··0x00057 | 65 | ··0x00057a88·04ee1100·e6110400·00ea1110·e0110000·................ |
66 | ··0x00057 | 66 | ··0x00057a98·68bffa7f·af3f3e00·ffff0115·1e040000·h....?>......... |
67 | ··0x00057 | 67 | ··0x00057aa8·2ae0158a·16009016·04000094·16048a16·*............... |
68 | ··0x00057 | 68 | ··0x00057ab8·00000000·44bffa7f·af3f3c00·ffff0115·....D....?<..... |
69 | ··0x00057 | 69 | ··0x00057ac8·1a040000·3efa15b8·1600be16·040000c2·....>........... |
70 | ··0x00057a08· | 70 | ··0x00057ad8·1604b816·00000000·20bffa7f·af02b200·........·....... |
71 | ··0x00057a | 71 | ··0x00057ae8·ffff0116·4e2a0000·9e019c11·ae1700b4·....N*.......... |
72 | ··0x00057a | 72 | ··0x00057af8·17040000·b81710ae·17000000·fcbefa7f·................ |
73 | ··0x00057 | 73 | ··0x00057b08·b0af0e00·ff903d01·314e0400·005a04d0·......=.1N...Z.. |
74 | ··0x00057 | 74 | ··0x00057b18·06016a04·ea06018e·0104f806·019c0604·..j............. |
75 | ··0x00057 | 75 | ··0x00057b28·c00601de·0604e206·00e60604·0000f406·................ |
76 | ··0x00057 | 76 | ··0x00057b38·04a20703·860704b0·07030100·007d0000·.............}.. |
77 | ··0x00057 | 77 | ··0x00057b48·00000000·b4befa7f·c91a9701·b0b0af81·................ |
78 | ··0x00057 | 78 | ··0x00057b58·ffff0128·5a720000·ce0104f8·1d00e201·...(Zr.......... |
79 | ··0x00057 | 79 | ··0x00057b68·a4030000·880504e0·1d009405·100000c4·................ |
80 | ··0x00057 | 80 | ··0x00057b78·05ca0cee·1d00f212·940b0000·7cbefa7f·............|... |
81 | ··0x00057 | 81 | ··0x00057b88·b0ac0b00·ffff0118·08040000·4204c801·............B... |
82 | ··0x00057 | 82 | ··0x00057b98·005c04a8·01007434·ca0100c4·01040000·.\....t4........ |
83 | ··0x00057 | 83 | ··0x00057ba8·58befa7f·b0af0e00·ffff010b·880104f6·X............... |
84 | ··0x00057 | 84 | ··0x00057bb8·0400fe04·04000000·40befa7f·87c92401·........@.....$. |
85 | ··0x00057 | 85 | ··0x00057bc8·b0b0b0af·ff905d01·522a0400·0044ce0e·......].R*...D.. |
86 | ··0x00057b | 86 | ··0x00057bd8·be1600a8·0f04d815·00da0f04·821600dc·................ |
87 | ··0x00057b | 87 | ··0x00057be8·1004c016·01b21104·ae1601fa·1104a216·................ |
88 | ··0x00057b | 88 | ··0x00057bf8·00fe1298·02be1600·b61504c0·1601ba15·................ |
89 | ··0x00057 | 89 | ··0x00057c08·04821600·fe150400·00921610·be1600ba·................ |
90 | ··0x00057 | 90 | ··0x00057c18·1604da16·01ca1604·f8160001·00000000·................ |
91 | ··0x00057 | 91 | ··0x00057c28·00000000·d4bdfa7f·87c92401·b0b0b0af·..........$..... |
92 | ··0x00057 | 92 | ··0x00057c38·ff906101·582e0400·0048d411·a01900b4·..a.X....H...... |
93 | ··0x00057 | 93 | ··0x00057c48·1204d218·00e81204·c41800e8·1304b618·................ |
94 | ··0x00057 | 94 | ··0x00057c58·01be1404·a219018e·15048819·009616e0·................ |
95 | ··0x00057 | 95 | ··0x00057c68·01a01900·961804c4·18009a18·04b61801·................ |
96 | ··0x00057 | 96 | ··0x00057c78·b21804a0·1900c018·04b21900·c6180ca0·................ |
97 | ··0x00057 | 97 | ··0x00057c88·1900f818·040000ae·1904d019·01010000·................ |
98 | ··0x00057 | 98 | ··0x00057c98·00000000·64bdfa7f·c93f1e01·b0b0af84·....d....?...... |
99 | ··0x00057 | 99 | ··0x00057ca8·ff90a803·019d0386·01680000·d004049e·.........h...... |
100 | ··0x00057 | 100 | ··0x00057cb8·4b00ac05·04964c00·960acc01·0000c211·K.....L......... |
101 | ··0x00057 | 101 | ··0x00057cc8·04b24e00·9e129209·da4b00fe·1b04a44d·..N......K.....M |
102 | ··0x00057c | 102 | ··0x00057cd8·01e01c1e·da4b008a·1d04b04d·00ac1d04·.....K.....M.... |
103 | ··0x00057c | 103 | ··0x00057ce8·da4b00bc·1d04824b·00ee1f04·da4b00c0·.K.....K.....K.. |
104 | ··0x00057c | 104 | ··0x00057cf8·2004d84d·01f42304·da4b008e·2404d64d··..M..#..K..$..M |
105 | ··0x00057 | 105 | ··0x00057d08·00c62404·e44c00de·2504fe4c·01ae2604·..$..L..%..L..&. |
106 | ··0x00057 | 106 | ··0x00057d18·d04e01f4·2604c44e·00bc2724·da4b00b4·.N..&..N..'$.K.. |
107 | ··0x00057 | 107 | ··0x00057d28·28048e4d·00d82afe·05964c00·a43104dc·(..M..*...L..1.. |
108 | ··0x00057 | 108 | ··0x00057d38·4b018632·1e964c00·b03204b4·4e00d232·K..2..L..2..N..2 |
109 | ··0x00057 | 109 | ··0x00057d48·04964c00·e2320498·4c009235·04964c00·..L..2..L..5..L. |
110 | ··0x00057 | 110 | ··0x00057d58·e43504ca·4b01a639·04964c00·fc3904b8·.5..K..9..L..9.. |
111 | ··0x00057 | 111 | ··0x00057d68·4e01ba3a·1c964c00·c23b56da·4b00d03c·N..:..L..;V.K..< |
112 | ··0x00057 | 112 | ··0x00057d78·66964c00·cc3d04e4·4d00843e·04b64e00·f.L..=..M..>..N. |
113 | ··0x00057 | 113 | ··0x00057d88·9e3f048c·4d01ee3f·04f64a01·b44004b8·.?..M..?..J..@.. |
114 | ··0x00057 | 114 | ··0x00057d98·4a009841·d2058e4d·00f24604·964c0090·J..A...M..F..L.. |
115 | ··0x00057 | 115 | ··0x00057da8·4704da4b·00a04704·964c00aa·48048e4d·G..K..G..L..H..M |
116 | ··0x00057 | 116 | ··0x00057db8·00fe4804·ca4d01b6·4904964c·00fc4904·..H..M..I..L..I. |
117 | ··0x00057 | 117 | ··0x00057dc8·8e4d008c·4a04964c·00904a08·da4b009c·.M..J..L..J..K.. |
118 | ··0x00057d | 118 | ··0x00057dd8·4a048e4d·00a04a04·8c4d01a4·4a04964c·J..M..J..M..J..L |
119 | ··0x00057d | 119 | ··0x00057de8·00a84a04·b64e00ac·4a04964c·00b04a04·..J..N..J..L..J. |
120 | ··0x00057d | 120 | ··0x00057df8·e44c00b4·4a04fe4c·01f24a04·0000fe4a·.L..J..L..J....J |
121 | ··0x00057 | 121 | ··0x00057e08·04e84b01·d24b04d6·4c00d64b·040000e4·..K..K..L..K.... |
122 | ··0x00057 | 122 | ··0x00057e18·4b04b64c·00824c04·c24c0088·4d04944f·K..L..L..L..M..O |
123 | ··0x00057 | 123 | ··0x00057e28·00a04d04·0000ac4d·04e64d00·d24d048c·..M....M..M..M.. |
124 | ··0x00057 | 124 | ··0x00057e38·4e00e04d·04a24e00·c04e0484·4f00d84e·N..M..N..N..O..N |
125 | ··0x00057 | 125 | ··0x00057e48·04a84f01·01000000·00000000·acbbfa7f·..O............. |
126 | ··0x00057 | 126 | ··0x00057e58·b0ac0100·ff901d01·140e0400·0034049a·.............4.. |
Max diff block lines reached; 0/90907 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 250 lines modified | Offset 1, 250 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.ARM.exidx': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.ARM.exidx': |
2 | ··0x0005a0 | 2 | ··0x0005a0f8·689afa7f·50daff7f·b4a9fa7f·01000000·h...P........... |
3 | ··0x0005a | 3 | ··0x0005a108·04b3fa7f·8cd5ff7f·08b3fa7f·90d5ff7f·................ |
4 | ··0x0005a | 4 | ··0x0005a118·0cb3fa7f·01000000·3cb4fa7f·ad08b180·........<....... |
5 | ··0x0005a | 5 | ··0x0005a128·08b5fa7f·01000000·48b7fa7f·ad08b180·........H....... |
6 | ··0x0005a | 6 | ··0x0005a138·00b8fa7f·01000000·c0c0fa7f·b0af0280·................ |
7 | ··0x0005a | 7 | ··0x0005a148·28c2fa7f·64d5ff7f·60c3fa7f·84d5ff7f·(...d...`....... |
8 | ··0x0005a | 8 | ··0x0005a158·d8c3fa7f·90d5ff7f·28c5fa7f·b0d5ff7f·........(....... |
9 | ··0x0005a | 9 | ··0x0005a168·a0c5fa7f·bcd5ff7f·f0c6fa7f·dcd5ff7f·................ |
10 | ··0x0005a | 10 | ··0x0005a178·68c7fa7f·01000000·b4c7fa7f·b0aa0180·h............... |
11 | ··0x0005a | 11 | ··0x0005a188·20c8fa7f·d8d5ff7f·8ccdfa7f·48d6ff7f··...........H... |
12 | ··0x0005a | 12 | ··0x0005a198·2ccefa7f·68d6ff7f·38ddfa7f·3cd7ff7f·,...h...8...<... |
13 | ··0x0005a | 13 | ··0x0005a1a8·d4ddfa7f·5cd7ff7f·70defa7f·7cd7ff7f·....\...p...|... |
14 | ··0x0005a | 14 | ··0x0005a1b8·04e7fa7f·30d8ff7f·5ceafa7f·5cd8ff7f·....0...\...\... |
15 | ··0x0005a | 15 | ··0x0005a1c8·b0fffa7f·84d8ff7f·d006fb7f·9cd8ff7f·................ |
16 | ··0x0005a1 | 16 | ··0x0005a1d8·ec0ffb7f·bcd8ff7f·241bfb7f·b0af0480·........$....... |
17 | ··0x0005a1 | 17 | ··0x0005a1e8·341cfb7f·d0d8ff7f·9c27fb7f·ecd8ff7f·4........'...... |
18 | ··0x0005a1 | 18 | ··0x0005a1f8·8433fb7f·08d9ff7f·7837fb7f·01000000·.3......x7...... |
19 | ··0x0005a | 19 | ··0x0005a208·d037fb7f·78d9ff7f·b438fb7f·b0af0680·.7..x....8...... |
20 | ··0x0005a | 20 | ··0x0005a218·a839fb7f·8cd9ff7f·243cfb7f·9cd9ff7f·.9......$<...... |
21 | ··0x0005a | 21 | ··0x0005a228·c447fb7f·00daff7f·c054fb7f·68daff7f·.G.......T..h... |
22 | ··0x0005a | 22 | ··0x0005a238·807cfb7f·01000000·f47cfb7f·b0af0280·.|.......|...... |
23 | ··0x0005a | 23 | ··0x0005a248·987dfb7f·01000000·487efb7f·ef840180·.}......H~...... |
24 | ··0x0005a | 24 | ··0x0005a258·ec7efb7f·01000000·a87ffb7f·b0aa0180·.~.............. |
25 | ··0x0005a | 25 | ··0x0005a268·1480fb7f·e8dbff7f·bc80fb7f·08dcff7f·................ |
26 | ··0x0005a | 26 | ··0x0005a278·8081fb7f·28dcff7f·2c82fb7f·48dcff7f·....(...,...H... |
27 | ··0x0005a | 27 | ··0x0005a288·b084fb7f·01000000·7085fb7f·b0ad0280·........p....... |
28 | ··0x0005a | 28 | ··0x0005a298·3c86fb7f·01000000·9886fb7f·b0ad0280·<............... |
29 | ··0x0005a | 29 | ··0x0005a2a8·6487fb7f·64dcff7f·8492fb7f·b0b0a880·d...d........... |
30 | ··0x0005a | 30 | ··0x0005a2b8·f092fb7f·01000000·8093fb7f·b0b0a880·................ |
31 | ··0x0005a | 31 | ··0x0005a2c8·b493fb7f·b0b0aa80·2494fb7f·01000000·........$....... |
32 | ··0x0005a2 | 32 | ··0x0005a2d8·7494fb7f·b0ae0180·b498fb7f·01000000·t............... |
33 | ··0x0005a2 | 33 | ··0x0005a2e8·d098fb7f·af08b180·7899fb7f·01000000·........x....... |
34 | ··0x0005a2 | 34 | ··0x0005a2f8·ac9afb7f·fcdcff7f·f89bfb7f·10ddff7f·................ |
35 | ··0x0005a | 35 | ··0x0005a308·3c9dfb7f·01000000·8c9efb7f·ad08b180·<............... |
36 | ··0x0005a | 36 | ··0x0005a318·209ffb7f·01000000·cc9ffb7f·0cddff7f··............... |
37 | ··0x0005a | 37 | ··0x0005a328·08a5fb7f·ab08b180·04a6fb7f·28ddff7f·............(... |
38 | ··0x0005a | 38 | ··0x0005a338·f8a6fb7f·2cddff7f·24abfb7f·b0b0ae80·....,...$....... |
39 | ··0x0005a | 39 | ··0x0005a348·a8acfb7f·b0af0280·54adfb7f·01000000·........T....... |
40 | ··0x0005a | 40 | ··0x0005a358·40aefb7f·b0af0280·ecaefb7f·01000000·@............... |
41 | ··0x0005a | 41 | ··0x0005a368·08affb7f·b0ab0480·50affb7f·b0b0ae80·........P....... |
42 | ··0x0005a | 42 | ··0x0005a378·c0affb7f·b0b0aa80·e8affb7f·b0af0880·................ |
43 | ··0x0005a | 43 | ··0x0005a388·ecb1fb7f·b0af0a80·70b3fb7f·e0dcff7f·........p....... |
44 | ··0x0005a | 44 | ··0x0005a398·50b4fb7f·fcdcff7f·74b5fb7f·b0af0680·P.......t....... |
45 | ··0x0005a | 45 | ··0x0005a3a8·40b6fb7f·04ddff7f·04b7fb7f·01000000·@............... |
46 | ··0x0005a | 46 | ··0x0005a3b8·2cb7fb7f·b0af0480·b0b8fb7f·01000000·,............... |
47 | ··0x0005a | 47 | ··0x0005a3c8·bcb8fb7f·a908b180·00b9fb7f·f8dcff7f·................ |
48 | ··0x0005a3 | 48 | ··0x0005a3d8·18b9fb7f·01000000·e4b9fb7f·f4dcff7f·................ |
49 | ··0x0005a3 | 49 | ··0x0005a3e8·70bbfb7f·04ddff7f·80bcfb7f·b0af0880·p............... |
50 | ··0x0005a3 | 50 | ··0x0005a3f8·7cc2fb7f·b0af0280·f8c2fb7f·b0af0480·|............... |
51 | ··0x0005a | 51 | ··0x0005a408·d4d1fb7f·00ddff7f·d4d2fb7f·1cddff7f·................ |
52 | ··0x0005a | 52 | ··0x0005a418·68d3fb7f·01000000·78d3fb7f·b0aa0380·h.......x....... |
53 | ··0x0005a | 53 | ··0x0005a428·c0d3fb7f·10ddff7f·a4d9fb7f·34ddff7f·............4... |
54 | ··0x0005a | 54 | ··0x0005a438·f4dcfb7f·50ddff7f·74e1fb7f·60ddff7f·....P...t...`... |
55 | ··0x0005a | 55 | ··0x0005a448·acf3fb7f·01000000·b0f4fb7f·94ddff7f·................ |
56 | ··0x0005a | 56 | ··0x0005a458·74f6fb7f·01000000·d0f6fb7f·b0ad0280·t............... |
57 | ··0x0005a | 57 | ··0x0005a468·70f8fb7f·01000000·70f8fb7f·9cddff7f·p.......p....... |
58 | ··0x0005a | 58 | ··0x0005a478·78f8fb7f·a0ddff7f·80f8fb7f·01000000·x............... |
59 | ··0x0005a | 59 | ··0x0005a488·80f8fb7f·9cddff7f·88f8fb7f·b0aa0180·................ |
60 | ··0x0005a | 60 | ··0x0005a498·d4fafb7f·98ddff7f·74fbfb7f·9cddff7f·........t....... |
61 | ··0x0005a | 61 | ··0x0005a4a8·14fcfb7f·a0ddff7f·b4fcfb7f·a4ddff7f·................ |
62 | ··0x0005a | 62 | ··0x0005a4b8·60fdfb7f·a8ddff7f·0cfefb7f·acddff7f·`............... |
63 | ··0x0005a | 63 | ··0x0005a4c8·b8fefb7f·b0b0aa80·5cfffb7f·b0b0ac80·........\....... |
64 | ··0x0005a4 | 64 | ··0x0005a4d8·1c01fc7f·ad08b180·1403fc7f·98ddff7f·................ |
65 | ··0x0005a4 | 65 | ··0x0005a4e8·0c05fc7f·b0b0ae80·8007fc7f·bcddff7f·................ |
66 | ··0x0005a4 | 66 | ··0x0005a4f8·9c08fc7f·d8ddff7f·b409fc7f·f4ddff7f·................ |
67 | ··0x0005a | 67 | ··0x0005a508·cc0afc7f·10deff7f·a00dfc7f·2cdeff7f·............,... |
68 | ··0x0005a | 68 | ··0x0005a518·a810fc7f·50deff7f·c013fc7f·74deff7f·....P.......t... |
69 | ··0x0005a | 69 | ··0x0005a528·d816fc7f·98deff7f·f019fc7f·bcdeff7f·................ |
70 | ··0x0005a | 70 | ··0x0005a538·d81cfc7f·c0deff7f·cc1ffc7f·c4deff7f·................ |
71 | ··0x0005a | 71 | ··0x0005a548·9020fc7f·d8deff7f·0c23fc7f·04dfff7f·.·.......#...... |
72 | ··0x0005a | 72 | ··0x0005a558·a025fc7f·30dfff7f·1828fc7f·5cdfff7f·.%..0....(..\... |
73 | ··0x0005a | 73 | ··0x0005a568·942afc7f·88dfff7f·f436fc7f·a0dfff7f·.*.......6...... |
74 | ··0x0005a | 74 | ··0x0005a578·d841fc7f·bcdfff7f·244dfc7f·d4dfff7f·.A......$M...... |
75 | ··0x0005a | 75 | ··0x0005a588·285dfc7f·08e0ff7f·1860fc7f·01000000·(].......`...... |
76 | ··0x0005a | 76 | ··0x0005a598·2860fc7f·04e0ff7f·2c63fc7f·01000000·(`......,c...... |
77 | ··0x0005a | 77 | ··0x0005a5a8·3c63fc7f·00e0ff7f·4066fc7f·01000000·<c......@f...... |
78 | ··0x0005a | 78 | ··0x0005a5b8·5066fc7f·fcdfff7f·5469fc7f·01000000·Pf......Ti...... |
79 | ··0x0005a | 79 | ··0x0005a5c8·7469fc7f·f8dfff7f·146afc7f·fcdfff7f·ti.......j...... |
80 | ··0x0005a5 | 80 | ··0x0005a5d8·c06afc7f·01000000·246bfc7f·f8dfff7f·.j......$k...... |
81 | ··0x0005a5 | 81 | ··0x0005a5e8·846bfc7f·08e0ff7f·586dfc7f·b0af0680·.k......Xm...... |
82 | ··0x0005a5 | 82 | ··0x0005a5f8·706ffc7f·01000000·2c70fc7f·1ce0ff7f·po......,p...... |
83 | ··0x0005a | 83 | ··0x0005a608·7072fc7f·01000000·9475fc7f·38e0ff7f·pr.......u..8... |
84 | ··0x0005a | 84 | ··0x0005a618·ac7bfc7f·b0b0a880·cc7bfc7f·01000000·.{.......{...... |
85 | ··0x0005a | 85 | ··0x0005a628·d47bfc7f·84e0ff7f·a07cfc7f·a0e0ff7f·.{.......|...... |
86 | ··0x0005a | 86 | ··0x0005a638·747dfc7f·b4e0ff7f·e87dfc7f·b0af0480·t}.......}...... |
87 | ··0x0005a | 87 | ··0x0005a648·5c7ffc7f·01000000·747ffc7f·b0a90280·\.......t....... |
88 | ··0x0005a58 | 88 | ··0x0005a658·9c7ffc7f·01000000·0480fc7f·a4e0ff7f·................ |
89 | ··0x0005a | 89 | ··0x0005a668·3482fc7f·c0e0ff7f·7c84fc7f·01000000·4.......|....... |
90 | ··0x0005a | 90 | ··0x0005a678·1485fc7f·d4e0ff7f·4c86fc7f·f8e0ff7f·........L....... |
91 | ··0x0005a | 91 | ··0x0005a688·4888fc7f·01000000·5489fc7f·b0a80380·H.......T....... |
92 | ··0x0005a | 92 | ··0x0005a698·b889fc7f·01000000·5094fc7f·00e1ff7f·........P....... |
93 | ··0x0005a | 93 | ··0x0005a6a8·b49dfc7f·04e1ff7f·24a2fc7f·01000000·........$....... |
94 | ··0x0005a | 94 | ··0x0005a6b8·9ca6fc7f·af08b180·64a7fc7f·01000000·........d....... |
95 | ··0x0005a | 95 | ··0x0005a6c8·f8a7fc7f·a908b180·14a8fc7f·01000000·................ |
96 | ··0x0005a6 | 96 | ··0x0005a6d8·c4a8fc7f·b0b0a880·30a9fc7f·b0b0aa80·........0....... |
97 | ··0x0005a6 | 97 | ··0x0005a6e8·48a9fc7f·b0b0ae80·20aafc7f·b0ad0e80·H.......·....... |
98 | ··0x0005a6 | 98 | ··0x0005a6f8·4cacfc7f·c0e0ff7f·7cb1fc7f·c4e0ff7f·L.......|....... |
99 | ··0x0005a | 99 | ··0x0005a708·acb5fc7f·c8e0ff7f·10b7fc7f·e0e0ff7f·................ |
100 | ··0x0005a | 100 | ··0x0005a718·a0b7fc7f·f4e0ff7f·48b8fc7f·08e1ff7f·........H....... |
101 | ··0x0005a | 101 | ··0x0005a728·28bdfc7f·b0b0a880·bcbdfc7f·04e1ff7f·(............... |
102 | ··0x0005a | 102 | ··0x0005a738·5cc5fc7f·ae80c980·3cc7fc7f·01000000·\.......<....... |
103 | ··0x0005a | 103 | ··0x0005a748·88c8fc7f·08e1ff7f·e8cdfc7f·28e1ff7f·............(... |
104 | ··0x0005a | 104 | ··0x0005a758·5cd2fc7f·01000000·10d6fc7f·b0af0280·\............... |
105 | ··0x0005a | 105 | ··0x0005a768·dcd8fc7f·b0b0ae80·80d9fc7f·01000000·................ |
106 | ··0x0005a | 106 | ··0x0005a778·dcd9fc7f·b0ad0280·acdafc7f·01000000·................ |
107 | ··0x0005a | 107 | ··0x0005a788·30dbfc7f·b0af0880·a0dbfc7f·b0b0ae80·0............... |
108 | ··0x0005a | 108 | ··0x0005a798·28dcfc7f·b0af0c80·b8dffc7f·01000000·(............... |
109 | ··0x0005a | 109 | ··0x0005a7a8·d4e1fc7f·10e1ff7f·e8e1fc7f·01000000·................ |
110 | ··0x0005a | 110 | ··0x0005a7b8·0ce2fc7f·0ce1ff7f·fce2fc7f·b0b0aa80·................ |
111 | ··0x0005a | 111 | ··0x0005a7c8·14e3fc7f·b0b0a880·30e3fc7f·10e1ff7f·........0....... |
112 | ··0x0005a7 | 112 | ··0x0005a7d8·a0e5fc7f·20e1ff7f·98ebfc7f·01000000·....·........... |
113 | ··0x0005a7 | 113 | ··0x0005a7e8·9cebfc7f·28e1ff7f·c0ebfc7f·01000000·....(........... |
114 | ··0x0005a7 | 114 | ··0x0005a7f8·2cecfc7f·24e1ff7f·88ecfc7f·30e1ff7f·,...$.......0... |
115 | ··0x0005a | 115 | ··0x0005a808·d8edfc7f·01000000·5ceefc7f·2ce1ff7f·........\...,... |
116 | ··0x0005a | 116 | ··0x0005a818·4cf0fc7f·af08b180·e4f2fc7f·01000000·L............... |
117 | ··0x0005a | 117 | ··0x0005a828·bcf5fc7f·2ce1ff7f·04f8fc7f·b0af0680·....,........... |
118 | ··0x0005a | 118 | ··0x0005a838·d8fafc7f·b0ad0280·08fcfc7f·68e1ff7f·............h... |
119 | ··0x0005a | 119 | ··0x0005a848·1001fd7f·a908b180·5c01fd7f·b0af0280·........\....... |
120 | ··0x0005a | 120 | ··0x0005a858·ac02fd7f·01000000·e803fd7f·b0af0280·................ |
121 | ··0x0005a | 121 | ··0x0005a868·f80afd7f·01000000·180cfd7f·84e1ff7f·................ |
122 | ··0x0005a | 122 | ··0x0005a878·b810fd7f·01000000·c412fd7f·94e1ff7f·................ |
123 | ··0x0005a | 123 | ··0x0005a888·5c14fd7f·ace1ff7f·0c23fd7f·04e2ff7f·\........#...... |
124 | ··0x0005a | 124 | ··0x0005a898·4c27fd7f·b0af0480·8028fd7f·18e2ff7f·L'.......(...... |
125 | ··0x0005a | 125 | ··0x0005a8a8·042dfd7f·44e2ff7f·0434fd7f·b0af0e80·.-..D....4...... |
126 | ··0x0005a | 126 | ··0x0005a8b8·a836fd7f·01000000·3c38fd7f·b0af0880·.6......<8...... |
Max diff block lines reached; 0/33149 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.eh_frame': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.eh_frame': |
2 | ··0x0005 | 2 | ··0x0005b068·00000000····························.... |
Offset 1, 13 lines modified | Offset 1, 13 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.init_array': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.init_array': |
2 | ··0x0006b5ac·f1530000· | 2 | ··0x0006b5ac·f1530000·b54a0000·e94a0000·1d4b0000·.S...J...J...K.. |
3 | ··0x0006b5bc· | 3 | ··0x0006b5bc·514b0000·854b0000·b94b0000·ed4b0000·QK...K...K...K.. |
4 | ··0x0006b5cc· | 4 | ··0x0006b5cc·214c0000·554c0000·894c0000·bd4c0000·!L..UL...L...L.. |
5 | ··0x0006b5dc· | 5 | ··0x0006b5dc·f14c0000·254d0000·594d0000·a94d0000·.L..%M..YM...M.. |
6 | ··0x0006b5ec·dd4d0000· | 6 | ··0x0006b5ec·dd4d0000·114e0000·454e0000·794e0000·.M...N..EN..yN.. |
7 | ··0x0006b5fc· | 7 | ··0x0006b5fc·ad4e0000·fd4e0000·314f0000·654f0000·.N...N..1O..eO.. |
8 | ··0x0006b60c· | 8 | ··0x0006b60c·994f0000·cd4f0000·01500000·35500000·.O...O...P..5P.. |
9 | ··0x0006b61c·85500000·b9500000· | 9 | ··0x0006b61c·85500000·b9500000·ed500000·21510000·.P...P...P..!Q.. |
10 | ··0x0006b62c· | 10 | ··0x0006b62c·55510000·a5510000·d9510000·0d520000·UQ...Q...Q...R.. |
11 | ··0x0006b63c· | 11 | ··0x0006b63c·45520000·95520000···················ER...R.. |
Offset 1, 141 lines modified | Offset 1, 141 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'': |
2 | ··0x0006b648·00000000·6 | 2 | ··0x0006b648·00000000·60bb0600·d1540000·fd540000·....`....T...T.. |
3 | ··0x0006b658·00000000· | 3 | ··0x0006b658·00000000·68bb0600·bd560000·31560000·....h....V..1V.. |
4 | ··0x0006b668· | 4 | ··0x0006b668·00000000·70bb0600·5d590000·d95b0000·....p...]Y...[.. |
5 | ··0x0006b678· | 5 | ··0x0006b678·00000000·78bb0600·31550000·41570000·....x...1U..AW.. |
6 | ··0x0006b688· | 6 | ··0x0006b688·25540000·5d550000·00000000·80bb0600·%T..]U.......... |
7 | ··0x0006b698· | 7 | ··0x0006b698·51540000·c1540000·55540000·59540000·QT...T..UT..YT.. |
8 | ··0x0006b6a8· | 8 | ··0x0006b6a8·91540000·00000000·88bb0600·ad540000·.T...........T.. |
9 | ··0x0006b6b8· | 9 | ··0x0006b6b8·b1540000·00000000·90bb0600·81d90000·.T.............. |
10 | ··0x0006b6c8· | 10 | ··0x0006b6c8·a9d90000·45de0000·ede90000·79d90000·....E.......y... |
11 | ··0x0006b6d8· | 11 | ··0x0006b6d8·c1db0000·f1f60000·79d90000·00000000·........y....... |
12 | ··0x0006b6e8· | 12 | ··0x0006b6e8·9cbb0600·f5360100·1d370100·4d370100·.....6...7..M7.. |
13 | ··0x0006b6f8· | 13 | ··0x0006b6f8·7d360100·35350100·00000000·a8bb0600·}6..55.......... |
14 | ··0x0006b708· | 14 | ··0x0006b708·813c0100·9d3c0100·00000000·b0bb0600·.<...<.......... |
15 | ··0x0006b718· | 15 | ··0x0006b718·e5760100·81770100·00000000·b8bb0600·.v...w.......... |
16 | ··0x0006b728· | 16 | ··0x0006b728·3d0f0200·e50f0200·2d0f0200·310f0200·=.......-...1... |
17 | ··0x0006b738· | 17 | ··0x0006b738·350f0200·390f0200·00000000·d8bb0600·5...9........... |
18 | ··0x0006b748· | 18 | ··0x0006b748·bda00100·65a10100·2d0f0200·a5f20100·....e...-....... |
19 | ··0x0006b758· | 19 | ··0x0006b758·f5a70100·81a30100·00000000·ccbb0600·................ |
20 | ··0x0006b768· | 20 | ··0x0006b768·15a00100·cda20100·2d0f0200·51e70100·........-...Q... |
21 | ··0x0006b778· | 21 | ··0x0006b778·f5a90100·2da40100·00000000·c0bb0600·....-........... |
22 | ··0x0006b788· | 22 | ··0x0006b788·6d9f0100·19a20100·2d0f0200·65dc0100·m.......-...e... |
23 | ··0x0006b798· | 23 | ··0x0006b798·f5a50100·11a50100·00000000·14bc0600·................ |
24 | ··0x0006b7a8· | 24 | ··0x0006b7a8·21bf0100·11c20100·2d0f0200·fdcf0100·!.......-....... |
25 | ··0x0006b7b8· | 25 | ··0x0006b7b8·0dc50100·d99c0100·00000000·e4bb0600·................ |
26 | ··0x0006b7c8· | 26 | ··0x0006b7c8·b1020200·a9050200·e19c0100·310f0200·............1... |
27 | ··0x0006b7d8· | 27 | ··0x0006b7d8·f9ca0100·d59e0100·00000000·f0bb0600·................ |
28 | ··0x0006b7e8· | 28 | ··0x0006b7e8·e5080200·f10b0200·019d0100·310f0200·............1... |
29 | ··0x0006b7f8· | 29 | ··0x0006b7f8·5dc80100·199d0100·00000000·08bc0600·]............... |
30 | ··0x0006b808· | 30 | ··0x0006b808·090c0200·150f0200·099d0100·310f0200·............1... |
31 | ··0x0006b818·7 | 31 | ··0x0006b818·79cd0100·419e0100·00000000·fcbb0600·y...A........... |
32 | ··0x0006b828· | 32 | ··0x0006b828·c1050200·cd080200·f19c0100·310f0200·............1... |
33 | ··0x0006b838· | 33 | ··0x0006b838·d9c50100·ad9d0100·00000000·20bc0600·............·... |
34 | ··0x0006b848· | 34 | ··0x0006b848·99100200·d1100200·49130200·e5100200·........I....... |
35 | ··0x0006b858· | 35 | ··0x0006b858·9d140200·00000000·2cbc0600·bd180200·........,....... |
36 | ··0x0006b868·2 | 36 | ··0x0006b868·2d1a0200·00000000·5cbc0600·317c0200·-.......\...1|.. |
37 | ··0x0006b878· | 37 | ··0x0006b878·5d7c0200·00000000·64bc0600·857b0200·]|......d....{.. |
38 | ··0x0006b888· | 38 | ··0x0006b888·c97c0200·00000000·6cbc0600·697b0200·.|......l...i{.. |
39 | ··0x0006b898· | 39 | ··0x0006b898·f17b0200·00000000·74bc0600·c17b0200·.{......t....{.. |
40 | ··0x0006b8a8· | 40 | ··0x0006b8a8·917c0200·00000000·7cbc0600·b5880200·.|......|....... |
41 | ··0x0006b8b8· | 41 | ··0x0006b8b8·09890200·00000000·8cbc0600·6d7b0200·............m{.. |
42 | ··0x0006b8c8· | 42 | ··0x0006b8c8·017c0200·00000000·94bc0600·717b0200·.|..........q{.. |
43 | ··0x0006b8d8· | 43 | ··0x0006b8d8·117c0200·00000000·9cbc0600·757b0200·.|..........u{.. |
44 | ··0x0006b8e8· | 44 | ··0x0006b8e8·217c0200·00000000·fcbc0600·69890200·!|..........i... |
45 | ··0x0006b8f8· | 45 | ··0x0006b8f8·6d890200·798d0200·00000000·08bd0600·m...y........... |
46 | ··0x0006b908· | 46 | ··0x0006b908·7d890200·00000000·14bd0600·85930200·}............... |
47 | ··0x0006b918· | 47 | ··0x0006b918·b1930200·79930200·7d930200·81930200·....y...}....... |
48 | ··0x0006b928· | 48 | ··0x0006b928·00000000·1cbd0600·059b0200·cd9d0200·................ |
49 | ··0x0006b938· | 49 | ··0x0006b938·79930200·7d930200·81930200·00000000·y...}........... |
50 | ··0x0006b948· | 50 | ··0x0006b948·28bd0600·65df0200·69df0200·00000000·(...e...i....... |
51 | ··0x0006b958·3 | 51 | ··0x0006b958·30bd0600·79df0200·cddf0200·00000000·0...y........... |
52 | ··0x0006b968· | 52 | ··0x0006b968·38bd0600·31b90200·2dbb0200·00000000·8...1...-....... |
53 | ··0x0006b978· | 53 | ··0x0006b978·40bd0600·69d50300·95d50300·00000000·@...i........... |
54 | ··0x0006b988· | 54 | ··0x0006b988·48bd0600·c9d50300·59d60300·00000000·H.......Y....... |
55 | ··0x0006b998· | 55 | ··0x0006b998·50bd0600·2dd50300·49d50300·00000000·P...-...I....... |
56 | ··0x0006b9a8· | 56 | ··0x0006b9a8·58bd0600·31d50300·39d50300·00000000·X...1...9....... |
57 | ··0x0006b9b8· | 57 | ··0x0006b9b8·60bd0600·35d50300·59d50300·00000000·`...5...Y....... |
58 | ··0x0006b9c8· | 58 | ··0x0006b9c8·68bd0600·f1d60300·79d70300·00000000·h.......y....... |
59 | ··0x0006b9d8· | 59 | ··0x0006b9d8·70bd0600·e97f0300·45840300·7d300300·p.......E...}0.. |
60 | ··0x0006b9e8· | 60 | ··0x0006b9e8·e9330300·51af0300·e51b0300·ad1f0300·.3..Q........... |
61 | ··0x0006b9f8· | 61 | ··0x0006b9f8·ddc60300·00000000·a0bd0600·09190400·................ |
62 | ··0x0006ba08· | 62 | ··0x0006ba08·21190400·991a0400·00000000·acbd0600·!............... |
63 | ··0x0006ba18· | 63 | ··0x0006ba18·41190400·00000000·b8bd0600·192a0400·A............*.. |
64 | ··0x0006ba28· | 64 | ··0x0006ba28·512a0400·00000000·e8bd0600·c9350400·Q*...........5.. |
65 | ··0x0006ba38· | 65 | ··0x0006ba38·f1350400·21360400·61350400·95340400·.5..!6..a5...4.. |
66 | ··0x0006ba48· | 66 | ··0x0006ba48·00000000·f4bd0600·c9390400·293a0400·.........9..):.. |
67 | ··0x0006ba58·00000000· | 67 | ··0x0006ba58·00000000·fcbd0600·09400400·9d400400·.........@...@.. |
68 | ··0x0006ba68· | 68 | ··0x0006ba68·b5400400·a93f0400·c93a0400·00000000·.@...?...:...... |
69 | ··0x0006ba78· | 69 | ··0x0006ba78·08be0600·09510400·e1520400·e9670400·.....Q...R...g.. |
70 | ··0x0006ba88· | 70 | ··0x0006ba88·00000000·10be0600·516d0400·696d0400· |
71 | ··0x0006ba98· | 71 | ··0x0006ba98·e16e0400·00000000·1cbe0600·896d0400·.n...........m.. |
72 | ··0x0006baa8· | 72 | ··0x0006baa8·00000000·28be0600·a17f0400·b97f0400·....(........... |
73 | ··0x0006bab8· | 73 | ··0x0006bab8·118b0400·00000000·34be0600·ed940400·........4....... |
74 | ··0x0006bac8· | 74 | ··0x0006bac8·b9950400·00000000·3cbe0600·91cd0400·........<....... |
75 | ··0x0006bad8· | 75 | ··0x0006bad8·3dd00400·51d00400·79d30400·21ca0400·=...Q...y...!... |
76 | ··0x0006bae8·00000000· | 76 | ··0x0006bae8·00000000·48be0600·59d70400·71d70400·....H...Y...q... |
77 | ··0x0006baf8· | 77 | ··0x0006baf8·e9d80400·00000000·54be0600·91d70400·........T....... |
78 | ··0x0006bb08· | 78 | ··0x0006bb08·00000000·60be0600·35e70400·4de70400·....`...5...M... |
79 | ··0x0006bb18· | 79 | ··0x0006bb18·cde80400·71e70400·59e80400·00000000·....q...Y....... |
80 | ··0x0006bb28· | 80 | ··0x0006bb28·6cbe0600·250a0500·290a0500·00000000·l...%...)....... |
81 | ··0x0006bb38· | 81 | ··0x0006bb38·c4be0600·4d060500·00000000·d0be0600·....M........... |
82 | ··0x0006bb48· | 82 | ··0x0006bb48·f90f0500·11100500·89110500·00000000·................ |
83 | ··0x0006bb58·dcbe0600· | 83 | ··0x0006bb58·dcbe0600·31100500·08000000·80220500·....1........".. |
84 | ··0x0006bb68·08000000· | 84 | ··0x0006bb68·08000000·88220500·08000000·94220500·.....".......".. |
85 | ··0x0006bb78· | 85 | ··0x0006bb78·08000000·a0220500·08000000·b0220500·.....".......".. |
86 | ··0x0006bb88· | 86 | ··0x0006bb88·08000000·c4220500·08000000·40270500·....."......@'.. |
87 | ··0x0006bb98· | 87 | ··0x0006bb98·70bd0600·08000000·ac270500·1cbd0600·p........'...... |
88 | ··0x0006bba8· | 88 | ··0x0006bba8·08000000·d4280500·08000000·a82a0500·.....(.......*.. |
89 | ··0x0006bbb8· | 89 | ··0x0006bbb8·08000000·74340500·08000000·84340500·....t4.......4.. |
90 | ··0x0006bbc8· | 90 | ··0x0006bbc8·b8bb0600·08000000·90340500·b8bb0600·.........4...... |
91 | ··0x0006bbd8· | 91 | ··0x0006bbd8·08000000·9c340500·b8bb0600·08000000·.....4.......... |
92 | ··0x0006bbe8· | 92 | ··0x0006bbe8·ac340500·b8bb0600·08000000·b8340500·.4...........4.. |
93 | ··0x0006bbf8· | 93 | ··0x0006bbf8·b8bb0600·08000000·c4340500·b8bb0600·.........4...... |
94 | ··0x0006bc08·08000000· | 94 | ··0x0006bc08·08000000·d4340500·b8bb0600·08000000·.....4.......... |
95 | ··0x0006bc18· | 95 | ··0x0006bc18·e0340500·b8bb0600·08000000·f4350500·.4...........5.. |
96 | ··0x0006bc28· | 96 | ··0x0006bc28·14bd0600·08000000·3c360500·00000000·........<6...... |
97 | ··0x0006bc38· | 97 | ··0x0006bc38·50bc0600·f5250200·51260200·9d280200·P....%..Q&...(.. |
98 | ··0x0006bc48· | 98 | ··0x0006bc48·a5250200·81930200·08000000·88360500·.%...........6.. |
99 | ··0x0006bc58· | 99 | ··0x0006bc58·14bd0600·08000000·b0360500·08000000·.........6...... |
100 | ··0x0006bc68· | 100 | ··0x0006bc68·bc360500·08000000·cc360500·08000000·.6.......6...... |
101 | ··0x0006bc78· | 101 | ··0x0006bc78·dc360500·08000000·e8360500·08000000·.6.......6...... |
102 | ··0x0006bc88·f | 102 | ··0x0006bc88·f4360500·08000000·00370500·08000000·.6.......7...... |
103 | ··0x0006bc98· | 103 | ··0x0006bc98·14370500·08000000·28370500·00000000·.7......(7...... |
104 | ··0x0006bca8· | 104 | ··0x0006bca8·e8bc0600·00000000·00000000·215e0200·............!^.. |
105 | ··0x0006bcb8· | 105 | ··0x0006bcb8·e92e0200·11510200·252f0200·797b0200·.....Q..%/..y{.. |
106 | ··0x0006bcc8· | 106 | ··0x0006bcc8·d16f0200·ed2e0200·f52e0200·fd2e0200·.o.............. |
107 | ··0x0006bcd8· | 107 | ··0x0006bcd8·e52f0200·612f0200·00000000·00000000·./..a/.......... |
108 | ··0x0006bce8·0 | 108 | ··0x0006bce8·08000000·34370500·84bc0600·08000000·....47.......... |
109 | ··0x0006bcf8· | 109 | ··0x0006bcf8·a4370500·08000000·b8370500·84bc0600·.7.......7...... |
110 | ··0x0006bd08· | 110 | ··0x0006bd08·08000000·c4370500·f4bc0600·08000000·.....7.......... |
111 | ··0x0006bd18· | 111 | ··0x0006bd18·2c3a0500·08000000·3c3a0500·14bd0600·,:......<:...... |
112 | ··0x0006bd28·08000000· | 112 | ··0x0006bd28·08000000·f83b0500·08000000·043c0500·.....;.......<.. |
113 | ··0x0006bd38·08000000· | 113 | ··0x0006bd38·08000000·0c3c0500·08000000·1c3d0500·.....<.......=.. |
114 | ··0x0006bd48·08000000· | 114 | ··0x0006bd48·08000000·303d0500·08000000·3c3d0500·....0=......<=.. |
115 | ··0x0006bd58·0 | 115 | ··0x0006bd58·08000000·4c3d0500·08000000·5c3d0500·....L=......\=.. |
116 | ··0x0006bd68· | 116 | ··0x0006bd68·08000000·683d0500·08000000·7c3d0500·....h=......|=.. |
117 | ··0x0006bd78· | 117 | ··0x0006bd78·00000000·94bd0600·35170400·79170400·........5...y... |
118 | ··0x0006bd88· | 118 | ··0x0006bd88·8d170400·c9160400·81930200·08000000·................ |
119 | ··0x0006bd98· | 119 | ··0x0006bd98·64540500·14bd0600·08000000·7c540500·dT..........|T.. |
120 | ··0x0006bda8· | 120 | ··0x0006bda8·fcbc0600·08000000·88540500·f4bc0600·.........T...... |
121 | ··0x0006bdb8·08000000· | 121 | ··0x0006bdb8·08000000·24550500·00000000·dcbd0600·....$U.......... |
122 | ··0x0006bdc8· | 122 | ··0x0006bdc8·792e0400·dd2e0400·f12e0400·51320400·y...........Q2.. |
123 | ··0x0006bdd8· | 123 | ··0x0006bdd8·81930200·08000000·34550500·14bd0600·........4U...... |
124 | ··0x0006bde8· | 124 | ··0x0006bde8·08000000·50550500·1cbd0600·08000000·....PU.......... |
125 | ··0x0006bdf8· | 125 | ··0x0006bdf8·20560500·08000000·30560500·1cbd0600··V......0V...... |
126 | ··0x0006be08·08000000· | 126 | ··0x0006be08·08000000·54580500·08000000·a4590500·....TX.......Y.. |
Max diff block lines reached; 0/18553 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 30, 23 lines modified | Offset 30, 23 lines modified | ||
30 | ··0x0006c1a0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. | 30 | ··0x0006c1a0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. |
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32 | ··0x0006c1c0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. | 32 | ··0x0006c1c0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. |
33 | ··0x0006c1d0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. | 33 | ··0x0006c1d0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. |
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35 | ··0x0006c1f0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. | 35 | ··0x0006c1f0·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. |
36 | ··0x0006c200·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. | 36 | ··0x0006c200·30350000·30350000·30350000·30350000·05..05..05..05.. |
37 | ··0x0006c210· | 37 | ··0x0006c210·68b60600·84b90600·74b90600·00000000·h.......t....... |
38 | ··0x0006c220· | 38 | ··0x0006c220·44b90600·94b90600·7cb80600·90b60600·D.......|....... |
39 | ··0x0006c230· | 39 | ··0x0006c230·8cb80600·613b0000·00000000·bd560000·....a;.......V.. |
40 | ··0x0006c240· | 40 | ··0x0006c240·6cb80600·00000000·ad540000·00000000·l........T...... |
41 | ··0x0006c250· | 41 | ··0x0006c250·9cb80600·acb60600·b4b90600·ccb80600·................ |
42 | ··0x0006c260· | 42 | ··0x0006c260·bcb80600·250a0500·61df0200·c4b90600·....%...a....... |
43 | ··0x0006c270·00000000· | 43 | ··0x0006c270·00000000·acb80600·69d50300·79df0200·........i...y... |
44 | ··0x0006c280· | 44 | ··0x0006c280·65df0200·5d590000·717b0200·00000000·e...]Y..q{...... |
45 | ··0x0006c290· | 45 | ··0x0006c290·d1540000·757b0200·797b0200·00000000·.T..u{..y{...... |
46 | ··0x0006c2a0· | 46 | ··0x0006c2a0·31220500·00000000·a4b90600·54b90600·1"..........T... |
47 | ··0x0006c2b0· | 47 | ··0x0006c2b0·6d7b0200·51300200·48b60600·00000000·m{..Q0..H....... |
48 | ··0x0006c2c0· | 48 | ··0x0006c2c0·71220500·dcb80600·78b60600·00000000·q"......x....... |
49 | ··0x0006c2d0· | 49 | ··0x0006c2d0·58b60600·00000000·00000000·00000000·X............... |
50 | ··0x0006c2e0·00000000· | 50 | ··0x0006c2e0·00000000·24bb0600·00000000·20b70600·....$.......·... |
51 | ··0x0006c2f0·00000000····························.... | 51 | ··0x0006c2f0·00000000····························.... |
Offset 1, 6 lines modified | Offset 1, 6 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.data': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.data': |
2 | ··0x0006c2f4·00000000·f8c20600·00100000· | 2 | ··0x0006c2f4·00000000·f8c20600·00100000·90370500·.............7.. |
3 | ··0x0006c304· | 3 | ··0x0006c304·143a0500·f0540500·105a0500·9c710500·.:...T...Z...q.. |
4 | ··0x0006c314· | 4 | ··0x0006c314·70760500····························pv.. |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·3 | 2 | ··0x00000000·63306366·35316434·61653562·30333237·c0cf51d4ae5b0327 |
3 | ··0x00000010· | 3 | ··0x00000010·34376330·30323362·37353536·34326539·47c0023b755642e9 |
4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·34646139·35612e64·65627567·00000000·4da95a.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·aefea902····························.... |
Offset 1, 3 lines modified | Offset 1, 3 lines modified | ||
1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·debian-binary | 1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·debian-binary |
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3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0··44 | 3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0··4435204·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·data.tar.xz |
Offset 1, 12 lines modified | Offset 1, 12 lines modified | ||
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4 | Auto-Built-Package:·debug-symbols | 4 | Auto-Built-Package:·debug-symbols |
5 | Architecture:·armhf | 5 | Architecture:·armhf |
6 | Maintainer:·The·Debichem·Group·<> | 6 | Maintainer:·The·Debichem·Group·<> |
7 | Installed-Size:·44 | 7 | Installed-Size:·4446 |
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11 | Description:·debug·symbols·for·tandem-mass | 11 | Description:·debug·symbols·for·tandem-mass |
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Offset 1, 10 lines modified | Offset 1, 10 lines modified | ||
1 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./ | 1 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./ |
2 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/ | 2 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/ |
3 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/lib/ | 3 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/lib/ |
4 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/lib/debug/ | 4 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/lib/debug/ |
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7 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)··45 | 7 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)··4542348·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/f8/c0cf51d4ae5b032747c0023b755642e94da95a.debug |
8 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/ | 8 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/ |
9 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/doc/ | 9 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/doc/ |
10 | lrwxrwxrwx···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/doc/tandem-mass-dbgsym·->·tandem-mass | 10 | lrwxrwxrwx···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2018-11-18·08:00:11.000000·./usr/share/doc/tandem-mass-dbgsym·->·tandem-mass |