Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | ·8ab52d97bf189315cdd08d6d415a3683·37232·doc·optional·python-qwt5-doc_5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10_all.deb | 1 | ·8ab52d97bf189315cdd08d6d415a3683·37232·doc·optional·python-qwt5-doc_5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10_all.deb |
2 | ·12 | 2 | ·12fa6d925757f8420d656e0b7ac06cd0·9116028·debug·optional·python-qwt5-qt4-dbgsym_5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10_armhf.deb |
3 | · | 3 | ·c49f37a200f4d5bfaaa4a742065deceb·271048·python·optional·python-qwt5-qt4_5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10_armhf.deb |
Offset 1, 3 lines modified | Offset 1, 3 lines modified | ||
1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·debian-binary | 1 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0········4·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·debian-binary |
2 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0·····334 | 2 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0·····3344·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·control.tar.xz |
3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0···26 | 3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0···267512·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·data.tar.xz |
Offset 12, 15 lines modified | Offset 12, 15 lines modified | ||
12 | ··[·7]·.rel.dyn··········REL·············00016fb0·016fb0·0106e8·08···A··3···0··4 | 12 | ··[·7]·.rel.dyn··········REL·············00016fb0·016fb0·0106e8·08···A··3···0··4 |
13 | ··[·8]·.rel.plt··········REL·············00027698·027698·0030e0·08··AI··3··21··4 | 13 | ··[·8]·.rel.plt··········REL·············00027698·027698·0030e0·08··AI··3··21··4 |
14 | ··[·9]·.init·············PROGBITS········0002a778·02a778·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 | 14 | ··[·9]·.init·············PROGBITS········0002a778·02a778·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 |
15 | ··[10]·.plt··············PROGBITS········0002a784·02a784·004e4c·04··AX··0···0··4 | 15 | ··[10]·.plt··············PROGBITS········0002a784·02a784·004e4c·04··AX··0···0··4 |
16 | ··[11]·.text·············PROGBITS········0002f5d0·02f5d0·0c795c·00··AX··0···0··8 | 16 | ··[11]·.text·············PROGBITS········0002f5d0·02f5d0·0c795c·00··AX··0···0··8 |
17 | ··[12]·.fini·············PROGBITS········000f6f2c·0f6f2c·000008·00··AX··0···0··4 | 17 | ··[12]·.fini·············PROGBITS········000f6f2c·0f6f2c·000008·00··AX··0···0··4 |
18 | ··[13]·.rodata···········PROGBITS········000f6f34·0f6f34·0057a4·00···A··0···0··4 | 18 | ··[13]·.rodata···········PROGBITS········000f6f34·0f6f34·0057a4·00···A··0···0··4 |
19 | ··[14]·.ARM.extab········PROGBITS········000fc6d8·0fc6d8·00433 | 19 | ··[14]·.ARM.extab········PROGBITS········000fc6d8·0fc6d8·004333·00···A··0···0··4 |
20 | ··[15]·.ARM.exidx········ARM_EXIDX·······00100a0c·100a0c·00b808·00··AL·11···0··4 | 20 | ··[15]·.ARM.exidx········ARM_EXIDX·······00100a0c·100a0c·00b808·00··AL·11···0··4 |
21 | ··[16]·.eh_frame·········PROGBITS········0010c214·10c214·000004·00···A··0···0··4 | 21 | ··[16]·.eh_frame·········PROGBITS········0010c214·10c214·000004·00···A··0···0··4 |
22 | ··[17]·.init_array·······INIT_ARRAY······0011c828·10c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 22 | ··[17]·.init_array·······INIT_ARRAY······0011c828·10c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······FINI_ARRAY······0011c82c·10c82c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······FINI_ARRAY······0011c82c·10c82c·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·······PROGBITS········0011c830·10c830·0026b0·00··WA··0···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·······PROGBITS········0011c830·10c830·0026b0·00··WA··0···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.dynamic··········DYNAMIC·········0011eee0·10eee0·000120·08··WA··4···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.dynamic··········DYNAMIC·········0011eee0·10eee0·000120·08··WA··4···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.got··············PROGBITS········0011f000·10f000·001ab0·04··WA··0···0··4 | 26 | ··[21]·.got··············PROGBITS········0011f000·10f000·001ab0·04··WA··0···0··4 |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description | 2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·de677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898 |
Offset 1683, 17 lines modified | Offset 1683, 22 lines modified | ||
1683 | PyDict_SetItem | 1683 | PyDict_SetItem |
1684 | _ZN8QMapData11shared_nullE | 1684 | _ZN8QMapData11shared_nullE |
1685 | _ZN8QMapData16continueFreeDataEi | 1685 | _ZN8QMapData16continueFreeDataEi |
1686 | _ZN8QMapData10createDataEi | 1686 | _ZN8QMapData10createDataEi |
1687 | _ZN8QMapData11node_createEPPNS_4NodeEii | 1687 | _ZN8QMapData11node_createEPPNS_4NodeEii |
1688 | PyDict_Next | 1688 | PyDict_Next |
1689 | _ZN7QStringaSERKS_ | 1689 | _ZN7QStringaSERKS_ |
1690 | PyErr_SetString | ||
1691 | PyExc_TypeError | ||
1692 | PyLong_AsDouble | ||
1693 | PyInt_AsLong | ||
1694 | PyFloat_Type | ||
1695 | PyLong_AsLong | ||
1690 | PyObject_GetAttrString | 1696 | PyObject_GetAttrString |
1691 | PyCObject_AsVoidPtr | 1697 | PyCObject_AsVoidPtr |
1692 | PyErr_SetString | ||
1693 | PyErr_Print | 1698 | PyErr_Print |
1694 | PyErr_Format | 1699 | PyErr_Format |
1695 | PyCObject_Type | 1700 | PyCObject_Type |
1696 | PyExc_RuntimeError | 1701 | PyExc_RuntimeError |
1697 | PyExc_ImportError | 1702 | PyExc_ImportError |
1698 | PyExc_AttributeError | 1703 | PyExc_AttributeError |
1699 | _ZN6QImageC1EiiNS_6FormatE | 1704 | _ZN6QImageC1EiiNS_6FormatE |
Offset 1706, 19 lines modified | Offset 1711, 14 lines modified | ||
1706 | _ZNK6QImage5depthEv | 1711 | _ZNK6QImage5depthEv |
1707 | _ZNK6QImage8scanLineEi | 1712 | _ZNK6QImage8scanLineEi |
1708 | PyExc_MemoryError | 1713 | PyExc_MemoryError |
1709 | __fprintf_chk | 1714 | __fprintf_chk |
1710 | PyObject_HasAttrString | 1715 | PyObject_HasAttrString |
1711 | __aeabi_idiv | 1716 | __aeabi_idiv |
1712 | __aeabi_l2d | 1717 | __aeabi_l2d |
1713 | PyExc_TypeError | ||
1714 | PyLong_AsDouble | ||
1715 | PyInt_AsLong | ||
1716 | PyFloat_Type | ||
1717 | PyLong_AsLong | ||
1718 | | 1718 | |
1719 | | 1719 | |
1720 | | 1720 | |
1721 | | 1721 | |
1722 | | 1722 | |
1723 | | 1723 | |
1724 | | 1724 | |
Offset 2074, 15 lines modified | Offset 2074, 15 lines modified | ||
2074 | 1I}D1J1KoX9h | 2074 | 1I}D1J1KoX9h |
2075 | kh!F(F[k | 2075 | kh!F(F[k |
2076 | [F"F1FPF6 | 2076 | [F"F1FPF6 |
2077 | FoJFYzD0h8 | 2077 | FoJFYzD0h8 |
2078 | F|D}D!F5 | 2078 | F|D}D!F5 |
2079 | F|D}D!F5 | 2079 | F|D}D!F5 |
2080 | M|D}D!F5 | 2080 | M|D}D!F5 |
2081 | M|D}D!F | 2081 | M|D}D!F4 |
2082 | QVector<QwtEventPattern::MousePattern> | 2082 | QVector<QwtEventPattern::MousePattern> |
2083 | QVector<QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern> | 2083 | QVector<QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern> |
2084 | QwtAbstractScaleDraw::ScaleComponent | 2084 | QwtAbstractScaleDraw::ScaleComponent |
2085 | QwtPlotRescaler::ExpandingDirection | 2085 | QwtPlotRescaler::ExpandingDirection |
2086 | QwtEventPattern::MousePatternCode | 2086 | QwtEventPattern::MousePatternCode |
2087 | QList<QwtPickerMachine::Command> | 2087 | QList<QwtPickerMachine::Command> |
2088 | QwtPlotSpectrogram::DisplayMode | 2088 | QwtPlotSpectrogram::DisplayMode |
Offset 3260, 14 lines modified | Offset 3260, 32 lines modified | ||
3260 | 20sipQwtAbstractSlider | 3260 | 20sipQwtAbstractSlider |
3261 | sliderMoved(double) | 3261 | sliderMoved(double) |
3262 | sliderReleased() | 3262 | sliderReleased() |
3263 | sliderPressed() | 3263 | sliderPressed() |
3264 | 17sipQwtDoubleRange | 3264 | 17sipQwtDoubleRange |
3265 | 23sipQwtAbstractScaleDraw | 3265 | 23sipQwtAbstractScaleDraw |
3266 | 19sipQwtAbstractScale | 3266 | 19sipQwtAbstractScale |
3267 | expected·is | ||
3268 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3269 | (*)·a·NumPy·array. | ||
3270 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3271 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3272 | The·sequence·may·only·contain·float,·int,·or·long·types. | ||
3273 | expected·is | ||
3274 | (*)·a·list·or·tuple·of·Python·numbers. | ||
3275 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3276 | (*)·a·NumPy·array·coercible·to·PyArray_DOUBLE. | ||
3277 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3278 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3279 | expected·is | ||
3280 | (*)·a·list·or·tuple·of·Python·numbers. | ||
3281 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3282 | (*)·a·NumPy·array·coercible·to·PyArray_INT. | ||
3283 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3284 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3267 | numpy.core._multiarray_umath | 3285 | numpy.core._multiarray_umath |
3268 | _ARRAY_API | 3286 | _ARRAY_API |
3269 | _ARRAY_API·not·found | 3287 | _ARRAY_API·not·found |
3270 | _ARRAY_API·is·not·PyCObject·object | 3288 | _ARRAY_API·is·not·PyCObject·object |
3271 | _ARRAY_API·is·NULL·pointer | 3289 | _ARRAY_API·is·NULL·pointer |
3272 | module·compiled·against·ABI·version·0x%x·but·this·version·of·numpy·is·0x%x | 3290 | module·compiled·against·ABI·version·0x%x·but·this·version·of·numpy·is·0x%x |
3273 | module·compiled·against·API·version·0x%x·but·this·version·of·numpy·is·0x%x | 3291 | module·compiled·against·API·version·0x%x·but·this·version·of·numpy·is·0x%x |
Offset 3292, 33 lines modified | Offset 3310, 15 lines modified | ||
3292 | shape:·( | 3310 | shape:·( |
3293 | strides:·( | 3311 | strides:·( |
3294 | __array_struct__ | 3312 | __array_struct__ |
3295 | Array·must·be·contiguous·and·2-D | 3313 | Array·must·be·contiguous·and·2-D |
3296 | Data·type·must·be·uint8·or·uint32 | 3314 | Data·type·must·be·uint8·or·uint32 |
3297 | The·array·is·no·1D·array·containing·real·or·signed·integer·types | 3315 | The·array·is·no·1D·array·containing·real·or·signed·integer·types |
3298 | The·array·is·no·1D·array·containing·signed·integer·types | 3316 | The·array·is·no·1D·array·containing·signed·integer·types |
3299 | e | 3317 | 677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898.debug |
3300 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3301 | (*)·a·NumPy·array. | ||
3302 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3303 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3304 | The·sequence·may·only·contain·float,·int,·or·long·types. | ||
3305 | expected·is | ||
3306 | (*)·a·list·or·tuple·of·Python·numbers. | ||
3307 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3308 | (*)·a·NumPy·array·coercible·to·PyArray_DOUBLE. | ||
3309 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3310 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3311 | expected·is | ||
3312 | (*)·a·list·or·tuple·of·Python·numbers. | ||
3313 | (*)·an·array·with·the·N-D·array·interface. | ||
3314 | (*)·a·NumPy·array·coercible·to·PyArray_INT. | ||
3315 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·Numeric·arrays. | ||
3316 | (!)·rebuild·PyQwt·to·support·numarray·arrays. | ||
3317 | 4fb8c2fde5998c9ccc92da01cc29d22e2ac052.debug | ||
3318 | .shstrtab | 3318 | .shstrtab |
3319 | | 3319 | |
3320 | .gnu.hash | 3320 | .gnu.hash |
3321 | .gnu.version | 3321 | .gnu.version |
3322 | .gnu.version_r | 3322 | .gnu.version_r |
3323 | .rel.dyn | 3323 | .rel.dyn |
3324 | .rel.plt | 3324 | .rel.plt |
Offset 3849, 48 lines modified | Offset 3849, 48 lines modified | ||
3849 | ··0x00015e08·6e74696e·75654672·65654461·74614569·ntinueFreeDataEi | 3849 | ··0x00015e08·6e74696e·75654672·65654461·74614569·ntinueFreeDataEi |
3850 | ··0x00015e18·005f5a4e·38514d61·70446174·61313063·._ZN8QMapData10c | 3850 | ··0x00015e18·005f5a4e·38514d61·70446174·61313063·._ZN8QMapData10c |
3851 | ··0x00015e28·72656174·65446174·61456900·5f5a4e38·reateDataEi._ZN8 | 3851 | ··0x00015e28·72656174·65446174·61456900·5f5a4e38·reateDataEi._ZN8 |
3852 | ··0x00015e38·514d6170·44617461·31316e6f·64655f63·QMapData11node_c | 3852 | ··0x00015e38·514d6170·44617461·31316e6f·64655f63·QMapData11node_c |
3853 | ··0x00015e48·72656174·65455050·4e535f34·4e6f6465·reateEPPNS_4Node | 3853 | ··0x00015e48·72656174·65455050·4e535f34·4e6f6465·reateEPPNS_4Node |
3854 | ··0x00015e58·45696900·50794469·63745f4e·65787400·Eii.PyDict_Next. | 3854 | ··0x00015e58·45696900·50794469·63745f4e·65787400·Eii.PyDict_Next. |
3855 | ··0x00015e68·5f5a4e37·51537472·696e6761·5345524b·_ZN7QStringaSERK | 3855 | ··0x00015e68·5f5a4e37·51537472·696e6761·5345524b·_ZN7QStringaSERK |
3856 | ··0x00015e78·535f0050·794 | 3856 | ··0x00015e78·535f0050·79457272·5f536574·53747269·S_.PyErr_SetStri |
3857 | ··0x00015e88· | 3857 | ··0x00015e88·6e670050·79457863·5f547970·65457272·ng.PyExc_TypeErr |
3858 | ··0x00015e98·6 | 3858 | ··0x00015e98·6f720050·794c6f6e·675f4173·446f7562·or.PyLong_AsDoub |
3859 | ··0x00015ea8· | 3859 | ··0x00015ea8·6c650050·79496e74·5f41734c·6f6e6700·le.PyInt_AsLong. |
3860 | ··0x00015eb8·4 | 3860 | ··0x00015eb8·5079466c·6f61745f·54797065·0050794c·PyFloat_Type.PyL |
3861 | ··0x00015ec8· | 3861 | ··0x00015ec8·6f6e675f·41734c6f·6e670050·794f626a·ong_AsLong.PyObj |
3862 | ··0x00015ed8·5 | 3862 | ··0x00015ed8·6563745f·47657441·74747253·7472696e·ect_GetAttrStrin |
3863 | ··0x00015ee8·6 | 3863 | ··0x00015ee8·67005079·434f626a·6563745f·4173566f·g.PyCObject_AsVo |
3864 | ··0x00015ef8·6 | 3864 | ··0x00015ef8·69645074·72005079·4572725f·5072696e·idPtr.PyErr_Prin |
3865 | ··0x00015f08· | 3865 | ··0x00015f08·74005079·4572725f·466f726d·61740050·t.PyErr_Format.P |
3866 | ··0x00015f18· | 3866 | ··0x00015f18·79434f62·6a656374·5f547970·65005079·yCObject_Type.Py |
3867 | ··0x00015f28·5 | 3867 | ··0x00015f28·4578635f·52756e74·696d6545·72726f72·Exc_RuntimeError |
3868 | ··0x00015f38· | 3868 | ··0x00015f38·00507945·78635f49·6d706f72·74457272·.PyExc_ImportErr |
3869 | ··0x00015f48· | 3869 | ··0x00015f48·6f720050·79457863·5f417474·72696275·or.PyExc_Attribu |
3870 | ··0x00015f58· | 3870 | ··0x00015f58·74654572·726f7200·5f5a4e36·51496d61·teError._ZN6QIma |
3871 | ··0x00015f68· | 3871 | ··0x00015f68·67654331·4569694e·535f3646·6f726d61·geC1EiiNS_6Forma |
3872 | ··0x00015f78· | 3872 | ··0x00015f78·7445005f·5a4e3651·496d6167·65387363·tE._ZN6QImage8sc |
3873 | ··0x00015f88· | 3873 | ··0x00015f88·616e4c69·6e654569·005f5a4e·3651496d·anLineEi._ZN6QIm |
3874 | ··0x00015f98· | 3874 | ··0x00015f98·61676531·32736574·4e756d43·6f6c6f72·age12setNumColor |
3875 | ··0x00015fa8·5f5a4e | 3875 | ··0x00015fa8·73456900·5f5a4e36·51496d61·67653873·sEi._ZN6QImage8s |
3876 | ··0x00015fb8·6 | 3876 | ··0x00015fb8·6574436f·6c6f7245·696a005f·5a4e4b36·etColorEij._ZNK6 |
3877 | ··0x00015fc8· | 3877 | ··0x00015fc8·51496d61·6765396e·756d436f·6c6f7273·QImage9numColors |
3878 | ··0x00015fd8· | 3878 | ··0x00015fd8·4576005f·5a4e4b36·51496d61·67653668·Ev._ZNK6QImage6h |
3879 | ··0x00015fe8· | 3879 | ··0x00015fe8·65696768·74457600·5f5a4e4b·3651496d·eightEv._ZNK6QIm |
3880 | ··0x00015ff8· | 3880 | ··0x00015ff8·61676535·77696474·68457600·5f5a4e4b·age5widthEv._ZNK |
3881 | ··0x00016008· | 3881 | ··0x00016008·3651496d·61676535·64657074·68457600·6QImage5depthEv. |
3882 | ··0x00016018· | 3882 | ··0x00016018·5f5a4e4b·3651496d·61676538·7363616e·_ZNK6QImage8scan |
3883 | ··0x00016028· | 3883 | ··0x00016028·4c696e65·45690050·79457863·5f4d656d·LineEi.PyExc_Mem |
3884 | ··0x00016038·6 | 3884 | ··0x00016038·6f727945·72726f72·005f5f66·7072696e·oryError.__fprin |
3885 | ··0x00016048· | 3885 | ··0x00016048·74665f63·686b0066·77726974·65006670·tf_chk.fwrite.fp |
3886 | ··0x00016058· | 3886 | ··0x00016058·75746300·73746465·72720050·794f626a·utc.stderr.PyObj |
3887 | ··0x00016068·6 | 3887 | ··0x00016068·6563745f·48617341·74747253·7472696e·ect_HasAttrStrin |
3888 | ··0x00016078· | 3888 | ··0x00016078·67005f5f·61656162·695f6964·6976005f·g.__aeabi_idiv._ |
3889 | ··0x00016088· | 3889 | ··0x00016088·5f616561·62695f6c·3264006c·69627177·_aeabi_l2d.libqw |
3890 | ··0x00016098·742d7174·342e736f·2e35006c·69625174· | 3890 | ··0x00016098·742d7174·342e736f·2e35006c·69625174· |
3891 | ··0x000160a8·436f7265·2e736f2e·34006c69·62517447· | 3891 | ··0x000160a8·436f7265·2e736f2e·34006c69·62517447· |
3892 | ··0x000160b8·75692e73·6f2e3400·6c696251·74537667· | 3892 | ··0x000160b8·75692e73·6f2e3400·6c696251·74537667· |
3893 | ··0x000160c8·2e736f2e·34006c69·62737464·632b2b2e·.so.4.libstdc++. | 3893 | ··0x000160c8·2e736f2e·34006c69·62737464·632b2b2e·.so.4.libstdc++. |
3894 | ··0x000160d8·736f2e36·006c6962·6d2e736f·2e36006c· | 3894 | ··0x000160d8·736f2e36·006c6962·6d2e736f·2e36006c· |
3895 | ··0x000160e8·69626763·635f732e·736f2e31·006c6962· | 3895 | ··0x000160e8·69626763·635f732e·736f2e31·006c6962· |
3896 | ··0x000160f8·632e736f·2e36006c·642d6c69·6e75782d· | 3896 | ··0x000160f8·632e736f·2e36006c·642d6c69·6e75782d· |
Offset 555, 15 lines modified | Offset 555, 15 lines modified | ||
555 | » ldrdmi» pc,·[r0,·#-132]» ;·0xffffff7c | 555 | » ldrdmi» pc,·[r0,·#-132]» ;·0xffffff7c |
556 | » biclt» r4,·r0,·r0,·lsr·#15 | 556 | » biclt» r4,·r0,·r0,·lsr·#15 |
557 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:188 | 557 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:188 |
558 | » stmdals»r1,·{r1,·r8,·fp,·sp,·pc} | 558 | » stmdals»r1,·{r1,·r8,·fp,·sp,·pc} |
559 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2658 | 559 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2658 |
560 | » andhi» pc,·r8,·sp,·asr·#17 | 560 | » andhi» pc,·r8,·sp,·asr·#17 |
561 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:188 | 561 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:188 |
562 | » | 562 | » ldc2» 0,·cr15,·[lr,·#-788]!» ;·0xfffffcec |
563 | » svclt» 0x00083001 | 563 | » svclt» 0x00083001 |
564 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:189 | 564 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/../sip/qwt5qt4/QwtModule.sip:189 |
565 | » andle» r4,·r7,·r0,·asr·#12 | 565 | » andle» r4,·r7,·r0,·asr·#12 |
566 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2667 | 566 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2667 |
567 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x46424b13 | 567 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x46424b13 |
568 | » stmdals»r2,·{r2,·r4,·r5,·fp,·sp,·lr} | 568 | » stmdals»r2,·{r2,·r4,·r5,·fp,·sp,·lr} |
569 | » stcvs» 8,·cr5,·[r3],·#932» ;·0x3a4 | 569 | » stcvs» 8,·cr5,·[r3],·#932» ;·0x3a4 |
Offset 622, 15 lines modified | Offset 622, 15 lines modified | ||
622 | » ldmdavs»r3!,·{r3,·r5,·r9,·sl,·lr} | 622 | » ldmdavs»r3!,·{r3,·r5,·r9,·sl,·lr} |
623 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd10c429a | 623 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd10c429a |
624 | » ldcllt» 0,·cr11,·[r0,·#28]! | 624 | » ldcllt» 0,·cr11,·[r0,·#28]! |
625 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2633 | 625 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2633 |
626 | » stmib» r6!,·{r1,·r2,·r3,·r4,·r5,·r6,·r7,·r8,·r9,·sl,·ip,·sp,·lr,·pc}^ | 626 | » stmib» r6!,·{r1,·r2,·r3,·r4,·r5,·r6,·r7,·r8,·r9,·sl,·ip,·sp,·lr,·pc}^ |
627 | » stmdals»r4,·{r2,·r9,·sl,·lr} | 627 | » stmdals»r4,·{r2,·r9,·sl,·lr} |
628 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2634 | 628 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2634 |
629 | » | 629 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf920f0c6 |
630 | » strtmi» r4,·[r0],·-r5,·lsl·#12 | 630 | » strtmi» r4,·[r0],·-r5,·lsl·#12 |
631 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2635 | 631 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2635 |
632 | » b» 116dc80·<initQwt@@Base+0x1139aac> | 632 | » b» 116dc80·<initQwt@@Base+0x1139aac> |
633 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2637 | 633 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2637 |
634 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fbe7ed | 634 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fbe7ed |
635 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2645 | 635 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:2645 |
636 | » svclt» 0x0000ed04 | 636 | » svclt» 0x0000ed04 |
Offset 1170, 15 lines modified | Offset 1170, 15 lines modified | ||
1170 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a | 1170 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a |
1171 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} | 1171 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} |
1172 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 | 1172 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 |
1173 | » svclt» 0x0000e9d6 | 1173 | » svclt» 0x0000e9d6 |
1174 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r4,·ror·sp | 1174 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r4,·ror·sp |
1175 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl | 1175 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl |
1176 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1176 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1177 | » andeq» | 1177 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·r2,·ror·#29 |
1178 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 | 1178 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 |
1179 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·sl,·asr·#20 | 1179 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·sl,·asr·#20 |
1180 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_13416PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectRK9QwtSymbol(): | 1180 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_13416PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectRK9QwtSymbol(): |
1181 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1600 | 1181 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1600 |
1182 | » svcmi» 0x00f0e92d | 1182 | » svcmi» 0x00f0e92d |
1183 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r3,·#-588]!» ;·0xfffffdb4 | 1183 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r3,·#-588]!» ;·0xfffffdb4 |
1184 | » mrcmi» 6,·1,·r4,·cr3,·cr8,·{4} | 1184 | » mrcmi» 6,·1,·r4,·cr3,·cr8,·{4} |
Offset 1337, 15 lines modified | Offset 1337, 15 lines modified | ||
1337 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a | 1337 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a |
1338 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} | 1338 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} |
1339 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 | 1339 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 |
1340 | » svclt» 0x0000e8d4 | 1340 | » svclt» 0x0000e8d4 |
1341 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r0,·ror·fp | 1341 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r0,·ror·fp |
1342 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl | 1342 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl |
1343 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1343 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1344 | » | 1344 | » ldrdeq» fp,·[ip],·-lr |
1345 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 | 1345 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 |
1346 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r6,·asr·#16 | 1346 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r6,·asr·#16 |
1347 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_13116PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectddddd(): | 1347 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_13116PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectddddd(): |
1348 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1625 | 1348 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1625 |
1349 | » ldrbmi» lr,·[r0,·sp,·lsr·#18]! | 1349 | » ldrbmi» lr,·[r0,·sp,·lsr·#18]! |
1350 | » stcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r0],·#-616» ;·0xfffffd98 | 1350 | » stcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r0],·#-616» ;·0xfffffd98 |
1351 | » blmi» 85c758·<initQwt@@Base+0x828584> | 1351 | » blmi» 85c758·<initQwt@@Base+0x828584> |
Offset 1433, 15 lines modified | Offset 1433, 15 lines modified | ||
1433 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a | 1433 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a |
1434 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} | 1434 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} |
1435 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 | 1435 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fb87f0 |
1436 | » svclt» 0x0000e83c | 1436 | » svclt» 0x0000e83c |
1437 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r0,·asr·#20 | 1437 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r0,·asr·#20 |
1438 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl | 1438 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl |
1439 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1439 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1440 | » andeq» | 1440 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·lr,·lsr·#23 |
1441 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 | 1441 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 |
1442 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r6,·lsr·#14 | 1442 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r6,·lsr·#14 |
1443 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12816PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectiRdS6_S6_(): | 1443 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12816PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectiRdS6_S6_(): |
1444 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1655 | 1444 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1655 |
1445 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x4ef0e92d | 1445 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x4ef0e92d |
1446 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r2,·#-588]» ;·0xfffffdb4 | 1446 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[r2,·#-588]» ;·0xfffffdb4 |
1447 | » cdpmi» 0,·1,·cr11,·cr2,·cr6,·{4} | 1447 | » cdpmi» 0,·1,·cr11,·cr2,·cr6,·{4} |
Offset 1511, 15 lines modified | Offset 1511, 15 lines modified | ||
1511 | » strmi» r5,·[r8,·r0,·asr·#3]! | 1511 | » strmi» r5,·[r8,·r0,·asr·#3]! |
1512 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1669 | 1512 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1669 |
1513 | » andlt» r4,·r5,·r0,·lsr·#12 | 1513 | » andlt» r4,·r5,·r0,·lsr·#12 |
1514 | » svchi» 0x00f0e8bd | 1514 | » svchi» 0x00f0e8bd |
1515 | » ... | 1515 | » ... |
1516 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r4,·asr·#18 | 1516 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r4,·asr·#18 |
1517 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1517 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1518 | » andeq» fp,·ip,· | 1518 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·sl,·lsr·#21 |
1519 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 | 1519 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 |
1520 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r4,·lsl·r6 | 1520 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r4,·lsl·r6 |
1521 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12616PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectdd(): | 1521 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12616PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectdd(): |
1522 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1672 | 1522 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1672 |
1523 | » ldrbmi» lr,·[r0,·sp,·lsr·#18]! | 1523 | » ldrbmi» lr,·[r0,·sp,·lsr·#18]! |
1524 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[sp],·{154}» ;·0x9a | 1524 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[sp],·{154}» ;·0x9a |
1525 | » blmi» 79c95c·<initQwt@@Base+0x768788> | 1525 | » blmi» 79c95c·<initQwt@@Base+0x768788> |
Offset 1644, 15 lines modified | Offset 1644, 15 lines modified | ||
1644 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a | 1644 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xd102429a |
1645 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} | 1645 | » pop» {r1,·r2,·ip,·sp,·pc} |
1646 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fa87f0 | 1646 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0xf7fa87f0 |
1647 | » svclt» 0x0000eef0 | 1647 | » svclt» 0x0000eef0 |
1648 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r8,·lsr·#15 | 1648 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r8,·lsr·#15 |
1649 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl | 1649 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl |
1650 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1650 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1651 | » andeq» fp,·ip,· | 1651 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·r6,·lsl·r9 |
1652 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 | 1652 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsr·#20 |
1653 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·lr,·ror·r4 | 1653 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·lr,·ror·r4 |
1654 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12316PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_object(): | 1654 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12316PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_object(): |
1655 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1697 | 1655 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1697 |
1656 | » svcmi» 0x00f0e92d | 1656 | » svcmi» 0x00f0e92d |
1657 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[lr],·{155}» ;·0x9b | 1657 | » ldcmi» 6,·cr4,·[lr],·{155}» ;·0x9b |
1658 | » ldcmi» 0,·cr11,·[lr,·#-564]» ;·0xfffffdcc | 1658 | » ldcmi» 0,·cr11,·[lr,·#-564]» ;·0xfffffdcc |
Offset 1695, 15 lines modified | Offset 1695, 15 lines modified | ||
1695 | » beq» 2ec0c4·<initQwt@@Base+0x2b7ef0> | 1695 | » beq» 2ec0c4·<initQwt@@Base+0x2b7ef0> |
1696 | » andlt» sp,·sp,·r2,·lsl·#2 | 1696 | » andlt» sp,·sp,·r2,·lsl·#2 |
1697 | » svchi» 0x00f0e8bd | 1697 | » svchi» 0x00f0e8bd |
1698 | » mcr» 7,·5,·pc,·cr2,·cr10,·{7}» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> | 1698 | » mcr» 7,·5,·pc,·cr2,·cr10,·{7}» ;·<UNPREDICTABLE> |
1699 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r6,·lsl·r7 | 1699 | » andeq» lr,·lr,·r6,·lsl·r7 |
1700 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl | 1700 | » andeq» r1,·r0,·r4,·lsl·sl |
1701 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc | 1701 | » » » ;·<UNDEFINED>·instruction:·0x000019bc |
1702 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·r | 1702 | » andeq» fp,·ip,·r0,·lsl·#17 |
1703 | » strdeq» r1,·[r0],·-ip | 1703 | » strdeq» r1,·[r0],·-ip |
1704 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r8,·ror·#7 | 1704 | » andeq» sl,·ip,·r8,·ror·#7 |
1705 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12216PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectdd(): | 1705 | _Z13sipVH_Qwt_12216PyGILState_STATEPFvP17_sipSimpleWrapperS_ES1_P7_objectdd(): |
1706 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1707 | 1706 | /build/pyqwt5-5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg/build/py2.7-qt4/configure/qwt5qt4/tmp-qwt5qt4/sipQwtcmodule.cpp:1707 |
1707 | » addlt» fp,·r6,·r0,·ror·r5 | 1707 | » addlt» fp,·r6,·r0,·ror·r5 |
1708 | » stcmi» 14,·cr4,·[r8,·#-28]» ;·0xffffffe4 | 1708 | » stcmi» 14,·cr4,·[r8,·#-28]» ;·0xffffffe4 |
1709 | » cfstrsmi» mvf4,·[r8],·{126}»;·0x7e | 1709 | » cfstrsmi» mvf4,·[r8],·{126}»;·0x7e |
Max diff block lines reached; 218744/224628 bytes (97.38%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1284, 123 lines modified | Offset 1284, 123 lines modified | ||
1284 | ··0x000fbf44·00000000·736c6964·65725072·65737365·....sliderPresse | 1284 | ··0x000fbf44·00000000·736c6964·65725072·65737365·....sliderPresse |
1285 | ··0x000fbf54·64282900·31377369·70517774·446f7562·d().17sipQwtDoub | 1285 | ··0x000fbf54·64282900·31377369·70517774·446f7562·d().17sipQwtDoub |
1286 | ··0x000fbf64·6c655261·6e676500·4264647c·64690000·leRange.Bdd|di.. | 1286 | ··0x000fbf64·6c655261·6e676500·4264647c·64690000·leRange.Bdd|di.. |
1287 | ··0x000fbf74·32337369·70517774·41627374·72616374·23sipQwtAbstract | 1287 | ··0x000fbf74·32337369·70517774·41627374·72616374·23sipQwtAbstract |
1288 | ··0x000fbf84·5363616c·65447261·77000000·31397369·ScaleDraw...19si | 1288 | ··0x000fbf84·5363616c·65447261·77000000·31397369·ScaleDraw...19si |
1289 | ··0x000fbf94·70517774·41627374·72616374·5363616c·pQwtAbstractScal | 1289 | ··0x000fbf94·70517774·41627374·72616374·5363616c·pQwtAbstractScal |
1290 | ··0x000fbfa4·65000000·424a397c·64000000·544a3900·e...BJ9|d...TJ9. | 1290 | ··0x000fbfa4·65000000·424a397c·64000000·544a3900·e...BJ9|d...TJ9. |
1291 | ··0x000fbfb4·31690000·54000000·6 | 1291 | ··0x000fbfb4·31690000·54000000·65787065·63746564·1i..T...expected |
1292 | ··0x000fbfc4· | 1292 | ··0x000fbfc4·2069730a·282a2920·616e2061·72726179··is.(*)·an·array |
1293 | ··0x000fbfd4· | 1293 | ··0x000fbfd4·20776974·68207468·65204e2d·44206172··with·the·N-D·ar |
1294 | ··0x000fbfe4· | 1294 | ··0x000fbfe4·72617920·696e7465·72666163·652e0a28·ray·interface..( |
1295 | ··0x000fbff4· | 1295 | ··0x000fbff4·2a292061·204e756d·50792061·72726179·*)·a·NumPy·array |
1296 | ··0x000fc004· | 1296 | ··0x000fc004·2e0a2821·29207265·6275696c·64205079·..(!)·rebuild·Py |
1297 | ··0x000fc014· | 1297 | ··0x000fc014·51777420·746f2073·7570706f·7274204e·Qwt·to·support·N |
1298 | ··0x000fc024·5 | 1298 | ··0x000fc024·756d6572·69632061·72726179·732e0a28·umeric·arrays..( |
1299 | ··0x000fc034· | 1299 | ··0x000fc034·21292072·65627569·6c642050·79517774·!)·rebuild·PyQwt |
1300 | ··0x000fc044· | 1300 | ··0x000fc044·20746f20·73757070·6f727420·6e756d61··to·support·numa |
1301 | ··0x000fc054· | 1301 | ··0x000fc054·72726179·20617272·6179732e·0a000000·rray·arrays..... |
1302 | ··0x000fc064· | 1302 | ··0x000fc064·54686520·73657175·656e6365·206d6179·The·sequence·may |
1303 | ··0x000fc074· | 1303 | ··0x000fc074·206f6e6c·7920636f·6e746169·6e20666c··only·contain·fl |
1304 | ··0x000fc084· | 1304 | ··0x000fc084·6f61742c·20696e74·2c206f72·206c6f6e·oat,·int,·or·lon |
1305 | ··0x000fc094·6 | 1305 | ··0x000fc094·67207479·7065732e·00000000·65787065·g·types.....expe |
1306 | ··0x000fc0a4·4 | 1306 | ··0x000fc0a4·63746564·2069730a·282a2920·61206c69·cted·is.(*)·a·li |
1307 | ··0x000fc0b4· | 1307 | ··0x000fc0b4·7374206f·72207475·706c6520·6f662050·st·or·tuple·of·P |
1308 | ··0x000fc0c4· | 1308 | ··0x000fc0c4·7974686f·6e206e75·6d626572·732e0a28·ython·numbers..( |
1309 | ··0x000fc0d4·2 | 1309 | ··0x000fc0d4·2a292061·6e206172·72617920·77697468·*)·an·array·with |
1310 | ··0x000fc0e4· | 1310 | ··0x000fc0e4·20746865·204e2d44·20617272·61792069··the·N-D·array·i |
1311 | ··0x000fc0f4·6 | 1311 | ··0x000fc0f4·6e746572·66616365·2e0a282a·29206120·nterface..(*)·a· |
1312 | ··0x000fc104·4 | 1312 | ··0x000fc104·4e756d50·79206172·72617920·636f6572·NumPy·array·coer |
1313 | ··0x000fc114·6 | 1313 | ··0x000fc114·6369626c·6520746f·20507941·72726179·cible·to·PyArray |
1314 | ··0x000fc124· | 1314 | ··0x000fc124·5f444f55·424c452e·0a282129·20726562·_DOUBLE..(!)·reb |
1315 | ··0x000fc134· | 1315 | ··0x000fc134·75696c64·20507951·77742074·6f207375·uild·PyQwt·to·su |
1316 | ··0x000fc144· | 1316 | ··0x000fc144·70706f72·74204e75·6d657269·63206172·pport·Numeric·ar |
1317 | ··0x000fc154· | 1317 | ··0x000fc154·72617973·2e0a2821·29207265·6275696c·rays..(!)·rebuil |
1318 | ··0x000fc164· | 1318 | ··0x000fc164·64205079·51777420·746f2073·7570706f·d·PyQwt·to·suppo |
1319 | ··0x000fc174· | 1319 | ··0x000fc174·7274206e·756d6172·72617920·61727261·rt·numarray·arra |
1320 | ··0x000fc184· | 1320 | ··0x000fc184·79732e0a·00000000·65787065·63746564·ys......expected |
1321 | ··0x000fc194· | 1321 | ··0x000fc194·2069730a·282a2920·61206c69·7374206f··is.(*)·a·list·o |
1322 | ··0x000fc1a4·20747 | 1322 | ··0x000fc1a4·72207475·706c6520·6f662050·7974686f·r·tuple·of·Pytho |
1323 | ··0x000fc1b4·6e | 1323 | ··0x000fc1b4·6e206e75·6d626572·732e0a28·2a292061·n·numbers..(*)·a |
1324 | ··0x000fc1c4· | 1324 | ··0x000fc1c4·6e206172·72617920·77697468·20746865·n·array·with·the |
1325 | ··0x000fc1d4· | 1325 | ··0x000fc1d4·204e2d44·20617272·61792069·6e746572··N-D·array·inter |
1326 | ··0x000fc1e4·6 | 1326 | ··0x000fc1e4·66616365·2e0a282a·29206120·4e756d50·face..(*)·a·NumP |
1327 | ··0x000fc1f4· | 1327 | ··0x000fc1f4·79206172·72617920·636f6572·6369626c·y·array·coercibl |
1328 | ··0x000fc204·6 | 1328 | ··0x000fc204·6520746f·20507941·72726179·5f494e54·e·to·PyArray_INT |
1329 | ··0x000fc214· | 1329 | ··0x000fc214·2e0a2821·29207265·6275696c·64205079·..(!)·rebuild·Py |
1330 | ··0x000fc224· | 1330 | ··0x000fc224·51777420·746f2073·7570706f·7274204e·Qwt·to·support·N |
1331 | ··0x000fc234· | 1331 | ··0x000fc234·756d6572·69632061·72726179·732e0a28·umeric·arrays..( |
1332 | ··0x000fc244· | 1332 | ··0x000fc244·21292072·65627569·6c642050·79517774·!)·rebuild·PyQwt |
1333 | ··0x000fc254· | 1333 | ··0x000fc254·20746f20·73757070·6f727420·6e756d61··to·support·numa |
1334 | ··0x000fc264· | 1334 | ··0x000fc264·72726179·20617272·6179732e·0a000000·rray·arrays..... |
1335 | ··0x000fc274·6 | 1335 | ··0x000fc274·6e756d70·792e636f·72652e5f·6d756c74·numpy.core._mult |
1336 | ··0x000fc284· | 1336 | ··0x000fc284·69617272·61795f75·6d617468·00000000·iarray_umath.... |
1337 | ··0x000fc294·2 | 1337 | ··0x000fc294·5f415252·41595f41·50490000·5f415252·_ARRAY_API.._ARR |
1338 | ··0x000fc2a4· | 1338 | ··0x000fc2a4·41595f41·5049206e·6f742066·6f756e64·AY_API·not·found |
1339 | ··0x000fc2b4· | 1339 | ··0x000fc2b4·00000000·5f415252·41595f41·50492069·...._ARRAY_API·i |
1340 | ··0x000fc2c4· | 1340 | ··0x000fc2c4·73206e6f·74205079·434f626a·65637420·s·not·PyCObject· |
1341 | ··0x000fc2d4· | 1341 | ··0x000fc2d4·6f626a65·63740000·5f415252·41595f41·object.._ARRAY_A |
1342 | ··0x000fc2e4· | 1342 | ··0x000fc2e4·50492069·73204e55·4c4c2070·6f696e74·PI·is·NULL·point |
1343 | ··0x000fc2f4· | 1343 | ··0x000fc2f4·65720000·6d6f6475·6c652063·6f6d7069·er..module·compi |
1344 | ··0x000fc304· | 1344 | ··0x000fc304·6c656420·61676169·6e737420·41424920·led·against·ABI· |
1345 | ··0x000fc314· | 1345 | ··0x000fc314·76657273·696f6e20·30782578·20627574·version·0x%x·but |
1346 | ··0x000fc324·2 | 1346 | ··0x000fc324·20746869·73207665·7273696f·6e206f66··this·version·of |
1347 | ··0x000fc334·2 | 1347 | ··0x000fc334·206e756d·70792069·73203078·25780000··numpy·is·0x%x.. |
1348 | ··0x000fc344· | 1348 | ··0x000fc344·6d6f6475·6c652063·6f6d7069·6c656420·module·compiled· |
1349 | ··0x000fc354· | 1349 | ··0x000fc354·61676169·6e737420·41504920·76657273·against·API·vers |
1350 | ··0x000fc364·6 | 1350 | ··0x000fc364·696f6e20·30782578·20627574·20746869·ion·0x%x·but·thi |
1351 | ··0x000fc374· | 1351 | ··0x000fc374·73207665·7273696f·6e206f66·206e756d·s·version·of·num |
1352 | ··0x000fc384· | 1352 | ··0x000fc384·70792069·73203078·25780000·46415441·py·is·0x%x..FATA |
1353 | ··0x000fc394· | 1353 | ··0x000fc394·4c3a206d·6f64756c·6520636f·6d70696c·L:·module·compil |
1354 | ··0x000fc3a4·6 | 1354 | ··0x000fc3a4·65642061·7320756e·6b6e6f77·6e20656e·ed·as·unknown·en |
1355 | ··0x000fc3b4· | 1355 | ··0x000fc3b4·6469616e·00000000·46415441·4c3a206d·dian....FATAL:·m |
1356 | ··0x000fc3c4· | 1356 | ··0x000fc3c4·6f64756c·6520636f·6d70696c·65642061·odule·compiled·a |
1357 | ··0x000fc3d4· | 1357 | ··0x000fc3d4·73206c69·74746c65·20656e64·69616e2c·s·little·endian, |
1358 | ··0x000fc3e4· | 1358 | ··0x000fc3e4·20627574·20646574·65637465·64206469··but·detected·di |
1359 | ··0x000fc3f4· | 1359 | ··0x000fc3f4·66666572·656e7420·656e6469·616e6e65·fferent·endianne |
1360 | ··0x000fc404· | 1360 | ··0x000fc404·73732061·74207275·6e74696d·65000000·ss·at·runtime... |
1361 | ··0x000fc414·6 | 1361 | ··0x000fc414·6e756d70·792e636f·72652e6d·756c7469·numpy.core.multi |
1362 | ··0x000fc424·6 | 1362 | ··0x000fc424·61727261·79206661·696c6564·20746f20·array·failed·to· |
1363 | ··0x000fc434· | 1363 | ··0x000fc434·696d706f·72740000·41727261·79206d75·import..Array·mu |
1364 | ··0x000fc444· | 1364 | ··0x000fc444·73742062·6520322d·64696d65·6e73696f·st·be·2-dimensio |
1365 | ··0x000fc454·6 | 1365 | ··0x000fc454·6e616c00·44617461·20747970·65206d75·nal.Data·type·mu |
1366 | ··0x000fc464·7 | 1366 | ··0x000fc464·73742062·65207569·6e74382c·206f7220·st·be·uint8,·or· |
1367 | ··0x000fc474· | 1367 | ··0x000fc474·75696e74·33320000·4661696c·65642074·uint32..Failed·t |
1368 | ··0x000fc484· | 1368 | ··0x000fc484·6f20616c·6c6f6361·74652061·72726179·o·allocate·array |
1369 | ··0x000fc494· | 1369 | ··0x000fc494·00000000·496d6167·65206465·70746820·....Image·depth· |
1370 | ··0x000fc4a4· | 1370 | ··0x000fc4a4·6d757374·20626520·38206f72·20333200·must·be·8·or·32. |
1371 | ··0x000fc4b4· | 1371 | ··0x000fc4b4·4661696c·65642074·6f206d61·6b652063·Failed·to·make·c |
1372 | ··0x000fc4c4· | 1372 | ··0x000fc4c4·6f6e7469·67756f75·73206172·72617920·ontiguous·array· |
1373 | ··0x000fc4d4·20 | 1373 | ··0x000fc4d4·6f662050·79417272·61795f44·4f55424c·of·PyArray_DOUBL |
1374 | ··0x000fc4e4· | 1374 | ··0x000fc4e4·45000000·4661696c·65642074·6f206d61·E...Failed·to·ma |
1375 | ··0x000fc4f4· | 1375 | ··0x000fc4f4·6b652063·6f6e7469·67756f75·73206172·ke·contiguous·ar |
1376 | ··0x000fc504· | 1376 | ··0x000fc504·72617920·6f662050·79417272·61795f49·ray·of·PyArray_I |
1377 | ··0x000fc514· | 1377 | ··0x000fc514·4e540000·4661696c·65642074·6f206d61·NT..Failed·to·ma |
1378 | ··0x000fc524·6 | 1378 | ··0x000fc524·6b652063·6f6e7469·67756f75·73206172·ke·contiguous·ar |
1379 | ··0x000fc534·7 | 1379 | ··0x000fc534·72617920·6f662050·79417272·61795f4c·ray·of·PyArray_L |
1380 | ··0x000fc544· | 1380 | ··0x000fc544·4f4e4700·74776f3a·2025690a·00000000·ONG.two:·%i..... |
1381 | ··0x000fc554·6 | 1381 | ··0x000fc554·6e643a20·25690a00·74797065·6b696e64·nd:·%i..typekind |
1382 | ··0x000fc564· | 1382 | ··0x000fc564·3a202725·63270a00·6974656d·73697a65·:·'%c'..itemsize |
1383 | ··0x000fc574· | 1383 | ··0x000fc574·3a202569·0a000000·666c6167·733a0000·:·%i....flags:.. |
1384 | ··0x000fc584· | 1384 | ··0x000fc584·20434f4e·54494755·4f555300·20464f52··CONTIGUOUS.·FOR |
1385 | ··0x000fc594· | 1385 | ··0x000fc594·5452414e·00000000·20414c49·474e4544·TRAN....·ALIGNED |
1386 | ··0x000fc5a4· | 1386 | ··0x000fc5a4·00000000·204e4f54·53574150·50454400·....·NOTSWAPPED. |
1387 | ··0x000fc5b4· | 1387 | ··0x000fc5b4·20575249·5441424c·45000000·20415252··WRITABLE...·ARR |
1388 | ··0x000fc5c4· | 1388 | ··0x000fc5c4·5f484153·5f444553·43520000·73686170·_HAS_DESCR..shap |
1389 | ··0x000fc5d4· | 1389 | ··0x000fc5d4·653a2028·00000000·25692c00·25690000·e:·(....%i,.%i.. |
1390 | ··0x000fc5e4· | 1390 | ··0x000fc5e4·2c202569·00000000·290a0000·73747269·,·%i....)...stri |
1391 | ··0x000fc5f4·6 | 1391 | ··0x000fc5f4·6465733a·20280000·5f5f6172·7261795f·des:·(..__array_ |
1392 | ··0x000fc604·7374 | 1392 | ··0x000fc604·73747275·63745f5f·00000000·41727261·struct__....Arra |
1393 | ··0x000fc614·79 | 1393 | ··0x000fc614·79206d75·73742062·6520636f·6e746967·y·must·be·contig |
1394 | ··0x000fc624· | 1394 | ··0x000fc624·756f7573·20616e64·20322d44·00000000·uous·and·2-D.... |
1395 | ··0x000fc634· | 1395 | ··0x000fc634·44617461·20747970·65206d75·73742062·Data·type·must·b |
1396 | ··0x000fc644·6 | 1396 | ··0x000fc644·65207569·6e743820·6f722075·696e7433·e·uint8·or·uint3 |
1397 | ··0x000fc654· | 1397 | ··0x000fc654·32000000·54686520·61727261·79206973·2...The·array·is |
1398 | ··0x000fc664· | 1398 | ··0x000fc664·206e6f20·31442061·72726179·20636f6e··no·1D·array·con |
1399 | ··0x000fc674· | 1399 | ··0x000fc674·7461696e·696e6720·7265616c·206f7220·taining·real·or· |
1400 | ··0x000fc684· | 1400 | ··0x000fc684·7369676e·65642069·6e746567·65722074·signed·integer·t |
1401 | ··0x000fc694·7 | 1401 | ··0x000fc694·79706573·00000000·54686520·61727261·ypes....The·arra |
1402 | ··0x000fc6a4·7 | 1402 | ··0x000fc6a4·79206973·206e6f20·31442061·72726179·y·is·no·1D·array |
1403 | ··0x000fc6b4· | 1403 | ··0x000fc6b4·20636f6e·7461696e·696e6720·7369676e··containing·sign |
1404 | ··0x000fc6c4·6 | 1404 | ··0x000fc6c4·65642069·6e746567·65722074·79706573·ed·integer·types |
1405 | ··0x000fc6d4·0 | 1405 | ··0x000fc6d4·00000000····························.... |
Offset 1060, 20 lines modified | Offset 1060, 20 lines modified | ||
1060 | ··0x001008e8·78bff27f·a908b100·ffff0104·44040000·x...........D... | 1060 | ··0x001008e8·78bff27f·a908b100·ffff0104·44040000·x...........D... |
1061 | ··0x001008f8·68bff27f·a908b100·ffff0104·04360000·h............6.. | 1061 | ··0x001008f8·68bff27f·a908b100·ffff0104·04360000·h............6.. |
1062 | ··0x00100908·58bff27f·b0b0aa00·ffff010c·08040000·X............... | 1062 | ··0x00100908·58bff27f·b0b0aa00·ffff010c·08040000·X............... |
1063 | ··0x00100918·3e044600·4e040000·40bff27f·80c91c01·>.F.N...@....... | 1063 | ··0x00100918·3e044600·4e040000·40bff27f·80c91c01·>.F.N...@....... |
1064 | ··0x00100928·b0b0b0af·ffff0105·2c8c0300·00000000·........,....... | 1064 | ··0x00100928·b0b0b0af·ffff0105·2c8c0300·00000000·........,....... |
1065 | ··0x00100938·28bff27f·df840d00·ff902101·19160400·(.........!..... | 1065 | ··0x00100938·28bff27f·df840d00·ff902101·19160400·(.........!..... |
1066 | ··0x00100948·004204b2·0101a801·040000b8·0108c001·.B.............. | 1066 | ··0x00100948·004204b2·0101a801·040000b8·0108c001·.B.............. |
1067 | ··0x00100958·00c40104·00000100·00000000· | 1067 | ··0x00100958·00c40104·00000100·00000000·80c90181·................ |
1068 | ··0x00100968·b0 | 1068 | ··0x00100968·b0af08b1·00000000·80c90181·b0af08b1·................ |
1069 | ··0x00100978·00 | 1069 | ··0x00100978·00000000·80c90181·b0af08b1·00000000·................ |
1070 | ··0x00100988· | 1070 | ··0x00100988·d8bef27f·b0b0ac00·ff902901·211e9c01·..........).!... |
1071 | ··0x00100998· | 1071 | ··0x00100998·0000c601·04e40101·d4010800·00de0104·................ |
1072 | ··0x001009a8· | 1072 | ··0x001009a8·e40101f4·0104f801·00fc0104·00000100·................ |
1073 | ··0x001009b8· | 1073 | ··0x001009b8·84ff0100·a4bef27f·b0b0ae00·ffff0119·................ |
1074 | ··0x001009c8· | 1074 | ··0x001009c8·1a540000·7604a002·008c015a·0000ee01·.T..v......Z.... |
1075 | ··0x001009d8·0 | 1075 | ··0x001009d8·04ac0200·8a022200·00000000·7cbef27f·......".....|... |
1076 | ··0x001009e8· | 1076 | ··0x001009e8·b0af0200·ffff011b·14b60100·00d20104·................ |
1077 | ··0x001009f8·b | 1077 | ··0x001009f8·b60300ee·01300000·a60204aa·0300c202·.....0.......... |
1078 | ··0x00100a08· | 1078 | ··0x00100a08·740000······························t.. |
Offset 2934, 15 lines modified | Offset 2934, 15 lines modified | ||
2934 | ··0x0010c13c·808bfe7f·b0af0880·748cfe7f·f446ff7f·........t....F.. | 2934 | ··0x0010c13c·808bfe7f·b0af0880·748cfe7f·f446ff7f·........t....F.. |
2935 | ··0x0010c14c·b48cfe7f·ab08b180·188dfe7f·fc46ff7f·.............F.. | 2935 | ··0x0010c14c·b48cfe7f·ab08b180·188dfe7f·fc46ff7f·.............F.. |
2936 | ··0x0010c15c·6c8efe7f·4047ff7f·d08efe7f·6c47ff7f·l...@G......lG.. | 2936 | ··0x0010c15c·6c8efe7f·4047ff7f·d08efe7f·6c47ff7f·l...@G......lG.. |
2937 | ··0x0010c16c·3890fe7f·b0b0aa80·9490fe7f·7047ff7f·8...........pG.. | 2937 | ··0x0010c16c·3890fe7f·b0b0aa80·9490fe7f·7047ff7f·8...........pG.. |
2938 | ··0x0010c17c·d490fe7f·7847ff7f·1091fe7f·8047ff7f·....xG.......G.. | 2938 | ··0x0010c17c·d490fe7f·7847ff7f·1091fe7f·8047ff7f·....xG.......G.. |
2939 | ··0x0010c18c·5c91fe7f·ab08b180·c891fe7f·8847ff7f·\............G.. | 2939 | ··0x0010c18c·5c91fe7f·ab08b180·c891fe7f·8847ff7f·\............G.. |
2940 | ··0x0010c19c·d493fe7f·9847ff7f·9c94fe7f·b0b0aa80·.....G.......... | 2940 | ··0x0010c19c·d493fe7f·9847ff7f·9c94fe7f·b0b0aa80·.....G.......... |
2941 | ··0x0010c1ac· | 2941 | ··0x0010c1ac·d494fe7f·b447ff7f·4896fe7f·b847ff7f·.....G..H....G.. |
2942 | ··0x0010c1bc· | 2942 | ··0x0010c1bc·b897fe7f·bc47ff7f·2899fe7f·c047ff7f·.....G..(....G.. |
2943 | ··0x0010c1cc· | 2943 | ··0x0010c1cc·2c9afe7f·b0b0aa80·b09bfe7f·e447ff7f·,............G.. |
2944 | ··0x0010c1dc· | 2944 | ··0x0010c1dc·ec9cfe7f·b0ae0980·089efe7f·b0ac0180·................ |
2945 | ··0x0010c1ec· | 2945 | ··0x0010c1ec·30a1fe7f·b0b0ac80·4ca3fe7f·ec47ff7f·0.......L....G.. |
2946 | ··0x0010c1fc· | 2946 | ··0x0010c1fc·10a5fe7f·b0af0280·50a8fe7f·b0b0ae80·........P....... |
2947 | ··0x0010c20c·20adfe7f·01000000····················....... | 2947 | ··0x0010c20c·20adfe7f·01000000····················....... |
Offset 1, 7 lines modified | Offset 1, 7 lines modified | ||
1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': | 1 | Hex·dump·of·section·'.gnu_debuglink': |
2 | ··0x00000000·3 | 2 | ··0x00000000·36373766·38613034·63366237·66666261·677f8a04c6b7ffba |
3 | ··0x00000010· | 3 | ··0x00000010·33303931·63326539·61313131·34323866·3091c2e9a111428f |
4 | ··0x00000020· | 4 | ··0x00000020·64346538·39382e64·65627567·00000000·d4e898.debug.... |
5 | ··0x00000030· | 5 | ··0x00000030·58a8521e····························X.R. |
Offset 1, 3 lines modified | Offset 1, 3 lines modified | ||
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2 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0······600·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·control.tar.xz | 2 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0······600·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·control.tar.xz |
3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0··911 | 3 | -rw-r--r--···0········0········0··9115236·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·data.tar.xz |
Offset 5, 8 lines modified | Offset 5, 8 lines modified | ||
5 | Architecture:·armhf | 5 | Architecture:·armhf |
6 | Maintainer:·Gudjon·I.·Gudjonsson·<> | 6 | Maintainer:·Gudjon·I.·Gudjonsson·<> |
7 | Installed-Size:·9588 | 7 | Installed-Size:·9588 |
8 | Depends:·python-qwt5-qt4·(=·5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10) | 8 | Depends:·python-qwt5-qt4·(=·5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10) |
9 | Section:·debug | 9 | Section:·debug |
10 | Priority:·optional | 10 | Priority:·optional |
11 | Description:·debug·symbols·for·python-qwt5-qt4 | 11 | Description:·debug·symbols·for·python-qwt5-qt4 |
12 | Build-Ids:· | 12 | Build-Ids:·c54d05391ca4b546f86eebff0593101e9db38f0e·de677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898 |
Offset 1, 2 lines modified | Offset 1, 2 lines modified | ||
1 | usr/lib/debug/.build-id/0c/4fb8c2fde5998c9ccc92da01cc29d22e2ac052.debug | ||
2 | usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/4d05391ca4b546f86eebff0593101e9db38f0e.debug | 1 | usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/4d05391ca4b546f86eebff0593101e9db38f0e.debug |
2 | usr/lib/debug/.build-id/de/677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898.debug |
Offset 1, 12 lines modified | Offset 1, 12 lines modified | ||
1 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./ | 1 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./ |
2 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/ | 2 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/ |
3 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/ | 3 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/ |
4 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/ | 4 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/ |
5 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ | 5 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ |
6 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/0c/ | ||
7 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)··9766348·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/0c/4fb8c2fde5998c9ccc92da01cc29d22e2ac052.debug | ||
8 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/ | 6 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/ |
9 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)····39116·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/4d05391ca4b546f86eebff0593101e9db38f0e.debug | 7 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)····39116·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/c5/4d05391ca4b546f86eebff0593101e9db38f0e.debug |
8 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/de/ | ||
9 | -rw-r--r--···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)··9766024·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/de/677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898.debug | ||
10 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/ | 10 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/ |
11 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/doc/ | 11 | drwxr-xr-x···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/doc/ |
12 | lrwxrwxrwx···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/doc/python-qwt5-qt4-dbgsym·->·python-qwt5-qt4 | 12 | lrwxrwxrwx···0·root·········(0)·root·········(0)········0·2019-03-16·08:11:48.000000·./usr/share/doc/python-qwt5-qt4-dbgsym·->·python-qwt5-qt4 |
Offset 6, 15 lines modified | Offset 6, 15 lines modified | ||
6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V | 6 | ··OS/ABI:····························UNIX·-·System·V |
7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 | 7 | ··ABI·Version:·······················0 |
8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) | 8 | ··Type:······························DYN·(Shared·object·file) |
9 | ··Machine:···························ARM | 9 | ··Machine:···························ARM |
10 | ··Version:···························0x1 | 10 | ··Version:···························0x1 |
11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x2f5d0 | 11 | ··Entry·point·address:···············0x2f5d0 |
12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) | 12 | ··Start·of·program·headers:··········52·(bytes·into·file) |
13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········9764 | 13 | ··Start·of·section·headers:··········9764544·(bytes·into·file) |
14 | ··Flags:·····························0x5000400,·Version5·EABI,·hard-float·ABI | 14 | ··Flags:·····························0x5000400,·Version5·EABI,·hard-float·ABI |
15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) | 15 | ··Size·of·this·header:···············52·(bytes) |
16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) | 16 | ··Size·of·program·headers:···········32·(bytes) |
17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········7 | 17 | ··Number·of·program·headers:·········7 |
18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) | 18 | ··Size·of·section·headers:···········40·(bytes) |
19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········37 | 19 | ··Number·of·section·headers:·········37 |
20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·36 | 20 | ··Section·header·string·table·index:·36 |
Offset 1, 8 lines modified | Offset 1, 8 lines modified | ||
1 | There·are·37·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x9 | 1 | There·are·37·section·headers,·starting·at·offset·0x94fec0: |
2 | Section·Headers: | 2 | Section·Headers: |
3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al | 3 | ··[Nr]·Name··············Type············Addr·····Off····Size···ES·Flg·Lk·Inf·Al |
4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 | 4 | ··[·0]···················NULL············00000000·000000·000000·00······0···0··0 |
5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000114·000114·000024·00···A··0···0··4 | 5 | ··[·1]··NOTE············00000114·000114·000024·00···A··0···0··4 |
6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000138·000138·000020·04···A··3···0··4 | 6 | ··[·2]·.gnu.hash·········NOBITS··········00000138·000138·000020·04···A··3···0··4 |
7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000158·000138·006c50·10···A··4···3··4 | 7 | ··[·3]·.dynsym···········NOBITS··········00000158·000138·006c50·10···A··4···3··4 |
Offset 12, 35 lines modified | Offset 12, 35 lines modified | ||
12 | ··[·7]·.rel.dyn··········NOBITS··········00016fb0·000138·0106e8·08···A··3···0··4 | 12 | ··[·7]·.rel.dyn··········NOBITS··········00016fb0·000138·0106e8·08···A··3···0··4 |
13 | ··[·8]·.rel.plt··········NOBITS··········00027698·000138·0030e0·08···A··3··21··4 | 13 | ··[·8]·.rel.plt··········NOBITS··········00027698·000138·0030e0·08···A··3··21··4 |
14 | ··[·9]·.init·············NOBITS··········0002a778·000138·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 | 14 | ··[·9]·.init·············NOBITS··········0002a778·000138·00000c·00··AX··0···0··4 |
15 | ··[10]·.plt··············NOBITS··········0002a784·000138·004e4c·04··AX··0···0··4 | 15 | ··[10]·.plt··············NOBITS··········0002a784·000138·004e4c·04··AX··0···0··4 |
16 | ··[11]·.text·············NOBITS··········0002f5d0·000138·0c795c·00··AX··0···0··8 | 16 | ··[11]·.text·············NOBITS··········0002f5d0·000138·0c795c·00··AX··0···0··8 |
17 | ··[12]·.fini·············NOBITS··········000f6f2c·000138·000008·00··AX··0···0··4 | 17 | ··[12]·.fini·············NOBITS··········000f6f2c·000138·000008·00··AX··0···0··4 |
18 | ··[13]·.rodata···········NOBITS··········000f6f34·000138·0057a4·00···A··0···0··4 | 18 | ··[13]·.rodata···········NOBITS··········000f6f34·000138·0057a4·00···A··0···0··4 |
19 | ··[14]·.ARM.extab········NOBITS··········000fc6d8·000138·00433 | 19 | ··[14]·.ARM.extab········NOBITS··········000fc6d8·000138·004333·00···A··0···0··4 |
20 | ··[15]·.ARM.exidx········NOBITS··········00100a0c·000138·00b808·00··AL·11···0··4 | 20 | ··[15]·.ARM.exidx········NOBITS··········00100a0c·000138·00b808·00··AL·11···0··4 |
21 | ··[16]·.eh_frame·········NOBITS··········0010c214·000138·000004·00···A··0···0··4 | 21 | ··[16]·.eh_frame·········NOBITS··········0010c214·000138·000004·00···A··0···0··4 |
22 | ··[17]·.init_array·······NOBITS··········0011c828·00c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 22 | ··[17]·.init_array·······NOBITS··········0011c828·00c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0011c82c·00c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 | 23 | ··[18]·.fini_array·······NOBITS··········0011c82c·00c828·000004·04··WA··0···0··4 |
24 | ··[19]·······NOBITS··········0011c830·00c828·0026b0·00··WA··0···0··4 | 24 | ··[19]·······NOBITS··········0011c830·00c828·0026b0·00··WA··0···0··4 |
25 | ··[20]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0011eee0·00c828·000120·08··WA··4···0··4 | 25 | ··[20]·.dynamic··········NOBITS··········0011eee0·00c828·000120·08··WA··4···0··4 |
26 | ··[21]·.got··············NOBITS··········0011f000·00c828·001ab0·04··WA··0···0··4 | 26 | ··[21]·.got··············NOBITS··········0011f000·00c828·001ab0·04··WA··0···0··4 |
27 | ··[22]·.data·············NOBITS··········00120ab0·00c828·00f734·00··WA··0···0··4 | 27 | ··[22]·.data·············NOBITS··········00120ab0·00c828·00f734·00··WA··0···0··4 |
28 | ··[23]·.bss··············NOBITS··········001301e4·00c828·000510·00··WA··0···0··4 | 28 | ··[23]·.bss··············NOBITS··········001301e4·00c828·000510·00··WA··0···0··4 |
29 | ··[24]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000138·00001c·01··MS··0···0··1 | 29 | ··[24]·.comment··········PROGBITS········00000000·000138·00001c·01··MS··0···0··1 |
30 | ··[25]·.ARM.attributes···ARM_ATTRIBUTES··00000000·000154·000031·00······0···0··1 | 30 | ··[25]·.ARM.attributes···ARM_ATTRIBUTES··00000000·000154·000031·00······0···0··1 |
31 | ··[26]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000188·000604·00···C··0···0··4 | 31 | ··[26]·.debug_aranges····PROGBITS········00000000·000188·000604·00···C··0···0··4 |
32 | ··[27]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00078c·7f7e | 32 | ··[27]·.debug_info·······PROGBITS········00000000·00078c·7f7e67·00···C··0···0··4 |
33 | ··[28]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·7f8 | 33 | ··[28]·.debug_abbrev·····PROGBITS········00000000·7f85f4·00f0ae·00···C··0···0··4 |
34 | ··[29]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·807 | 34 | ··[29]·.debug_line·······PROGBITS········00000000·8076a4·0270bc·00···C··0···0··4 |
35 | ··[30]·.debug_frame······PROGBITS········00000000·82e7 | 35 | ··[30]·.debug_frame······PROGBITS········00000000·82e760·009fea·00···C··0···0··4 |
36 | ··[31]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·8387 | 36 | ··[31]·.debug_str········PROGBITS········00000000·83874c·01eea8·01·MSC··0···0··4 |
37 | ··[32]·.debug_loc········PROGBITS········00000000·857 | 37 | ··[32]·.debug_loc········PROGBITS········00000000·8575f4·047118·00···C··0···0··4 |
38 | ··[33]·.debug_ranges·····PROGBITS········00000000·89e | 38 | ··[33]·.debug_ranges·····PROGBITS········00000000·89e70c·00cc5c·00···C··0···0··4 |
39 | ··[34]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·8ab | 39 | ··[34]·.symtab···········SYMTAB··········00000000·8ab368·04cd10·10·····35·17935··4 |
40 | ··[35]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·8f8 | 40 | ··[35]·.strtab···········STRTAB··········00000000·8f8078·057cdb·00······0···0··1 |
41 | ··[36]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·94f | 41 | ··[36]·.shstrtab·········STRTAB··········00000000·94fd53·00016d·00······0···0··1 |
42 | Key·to·Flags: | 42 | Key·to·Flags: |
43 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), | 43 | ··W·(write),·A·(alloc),·X·(execute),·M·(merge),·S·(strings),·I·(info), |
44 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), | 44 | ··L·(link·order),·O·(extra·OS·processing·required),·G·(group),·T·(TLS), |
45 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), | 45 | ··C·(compressed),·x·(unknown),·o·(OS·specific),·E·(exclude), |
46 | ··y·(purecode),·p·(processor·specific) | 46 | ··y·(purecode),·p·(processor·specific) |
Offset 2727, 15 lines modified | Offset 2727, 15 lines modified | ||
2727 | ··2723:·0005856d····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtScaleArithmetic | 2727 | ··2723:·0005856d····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtScaleArithmetic |
2728 | ··2724:·00058598·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 2728 | ··2724:·00058598·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
2729 | ··2725:·001302ac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d | 2729 | ··2725:·001302ac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
2730 | ··2726:·001302ac····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL25plugin_QwtScaleArithmetic | 2730 | ··2726:·001302ac····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL25plugin_QwtScaleArithmetic |
2731 | ··2727:·00124474·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 2731 | ··2727:·00124474·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
2732 | ··2728:·00124474····96·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL26methods_QwtScaleArithmetic | 2732 | ··2728:·00124474····96·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL26methods_QwtScaleArithmetic |
2733 | ··2729:·001244d4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 2733 | ··2729:·001244d4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
2734 | ··2730:·000fc | 2734 | ··2730:·000fc188·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
2735 | ··2731:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtLog10ScaleEngine.cpp | 2735 | ··2731:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtLog10ScaleEngine.cpp |
2736 | ··2732:·000585a1·····2·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·cast_QwtLog10ScaleEngine | 2736 | ··2732:·000585a1·····2·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·cast_QwtLog10ScaleEngine |
2737 | ··2733:·000585a0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 2737 | ··2733:·000585a0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
2738 | ··2734:·00102f64·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 2738 | ··2734:·00102f64·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
2739 | ··2735:·000585a5····10·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QwtLog10ScaleEngine | 2739 | ··2735:·000585a5····10·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QwtLog10ScaleEngine |
2740 | ··2736:·000585e0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 2740 | ··2736:·000585e0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
2741 | ··2737:·000fd788·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d | 2741 | ··2737:·000fd788·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
Offset 6263, 15 lines modified | Offset 6263, 15 lines modified | ||
6263 | ··6259:·0008db15···248·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtPlotDict_itemList | 6263 | ··6259:·0008db15···248·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtPlotDict_itemList |
6264 | ··6260:·0008dbf4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 6264 | ··6260:·0008dbf4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
6265 | ··6261:·00130404·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d | 6265 | ··6261:·00130404·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
6266 | ··6262:·00130404····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL18plugin_QwtPlotDict | 6266 | ··6262:·00130404····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL18plugin_QwtPlotDict |
6267 | ··6263:·00128500·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 6267 | ··6263:·00128500·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
6268 | ··6264:·00128500····64·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL19methods_QwtPlotDict | 6268 | ··6264:·00128500····64·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL19methods_QwtPlotDict |
6269 | ··6265:·00128540·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 6269 | ··6265:·00128540·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
6270 | ··6266:·000fc | 6270 | ··6266:·000fc188·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
6271 | ··6267:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtPickerPolygonMachine.cpp | 6271 | ··6267:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtPickerPolygonMachine.cpp |
6272 | ··6268:·0008dc0d·····2·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·cast_QwtPickerPolygonMachine | 6272 | ··6268:·0008dc0d·····2·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·cast_QwtPickerPolygonMachine |
6273 | ··6269:·0008dc0c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 6273 | ··6269:·0008dc0c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
6274 | ··6270:·00105d9c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 6274 | ··6270:·00105d9c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
6275 | ··6271:·0008dc11····10·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QwtPickerPolygonMachine | 6275 | ··6271:·0008dc11····10·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QwtPickerPolygonMachine |
6276 | ··6272:·0008dc4c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 6276 | ··6272:·0008dc4c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
6277 | ··6273:·000fea6c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d | 6277 | ··6273:·000fea6c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
Offset 6871, 15 lines modified | Offset 6871, 15 lines modified | ||
6871 | ··6867:·00095909···136·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtPainter_deviceClipping | 6871 | ··6867:·00095909···136·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtPainter_deviceClipping |
6872 | ··6868:·00095978·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 6872 | ··6868:·00095978·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
6873 | ··6869:·0013046c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d | 6873 | ··6869:·0013046c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
6874 | ··6870:·0013046c····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL17plugin_QwtPainter | 6874 | ··6870:·0013046c····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL17plugin_QwtPainter |
6875 | ··6871:·001290d0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 6875 | ··6871:·001290d0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
6876 | ··6872:·001290d0···336·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL18methods_QwtPainter | 6876 | ··6872:·001290d0···336·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL18methods_QwtPainter |
6877 | ··6873:·00129220·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 6877 | ··6873:·00129220·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
6878 | ··6874:·000fc | 6878 | ··6874:·000fc188·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
6879 | ··6875:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtPanner.cpp | 6879 | ··6875:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtPanner.cpp |
6880 | ··6876:·00095990·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 6880 | ··6876:·00095990·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
6881 | ··6877:·000959a8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 6881 | ··6877:·000959a8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
6882 | ··6878:·001064ec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 6882 | ··6878:·001064ec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
6883 | ··6879:·000959b4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 6883 | ··6879:·000959b4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
6884 | ··6880:·000959e4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 6884 | ··6880:·000959e4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
6885 | ··6881:·000fee78·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d | 6885 | ··6881:·000fee78·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
Offset 8508, 15 lines modified | Offset 8508, 15 lines modified | ||
8508 | ··8504:·000afc61····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtMetricsMap | 8508 | ··8504:·000afc61····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtMetricsMap |
8509 | ··8505:·000afc8c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 8509 | ··8505:·000afc8c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
8510 | ··8506:·001304e8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d | 8510 | ··8506:·001304e8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
8511 | ··8507:·001304e8····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL20plugin_QwtMetricsMap | 8511 | ··8507:·001304e8····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL20plugin_QwtMetricsMap |
8512 | ··8508:·0012ab64·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 8512 | ··8508:·0012ab64·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
8513 | ··8509:·0012ab64···240·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL21methods_QwtMetricsMap | 8513 | ··8509:·0012ab64···240·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL21methods_QwtMetricsMap |
8514 | ··8510:·0012ac54·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 8514 | ··8510:·0012ac54·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
8515 | ··8511:·000fc | 8515 | ··8511:·000fc188·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
8516 | ··8512:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtKnob.cpp | 8516 | ··8512:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtKnob.cpp |
8517 | ··8513:·000afc94·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 8517 | ··8513:·000afc94·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
8518 | ··8514:·000afcac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 8518 | ··8514:·000afcac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
8519 | ··8515:·00107e04·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 8519 | ··8515:·00107e04·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
8520 | ··8516:·000afcb8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 8520 | ··8516:·000afcb8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
8521 | ··8517:·000afcb9····56·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtKnob_getValue | 8521 | ··8517:·000afcb9····56·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·meth_QwtKnob_getValue |
8522 | ··8518:·000afce4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 8522 | ··8518:·000afce4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
Offset 11021, 15 lines modified | Offset 11021, 15 lines modified | ||
11021 | ·11017:·000d2b29····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtClipper | 11021 | ·11017:·000d2b29····52·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·dealloc_QwtClipper |
11022 | ·11018:·000d2b54·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 11022 | ·11018:·000d2b54·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
11023 | ·11019:·00130640·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d | 11023 | ·11019:·00130640·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
11024 | ·11020:·00130640····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL17plugin_QwtClipper | 11024 | ·11020:·00130640····12·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL17plugin_QwtClipper |
11025 | ·11021:·0012dc30·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 11025 | ·11021:·0012dc30·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
11026 | ·11022:·0012dc30····48·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL18methods_QwtClipper | 11026 | ·11022:·0012dc30····48·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·_ZL18methods_QwtClipper |
11027 | ·11023:·0012dc60·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 11027 | ·11023:·0012dc60·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
11028 | ·11024:·000fc | 11028 | ·11024:·000fc188·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
11029 | ·11025:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtArrowButton.cpp | 11029 | ·11025:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·sipQwtQwtArrowButton.cpp |
11030 | ·11026:·000d2b5c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 11030 | ·11026:·000d2b5c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
11031 | ·11027:·000d2b70·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 11031 | ·11027:·000d2b70·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
11032 | ·11028:·0010a044·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 11032 | ·11028:·0010a044·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
11033 | ·11029:·000d2b7c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t | 11033 | ·11029:·000d2b7c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
11034 | ·11030:·000d2bac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 11034 | ·11030:·000d2bac·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
11035 | ·11031:·000fffdc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d | 11035 | ·11031:·000fffdc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
Offset 13231, 69 lines modified | Offset 13231, 69 lines modified | ||
13231 | ·13227:·00100938·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d | 13231 | ·13227:·00100938·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
13232 | ·13228:·0010c19c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d | 13232 | ·13228:·0010c19c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
13233 | ·13229:·000f5295····82·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·copy_QMap_2400_0100QString | 13233 | ·13229:·000f5295····82·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·copy_QMap_2400_0100QString |
13234 | ·13230:·000f52e9···116·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QMap_2400_0100QString | 13234 | ·13230:·000f52e9···116·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·assign_QMap_2400_0100QString |
13235 | ·13231:·000f535d···532·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·convertTo_QMap_2400_0100QString | 13235 | ·13231:·000f535d···532·FUNC····LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·convertTo_QMap_2400_0100QString |
13236 | ·13232:·000f555c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d | 13236 | ·13232:·000f555c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13237 | ·13233:·00130168·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d | 13237 | ·13233:·00130168·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···22·$d |
13238 | ·13234:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_num | 13238 | ·13234:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_numarray.cpp |
13239 | ·13235:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_num | 13239 | ·13235:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_numeric.cpp |
13240 | ·13236:·000 | 13240 | ·13236:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_numerical_interface.cpp |
13241 | ·13237:·000f5 | 13241 | ·13237:·000f5640·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13242 | ·13238:·00 | 13242 | ·13238:·000f5674·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13243 | ·13239:·00 | 13243 | ·13239:·0010c1a4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
13244 | ·13240:·000f5 | 13244 | ·13240:·000f5680·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13245 | ·13241:·00 | 13245 | ·13241:·000f57e8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13246 | ·13242:·00 | 13246 | ·13242:·00100964·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
13247 | ·13243:·000f5 | 13247 | ·13243:·000f57fc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13248 | ·13244:·000f5 | 13248 | ·13244:·000f5960·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13249 | ·13245:·000f5 | 13249 | ·13245:·000f5aec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13250 | ·13246:·00 | 13250 | ·13246:·00100988·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
13251 | ·13247:·000 | 13251 | ·13247:·0010c1c4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
13252 | ·13248:·000f5 | 13252 | ·13248:·000f5974·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13253 | ·13249:·00 | 13253 | ·13249:·000f5ad8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13254 | ·13250:·00 | 13254 | ·13250:·000fbfbc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
13255 | ·13251:·000 | 13255 | ·13251:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_numpy.cpp |
13256 | ·13252:·000f5 | 13256 | ·13252:·000f5bf8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13257 | ·13253:·00 | 13257 | ·13253:·000f5d3c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13258 | ·13254:·001 | 13258 | ·13254:·0010c1cc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
13259 | ·13255:·000f | 13259 | ·13255:·000f5d84·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13260 | ·13256:·000 | 13260 | ·13256:·000f5eb4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13261 | ·13257:·00 | 13261 | ·13257:·001009bc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···14·$d |
13262 | ·13258:·000f5e | 13262 | ·13258:·000f5ec8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13263 | ·13259:·000f | 13263 | ·13259:·000f5fc8·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13264 | ·13260:·00 | 13264 | ·13260:·000f5fec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13265 | ·13261:·000f60 | 13265 | ·13261:·000f60ec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13266 | ·13262:·000f6 | 13266 | ·13262:·000f60fc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13267 | ·13263:·00 | 13267 | ·13263:·000f61fc·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13268 | ·13264:·000f62 | 13268 | ·13264:·000f620c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13269 | ·13265:·000f6 | 13269 | ·13265:·000f630c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13270 | ·13266:·00 | 13270 | ·13266:·001306f0·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·$d |
13271 | ·13267:·00 | 13271 | ·13267:·001306f0·····4·OBJECT··LOCAL··DEFAULT···23·_ZL11PyArray_API |
13272 | ·13268:·000f | 13272 | ·13268:·000fc274·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···13·$d |
13273 | ·13269:·000 | 13273 | ·13269:·00000000·····0·FILE····LOCAL··DEFAULT··ABS·qwt_ndarray.cpp |
13274 | ·13270:·000f | 13274 | ·13270:·000f631c·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
13275 | ·13271:·000 | 13275 | ·13271:·000f64e4·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$d |
13276 | ·13272:·00 | 13276 | ·13272:·0010c1ec·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···15·$d |
13277 | ·13273:·000f6 | 13277 | ·13273:·000f6540·····0·NOTYPE··LOCAL··DEFAULT···11·$t |
Max diff block lines reached; 25625/36840 bytes (69.56%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 1, 4 lines modified | Offset 1, 4 lines modified | ||
1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· | 1 | Displaying·notes·found·in:· |
2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description | 2 | ··Owner·················Data·size» Description |
3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:· | 3 | ··GNU··················0x00000014» NT_GNU_BUILD_ID·(unique·build·ID·bitstring)» ····Build·ID:·de677f8a04c6b7ffba3091c2e9a111428fd4e898 |
Offset 457328, 14 lines modified | Offset 457328, 1958 lines modified | ||
457328 | ··[0x000e3046]··Set·column·to·15 | 457328 | ··[0x000e3046]··Set·column·to·15 |
457329 | ··[0x000e3048]··Special·opcode·31:·advance·Address·by·4·to·0xf5630·and·Line·by·-2·to·765 | 457329 | ··[0x000e3048]··Special·opcode·31:·advance·Address·by·4·to·0xf5630·and·Line·by·-2·to·765 |
457330 | ··[0x000e3049]··Advance·PC·by·16·to·0xf5640 | 457330 | ··[0x000e3049]··Advance·PC·by·16·to·0xf5640 |
457331 | ··[0x000e304b]··Extended·opcode·1:·End·of·Sequence | 457331 | ··[0x000e304b]··Extended·opcode·1:·End·of·Sequence |
457332 | ··Offset:······················0xe304e | 457332 | ··Offset:······················0xe304e |
457333 | ··Length:······················5020 | ||
457334 | ··DWARF·Version:···············2 | ||
457335 | ··Prologue·Length:·············2035 | ||
457336 | ··Minimum·Instruction·Length:··2 | ||
457337 | ··Initial·value·of·'is_stmt':··1 | ||
457338 | ··Line·Base:···················-5 | ||
457339 | ··Line·Range:··················14 | ||
457340 | ··Opcode·Base:·················13 | ||
457341 | ·Opcodes: | ||
457342 | ··Opcode·1·has·0·args | ||
457343 | ··Opcode·2·has·1·arg | ||
457344 | ··Opcode·3·has·1·arg | ||
457345 | ··Opcode·4·has·1·arg | ||
457346 | ··Opcode·5·has·1·arg | ||
457347 | ··Opcode·6·has·0·args | ||
457348 | ··Opcode·7·has·0·args | ||
457349 | ··Opcode·8·has·0·args | ||
457350 | ··Opcode·9·has·1·arg | ||
457351 | ··Opcode·10·has·0·args | ||
457352 | ··Opcode·11·has·0·args | ||
457353 | ··Opcode·12·has·1·arg | ||
457354 | ·The·Directory·Table·(offset·0xe3069): | ||
457355 | ··1» /usr/include/qt4/QtCore | ||
457356 | ··2» /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits | ||
457357 | ··3» /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/8/include | ||
457358 | ··4» /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/types | ||
457359 | ··5» /usr/include | ||
457360 | ··6» /usr/include/c++/8 | ||
457361 | ··7» /usr/include/c++/8/bits | ||
457362 | ··8» /usr/include/c++/8/debug | ||
457363 | ··9» /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/c++/8/bits | ||
457364 | ··10» /usr/include/c++/8/ext | ||
457365 | ··11» /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/sys | ||
457366 | ··12» /usr/include/python2.7 | ||
457367 | ··13» /usr/include/qt4/QtGui | ||
457368 | ··14» . | ||
457369 | ·The·File·Name·Table·(offset·0xe31e8): | ||
457370 | ··Entry» Dir» Time» Size» Name | ||
457371 | ··1» 0» 0» 0» qwt_numerical_interface.cpp | ||
457372 | ··2» 1» 0» 0» qvector.h | ||
457373 | ··3» 1» 0» 0» qbasicatomic.h | ||
457374 | ··4» 1» 0» 0» qglobal.h | ||
457375 | ··5» 2» 0» 0» string_fortified.h | ||
457376 | ··6» 1» 0» 0» qatomic_armv6.h | ||
457377 | ··7» 3» 0» 0» stddef.h | ||
457378 | ··8» 3» 0» 0» stdarg.h | ||
457379 | ··9» 2» 0» 0» types.h | ||
457380 | ··10» 4» 0» 0» __mbstate_t.h | ||
457381 | ··11» 4» 0» 0» __fpos64_t.h | ||
457382 | ··12» 4» 0» 0» __FILE.h | ||
457383 | ··13» 4» 0» 0» struct_FILE.h | ||
457384 | ··14» 4» 0» 0» FILE.h | ||
457385 | ··15» 5» 0» 0» stdio.h | ||
457386 | ··16» 2» 0» 0» sys_errlist.h | ||
457387 | ··17» 5» 0» 0» errno.h | ||
457388 | ··18» 6» 0» 0» cstdlib | ||
457389 | ··19» 7» 0» 0» std_abs.h | ||
457390 | ··20» 6» 0» 0» cmath | ||
457391 | ··21» 6» 0» 0» type_traits | ||
457392 | ··22» 7» 0» 0» stl_pair.h | ||
457393 | ··23» 8» 0» 0» debug.h | ||
457394 | ··24» 9» 0» 0» c++config.h | ||
457395 | ··25» 7» 0» 0» algorithmfwd.h | ||
457396 | ··26» 7» 0» 0» exception_ptr.h | ||
457397 | ··27» 6» 0» 0» new | ||
457398 | ··28» 6» 0» 0» cwchar | ||
457399 | ··29» 6» 0» 0» cstdint | ||
457400 | ··30» 6» 0» 0» clocale | ||
457401 | ··31» 6» 0» 0» cstdio | ||
457402 | ··32» 7» 0» 0» basic_string.h | ||
457403 | ··33» 6» 0» 0» cwctype | ||
457404 | ··34» 7» 0» 0» uniform_int_dist.h | ||
457405 | ··35» 7» 0» 0» predefined_ops.h | ||
457406 | ··36» 10» 0» 0» numeric_traits.h | ||
457407 | ··37» 10» 0» 0» new_allocator.h | ||
457408 | ··38» 0» 0» 0» <built-in> | ||
457409 | ··39» 5» 0» 0» stdlib.h | ||
457410 | ··40» 11» 0» 0» types.h | ||
457411 | ··41» 2» 0» 0» stdint-intn.h | ||
457412 | ··42» 2» 0» 0» stdlib-float.h | ||
457413 | ··43» 2» 0» 0» stdlib-bsearch.h | ||
457414 | ··44» 2» 0» 0» stdlib.h | ||
457415 | ··45» 6» 0» 0» stdlib.h | ||
457416 | ··46» 5» 0» 0» unistd.h | ||
457417 | ··47» 2» 0» 0» getopt_core.h | ||
457418 | ··48» 2» 0» 0» stdint-uintn.h | ||
457419 | ··49» 5» 0» 0» stdint.h | ||
457420 | ··50» 12» 0» 0» pyport.h | ||
457421 | ··51» 5» 0» 0» math.h | ||
457422 | ··52» 6» 0» 0» math.h | ||
457423 | ··53» 2» 0» 0» mathcalls.h | ||
457424 | ··54» 11» 0» 0» time.h | ||
457425 | ··55» 4» 0» 0» struct_tm.h | ||
457426 | ··56» 5» 0» 0» time.h | ||
457427 | ··57» 12» 0» 0» object.h | ||
457428 | ··58» 12» 0» 0» methodobject.h | ||
457429 | ··59» 12» 0» 0» descrobject.h | ||
457430 | ··60» 12» 0» 0» objimpl.h | ||
457431 | ··61» 12» 0» 0» pydebug.h | ||
457432 | ··62» 4» 0» 0» wint_t.h | ||
457433 | ··63» 4» 0» 0» mbstate_t.h | ||
457434 | ··64» 12» 0» 0» unicodeobject.h | ||
457435 | ··65» 12» 0» 0» intobject.h | ||
457436 | ··66» 12» 0» 0» boolobject.h | ||
457437 | ··67» 12» 0» 0» longobject.h | ||
457438 | ··68» 12» 0» 0» floatobject.h | ||
457439 | ··69» 12» 0» 0» complexobject.h | ||
457440 | ··70» 12» 0» 0» rangeobject.h | ||
457441 | ··71» 12» 0» 0» stringobject.h | ||
457442 | ··72» 12» 0» 0» memoryobject.h | ||
457443 | ··73» 12» 0» 0» bufferobject.h | ||
457444 | ··74» 12» 0» 0» bytearrayobject.h | ||
457445 | ··75» 12» 0» 0» tupleobject.h | ||
457446 | ··76» 12» 0» 0» listobject.h | ||
457447 | ··77» 12» 0» 0» dictobject.h | ||
457448 | ··78» 12» 0» 0» enumobject.h | ||
457449 | ··79» 12» 0» 0» setobject.h | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 711233/810471 bytes (87.76%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 9434, 28 lines modified | Offset 9434, 28 lines modified | ||
9434 | ·<3><4b97>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 9434 | ·<3><4b97>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
9435 | ····<4b98>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x35> | 9435 | ····<4b98>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x35> |
9436 | ·<3><4b9c>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 9436 | ·<3><4b9c>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
9437 | ····<4b9d>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x8280> | 9437 | ····<4b9d>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x8280> |
9438 | ·<3><4ba1>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 9438 | ·<3><4ba1>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
9439 | ·<2><4ba2>:·Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 9439 | ·<2><4ba2>:·Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
9440 | ····<4ba3>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 9440 | ····<4ba3>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
9441 | ····<4ba3>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c | 9441 | ····<4ba3>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c951):·rint |
9442 | ····<4ba7>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·43 | 9442 | ····<4ba7>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·43 |
9443 | ····<4ba8>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·1742 | 9443 | ····<4ba8>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·1742 |
9444 | ····<4baa>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·3 | 9444 | ····<4baa>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·3 |
9445 | ····<4bab>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x4a9e):·_ZSt4rinte | 9445 | ····<4bab>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x4a9e):·_ZSt4rinte |
9446 | ····<4baf>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x7923> | 9446 | ····<4baf>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x7923> |
9447 | ····<4bb3>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 9447 | ····<4bb3>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
9448 | ····<4bb3>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x4bbd> | 9448 | ····<4bb3>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x4bbd> |
9449 | ·<3><4bb7>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 9449 | ·<3><4bb7>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
9450 | ····<4bb8>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x7923> | 9450 | ····<4bb8>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x7923> |
9451 | ·<3><4bbc>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 9451 | ·<3><4bbc>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
9452 | ·<2><4bbd>:·Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 9452 | ·<2><4bbd>:·Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
9453 | ····<4bbe>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 9453 | ····<4bbe>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
9454 | ····<4bbe>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c | 9454 | ····<4bbe>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c951):·rint |
9455 | ····<4bc2>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·43 | 9455 | ····<4bc2>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·43 |
9456 | ····<4bc3>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·1738 | 9456 | ····<4bc3>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·1738 |
9457 | ····<4bc5>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·3 | 9457 | ····<4bc5>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·3 |
9458 | ····<4bc6>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x4aa9):·_ZSt4rintf | 9458 | ····<4bc6>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x4aa9):·_ZSt4rintf |
9459 | ····<4bca>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x35> | 9459 | ····<4bca>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x35> |
9460 | ····<4bce>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 9460 | ····<4bce>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
9461 | ····<4bce>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x4bd8> | 9461 | ····<4bce>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x4bd8> |
Offset 18039, 15 lines modified | Offset 18039, 15 lines modified | ||
18039 | ·<1><8b07>:·Abbrev·Number:·10·(DW_TAG_imported_declaration) | 18039 | ·<1><8b07>:·Abbrev·Number:·10·(DW_TAG_imported_declaration) |
18040 | ····<8b08>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·82 | 18040 | ····<8b08>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·82 |
18041 | ····<8b09>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·105 | 18041 | ····<8b09>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·105 |
18042 | ····<8b0a>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·12 | 18042 | ····<8b0a>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·12 |
18043 | ····<8b0b>···DW_AT_import······:·<0x4b7d>» [Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram)] | 18043 | ····<8b0b>···DW_AT_import······:·<0x4b7d>» [Abbrev·Number:·18·(DW_TAG_subprogram)] |
18044 | ·<1><8b0f>:·Abbrev·Number:·40·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 18044 | ·<1><8b0f>:·Abbrev·Number:·40·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
18045 | ····<8b10>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 18045 | ····<8b10>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
18046 | ····<8b10>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c | 18046 | ····<8b10>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c951):·rint |
18047 | ····<8b14>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·83 | 18047 | ····<8b14>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·83 |
18048 | ····<8b15>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·256 | 18048 | ····<8b15>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·256 |
18049 | ····<8b17>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·1 | 18049 | ····<8b17>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·1 |
18050 | ····<8b18>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x26> | 18050 | ····<8b18>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x26> |
18051 | ····<8b1c>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 18051 | ····<8b1c>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
18052 | ····<8b1c>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x8b26> | 18052 | ····<8b1c>···DW_AT_sibling·····:·<0x8b26> |
18053 | ·<2><8b20>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 18053 | ·<2><8b20>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
Offset 48531, 15 lines modified | Offset 48531, 15 lines modified | ||
48531 | ····<17bb1>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2b5c3> | 48531 | ····<17bb1>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2b5c3> |
48532 | ····<17bb5>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 48532 | ····<17bb5>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
48533 | ·<3><17bb5>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 48533 | ·<3><17bb5>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
48534 | ····<17bb6>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x626f> | 48534 | ····<17bb6>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x626f> |
48535 | ·<3><17bba>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 48535 | ·<3><17bba>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
48536 | ·<2><17bbb>:·Abbrev·Number:·12·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 48536 | ·<2><17bbb>:·Abbrev·Number:·12·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
48537 | ····<17bbc>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 48537 | ····<17bbc>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
48538 | ····<17bbc>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9 | 48538 | ····<17bbc>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9d23d):·sort |
48539 | ····<17bc0>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·143 | 48539 | ····<17bc0>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·143 |
48540 | ····<17bc1>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·77 | 48540 | ····<17bc1>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·77 |
48541 | ····<17bc2>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·17 | 48541 | ····<17bc2>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·17 |
48542 | ····<17bc3>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x13a84):·_ZN11QStringList4sortEv | 48542 | ····<17bc3>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x13a84):·_ZN11QStringList4sortEv |
48543 | ····<17bc7>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) | 48543 | ····<17bc7>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) |
48544 | ····<17bc8>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 48544 | ····<17bc8>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
48545 | ····<17bc8>···DW_AT_object_pointer:·<0x17bd0> | 48545 | ····<17bc8>···DW_AT_object_pointer:·<0x17bd0> |
Offset 70653, 15 lines modified | Offset 70653, 15 lines modified | ||
70653 | ····<225b7>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x22668> | 70653 | ····<225b7>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x22668> |
70654 | ····<225bb>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 70654 | ····<225bb>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
70655 | ·<3><225bb>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 70655 | ·<3><225bb>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
70656 | ····<225bc>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2266e> | 70656 | ····<225bc>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2266e> |
70657 | ·<3><225c0>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 70657 | ·<3><225c0>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
70658 | ·<2><225c1>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 70658 | ·<2><225c1>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
70659 | ····<225c2>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 70659 | ····<225c2>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
70660 | ····<225c2>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9 | 70660 | ····<225c2>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c4db):·take |
70661 | ····<225c6>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 | 70661 | ····<225c6>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 |
70662 | ····<225c7>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 | 70662 | ····<225c7>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 |
70663 | ····<225c8>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 | 70663 | ····<225c8>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 |
70664 | ····<225c9>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x652a):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI19QPainterPathPrivate26QPainterPathPrivateDeleterE4takeEv | 70664 | ····<225c9>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x652a):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI19QPainterPathPrivate26QPainterPathPrivateDeleterE4takeEv |
70665 | ····<225cd>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2266e> | 70665 | ····<225cd>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2266e> |
70666 | ····<225d1>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) | 70666 | ····<225d1>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) |
70667 | ····<225d2>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 70667 | ····<225d2>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
Offset 90425, 15 lines modified | Offset 90425, 15 lines modified | ||
90425 | ····<2be88>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf39> | 90425 | ····<2be88>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf39> |
90426 | ····<2be8c>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 90426 | ····<2be8c>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
90427 | ·<3><2be8c>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 90427 | ·<3><2be8c>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
90428 | ····<2be8d>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf3f> | 90428 | ····<2be8d>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf3f> |
90429 | ·<3><2be91>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 90429 | ·<3><2be91>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
90430 | ·<2><2be92>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 90430 | ·<2><2be92>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
90431 | ····<2be93>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 90431 | ····<2be93>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
90432 | ····<2be93>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9 | 90432 | ····<2be93>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c4db):·take |
90433 | ····<2be97>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 | 90433 | ····<2be97>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 |
90434 | ····<2be98>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 | 90434 | ····<2be98>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 |
90435 | ····<2be99>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 | 90435 | ····<2be99>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 |
90436 | ····<2be9a>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x39338):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI10QBrushData24QBrushDataPointerDeleterE4takeEv | 90436 | ····<2be9a>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x39338):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI10QBrushData24QBrushDataPointerDeleterE4takeEv |
90437 | ····<2be9e>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf3f> | 90437 | ····<2be9e>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2bf3f> |
90438 | ····<2bea2>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) | 90438 | ····<2bea2>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) |
90439 | ····<2bea3>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 90439 | ····<2bea3>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
Offset 93979, 15 lines modified | Offset 93979, 15 lines modified | ||
93979 | ····<2d9f1>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa3> | 93979 | ····<2d9f1>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa3> |
93980 | ····<2d9f5>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 93980 | ····<2d9f5>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
93981 | ·<3><2d9f5>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 93981 | ·<3><2d9f5>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
93982 | ····<2d9f6>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa9> | 93982 | ····<2d9f6>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa9> |
93983 | ·<3><2d9fa>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 93983 | ·<3><2d9fa>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
93984 | ·<2><2d9fb>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 93984 | ·<2><2d9fb>:·Abbrev·Number:·5·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
93985 | ····<2d9fc>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 93985 | ····<2d9fc>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
93986 | ····<2d9fc>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9 | 93986 | ····<2d9fc>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c4db):·take |
93987 | ····<2da00>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 | 93987 | ····<2da00>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·154 |
93988 | ····<2da01>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 | 93988 | ····<2da01>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·152 |
93989 | ····<2da02>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 | 93989 | ····<2da02>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·15 |
93990 | ····<2da03>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x131a8):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI15QPainterPrivate21QScopedPointerDeleterIS0_EE4takeEv | 93990 | ····<2da03>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x131a8):·_ZN14QScopedPointerI15QPainterPrivate21QScopedPointerDeleterIS0_EE4takeEv |
93991 | ····<2da07>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa9> | 93991 | ····<2da07>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x2daa9> |
93992 | ····<2da0b>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) | 93992 | ····<2da0b>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) |
93993 | ····<2da0c>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 93993 | ····<2da0c>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
Offset 106083, 15 lines modified | Offset 106083, 15 lines modified | ||
106083 | ····<33807>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x3464a> | 106083 | ····<33807>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x3464a> |
106084 | ····<3380b>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 106084 | ····<3380b>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
106085 | ·<3><3380b>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) | 106085 | ·<3><3380b>:·Abbrev·Number:·1·(DW_TAG_formal_parameter) |
106086 | ····<3380c>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x153d8> | 106086 | ····<3380c>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x153d8> |
106087 | ·<3><33810>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 | 106087 | ·<3><33810>:·Abbrev·Number:·0 |
106088 | ·<2><33811>:·Abbrev·Number:·3·(DW_TAG_subprogram) | 106088 | ·<2><33811>:·Abbrev·Number:·3·(DW_TAG_subprogram) |
106089 | ····<33812>···DW_AT_external····:·1 | 106089 | ····<33812>···DW_AT_external····:·1 |
106090 | ····<33812>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9 | 106090 | ····<33812>···DW_AT_name········:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x9c4db):·take |
106091 | ····<33816>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·173 | 106091 | ····<33816>···DW_AT_decl_file···:·173 |
106092 | ····<33817>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·692 | 106092 | ····<33817>···DW_AT_decl_line···:·692 |
106093 | ····<33819>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·24 | 106093 | ····<33819>···DW_AT_decl_column·:·24 |
106094 | ····<3381a>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x124f9):·_ZN4QMapI7QString8QVariantE4takeERKS0_ | 106094 | ····<3381a>···DW_AT_linkage_name:·(indirect·string,·offset:·0x124f9):·_ZN4QMapI7QString8QVariantE4takeERKS0_ |
106095 | ····<3381e>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x1c582> | 106095 | ····<3381e>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x1c582> |
106096 | ····<33822>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) | 106096 | ····<33822>···DW_AT_accessibility:·1» (public) |
106097 | ····<33823>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 | 106097 | ····<33823>···DW_AT_declaration·:·1 |
Offset 107157, 15 lines modified | Offset 107157, 15 lines modified | ||
107157 | ····<3408b>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x34679> | 107157 | ····<3408b>···DW_AT_type········:·<0x34679> |
107158 | ····<3408f>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 | 107158 | ····<3408f>···DW_AT_artificial··:·1 |
Max diff block lines reached; 233877/240598 bytes (97.21%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 170080, 191 lines modified | Offset 170080, 192 lines modified | ||
170080 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170080 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170081 | ····DW_AT_import·······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170081 | ····DW_AT_import·······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170082 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170082 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170083 | ···3······DW_TAG_formal_parameter····[no·children] | 170083 | ···3······DW_TAG_formal_parameter····[no·children] |
170084 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170084 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170085 | ····DW_AT_artificial···DW_FORM_flag_present | 170085 | ····DW_AT_artificial···DW_FORM_flag_present |
170086 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170086 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170087 | ···4······DW_TAG_ | 170087 | ···4······DW_TAG_member····[no·children] |
170088 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | ||
170089 | ····DW_AT_const_value··DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170090 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | ||
170091 | ···5······DW_TAG_member····[no·children] | ||
170092 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170088 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170093 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170089 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170094 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 | 170090 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 |
170095 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170091 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170096 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170092 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170097 | ····DW_AT_data_member_location·DW_FORM_data1 | 170093 | ····DW_AT_data_member_location·DW_FORM_data1 |
170098 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170094 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170099 | ··· | 170095 | ···5······DW_TAG_variable····[no·children] |
170100 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170096 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170101 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170097 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170102 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 | 170098 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 |
170103 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170099 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170104 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170100 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170105 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170101 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170106 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170102 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170107 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170103 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170108 | ··· | 170104 | ···6······DW_TAG_formal_parameter····[no·children] |
170109 | ····DW_AT_b | 170105 | ····DW_AT_abstract_origin·DW_FORM_ref4 |
170110 | ····DW_AT_ | 170106 | ····DW_AT_location·····DW_FORM_sec_offset |
170111 | ····DW_AT | 170107 | ····DW_AT_GNU_locviews·DW_FORM_sec_offset |
170112 | ···8······DW_TAG_member····[no·children] | ||
170113 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | ||
170114 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170115 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 | ||
170116 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170117 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | ||
170118 | ····DW_AT_data_member_location·DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170119 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | ||
170120 | ···9······DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter····[no·children] | ||
170121 | ····DW_AT_location·····DW_FORM_exprloc | ||
170122 | ····DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value·DW_FORM_exprloc | ||
170123 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170108 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170124 | ··· | 170109 | ···7······DW_TAG_subprogram····[has·children] |
170125 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170110 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170126 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170111 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170127 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170112 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170128 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 | 170113 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 |
170129 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170114 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170130 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp | 170115 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp |
170131 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170116 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170132 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170117 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170133 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170118 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170134 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170119 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170135 | ··· | 170120 | ···8······DW_TAG_pointer_type····[no·children] |
170121 | ····DW_AT_byte_size····DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170122 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | ||
170123 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | ||
170124 | ···9······DW_TAG_typedef····[no·children] | ||
170136 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170125 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170137 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170126 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170138 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 | 170127 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 |
170139 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170128 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170140 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170129 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170141 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170130 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170142 | ···1 | 170131 | ···10······DW_TAG_subprogram····[has·children] |
170143 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170132 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170144 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170133 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170145 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170134 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170146 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 | 170135 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 |
170147 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170136 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170148 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp | 170137 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp |
170149 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170138 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170150 | ····DW_AT_accessibility·DW_FORM_data1 | 170139 | ····DW_AT_accessibility·DW_FORM_data1 |
170151 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170140 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170152 | ····DW_AT_object_pointer·DW_FORM_ref4 | 170141 | ····DW_AT_object_pointer·DW_FORM_ref4 |
170153 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170142 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170154 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170143 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170155 | ···1 | 170144 | ···11······DW_TAG_member····[no·children] |
170156 | ····DW_AT_ | 170145 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170157 | ····DW_AT_ | 170146 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170158 | ····DW_AT_ | 170147 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 |
170148 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170149 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | ||
170150 | ····DW_AT_data_member_location·DW_FORM_data1 | ||
170159 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170151 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170160 | ···1 | 170152 | ···12······DW_TAG_subprogram····[has·children] |
170161 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170153 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170162 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170154 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170163 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170155 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170164 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 | 170156 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 |
170165 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170157 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170166 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp | 170158 | ····DW_AT_linkage_name·DW_FORM_strp |
170167 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170159 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170168 | ····DW_AT_accessibility·DW_FORM_data1 | 170160 | ····DW_AT_accessibility·DW_FORM_data1 |
170169 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170161 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170170 | ····DW_AT_object_pointer·DW_FORM_ref4 | 170162 | ····DW_AT_object_pointer·DW_FORM_ref4 |
170171 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170163 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170172 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170164 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170173 | ···1 | 170165 | ···13······DW_TAG_subprogram····[has·children] |
170174 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170166 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170175 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170167 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170176 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170168 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170177 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 | 170169 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data2 |
170178 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170170 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170179 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170171 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170180 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170172 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170181 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170173 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170182 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170174 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170183 | ···1 | 170175 | ···14······DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter····[no·children] |
170176 | ····DW_AT_location·····DW_FORM_exprloc | ||
170177 | ····DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value·DW_FORM_exprloc | ||
170178 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | ||
170179 | ···15······DW_TAG_subprogram····[has·children] | ||
170184 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present | 170180 | ····DW_AT_external·····DW_FORM_flag_present |
170185 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp | 170181 | ····DW_AT_name·········DW_FORM_strp |
170186 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 | 170182 | ····DW_AT_decl_file····DW_FORM_data1 |
170187 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 | 170183 | ····DW_AT_decl_line····DW_FORM_data1 |
170188 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 | 170184 | ····DW_AT_decl_column··DW_FORM_data1 |
170189 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | 170185 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 |
170190 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present | 170186 | ····DW_AT_declaration··DW_FORM_flag_present |
170191 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 | 170187 | ····DW_AT_sibling······DW_FORM_ref4 |
170192 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | 170188 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 |
170193 | ···1 | 170189 | ···16······DW_TAG_const_type····[no·children] |
170194 | ····DW_AT_type·········DW_FORM_ref4 | ||
170195 | ····DW_AT·value:·0·····DW_FORM·value:·0 | ||
Max diff block lines reached; 200307/206796 bytes (96.86%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 957, 37 lines modified | Offset 957, 37 lines modified | ||
957 | ··Length:···················52 | 957 | ··Length:···················52 |
958 | ··Version:··················2 | 958 | ··Version:··················2 |
959 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x1020040 | 959 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x1020040 |
960 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 960 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
961 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 961 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
962 | ····Address····Length | 962 | ····Address····Length |
963 | ····000f5640·00000 | 963 | ····000f5640·000004ac· |
964 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 964 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
965 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 965 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
966 | ····000f5 | 966 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
967 | ····00000000·00000000· | 967 | ····00000000·00000000· |
968 | ··Length:···················52 | 968 | ··Length:···················52 |
969 | ··Version:··················2 | 969 | ··Version:··················2 |
970 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x102 | 970 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x102ac07 |
971 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 971 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
972 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 972 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
973 | ····Address····Length | 973 | ····Address····Length |
974 | ····000f5 | 974 | ····000f5bf8·00000724· |
975 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 975 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
976 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 976 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
977 | ····000f5 | 977 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
978 | ····00000000·00000000· | 978 | ····00000000·00000000· |
979 | ··Length:···················52 | 979 | ··Length:···················52 |
980 | ··Version:··················2 | 980 | ··Version:··················2 |
981 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x103 | 981 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x10366ed |
982 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 982 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
983 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 983 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
984 | ····Address····Length | 984 | ····Address····Length |
985 | ····000f6 | 985 | ····000f631c·00000c10· |
986 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 986 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
987 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 987 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
988 | ····000f5 | 988 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
989 | ····00000000·00000000· | 989 | ····00000000·00000000· |
Offset 264358, 222 lines modified | Offset 264358, 222 lines modified | ||
264358 | ····00104a93·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264358 | ····00104a93·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264359 | ····00104a95·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264359 | ····00104a95·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264360 | ····00104a97·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264360 | ····00104a97·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264361 | ····00104a99·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264361 | ····00104a99·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264362 | ····00104a9b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a93·for: | 264362 | ····00104a9b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a93·for: |
264363 | ·············000f5 | 264363 | ·············000f5aec·000f5b02·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264364 | ····00104aa6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a95·for: | 264364 | ····00104aa6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a95·for: |
264365 | ·············000f5 | 264365 | ·············000f5b02·000f5b84·(DW_OP_reg5·(r5)) |
264366 | ····00104ab1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a97·for: | 264366 | ····00104ab1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a97·for: |
264367 | ·············000f5 | 264367 | ·············000f5b84·000f5b92·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264368 | ····00104abc·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a99·for: | 264368 | ····00104abc·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104a99·for: |
264369 | ·············000f5 | 264369 | ·············000f5b92·000f5bf6·(DW_OP_reg5·(r5)) |
264370 | ····00104ac7·<End·of·list> | 264370 | ····00104ac7·<End·of·list> |
264371 | ····00104acf·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264371 | ····00104acf·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264372 | ····00104ad1·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264372 | ····00104ad1·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264373 | ····00104ad3·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264373 | ····00104ad3·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264374 | ····00104ad5·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264374 | ····00104ad5·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264375 | ····00104ad7·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264375 | ····00104ad7·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264376 | ····00104ad9·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264376 | ····00104ad9·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264377 | ····00104adb·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104acf·for: | 264377 | ····00104adb·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104acf·for: |
264378 | ·············000f5 | 264378 | ·············000f5aec·000f5b0a·(DW_OP_reg1·(r1)) |
264379 | ····00104ae6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad1·for: | 264379 | ····00104ae6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad1·for: |
264380 | ·············000f5 | 264380 | ·············000f5b0a·000f5b84·(DW_OP_reg8·(r8)) |
264381 | ····00104af1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad3·for: | 264381 | ····00104af1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad3·for: |
264382 | ·············000f5 | 264382 | ·············000f5b84·000f5b92·(DW_OP_reg1·(r1)) |
264383 | ····00104afc·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad5·for: | 264383 | ····00104afc·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad5·for: |
264384 | ·············000f5 | 264384 | ·············000f5b92·000f5ba8·(DW_OP_reg8·(r8)) |
264385 | ····00104b07·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad7·for: | 264385 | ····00104b07·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad7·for: |
264386 | ·············000f5 | 264386 | ·············000f5ba8·000f5bac·(DW_OP_reg1·(r1)) |
264387 | ····00104b12·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad9·for: | 264387 | ····00104b12·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104ad9·for: |
264388 | ·············000f5 | 264388 | ·············000f5bac·000f5bf6·(DW_OP_reg8·(r8)) |
264389 | ····00104b1d·<End·of·list> | 264389 | ····00104b1d·<End·of·list> |
264390 | ····00104b25·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264390 | ····00104b25·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264391 | ····00104b27·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264391 | ····00104b27·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264392 | ····00104b29·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b25·for: | 264392 | ····00104b29·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b25·for: |
264393 | ·············000f5 | 264393 | ·············000f5aec·000f5afa·(DW_OP_reg2·(r2)) |
264394 | ····00104b34·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b27·for: | 264394 | ····00104b34·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b27·for: |
264395 | ·············000f5 | 264395 | ·············000f5afa·000f5bf6·(DW_OP_reg6·(r6)) |
264396 | ····00104b3f·<End·of·list> | 264396 | ····00104b3f·<End·of·list> |
264397 | ····00104b47·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264397 | ····00104b47·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264398 | ····00104b49·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264398 | ····00104b49·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264399 | ····00104b4b·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264399 | ····00104b4b·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264400 | ····00104b4d·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264400 | ····00104b4d·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264401 | ····00104b4f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264401 | ····00104b4f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264402 | ····00104b51·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264402 | ····00104b51·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264403 | ····00104b53·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264403 | ····00104b53·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264404 | ····00104b55·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264404 | ····00104b55·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264405 | ····00104b57·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264405 | ····00104b57·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264406 | ····00104b59·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264406 | ····00104b59·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264407 | ····00104b5b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b47·for: | 264407 | ····00104b5b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b47·for: |
264408 | ·············000f5 | 264408 | ·············000f5af4·000f5b14·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264409 | ····00104b68·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b49·for: | 264409 | ····00104b68·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b49·for: |
264410 | ·············000f5 | 264410 | ·············000f5b2e·000f5b76·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264411 | ····00104b75·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4b·for: | 264411 | ····00104b75·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4b·for: |
264412 | ·············000f5 | 264412 | ·············000f5b7a·000f5b84·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264413 | ····00104b82·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4d·for: | 264413 | ····00104b82·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4d·for: |
264414 | ·············000f5 | 264414 | ·············000f5b84·000f5b92·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264415 | ····00104b8f·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4f·for: | 264415 | ····00104b8f·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b4f·for: |
264416 | ·············000f5 | 264416 | ·············000f5b92·000f5ba8·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264417 | ····00104b9c·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b51·for: | 264417 | ····00104b9c·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b51·for: |
264418 | ·············000f5 | 264418 | ·············000f5ba8·000f5bbe·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264419 | ····00104ba9·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b53·for: | 264419 | ····00104ba9·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b53·for: |
264420 | ·············000f5 | 264420 | ·············000f5bbe·000f5bc0·(DW_OP_reg2·(r2);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264421 | ····00104bb6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b55·for: | 264421 | ····00104bb6·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b55·for: |
264422 | ·············000f5 | 264422 | ·············000f5bc0·000f5bc4·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264423 | ····00104bc3·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b57·for: | 264423 | ····00104bc3·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b57·for: |
264424 | ·············000f5 | 264424 | ·············000f5bc4·000f5bca·(DW_OP_lit0;·DW_OP_stack_value;·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264425 | ····00104bd1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b59·for: | 264425 | ····00104bd1·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104b59·for: |
264426 | ·············000f5 | 264426 | ·············000f5bca·000f5bf6·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7);·DW_OP_piece:·4) |
264427 | ····00104bde·<End·of·list> | 264427 | ····00104bde·<End·of·list> |
264428 | ····00104be6·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264428 | ····00104be6·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264429 | ····00104be8·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264429 | ····00104be8·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264430 | ····00104bea·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264430 | ····00104bea·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264431 | ····00104bec·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264431 | ····00104bec·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264432 | ····00104bee·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104be6·for: | 264432 | ····00104bee·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104be6·for: |
264433 | ·············000f5 | 264433 | ·············000f5bb6·000f5bba·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264434 | ····00104bf9·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104be8·for: | 264434 | ····00104bf9·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104be8·for: |
264435 | ·············000f5 | 264435 | ·············000f5bba·000f5bbe·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4)) |
264436 | ····00104c04·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104bea·for: | 264436 | ····00104c04·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104bea·for: |
264437 | ·············000f5 | 264437 | ·············000f5bca·000f5bcd·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264438 | ····00104c0f·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104bec·for: | 264438 | ····00104c0f·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104bec·for: |
264439 | ·············000f5 | 264439 | ·············000f5bcd·000f5bd0·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4)) |
264440 | ····00104c1a·<End·of·list> | 264440 | ····00104c1a·<End·of·list> |
264441 | ····00104c22·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264441 | ····00104c22·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264442 | ····00104c24·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c22·for: | 264442 | ····00104c24·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c22·for: |
264443 | ·············000f5 | 264443 | ·············000f5afe·000f5b00·(DW_OP_lit1;·DW_OP_stack_value) |
264444 | ····00104c30·<End·of·list> | 264444 | ····00104c30·<End·of·list> |
264445 | ····00104c38·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264445 | ····00104c38·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264446 | ····00104c3a·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c38·for: | 264446 | ····00104c3a·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c38·for: |
264447 | ·············000f5 | 264447 | ·············000f5afe·000f5b00·(DW_OP_reg7·(r7)) |
264448 | ····00104c45·<End·of·list> | 264448 | ····00104c45·<End·of·list> |
264449 | ····00104c4d·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264449 | ····00104c4d·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264450 | ····00104c4f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264450 | ····00104c4f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264451 | ····00104c51·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c4d·for: | 264451 | ····00104c51·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c4d·for: |
264452 | ·············000f5 | 264452 | ·············000f5b08·000f5b14·(DW_OP_reg6·(r6)) |
264453 | ····00104c5c·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c4f·for: | 264453 | ····00104c5c·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c4f·for: |
264454 | ·············000f5 | 264454 | ·············000f5bc0·000f5bc4·(DW_OP_reg6·(r6)) |
264455 | ····00104c67·<End·of·list> | 264455 | ····00104c67·<End·of·list> |
264456 | ····00104c6f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264456 | ····00104c6f·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264457 | ····00104c71·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264457 | ····00104c71·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264458 | ····00104c73·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair | 264458 | ····00104c73·v0000000·v0000000·location·view·pair |
264459 | ····00104c75·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c6f·for: | 264459 | ····00104c75·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c6f·for: |
264460 | ·············000f5 | 264460 | ·············000f5b0e·000f5b14·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264461 | ····00104c80·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c71·for: | 264461 | ····00104c80·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c71·for: |
264462 | ·············000f5 | 264462 | ·············000f5bc0·000f5bc3·(DW_OP_reg0·(r0)) |
264463 | ····00104c8b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c73·for: | 264463 | ····00104c8b·v0000000·v0000000·views·at·00104c73·for: |
264464 | ·············000f5 | 264464 | ·············000f5bc3·000f5bc4·(DW_OP_reg4·(r4)) |
264465 | ····00104c96·<End·of·list> | 264465 | ····00104c96·<End·of·list> |
Max diff block lines reached; 355326/362871 bytes (97.92%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 957, 37 lines modified | Offset 957, 37 lines modified | ||
957 | ··Length:···················52 | 957 | ··Length:···················52 |
958 | ··Version:··················2 | 958 | ··Version:··················2 |
959 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x1020040 | 959 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x1020040 |
960 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 960 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
961 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 961 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
962 | ····Address····Length | 962 | ····Address····Length |
963 | ····000f5640·00000 | 963 | ····000f5640·000004ac· |
964 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 964 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
965 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 965 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
966 | ····000f5 | 966 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
967 | ····00000000·00000000· | 967 | ····00000000·00000000· |
968 | ··Length:···················52 | 968 | ··Length:···················52 |
969 | ··Version:··················2 | 969 | ··Version:··················2 |
970 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x102 | 970 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x102ac07 |
971 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 971 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
972 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 972 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
973 | ····Address····Length | 973 | ····Address····Length |
974 | ····000f5 | 974 | ····000f5bf8·00000724· |
975 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 975 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
976 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 976 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
977 | ····000f5 | 977 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
978 | ····00000000·00000000· | 978 | ····00000000·00000000· |
979 | ··Length:···················52 | 979 | ··Length:···················52 |
980 | ··Version:··················2 | 980 | ··Version:··················2 |
981 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x103 | 981 | ··Offset·into·.debug_info:··0x10366ed |
982 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 | 982 | ··Pointer·Size:·············4 |
983 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 | 983 | ··Segment·Size:·············0 |
984 | ····Address····Length | 984 | ····Address····Length |
985 | ····000f6 | 985 | ····000f631c·00000c10· |
986 | ····00049800·0000010a· | 986 | ····00049800·0000010a· |
987 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· | 987 | ····000f3c00·0000010a· |
988 | ····000f5 | 988 | ····000f5aec·0000010a· |
989 | ····00000000·00000000· | 989 | ····00000000·00000000· |
Offset 1, 1988 lines modified | Offset 1, 1962 lines modified | ||
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Max diff block lines reached; 36381/42218 bytes (86.17%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 19675, 54 lines modified | Offset 19675, 54 lines modified | ||
19675 | 000f535c·<convertTo_QMap_2400_0100QString>: | 19675 | 000f535c·<convertTo_QMap_2400_0100QString>: |
19676 | » ... | 19676 | » ... |
19677 | 000f5570·<QMap<double,·QString>::detach_helper()>: | 19677 | 000f5570·<QMap<double,·QString>::detach_helper()>: |
19678 | » ... | 19678 | » ... |
19679 | 000f5640·< | 19679 | 000f5640·<try_PyObject_to_QImage(_object*,·QImage**)>: |
19680 | » ... | 19680 | » ... |
19681 | 000f5 | 19681 | 000f5680·<try_PyObject_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<double>&)>: |
19682 | » ... | 19682 | » ... |
19683 | 000f5 | 19683 | 000f57fc·<try_PyObject_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<int>&)>: |
19684 | » ... | 19684 | » ... |
19685 | 000f5 | 19685 | 000f5974·<try_PyObject_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<long>&)>: |
19686 | » ... | 19686 | » ... |
19687 | 000f5 | 19687 | 000f5aec·<QVector<long>::realloc(int,·int)>: |
19688 | » ... | 19688 | » ... |
19689 | 000f5 | 19689 | 000f5bf8·<qwt_import_numpy()>: |
19690 | » ... | 19690 | » ... |
19691 | 000f5d | 19691 | 000f5d84·<try_NumPyArray_to_QImage(_object*,·QImage**)>: |
19692 | » ... | 19692 | » ... |
19693 | 000f5e | 19693 | 000f5ec8·<toNumpy(QImage·const&)>: |
19694 | » ... | 19694 | » ... |
19695 | 000f | 19695 | 000f5fec·<try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<double>&)>: |
19696 | » ... | 19696 | » ... |
19697 | 000f6 | 19697 | 000f60fc·<try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<int>&)>: |
19698 | » ... | 19698 | » ... |
19699 | 000f6 | 19699 | 000f620c·<try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<long>&)>: |
19700 | » ... | 19700 | » ... |
19701 | 000f6 | 19701 | 000f631c·<trace(PyArrayInterface*)>: |
19702 | » ... | 19702 | » ... |
19703 | 000f6 | 19703 | 000f6540·<try_NDArray_to_QImage(_object*,·QImage**)>: |
19704 | » ... | 19704 | » ... |
19705 | 000f6 | 19705 | 000f670c·<try_NDArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<double>&)>: |
19706 | » ... | 19706 | » ... |
19707 | 000f6 | 19707 | 000f6a54·<try_NDArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<int>&)>: |
19708 | » ... | 19708 | » ... |
19709 | 000f6 | 19709 | 000f6cc8·<try_NDArray_to_QwtArray(_object*,·QVector<long>&)>: |
19710 | » ... | 19710 | » ... |
Offset 19012, 495 lines modified | Offset 19012, 495 lines modified | ||
19012 | ··[·9b2c4]··_ZNSt4pairIPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS1_E4swapERS2_ | 19012 | ··[·9b2c4]··_ZNSt4pairIPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS1_E4swapERS2_ |
19013 | ··[·9b2f5]··_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKd7QStringEE10deallocateEPS4_j | 19013 | ··[·9b2f5]··_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt4pairIKd7QStringEE10deallocateEPS4_j |
19014 | ··[·9b339]··_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIdSt4pairIKd7QStringESt10_Select1stIS3_ESt4lessIdESaIS3_EE14_M_move_assignERS9_St17integral_constantIbLb1EE | 19014 | ··[·9b339]··_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIdSt4pairIKd7QStringESt10_Select1stIS3_ESt4lessIdESaIS3_EE14_M_move_assignERS9_St17integral_constantIbLb1EE |
19015 | ··[·9b3b3]··_M_leftmost | 19015 | ··[·9b3b3]··_M_leftmost |
19016 | ··[·9b3bf]··_ZZN4QMapId7QStringE13detach_helperEvENUt_D4Ev | 19016 | ··[·9b3bf]··_ZZN4QMapId7QStringE13detach_helperEvENUt_D4Ev |
19017 | ··[·9b3ee]··avalue | 19017 | ··[·9b3ee]··avalue |
19018 | ··[·9b3f5]··_Rb_tree_impl | 19018 | ··[·9b3f5]··_Rb_tree_impl |
19019 | ··[·9b403]··qwt_num | 19019 | ··[·9b403]··qwt_numarray.cpp |
19020 | ··[·9b41 | 19020 | ··[·9b414]··qwt_numeric.cpp |
19021 | ··[·9b42 | 19021 | ··[·9b424]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE7indexOfERKli |
19022 | ··[·9b4 | 19022 | ··[·9b441]··_ZN7QVectorIlE3endEv |
19023 | ··[·9b4 | 19023 | ··[·9b456]··_Z26try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIiE |
19024 | ··[·9b4 | 19024 | ··[·9b48a]··try_NumPyArray_to_QImage |
19025 | ··[·9b4 | 19025 | ··[·9b4a3]··_ZN7QVectorIlElsERKl |
19026 | ··[·9b4 | 19026 | ··[·9b4b8]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5frontEv |
19027 | ··[·9b4 | 19027 | ··[·9b4cf]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5frontEv |
19028 | ··[·9b4 | 19028 | ··[·9b4e7]··_ZN7QVectorIlE9push_backERKl |
19029 | ··[·9b | 19029 | ··[·9b504]··initializer_list<long·int> |
19030 | ··[·9b | 19030 | ··[·9b51f]··_ZNK7QVectorIlEeqERKS0_ |
19031 | ··[·9b | 19031 | ··[·9b537]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6removeEi |
19032 | ··[·9b5 | 19032 | ··[·9b54f]··_ZN7QVectorIlEpLERKS0_ |
19033 | ··[·9b5 | 19033 | ··[·9b566]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5beginEv |
19034 | ··[·9b5 | 19034 | ··[·9b57e]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE4sizeEv |
19035 | ··[·9b5 | 19035 | ··[·9b595]··_ZN7QVectorIlE10push_frontERKl |
19036 | ··[·9b5 | 19036 | ··[·9b5b4]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5emptyEv |
19037 | ··[·9b5 | 19037 | ··[·9b5cc]··_ZN7QVectorIlElsERKS0_ |
19038 | ··[·9b5 | 19038 | ··[·9b5e3]··13PyTupleObject |
19039 | ··[·9b5 | 19039 | ··[·9b5f3]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE4backEv |
19040 | ··[·9b | 19040 | ··[·9b60a]··vector<long·int,·std::allocator<long·int>·> |
19041 | ··[·9b | 19041 | ··[·9b636]··try_PySequence_to_QwtArray |
19042 | ··[·9b | 19042 | ··[·9b651]··_ZNK7QVectorIlEneERKS0_ |
19043 | ··[·9b | 19043 | ··[·9b669]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE8capacityEv |
19044 | ··[·9b | 19044 | ··[·9b684]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE8constEndEv |
19045 | ··[·9b | 19045 | ··[·9b69f]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE9constDataEv |
19046 | ··[·9b | 19046 | ··[·9b6bb]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6mallocEi |
19047 | ··[·9b6 | 19047 | ··[·9b6d3]··_ZN7QVectorIlEpLERKl |
19048 | ··[·9b6 | 19048 | ··[·9b6e8]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5firstEv |
19049 | ··[·9b6 | 19049 | ··[·9b6ff]··_ZNK7QVectorIlEplERKS0_ |
19050 | ··[·9b | 19050 | ··[·9b717]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE7reallocEiiENUt_C4ERKS1_ |
19051 | ··[·9b | 19051 | ··[·9b73f]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE7reallocEiiENUt_C4Ev |
19052 | ··[·9b | 19052 | ··[·9b763]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE4freeEP16QVectorTypedDataIlEENUt_C4ERKS4_ |
19053 | ··[·9b | 19053 | ··[·9b79c]··QVectorTypedData<long·int> |
19054 | ··[·9b | 19054 | ··[·9b7b7]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6insertEPliRKl |
19055 | ··[·9b | 19055 | ··[·9b7d4]··_ZN7QVectorIlEixEi |
19056 | ··[·9b | 19056 | ··[·9b7e7]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4dataEv |
19057 | ··[·9b | 19057 | ··[·9b7fd]··_ZN7QVectorIlE7squeezeEv |
19058 | ··[·9b | 19058 | ··[·9b816]··_ZN7QVectorIlEC4ESt16initializer_listIlE |
19059 | ··[·9b | 19059 | ··[·9b83f]··_ZN7QVectorIlE7reserveEi |
19060 | ··[·9b | 19060 | ··[·9b858]··_ZNK7QVectorIlEixEi |
19061 | ··[·9b | 19061 | ··[·9b86c]··QVector<long·int> |
19062 | ··[·9b | 19062 | ··[·9b87e]··_Z23try_NDArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIdE |
19063 | ··[·9b | 19063 | ··[·9b8af]··_ZN7QVectorIlEaSERKS0_ |
19064 | ··[·9b | 19064 | ··[·9b8c6]··element |
19065 | ··[·9b | 19065 | ··[·9b8ce]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6insertEPlRKl |
19066 | ··[·9b | 19066 | ··[·9b8ea]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6insertEiiRKl |
19067 | ··[·9b | 19067 | ··[·9b906]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE4freeEP16QVectorTypedDataIlEENUt_C4Ev |
19068 | ··[·9b | 19068 | ··[·9b93b]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE2atEi |
19069 | ··[·9b | 19069 | ··[·9b950]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4swapERS0_ |
19070 | ··[·9b | 19070 | ··[·9b969]··_ZN7QVectorIlEC4Ei |
19071 | ··[·9b | 19071 | ··[·9b97c]··qwt_numerical_interface.cpp |
19072 | ··[·9b | 19072 | ··[·9b998]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE4dataEv |
19073 | ··[·9b | 19073 | ··[·9b9af]··_Z23try_NDArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIiE |
19074 | ··[·9b | 19074 | ··[·9b9e0]··_Z23try_NDArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIlE |
19075 | ··[·9b | 19075 | ··[·9ba11]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6detachEv |
19076 | ··[·9b | 19076 | ··[·9ba29]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6insertEiRKl |
19077 | ··[·9b | 19077 | ··[·9ba44]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE6toListEv |
19078 | ··[·9b | 19078 | ··[·9ba5d]··_ZN7QVectorIlEaSEOS0_ |
19079 | ··[·9b | 19079 | ··[·9ba73]··_ZN16QVectorTypedDataIlE4freeEPS0_i |
19080 | ··[·9b | 19080 | ··[·9ba97]··PyInt_AsLong |
19081 | ··[·9b | 19081 | ··[·9baa4]··try_NDArray_to_QImage |
19082 | ··[·9b | 19082 | ··[·9baba]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE8endsWithERKl |
19083 | ··[·9b | 19083 | ··[·9bad7]··_Z24try_NumPyArray_to_QImageP7_objectPP6QImage |
19084 | ··[·9b | 19084 | ··[·9bb06]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE3endEv |
19085 | ··[·9b | 19085 | ··[·9bb1c]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE16alignOfTypedDataEv |
19086 | ··[·9b | 19086 | ··[·9bb40]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE8containsERKl |
19087 | ··[·9b | 19087 | ··[·9bb5d]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6appendERKl |
19088 | ··[·9b | 19088 | ··[·9bb77]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5valueEiRKl |
19089 | ··[·9b92 | 19089 | ··[·9bb92]··try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArray |
19090 | ··[·9b | 19090 | ··[·9bbad]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE12isSharedWithERKS0_ |
19091 | ··[·9b | 19091 | ··[·9bbd1]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5clearEv |
19092 | ··[·9b | 19092 | ··[·9bbe8]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4freeEP16QVectorTypedDataIlE |
19093 | ··[·9b | 19093 | ··[·9bc13]··_ZN7QVectorIlE11setSharableEb |
19094 | ··[·9b | 19094 | ··[·9bc31]··_ZN7QVectorIlEC4EiRKl |
19095 | ··[·9b | 19095 | ··[·9bc47]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE10startsWithERKl |
19096 | ··[·9b | 19096 | ··[·9bc67]··_ZN7QVectorIlE13detach_helperEv |
19097 | ··[·9b | 19097 | ··[·9bc87]··_ZN7QVectorIlE7replaceEiRKl |
19098 | ··[·9b | 19098 | ··[·9bca3]··_ZN7QVectorIlE8pop_backEv |
19099 | ··[·9b | 19099 | ··[·9bcbd]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6removeEii |
19100 | ··[·9b | 19100 | ··[·9bcd6]··_ZN7QVectorIlE9pop_frontEv |
19101 | ··[·9b | 19101 | ··[·9bcf1]··_Z24try_PyObject_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIlE |
19102 | ··[·9b | 19102 | ··[·9bd23]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5firstEv |
19103 | ··[·9b | 19103 | ··[·9bd3b]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5beginEv |
19104 | ··[·9b | 19104 | ··[·9bd52]··_ZN7QVectorIlE8fromListERK5QListIlE |
19105 | ··[·9b | 19105 | ··[·9bd76]··_ZN7QVectorIlEC4Ev |
19106 | ··[·9b | 19106 | ··[·9bd89]··PyLong_AsDouble |
19107 | ··[·9b | 19107 | ··[·9bd99]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4fillERKli |
19108 | ··[·9b | 19108 | ··[·9bdb2]··try_NDArray_to_QwtArray |
19109 | ··[·9b | 19109 | ··[·9bdca]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4backEv |
19110 | ··[·9b | 19110 | ··[·9bde0]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5countERKl |
19111 | ··[·9b | 19111 | ··[·9bdfa]··QList<long·int> |
19112 | ··[·9b | 19112 | ··[·9be0a]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE7reallocEiiENUt_D4Ev |
19113 | ··[·9b | 19113 | ··[·9be2e]··_ZN7QVectorIlE15sizeOfTypedDataEv |
19114 | ··[·9b | 19114 | ··[·9be50]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE11toStdVectorEv |
19115 | ··[·9b | 19115 | ··[·9be6f]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5eraseEPlS1_ |
19116 | ··[·9b | 19116 | ··[·9be8a]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE7isEmptyEv |
19117 | ··[·9b | 19117 | ··[·9bea4]··_Z21try_NDArray_to_QImageP7_objectPP6QImage |
19118 | ··[·9b | 19118 | ··[·9bed0]··_ZN7QVectorIlE4lastEv |
19119 | ··[·9b | 19119 | ··[·9bee6]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE4freeEP16QVectorTypedDataIlEENUt_D4Ev |
19120 | ··[·9b | 19120 | ··[·9bf1b]··_ZN7QVectorIlED4Ev |
19121 | ··[·9b | 19121 | ··[·9bf2e]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5countEv |
19122 | ··[·9b | 19122 | ··[·9bf46]··_ZN7QVectorIlEC4ERKS0_ |
19123 | ··[·9b | 19123 | ··[·9bf5d]··PyLong_AsLong |
19124 | ··[·9b | 19124 | ··[·9bf6b]··_Z26try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIlE |
19125 | ··[·9b | 19125 | ··[·9bf9f]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE10constBeginEv |
19126 | ··[·9b | 19126 | ··[·9bfbd]··_ZN7QVectorIlE7prependERKl |
19127 | ··[·9b | 19127 | ··[·9bfd8]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE4lastEv |
19128 | ··[·9b | 19128 | ··[·9bfef]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE5valueEi |
19129 | ··[·9 | 19129 | ··[·9c007]··_ZN7QVectorIlE6resizeEi |
19130 | ··[·9 | 19130 | ··[·9c01f]··_ZN7QVectorIlE13fromStdVectorERKSt6vectorIlSaIlEE |
19131 | ··[·9 | 19131 | ··[·9c051]··_ZN7QVectorIlE5eraseEPl |
19132 | ··[·9 | 19132 | ··[·9c069]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE10isDetachedEv |
19133 | ··[·9 | 19133 | ··[·9c087]··_Z26try_NumPyArray_to_QwtArrayP7_objectR7QVectorIdE |
19134 | ··[·9 | 19134 | ··[·9c0bb]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE11lastIndexOfERKli |
19135 | ··[·9 | 19135 | ··[·9c0dd]··PyErr_SetString |
19136 | ··[·9 | 19136 | ··[·9c0ed]··_ZNK7QVectorIlE3midEii |
19137 | ··[·9 | 19137 | ··[·9c104]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE4freeEP16QVectorTypedDataIlEENUt_C4EOS4_ |
19138 | ··[·9 | 19138 | ··[·9c13c]··_ZZN7QVectorIlE7reallocEiiENUt_C4EOS1_ |
Max diff block lines reached; 0/31790 bytes (0.00%) of diff not shown. |
Offset 6354, 21 lines modified | Offset 6354, 21 lines modified | ||
6354 | ··0x00018cf0·655f514d·61705f32·3430305f·30313030·e_QMap_2400_0100 | 6354 | ··0x00018cf0·655f514d·61705f32·3430305f·30313030·e_QMap_2400_0100 |
6355 | ··0x00018d00·51537472·696e6700·636f7079·5f514d61·QString.copy_QMa | 6355 | ··0x00018d00·51537472·696e6700·636f7079·5f514d61·QString.copy_QMa |
6356 | ··0x00018d10·705f3234·30305f30·31303051·53747269·p_2400_0100QStri | 6356 | ··0x00018d10·705f3234·30305f30·31303051·53747269·p_2400_0100QStri |
6357 | ··0x00018d20·6e670061·73736967·6e5f514d·61705f32·ng.assign_QMap_2 | 6357 | ··0x00018d20·6e670061·73736967·6e5f514d·61705f32·ng.assign_QMap_2 |
6358 | ··0x00018d30·3430305f·30313030·51537472·696e6700·400_0100QString. | 6358 | ··0x00018d30·3430305f·30313030·51537472·696e6700·400_0100QString. |
6359 | ··0x00018d40·636f6e76·65727454·6f5f514d·61705f32·convertTo_QMap_2 | 6359 | ··0x00018d40·636f6e76·65727454·6f5f514d·61705f32·convertTo_QMap_2 |
6360 | ··0x00018d50·3430305f·30313030·51537472·696e6700·400_0100QString. | 6360 | ··0x00018d50·3430305f·30313030·51537472·696e6700·400_0100QString. |
6361 | ··0x00018d60·7177745f·6e756d6 | 6361 | ··0x00018d60·7177745f·6e756d61·72726179·2e637070·qwt_numarray.cpp |
6362 | ··0x00018d70·7177745f | 6362 | ··0x00018d70·00717774·5f6e756d·65726963·2e637070·.qwt_numeric.cpp |
6363 | ··0x00018d80· | 6363 | ··0x00018d80·00717774·5f6e756d·65726963·616c5f69·.qwt_numerical_i |
6364 | ··0x00018d90· | 6364 | ··0x00018d90·6e746572·66616365·2e637070·00717774·nterface.cpp.qwt |
6365 | ··0x00018da0· | 6365 | ··0x00018da0·5f6e756d·70792e63·7070005f·5a4c3131·_numpy.cpp._ZL11 |
6366 | ··0x00018db0· | 6366 | ··0x00018db0·50794172·7261795f·41504900·7177745f·PyArray_API.qwt_ |
6367 | ··0x00018dc0· | 6367 | ··0x00018dc0·6e646172·7261792e·63707000·5f5f4652·ndarray.cpp.__FR |
6368 | ··0x00018dd0·414d455f·454e445f·5f005f5a·4e4b3133·AME_END__._ZNK13 | 6368 | ··0x00018dd0·414d455f·454e445f·5f005f5a·4e4b3133·AME_END__._ZNK13 |
6369 | ··0x00018de0·73697051·7774436f·6d706173·73313773·sipQwtCompass17s | 6369 | ··0x00018de0·73697051·7774436f·6d706173·73313773·sipQwtCompass17s |
6370 | ··0x00018df0·69705072·6f746563·745f7365·6e646572·ipProtect_sender | 6370 | ··0x00018df0·69705072·6f746563·745f7365·6e646572·ipProtect_sender |
6371 | ··0x00018e00·4576005f·5a323174·72795f4e·44417272·Ev._Z21try_NDArr | 6371 | ··0x00018e00·4576005f·5a323174·72795f4e·44417272·Ev._Z21try_NDArr |
6372 | ··0x00018e10·61795f74·6f5f5149·6d616765·50375f6f·ay_to_QImageP7_o | 6372 | ··0x00018e10·61795f74·6f5f5149·6d616765·50375f6f·ay_to_QImageP7_o |
6373 | ··0x00018e20·626a6563·74505036·51496d61·6765005f·bjectPP6QImage._ | 6373 | ··0x00018e20·626a6563·74505036·51496d61·6765005f·bjectPP6QImage._ |
6374 | ··0x00018e30·5a4e3232·73697051·77744c6f·67313053·ZN22sipQwtLog10S | 6374 | ··0x00018e30·5a4e3232·73697051·77744c6f·67313053·ZN22sipQwtLog10S |