{"diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.PVOM6zit/b1/ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.changes", "source2": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.PVOM6zit/b2/ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.changes", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "Files", "source2": "Files", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n \n- 643ac68b4795f70e5bd0b1c88583e7d0 177376 debug optional ace-of-penguins-dbgsym_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb\n- e636d4aacf3ac62751418e9de25ceb85 190804 games optional ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb\n+ 065b6ba82441e0b3a99aba6ec4c376bb 177296 debug optional ace-of-penguins-dbgsym_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb\n+ 19a9b84ec46419eec0756426065110f8 190748 games optional ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb\n"}, {"source1": "ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb", "source2": "ace-of-penguins_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 debian-binary\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1952 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 188660 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 188604 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}]}]}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./usr/games/ace-golf", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-golf", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 35c0b86f0c82cab9b9288bb73b6cc648e32fa131\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 1f570ddc7a5a505462ea622272425c7741ed79a2\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 63306238 36663063 38326361 62396239 c0b86f0c82cab9b9\n- 0x00000010 32383862 62373362 36636336 34386533 288bb73b6cc648e3\n- 0x00000020 32666131 33312e64 65627567 00000000 2fa131.debug....\n- 0x00000030 eb1ad508 ....\n+ 0x00000000 35373064 64633761 35613530 35343632 570ddc7a5a505462\n+ 0x00000010 65613632 32323732 34323563 37373431 ea622272425c7741\n+ 0x00000020 65643739 61322e64 65627567 00000000 ed79a2.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 35dd1943 5..C\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-mastermind", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-mastermind", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: cf020ecf9622a753f3dc6dbe4ac1fe4a62516e15\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: bec65695d8a567de6dd7a3a2592d1d4f58516934\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 30323065 63663936 32326137 35336633 020ecf9622a753f3\n- 0x00000010 64633664 62653461 63316665 34613632 dc6dbe4ac1fe4a62\n- 0x00000020 35313665 31352e64 65627567 00000000 516e15.debug....\n- 0x00000030 f4230e43 .#.C\n+ 0x00000000 63363536 39356438 61353637 64653664 c65695d8a567de6d\n+ 0x00000010 64376133 61323539 32643164 34663538 d7a3a2592d1d4f58\n+ 0x00000020 35313639 33342e64 65627567 00000000 516934.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 282b3807 (+8.\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-merlin", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-merlin", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b2198ef98d551fc15ceb93d469ce4485ed26c94b\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 73524af956fe1c1bd52ecd81e8adbbedd901ac62\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 31393865 66393864 35353166 63313563 198ef98d551fc15c\n- 0x00000010 65623933 64343639 63653434 38356564 eb93d469ce4485ed\n- 0x00000020 32366339 34622e64 65627567 00000000 26c94b.debug....\n- 0x00000030 9927b2dc .'..\n+ 0x00000000 35323461 66393536 66653163 31626435 524af956fe1c1bd5\n+ 0x00000010 32656364 38316538 61646262 65646439 2ecd81e8adbbedd9\n+ 0x00000020 30316163 36322e64 65627567 00000000 01ac62.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 8ceaa2ee ....\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-minesweeper", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-minesweeper", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 9e85eb0a85983a67eeee75b668ace519e865692f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: bc5026384f4e93d0641beaddb7958f950dda4cba\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 38356562 30613835 39383361 36376565 85eb0a85983a67ee\n- 0x00000010 65653735 62363638 61636535 31396538 ee75b668ace519e8\n- 0x00000020 36353639 32662e64 65627567 00000000 65692f.debug....\n- 0x00000030 441d0391 D...\n+ 0x00000000 35303236 33383466 34653933 64303634 5026384f4e93d064\n+ 0x00000010 31626561 64646237 39353866 39353064 1beaddb7958f950d\n+ 0x00000020 64613463 62612e64 65627567 00000000 da4cba.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 85e76158 ..aX\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-pegged", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-pegged", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d606309dd5b625d8ede832696f31bddf0cc2a32f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 01fc58e6e258d411167e959ac8438831542bbe22\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 30363330 39646435 62363235 64386564 06309dd5b625d8ed\n- 0x00000010 65383332 36393666 33316264 64663063 e832696f31bddf0c\n- 0x00000020 63326133 32662e64 65627567 00000000 c2a32f.debug....\n- 0x00000030 88a20ddf ....\n+ 0x00000000 66633538 65366532 35386434 31313136 fc58e6e258d41116\n+ 0x00000010 37653935 39616338 34333838 33313534 7e959ac843883154\n+ 0x00000020 32626265 32322e64 65627567 00000000 2bbe22.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 d61478ad ..x.\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-spider", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-spider", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 71ed4178ebe9ecb855ead41eab38df96ea29f97f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 25b7bf5878176d7cfd60c6d824de28555f3280f3\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 65643431 37386562 65396563 62383535 ed4178ebe9ecb855\n- 0x00000010 65616434 31656162 33386466 39366561 ead41eab38df96ea\n- 0x00000020 32396639 37662e64 65627567 00000000 29f97f.debug....\n- 0x00000030 2e09b1ab ....\n+ 0x00000000 62376266 35383738 31373664 37636664 b7bf5878176d7cfd\n+ 0x00000010 36306336 64383234 64653238 35353566 60c6d824de28555f\n+ 0x00000020 33323830 66332e64 65627567 00000000 3280f3.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 eea95222 ..R\"\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-taipedit", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-taipedit", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: ba9bf8354dc7febabff955aadf054dc574ebefc2\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: eb9d56e199946306f8d691ac5b41eacdde035f4f\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 39626638 33353464 63376665 62616266 9bf8354dc7febabf\n- 0x00000010 66393535 61616466 30353464 63353734 f955aadf054dc574\n- 0x00000020 65626566 63322e64 65627567 00000000 ebefc2.debug....\n- 0x00000030 61cee07f a...\n+ 0x00000000 39643536 65313939 39343633 30366638 9d56e199946306f8\n+ 0x00000010 64363931 61633562 34316561 63646465 d691ac5b41eacdde\n+ 0x00000020 30333566 34662e64 65627567 00000000 035f4f.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 9723e7bb .#..\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-taipei", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-taipei", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d23229f830605b8f9472000ec81a1be181be6087\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: ce60d5defa5885bbfa6a2606931b84a3c93633e2\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 33323239 66383330 36303562 38663934 3229f830605b8f94\n- 0x00000010 37323030 30656338 31613162 65313831 72000ec81a1be181\n- 0x00000020 62653630 38372e64 65627567 00000000 be6087.debug....\n- 0x00000030 6a0cb8c9 j...\n+ 0x00000000 36306435 64656661 35383835 62626661 60d5defa5885bbfa\n+ 0x00000010 36613236 30363933 31623834 61336339 6a2606931b84a3c9\n+ 0x00000020 33363333 65322e64 65627567 00000000 3633e2.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 96a622d4 ..\".\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/games/ace-thornq", "source2": "./usr/games/ace-thornq", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: e165e86e12417cc638995514c94c25c2c000403f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 106ffd8541bb08c439484e36540637e92d77688b\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 36356538 36653132 34313763 63363338 65e86e12417cc638\n- 0x00000010 39393535 31346339 34633235 63326330 995514c94c25c2c0\n- 0x00000020 30303430 33662e64 65627567 00000000 00403f.debug....\n- 0x00000030 e8b34623 ..F#\n+ 0x00000000 36666664 38353431 62623038 63343339 6ffd8541bb08c439\n+ 0x00000010 34383465 33363534 30363337 65393264 484e36540637e92d\n+ 0x00000020 37373638 38622e64 65627567 00000000 77688b.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 75c15b53 u.[S\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcards.a", "source2": "./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcards.a", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "nm -s {}", "source2": "nm -s {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -591,30 +591,30 @@\n 00000c7c T xwin_noclip\n 00000000 D xwin_options\n 00000004 d xwin_options_list\n 00000030 t xwin_restore_clip\n \n images.o:\n 00000000 D cards_imagelib\n-00000000 r data_12\n-0000051c r data_13\n-00001b8c r data_14\n-00000604 r data_15\n-00000f10 r data_16\n-00000300 r data_17\n+00001b8c r data_12\n+00000b28 r data_13\n+00001e6c r data_14\n+00000000 r data_15\n+0000051c r data_16\n+000010dc r data_17\n 00000dcc r data_18\n-00000b28 r data_19\n-00000c98 r data_20\n-000006f0 r data_21\n+00000608 r data_19\n+00000738 r data_20\n+00000c98 r data_21\n 00001ce4 r data_22\n-00000820 r data_23\n-00001424 r data_24\n+00001424 r data_23\n+00000300 r data_24\n 000012a0 r data_25\n-000010dc r data_26\n-00001e6c r data_27\n+00000f10 r data_26\n+00000a40 r data_27\n 000001d4 d sub_0_color\n 00000510 d sub_10_color\n 00000558 d sub_11_color\n 00000240 d sub_1_color\n 000002f4 d sub_2_color\n 00000360 d sub_3_grey\n 000003a8 d sub_4_color\n"}, {"source1": "images.o", "source2": "images.o", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -2,30 +2,30 @@\n Symbol table '.symtab' contains 35 entries:\n Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name\n 0: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT UND \n 1: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 4 .rodata.str1.4\n 2: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 4 $d\n 3: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 5 .rodata\n 4: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 5 $d\n- 5: 00000000 768 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_12\n- 6: 00000300 539 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_17\n- 7: 0000051c 230 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_13\n- 8: 00000604 236 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_15\n- 9: 000006f0 302 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_21\n- 10: 00000820 774 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_23\n- 11: 00000b28 368 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_19\n- 12: 00000c98 308 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_20\n+ 5: 00000000 768 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_15\n+ 6: 00000300 539 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_24\n+ 7: 0000051c 236 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_16\n+ 8: 00000608 302 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_19\n+ 9: 00000738 774 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_20\n+ 10: 00000a40 230 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_27\n+ 11: 00000b28 368 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_13\n+ 12: 00000c98 308 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_21\n 13: 00000dcc 323 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_18\n- 14: 00000f10 459 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_16\n- 15: 000010dc 450 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_26\n+ 14: 00000f10 459 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_26\n+ 15: 000010dc 450 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_17\n 16: 000012a0 388 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_25\n- 17: 00001424 1894 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_24\n- 18: 00001b8c 343 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_14\n+ 17: 00001424 1894 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_23\n+ 18: 00001b8c 343 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_12\n 19: 00001ce4 389 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_22\n- 20: 00001e6c 347 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_27\n+ 20: 00001e6c 347 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 5 data_14\n 21: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 6 .data.rel.local\n 22: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 6 $d\n 23: 00000558 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 sub_11_color\n 24: 00000510 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 sub_10_color\n 25: 000004c8 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 sub_9_color\n 26: 00000480 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 sub_8_color\n 27: 00000438 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 sub_6_color\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -78,110 +78,110 @@\n 0x000004b0 42e7a978 4d379115 9427f48c 0e551097 B..xM7...'...U..\n 0x000004c0 0d9923c5 1de9792e a962cd69 e7714b18 ..#...y..b.i.qK.\n 0x000004d0 a60a94e0 964c5dc8 54d28610 8210827a .....L].T......z\n 0x000004e0 846abaff 3a8c3d3f 64f15573 2a17c9bb .j..:.=?d.Us*...\n 0x000004f0 62f71128 5c978bbb 2e718fa2 3ce37f5c b..(\\....q..<..\\\n 0x00000500 02cd3288 5afa0248 7bf1df5c fdbb4200 ..2.Z..H{..\\..B.\n 0x00000510 00000049 454e44ae 42608200 89504e47 ...IEND.B`...PNG\n- 0x00000520 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 0000001a ........IHDR....\n- 0x00000530 00000068 02030000 0092ce08 97000000 ...h............\n- 0x00000540 09504c54 45ffffff ff000000 00009a95 .PLTE...........\n- 0x00000550 02910000 00017452 4e530040 e6d86600 ......tRNS.@..f.\n- 0x00000560 00008b49 44415478 dab5913b 12c02008 ...IDATx...;.. .\n- 0x00000570 44696c38 9d0df7b3 e694013f 096e9231 Dil8.......?.n.1\n- 0x00000580 16a1f039 ae082e44 c44a3506 55cb16e7 ...9...D.J5.U...\n- 0x00000590 7c5b8bef 06ed56f1 9b173d22 671df32d |[....V...=\"g..-\n- 0x000005a0 5a999350 9fed9948 a24c1393 cc14c991 Z..P...H.L......\n- 0x000005b0 4944220d 55e8f463 17062b4c 18441df3 ID\".U..c..+L.D..\n- 0x000005c0 6fef63fd 5b7fd83f fe7f312f f4a3d9fc o.c.[..?..1/....\n- 0x000005d0 4aae73f8 4e52562e 81d8cfaa be7b972f J.s.NRV......{./\n- 0x000005e0 9a2da9fb 979efcdd 25cee3e7 f91c510c .-......%.....Q.\n- 0x000005f0 bacda5fc 2a480000 00004945 4e44ae42 ....*H....IEND.B\n- 0x00000600 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d `....PNG........\n- 0x00000610 49484452 00000009 00000024 08060000 IHDR.......$....\n- 0x00000620 005ba310 f8000000 0467414d 410000b1 .[.......gAMA...\n- 0x00000630 8f0bfc61 05000000 a3494441 5478dabd ...a.....IDATx..\n- 0x00000640 92c10ec3 200c4363 b4ffff65 efb06672 .... .Cc...e..fr\n- 0x00000650 5d039d36 8d0b25b5 e2601e48 962e0024 ]..6..%..`.H...$\n- 0x00000660 09ad0d17 e81e45b3 7512b54d b40340b7 ......E.u..M..@.\n- 0x00000670 d01aaa8a 5b3b6d9d ec48e291 66f01a3a ....[;m..H..f..:\n- 0x00000680 279f4985 f0300b60 adc2acee 360dd3ed '.I..0.`....6...\n- 0x00000690 e43ca2c0 84e09d9c 2a5cdfae 88d11f33 .<......*\\.....3\n- 0x000006a0 c1797017 ca79c41f cb9c8e17 5ff2b425 .yp..y......_..%\n- 0x000006b0 33f17481 2e67f9aa 7fcef852 e444fa3e 3.t..g.....R.D.>\n- 0x000006c0 12895f90 d902ed26 b52b2a24 9caf9b3c .._....&.+*$...<\n- 0x000006d0 fd242712 7b32df9d fe46e613 452d8a1f .$'.{2...F..E-..\n- 0x000006e0 291365c1 00000000 49454e44 ae426082 ).e.....IEND.B`.\n- 0x000006f0 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n- 0x00000700 0000000d 00000034 08060000 00519eb2 .......4.....Q..\n- 0x00000710 19000000 0467414d 410000b1 8f0bfc61 .....gAMA......a\n- 0x00000720 05000000 e5494441 5478daed 56cb0ec4 .....IDATx..V...\n- 0x00000730 200804d2 ffffe5d9 4be95a32 08baafcb .......K.Z2....\n- 0x00000740 9a345560 8cd061ac 02903854 f53202d0 .4U`..a...8T.2..\n- 0x00000750 e8b71980 ad29a833 de038a39 b09ce42c .....).3...9...,\n- 0x00000760 04fc0170 d9c6f9e8 b72a71b6 d67387d7 ...p.....*q..s..\n- 0x00000770 0be179d0 7c44c4aa c4d9fa98 ed980135 ..y.|D.........5\n- 0x00000780 d2883120 82ac02d0 0a32c29e 9190ac10 ..1 .....2......\n- 0x00000790 29607c97 a01858b2 3cd939da ad0410bf )`|...X.<.9.....\n- 0x000007a0 b50001a8 d8e25ec1 06420f35 9f7401f7 ......^..B.5.t..\n- 0x000007b0 4254c0c1 6f996366 b72a403a ba770b5c BT..o.cf.*@:.w.\\\n- 0x000007c0 e29e88e8 6abb7b2b 6897b0cb b2dc6d42 ....j.{+h.....mB\n- 0x000007d0 ab00ccbf afe5da64 b9c77df9 aa19756d .......d..}...um\n- 0x000007e0 a6b03e3f a6f75047 61670501 6b8d95ef ..>?..PGag..k...\n- 0x000007f0 f43c5ed6 0e298d32 814cec9b 6af4b3ff .<^..).2.L..j...\n- 0x00000800 880f8be5 d6f1fe0a 2b0fa884 bf3adced ........+....:..\n- 0x00000810 81540000 00004945 4e44ae42 60820000 .T....IEND.B`...\n- 0x00000820 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n- 0x00000830 00000027 0000009c 08060000 00fcaeb2 ...'............\n- 0x00000840 83000000 0467414d 410000b1 8f0bfc61 .....gAMA......a\n- 0x00000850 05000002 bd494441 5478daed 9bcdb283 .....IDATx......\n- 0x00000860 300885c3 19dfff95 7357ed74 bc5af90f 0.......sW.t.Z..\n- 0x00000870 5adc74d1 70f89a34 880469ce 39ac1711 Z.t.p..4..i.9...\n- 0x00000880 fd139973 9259d702 7704e509 894830c9 ...s.Y..w....H0.\n- 0x00000890 383738a9 432d2046 e10bd1b3 66b17bd6 878.C- F....f.{.\n- 0x000008a0 cc35dc23 e1b44155 63f7bc65 95ce8276 .5.#..AUc..e...v\n- 0x000008b0 b6d533c7 7568b9b7 d2edb212 8db34f1b ..3.uh........O.\n- 0x000008c0 c9d86f36 1bf716f3 faceb44c 427d64a5 ..o6.......LB}d.\n- 0x000008d0 401a7d64 a440daf1 b5e35ce6 3249f569 @.}d.@....\\.2I.i\n- 0x000008e0 8c31cbce 5c6725ca 6bb3187f c6a4b320 .1..\\g%.k...... \n- 0x000008f0 6c7afa8a 4e812cfa f5ff73d1 2990763c lz..N.,...s.).v<\n- 0x00000900 3297493a 6e3bfa22 2a0592ea 6fde09a2 2.I:n;.\"*...o...\n- 0x00000910 e72c7610 4e4fd325 c155fb37 11c35922 .,v.NO.%.U.7..Y\"\n- 0x00000920 be141259 601a7b64 81697490 0926d57b ...Y`.{d.it..&.{\n- 0x00000930 e66e3d99 92391c03 385cc13e 3fcbc0ed .n=..9..8\\.>?...\n- 0x00000940 819c00e1 0ee60888 10302740 84813900 .........0'@..9.\n- 0x00000950 2214cc08 88703083 1d52c094 f6480353 \"....p0..R...H.S\n- 0x00000960 e820154c a8877430 812e9680 31f5b10c . .L..t0....1...\n- 0x00000970 8ce1074b c12efc61 39d817bf 280176e2 ...K...a9...(.v.\n- 0x00000980 1f65c00e 38500a6c 0748b374 c13ab868 .e..8P.l.H.t.:.h\n- 0x00000990 a3bede95 cd6a80fb e26119c0 a383b912 .....j...a......\n- 0x000009a0 803bffb8 1ab00aec fcf6950d 78e20f52 .;..........x..R\n- 0x000009b0 832cb0eb 94291af0 421f5681 28307e9a .,...)..B.V.(0~.\n- 0x000009c0 ee0de85e 4df70214 e8204ad8 c31ed10e ...^M.... 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.pO.+.a]zY......\n- 0x00000ae0 e57bd34b 8792f28d f3a58370 77f55b9e .{.K.......pw.[.\n- 0x00000af0 5b3301bb abdf198c bf5bbbab df9acf75 [3.......[.....u\n- 0x00000b00 57bff50e d15dfddd d5bffae9 eb17bbfa W....]..........\n- 0x00000b10 ff00bb54 fd3aa139 4fda0000 00004945 ...T.:.9O.....IE\n+ 0x00000520 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 00000009 ........IHDR....\n+ 0x00000530 00000024 08060000 005ba310 f8000000 ...$.....[......\n+ 0x00000540 0467414d 410000b1 8f0bfc61 05000000 .gAMA......a....\n+ 0x00000550 a3494441 5478dabd 92c10ec3 200c4363 .IDATx...... .Cc\n+ 0x00000560 b4ffff65 efb06672 5d039d36 8d0b25b5 ...e..fr]..6..%.\n+ 0x00000570 e2601e48 962e0024 09ad0d17 e81e45b3 .`.H...$......E.\n+ 0x00000580 7512b54d b40340b7 d01aaa8a 5b3b6d9d u..M..@.....[;m.\n+ 0x00000590 ec48e291 66f01a3a 279f4985 f0300b60 .H..f..:'.I..0.`\n+ 0x000005a0 adc2acee 360dd3ed e43ca2c0 84e09d9c ....6....<......\n+ 0x000005b0 2a5cdfae 88d11f33 c1797017 ca79c41f *\\.....3.yp..y..\n+ 0x000005c0 cb9c8e17 5ff2b425 33f17481 2e67f9aa ...._..%3.t..g..\n+ 0x000005d0 7fcef852 e444fa3e 12895f90 d902ed26 ...R.D.>.._....&\n+ 0x000005e0 b52b2a24 9caf9b3c fd242712 7b32df9d .+*$...<.$'.{2..\n+ 0x000005f0 fe46e613 452d8a1f 291365c1 00000000 .F..E-..).e.....\n+ 0x00000600 49454e44 ae426082 89504e47 0d0a1a0a IEND.B`..PNG....\n+ 0x00000610 0000000d 49484452 0000000d 00000034 ....IHDR.......4\n+ 0x00000620 08060000 00519eb2 19000000 0467414d .....Q.......gAM\n+ 0x00000630 410000b1 8f0bfc61 05000000 e5494441 A......a.....IDA\n+ 0x00000640 5478daed 56cb0ec4 200804d2 ffffe5d9 Tx..V... .......\n+ 0x00000650 4be95a32 08baafcb 9a345560 8cd061ac K.Z2.....4U`..a.\n+ 0x00000660 02903854 f53202d0 e8b71980 ad29a833 ..8T.2.......).3\n+ 0x00000670 de038a39 b09ce42c 04fc0170 d9c6f9e8 ...9...,...p....\n+ 0x00000680 b72a71b6 d67387d7 0be179d0 7c44c4aa .*q..s....y.|D..\n+ 0x00000690 c4d9fa98 ed980135 d2883120 82ac02d0 .......5..1 ....\n+ 0x000006a0 0a32c29e 9190ac10 29607c97 a01858b2 .2......)`|...X.\n+ 0x000006b0 3cd939da ad0410bf b50001a8 d8e25ec1 <.9...........^.\n+ 0x000006c0 06420f35 9f7401f7 4254c0c1 6f996366 .B.5.t..BT..o.cf\n+ 0x000006d0 b72a403a ba770b5c e29e88e8 6abb7b2b .*@:.w.\\....j.{+\n+ 0x000006e0 6897b0cb b2dc6d42 ab00ccbf afe5da64 h.....mB.......d\n+ 0x000006f0 b9c77df9 aa19756d a6b03e3f a6f75047 ..}...um..>?..PG\n+ 0x00000700 61670501 6b8d95ef f43c5ed6 0e298d32 ag..k....<^..).2\n+ 0x00000710 814cec9b 6af4b3ff 880f8be5 d6f1fe0a .L..j...........\n+ 0x00000720 2b0fa884 bf3adced 81540000 00004945 +....:...T....IE\n+ 0x00000730 4e44ae42 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a ND.B`....PNG....\n+ 0x00000740 0000000d 49484452 00000027 0000009c ....IHDR...'....\n+ 0x00000750 08060000 00fcaeb2 83000000 0467414d .............gAM\n+ 0x00000760 410000b1 8f0bfc61 05000002 bd494441 A......a.....IDA\n+ 0x00000770 5478daed 9bcdb283 300885c3 19dfff95 Tx......0.......\n+ 0x00000780 7357ed74 bc5af90f 5adc74d1 70f89a34 sW.t.Z..Z.t.p..4\n+ 0x00000790 880469ce 39ac1711 fd139973 9259d702 ..i.9......s.Y..\n+ 0x000007a0 7704e509 894830c9 383738a9 432d2046 w....H0.878.C- F\n+ 0x000007b0 e10bd1b3 66b17bd6 cc35dc23 e1b44155 ....f.{..5.#..AU\n+ 0x000007c0 63f7bc65 95ce8276 b6d533c7 7568b9b7 c..e...v..3.uh..\n+ 0x000007d0 d2edb212 8db34f1b c9d86f36 1bf716f3 ......O...o6....\n+ 0x000007e0 faceb44c 427d64a5 401a7d64 a440daf1 ...LB}d.@.}d.@..\n+ 0x000007f0 b5e35ce6 3249f569 8c31cbce 5c6725ca ..\\.2I.i.1..\\g%.\n+ 0x00000800 6bb3187f c6a4b320 6c7afa8a 4e812cfa k...... lz..N.,.\n+ 0x00000810 f5ff73d1 2990763c 3297493a 6e3bfa22 ..s.).v<2.I:n;.\"\n+ 0x00000820 2a0592ea 6fde09a2 e72c7610 4e4fd325 *...o....,v.NO.%\n+ 0x00000830 c155fb37 11c35922 be141259 601a7b64 .U.7..Y\"...Y`.{d\n+ 0x00000840 81697490 0926d57b e66e3d99 92391c03 .it..&.{.n=..9..\n+ 0x00000850 385cc13e 3fcbc0ed 819c00e1 0ee60888 8\\.>?...........\n+ 0x00000860 10302740 84813900 2214cc08 88703083 .0'@..9.\"....p0.\n+ 0x00000870 1d52c094 f6480353 e820154c a8877430 .R...H.S. .L..t0\n+ 0x00000880 812e9680 31f5b10c 8ce1074b c12efc61 ....1......K...a\n+ 0x00000890 39d817bf 280176e2 1f65c00e 38500a6c 9...(.v..e..8P.l\n+ 0x000008a0 0748b374 c13ab868 a3bede95 cd6a80fb .H.t.:.h.....j..\n+ 0x000008b0 e26119c0 a383b912 803bffb8 1ab00aec .a.......;......\n+ 0x000008c0 fcf6950d 78e20f52 832cb0eb 94291af0 ....x..R.,...)..\n+ 0x000008d0 421f5681 28307e9a ee0de85e 4df70214 B.V.(0~....^M...\n+ 0x000008e0 e8204ad8 c31ed10e 2c764871 94ddcbc4 . 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8792f28d zY.......{.K....\n+ 0x00000a00 f3a58370 77f55b9e 5b3301bb abdf198c ...pw.[.[3......\n+ 0x00000a10 bf5bbbab df9acf75 57bff50e d15dfddd .[.....uW....]..\n+ 0x00000a20 d5bffae9 eb17bbfa ff00bb54 fd3aa139 ...........T.:.9\n+ 0x00000a30 4fda0000 00004945 4e44ae42 60820000 O.....IEND.B`...\n+ 0x00000a40 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n+ 0x00000a50 0000001a 00000068 02030000 0092ce08 .......h........\n+ 0x00000a60 97000000 09504c54 45ffffff ff000000 .....PLTE.......\n+ 0x00000a70 00009a95 02910000 00017452 4e530040 ..........tRNS.@\n+ 0x00000a80 e6d86600 00008b49 44415478 dab5913b ..f....IDATx...;\n+ 0x00000a90 12c02008 44696c38 9d0df7b3 e694013f .. .Dil8.......?\n+ 0x00000aa0 096e9231 16a1f039 ae082e44 c44a3506 .n.1...9...D.J5.\n+ 0x00000ab0 55cb16e7 7c5b8bef 06ed56f1 9b173d22 U...|[....V...=\"\n+ 0x00000ac0 671df32d 5a999350 9fed9948 a24c1393 g..-Z..P...H.L..\n+ 0x00000ad0 cc14c991 4944220d 55e8f463 17062b4c ....ID\".U..c..+L\n+ 0x00000ae0 18441df3 6fef63fd 5b7fd83f fe7f312f .D..o.c.[..?..1/\n+ 0x00000af0 f4a3d9fc 4aae73f8 4e52562e 81d8cfaa ....J.s.NRV.....\n+ 0x00000b00 be7b972f 9a2da9fb 979efcdd 25cee3e7 .{./.-......%...\n+ 0x00000b10 f91c510c bacda5fc 2a480000 00004945 ..Q.....*H....IE\n 0x00000b20 4e44ae42 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a ND.B`....PNG....\n 0x00000b30 0000000d 49484452 00000032 00000032 ....IHDR...2...2\n 0x00000b40 04030000 00ec1195 82000000 12504c54 .............PLT\n 0x00000b50 45000000 33000066 00009900 00cc0000 E...3..f........\n 0x00000b60 ff000044 1a05a500 00011949 44415478 ...D.......IDATx\n 0x00000b70 dabd944b 0ec3200c 44b3e901 f85c00a9 ...K.. .D....\\..\n 0x00000b80 39008b1e 804ad9a7 14ee7f95 f2331eab 9....J.......3..\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data.rel.local {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data.rel.local {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -33,22 +33,22 @@\n 0x000001d0 00000000 34000000 52010000 00030000 ....4...R.......\n 0x000001e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x000001f0 00000000 00000000 1a000000 a9000000 ................\n 0x00000200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00000210 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00000220 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00000230 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x00000240 27000000 9c000000 20080000 00000000 '....... .......\n+ 0x00000240 1a000000 68000000 400a0000 00000000 ....h...@.......\n 0x00000250 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x00000260 00000000 0d000000 34000000 f0060000 ........4.......\n+ 0x00000260 00000000 27000000 9c000000 38070000 ....'.......8...\n 0x00000270 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x00000280 00000000 00000000 09000000 24000000 ............$...\n- 0x00000290 04060000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x000002a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 1a000000 ................\n- 0x000002b0 68000000 1c050000 00000000 00000000 h...............\n+ 0x00000280 00000000 00000000 0d000000 34000000 ............4...\n+ 0x00000290 08060000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n+ 0x000002a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 09000000 ................\n+ 0x000002b0 24000000 1c050000 00000000 00000000 $...............\n 0x000002c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x000002d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x000002e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x000002f0 00000000 19000000 19000000 980c0000 ................\n 0x00000300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00000310 00000000 00000000 32000000 32000000 ........2...2...\n 0x00000320 280b0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (...............\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.strtab':\n- 0x00000000 00246400 64617461 5f313200 64617461 .$d.data_12.data\n- 0x00000010 5f313700 64617461 5f313300 64617461 _17.data_13.data\n- 0x00000020 5f313500 64617461 5f323100 64617461 _15.data_21.data\n- 0x00000030 5f323300 64617461 5f313900 64617461 _23.data_19.data\n- 0x00000040 5f323000 64617461 5f313800 64617461 _20.data_18.data\n- 0x00000050 5f313600 64617461 5f323600 64617461 _16.data_26.data\n- 0x00000060 5f323500 64617461 5f323400 64617461 _25.data_24.data\n- 0x00000070 5f313400 64617461 5f323200 64617461 _14.data_22.data\n- 0x00000080 5f323700 7375625f 31315f63 6f6c6f72 _27.sub_11_color\n+ 0x00000000 00246400 64617461 5f313500 64617461 .$d.data_15.data\n+ 0x00000010 5f323400 64617461 5f313600 64617461 _24.data_16.data\n+ 0x00000020 5f313900 64617461 5f323000 64617461 _19.data_20.data\n+ 0x00000030 5f323700 64617461 5f313300 64617461 _27.data_13.data\n+ 0x00000040 5f323100 64617461 5f313800 64617461 _21.data_18.data\n+ 0x00000050 5f323600 64617461 5f313700 64617461 _26.data_17.data\n+ 0x00000060 5f323500 64617461 5f323300 64617461 _25.data_23.data\n+ 0x00000070 5f313200 64617461 5f323200 64617461 _12.data_22.data\n+ 0x00000080 5f313400 7375625f 31315f63 6f6c6f72 _14.sub_11_color\n 0x00000090 00737562 5f31305f 636f6c6f 72007375 .sub_10_color.su\n 0x000000a0 625f395f 636f6c6f 72007375 625f385f b_9_color.sub_8_\n 0x000000b0 636f6c6f 72007375 625f365f 636f6c6f color.sub_6_colo\n 0x000000c0 72007375 625f355f 636f6c6f 72007375 r.sub_5_color.su\n 0x000000d0 625f345f 636f6c6f 72007375 625f335f b_4_color.sub_3_\n 0x000000e0 67726579 00737562 5f325f63 6f6c6f72 grey.sub_2_color\n 0x000000f0 00737562 5f315f63 6f6c6f72 00737562 .sub_1_color.sub\n"}]}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcards.so.1.0.0", "source2": "./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libcards.so.1.0.0", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 730f9437c0ccda57794476b6915d00619b44c171\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 7a69ff70e20ad765d9c9d0f92def29ed0edcfcf2\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -186,110 +186,110 @@\n 0x0000a644 42e7a978 4d379115 9427f48c 0e551097 B..xM7...'...U..\n 0x0000a654 0d9923c5 1de9792e a962cd69 e7714b18 ..#...y..b.i.qK.\n 0x0000a664 a60a94e0 964c5dc8 54d28610 8210827a .....L].T......z\n 0x0000a674 846abaff 3a8c3d3f 64f15573 2a17c9bb .j..:.=?d.Us*...\n 0x0000a684 62f71128 5c978bbb 2e718fa2 3ce37f5c b..(\\....q..<..\\\n 0x0000a694 02cd3288 5afa0248 7bf1df5c fdbb4200 ..2.Z..H{..\\..B.\n 0x0000a6a4 00000049 454e44ae 42608200 89504e47 ...IEND.B`...PNG\n- 0x0000a6b4 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 0000001a ........IHDR....\n- 0x0000a6c4 00000068 02030000 0092ce08 97000000 ...h............\n- 0x0000a6d4 09504c54 45ffffff ff000000 00009a95 .PLTE...........\n- 0x0000a6e4 02910000 00017452 4e530040 e6d86600 ......tRNS.@..f.\n- 0x0000a6f4 00008b49 44415478 dab5913b 12c02008 ...IDATx...;.. .\n- 0x0000a704 44696c38 9d0df7b3 e694013f 096e9231 Dil8.......?.n.1\n- 0x0000a714 16a1f039 ae082e44 c44a3506 55cb16e7 ...9...D.J5.U...\n- 0x0000a724 7c5b8bef 06ed56f1 9b173d22 671df32d |[....V...=\"g..-\n- 0x0000a734 5a999350 9fed9948 a24c1393 cc14c991 Z..P...H.L......\n- 0x0000a744 4944220d 55e8f463 17062b4c 18441df3 ID\".U..c..+L.D..\n- 0x0000a754 6fef63fd 5b7fd83f fe7f312f f4a3d9fc o.c.[..?..1/....\n- 0x0000a764 4aae73f8 4e52562e 81d8cfaa be7b972f J.s.NRV......{./\n- 0x0000a774 9a2da9fb 979efcdd 25cee3e7 f91c510c .-......%.....Q.\n- 0x0000a784 bacda5fc 2a480000 00004945 4e44ae42 ....*H....IEND.B\n- 0x0000a794 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d `....PNG........\n- 0x0000a7a4 49484452 00000009 00000024 08060000 IHDR.......$....\n- 0x0000a7b4 005ba310 f8000000 0467414d 410000b1 .[.......gAMA...\n- 0x0000a7c4 8f0bfc61 05000000 a3494441 5478dabd ...a.....IDATx..\n- 0x0000a7d4 92c10ec3 200c4363 b4ffff65 efb06672 .... .Cc...e..fr\n- 0x0000a7e4 5d039d36 8d0b25b5 e2601e48 962e0024 ]..6..%..`.H...$\n- 0x0000a7f4 09ad0d17 e81e45b3 7512b54d b40340b7 ......E.u..M..@.\n- 0x0000a804 d01aaa8a 5b3b6d9d ec48e291 66f01a3a ....[;m..H..f..:\n- 0x0000a814 279f4985 f0300b60 adc2acee 360dd3ed '.I..0.`....6...\n- 0x0000a824 e43ca2c0 84e09d9c 2a5cdfae 88d11f33 .<......*\\.....3\n- 0x0000a834 c1797017 ca79c41f cb9c8e17 5ff2b425 .yp..y......_..%\n- 0x0000a844 33f17481 2e67f9aa 7fcef852 e444fa3e 3.t..g.....R.D.>\n- 0x0000a854 12895f90 d902ed26 b52b2a24 9caf9b3c .._....&.+*$...<\n- 0x0000a864 fd242712 7b32df9d fe46e613 452d8a1f .$'.{2...F..E-..\n- 0x0000a874 291365c1 00000000 49454e44 ae426082 ).e.....IEND.B`.\n- 0x0000a884 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n- 0x0000a894 0000000d 00000034 08060000 00519eb2 .......4.....Q..\n- 0x0000a8a4 19000000 0467414d 410000b1 8f0bfc61 .....gAMA......a\n- 0x0000a8b4 05000000 e5494441 5478daed 56cb0ec4 .....IDATx..V...\n- 0x0000a8c4 200804d2 ffffe5d9 4be95a32 08baafcb .......K.Z2....\n- 0x0000a8d4 9a345560 8cd061ac 02903854 f53202d0 .4U`..a...8T.2..\n- 0x0000a8e4 e8b71980 ad29a833 de038a39 b09ce42c .....).3...9...,\n- 0x0000a8f4 04fc0170 d9c6f9e8 b72a71b6 d67387d7 ...p.....*q..s..\n- 0x0000a904 0be179d0 7c44c4aa c4d9fa98 ed980135 ..y.|D.........5\n- 0x0000a914 d2883120 82ac02d0 0a32c29e 9190ac10 ..1 .....2......\n- 0x0000a924 29607c97 a01858b2 3cd939da ad0410bf )`|...X.<.9.....\n- 0x0000a934 b50001a8 d8e25ec1 06420f35 9f7401f7 ......^..B.5.t..\n- 0x0000a944 4254c0c1 6f996366 b72a403a ba770b5c BT..o.cf.*@:.w.\\\n- 0x0000a954 e29e88e8 6abb7b2b 6897b0cb b2dc6d42 ....j.{+h.....mB\n- 0x0000a964 ab00ccbf afe5da64 b9c77df9 aa19756d .......d..}...um\n- 0x0000a974 a6b03e3f a6f75047 61670501 6b8d95ef ..>?..PGag..k...\n- 0x0000a984 f43c5ed6 0e298d32 814cec9b 6af4b3ff .<^..).2.L..j...\n- 0x0000a994 880f8be5 d6f1fe0a 2b0fa884 bf3adced ........+....:..\n- 0x0000a9a4 81540000 00004945 4e44ae42 60820000 .T....IEND.B`...\n- 0x0000a9b4 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n- 0x0000a9c4 00000027 0000009c 08060000 00fcaeb2 ...'............\n- 0x0000a9d4 83000000 0467414d 410000b1 8f0bfc61 .....gAMA......a\n- 0x0000a9e4 05000002 bd494441 5478daed 9bcdb283 .....IDATx......\n- 0x0000a9f4 300885c3 19dfff95 7357ed74 bc5af90f 0.......sW.t.Z..\n- 0x0000aa04 5adc74d1 70f89a34 880469ce 39ac1711 Z.t.p..4..i.9...\n- 0x0000aa14 fd139973 9259d702 7704e509 894830c9 ...s.Y..w....H0.\n- 0x0000aa24 383738a9 432d2046 e10bd1b3 66b17bd6 878.C- F....f.{.\n- 0x0000aa34 cc35dc23 e1b44155 63f7bc65 95ce8276 .5.#..AUc..e...v\n- 0x0000aa44 b6d533c7 7568b9b7 d2edb212 8db34f1b ..3.uh........O.\n- 0x0000aa54 c9d86f36 1bf716f3 faceb44c 427d64a5 ..o6.......LB}d.\n- 0x0000aa64 401a7d64 a440daf1 b5e35ce6 3249f569 @.}d.@....\\.2I.i\n- 0x0000aa74 8c31cbce 5c6725ca 6bb3187f c6a4b320 .1..\\g%.k...... \n- 0x0000aa84 6c7afa8a 4e812cfa f5ff73d1 2990763c lz..N.,...s.).v<\n- 0x0000aa94 3297493a 6e3bfa22 2a0592ea 6fde09a2 2.I:n;.\"*...o...\n- 0x0000aaa4 e72c7610 4e4fd325 c155fb37 11c35922 .,v.NO.%.U.7..Y\"\n- 0x0000aab4 be141259 601a7b64 81697490 0926d57b ...Y`.{d.it..&.{\n- 0x0000aac4 e66e3d99 92391c03 385cc13e 3fcbc0ed .n=..9..8\\.>?...\n- 0x0000aad4 819c00e1 0ee60888 10302740 84813900 .........0'@..9.\n- 0x0000aae4 2214cc08 88703083 1d52c094 f6480353 \"....p0..R...H.S\n- 0x0000aaf4 e820154c a8877430 812e9680 31f5b10c . .L..t0....1...\n- 0x0000ab04 8ce1074b c12efc61 39d817bf 280176e2 ...K...a9...(.v.\n- 0x0000ab14 1f65c00e 38500a6c 0748b374 c13ab868 .e..8P.l.H.t.:.h\n- 0x0000ab24 a3bede95 cd6a80fb e26119c0 a383b912 .....j...a......\n- 0x0000ab34 803bffb8 1ab00aec fcf6950d 78e20f52 .;..........x..R\n- 0x0000ab44 832cb0eb 94291af0 421f5681 28307e9a .,...)..B.V.(0~.\n- 0x0000ab54 ee0de85e 4df70214 e8204ad8 c31ed10e ...^M.... 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2e67f9aa ...._..%3.t..g..\n+ 0x0000a764 7fcef852 e444fa3e 12895f90 d902ed26 ...R.D.>.._....&\n+ 0x0000a774 b52b2a24 9caf9b3c fd242712 7b32df9d .+*$...<.$'.{2..\n+ 0x0000a784 fe46e613 452d8a1f 291365c1 00000000 .F..E-..).e.....\n+ 0x0000a794 49454e44 ae426082 89504e47 0d0a1a0a IEND.B`..PNG....\n+ 0x0000a7a4 0000000d 49484452 0000000d 00000034 ....IHDR.......4\n+ 0x0000a7b4 08060000 00519eb2 19000000 0467414d .....Q.......gAM\n+ 0x0000a7c4 410000b1 8f0bfc61 05000000 e5494441 A......a.....IDA\n+ 0x0000a7d4 5478daed 56cb0ec4 200804d2 ffffe5d9 Tx..V... .......\n+ 0x0000a7e4 4be95a32 08baafcb 9a345560 8cd061ac K.Z2.....4U`..a.\n+ 0x0000a7f4 02903854 f53202d0 e8b71980 ad29a833 ..8T.2.......).3\n+ 0x0000a804 de038a39 b09ce42c 04fc0170 d9c6f9e8 ...9...,...p....\n+ 0x0000a814 b72a71b6 d67387d7 0be179d0 7c44c4aa .*q..s....y.|D..\n+ 0x0000a824 c4d9fa98 ed980135 d2883120 82ac02d0 .......5..1 ....\n+ 0x0000a834 0a32c29e 9190ac10 29607c97 a01858b2 .2......)`|...X.\n+ 0x0000a844 3cd939da ad0410bf b50001a8 d8e25ec1 <.9...........^.\n+ 0x0000a854 06420f35 9f7401f7 4254c0c1 6f996366 .B.5.t..BT..o.cf\n+ 0x0000a864 b72a403a ba770b5c e29e88e8 6abb7b2b .*@:.w.\\....j.{+\n+ 0x0000a874 6897b0cb b2dc6d42 ab00ccbf afe5da64 h.....mB.......d\n+ 0x0000a884 b9c77df9 aa19756d a6b03e3f a6f75047 ..}...um..>?..PG\n+ 0x0000a894 61670501 6b8d95ef f43c5ed6 0e298d32 ag..k....<^..).2\n+ 0x0000a8a4 814cec9b 6af4b3ff 880f8be5 d6f1fe0a .L..j...........\n+ 0x0000a8b4 2b0fa884 bf3adced 81540000 00004945 +....:...T....IE\n+ 0x0000a8c4 4e44ae42 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a ND.B`....PNG....\n+ 0x0000a8d4 0000000d 49484452 00000027 0000009c ....IHDR...'....\n+ 0x0000a8e4 08060000 00fcaeb2 83000000 0467414d .............gAM\n+ 0x0000a8f4 410000b1 8f0bfc61 05000002 bd494441 A......a.....IDA\n+ 0x0000a904 5478daed 9bcdb283 300885c3 19dfff95 Tx......0.......\n+ 0x0000a914 7357ed74 bc5af90f 5adc74d1 70f89a34 sW.t.Z..Z.t.p..4\n+ 0x0000a924 880469ce 39ac1711 fd139973 9259d702 ..i.9......s.Y..\n+ 0x0000a934 7704e509 894830c9 383738a9 432d2046 w....H0.878.C- F\n+ 0x0000a944 e10bd1b3 66b17bd6 cc35dc23 e1b44155 ....f.{..5.#..AU\n+ 0x0000a954 63f7bc65 95ce8276 b6d533c7 7568b9b7 c..e...v..3.uh..\n+ 0x0000a964 d2edb212 8db34f1b c9d86f36 1bf716f3 ......O...o6....\n+ 0x0000a974 faceb44c 427d64a5 401a7d64 a440daf1 ...LB}d.@.}d.@..\n+ 0x0000a984 b5e35ce6 3249f569 8c31cbce 5c6725ca ..\\.2I.i.1..\\g%.\n+ 0x0000a994 6bb3187f c6a4b320 6c7afa8a 4e812cfa k...... lz..N.,.\n+ 0x0000a9a4 f5ff73d1 2990763c 3297493a 6e3bfa22 ..s.).v<2.I:n;.\"\n+ 0x0000a9b4 2a0592ea 6fde09a2 e72c7610 4e4fd325 *...o....,v.NO.%\n+ 0x0000a9c4 c155fb37 11c35922 be141259 601a7b64 .U.7..Y\"...Y`.{d\n+ 0x0000a9d4 81697490 0926d57b e66e3d99 92391c03 .it..&.{.n=..9..\n+ 0x0000a9e4 385cc13e 3fcbc0ed 819c00e1 0ee60888 8\\.>?...........\n+ 0x0000a9f4 10302740 84813900 2214cc08 88703083 .0'@..9.\"....p0.\n+ 0x0000aa04 1d52c094 f6480353 e820154c a8877430 .R...H.S. .L..t0\n+ 0x0000aa14 812e9680 31f5b10c 8ce1074b c12efc61 ....1......K...a\n+ 0x0000aa24 39d817bf 280176e2 1f65c00e 38500a6c 9...(.v..e..8P.l\n+ 0x0000aa34 0748b374 c13ab868 a3bede95 cd6a80fb .H.t.:.h.....j..\n+ 0x0000aa44 e26119c0 a383b912 803bffb8 1ab00aec .a.......;......\n+ 0x0000aa54 fcf6950d 78e20f52 832cb0eb 94291af0 ....x..R.,...)..\n+ 0x0000aa64 421f5681 28307e9a ee0de85e 4df70214 B.V.(0~....^M...\n+ 0x0000aa74 e8204ad8 c31ed10e 2c764871 94ddcbc4 . 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8792f28d zY.......{.K....\n+ 0x0000ab94 f3a58370 77f55b9e 5b3301bb abdf198c ...pw.[.[3......\n+ 0x0000aba4 bf5bbbab df9acf75 57bff50e d15dfddd .[.....uW....]..\n+ 0x0000abb4 d5bffae9 eb17bbfa ff00bb54 fd3aa139 ...........T.:.9\n+ 0x0000abc4 4fda0000 00004945 4e44ae42 60820000 O.....IEND.B`...\n+ 0x0000abd4 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR\n+ 0x0000abe4 0000001a 00000068 02030000 0092ce08 .......h........\n+ 0x0000abf4 97000000 09504c54 45ffffff ff000000 .....PLTE.......\n+ 0x0000ac04 00009a95 02910000 00017452 4e530040 ..........tRNS.@\n+ 0x0000ac14 e6d86600 00008b49 44415478 dab5913b ..f....IDATx...;\n+ 0x0000ac24 12c02008 44696c38 9d0df7b3 e694013f .. .Dil8.......?\n+ 0x0000ac34 096e9231 16a1f039 ae082e44 c44a3506 .n.1...9...D.J5.\n+ 0x0000ac44 55cb16e7 7c5b8bef 06ed56f1 9b173d22 U...|[....V...=\"\n+ 0x0000ac54 671df32d 5a999350 9fed9948 a24c1393 g..-Z..P...H.L..\n+ 0x0000ac64 cc14c991 4944220d 55e8f463 17062b4c ....ID\".U..c..+L\n+ 0x0000ac74 18441df3 6fef63fd 5b7fd83f fe7f312f .D..o.c.[..?..1/\n+ 0x0000ac84 f4a3d9fc 4aae73f8 4e52562e 81d8cfaa ....J.s.NRV.....\n+ 0x0000ac94 be7b972f 9a2da9fb 979efcdd 25cee3e7 .{./.-......%...\n+ 0x0000aca4 f91c510c bacda5fc 2a480000 00004945 ..Q.....*H....IE\n 0x0000acb4 4e44ae42 60820000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a ND.B`....PNG....\n 0x0000acc4 0000000d 49484452 00000032 00000032 ....IHDR...2...2\n 0x0000acd4 04030000 00ec1195 82000000 12504c54 .............PLT\n 0x0000ace4 45000000 33000066 00009900 00cc0000 E...3..f........\n 0x0000acf4 ff000044 1a05a500 00011949 44415478 ...D.......IDATx\n 0x0000ad04 dabd944b 0ec3200c 44b3e901 f85c00a9 ...K.. .D....\\..\n 0x0000ad14 39008b1e 804ad9a7 14ee7f95 f2331eab 9....J.......3..\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -186,22 +186,22 @@\n 0x0000eb70 00000000 00000000 34000000 52010000 ........4...R...\n 0x0000eb80 94a40000 00000000 00000000 00000000 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................\n+ 0x0000ec30 34000000 9ca70000 00000000 00000000 4...............\n 0x0000ec40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x0000ec50 1a000000 68000000 b0a60000 00000000 ....h...........\n+ 0x0000ec50 09000000 24000000 b0a60000 00000000 ....$...........\n 0x0000ec60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x0000ec70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x0000ec80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x0000ec90 00000000 00000000 19000000 19000000 ................\n 0x0000eca0 2cae0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ,...............\n 0x0000ecb0 00000000 00000000 00000000 32000000 ............2...\n 0x0000ecc0 32000000 bcac0000 00000000 00000000 2...............\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 30663934 33376330 63636461 35373739 0f9437c0ccda5779\n- 0x00000010 34343736 62363931 35643030 36313962 4476b6915d00619b\n- 0x00000020 34346331 37312e64 65627567 00000000 44c171.debug....\n- 0x00000030 fb04de3c ...<\n+ 0x00000000 36396666 37306532 30616437 36356439 69ff70e20ad765d9\n+ 0x00000010 63396430 66393264 65663239 65643065 c9d0f92def29ed0e\n+ 0x00000020 64636663 66322e64 65627567 00000000 dcfcf2.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 f5ee2a88 ..*.\n \n"}]}]}, {"source1": "xz --list", "source2": "xz --list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@\n Streams: 1\n Blocks: 1\n- Compressed size: 184.2 KiB (188660 B)\n+ Compressed size: 184.2 KiB (188604 B)\n Uncompressed size: 490.0 KiB (501760 B)\n Ratio: 0.376\n Check: CRC64\n Stream Padding: 0 B\n Streams:\n Stream Blocks CompOffset UncompOffset CompSize UncompSize Ratio Check Padding\n- 1 1 0 0 188660 501760 0.376 CRC64 0\n+ 1 1 0 0 188604 501760 0.376 CRC64 0\n Blocks:\n Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check\n- 1 1 12 0 188624 501760 0.376 CRC64\n+ 1 1 12 0 188568 501760 0.376 CRC64\n"}]}]}, {"source1": "ace-of-penguins-dbgsym_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb", "source2": "ace-of-penguins-dbgsym_1.5~rc2-6_armhf.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 debian-binary\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1204 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 175980 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1200 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 control.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 175904 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./control", "source2": "./control", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@\n Package: ace-of-penguins-dbgsym\n Source: ace-of-penguins\n Version: 1.5~rc2-6\n Auto-Built-Package: debug-symbols\n Architecture: armhf\n Maintainer: Debian Games Team \n-Installed-Size: 292\n+Installed-Size: 291\n Depends: ace-of-penguins (= 1.5~rc2-6)\n Section: debug\n Priority: optional\n Description: debug symbols for ace-of-penguins\n-Build-Ids: 01222a503316f5e6f08cec63e95f98793c08b8d5 35c0b86f0c82cab9b9288bb73b6cc648e32fa131 614f0a09b05f9000190f5f9d748b0b992962d659 71ed4178ebe9ecb855ead41eab38df96ea29f97f 730f9437c0ccda57794476b6915d00619b44c171 9e85eb0a85983a67eeee75b668ace519e865692f ae760cada96efb53a5e58048cae0801a55df5ae1 b2198ef98d551fc15ceb93d469ce4485ed26c94b ba9bf8354dc7febabff955aadf054dc574ebefc2 cf020ecf9622a753f3dc6dbe4ac1fe4a62516e15 d23229f830605b8f9472000ec81a1be181be6087 d606309dd5b625d8ede832696f31bddf0cc2a32f e165e86e12417cc638995514c94c25c2c000403f\n+Build-Ids: 01222a503316f5e6f08cec63e95f98793c08b8d5 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root (0) root (0) 13656 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/d6/06309dd5b625d8ede832696f31bddf0cc2a32f.debug\n-drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e1/\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 17444 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e1/65e86e12417cc638995514c94c25c2c000403f.debug\n+drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/bc/\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 16920 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/bc/5026384f4e93d0641beaddb7958f950dda4cba.debug\n+drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 13740 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/c65695d8a567de6dd7a3a2592d1d4f58516934.debug\n+drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ce/\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 19376 2024-04-04 17:48:17.000000 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"./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/1f/570ddc7a5a505462ea622272425c7741ed79a2.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 3% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -121,16 +121,16 @@\n 117: 00003e28 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __frame_dummy_init_array_entry\n 118: 00004b18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 119: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS golf-help.c\n 120: 00004030 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 121: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS golf-img.c\n 122: 000015b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 123: 000015e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 124: 000015e4 2549 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 125: 00001fdc 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 124: 000015e4 2549 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 125: 00001fdc 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n 126: 00002050 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n 127: 000049b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 128: 00004ad0 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_2_color\n 129: 00004a88 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_1_mono\n 130: 00004a40 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_0_color\n 131: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n 132: 000020b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 35c0b86f0c82cab9b9288bb73b6cc648e32fa131\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 1f570ddc7a5a505462ea622272425c7741ed79a2\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1449,15 +1449,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 66 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 113\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 63 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xc1a>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 13\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xc27>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 dc 1f 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1fdc)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 68 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1465,15 +1465,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2548\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 63 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xc37>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 21\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xc45>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 e4 15 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 15e4)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 58 (DW_TAG_variable)\n DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xac9) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n 0x00000140 642e3000 5f5f646f 5f676c6f 62616c5f d.0.__do_global_\n 0x00000150 64746f72 735f6175 785f6669 6e695f61 dtors_aux_fini_a\n 0x00000160 72726179 5f656e74 72790066 72616d65 rray_entry.frame\n 0x00000170 5f64756d 6d79005f 5f667261 6d655f64 _dummy.__frame_d\n 0x00000180 756d6d79 5f696e69 745f6172 7261795f ummy_init_array_\n 0x00000190 656e7472 7900676f 6c662d68 656c702e entry.golf-help.\n 0x000001a0 6300676f 6c662d69 6d672e63 00646174 c.golf-img.c.dat\n- 0x000001b0 615f3500 64617461 5f340064 6174615f a_5.data_4.data_\n+ 0x000001b0 615f3400 64617461 5f350064 6174615f a_4.data_5.data_\n 0x000001c0 33007375 625f325f 636f6c6f 72007375 3.sub_2_color.su\n 0x000001d0 625f315f 6d6f6e6f 00737562 5f305f63 b_1_mono.sub_0_c\n 0x000001e0 6f6c6f72 005f5f46 52414d45 5f454e44 olor.__FRAME_END\n 0x000001f0 5f5f005f 474c4f42 414c5f4f 46465345 __._GLOBAL_OFFSE\n 0x00000200 545f5441 424c455f 005f4459 4e414d49 T_TABLE_._DYNAMI\n 0x00000210 43007374 61636b5f 6765745f 63617264 C.stack_get_card\n 0x00000220 00736574 5f63656e 74657265 645f7069 .set_centered_pi\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/71/ed4178ebe9ecb855ead41eab38df96ea29f97f.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/25/b7bf5878176d7cfd60c6d824de28555f3280f3.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 1% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@\n 138: 00003e04 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __frame_dummy_init_array_entry\n 139: 00004ed8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 140: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS spider-help.c\n 141: 0000404c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 142: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS spider-img.c\n 143: 00001c34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 144: 00001c78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 145: 00001c78 2933 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 146: 000027f0 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n- 147: 00002864 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n+ 145: 00001c78 2933 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n+ 146: 000027f0 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n+ 147: 00002864 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n 148: 00004d70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 149: 00004e90 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_2_color\n 150: 00004e48 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_1_mono\n 151: 00004e00 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_0_color\n 152: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n 153: 000028c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 154: 000028c8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 all_implied_fbits\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 71ed4178ebe9ecb855ead41eab38df96ea29f97f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 25b7bf5878176d7cfd60c6d824de28555f3280f3\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -2051,15 +2051,15 @@\n <2><1043>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1044> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1048> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 99\n <2><1049>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><104a>: Abbrev Number: 75 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <104b> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x103d>\n <1><104c>: Abbrev Number: 76 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <104d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n+ <104d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n <1051> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1051> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <1052> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <1053> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x104a>\n <1054> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 64 28 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2864)\n <1><105a>: Abbrev Number: 80 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <105b> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -2067,15 +2067,15 @@\n <2><1060>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1061> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1065> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 113\n <2><1066>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1067>: Abbrev Number: 75 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1068> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x105a>\n <1><1069>: Abbrev Number: 76 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <106a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n+ <106a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n <106e> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <106e> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 13\n <106f> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <1070> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1067>\n <1071> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 f0 27 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 27f0)\n <1><1077>: Abbrev Number: 80 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1078> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -2083,15 +2083,15 @@\n <2><107d>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <107e> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1082> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2932\n <2><1084>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1085>: Abbrev Number: 75 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1086> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1077>\n <1><1087>: Abbrev Number: 76 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <1088> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n+ <1088> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n <108c> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <108c> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 21\n <108d> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <108e> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1085>\n <108f> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 78 1c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1c78)\n <1><1095>: Abbrev Number: 68 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <1096> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xac9) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@\n 0x00000160 6d706c65 7465642e 30005f5f 646f5f67 mpleted.0.__do_g\n 0x00000170 6c6f6261 6c5f6474 6f72735f 6175785f lobal_dtors_aux_\n 0x00000180 66696e69 5f617272 61795f65 6e747279 fini_array_entry\n 0x00000190 00667261 6d655f64 756d6d79 005f5f66 .frame_dummy.__f\n 0x000001a0 72616d65 5f64756d 6d795f69 6e69745f rame_dummy_init_\n 0x000001b0 61727261 795f656e 74727900 73706964 array_entry.spid\n 0x000001c0 65722d68 656c702e 63007370 69646572 er-help.c.spider\n- 0x000001d0 2d696d67 2e630064 6174615f 35006461 -img.c.data_5.da\n- 0x000001e0 74615f34 00646174 615f3300 7375625f ta_4.data_3.sub_\n+ 0x000001d0 2d696d67 2e630064 6174615f 33006461 -img.c.data_3.da\n+ 0x000001e0 74615f35 00646174 615f3400 7375625f ta_5.data_4.sub_\n 0x000001f0 325f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f 315f6d6f 2_color.sub_1_mo\n 0x00000200 6e6f0073 75625f30 5f636f6c 6f72005f no.sub_0_color._\n 0x00000210 5f465241 4d455f45 4e445f5f 005f474c _FRAME_END__._GL\n 0x00000220 4f42414c 5f4f4646 5345545f 5441424c OBAL_OFFSET_TABL\n 0x00000230 455f005f 44594e41 4d494300 73746163 E_._DYNAMIC.stac\n 0x00000240 6b5f6765 745f6361 72640073 65745f63 k_get_card.set_c\n 0x00000250 656e7465 7265645f 70696300 73746163 entered_pic.stac\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/73/0f9437c0ccda57794476b6915d00619b44c171.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/7a/69ff70e20ad765d9c9d0f92def29ed0edcfcf2.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 4% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@\n [19] .dynamic NOBITS 0000dc2c 000ba8 000100 08 WA 4 0 4\n [20] .got NOBITS 0000dd2c 000ba8 0002d4 04 WA 0 0 4\n [21] .data NOBITS 0000e000 000ba8 000f64 00 WA 0 0 4\n [22] .bss NOBITS 0000ef68 000ba8 000670 00 WA 0 0 8\n [23] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 000138 00001f 01 MS 0 0 1\n [24] .ARM.attributes ARM_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 000157 000033 00 0 0 1\n [25] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 00018c 000079 00 C 0 0 4\n- [26] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 000208 00670d 00 C 0 0 4\n+ [26] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 000208 00670e 00 C 0 0 4\n [27] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 006918 000bb1 00 C 0 0 4\n [28] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 0074cc 00372a 00 C 0 0 4\n [29] .debug_frame PROGBITS 00000000 00abf8 000622 00 C 0 0 4\n [30] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 00b21c 000c7f 01 MSC 0 0 4\n [31] .debug_loclists PROGBITS 00000000 00be9c 002aee 00 C 0 0 4\n [32] .debug_rnglists PROGBITS 00000000 00e98c 0004b2 00 C 0 0 4\n [33] .gnu_debugaltlink PROGBITS 00000000 00ee3e 000052 00 0 0 1\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -395,30 +395,30 @@\n 391: 0000f59c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 imggc\n 392: 0000f5a0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 font\n 393: 0000e97c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 21 $d\n 394: 0000e980 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 xwin_options_list\n 395: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS images.c\n 396: 00009bd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 $d\n 397: 0000a194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 $d\n- 398: 0000a194 768 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_12\n- 399: 0000a494 539 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_17\n- 400: 0000a6b0 230 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_13\n- 401: 0000a798 236 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_15\n- 402: 0000a884 302 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_21\n- 403: 0000a9b4 774 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_23\n- 404: 0000acbc 368 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_19\n- 405: 0000ae2c 308 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_20\n+ 398: 0000a194 768 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_15\n+ 399: 0000a494 539 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_24\n+ 400: 0000a6b0 236 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_16\n+ 401: 0000a79c 302 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_19\n+ 402: 0000a8cc 774 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_20\n+ 403: 0000abd4 230 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_27\n+ 404: 0000acbc 368 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_13\n+ 405: 0000ae2c 308 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_21\n 406: 0000af60 323 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_18\n- 407: 0000b0a4 459 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_16\n- 408: 0000b270 450 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_26\n+ 407: 0000b0a4 459 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_26\n+ 408: 0000b270 450 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_17\n 409: 0000b434 388 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_25\n- 410: 0000b5b8 1894 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_24\n- 411: 0000bd20 343 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_14\n+ 410: 0000b5b8 1894 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_23\n+ 411: 0000bd20 343 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_12\n 412: 0000be78 389 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_22\n- 413: 0000c000 347 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_27\n+ 413: 0000c000 347 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 13 data_14\n 414: 0000e9a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 21 $d\n 415: 0000eefc 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_11_color\n 416: 0000eeb4 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_10_color\n 417: 0000ee6c 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_9_color\n 418: 0000ee24 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_8_color\n 419: 0000eddc 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_6_color\n 420: 0000ed94 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 21 sub_5_color\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 730f9437c0ccda57794476b6915d00619b44c171\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 7a69ff70e20ad765d9c9d0f92def29ed0edcfcf2\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -22484,16 +22484,16 @@\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa821>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 346\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa812>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0xd6): data_27\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9e) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa821>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 0 c0 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: c000)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -22517,31 +22517,31 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 342\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa852>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9e) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 49\n DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa861>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 20 bd 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: bd20)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa881>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 1893\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa872>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0x70): data_24\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x86) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 70\n DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa881>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 b8 b5 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: b5b8)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -22564,32 +22564,32 @@\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa8c1>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 449\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa8b2>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0xce): data_26\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x10c) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 196\n DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa8c1>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 70 b2 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: b270)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa8e1>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 458\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa8d2>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xf1) \n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0xce): data_26\n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 222\n DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa8e1>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 a4 b0 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: b0a4)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -22613,15 +22613,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 307\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa912>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xa) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x1c) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 268\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa921>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 2c ae 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: ae2c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -22629,95 +22629,95 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 367\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa934>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x147) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x74) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 286\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa943>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 bc ac 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: acbc)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n- DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa965>\n- <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa964>\n+ <2>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n- DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 773\n- <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa956>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x86) \n- DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n- DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 308\n- DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n- DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa965>\n- DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 b4 a9 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a9b4)\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n- DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa987>\n- <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n- DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 301\n- <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa978>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x1c) \n- DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n- DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 351\n- DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n- DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa987>\n- DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 84 a8 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a884)\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n- DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa9a8>\n- <2>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n- DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 235\n+ DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 229\n+ <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa956>\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 21 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0xd6): data_27\n+ DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n+ DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 308\n+ DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n+ DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa964>\n+ DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 d4 ab 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: abd4)\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n+ DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa986>\n+ <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n+ DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 773\n+ <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa977>\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xa) \n+ DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n+ DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 322\n+ DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n+ DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa986>\n+ DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 cc a8 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a8cc)\n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n+ DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa9a8>\n+ <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n+ DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 301\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n- DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa99a>\n+ DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa999>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xc8) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x147) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n- DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 370\n+ DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 365\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9a8>\n- DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 98 a7 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a798)\n+ DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 9c a7 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a79c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa9c9>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n- DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 229\n+ DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 235\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9bb>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x74) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xf1) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n- DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 385\n+ DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 384\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9c9>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 b0 a6 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a6b0)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0xa9eb>\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 538\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9dc>\n- <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x10c) \n+ <1>: Abbrev Number: 21 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0x70): data_24\n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 399\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9eb>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 94 a4 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a494)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 19 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -22725,15 +22725,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 767\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa9fe>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xc8) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 430\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xaa0d>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 94 a1 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: a194)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 9 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xa7ce>\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n-qGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-24) 13.2.0\n+GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-24) 13.2.0\n U9UTe>lz\n ,REQK6sN/\t\n ,n%mC~RH\n Ma,g%{S4Eg9{S\n cu?ly'2Q\n }bFu-8:m\n-mB9\tUUfzg\n-E9U22b2Xs\n+%TSu[J[[\n+BQ#79\tAd5\n a MU>[Dhe\n ~'|}nUB%}\n Jd?j DW_AT_comp_dir : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb95) \n <12b6> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x125b\n <1><12ba>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n <12bb> DW_AT_import : (GNU_ref_alt) <0xc>\n <1><12bf>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <12c0> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1c>\n <12c4> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x12cd>\n- <2><12c5>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><12c5>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <12c6> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <12ca> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 3024\n <2><12cc>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><12cd>: Abbrev Number: 85 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><12cd>: Abbrev Number: 86 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <12ce> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0xad): minesweeper_help\n <12d2> DW_AT_decl_file : (data1) 1\n <12d3> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <12d4> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 6\n <12d5> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x12bf>\n <12d6> DW_AT_external : (flag_present) 1\n <12d6> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 38 50 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 5038)\n@@ -2344,118 +2344,118 @@\n <1><130a>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n <130b> DW_AT_import : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x140e>\n <1><130f>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n <1310> DW_AT_import : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x5fe>\n <1><1314>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1315> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <1319> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x1322>\n- <2><131a>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><131a>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <131b> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <131f> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 1400\n <2><1321>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><1322>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><1322>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1323> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1314>\n <1><1324>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <1325> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x159) \n <1329> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1329> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <132a> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <132a> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1322>\n <132b> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 68 36 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 3668)\n <1><1331>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1332> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <1336> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x133f>\n- <2><1337>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><1337>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1338> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <133c> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 1107\n <2><133e>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><133f>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><133f>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1340> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1331>\n <1><1341>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <1342> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x74) \n <1346> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1346> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 81\n <1347> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <1347> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x133f>\n <1348> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 14 32 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 3214)\n <1><134e>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <134f> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <1353> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x135d>\n- <2><1355>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><1355>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1356> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <135a> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 671\n <2><135c>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><135d>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><135d>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <135e> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x134e>\n <1><135f>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <1360> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x137) \n+ <1360> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n <1364> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1364> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 142\n <1365> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <1365> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x135d>\n <1367> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 74 2f 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2f74)\n <1><136d>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <136e> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <1372> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x137c>\n- <2><1374>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><1374>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1375> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1379> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 391\n <2><137b>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><137c>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><137c>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <137d> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x136d>\n <1><137f>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <1380> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_10\n+ <1380> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0x8): data_11\n <1384> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1384> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 180\n <1385> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <1385> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x137c>\n <1387> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 ec 2d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2dec)\n <1><138d>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <138e> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <1392> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x139c>\n- <2><1394>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><1394>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1395> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1399> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 1033\n <2><139b>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><139c>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><139c>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <139d> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x138d>\n- <1><139f>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <13a0> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0x8): data_11\n+ <1><139f>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <13a0> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x137) \n <13a4> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <13a4> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 203\n <13a5> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <13a5> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x139c>\n <13a7> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 e0 29 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 29e0)\n <1><13ad>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <13ae> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <13b2> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x13bc>\n- <2><13b4>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><13b4>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <13b5> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <13b9> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 399\n <2><13bb>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><13bc>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><13bc>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <13bd> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x13ad>\n <1><13bf>: Abbrev Number: 80 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <13c0> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x11e) \n+ <13c0> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_10\n <13c4> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <13c4> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 261\n <13c6> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <13c7> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x13bc>\n <13c9> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 50 28 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2850)\n <1><13cf>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <13d0> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <13d4> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x13de>\n- <2><13d6>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><13d6>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <13d7> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <13db> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2667\n <2><13dd>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><13de>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n+ <1><13de>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <13df> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x13cf>\n- <1><13e1>: Abbrev Number: 80 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <13e2> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n+ <1><13e1>: Abbrev Number: 81 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <13e2> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x11e) \n <13e6> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <13e6> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 283\n <13e8> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <13e9> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x13de>\n <13eb> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 e4 1d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1de4)\n <1><13f1>: Abbrev Number: 79 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <13f2> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xaf9) \n@@ -2505,19 +2505,19 @@\n <1462> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 455\n <1464> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <1465> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1469> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 2c 5d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 5d2c)\n <1><146f>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1470> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x717>\n <1474> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x147d>\n- <2><1476>: Abbrev Number: 81 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n+ <2><1476>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1477> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <147b> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 7\n <2><147c>: Abbrev Number: 0\n- <1><147d>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><147d>: Abbrev Number: 85 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <147e> DW_AT_specification: (GNU_ref_alt) <0x727>\n <1482> DW_AT_decl_file : (data1) 1\n <1483> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 460\n <1485> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 12\n <1486> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x146f>\n <1488> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 c 5c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 5c0c)\n <1><148e>: Abbrev Number: 0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -601,41 +601,49 @@\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n 80 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n+ DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp\n+ DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n+ DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n+ DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n+ DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n+ DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n+ DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n+ 81 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n DW_AT_name DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n- 81 DW_TAG_subrange_type [no children]\n+ 82 DW_TAG_subrange_type [no children]\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n DW_AT_upper_bound DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n- 82 DW_TAG_const_type [no children]\n+ 83 DW_TAG_const_type [no children]\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n- 83 DW_TAG_subrange_type [no children]\n+ 84 DW_TAG_subrange_type [no children]\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n DW_AT_upper_bound DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n- 84 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n+ 85 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n DW_AT_specification DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n- 85 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n+ 86 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT_external DW_FORM_flag_present\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@\n GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-24) 13.2.0\n+mW<\\tA\"gY\n K5+<7rgE\n Rj/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ace-of-penguins.debug\n __abi_tag\n call_weak_fn\n minesweeper.c\n set_penguin\n show_untagged\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@\n 0x00000170 5f646f5f 676c6f62 616c5f64 746f7273 _do_global_dtors\n 0x00000180 5f617578 5f66696e 695f6172 7261795f _aux_fini_array_\n 0x00000190 656e7472 79006672 616d655f 64756d6d entry.frame_dumm\n 0x000001a0 79005f5f 6672616d 655f6475 6d6d795f y.__frame_dummy_\n 0x000001b0 696e6974 5f617272 61795f65 6e747279 init_array_entry\n 0x000001c0 006d696e 65737765 65706572 2d68656c .minesweeper-hel\n 0x000001d0 702e6300 6d696e65 73776565 7065722d p.c.minesweeper-\n- 0x000001e0 696d672e 63006461 74615f31 32006461 img.c.data_12.da\n- 0x000001f0 74615f37 00646174 615f3131 00646174 ta_7.data_11.dat\n- 0x00000200 615f3130 00646174 615f3800 64617461 a_10.data_8.data\n+ 0x000001e0 696d672e 63006461 74615f37 00646174 img.c.data_7.dat\n+ 0x000001f0 615f3130 00646174 615f3800 64617461 a_10.data_8.data\n+ 0x00000200 5f313100 64617461 5f313200 64617461 _11.data_12.data\n 0x00000210 5f313300 64617461 5f390073 75625f36 _13.data_9.sub_6\n 0x00000220 5f636f6c 6f720073 75625f35 5f636f6c _color.sub_5_col\n 0x00000230 6f720073 75625f34 5f636f6c 6f720073 or.sub_4_color.s\n 0x00000240 75625f33 5f636f6c 6f720073 75625f32 ub_3_color.sub_2\n 0x00000250 5f636f6c 6f720073 75625f31 5f636f6c _color.sub_1_col\n 0x00000260 6f720073 75625f30 5f636f6c 6f72005f or.sub_0_color._\n 0x00000270 64697673 69332e6f 002e6469 76736933 divsi3.o..divsi3\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b2/198ef98d551fc15ceb93d469ce4485ed26c94b.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/73/524af956fe1c1bd52ecd81e8adbbedd901ac62.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 2% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -100,16 +100,16 @@\n 96: 00003e84 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __frame_dummy_init_array_entry\n 97: 00004850 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 98: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS merlin-help.c\n 99: 00004030 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 100: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS merlin-img.c\n 101: 00000cb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 102: 00000d4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 103: 00000d4c 2595 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 104: 00001770 1838 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n+ 103: 00000d4c 2595 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n+ 104: 00001770 1838 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n 105: 00001ea0 907 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n 106: 000046e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 107: 00004808 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_2_color\n 108: 000047c0 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_1_color\n 109: 00004778 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_0_color\n 110: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n 111: 0000222c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b2198ef98d551fc15ceb93d469ce4485ed26c94b\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 73524af956fe1c1bd52ecd81e8adbbedd901ac62\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -736,15 +736,15 @@\n <2><658>: Abbrev Number: 43 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <659> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <65d> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 1837\n <2><65f>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><660>: Abbrev Number: 41 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <661> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x652>\n <1><662>: Abbrev Number: 40 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <663> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n+ <663> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n <667> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <667> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 54\n <668> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <668> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x660>\n <669> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 70 17 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1770)\n <1><66f>: Abbrev Number: 46 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <670> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -752,15 +752,15 @@\n <2><675>: Abbrev Number: 43 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <676> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <67a> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2594\n <2><67c>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><67d>: Abbrev Number: 41 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <67e> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x66f>\n <1><67f>: Abbrev Number: 40 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <680> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n+ <680> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n <684> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <684> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 154\n <685> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <685> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x67d>\n <686> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 4c d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: d4c)\n <1><68c>: Abbrev Number: 47 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <68d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xac9) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@\n 0x000000d0 5f5f646f 5f676c6f 62616c5f 64746f72 __do_global_dtor\n 0x000000e0 735f6175 785f6669 6e695f61 72726179 s_aux_fini_array\n 0x000000f0 5f656e74 72790066 72616d65 5f64756d _entry.frame_dum\n 0x00000100 6d79005f 5f667261 6d655f64 756d6d79 my.__frame_dummy\n 0x00000110 5f696e69 745f6172 7261795f 656e7472 _init_array_entr\n 0x00000120 79006d65 726c696e 2d68656c 702e6300 y.merlin-help.c.\n 0x00000130 6d65726c 696e2d69 6d672e63 00646174 merlin-img.c.dat\n- 0x00000140 615f3500 64617461 5f330064 6174615f a_5.data_3.data_\n+ 0x00000140 615f3300 64617461 5f350064 6174615f a_3.data_5.data_\n 0x00000150 34007375 625f325f 636f6c6f 72007375 4.sub_2_color.su\n 0x00000160 625f315f 636f6c6f 72007375 625f305f b_1_color.sub_0_\n 0x00000170 636f6c6f 72005f5f 4652414d 455f454e color.__FRAME_EN\n 0x00000180 445f5f00 5f474c4f 42414c5f 4f464653 D__._GLOBAL_OFFS\n 0x00000190 45545f54 41424c45 5f005f44 594e414d ET_TABLE_._DYNAM\n 0x000001a0 49430073 65745f63 656e7465 7265645f IC.set_centered_\n 0x000001b0 70696300 61626f72 7440474c 4942435f pic.abort@GLIBC_\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ba/9bf8354dc7febabff955aadf054dc574ebefc2.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/eb/9d56e199946306f8d691ac5b41eacdde035f4f.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 12% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --sections {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@\n [21] .got NOBITS 00005f28 000e08 0000d8 04 WA 0 0 4\n [22] .data NOBITS 00006000 000e08 001654 00 WA 0 0 4\n [23] .bss NOBITS 00007654 000e08 000f4c 00 WA 0 0 4\n [24] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 0001b4 00001f 01 MS 0 0 1\n [25] .ARM.attributes ARM_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 0001d3 000033 00 0 0 1\n [26] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 000208 00004a 00 C 0 0 4\n [27] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 000254 000dae 00 C 0 0 4\n- [28] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 001004 0002ce 00 C 0 0 4\n+ [28] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 001004 0002cf 00 C 0 0 4\n [29] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 0012d4 000958 00 C 0 0 4\n [30] .debug_frame PROGBITS 00000000 001c2c 00015e 00 C 0 0 4\n [31] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 001d8c 000089 01 MSC 0 0 4\n [32] .debug_loclists PROGBITS 00000000 001e18 0006b1 00 C 0 0 4\n [33] .debug_rnglists PROGBITS 00000000 0024cc 00011f 00 C 0 0 4\n [34] .gnu_debugaltlink PROGBITS 00000000 0025eb 000052 00 0 0 1\n [35] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 002640 000e10 10 36 159 4\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -124,19 +124,19 @@\n 120: 00007698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 121: 00006038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 122: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS taipedit-help.c\n 123: 00006668 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 124: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS taipedit-img.c\n 125: 00001ff0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 126: 000020d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 127: 000020d4 2841 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 128: 00002bf0 121 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_7\n- 129: 00002c6c 120 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_8\n- 130: 00002ce4 170 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_9\n- 131: 00002d90 4684 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_6\n+ 127: 000020d4 2841 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_8\n+ 128: 00002bf0 121 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_9\n+ 129: 00002c6c 120 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_6\n+ 130: 00002ce4 170 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_7\n+ 131: 00002d90 4684 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n 132: 00007414 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 133: 0000760c 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_4_color\n 134: 000075c4 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_3_color\n 135: 0000757c 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_2_color\n 136: 00007534 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_1_color\n 137: 000074ec 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_0_color\n 138: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: ba9bf8354dc7febabff955aadf054dc574ebefc2\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: eb9d56e199946306f8d691ac5b41eacdde035f4f\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -2733,47 +2733,47 @@\n <2><1662>: Abbrev Number: 95 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1663> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1667> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 4683\n <2><1669>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><166a>: Abbrev Number: 94 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <166b> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x165c>\n <1><166c>: Abbrev Number: 89 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <166d> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_6\n+ <166d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n <1671> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1671> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <1672> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <1672> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x166a>\n <1673> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 90 2d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2d90)\n <1><1679>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <167a> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <167e> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x1686>\n <2><167f>: Abbrev Number: 93 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1680> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1684> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 169\n <2><1685>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1686>: Abbrev Number: 94 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1687> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1679>\n- <1><1688>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <1689> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x159) \n+ <1><1688>: Abbrev Number: 89 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1689> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x11e) \n <168d> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <168d> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 253\n <168e> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <168e> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1686>\n <168f> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 e4 2c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2ce4)\n <1><1695>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1696> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <169a> DW_AT_sibling : (ref_udata) <0x16a2>\n <2><169b>: Abbrev Number: 93 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <169c> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <16a0> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 119\n <2><16a1>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><16a2>: Abbrev Number: 94 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <16a3> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x1695>\n- <1><16a4>: Abbrev Number: 92 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <16a5> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x137) \n+ <1><16a4>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <16a5> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_6\n <16a9> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <16a9> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 264\n <16ab> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <16ac> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x16a2>\n <16ad> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 6c 2c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2c6c)\n <1><16b3>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <16b4> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -2781,15 +2781,15 @@\n <2><16ba>: Abbrev Number: 93 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <16bb> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <16bf> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 120\n <2><16c0>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><16c1>: Abbrev Number: 94 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <16c2> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x16b3>\n <1><16c3>: Abbrev Number: 92 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <16c4> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x11e) \n+ <16c4> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x159) \n <16c8> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <16c8> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 273\n <16ca> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <16cb> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x16c1>\n <16cd> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 f0 2b 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2bf0)\n <1><16d3>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <16d4> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -2797,49 +2797,49 @@\n <2><16da>: Abbrev Number: 95 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <16db> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <16df> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2840\n <2><16e1>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><16e2>: Abbrev Number: 94 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <16e3> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x16d3>\n <1><16e5>: Abbrev Number: 92 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <16e6> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n+ <16e6> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x137) \n <16ea> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <16ea> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 282\n <16ec> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <16ed> DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0x16e2>\n <16ef> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 d4 20 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 20d4)\n- <1><16f5>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><16f5>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <16f6> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xae1) \n <16fa> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <16fa> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 432\n <16fc> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <16fd> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1701> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 c 76 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 760c)\n- <1><1707>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><1707>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <1708> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xad5) \n <170c> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <170c> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 437\n <170e> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <170f> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1713> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 c4 75 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 75c4)\n- <1><1719>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><1719>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <171a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xac9) \n <171e> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <171e> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 442\n <1720> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <1721> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1725> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 7c 75 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 757c)\n- <1><172b>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><172b>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <172c> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xabd) \n <1730> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1730> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 447\n <1732> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <1733> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1737> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 34 75 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 7534)\n- <1><173d>: Abbrev Number: 91 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1><173d>: Abbrev Number: 90 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <173e> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xaa4) \n <1742> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1742> DW_AT_decl_line : (data2) 452\n <1744> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 14\n <1745> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x731>\n <1749> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 ec 74 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 74ec)\n <1><174f>: Abbrev Number: 31 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=abbrev {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -654,35 +654,35 @@\n DW_AT_producer DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_language DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp\n DW_AT_comp_dir DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_stmt_list DW_FORM_sec_offset\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n 89 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n- DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp\n+ DW_AT_name DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data1\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_implicit_const: 28\n DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n 90 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n DW_AT_name DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n- DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data1\n- DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_implicit_const: 28\n- DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n+ DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n+ DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n+ DW_AT_type DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n 91 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n- DW_AT_name DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n+ DW_AT_name DW_FORM_strp\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n- DW_AT_type DW_FORM_GNU_ref_alt\n+ DW_AT_type DW_FORM_ref_udata\n DW_AT_location DW_FORM_exprloc\n DW_AT value: 0 DW_FORM value: 0\n 92 DW_TAG_variable [no children]\n DW_AT_name DW_FORM_GNU_strp_alt\n DW_AT_decl_file DW_FORM_implicit_const: 1\n DW_AT_decl_line DW_FORM_data2\n DW_AT_decl_column DW_FORM_data1\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@\n GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-24) 13.2.0\n+W\\S\"-t&+\n iaoekcmg\n /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ace-of-penguins.debug\n __abi_tag\n call_weak_fn\n taipedit.c\n show_tile_count\n shift.isra.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@\n 0x00000110 61727261 795f656e 74727900 6672616d array_entry.fram\n 0x00000120 655f6475 6d6d7900 5f5f6672 616d655f e_dummy.__frame_\n 0x00000130 64756d6d 795f696e 69745f61 72726179 dummy_init_array\n 0x00000140 5f656e74 72790074 61697065 696c6962 _entry.taipeilib\n 0x00000150 2e630074 696c655f 73796e74 68007469 .c.tile_synth.ti\n 0x00000160 6c655f73 796e7468 32007461 69706564 le_synth2.taiped\n 0x00000170 69742d68 656c702e 63007461 69706564 it-help.c.taiped\n- 0x00000180 69742d69 6d672e63 00646174 615f3500 it-img.c.data_5.\n- 0x00000190 64617461 5f370064 6174615f 38006461 data_7.data_8.da\n- 0x000001a0 74615f39 00646174 615f3600 7375625f ta_9.data_6.sub_\n+ 0x00000180 69742d69 6d672e63 00646174 615f3800 it-img.c.data_8.\n+ 0x00000190 64617461 5f390064 6174615f 36006461 data_9.data_6.da\n+ 0x000001a0 74615f37 00646174 615f3500 7375625f ta_7.data_5.sub_\n 0x000001b0 345f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f 335f636f 4_color.sub_3_co\n 0x000001c0 6c6f7200 7375625f 325f636f 6c6f7200 lor.sub_2_color.\n 0x000001d0 7375625f 315f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f sub_1_color.sub_\n 0x000001e0 305f636f 6c6f7200 5f5f4652 414d455f 0_color.__FRAME_\n 0x000001f0 454e445f 5f005f47 4c4f4241 4c5f4f46 END__._GLOBAL_OF\n 0x00000200 46534554 5f544142 4c455f00 5f44594e FSET_TABLE_._DYN\n 0x00000210 414d4943 00736574 5f63656e 74657265 AMIC.set_centere\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/cf/020ecf9622a753f3dc6dbe4ac1fe4a62516e15.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/c65695d8a567de6dd7a3a2592d1d4f58516934.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 10% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --sections {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@\n [20] .dynamic NOBITS 00003e68 000e60 000118 08 WA 6 0 4\n [21] .got NOBITS 00003f80 000e60 000080 04 WA 0 0 4\n [22] .data NOBITS 00004000 000e60 000ea0 00 WA 0 0 4\n [23] .bss NOBITS 00004ea0 000e60 0001e0 00 WA 0 0 4\n [24] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 0001b4 00001f 01 MS 0 0 1\n [25] .ARM.attributes ARM_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 0001d3 000033 00 0 0 1\n [26] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 000208 00003c 00 C 0 0 4\n- [27] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 000244 00087f 00 C 0 0 4\n+ [27] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 000244 00087e 00 C 0 0 4\n [28] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 000ac4 00020d 00 C 0 0 4\n [29] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 000cd4 0005f5 00 C 0 0 4\n [30] .debug_frame PROGBITS 00000000 0012cc 00014f 00 C 0 0 4\n [31] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 00141c 0000a3 01 MSC 0 0 4\n [32] .debug_loclists PROGBITS 00000000 0014c0 000378 00 C 0 0 4\n [33] .debug_rnglists PROGBITS 00000000 001838 0000a3 00 C 0 0 4\n [34] .gnu_debugaltlink PROGBITS 00000000 0018db 000052 00 0 0 1\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -144,26 +144,26 @@\n 140: 00003e60 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __frame_dummy_init_array_entry\n 141: 00004ea0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 142: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mastermind-help.c\n 143: 00004040 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 144: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mastermind-img.c\n 145: 000019c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 146: 00001ab8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 147: 00001ab8 116 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_21\n- 148: 00001b2c 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_20\n- 149: 00001b90 99 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_18\n+ 147: 00001ab8 116 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_15\n+ 148: 00001b2c 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_22\n+ 149: 00001b90 99 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_16\n 150: 00001bf4 101 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_19\n- 151: 00001c5c 115 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_12\n- 152: 00001cd0 111 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_15\n- 153: 00001d40 118 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_14\n- 154: 00001db8 115 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_16\n- 155: 00001e2c 116 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_22\n- 156: 00001ea0 107 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_17\n- 157: 00001f0c 118 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_13\n- 158: 00001f84 2651 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_23\n+ 151: 00001c5c 115 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_17\n+ 152: 00001cd0 111 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_18\n+ 153: 00001d40 118 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_13\n+ 154: 00001db8 115 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_21\n+ 155: 00001e2c 116 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_14\n+ 156: 00001ea0 107 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_23\n+ 157: 00001f0c 118 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_12\n+ 158: 00001f84 2651 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_20\n 159: 0000496c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 160: 00004e58 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_11_color\n 161: 00004e10 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_10_color\n 162: 00004dc8 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_9_color\n 163: 00004d80 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_8_color\n 164: 00004d38 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_7_color\n 165: 00004cf0 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_6_color\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: cf020ecf9622a753f3dc6dbe4ac1fe4a62516e15\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: bec65695d8a567de6dd7a3a2592d1d4f58516934\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1518,15 +1518,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 63 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2650\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc40>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x86) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xa) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc4e>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 84 1f 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1f84)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1534,15 +1534,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 117\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc5e>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x74) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 147\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc6b>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 c 1f 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1f0c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1550,15 +1550,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 106\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc7b>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x10c) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x86) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 156\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc89>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 a0 1e 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1ea0)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1566,15 +1566,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 115\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc9a>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x46) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9e) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 164\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xca8>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 2c 1e 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1e2c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1582,22 +1582,22 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 114\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xcba>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xf1) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x1c) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 172\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xcc8>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 b8 1d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1db8)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9e) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x74) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 181\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xc6b>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 40 1d 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1d40)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1605,22 +1605,22 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 110\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xce8>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xc8) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x125) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 189\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xcf6>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 d0 1c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1cd0)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x34) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x10c) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 197\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xcc8>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 5c 1c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1c5c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1644,15 +1644,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 98\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xd37>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x125) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xf1) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 213\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xd45>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 90 1b 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1b90)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 27 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1660,22 +1660,22 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 64 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 99\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 65 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xd57>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xa) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x46) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 221\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xd65>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 2c 1b 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1b2c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 67 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x1c) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xc8) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 229\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref_udata) <0xca8>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 b8 1a 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 1ab8)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 56 (DW_TAG_variable)\n DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xab0) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -30,21 +30,21 @@\n 0x000001b0 005f5f64 6f5f676c 6f62616c 5f64746f .__do_global_dto\n 0x000001c0 72735f61 75785f66 696e695f 61727261 rs_aux_fini_arra\n 0x000001d0 795f656e 74727900 6672616d 655f6475 y_entry.frame_du\n 0x000001e0 6d6d7900 5f5f6672 616d655f 64756d6d mmy.__frame_dumm\n 0x000001f0 795f696e 69745f61 72726179 5f656e74 y_init_array_ent\n 0x00000200 7279006d 61737465 726d696e 642d6865 ry.mastermind-he\n 0x00000210 6c702e63 006d6173 7465726d 696e642d lp.c.mastermind-\n- 0x00000220 696d672e 63006461 74615f32 31006461 img.c.data_21.da\n- 0x00000230 74615f32 30006461 74615f31 38006461 ta_20.data_18.da\n- 0x00000240 74615f31 39006461 74615f31 32006461 ta_19.data_12.da\n- 0x00000250 74615f31 35006461 74615f31 34006461 ta_15.data_14.da\n- 0x00000260 74615f31 36006461 74615f32 32006461 ta_16.data_22.da\n- 0x00000270 74615f31 37006461 74615f31 33006461 ta_17.data_13.da\n- 0x00000280 74615f32 33007375 625f3131 5f636f6c ta_23.sub_11_col\n+ 0x00000220 696d672e 63006461 74615f31 35006461 img.c.data_15.da\n+ 0x00000230 74615f32 32006461 74615f31 36006461 ta_22.data_16.da\n+ 0x00000240 74615f31 39006461 74615f31 37006461 ta_19.data_17.da\n+ 0x00000250 74615f31 38006461 74615f31 33006461 ta_18.data_13.da\n+ 0x00000260 74615f32 31006461 74615f31 34006461 ta_21.data_14.da\n+ 0x00000270 74615f32 33006461 74615f31 32006461 ta_23.data_12.da\n+ 0x00000280 74615f32 30007375 625f3131 5f636f6c ta_20.sub_11_col\n 0x00000290 6f720073 75625f31 305f636f 6c6f7200 or.sub_10_color.\n 0x000002a0 7375625f 395f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f sub_9_color.sub_\n 0x000002b0 385f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f 375f636f 8_color.sub_7_co\n 0x000002c0 6c6f7200 7375625f 365f636f 6c6f7200 lor.sub_6_color.\n 0x000002d0 7375625f 355f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f sub_5_color.sub_\n 0x000002e0 345f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f 335f636f 4_color.sub_3_co\n 0x000002f0 6c6f7200 7375625f 325f636f 6c6f7200 lor.sub_2_color.\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/d2/3229f830605b8f9472000ec81a1be181be6087.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ce/60d5defa5885bbfa6a2606931b84a3c93633e2.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 4% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -154,16 +154,16 @@\n 150: 0000877c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 24 $d\n 151: 000066ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 152: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS taipei-help.c\n 153: 00006d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 154: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS taipei-img.c\n 155: 00002ba4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 156: 00002bdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 157: 00002bdc 3807 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n- 158: 00003abc 4684 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_2\n+ 157: 00002bdc 3807 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_2\n+ 158: 00003abc 4684 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n 159: 00007f70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 160: 00008024 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 23 sub_1_color\n 161: 00007fdc 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 23 sub_0_color\n 162: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS _divsi3.o\n 163: 00002700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 $t\n 164: 00002706 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 13 .divsi3_skip_div0_test\n 165: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS shift\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d23229f830605b8f9472000ec81a1be181be6087\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: ce60d5defa5885bbfa6a2606931b84a3c93633e2\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -3024,32 +3024,32 @@\n <192e> DW_AT_sibling : (ref1) <0x1937>\n <2><192f>: Abbrev Number: 105 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1930> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1934> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 4683\n <2><1936>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1937>: Abbrev Number: 102 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1938> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1929>\n- <1><1939>: Abbrev Number: 103 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <193a> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_2\n+ <1><1939>: Abbrev Number: 110 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <193a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n <193e> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <193e> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <193f> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <193f> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1937>\n <1940> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 bc 3a 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 3abc)\n <1><1946>: Abbrev Number: 109 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <1947> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n <194b> DW_AT_sibling : (ref1) <0x1954>\n <2><194c>: Abbrev Number: 105 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <194d> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1951> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 3806\n <2><1953>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1954>: Abbrev Number: 102 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1955> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1946>\n- <1><1956>: Abbrev Number: 110 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <1957> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n+ <1><1956>: Abbrev Number: 103 (DW_TAG_variable)\n+ <1957> DW_AT_name : (strp) (offset: 0): data_2\n <195b> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <195b> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 253\n <195c> DW_AT_decl_column : (implicit_const) 28\n <195c> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1954>\n <195d> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 dc 2b 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2bdc)\n <1><1963>: Abbrev Number: 108 (DW_TAG_variable)\n <1964> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xabd) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@\n 0x00000230 5f617272 61795f65 6e747279 00667261 _array_entry.fra\n 0x00000240 6d655f64 756d6d79 005f5f66 72616d65 me_dummy.__frame\n 0x00000250 5f64756d 6d795f69 6e69745f 61727261 _dummy_init_arra\n 0x00000260 795f656e 74727900 74616970 65696c69 y_entry.taipeili\n 0x00000270 622e6300 74696c65 5f73796e 74680074 b.c.tile_synth.t\n 0x00000280 696c655f 73796e74 68320074 61697065 ile_synth2.taipe\n 0x00000290 692d6865 6c702e63 00746169 7065692d i-help.c.taipei-\n- 0x000002a0 696d672e 63006461 74615f33 00646174 img.c.data_3.dat\n- 0x000002b0 615f3200 7375625f 315f636f 6c6f7200 a_2.sub_1_color.\n+ 0x000002a0 696d672e 63006461 74615f32 00646174 img.c.data_2.dat\n+ 0x000002b0 615f3300 7375625f 315f636f 6c6f7200 a_3.sub_1_color.\n 0x000002c0 7375625f 305f636f 6c6f7200 5f646976 sub_0_color._div\n 0x000002d0 7369332e 6f002e64 69767369 335f736b si3.o..divsi3_sk\n 0x000002e0 69705f64 6976305f 74657374 00736869 ip_div0_test.shi\n 0x000002f0 6674005f 64766d64 5f6c6e78 2e6f005f ft._dvmd_lnx.o._\n 0x00000300 5f465241 4d455f45 4e445f5f 005f5f61 _FRAME_END__.__a\n 0x00000310 65616269 5f696469 7630005f 474c4f42 eabi_idiv0._GLOB\n 0x00000320 414c5f4f 46465345 545f5441 424c455f AL_OFFSET_TABLE_\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/d6/06309dd5b625d8ede832696f31bddf0cc2a32f.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/01/fc58e6e258d411167e959ac8438831542bbe22.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 2% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@\n 146: 00003d9c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 18 __frame_dummy_init_array_entry\n 147: 00004ba0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 24 $d\n 148: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pegged-help.c\n 149: 00004134 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 150: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pegged-img.c\n 151: 00001834 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 152: 0000198c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n- 153: 0000198c 2645 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n- 154: 000023e4 196 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 155: 000024a8 775 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 153: 0000198c 2645 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n+ 154: 000023e4 196 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 155: 000024a8 775 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n 156: 00004a38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 157: 00004b58 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 23 sub_2_color\n 158: 00004b10 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 23 sub_1_color\n 159: 00004ac8 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 23 sub_0_color\n 160: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n 161: 000027b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 162: 000027b0 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 all_implied_fbits\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d606309dd5b625d8ede832696f31bddf0cc2a32f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 01fc58e6e258d411167e959ac8438831542bbe22\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1625,15 +1625,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 79 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 774\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xd7e>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xd8c>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 a8 24 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 24a8)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1641,15 +1641,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 80 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 195\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xd9c>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 49\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xda9>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 e4 23 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 23e4)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 82 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -1657,15 +1657,15 @@\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 79 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n DW_AT_upper_bound : (data2) 2644\n <2>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 77 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xdb9>\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 78 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n+ DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xda) \n DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 62\n DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0xdc7>\n DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 8c 19 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 198c)\n <1>: Abbrev Number: 70 (DW_TAG_variable)\n DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xac9) \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@\n 0x00000210 5f5f646f 5f676c6f 62616c5f 64746f72 __do_global_dtor\n 0x00000220 735f6175 785f6669 6e695f61 72726179 s_aux_fini_array\n 0x00000230 5f656e74 72790066 72616d65 5f64756d _entry.frame_dum\n 0x00000240 6d79005f 5f667261 6d655f64 756d6d79 my.__frame_dummy\n 0x00000250 5f696e69 745f6172 7261795f 656e7472 _init_array_entr\n 0x00000260 79007065 67676564 2d68656c 702e6300 y.pegged-help.c.\n 0x00000270 70656767 65642d69 6d672e63 00646174 pegged-img.c.dat\n- 0x00000280 615f3300 64617461 5f350064 6174615f a_3.data_5.data_\n- 0x00000290 34007375 625f325f 636f6c6f 72007375 4.sub_2_color.su\n+ 0x00000280 615f3500 64617461 5f340064 6174615f a_5.data_4.data_\n+ 0x00000290 33007375 625f325f 636f6c6f 72007375 3.sub_2_color.su\n 0x000002a0 625f315f 636f6c6f 72007375 625f305f b_1_color.sub_0_\n 0x000002b0 636f6c6f 72005f5f 4652414d 455f454e color.__FRAME_EN\n 0x000002c0 445f5f00 5f474c4f 42414c5f 4f464653 D__._GLOBAL_OFFS\n 0x000002d0 45545f54 41424c45 5f005f44 594e414d ET_TABLE_._DYNAM\n 0x000002e0 49430073 65745f63 656e7465 7265645f IC.set_centered_\n 0x000002f0 70696300 61626f72 7440474c 4942435f pic.abort@GLIBC_\n 0x00000300 322e3400 61707069 6d676c69 625f696d 2.4.appimglib_im\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e1/65e86e12417cc638995514c94c25c2c000403f.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/10/6ffd8541bb08c439484e36540637e92d77688b.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 1% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --symbols {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --symbols {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -156,16 +156,16 @@\n 152: 00004bd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 23 $d\n 153: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS thornq-help.c\n 154: 00004054 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 155: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS thornq-img.c\n 156: 000021a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 157: 00002214 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 158: 00002214 2624 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_5\n- 159: 00002c54 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n- 160: 00002cc8 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 159: 00002c54 114 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_4\n+ 160: 00002cc8 100 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 data_3\n 161: 00004a68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 22 $d\n 162: 00004b88 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_2_color\n 163: 00004b40 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_1_mono\n 164: 00004af8 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 22 sub_0_color\n 165: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crtstuff.c\n 166: 00002d2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 15 $d\n 167: 00002d2c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 15 all_implied_fbits\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --notes {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: e165e86e12417cc638995514c94c25c2c000403f\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 106ffd8541bb08c439484e36540637e92d77688b\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.ABI-tag\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n GNU 0x00000010\tNT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)\t OS: Linux, ABI: 3.2.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -2631,15 +2631,15 @@\n <2><1573>: Abbrev Number: 86 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1574> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1578> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 99\n <2><1579>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><157a>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <157b> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x156d>\n <1><157c>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <157d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n+ <157d> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n <1581> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <1581> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 5\n <1582> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <1583> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x157a>\n <1584> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 c8 2c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2cc8)\n <1><158a>: Abbrev Number: 88 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <158b> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n@@ -2647,15 +2647,15 @@\n <2><1590>: Abbrev Number: 86 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)\n <1591> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x15>\n <1595> DW_AT_upper_bound : (data1) 113\n <2><1596>: Abbrev Number: 0\n <1><1597>: Abbrev Number: 83 (DW_TAG_const_type)\n <1598> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x158a>\n <1><1599>: Abbrev Number: 84 (DW_TAG_variable)\n- <159a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x8e) \n+ <159a> DW_AT_name : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0xb8) \n <159e> DW_AT_decl_file : (implicit_const) 1\n <159e> DW_AT_decl_line : (data1) 13\n <159f> DW_AT_decl_column : (data1) 28\n <15a0> DW_AT_type : (ref1) <0x1597>\n <15a1> DW_AT_location : (exprloc) 5 byte block: 3 54 2c 0 0 \t(DW_OP_addr: 2c54)\n <1><15a7>: Abbrev Number: 88 (DW_TAG_array_type)\n <15a8> DW_AT_type : (GNU_ref_alt) <0x1417>\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.strtab {}`:", "readelf: Error: Unable to find program interpreter name"], "unified_diff": "@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@\n 0x000001b0 646f5f67 6c6f6261 6c5f6474 6f72735f do_global_dtors_\n 0x000001c0 6175785f 66696e69 5f617272 61795f65 aux_fini_array_e\n 0x000001d0 6e747279 00667261 6d655f64 756d6d79 ntry.frame_dummy\n 0x000001e0 005f5f66 72616d65 5f64756d 6d795f69 .__frame_dummy_i\n 0x000001f0 6e69745f 61727261 795f656e 74727900 nit_array_entry.\n 0x00000200 74686f72 6e712d68 656c702e 63007468 thornq-help.c.th\n 0x00000210 6f726e71 2d696d67 2e630064 6174615f ornq-img.c.data_\n- 0x00000220 35006461 74615f33 00646174 615f3400 5.data_3.data_4.\n+ 0x00000220 35006461 74615f34 00646174 615f3300 5.data_4.data_3.\n 0x00000230 7375625f 325f636f 6c6f7200 7375625f sub_2_color.sub_\n 0x00000240 315f6d6f 6e6f0073 75625f30 5f636f6c 1_mono.sub_0_col\n 0x00000250 6f72005f 5f465241 4d455f45 4e445f5f or.__FRAME_END__\n 0x00000260 005f474c 4f42414c 5f4f4646 5345545f ._GLOBAL_OFFSET_\n 0x00000270 5441424c 455f005f 44594e41 4d494300 TABLE_._DYNAMIC.\n 0x00000280 73746163 6b5f6765 745f6361 72640073 stack_get_card.s\n 0x00000290 65745f63 656e7465 7265645f 70696300 et_centered_pic.\n"}]}]}, {"source1": "xz --list", "source2": "xz --list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@\n Streams: 1\n Blocks: 1\n- Compressed size: 171.9 KiB (175980 B)\n+ Compressed size: 171.8 KiB (175904 B)\n Uncompressed size: 290.0 KiB (296960 B)\n- Ratio: 0.593\n+ Ratio: 0.592\n Check: CRC64\n Stream Padding: 0 B\n Streams:\n Stream Blocks CompOffset UncompOffset CompSize UncompSize Ratio Check Padding\n- 1 1 0 0 175980 296960 0.593 CRC64 0\n+ 1 1 0 0 175904 296960 0.592 CRC64 0\n Blocks:\n Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check\n- 1 1 12 0 175944 296960 0.592 CRC64\n+ 1 1 12 0 175868 296960 0.592 CRC64\n"}]}]}]}