{"diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.JCjIHN39/b1/bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.changes", "source2": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/r-b-build.JCjIHN39/b2/bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.changes", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "Files", "source2": "Files", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n \n- a99c1a4fcd78fbb53b523f37401b20fc 1404276 debug optional bitshuffle-dbgsym_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb\n- 9566e750d25465a9645e87ab429a6042 205488 libs optional bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb\n+ d7fd78d9b00123617fe190ce15caaadf 1405496 debug optional bitshuffle-dbgsym_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb\n+ 5a83143ceb8cb16bd94f5c233a59dea9 204932 libs optional bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb\n"}, {"source1": "bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb", "source2": "bitshuffle_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 debian-binary\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 2292 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 203004 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 202448 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}]}]}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/ext.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/ext.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d92a0b2004b140a59c175ec3f349c0f5b38c6189\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 47176c4e04d4b55526d227bb6e1fb45b22587f75\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 32613062 32303034 62313430 61353963 2a0b2004b140a59c\n- 0x00000010 31373565 63336633 34396330 66356233 175ec3f349c0f5b3\n- 0x00000020 38633631 38392e64 65627567 00000000 8c6189.debug....\n- 0x00000030 7213de61 r..a\n+ 0x00000000 31373663 34653034 64346235 35353236 176c4e04d4b55526\n+ 0x00000010 64323237 62623665 31666234 35623232 d227bb6e1fb45b22\n+ 0x00000020 35383766 37352e64 65627567 00000000 587f75.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 53964240 S.B@\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/ext.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/ext.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 18a31588779141a3c1e8cd191e57b0ab22e23edd\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: bd574ef79e50efe4b4365e73449b155440eb2f0f\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 61333135 38383737 39313431 61336331 a31588779141a3c1\n- 0x00000010 65386364 31393165 35376230 61623232 e8cd191e57b0ab22\n- 0x00000020 65323365 64642e64 65627567 00000000 e23edd.debug....\n- 0x00000030 4aff9121 J..!\n+ 0x00000000 35373465 66373965 35306566 65346234 574ef79e50efe4b4\n+ 0x00000010 33363565 37333434 39623135 35343430 365e73449b155440\n+ 0x00000020 65623266 30662e64 65627567 00000000 eb2f0f.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 7d51e050 }Q.P\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/h5.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/h5.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: fed6d1b0618ba85d42f40d01b0d61c68836cae46\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 4b8568906911d78ee5447aeca663998c4a26c2a9\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 64366431 62303631 38626138 35643432 d6d1b0618ba85d42\n- 0x00000010 66343064 30316230 64363163 36383833 f40d01b0d61c6883\n- 0x00000020 36636165 34362e64 65627567 00000000 6cae46.debug....\n- 0x00000030 1d83090a ....\n+ 0x00000000 38353638 39303639 31316437 38656535 8568906911d78ee5\n+ 0x00000010 34343761 65636136 36333939 38633461 447aeca663998c4a\n+ 0x00000020 32366332 61392e64 65627567 00000000 26c2a9.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 933b3779 .;7y\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/h5.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/h5.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 813b053367ccbd96df8dc32435b609df03291f35\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 1ab7fb07677de068d48223474b442719dc7c2864\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 33623035 33333637 63636264 39366466 3b053367ccbd96df\n- 0x00000010 38646333 32343335 62363039 64663033 8dc32435b609df03\n- 0x00000020 32393166 33352e64 65627567 00000000 291f35.debug....\n- 0x00000030 f7121127 ...'\n+ 0x00000000 62376662 30373637 37646530 36386434 b7fb07677de068d4\n+ 0x00000010 38323233 34373462 34343237 31396463 8223474b442719dc\n+ 0x00000020 37633238 36342e64 65627567 00000000 7c2864.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 c3924760 ..G`\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5LZF.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5LZF.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b57e23cf298f33c1048fc6007bf70574c1c6eaf8\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 93a8755994d0a9792993105be01ddf68ccb11e1b\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 37653233 63663239 38663333 63313034 7e23cf298f33c104\n- 0x00000010 38666336 30303762 66373035 37346331 8fc6007bf70574c1\n- 0x00000020 63366561 66382e64 65627567 00000000 c6eaf8.debug....\n- 0x00000030 20ff22a4 .\".\n+ 0x00000000 61383735 35393934 64306139 37393239 a8755994d0a97929\n+ 0x00000010 39333130 35626530 31646466 36386363 93105be01ddf68cc\n+ 0x00000020 62313165 31622e64 65627567 00000000 b11e1b.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 1d145b6d ..[m\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5LZF.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5LZF.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 69ab11feff45f3f4af286ecc3c8e979c6928b262\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: af19aad069ba28c8b52b64cbbca6f977c1323447\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 61623131 66656666 34356633 66346166 ab11feff45f3f4af\n- 0x00000010 32383665 63633363 38653937 39633639 286ecc3c8e979c69\n- 0x00000020 32386232 36322e64 65627567 00000000 28b262.debug....\n- 0x00000030 d5cfd069 ...i\n+ 0x00000000 31396161 64303639 62613238 63386235 19aad069ba28c8b5\n+ 0x00000010 32623634 63626263 61366639 37376331 2b64cbbca6f977c1\n+ 0x00000020 33323334 34372e64 65627567 00000000 323447.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 e6e9a3a8 ....\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5bshuf.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5bshuf.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 22accc8234d62b1714a96d516adeb390ed3e83f5\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 12f825afd0959876a967fe1fc9b08c651620534f\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 61636363 38323334 64363262 31373134 accc8234d62b1714\n- 0x00000010 61393664 35313661 64656233 39306564 a96d516adeb390ed\n- 0x00000020 33653833 66352e64 65627567 00000000 3e83f5.debug....\n- 0x00000030 aba0821b ....\n+ 0x00000000 66383235 61666430 39353938 37366139 f825afd0959876a9\n+ 0x00000010 36376665 31666339 62303863 36353136 67fe1fc9b08c6516\n+ 0x00000020 32303533 34662e64 65627567 00000000 20534f.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 5553b3d7 US..\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5bshuf.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/bitshuffle/plugin/libh5bshuf.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 31c2edac44843f36bf193c4e779da38311a7167a\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 8da75cf6e1eb999931e634238dfd35609825a9d4\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 63326564 61633434 38343366 33366266 c2edac44843f36bf\n- 0x00000010 31393363 34653737 39646133 38333131 193c4e779da38311\n- 0x00000020 61373136 37612e64 65627567 00000000 a7167a.debug....\n- 0x00000030 c3803865 ..8e\n+ 0x00000000 61373563 66366531 65623939 39393331 a75cf6e1eb999931\n+ 0x00000010 65363334 32333864 66643335 36303938 e634238dfd356098\n+ 0x00000020 32356139 64342e64 65627567 00000000 25a9d4.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 71d83bfa q.;.\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi/plugins/libh5LZF.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi/plugins/libh5LZF.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n 0x00000000 31303538 38343332 39336663 61616466 1058843293fcaadf\n 0x00000010 34396437 34306530 30646261 62333231 49d740e00dbab321\n 0x00000020 66393530 62662e64 65627567 00000000 f950bf.debug....\n- 0x00000030 9997c54f ...O\n+ 0x00000030 bf126c16 ..l.\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi/plugins/libh5bshuf.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/openmpi/plugins/libh5bshuf.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n 0x00000000 63626430 30656639 32623930 32343630 cbd00ef92b902460\n 0x00000010 39666132 62363137 65373933 37393837 9fa2b617e7937987\n 0x00000020 66643735 39642e64 65627567 00000000 fd759d.debug....\n- 0x00000030 e8082b4b ..+K\n+ 0x00000030 fdcfb882 ....\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/plugins/libh5LZF.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/plugins/libh5LZF.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n 0x00000000 63633031 62623533 66393838 35303134 cc01bb53f9885014\n 0x00000010 65306362 35643466 32313838 39643161 e0cb5d4f21889d1a\n 0x00000020 33376535 34382e64 65627567 00000000 37e548.debug....\n- 0x00000030 ce2d1763 .-.c\n+ 0x00000030 f91b4dd2 ..M.\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/plugins/libh5bshuf.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/plugins/libh5bshuf.so", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": ["error from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment"], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n 0x00000000 65626666 36656136 39336365 34666439 ebff6ea693ce4fd9\n 0x00000010 63626164 64363662 66366438 32333336 cbadd66bf6d82336\n 0x00000020 38656532 33642e64 65627567 00000000 8ee23d.debug....\n- 0x00000030 1cbe0e45 ...E\n+ 0x00000030 73b65eb2 s.^.\n \n"}]}]}, {"source1": "xz --list", "source2": "xz --list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@\n Streams: 1\n Blocks: 1\n- Compressed size: 198.2 KiB (203004 B)\n+ Compressed size: 197.7 KiB (202448 B)\n Uncompressed size: 1060.0 KiB (1085440 B)\n Ratio: 0.187\n Check: CRC64\n Stream Padding: 0 B\n Streams:\n Stream Blocks CompOffset UncompOffset CompSize UncompSize Ratio Check Padding\n- 1 1 0 0 203004 1085440 0.187 CRC64 0\n+ 1 1 0 0 202448 1085440 0.187 CRC64 0\n Blocks:\n Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check\n- 1 1 12 0 202968 1085440 0.187 CRC64\n+ 1 1 12 0 202412 1085440 0.186 CRC64\n"}]}]}, {"source1": "bitshuffle-dbgsym_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb", "source2": "bitshuffle-dbgsym_0.5.1-1.2_amd64.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 debian-binary\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1132 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1402952 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1128 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 control.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1404176 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 data.tar.xz\n"}, {"source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./control", "source2": "./control", "unified_diff": "@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@\n Architecture: amd64\n Maintainer: Thorsten Alteholz \n Installed-Size: 1598\n Depends: bitshuffle (= 0.5.1-1.2)\n Section: debug\n Priority: optional\n Description: debug symbols for bitshuffle\n-Build-Ids: 18a31588779141a3c1e8cd191e57b0ab22e23edd 22accc8234d62b1714a96d516adeb390ed3e83f5 31c2edac44843f36bf193c4e779da38311a7167a 46cc01bb53f9885014e0cb5d4f21889d1a37e548 69ab11feff45f3f4af286ecc3c8e979c6928b262 813b053367ccbd96df8dc32435b609df03291f35 ab1058843293fcaadf49d740e00dbab321f950bf b57e23cf298f33c1048fc6007bf70574c1c6eaf8 d92a0b2004b140a59c175ec3f349c0f5b38c6189 dfcbd00ef92b9024609fa2b617e7937987fd759d fbebff6ea693ce4fd9cbadd66bf6d823368ee23d fed6d1b0618ba85d42f40d01b0d61c68836cae46\n+Build-Ids: 12f825afd0959876a967fe1fc9b08c651620534f 1ab7fb07677de068d48223474b442719dc7c2864 46cc01bb53f9885014e0cb5d4f21889d1a37e548 47176c4e04d4b55526d227bb6e1fb45b22587f75 4b8568906911d78ee5447aeca663998c4a26c2a9 8da75cf6e1eb999931e634238dfd35609825a9d4 93a8755994d0a9792993105be01ddf68ccb11e1b ab1058843293fcaadf49d740e00dbab321f950bf af19aad069ba28c8b52b64cbbca6f977c1323447 bd574ef79e50efe4b4365e73449b155440eb2f0f dfcbd00ef92b9024609fa2b617e7937987fd759d fbebff6ea693ce4fd9cbadd66bf6d823368ee23d\n"}, {"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": ["Files differ"], "unified_diff": null}, {"source1": "line 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Ratio Check Padding\n- 1 1 0 0 1132 10240 0.111 CRC64 0\n+ 1 1 0 0 1128 10240 0.110 CRC64 0\n Blocks:\n Stream Block CompOffset UncompOffset TotalSize UncompSize Ratio Check\n- 1 1 12 0 1096 10240 0.107 CRC64\n+ 1 1 12 0 1092 10240 0.107 CRC64\n"}]}, {"source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./usr/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./usr/lib/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/\n-drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2023-12-22 17:03:34.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/18/\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root 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0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ab/1058843293fcaadf49d740e00dbab321f950bf.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ab/1058843293fcaadf49d740e00dbab321f950bf.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/df/cbd00ef92b9024609fa2b617e7937987fd759d.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/df/cbd00ef92b9024609fa2b617e7937987fd759d.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/fb/ebff6ea693ce4fd9cbadd66bf6d823368ee23d.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/fb/ebff6ea693ce4fd9cbadd66bf6d823368ee23d.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied."], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --file-header {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --file-header {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@\n OS/ABI: UNIX - System V\n ABI Version: 0\n Type: REL (Relocatable file)\n Machine: Advanced Micro Devices X86-64\n Version: 0x1\n Entry point address: 0x0\n Start of program headers: 0 (bytes into file)\n- Start of section headers: 23032 (bytes into file)\n+ Start of section headers: 23040 (bytes into file)\n Flags: 0x0\n Size of this header: 64 (bytes)\n Size of program headers: 0 (bytes)\n Number of program headers: 0\n Size of section headers: 64 (bytes)\n Number of section headers: 7\n Section header string table index: 6\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@\n-There are 7 section headers, starting at offset 0x59f8:\n+There are 7 section headers, starting at offset 0x5a00:\n \n Section Headers:\n [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al\n [ 0] NULL 0000000000000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0\n [ 1] .note.gnu.build-id NOTE 0000000000000000 000040 000024 00 0 0 4\n [ 2] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000068 00202d 00 C 0 0 8\n [ 3] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 002098 0004de 00 C 0 0 8\n [ 4] .debug_line PROGBITS 0000000000000000 002578 000297 00 C 0 0 8\n- [ 5] .debug_str PROGBITS 0000000000000000 002810 003199 01 MSC 0 0 8\n- [ 6] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 0059a9 00004f 00 0 0 1\n+ [ 5] .debug_str PROGBITS 0000000000000000 002810 00319c 01 MSC 0 0 8\n+ [ 6] .shstrtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 0059ac 00004f 00 0 0 1\n Key to Flags:\n W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),\n L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),\n C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),\n D (mbind), l (large), p (processor specific)\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 526e8a3a97a216bc2cc9580fc4dce7eaf3941060\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: a0809ad7675eee4c6ff10d77e8f695fd35c6e5e6\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --string-dump=.debug_str {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --string-dump=.debug_str {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1825,16 +1825,16 @@\n [ 957c] strides\n [ 9584] f_trace_opcodes\n [ 9594] per_instruction_opcodes\n [ 95ac] PyErr_ExceptionMatches\n [ 95c3] __Pyx_PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches\n [ 95e5] entries\n [ 95ed] GNU C99 13.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2 -O3 -std=c99 -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection=full -ffast-math -fPIC -fasynchronous-unwind-tables\n- [ 96a3] GNU C99 13.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -g -O2 -O2 -O3 -std=c99 -fno-strict-overflow -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection=full -fPIC -ffast-math -fno-strict-aliasing -fopenmp -fasynchronous-unwind-tables\n- [ 9793] GNU C99 13.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -g -g -O2 -O2 -O3 -std=c99 -fwrapv -fstack-protector-strong -fcf-protection=full -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection=full -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -ffast-math -fopenmp -fasynchronous-unwind-tables\n+ [ 96a3] GNU C99 13.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -g -g -O2 -O2 -O3 -std=c99 -fwrapv -fstack-protector-strong -fcf-protection=full -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection=full -ffast-math -fopenmp -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing -fasynchronous-unwind-tables\n+ [ 97b7] GNU C99 13.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -g -O2 -O2 -O3 -std=c99 -fno-strict-overflow -fstack-protector-strong -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection=full -fopenmp -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -ffast-math -fasynchronous-unwind-tables\n [ 98a7] modules\n [ 98af] co_names\n [ 98b8] __pyx_pyargnames\n [ 98c9] _co_varnames\n [ 98d6] co_localsplusnames\n [ 98e9] kwnames\n [ 98f1] __pyx_k_set_obj_track_times\n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/18/a31588779141a3c1e8cd191e57b0ab22e23edd.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/bd/574ef79e50efe4b4365e73449b155440eb2f0f.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 11% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 18a31588779141a3c1e8cd191e57b0ab22e23edd\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: bd574ef79e50efe4b4365e73449b155440eb2f0f\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -311,15 +311,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x20e:\n Length: 0x4f112 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><21a>: Abbrev Number: 148 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <21c> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <21c> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <220> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <221> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): bitshuffle/ext.c\n <225> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <229> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x9f78\n <22d> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <235> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><239>: Abbrev Number: 111 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -125190,15 +125190,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x4f324:\n Length: 0xfde (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xb41\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><4f330>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <4f331> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <4f331> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <4f335> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <4f336> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x3be): src/bitshuffle.c\n <4f33a> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <4f33e> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2c970\n <4f346> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <4f348> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x330e9\n <1><4f34c>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -126853,15 +126853,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x50306:\n Length: 0x4443 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xb41\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><50312>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <50313> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <50313> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <50317> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <50318> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x40c): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <5031c> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <50320> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2d120\n <50328> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <5032a> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x336d3\n <1><5032e>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -134059,15 +134059,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x5474d:\n Length: 0x31a (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xb41\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><54759>: Abbrev Number: 99 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <5475a> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <5475a> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <5475e> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <5475f> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x43a): src/iochain.c\n <54763> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <54767> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0xa686\n <5476b> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <54773> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x36199\n <1><54777>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@\n GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n-+\\%A?Ygt\n-Y ~l0og]\n-FFD&O+_D\n-\"yS/-vc7\n-] ~\tii([\n-GZ6Md/2gg\n-t\\Lg9W:>\n-=(Bm-2(Bl-\n-kY1xv{}'tXF,f\n-=\tdDEa_D\n-65[@QzB4*'\n-dd<=#BD_\n-0s]4k9.2\n-+CV,\"\\c+\n-Jv))]c s\n-k\\m_K~m/\n-SH]%=Y6,\n-SH]%=Y]X\n-w8F[$=M>\n-;v_ZPY* \n-M-Oq-WD)\n-xUftf);7y\n-}zqF_b6T\n-_%U(655_\n-Vsbzt\"^4{0P\n-L8DlJMOW^\n-t\tcA6Dq|\n-Ndj;@ni/\n+B[x<%_D-v\n+\t<5]mf='\n+JKnnPZR?\n+1Khk|nn!\n+\tP:FXQYYQ\n+kwh*}\tp-\n+]^N8> YE\n+n8n?cv7?\n+S9_u\\yRyh\n+cPW:Vzt%\n+5BO\\U=!)\n+`$/g&4\t5#\n+\\k{+L_HF\n+{QMaKP{Q*\n+VZ<&-&4rF\n+*#Pu8R\tzOS\n+&W/`j9F..\n+ _!Xd O'\n+Z}9F^h'=\\R~\n+(:OUNL3^k\n+kw-y6/-EN\n+(xu'`?\t<}G\n+i(S_kK#m\n+1g<2S>!{\n+'/('P$)5E\n '_v>^%sO V\n JrS;p=IckD\n .0?~O[?>\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/22/accc8234d62b1714a96d516adeb390ed3e83f5.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/12/f825afd0959876a967fe1fc9b08c651620534f.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 12% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 22accc8234d62b1714a96d516adeb390ed3e83f5\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 12f825afd0959876a967fe1fc9b08c651620534f\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -338,15 +338,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x247:\n Length: 0xfd9 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><253>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <254> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <254> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <258> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <259> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): src/bitshuffle.c\n <25d> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <261> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2290\n <269> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <26b> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><26f>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -1999,15 +1999,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x1224:\n Length: 0x4452 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><1230>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <1231> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <1231> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <1235> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <1236> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10b): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <123a> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <123e> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2a40\n <1246> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <1248> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x5ea\n <1><124c>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -9211,15 +9211,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x567a:\n Length: 0xa94 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><5686>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <5687> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <5687> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <568b> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <568c> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x139): src/bshuf_h5filter.c\n <5690> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <5694> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x48a0\n <569c> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 2001\n <569e> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x30b0\n <1><56a2>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -10272,15 +10272,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x6112:\n Length: 0x62 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><611e>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <611f> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <611f> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <6123> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <6124> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x1ee): src/bshuf_h5plugin.c\n <6128> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <612c> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x5080\n <6134> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 28\n <6135> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x36d7\n <1><6139>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -10319,15 +10319,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x6178:\n Length: 0x31a (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><6184>: Abbrev Number: 108 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <6185> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <6185> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <6189> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <618a> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x210): src/iochain.c\n <618e> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <6192> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x67e\n <6196> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <619e> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x376c\n <1><61a2>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@\n-GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+ SOGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n a```bpgb`\n-;$guo^,o1?\n-+m\tX|uh?\n+{1[_@IYW\n `T8 aHi\n 8wz{_Mbj\n M&NEgb2,\n pbEqV9Ep\n \\Z\t\t))=z\n /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug\n crtstuff.c\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/31/c2edac44843f36bf193c4e779da38311a7167a.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/8d/a75cf6e1eb999931e634238dfd35609825a9d4.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 15% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 31c2edac44843f36bf193c4e779da38311a7167a\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 8da75cf6e1eb999931e634238dfd35609825a9d4\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -338,15 +338,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x247:\n Length: 0xfd9 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><253>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <254> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <254> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <258> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <259> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): src/bitshuffle.c\n <25d> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <261> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2290\n <269> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <26b> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><26f>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -1999,15 +1999,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x1224:\n Length: 0x4452 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><1230>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <1231> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <1231> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <1235> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <1236> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10b): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <123a> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <123e> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2a40\n <1246> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <1248> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x5ea\n <1><124c>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -9211,15 +9211,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x567a:\n Length: 0xa94 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><5686>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <5687> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <5687> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <568b> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <568c> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x139): src/bshuf_h5filter.c\n <5690> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <5694> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x48a0\n <569c> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 2001\n <569e> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x30b0\n <1><56a2>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -10272,15 +10272,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x6112:\n Length: 0x62 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><611e>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <611f> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <611f> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <6123> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <6124> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x1ee): src/bshuf_h5plugin.c\n <6128> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <612c> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x5080\n <6134> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 28\n <6135> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x36d7\n <1><6139>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -10319,15 +10319,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x6178:\n Length: 0x31a (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa6\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><6184>: Abbrev Number: 108 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <6185> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <6185> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <6189> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <618a> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x210): src/iochain.c\n <618e> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <6192> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x67e\n <6196> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <619e> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x376c\n <1><61a2>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n-zGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n a```bpgb`\n-{1[_@IYW\n+YC]s)iWd\n `T8 aHi\n 8wz{_Mbj\n M&NEgb2,\n pbEqV9Ep\n \\Z\t\t))=z\n /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug\n crtstuff.c\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/69/ab11feff45f3f4af286ecc3c8e979c6928b262.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/93/a8755994d0a9792993105be01ddf68ccb11e1b.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 2% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 69ab11feff45f3f4af286ecc3c8e979c6928b262\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 93a8755994d0a9792993105be01ddf68ccb11e1b\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-bGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n \"m79b>f8b\n n)-[jOw6\n /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug\n crtstuff.c\n deregister_tm_clones\n __do_global_dtors_aux\n completed.0\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/81/3b053367ccbd96df8dc32435b609df03291f35.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/1a/b7fb07677de068d48223474b442719dc7c2864.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 12% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 813b053367ccbd96df8dc32435b609df03291f35\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 1ab7fb07677de068d48223474b442719dc7c2864\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -366,15 +366,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x289:\n Length: 0x303f2 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><295>: Abbrev Number: 138 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <297> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <297> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <29b> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <29c> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): bitshuffle/h5.c\n <2a0> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <2a4> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x66d8\n <2a8> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <2b0> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><2b4>: Abbrev Number: 106 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -77217,15 +77217,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x3067f:\n Length: 0xfe6 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa70\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><3068b>: Abbrev Number: 12 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <3068c> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <3068c> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <30690> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <30691> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x32e): src/bitshuffle.c\n <30695> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <30699> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x1fd80\n <306a1> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <306a3> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x1fc44\n <1><306a7>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -78882,15 +78882,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x31669:\n Length: 0x4448 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe3a\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><31675>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <31676> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <31676> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <3167a> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <3167b> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x38e): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <3167f> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <31683> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x20530\n <3168b> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <3168d> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x2022e\n <1><31691>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -86090,15 +86090,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x35ab5:\n Length: 0xaad (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe3a\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><35ac1>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <35ac2> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <35ac2> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <35ac6> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <35ac7> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x3bc): src/bshuf_h5filter.c\n <35acb> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <35acf> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x22390\n <35ad7> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 2001\n <35ad9> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x22cf4\n <1><35add>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -87165,15 +87165,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x36566:\n Length: 0xb56 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe3a\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><36572>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <36573> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <36573> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <36577> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <36578> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x43a): src/hdf5_dl.c\n <3657c> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <36580> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x22b70\n <36588> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1816\n <3658a> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x2331b\n <1><3658e>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -88448,15 +88448,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x370c0:\n Length: 0x31f (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa70\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><370cc>: Abbrev Number: 30 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <370cd> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n+ <370cd> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <370d1> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <370d2> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x459): src/iochain.c\n <370d6> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <370da> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x6e0d\n <370de> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <370e6> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x237f5\n <1><370ea>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@\n-5GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n-6J,M^.K~\n--b3/h2x1T-kfz\n-7~-N7~eQ,+O7\n-:xPo6/M|\n-MAvu1dOg,4]^\n-]9>-5awf\n-&\t-*+-*;j1a;\n-P:MhqTiq\n-f,6MugVT\n-'ZhtNitNi\n-\"n9NhTYiTYi\n-&LQJLq4a\n--LD3Tj,D\n-~$wVB:+s\n-\n+t3;VkrAcY\n+9x=Fp~,fj8\n+-D?dna-P\n+l>)Ua|4ZI-\n+TS>jGu7G\n+)Ua|4ZI5v\n+gM[x.HEOVp\n+/i?O$?_/\n+eqPV:6Ci)5p\n+H=o:kAiX\n+SU-Y,!( q\n+u@MT*?S/:o\n+%@,\"K,v`\n+7/to^8{3\n+px'KOoBe\n+:#\t\\\n jJltv|G5\n P~Zo9\\Qu\n Nx!,IT/v\n e:(dEbJw.\n \tYaP &uB\n *a5w$^TQ\n KB!Ql=5v\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/b5/7e23cf298f33c1048fc6007bf70574c1c6eaf8.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/af/19aad069ba28c8b52b64cbbca6f977c1323447.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 7% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --sections {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@\n [18] .fini_array NOBITS 0000000000003d38 000d30 000008 08 WA 0 0 8\n [19] .dynamic NOBITS 0000000000003d40 000d30 000200 10 WA 4 0 8\n [20] .got NOBITS 0000000000003f40 000d30 0000c0 08 WA 0 0 8\n [21] .data NOBITS 0000000000004000 000d30 000050 00 WA 0 0 32\n [22] .bss NOBITS 0000000000004050 000d30 000008 00 WA 0 0 1\n [23] .comment PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00025c 00001f 01 MS 0 0 1\n [24] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000280 000045 00 C 0 0 8\n- [25] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0002c8 0003a7 00 C 0 0 8\n+ [25] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0002c8 0003a8 00 C 0 0 8\n [26] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000670 0000d5 00 C 0 0 8\n [27] .debug_line PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000748 00029d 00 C 0 0 8\n [28] .debug_line_str PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0009e8 0000cf 01 MSC 0 0 8\n [29] .debug_loclists PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000ab8 00020f 00 C 0 0 8\n [30] .gnu_debugaltlink PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000cc7 00004a 00 0 0 1\n [31] .symtab SYMTAB 0000000000000000 000d18 0004f8 18 32 27 8\n [32] .strtab STRTAB 0000000000000000 001210 0003c7 00 0 0 1\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: b57e23cf298f33c1048fc6007bf70574c1c6eaf8\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: af19aad069ba28c8b52b64cbbca6f977c1323447\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x4d:\n Length: 0x5db (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><59>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <5a> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <5a> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <5e> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <5f> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): lzf/lzf_filter.c\n <63> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <67> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x11d0\n <6f> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1183\n <71> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><75>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -578,15 +578,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x62c:\n Length: 0xbd (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><638>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <639> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <639> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x97b7) \n <63d> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <63e> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x123): src/lzf_h5plugin.c\n <642> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <646> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x1670\n <64e> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 28\n <64f> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x3b9\n <1><653>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+24GGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n n)-[jOw6\n /usr/lib/debug/.dwz/x86_64-linux-gnu/bitshuffle.debug\n crtstuff.c\n deregister_tm_clones\n __do_global_dtors_aux\n completed.0\n __do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/d9/2a0b2004b140a59c175ec3f349c0f5b38c6189.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/47/176c4e04d4b55526d227bb6e1fb45b22587f75.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 0% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: d92a0b2004b140a59c175ec3f349c0f5b38c6189\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 47176c4e04d4b55526d227bb6e1fb45b22587f75\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -309,15 +309,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x209:\n Length: 0x4ded0 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><215>: Abbrev Number: 145 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <217> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <217> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <21b> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <21c> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): bitshuffle/ext.c\n <220> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <224> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0xb25a\n <228> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <230> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><234>: Abbrev Number: 103 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -123859,15 +123859,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x4e0dd:\n Length: 0xfde (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xaf8\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><4e0e9>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <4e0ea> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <4e0ea> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <4e0ee> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <4e0ef> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x3d1): src/bitshuffle.c\n <4e0f3> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <4e0f7> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2e650\n <4e0ff> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <4e101> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x32502\n <1><4e105>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -125522,15 +125522,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x4f0bf:\n Length: 0x4448 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xaf8\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><4f0cb>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <4f0cc> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <4f0cc> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <4f0d0> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <4f0d1> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x41f): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <4f0d5> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <4f0d9> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x2ee00\n <4f0e1> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <4f0e3> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x32aec\n <1><4f0e7>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -132730,15 +132730,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x5350b:\n Length: 0x31a (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xaf8\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><53517>: Abbrev Number: 99 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <53518> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <53518> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <5351c> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <5351d> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x44d): src/iochain.c\n <53521> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x11): .\n <53525> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0xb967\n <53529> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <53531> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x355b2\n <1><53535>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+uGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n `%D|ihPO\n }Jx,6&8^\n vbK7}Q#:\n avnVA\t7\"\n #BL66`X^\n pY]E)6NJ@`\n 2j~Hf$%#i\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debugaltlink {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debugaltlink':\n 0x00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 2f646562 75672f2e /usr/lib/debug/.\n 0x00000010 64777a2f 7838365f 36342d6c 696e7578 dwz/x86_64-linux\n 0x00000020 2d676e75 2f626974 73687566 666c652e -gnu/bitshuffle.\n- 0x00000030 64656275 6700526e 8a3a97a2 16bc2cc9 debug.Rn.:....,.\n- 0x00000040 580fc4dc e7eaf394 1060 X........`\n+ 0x00000030 64656275 6700a080 9ad7675e ee4c6ff1 debug.....g^.Lo.\n+ 0x00000040 0d77e8f6 95fd35c6 e5e6 .w....5...\n \n"}]}, {"source1": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/fe/d6d1b0618ba85d42f40d01b0d61c68836cae46.debug", "source2": "./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/4b/8568906911d78ee5447aeca663998c4a26c2a9.debug", "comments": ["File has been modified after NT_GNU_BUILD_ID has been applied.", "Files 10% similar despite different names"], "unified_diff": null, "details": [{"source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: fed6d1b0618ba85d42f40d01b0d61c68836cae46\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 4b8568906911d78ee5447aeca663998c4a26c2a9\n"}, {"source1": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --debug-dump=info {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -364,15 +364,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x284:\n Length: 0x2d452 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><290>: Abbrev Number: 137 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <292> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <292> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <296> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <297> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0): bitshuffle/h5.c\n <29b> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <29f> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x6a22\n <2a3> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <2ab> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0\n <1><2af>: Abbrev Number: 103 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -73218,15 +73218,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x2d6da:\n Length: 0xfe6 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa4f\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><2d6e6>: Abbrev Number: 12 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <2d6e7> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <2d6e7> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <2d6eb> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <2d6ec> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x341): src/bitshuffle.c\n <2d6f0> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <2d6f4> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x1ff40\n <2d6fc> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1962\n <2d6fe> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x1d3d4\n <1><2d702>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -74883,15 +74883,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x2e6c4:\n Length: 0x444d (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe19\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><2e6d0>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <2e6d1> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <2e6d1> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <2e6d5> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <2e6d6> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x3a1): src/bitshuffle_core.c\n <2e6da> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <2e6de> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x206f0\n <2e6e6> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 7770\n <2e6e8> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x1d9be\n <1><2e6ec>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -82093,15 +82093,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x32b15:\n Length: 0xaa8 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe19\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><32b21>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <32b22> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <32b22> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <32b26> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <32b27> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x3cf): src/bshuf_h5filter.c\n <32b2b> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <32b2f> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x22550\n <32b37> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 2001\n <32b39> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x20484\n <1><32b3d>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_base_type)\n@@ -83166,15 +83166,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x335c1:\n Length: 0xb56 (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xe19\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><335cd>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <335ce> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <335ce> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <335d2> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <335d3> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x44d): src/hdf5_dl.c\n <335d7> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <335db> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0x22d30\n <335e3> DW_AT_high_pc : (udata) 1816\n <335e5> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x20aab\n <1><335e9>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n@@ -84449,15 +84449,15 @@\n Compilation Unit @ offset 0x3411b:\n Length: 0x31f (32-bit)\n Version: 5\n Unit Type: DW_UT_compile (1)\n Abbrev Offset: 0xa4f\n Pointer Size: 8\n <0><34127>: Abbrev Number: 30 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)\n- <34128> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x9793) \n+ <34128> DW_AT_producer : (GNU_strp_alt) (offset: 0x96a3) \n <3412c> DW_AT_language : (data1) 12\t(ANSI C99)\n <3412d> DW_AT_name : (line_strp) (offset: 0x46c): src/iochain.c\n <34131> DW_AT_comp_dir : (line_strp) (offset: 0x10): .\n <34135> DW_AT_ranges : (sec_offset) 0x7156\n <34139> DW_AT_low_pc : (addr) 0\n <34141> DW_AT_stmt_list : (sec_offset) 0x20f85\n <1><34145>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_imported_unit)\n"}, {"source1": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "source2": "strings --all --bytes=8 {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,27 +1,43 @@\n-FGCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n-pp;*)s_ml\n-f/q1N)v`IM\n-\tj[M6RBfV\n-n,jSH!1~\n-T~vp^/mmx\n-w+La$xzXS\n-EZ1uKH{u\n-}VOR3dMq\n-xIb~Ck:~\n-W8t6`3\tZ\n-!wh>N4IfSSi\n-bg+,_}_MW6\n-8}zxf{{hw\n-G:4L`S-2|\n-B\"GENmhh=P\n+GCC: (Debian 13.2.0-25) 13.2.0\n+97z&SAngR$}\\R\n+u(T`Ii,BBI\n+Zt #=Ham:\n+gAVbKdvjl\n+`zNx/]<'l\n+uqHp.zW]\n+_o}groMI;\n+k\\[e\\[e\\\n+AbVfz><1Qj\n+)IJjfR2X*i\n+8G\t%iJIZ\n+Fz>|`b_!'S\n+auE:'f&GO\n+DMDJ;x'd)++\n+XC_Kx%S6\n+IkX/y.JM#\n+m_<7H:7NV\n+#:Q`5Fn5\n+!>#&An=$f\n+VHlIfvf2C\n+g(TV}da/\n+\"$'sG;RP\n+D0UwG\\n_\n+/JiCfi eir\n+`Gg[_}mh\n+3YqFyq>F\n+\t4S8uGDj/\n+XCw%_Llw\n+z]A%en6\\\n ukTS]Qzp\n %.i_6/';f\n Qn8JO\t+U\n C*